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The distribution of platinum ions within Escherichia coli after the induction of filaments with cis-Pt(NH(3))(2)Cl(4), and after growth inhibition by PtCl(6) (2-), has been determined with radioactive metal compounds ((191)Pt, with a half-life of approximately 3 days) by the simple chemical procedure of Roberts et al. In the filamentous cells, the platinum metal is associated with metabolic intermediates, nucleic acids, and cytoplasmic proteins; whereas, in inhibited cells, the platinum is combined only with the cytoplasmic protein. Similar experiments with gram-positive cells of Bacillus cereus and Staphyloccus aureus, which show no filamentous growth in the presence of cis-Pt(NH(3))(2)Cl(4), reveal that the metal complex does penetrate the cell wall and subsequently becomes bound predominantly by metabolic intermediates.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet irradiation or nitrosoguanidine treatment of Escherichia coli K-12 strain JE3100 (F'(8)/fla pil) led to the isolation of six mutants defective in F pili function. The defects were shown to be caused by mutations in the F factor. The mutants retained conjugal fertility, although they were less efficient than parental F'(8) strain, and continued to synthesize F pili. Three of the mutants (strains KE196, 198, and 200) had lost sensitivity to male-specific MS2 phage, and the other three (strains KE161, 163, and 164) were insensitive to Qbeta and f1 as well as MS2 phages. F pili on strains KE196, 198, and 200 cells continued to adsorb MS2 phage, whereas those of strains KE161, 163, and 164 did not adsorb MS2 phage. The correlation of the mutant phenotypes with those of other F mutants reported in the literature is discussed.  相似文献   

A mutator gene, mutD5, whose phenotype is conditional, has been identified in Escherichia coli. By P1 transduction it has been shown to lie at about 5.7 min on the chromosome, being co-transduced with proA and argF. In rich medium, streptomycin- and nalidixic acid-resistant mutation frequencies are 50 to 100 times higher than those in minimal medium. In minimal medium, the mutD5-induced mutation frequencies are still 50 to 100 times above co-isogenic wild-type (mut(+)) levels. Similar results were obtained with all markers tested. Mutant frequencies can be raised by thymidine in the medium at concentrations as low as 0.04 muM, or by the endogenous generation of thymidine from thymine plus a deoxyribosyl donor. Deoxyadenosine, various ribonucleosides, thymine, and 2-deoxyribose do not stimulate mutation. None of these effects are related to growth rate, since growth rate and mutation rate can be decoupled completely.  相似文献   

Four hundred temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants were isolated by the (3)H-glycerol-3-phosphate membrane suicide procedure of Cronan, Ray, and Vagelos and were sorted into 13 groups by the rapid mapping procedures of Low. Recombination and complementation studies on representative members of each group suggested that the ts mutations of all 13 groups are present in genetically different complementation groups. Biochemical studies suggested that 10 of these ts mutations affected cell membrane synthesis. In this paper, the genetic data are presented in detail so that the limits of the Low rapid mapping procedures can be assessed, and in an accompanying paper the partial biochemical characterization of the ts mutations is described.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for the specific role of sex pili in the eliminatory action of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) on sex (F) and drug resistance (R) factors in Escherichia coli K-12 strains leading to their loss. SDS at 0.03% concentration lysed JE3100 F(8) (+) (F-gal)/gal(-)fla(-)pil(-) in Penassay broth after they had grown exponentially and reached maximum growth to the extent that the agent at concentrations higher than 1% did. However, the agent was only effective in eliminating sex factors from JE3100 in high frequencies at concentrations higher than 1%. Increase of osmotic pressure of the culture with SDS at concentrations as low as 0.03 to 0.1% by addition of sucrose led to the substantial increase of elimination efficiency. Reconstruction experiments between F(8) (+) and F(-) cells in the SDS culture revealed the selective growth of F(-) cells as well as a delay of maximum growth of F(-) variants derived from F(8) (+) cells, compared with those of F(8) (+) cells, as well as F(-) cells originally added to the culture. The agent was not very effective in eliminating sex factors from JE3427 F(8)m(+)5/fla(-)pil(-) cells which lack the function of production of F pili. F(8)m(+)5 cells showed a sensitivity toward SDS intermediate between those of F(8) (+) and F(-) cells. SDS was further effective in eliminating R factors from KE132 R(100-1) (+)/fla(-)pil(-) cells in high efficiency; however, the action was not efficient with KE133 F(100) (+) cells possibly with fewer sex pili than R(100-1) (+). Action of acridine orange on these F(+) or R(+) strains was found to be different in some aspects from that of SDS.  相似文献   

A photoaffinity substrate analogue, 8-azido-ADP-[14C]glucose, reacts specifically and covalently with Escherichia coli ADP-glucose synthetase. The site(s) of reaction of 8-azido-ADP-[14C]glucose with the enzyme was identified by isolation of tryptic peptides containing the labeled analogue by use of high performance liquid chromatography technique and subsequent NH2-terminal sequence analysis of the purified radioactive peptides. One major binding region of the azido analogue is a peptide segment composed of residues 107-114 of the enzyme's polypeptide chain. Lys 108 and Arg 114 become trypsin-resistant sites when the enzyme is photoinactivated by 8-azido-ADP-[14C] glucose, suggesting that the analogue binds at or near the vicinity of these 2 basic amino acid residues. Conformational analysis of this peptide segment (residues 107-114) shows a strong probability of a reverse beta-turn secondary structure, suggesting that this peptide segment is on the enzyme surface. Two minor reaction regions of the enzyme with the analogue were also identified by chemical characterization. One region was composed of residues 162-207. Lys 194 was previously suggested as the activator-binding site by chemical modification studies with pyridoxal phosphate (Parsons, T. F., and Preiss, J. (1978) J. Biol. Chem. 253, 7638-7645). Another minor region where the analogue binds the tryptic peptide composed of residues 380-385 is near the COOH-terminal side of the enzyme. It is postulated that all these peptide segments are juxtaposed in tertiary structure.  相似文献   

Studies on the endogenous metabolism of Escherichia coli   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
1. The endogenous metabolism of Escherichia coli has been studied by examining changes in cellular composition and of the suspending fluid during starvation of washed suspensions of the organism, in water or in phosphate buffer, at 37° under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. 2. When E. coli is grown in glucose–ammonium salts media the cells contain glycogen, which is utilized rapidly during subsequent starvation of the cells. 3. Ammonia is released by starved cells only after a lag period, which corresponds to the time taken for the cellular glycogen to be almost completely utilized. 4. If cells are grown under conditions that permit incorporation of 14C into protein but not into glycogen and are then starved, release of 14CO2 commences immediately and continues at a linear rate throughout the period of glycogen utilization; it is concluded that the presence of glycogen in the cell prevents the net degradation of nitrogenous materials but does not suppress protein turnover. 5. RNA is degraded by the cells immediately they are starved, ribose is oxidized and ultraviolet-absorbing materials are released to the suspending medium. 6. There is no significant utilization of lipid during the starvation of glucose-grown E. coli. 7. There is no loss of viability during the initial 12hr. period of starvation under either aerobic or anaerobic conditions, but thereafter the cells die more rapidly under conditions of anaerobiosis. 8. These results are discussed in relation to the known patterns of endogenous metabolism and survival of other bacteria.  相似文献   

Controlling the prevalence of Escherichia coli O157 in cattle at the pre-harvest level is critical to reduce outbreaks of this pathogen in humans. Multilayers of factors including the environmental and bacterial factors modulate the colonization and persistence of E. coli O157 in cattle that serve as a reservoir of this pathogen. Here, we report animal factors contributing to the prevalence of E. coli O157 in cattle. We observe the lowest number of E. coli O157 in Brahman breed when compared with other crosses in an Angus-Brahman multibreed herd, and bulls excrete more E. coli O157 than steers in the pens where cattle were housed together. The presence of super-shedders, cattle excreting >105 CFU/rectal anal swab, increases the concentration of E. coli O157 in the pens; thereby super-shedders enhance transmission of this pathogen among cattle. Molecular subtyping analysis reveal only one subtype of E. coli O157 in the multibreed herd, indicating the variance in the levels of E. coli O157 in cattle is influenced by animal factors. Furthermore, strain tracking after relocation of the cattle to a commercial feedlot reveals farm-to-farm transmission of E. coli O157, likely via super-shedders. Our results reveal high risk factors in the prevalence of E. coli O157 in cattle whereby animal genetic and physiological factors influence whether this pathogen can persist in cattle at high concentration, providing insights to intervene this pathogen at the pre-harvest level.  相似文献   

Several Cd2+ hypersensitive and Hg2+ sensitive mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 were isolated after repeated mutagenesis with nitrosoguanidine. The Cd-hypersensitive mutant, CD17P, could not grow in a chemically defined liquid medium containing 0.5 μm Cd2+, and the growth of Hg-sensitive mutant, HG17P-52, was inhibited by 0.9 μm Hg2+. Thus, CD 17P and HG17P-52 were respectively about 1000 fold and 4 fold more sensitive than the parental strain.

Both mutants were also considerably more sensitive to Zn2+ than their parent, but they did not show any appreciable change in sensitivity to other metals tested. Among the various metabolites and chemicals tested, reducing agents such as cysteine, dithiothreitol and vitamin C showed a protective effect against metal toxicity. Reduced glutathione was effective only against Hg2+. EDTA specifically and efficiently reversed only Cd2+ toxicity.  相似文献   

Two mannose-negative mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 have been isolated. These mutants are deficient in the ability to synthesize phosphomannose isomerase and capsular polysaccharide when grown on glucose-containing media. Interrupted mating experiments to determine the kinetics of genetic transfer show that the two mannose-negative mutations map together between the histidine and tryptophan regions of the E. coli chromosome.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli K-12, the rise in activity of thymidine phosphorylase, phosphodeoxyribomutase, and deoxyribose-5-phosphate aldolase caused by exogenous thymidine is dependent on the synthesis of new enzyme protein. Phosphodeoxyribomutase is induced by the purine ribonucleosides adenosine and guanosine, whereas the other two enzymes are not. The mutase activity induced by thymidine and by the purine ribonucleosides has been shown to be the same enzyme by four different criteria. This independent induction of phosphodeoxyribomutase suggests that the gene for this enzyme is in an operon different from the one that may contain the genes for thymidine phosphorylase and deoxyribose-5-phosphate aldolase.  相似文献   



Typical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (tEPEC) strains were associated with mortality in the Global Enteric Multicenter Study (GEMS). Genetic differences in tEPEC strains could underlie some of the variability in clinical outcome.


We produced draft genome sequences of all available tEPEC strains from GEMS lethal infections (LIs) and of closely matched EPEC strains from GEMS subjects with non-lethal symptomatic infections (NSIs) and asymptomatic infections (AIs) to identify gene clusters (potential protein encoding sequences sharing ≥90% nucleotide sequence identity) associated with lethality.


Among 14,412 gene clusters identified, the presence or absence of 392 was associated with clinical outcome. As expected, more gene clusters were associated with LI versus AI than LI versus NSI. The gene clusters more prevalent in strains from LI than those from NSI and AI included those encoding proteins involved in O-antigen biogenesis, while clusters encoding type 3 secretion effectors EspJ and OspB were among those more prevalent in strains from non-lethal infections. One gene cluster encoding a variant of an NleG ubiquitin ligase was associated with LI versus AI, while two other nleG clusters had the opposite association. Similar associations were found for two nleG gene clusters in an additional, larger sample of NSI and AI GEMS strains.


Particular genes are associated with lethal tEPEC infections. Further study of these factors holds potential to unravel the mechanisms underlying severe disease and to prevent adverse outcomes.  相似文献   

少量制备大肠杆菌感受态细胞条件探索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:为了获得重复性好、转化率高的少量制备感受态细胞的方法,利用不同生长时期的大肠杆菌感受态细胞,进行转化比较。方法:根据普通实验室的实验条件,常规方法提取质粒,氯化钙法转化不同生长时期的大肠杆菌感受态细胞,比较转化率。结果:大肠杆菌感受态细胞的转化率与OD值显著相关,在OD600nm为0.39和0.55时转化率最高,在OD600nm为0.28~0.55之间均可得到理想的转化效果。结论:少量制备感受态细胞方法操作中无需添加任何保护试剂和细胞复苏培养,操作简便、重复性好,实验成本低廉。  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of the Escherichia coli mutH gene product   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
The Escherichia coli mutH gene product has been isolated in near homogeneous form using an in vitro complementation assay for DNA mismatch correction (Lu, A.-L., Clark, S., and Modrich, P. (1983) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 80, 4639-4643) which is dependent on mutH function. The protein has a subunit Mr of 25,000, and purified preparations contain a Mg2+-dependent endonuclease activity which cleaves 5' to the dG of d(GATC) sequences to generate 5'-phosphoryl and 3'-hydroxyl termini. Symmetrically methylated d(GATC) sites are resistant to the endonuclease, hemimethylated sequences are cleaved on the unmethylated strand, and unmethylated d(GATC) sites are usually subject to scission on only one DNA strand. Although this endonuclease activity is extremely weak (less than 1 scission/h/mutH monomer equivalent) and cleavage at a d(GATC) site does not depend on the presence of a mismatched base pair within the DNA substrate, the activity does not appear to be a contaminant of mutH preparations. d(GATC) endonuclease activity and mutH complementing activity co-purify through multiple column steps without change in relative specific activities, and both activities co-electrophorese under native conditions. These findings suggest that the mutH product functions at the strand discrimination stage of mismatch correction and that this stage of the reaction involves scission of the unmethylated DNA strand.  相似文献   

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