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Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) caused by Mycoplasma capricolum subspecies capripneumoniae (Mccp) is a disease of goats which causes high morbidity and mortality and is reported in many countries of the world. There are probably no reports on the molecular prevalence of Mccp, Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum (Mcc) and Mycoplasma putrefaciens (Mp) in Balochistan and any other part of Pakistan. Thirty goats (n = 30) with marked respiratory symptoms were selected and procured from forty goat flocks in Pishin district of Balochistan in 2008. The genomic deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from the lung samples (n = 30) of the slaughtered goats was purified and subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays for the presence of Mycoplasma mycoides cluster members and Mp. The PCR-RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) was also used to further confirm the Mccp. Of the thirty lung samples 17 (56.67%) were positive for the molecular prevalence of Mcc, Mccp and Mp. In total the molecular prevalence was observed as 17.65% for Mccp (n = 3), 70.59% for Mcc (n = 12) and 11.76% for Mp (n = 2). The RFLP profile has also validated the PCR results of Mccp by yielding two bands of 190 and 126 bp. The results of PCR-RFLP coupled with the presence of fibrinous pleuropneumonia and pleurisy during postmortem of goats (n = 3) strongly indicated the prevalence of CCPP in this part of world. Moreover the prevalence of Mcc and Mp is also alarming in the study area. We report for the very first time the molecular prevalence of Mcc, Mccp, and Mp in the lung tissues of goats in the Pishin district of Balochistan, Pakistan.  相似文献   

观察马抗SARS-CoV免疫球蛋白对SARS-CoV GZ-01毒株的中和作用,为马抗SARS-CoV免疫球蛋白用于SARS的治疗提供科学的依据。采用CPE、MTT测定马抗SARS-CoV免疫球蛋白对SARS-CoV GZ-01株的中和作用。结果显示,马抗SARS-CoV免疫球蛋白F(ab’)2治疗性抗体对SARS-CoV GZ-01株具有很好的中和作用,三批马抗SARS-CoV免疫球蛋白的CPE和MTT中和效价分别达到1:6400、1:6400、1:12800,且两种方法测得结果一致。  相似文献   

The prevalence of antibodies to Brucella spp., Mycobacterium paratuberculosis and the Mycoplasma spp. causing contagious bovine pleuropneumonia and contagious caprine pleuropneumonia was determined in various species of ruminants on a ranch in the semi-arid zone of southeastern Kenya. Antibody titers to Brucella spp. were found in eland (Taurotragus oryx), oryx (Oryx beisa) and camels (Camelus dromedarius). Reactors were not found in buffalo (Syncerus caffer), sheep (Ovis aries) and goats (Capra hircus). Brucella sp. was not isolated from eland and camels. Antibody titers to M. paratuberculosis were found only in camels and goats. Mycobacteria were not detected in feces of two serologically positive camels. Significant serum antibody titers to Mycoplasma mycoides mycoides were found only in camels. Antibody titers to Mycoplasma sp. (strain F38), which causes contagious caprine pleuropneumonia, were found in buffalo, cattle and camels but not in the other species. Attempts to isolate the Mycoplasma sp. from nasal secretion of the buffalo and camels failed. The possible occurrence of tuberculosis in camels is discussed. Under the conditions at the ranch, contagious bacterial diseases appear to be of minor importance in the domesticated wild herbivores. The introduced camels, however, might be a source of various infections such as brucellosis, mycoplasmosis and possibly tuberculosis for the other susceptible species.  相似文献   

Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) is endemic in several developing countries. Our objective is to evaluate the regional CBPP spread and persistence in a mixed crop-livestock system in Africa. A stochastic compartmental model in metapopulation is used, in which between-herd animal movements and the within-herd infection dynamics are explicitly represented. Hundred herds of varying size are modelled, each sending animals to n other herds (network degree). Animals are susceptible, latent, infectious, chronic carrier or resistant. The role of chronic carriers in CBPP spread being still debated, several chronic periods and infectiousness are tested. A sensitivity analysis is performed to evaluate the influence on model outputs of these parameters and of pathogen virulence, between-herd movement rate, network degree, and calves recruitment. Model outputs are the probability that individual- and group-level reproductive numbers R0 and R* are above one, the metapopulation infection duration, the probability of CBPP endemicity (when CBPP persists over 5 years), and the epidemic size in infected herds and infected animals. The most influential parameters are related to chronic carriers (infectiousness and chronic period), pathogen virulence, and recruitment rate. When assuming no CBPP re-introduction in the region, endemicity is only probable if chronic carriers are assumed infectious for at least 1 year and to shed the pathogen in not too low an amount. It becomes highly probable when assuming high pathogen virulence and high recruitment rate.  相似文献   

This study of biomass densities of wild animals and domestic stock was carried out on the Lolldaiga Hills ranch in the Laikipia District, Kenya, between 1989 and 1995, as part of the study of the ecology of leopards and their impact on the working ranch. The ranch is set amongst the Lolldaiga Mountains, north-west of Mount Kenya, and lies in ecological Zone IV. The vegetation in the area was classified as a scattered tree grassland. The weighted mean annual rainfall was 554 mm. The ranch carried 1543 kg km?2 of wild animals and 6512 kg km?2 of cattle and sheep. The ranch has produced beef, milk and wool since its foundation over 70 years ago, with a steadily maintained output and without any apparent degradation of the land. The milk production of normally over 450,000 kg per year was reduced, or ceased, in periods of drought and may represent a useful ‘safety valve’. The feasibility of multiple land use and conservation of wildlife are discussed.  相似文献   

罗布泊野骆驼的家域特征及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
野双峰骆驼(Camelus ferus)生活在荒漠戈壁, 种群数量稀少, 栖息地地形复杂多样, 且有长距离迁徙习性, 目前对其家域面积和重要栖息地范围的研究只有定性描述。本研究于2012年5月至2013年7月, 在阿奇克谷地和阿尔金山北麓捕捉了8峰野骆驼并安装GPS卫星跟踪项圈, 分别获得了12-423天的13,748个GPS位点记录。研究结果表明, 8峰野骆驼的100%最小凸多边形(minimum convex polygons, MCP)家域面积分别为1,775-11,768 km2, 总家域面积为32,821 km2, 占罗布泊野骆驼分布区面积的23.1%, 平均家域面积为7,349 ± 1,323 km2。野骆驼个体家域面积季节间差异显著, 秋季最大, 其次是冬季和夏季, 春季最小, 秋季是春季的4.4倍。野骆驼在繁殖季节的家域平均面积为879 ± 320 km2, 非繁殖季节为998 ± 106 km2, 二者间无显著差异。除了项圈编码为135号的野骆驼和其他7峰野骆驼的家域没有重叠外, 其余7峰野骆驼的家域都有重叠。这7峰野骆驼的家域总面积是24,910 km2, 占罗布泊野骆驼分布区总面积的17.5%, 重叠区面积是515 km2。鉴于野骆驼主要分布在阿奇克谷地及以南区域、阿尔金山北麓, 建议将罗布泊野骆驼国家级自然保护区位于阿奇克谷地北山以北的核心区部分区域、磁海低地以南的山区和阿尔金山西部原为实验区的部分区域调整为缓冲区, 而将阿尔金山北麓至库姆塔格沙漠之间的戈壁地带原为缓冲区的部分区域调整为核心区。  相似文献   

The total of all non-migratory wildlife species in the Masai Mara ecosystem has declined by 58% in the last 20 years. This decline ranges from 49% in small brown antelopes to 72% in medium brown antelopes. In individual wildlife species, the decline ranges from 52% in Grant's gazelle to 88% in the warthog. Declines of over 70% have been recorded in buffalo, giraffe, eland and waterbuck. Only elephant, impala and ostrich have not shown any significant decline or increase. Overall, there has not been any significant difference in decline of all wildlife population sizes inside and outside the reserve, except for Thomson's gazelle and warthog. Livestock have not significantly declined over the entire analysis period. However, livestock and cattle populations significantly declined during the 1983–88 period. Donkey declined by 67%, while shoats (goats and sheep) remained stable. In the case of wildlife, land use and vegetation changes, drought effects and poaching are considered to be among the potential factors that may have been responsible for the decline; the decline in livestock during the 1983–84 period was probably due to drought effects.  相似文献   

Antibody to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus was present in the sera of 10 of 25 species of game animals from Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda during 1960-1973. Prevalence of antibody varied considerably between, but not within, species.  相似文献   

Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) is one of the most widespread zoonotic arthropod-borne viruses in many parts of Africa, Europe and Asia. It belongs to the family of Nairoviridae in the genus of Orthonairovirus. The main reservoir and vector are ticks of the genus Hyalomma. Livestock animals (such as cattle, small ruminants and camels) develop a viremias lasting up to two weeks with absence of clinical symptoms, followed by seroconversion. This study was carried out to assess risk factors that affect seroprevalence rates in different species. In total, 928 livestock animal samples (cattle = 201; sheep = 247; goats = 233; camels = 247) from 11 out of 13 regions in Mauritania were assayed for CCHFV-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) (including a novel indirect camel-IgG-specific CCHFV ELISA). Inconclusive results were resolved by an immunofluorescence assay (IFA). A generalized linear mixed-effects model (GLMM) was used to draw conclusions about the impact of certain factors (age, species, sex and region) which might have influenced the CCHFV antibody status of surveyed animals. In goats and sheep, about 15% of the animals were seropositive, whereas in cattle (69%) and camels (81%), the prevalence rate was significantly higher. On average, cattle and camels were up to twice to four times older than small ruminants. Interestingly, the seroprevalence in all species was directly linked to the age of the animals, i.e. older animals had significantly higher seroprevalence rates than younger animals. The highest CCHFV seroprevalence in Mauritania was found in camels and cattle, followed by small ruminants. The large proportion of positive animals in cattle and camels might be explained by the high ages of the animals. Future CCHFV prevalence studies should at least consider the age of surveyed animals in order to avoid misinterpretations.  相似文献   

野生双峰驼(Camelus ferus)生存于中亚沙漠腹地, 是国家I级重点保护野生动物。为探究野骆驼活动节律和家域状况, 了解其时间和空间尺度上的活动模式, 为其有效保护管理提供支持。本研究于2012年5月至2013年7月利用GPS跟踪项圈先后对库木塔格沙漠地区7峰野骆驼进行轨迹跟踪。利用跟踪数据对野骆驼活动节律进行分析, 并采用布朗桥模型对野骆驼家域进行分析。结果表明: (1)野骆驼日活动节律呈现明显双峰模式, 属晨昏活动类型, 活动高峰期主要出现于上午6:00-9:00及下午15:00-20:00。(2)野骆驼晨昏活动高峰存在明显的季节性变动, 双峰从暖季到冷季向中午移动, 按间隔时间长短排序为: 夏季 > 春季 > 秋季 > 冬季。(3)野骆驼日活动强度有明显的季节性差异, 大小关系为: 夏季 > 秋季 > 春季和冬季, 春季和冬季间差异不显著。(4)野骆驼为核心家域利用类型, 且存在多个核心家域, 一些野骆驼家域分布于沙漠南北两侧, 意味着其具有横跨沙漠的运动能力。(5)野骆驼个体间家域面积差异显著, 性别间家域面积差异不显著。季节间家域面积差异显著, 从大到小排序为: 夏季(1,256.27 ± 427.45 km2) > 春季(556.90 ± 259.35 km2) > 秋季(396.77 ± 82.31 km2) > 冬季(250.83 ± 99.64 km2)。  相似文献   

Large herbivores, including livestock and ostrich, were counted along a 200-km long track in south-western Kalahari, Botswana. Altogether, 37 counts were made during different seasons. The number of animals seen and group size were recorded. These variables were compared with monthly and accumulated rainfall (number of animals and group size) and distance to pans (number of animals). Observations of game and livestock were also related to distance to villages. In four of the seven studied species, most animals were seen during the wet season. Group size also varied between seasons apart from the non-gregarious steenbok and duiker. Number of animals and group size were in some cases correlated with rainfall during the month of observation or with accumulated rainfall during the preceding months. The various species were more often observed close to pans than further away from the pans. Compared to livestock, game was on average observed >10 km further away from the villages. Few observations of game were made between village centres and the livestock observations most distant from the village.  相似文献   

S. J. Ball    D. C. Lewis 《Journal of Zoology》1984,202(3):373-381
Four species of wild rodents from the British Isles, Myocustor coypus (the Coypu), Apodemus sylvaticus (the Wood mouse). Mus musculus (the House mouse) and Clethrionomys glureolus (the Bank vole) were examined during 1918 and 1919 for the presence of coccidian parasites of the genus Eimeriu. From an examination of 852 faecal samples a total of 14 species of Eimeriu was found. Species identification was based mainly on the morphology of the sporulated oocyst. The number of host species examined and the overall prevalence of infection were as follows: 252 M. coypus (45·6% infected), 471 A. sylvaticus 56·5%), 59 M. musculus (42·4%) and 70 C. glureolus (22·9%). The results are compared with previous surveys and discussed in the light of the general knowledge concerning coccidial infections. The present work showed that prevalence of infection in the wild rodents studied may be influenced by the age, weight and sex of the host, and by season.  相似文献   

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