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Summary Biosynthetically directed fractional incorporation of13C into proteins results in nonrandom13C-labeling patterns that can be investigated by analysis of the13C–13C scalar coupling fine structures in heteronuclear13C–1H or homonuclear13C–13C correlation experiments. Previously this approach was used for obtaining stereospecific1H and13C assignments of the diastereotopic methyl groups of valine and leucine. In the present paper we investigate to what extent the labeling patterns are characteristic for other individual amino acids or groups of amino acids, and can thus be used to support the1H spin-system identifications. Studies of the hydrolysates of fractionally13C-labeled proteins showed that the 59 aliphatic carbon positions in the 20 proteinogenic amino acids exhibit 16 different types of13C–13C coupling fine structures. These provide support for the assignment of the resonances of all methyl groups in a protein, which are otherwise often poorly resolved in homonuclear1H NMR spectra. In particular, besides the individual methyl assignments in Val and Leu, unambiguous distinctions are obtained between the methyl groups of Ala and Thr, and between the - and -methyl groups of Ile. In addition to the methyl resonances, the CH2 groups of Glu and Gln can be uniquely assigned because of the large coupling constant with the -carbon, and the identification of most of the other spin systems can be supported on the basis of coupling patterns that are common to small groups of amino acid residues.Abbreviations NOE nuclear Overhauser effect - fractional13C labeling biosynthetically directed fractional13C-labeling - TOCSY total correlation spectroscopy - ROESY rotating frame Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy - [13C,1H]-COSY two-dimensional13C–1H correlation spectroscopy - isotopomer isotope isomer - P22 c2 repressor c2 repressor of the salmonella phage P22 consisting of a polypeptide chain with 216 residues - P22 c2(1-76) N-terminal domain of the P22 c2 repressor with residues 1–76  相似文献   

(13)C metabolic flux analysis (MFA) has become an important and powerful tool for the quantitative analysis of metabolic networks in the framework of metabolic engineering. Isotopically instationary (13)C MFA under metabolic stationary conditions is a promising refinement of classical stationary MFA. It accounts for the experimental requirements of non-steady-state cultures as well as for the shortening of the experimental duration. This contribution extends all computational methods developed for classical stationary (13)C MFA to the instationary situation by using high-performance computing methods. The developed tools allow for the simulation of instationary carbon labeling experiments (CLEs), sensitivity calculation with respect to unknown parameters, fitting of the model to the measured data, statistical identifiability analysis and an optimal experimental design facility. To explore the potential of the new approach all these tools are applied to the central metabolism of Escherichia coli. The achieved results are compared to the outcome of the stationary counterpart, especially focusing on statistical properties. This demonstrates the specific strengths of the instationary method. A new ranking method is proposed making both an a priori and an a posteriori design of the sampling times available. It will be shown that although still not all fluxes are identifiable, the quality of flux estimates can be strongly improved in the instationary case. Moreover, statements about the size of some immeasurable pool sizes can be made.  相似文献   

Selective incorporation of 13C into the methyl groupsof protein side chains is described as a means for simplifying themeasurement and interpretation of 13C relaxation parameters.High incorporation (>90%) is accomplished by using pyruvate(3-13C, 99%) as the sole carbon source in the growthmedia for protein overexpression in E. coli. This improved labeling schemeincreases the sensitivity of the relaxation experiments by approximatelyfivefold when compared to randomly fractionally 13C-labeledprotein, allowing high-quality measurements on relatively dilute (<1 mM)protein samples at a relatively low cost.  相似文献   

Summary Three-dimensional 1H-TOCSY-relayed ct-[13C,1H]-HMQC is a novel experiment for aromatic spin system identification in uniformly 13C-labeled proteins, which is implemented so that it correlates the chemical shift of a given aromatic proton with those of the directly attached carbon and all vicinal protons. The ct-HMQC scheme is used both for overlay of the indirect 1H and 13C chemical shift evolution periods and for the generation of 1H-1H antiphase magnetization to accelerate the 1H-TOCSY magnetization transfer at short mixing times. As an illustration, data recorded for the 18 kDa protein cyclophilin A are presented. Since transverse relaxation of 13C-1H zero-quantum and double-quantum coherences is to first order insensitive to 13C-1H heteronuclear dipolar relaxation, the new experiment should work also for proteins with molecular weights above 20 kDa.  相似文献   

Summary A simple technique for identifying protein secondary structures through the analysis of backbone 13C chemical shifts is described. It is based on the Chemical-Shift Index [Wishart et al. (1992) Biochemistry, 31, 1647–1651] which was originally developed for the analysis of 1H chemical shifts. By extending the Chemical-Shift Index to include 13C, 13C and carbonyl 13C chemical shifts, it is now possible to use four independent chemical-shift measurements to identify and locate protein secondary structures. It is shown that by combining both 1H and 13C chemical-shift indices to produce a consensus estimate of secondary structure, it is possible to achieve a predictive accuracy in excess of 92%. This suggests that the secondary structure of peptides and proteins can be accurately obtained from 1H and 13C chemical shifts, without recourse to NOE measurements.Supplementary material is available in the form of a 10-page table (Table S1) describing the exact location of secondary structures in all 20 proteins as determined using the methods described in this paper. Requests for Table S1 should be directed to the authors.  相似文献   

Summary A13C NMR study is reported of the hinge region of an intact mouse monoclonal antibody with a molecular weight of 150 K. Cys, Ile, and Pro analogs of the antibody labeled with13C at the carbonyl carbon were prepared by growing hybridoma cells in the serum-free media. Resonance assignments have been performed as described previously [Kato, K., Matsunaga, C., Igarashi, T., Kim, H., Odaka, A., Shimada, I. and Arata, Y. (1991)Biochemistry,30, 270–278]. The spectral data obtained show that13C NMR can give detailed information about the structure of the hinge region of the intact antibody molecule. Prospects for the future role of13C NMR in the structural analyses of larger proteins are briefly discussed.Dedicated to the memory of Professor V.F. Bystrov  相似文献   

Summary Heteronuclear 2D (13C, 1H) and (15N, 1H) correlation spectra of (13C, 15N) fully enriched proteins can be acquired simultaneously with virtually no sensitivity loss or increase in artefact levels. Three pulse sequences are described, for 2D time-shared or TS-HSQC, 2D TS-HMQC and 2D TS-HSMQC spectra, respectively. Independent spectral widths can be sampled for both heteronuclei. The sequences can be greatly improved by combining them with field-gradient methods. By applying the sequences to 3D and 4D NMR spectroscopy, considerable time savings can be obtained. The method is demonstrated for the 18 kDa HU protein.Abbreviations HMQC heteronuclear multiple-quantum coherence spectroscopy - HSQC heteronuclear single-quantum coherence spectroscopy - HSMQC heteronuclear single- and multiple-quantum coherence spectroscopy - NOESY nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy  相似文献   

Summary NMR pulse sequences for measuring coupling constants in 13C, 15N-labeled proteins are presented. These pulse sequences represent improvements over earlier experiments with respect to resolution and number of radiofrequency pulses. The experiments are useful for measuring JNH , JNCO, JNC , JH N CO and JH N H . Applications to chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 (CI-2) are shown.  相似文献   

We have compared site-directed 13C solid-state NMR spectra of [3-13C]Ala- and/or [1-13C]Val-labeled membrane proteins, including bacteriorhodopsin (bR), pharaonis phoborhodopin (ppR), its cognate transducer (pHtrII) and Escherichia coli diacylglycerol kinase (DGK), in two-dimensional (2D) crystal, lipid bilayers, and detergent. Restricted fluctuation motions of these membrane proteins due to oligomerization of bR by specific protein-protein interactions in the 2D crystalline lattice or protein complex between ppR and pHtrII provide the most favorable environment to yield well-resolved, fully visible 13C NMR signals for [3-13C]Ala-labeled proteins. In contrast, several signals from such membrane proteins were broadened or lost owing to interference of inherent fluctuation frequencies (10(4)-10(5)Hz) with frequency of either proton decoupling or magic angle spinning, if their 13C NMR spectra were recorded as a monomer in lipid bilayers at ambient temperature. The presence of such protein dynamics is essential for the respective proteins to achieve their own biological functions. Finally, spectral broadening found for bR and DGK in detergents were discussed.  相似文献   

Double Quantum (DQ) NMR, which utilizes the magnetic dipole interaction between the (13)C atoms, was used for the complete assignment of the (13)C NMR resonances to the corresponding carbon ring positions for the monoclinic and triclinic allomorphs of methyl 4'-O-methyl-beta-D-cellobioside-(13)C(12)(1-(13)C(12)), a cellodextrin model compound of cellulose (13)C-perlabeled at the cellobiose core. The through-space interactions were used to identify the direct chemical bonds between adjacent carbon atoms in the rings. More importantly, the (13)C NMR signals of the carbon sites C1' and C4 involved in the glycosidic bond were identified. This allowed for the complete (13)C chemical shift assignment, that when combined with the X-ray crystallography data provides a complete characterization.  相似文献   

The applicability of gas chromatography–combustion–isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC–C–IRMS) for the quantification of 13C enrichment of proteinogenic amino acids in metabolic tracer experiments was evaluated. Measurement of the 13C enrichment of proteinogenic amino acids from cell hydrolyzates of Corynebacterium glutamicum growing on different mixtures containing between 0.5 and 10% [1-13C]glucose shows the significance of kinetic isotope effects in metabolic flux studies at low degree of labeling. We developed a method to calculate the 13C enrichment. The approach to correct for these effects in metabolic flux studies using δ13C measurement by GC–C–IRMS uses two parallel experiments applying substrate with natural abundance and 13C-enriched tracer substrate, respectively. The fractional enrichment obtained in natural substrate is subtracted from that of the enriched one. Tracer studies with C. glutamicum resulted in a statistically identical relative fractional enrichment of 13C in proteinogenic amino acids over the whole range of applied concentrations of [1-13C]glucose. The current findings indicate a great potential of GC–C–IRMS for labeling quantification in 13C metabolic flux analysis with low labeling degree of tracer substrate directly in larger scale bioreactors.  相似文献   

A novel biosynthetic strategy is described for the preparation of deuterated proteins containing protons at the ring carbons of Phe, Tyr and Trp, using the aromatic amino acid precursor shikimic acid. Specific protonation at aromatic side chains, with complete deuteration at C/positions was achieved in proteins overexpressed in bacteria grown in shikimate-supplemented D2O medium. Co-expression of a shikimate transporter in prototrophic bacteria resulted in protonation levels of 62–79%, whereas complete labeling was accomplished using shikimate auxotrophic bacteria. Our labeling protocol permits the measurement of important aromatic side chain derived distance restraints in perdeuterated proteins that could be utilized to enhance the accuracy of NMR structures calculated using low densities of NOEs from methyl selectively protonated samples.  相似文献   

A simple system based on web-FACE technology was designed and implemented as an approach to label plant-assimilated carbon (C) with 13C. The labeling system avoids the use of a chamber or other enclosure, instead distributing CO2 heavily enriched in 13C at near atmospheric concentrations to the tree foliage through the use of porous tubing. The system was applied to three plantation grown juvenile larch (Larix spp.) trees during the daylight hours over the course of five days in the middle of the growing season. Relative to control trees, fumigation with enriched CO2 resulted in significantly 13C-enriched foliar respiration and nighttime soil respiration. Enrichment was also created in the foliar tissue, but differences between labeled and control trees were not statistically significant. Temporal and spatial variation in the strength of the isotopic label did occur, and modifications to the system are suggested to limit the variation. The approach should enable the implementation of pulse-chase experiments designed to understand plant source-sink relationships or experiments designed to understand the flux of C from plant roots into the soil food web. Responsible Editor: Angela Hodge.  相似文献   

The ability of plants to rapidly replace photosynthetic tissues following defoliation represents a resistance strategy referred to as herbivory tolerance. Rapid reprioritization of carbon allocation to regrowing shoots at the expense of roots following defoliation is a widely documented tolerance mechanism. An experiment was conducted in a controlled environment to test the hypothesis that herbivory-sensitive perennial grasses display less flexibility in reprioritizing carbon allocation in response to defoliation than do grasses possessing greater herbivory tolerance. An equivalent proportion of shoot biomass (60% dry weight) was removed from two C4 perennial grasses recognized as herbivory-sensitive, Andropogon gerardii and Schizachyrium scoparium, and two C4 perennial grasses recognized as herbivory-tolerant, Aristida purpurea and Bouteloua rigidiseta. Both defoliated and undefoliated plants were exposed to 13CO2 for 30 min, five plants per species were harvested at 6, 72 and 168 h following labeling, and biomass was analyzed by isotope ratio mass spectrometry. The tallgrass, A. geraiddii, exhibited inflexible allocation priorities while the shortgrass, B. rigidiseta, exhibited flexible allocation priorities in response to defoliation which corresponded with their initial designations as herbivory-sensitive and herbivory-tolerant species, respectively. A. gerardii had the greatest percentage and concentration of 13C within roots and lowest percentage of 13C within regrowth of the four species evaluated. In contrast, B. rigidiseta had a greater percentage of 13C within regrowth than did A. gerardii, the greatest percentage of 13C within new leaves of defoliated plants, and the lowest concentration of 13C within roots follwing defoliation. Although both midgrasses, S. scoparium and A. purpurea, demonstrated flexible allocation priorities in response to defoliation, they were counter to those stated in the initial hypothesis. The concentration of 13C within new leaves of S. scoparium increased in response to a single defoliation while the percentage and concentration of 13C within roots was reduced. A. purpurea was the only species in which the percentate of 13C within new leaves decreased while the percentage of 13C within roots increased following defoliation. The most plausible alternative hypothesis to explain the inconsistency between the demonstrated responsiveness of allocation priorities to defoliation and the recognized herbivory resistance of S. scoparium and A. purpurea is that the relative ability of these species to avoid herbivory may make an equal or greater contribution to their overall herbivory resistance than does herbivory tolerance. Selective herbivory may contribute to S. scoparium's designation as a herbivorysensitive species even though it possesses flexible allocation priorities in response to defoliation. Alternatively, the recognized herbivory resistance of A. purpurea may be a consequence of infrequent and/or lenient herbivory associated with the expression of avoidance mechanisms, rather than the expression of tolerance mechanisms. A greater understanding of the relative contribution of tolerance and avoidance strategies of herbivory resistance are required to accurately interpret how herbivory influences plant function, competitive interactions, and species abundance in grazed communities.  相似文献   

To clarify the unique characteristics of amino acid metabolism derived from glucose in the central nervous system (CNS), we injected [1-13C]glucose intraperitoneally to the rat, and extracted the free amino acids from several kinds of tissues and measured the amount of incorporation of13C derived from [1-13C]glucose into each amino acid using13C-magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). In the adult rat brain, the intensities of resonances from13C-amino acids were observed in the following order: glutamate, glutamine, aspartate, -aminobutyrate (GABA) and alanine. There seemed no regional difference on this labeling pattern in the brain. However, only in the striatum and thalamus, the intensities of resonances from [2-13C]GABA were larger than that from [2,3-13C]aspartate. In the other tissues, such as heart, kidney, liver, spleen, muscle, lung and small intestine, the resonances from GABA were not detected and every intensity of resonances from13C-amino acids, except13C-alanine, was much smaller than those in the brain and spinal cord. In the serum,13C-amino acid was not detected at all. When the rats were decapitated, in the brain, the resonances from [1-13C]glucose greatly reduced and the intensities of resonances from [3-13C]lactate, [3-13C]alanine, [2, 3, 4-13C]GABA and [2-13C]glutamine became larger as compared with those in the case that the rats were sacrificed with microwave. In other tissues, the resonances from [1-13C]glucose were clearly detected even after the decapitation. In the glioma induced by nitrosoethylurea in the spinal cord, the large resonances from glutamine and alanine were observed; however, the intensities of resonances from glutamate were considerably reduced and the resonances from GABA and aspartate were not detected. These results show that the pattern of13C label incorporation into amino acids is unique in the central nervous tissues and also suggest that the metabolic compartmentalization could exist in the CNS through the metabolic trafficking between neurons and astroglia.Abbreviations NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - GABA -aminobutyrate - GFAP glial fibrillary acidic protein Special issue dedicated to Dr. Bernard W. Agranoff.  相似文献   

A high yielding synthetic route for methyl 4'-O-methyl-beta-D-cellobioside starting from d-glucose was established. The reaction conditions optimized with nonlabeled materials were used for the synthesis of methyl 4'-O-methyl-13C12-beta-D-cellobioside, a compound having more than 99% 13C enrichment at each of the twelve pyranose carbon atoms. The labeled compound is required to study the hydrogen bond network of cellodextrins and cellulose by CPMAS NMR experiments.  相似文献   

A method for efficient isotopic labeling of recombinant proteins   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
A rapid and efficient approach for preparing isotopically labeled recombinant proteins is presented. The method is demonstrated for 13C labeling of the C-terminal domain of angiopoietin-2, 15N labeling of ubiquitin and for 2H/13C/15N labeling of the Escherichia coli outer-membrane lipoprotein Lpp-56. The production method generates cell mass using unlabeled rich media followed by exchange into a small volume of labeled media at high cell density. Following a short period for growth recovery and unlabeled metabolite clearance, the cells are induced. The expression yields obtained provide a fourfold to eightfold reduction in isotope costs using simple shake flask growths.  相似文献   

The X-ray diffraction analysis of N-o-nitrophenyl-2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-β-d-glucopyranosylamine (1), N-m-nitrophenyl-2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-β-d-glucopyranosylamines, N-p-nitrophenyl-2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-β-d-glucopyranosylamines, and their N-acetyl derivatives was performed. The sugar moieties always adopt 4C1 conformations, however, due to crystal packing forces they are always slightly distorted. It was found that except N-acetyl, N-m-nitrophenyl-2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-β-d-glucopyranosylamine (5), none of the glucopyranosylamines studied in this paper form strong hydrogen bonds in the crystal lattice. Additionally, (5) crystallizes with a molecule of water, which occupies a special crystallographic position (on the twofold axis) and links two sugar molecules by hydrogen bonds. The CP MAS NMR spectra confirmed the presence of the intermolecular hydrogen bond involving the molecule of water in (5). Moreover, it was proved that in (1) an intramolecular hydrogen bond is formed between the glycosidic linkage and the nitro group.  相似文献   

The use of 13C NMR relaxation dispersion experiments to monitor micro-millisecond fluctuations in the protonation states of histidine residues in proteins is investigated. To illustrate the approach, measurements on three specifically 13C labeled histidine residues in plastocyanin (PCu) from Anabaena variabilis (A.v.) are presented. Significant Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) relaxation dispersion is observed for 13Cε1 nuclei in the histidine imidazole rings of A.v. PCu. The chemical shift changes obtained from the CPMG dispersion data are in good agreement with those obtained from the chemical shift titration experiments, and the CPMG derived exchange rates agree with those obtained previously from 15N backbone relaxation measurements. Compared to measurements of backbone nuclei, 13Cε1 dispersion provides a more direct method to monitor interchanging protonation states or other kinds of conformational changes of histidine side chains or their environment. Advantages and shortcomings of using the 13Cε1 dispersion experiments in combination with chemical shift titration experiments to obtain information on exchange dynamics of the histidine side chains are discussed.  相似文献   

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