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The rapid and extensive conversion of Neotropical rain forests to a landscape consisting of pasture lands and other agricultural habitats has meant the local disappearance fragmentation and isolation of vertebrate populations To avoid further losses in biodiversity in Neotropical rain forests, it is imperative to determine how the different species that constitute the different vertebrate communities have responded to the anthropogenic alterations of their natural habitats To provide data in this direction we sampled non flying mammals in 35 forest fragments, in six disturbed forest sites in 12 regenerating forests, in 20 arboreal agricultural habitats (cacao coffee, mixed, citrus and allspice), in four live fence sites and in four pasture sites at Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz Mexico Sampling indicated that area of forest fragments and isolating distance were important variables influencing species richness Disturbed forest had fewer species and individuals present and supported a lower non flying mammal biomass than undisturbed and regenerating forests Shaded plantations (cacao coffee and mixed) were richer in species and in individuals than unshaded ones (citrus, allspice) Species richness in forests and agricultural habitats were associated to horizontal plant diversity and vertical foliage diversity Pasture habitats were the poorest man-made habitats in non flying mammal species Live fences supported a higher biomass and species of non flying mammals than pastures and were similar to forest and shaded man-made habitats in species assemblages  相似文献   

Studies on the ecology of the proboscis monkey were conducted in seven areas of Sarawak during 1980–1981. Groups were found in a variety of riparian and coastal habitats but where high forests occurred they appeared to be preferred over other adjacent types. Undisturbed tidal forests were widely used but were preferred only where high forest was lacking or limited in extent. Clear-felled tidal forests and areas around human settlements were completely avoided, although some use was made of selectively felled tidal forests, remnant tidal forests adjacent to agricultural land, and selectively logged high forest. Monkeys slept primarily and perhaps exclusively along river edges where these were available, moving inland up to 750m during the day and returning to the riverside in late afternoon. Groups often split up into distinct subunits during daily movements. Feeding occurred throughout the day and in all habitats occupied. Proboscis monkeys were observed feeding on at least 90 plant species, including leaves or shoots of 75 species, fruits of 15 species, seeds of 10 species, and flowers of 4 species. Certain tidal forest species (Sonneratia alba, Avicennia alba, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Rhizophora spp.) appeared to be the single most important food plants, although where high forests were available more feeding time was spent in these types than in tidal forests or other habitats.  相似文献   

Private forests harbor considerable biodiversity, however, they are under greater threat than reserved areas, particularly from urbanization, agriculture, and intense exploitation for timber and fuel wood. The extent to which they may act as habitats for biodiversity and how level of protection impacts trends in biodiversity and forest structure over time remain underresearched. We contribute to filling this research gap by resampling a unique data set, a detailed survey from 1990 of 22 forests fragments of different ownership status and level of protection near Kampala, Uganda. Eleven of the 22 fragments were lost over 20 years, and six of the remnants reduced in size. Forest structure and composition also showed dramatic changes, with six of the remnant fragments showing high temporal species turnover. Species richness increased in four of the remaining forests over the resample period. Forest ownership affected the fate of the forests, with higher loss in privately owned forests. Our study demonstrates that ownership affects the fate of forest fragments, with private forests having both higher rates of area loss, and of structural and compositional change within the remaining fragments. Still, the private forests contribute to the total forest area, and they harbor biodiversity including IUCN “vulnerable” and “endangered” species. This indicates the conservation value of the fragments and suggests that they should be taken into account in forest conservation and restoration.  相似文献   

Although increasing efforts are being made to restore tropical forests, little information is available regarding the time scales required for carbon and plant biodiversity to recover to the values associated with undisturbed forests. To address this knowledge gap, we carried out a meta-analysis comparing data from more than 600 secondary tropical forest sites with nearby undisturbed reference forests. Above-ground biomass approached equivalence to reference values within 80 years since last disturbance, whereas below-ground biomass took longer to recover. Soil carbon content showed little relationship with time since disturbance. Tree species richness recovered after about 50 years. By contrast, epiphyte richness did not reach equivalence to undisturbed forests. The proportion of undisturbed forest trees and epiphyte species found in secondary forests was low and changed little over time. Our results indicate that carbon pools and biodiversity show different recovery rates under passive, secondary succession and that colonization by undisturbed forest plant species is slow. Initiatives such as the Convention on Biological Diversity and REDD+ should therefore encourage active management to help to achieve their aims of restoring both carbon and biodiversity in tropical forests.  相似文献   

There is a wealth of smaller-scale studies on the effects of forest management on plant diversity. However, studies comparing plant species diversity in forests with different management types and intensity, extending over different regions and forest stages, and including detailed information on site conditions are missing. We studied vascular plants on 1500 20 m × 20 m forest plots in three regions of Germany (Schwäbische Alb, Hainich-Dün, Schorfheide-Chorin). In all regions, our study plots comprised different management types (unmanaged, selection cutting, deciduous and coniferous age-class forests, which resulted from clear cutting or shelterwood logging), various stand ages, site conditions, and levels of management-related disturbances. We analyzed how overall richness and richness of different plant functional groups (trees, shrubs, herbs, herbaceous species typically growing in forests and herbaceous light-demanding species) responded to the different management types. On average, plant species richness was 13% higher in age-class than in unmanaged forests, and did not differ between deciduous age-class and selection forests. In age-class forests of the Schwäbische Alb and Hainich-Dün, coniferous stands had higher species richness than deciduous stands. Among age-class forests, older stands with large quantities of standing biomass were slightly poorer in shrub and light-demanding herb species than younger stands. Among deciduous forests, the richness of herbaceous forest species was generally lower in unmanaged than in managed forests, and it was even 20% lower in unmanaged than in selection forests in Hainich-Dün. Overall, these findings show that disturbances by management generally increase plant species richness. This suggests that total plant species richness is not suited as an indicator for the conservation status of forests, but rather indicates disturbances.  相似文献   

Preservation of woodland key habitats has become an integral part of biodiversity-oriented forest management in northern Europe. In Finland, brook-side spruce forests constitute the most important key-habitat type in terms of total area and timber volume. Our aim was to compare polypore diversity and the occurrence of red-listed species between brook-side key habitats and comparable sites of managed forest as controls. Furthermore, we assessed the importance of stand structural features to polypore communities, and contrasted regions with different land-use history. Altogether 69 key habitats and 70 controls were inventoried in four regions across southern Finland. A total of 28,023 surveyed dead-wood units had 3,307 occurrences of 114 species of which 25 species were red-listed. Key habitats hosted on average 28% (about two species) more polypore species (mainly deciduous-specialists) than controls because of a larger average volume of dead wood and a higher proportion of dead deciduous wood. However, the average number of red-listed species was low and did not differ between the two forest categories. We detected a landscape effect connected with the intensity and length of forest management history, with the highest numbers of all and red-listed species per site in eastern Finland. Volume and diversity of dead wood were the most important variables explaining variation in species richness. Presently, key habitats in managed forests appear to contribute only little to the conservation of red-listed polypore species.  相似文献   

Tropical ecosystems are globally important for bird diversity. In many tropical regions, land‐use intensification has caused conversion of natural forests into human‐modified habitats, such as secondary forests and heterogeneous agricultural landscapes. Despite previous research, the distribution of bird communities in these forest‐farmland mosaics is not well understood. To achieve a comprehensive understanding of bird diversity and community turnover in a human‐modified Kenyan landscape, we recorded bird communities at 20 sites covering the complete habitat gradient from forest (near natural forest, secondary forest) to farmland (subsistence farmland, sugarcane plantation) using point counts and distance sampling. Bird density and species richness were on average higher in farmland than in forest habitats. Within forest and farmland, bird density and species richness increased with vegetation structural diversity, i.e., were higher in near natural than in secondary forest and in subsistence farmland than in sugarcane plantations. Bird communities in forest and farmland habitats were very distinct and very few forest specialists occurred in farmland habitats. Moreover, insectivorous bird species declined in farmland habitats whereas carnivores and herbivores increased. Our study confirms that tropical farmlands can hardly accommodate forest specialist species. Contrary to most previous studies, our findings show that structurally rich tropical farmlands hold a surprisingly rich and distinct bird community that is threatened by conversion of subsistence farmland into sugarcane plantations. We conclude that conservation strategies in the tropics must go beyond rain forest protection and should integrate structurally heterogeneous agroecosystems into conservation plans that aim at maintaining the diverse bird communities of tropical forest‐farmland mosaics.  相似文献   

Secondary forests are an increasingly common feature in tropical landscapes worldwide and understanding their regeneration is necessary to design effective restoration strategies. It has previously been shown that the woody species community in secondary forests can follow different successional pathways according to the nature of past human activities in the area, yet little is known about patterns of herbaceous species diversity in secondary forests with different histories of land use. We compared the diversity and abundance of herbaceous plant communities in two types of Central Amazonian secondary forests—those regenerating on pastures created by felling and burning trees and those where trees were felled only. We also tested if plant density and species richness in secondary forests are related to proximity to primary forest. In comparison with primary forest sites, forests regenerating on non‐burned habitats had lower herbaceous plant density and species richness than those on burned ones. However, species composition and abundance in non‐burned stands were more similar to those of primary forest, whereas several secondary forest specialist species were found in burned stands. In both non‐burned and burned forests, distance from the forest edge was not related to herbaceous density and species richness. Overall, our results suggest that the natural regeneration of herbaceous species in secondary tropical forests is dependent on a site's post‐clearing treatment. We recommend evaluating the land history of a site prior to developing and implementing a restoration strategy, as this will influence the biological template on which restoration efforts are overlaid.  相似文献   

The effects of black-locust invasion on plant forest diversity are still poorly investigated. Vascular plants are likely to be influenced by increasing nutrient availability associated with the nitrogen-fixing activity of black-locust, whereas it is not clear if, along with stand aging, black-locust formations regain forest species. The main aim of the present study was to test whether the increase of black-locust stand age promoted a plant variation in mature stands leading to assemblages similar to those of native forests. Therefore, plant richness and composition of stands dominated by native trees were compared with pure black-locust stands of different successional stages. Our study confirmed that the replacement of native forests by pure black-locust stands causes both plant richness loss and shifts in species composition. In black-locust stands plant communities are dominated by nitrophilous species and lack many of the oligothrophic and acidophilus species typical of native forests. Plant communities of native forests are more diverse with respect to pure black-locust stands, suggesting that black-locust invasion also causes a homogenization of the plant forest biota. We did not detect differences across the successional gradient of black-locust stands, and mature stands do not recover the diversity of plant species which are lost by the replacement of the native forests by black-locust. Accordingly some efforts in reducing the negative impacts of black-locust invasion on plant forest biota should be focused at least in those areas where conservation is among management priorities, such in the case of habitats included in the Habitat Directive (92/43 ECE).  相似文献   

Plantation and secondary forests form increasingly important components of the global forest cover, but our current knowledge about their potential contribution to biodiversity conservation is limited. We surveyed understory plant and carabid species assemblages at three distinct regions in temperate northeastern China, dominated by mature forest (Changbaishan Nature Reserve, sampled in 2011 and 2012), secondary forest (Dongling Mountain, sampled in 2011 and 2012), and forest plantation habitats (Bashang Plateau, sampled in 2006 and 2007), respectively. The α‐diversity of both taxonomic groups was highest in plantation forests of the Bashang Plateau. Beetle α‐diversity was lowest, but plant and beetle species turnover peaked in the secondary forests of Dongling Mountain, while habitats in the Changbaishan Nature Reserve showed the lowest turnover rates for both taxa. Changbaishan Nature Reserve harbored the highest proportion of forest specialists. Our results suggest that in temperate regions of northern China, the protected larch plantation forest established over extensive areas might play a considerable role in maintaining a high biodiversity in relation to understory herbaceous plant species and carabid assemblages, which can be seen as indicators of forest disturbance. The high proportion of phytophagous carabids and the rarity of forest specialists reflect the relatively homogenous, immature status of the forest ecosystems on the Bashang Plateau. China's last remaining large old‐growth forests like the ones on Changbaishan represent stable, mature ecosystems which require particular conservation attention.  相似文献   

Background: Disturbances by avalanches have created unique habitats for animals and plants in subalpine ecosystems worldwide, but at the same time avalanches can pose a major threat to humans. Thus, avalanches are suppressed by means of avalanche barriers to protect settlements and infrastructures in populated areas of the European Alps. As a consequence, the disturbance regime in avalanche tracks has fundamentally changed. Methods: In the present study we address ecological consequences of avalanche suppression on plant diversity. We analysed plant diversity and species composition in recent and old avalanche tracks with and without avalanche suppression and in undisturbed adjacent forests at high and low elevations. Results: The number of species was higher in both active and inactive avalanche tracks as compared to undisturbed subalpine forest. The species composition indicated a wider range of ecological niches in active than in inactive avalanche tracks. The vegetation from active tracks showed lower indicator values for temperature and nitrogen availability. The proportion of alpine species was lower in formerly active tracks. Conclusions: The conditions that exist in active avalanche tracks increase plant diversity in relation to undisturbed forest. In the few decades following avalanche suppression, species composition changes in tracks from which avalanches have been excluded. Continued suppression of avalanche disturbance may lead to a decline in plant and habitat diversity. Avalanche disturbance can exert an important influence on the biodiversity of subalpine forests and provide important habitats. Anthropogenic changes in the natural regime of avalanche disturbance are likely to contribute significantly to future landscape changes in subalpine forests.  相似文献   

Central European calcareous grasslands are considered biodiversity hotspots, but are severely threatened by the change in land-use and by habitat fragmentation. Coniferous forests are typical adjacent habitats to calcareous grasslands, as abandoned calcareous grasslands are often afforested or develop into coniferous forests by succession. To investigate spillover between calcareous grasslands and coniferous forests, a total of 144 pitfall traps for carabid beetles were placed at three different distances (1, 5, 20 m) from the edge in both habitats at eight locations from April to late August. We found that both habitats had a distinct species assemblage and a decrease in spillover with increasing distance from the habitat edge into the adjacent habitat. Calcareous grasslands were more affected by spillover from the adjacent coniferous forests than vice versa because more forest specialists penetrated into calcareous grasslands than grassland specialists penetrated into coniferous forests. We conclude that spillover into small and isolated habitats can severely change species assemblages, which has to be considered in conservation measures. The protection of large sites with small edge-interior ratios can reduce negative effects on species assemblages in endangered calcareous grasslands.  相似文献   

Just as features of the physical and biotic environment constrain evolution of ecological and morphological traits, they may also affect evolution of communication systems. Here we analyze constraints on rates of vocal evolution, using a large dataset of New World avian sister taxa. We show that species breeding in tropical forests sing at generally lower frequencies and across narrower bandwidths than species breeding in open habitats, or at high latitudes. We attribute these restrictions on birdsong frequency to the presence of high-frequency insect noise and greater degradation of high-frequency sounds in tropical forests. We fit Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models to show that recent evolution of song frequency has been more greatly constrained in tropical forests than elsewhere, that is, songs have shown less tendency to diverge over time in tropical forests, consistent with inferred acoustic restrictions. In addition, we find that song frequency has evolved more rapidly overall at high latitudes in both forest and open habitats. Besides a larger available sound window, other factors contributing to more rapid divergence at high latitudes may include an overall increased intensity of sexual selection, occupation of more divergent habitats, and the presence of fewer competing species.  相似文献   

北热带喀斯特森林木本植物花性状及其生境分异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物花性状的多样化是植物长期进化及自然选择的结果, 不同植物种间花性状的变异与生境存在一定的相关性。北热带喀斯特季节性雨林具有生境异质性强、群落结构复杂、特有成分丰富等特点, 分析该森林植物性状的变化特征及其与生境的关联性, 有助于理解物种共存、协同进化过程和对生境的适应, 可为阐明喀斯特植物的生态适应性、理解生物多样性维持机理提供依据。本研究在弄岗15 ha森林动态监测样地木本植物开花相对集中的时间段进行, 记录并分析了21个物种花性状的变化。根据物种空间分布及其与生境的关联特性, 将21个物种分成偏好谷底、山坡、山顶的3种类型, 分析了这3种类型植物的花性状差异; 另外又根据花性状对21个物种进行聚类分析, 探讨了聚类分组结果和根据偏好生境分组结果的异同。结果表明: 花大小、花色鲜艳度均与物种优势度存在显著的负相关关系, 花小而不鲜艳的物种在群落中更有优势, 表现出更好的适应性; 不同偏好生境的植物花色明度有显著差异, 其他的花性状差异不显著; 聚类分组与根据偏好生境的分组有较好的一致性, 反映出物种的花性状变化响应了生境的变化。综上结果, 我们认为北热带喀斯特季节性雨林植物花性状与物种的优势度及生境条件有密切联系, 在该区域中生境对花性状的影响可能比传粉者更为深刻。  相似文献   

滇南热带雨林物种多样性的取样面积探讨   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
通过不同面积样方种数的比较、物种多样性指数等的计算和逐步扩大样地面积的调查, 本文研究了滇南热带雨林种数/面积关系、个体/种数关系、物种多样性及树种的频度分布规律, 认为滇南热带雨林群落学调查的最适取样(样方)面积是0.25 hm2, 这个面积接近该类型热带雨林理论上的群落最小表现面积。 为能体现一个具体森林(群落)类型的基本的植物区系组成, 需设置4~5个这样的样方(总面积累计1 hm2以上)。从与世界不同地区热带雨林的比较亦可见,云南热带雨林有类似的树种频度分布规律,单位面积上的物种多样性比典型的东南亚低地热带雨林稍低,但比非洲的热带雨林要高。  相似文献   

In North-western Germany woodland fragmentation has caused a decline in many forest plant species. Hedgerows partly offer a similar environment as forests and have been identified as potential habitats for forest plants in various studies from North America and Western Europe. The objective of this study was to examine whether this applies also to Central Europe and which variables affect the spatial distribution and abundance of forest plant species in hedgerows on a local scale. Three hedgerow networks north of the city of Bremen, Germany, were selected as study areas and divided into totally 515 hedgerow segments. In each segment we recorded all vascular plants and a large number of explanatory variables relating to structure, spatial configuration, environment and management. Averaged across species there was a predominant effect of environmental factors on the occurrence of forest species in the hedgerows, followed by spatial configuration and management. Hedgerow structure was found to be less important. In general, forest species were favored by low nutrient and light availability as well as high connectivity with other hedgerows or forest; they avoided hedgerows with a west-easterly orientation and an adjacent land use in the form of fields or grasslands. Forest species found and not found in hedgerows did not differ in their environmental preferences or life history traits. The number of threatened forest species in the hedgerows, however, was lower than expected with respect to their overall proportion to the total number of forest species in the region.  相似文献   

Plantation forests have been expanding in many tropical and subtropical environments. Howerver, even when they replace less wildlife friendly land uses such as pastures and annual crops, the biodiversity levels of pristine natural habitats often have not been recovered. Here we addressed how the landscape context of plantation forests located in South-eastern Brazil affects species richness and community resilience of medium and large size mammals. The area covered by native habitat fragments surrounding plantation forests is positively related to functional richness, including the presence of species more vulnerable to extinction in fragmented landscapes. In addition, the degree of aggregation of plantation forest stands is negatively related to more vulnerable species. No primates were recorded in our seven plantation forest sites (ranging from 272 to 24,921 ha), even when they were seen in native habitat fragments adjacent to commercial tree stands. Two invasive species (Sus scrofa and Lepus capensis) were recorded in four plantation forest sites. The impoverishment of fauna in plantation forests is due to two factors. First, plantation forests generally are structurally simplified habitats when compared to highly diverse tropical forests. Secondly, the isolation from habitat fragments which act as source of individuals in the landscape precludes the establishment of individual in plantation forest. We also highlighted the management practices to improve the complexity of vegetation in commercial tree stands should be taken cautiously, insofar as reduced productivity per area entails a greater demand for land. Thus, an alternative would be intensify the management of the commercial tree stands for wood production together with the restoration of adjacent areas set aside to conservation and native habitat fragments protection.  相似文献   

South East Asia is widely regarded as a centre of threatened biodiversity owing to extensive logging and forest conversion to agriculture. In particular, forests degraded by repeated rounds of intensive logging are viewed as having little conservation value and are afforded meagre protection from conversion to oil palm. Here, we determine the biological value of such heavily degraded forests by comparing leaf-litter ant communities in unlogged (natural) and twice-logged forests in Sabah, Borneo. We accounted for impacts of logging on habitat heterogeneity by comparing species richness and composition at four nested spatial scales, and examining how species richness was partitioned across the landscape in each habitat. We found that twice-logged forest had fewer species occurrences, lower species richness at small spatial scales and altered species composition compared with natural forests. However, over 80 per cent of species found in unlogged forest were detected within twice-logged forest. Moreover, greater species turnover among sites in twice-logged forest resulted in identical species richness between habitats at the largest spatial scale. While two intensive logging cycles have negative impacts on ant communities, these degraded forests clearly provide important habitat for numerous species and preventing their conversion to oil palm and other crops should be a conservation priority.  相似文献   

We compared the bird distributions in the understorey of treefall gaps and sites with intact canopy in Amazonian terra firme forest in Brazil. We compiled 2216 mist-net captures (116 species) in 32 gap and 32 forest sites over 22.3 months. Gap habitats differed from forest habitats in having higher capture rates, total captures, species richness and diversity. Seventeen species showed a significantly different distribution of captures between the two habitats (13 higher in gap and four higher in forest). Gap habitats had higher capture rates for nectarivores, frugivores and insectivores. Among insectivores, capture rates for solitary insectivores and army ant followers did not differ between the two habitats. In contrast, capture rates were higher in gaps for members of mixed-species insectivore flocks and mixed-species insectivore–frugivore flocks. Insectivores, especially members of mixed-species flocks, were the predominant species in gap habitats, where frugivores and nectarivores were relatively uncommon. Although few canopy species were captured in gap or forest habitats, visitors from forest mid-storey constituted 42% of the gap specialist species (0% forest) and 46% of rare gap species (38% forest). Insectivore, and total, captures increased over time, but did so more rapidly in gap than in forest habitats, possibly as a response to gap succession. However, an influx of birds displaced by nearby timber harvest also may have caused these increases. Avian gap-use in Amazonian terra firme forests differs from gap-use elsewhere, partly because of differences in forest characteristics such as stature and soil fertility, indicating that the avian response to gaps is context dependent.  相似文献   

The demand for wood from short rotation coppice (SRC) plantations as a renewable energy source is currently increasing and could affect biodiversity in agricultural areas. The objective was to evaluate the contribution of SRC plantations to phytodiversity in agricultural landscapes assessed as species richness, species–area relationships, Shannon indices, detrended correspondence analysis on species composition, Sørensen similarities, habitat preference proportions, and species proportions found in only one land use. Vegetation surveys were conducted on 12 willow (Salix spp.) and three poplar (Populus spp.) coppice sites as well as on surrounding arable lands, grasslands and forests in central Sweden and northern Germany. SRC plantations were richer in plant species (mean: 30 species per 100 m²) than arable land (10), coniferous forests (13) and mixed forests in Germany (12). Comparing SRC plantations with other land uses, we found lowest similarities in species composition with arable lands, coniferous forests and German mixed forests and highest similarities with marginal grassland strips, grasslands and Swedish mixed forests. Similarity depended on the SRC tree cover: at increased tree cover, SRC plantations became less similar to grasslands but more similar to forests. The SRC plantations were composed of a mixture of grassland (33%), ruderal (24%) and woodland (15%) species. Species abundance in SRC plantations was more heterogeneous than in arable lands. We conclude that SRC plantations form novel habitats leading to different plant species composition compared to conventional land uses. Their landscape‐scale value for phytodiversity changes depending on harvest cycles and over time. As a structural landscape element, SRC plantations contribute positively to phytodiversity in rural areas, especially in land use mosaics where these plantations are admixed to other land uses with dissimilar plant species composition such as arable land, coniferous forest and, at the German sites, also mixed forest.  相似文献   

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