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The prokaryotic immune system: CRISPR‐Cas The struggle of survival between prokaryotes and their viruses is likely one of the oldest conflicts on earth. Prokaryotes have developed different defense strategies to fend off an infection by the ubiquitous viruses that outnumber prokaryotes by an estimated factor of 10. Viruses, in turn, exhibit several counter mechanisms to overcome the prokaryotic defense. The recently discovered CRISPR‐Cas‐system represents a remarkable example for the continuous arms race between prokaryotes and viruses. Originally discovered in prokaryotes, the CRISPR‐Cas‐mediated defense constitutes an adaptive and heritable immune system against viruses and plasmids.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an established industrial host for production of recombinant proteins, fuels and chemicals. To enable stable integration of multiple marker‐free overexpression cassettes in the genome of S. cerevisiae, we have developed a vector toolkit EasyClone‐MarkerFree. The integration of linearized expression cassettes into defined genomic loci is facilitated by CRISPR/Cas9. Cas9 is recruited to the chromosomal location by specific guide RNAs (gRNAs) expressed from a set of gRNA helper vectors. Using our genome engineering vector suite, single and triple insertions are obtained with 90–100% and 60–70% targeting efficiency, respectively. We demonstrate application of the vector toolkit by constructing a haploid laboratory strain (CEN.PK113‐7D) and a diploid industrial strain (Ethanol Red) for production of 3‐hydroxypropionic acid, where we tested three different acetyl‐CoA supply strategies, requiring overexpression of three to six genes each. Among the tested strategies was a bacterial cytosolic pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, which was integrated into the genome in a single transformation. The publicly available EasyClone‐MarkerFree vector suite allows for facile and highly standardized genome engineering, and should be of particular interest to researchers working on yeast chassis with limited markers available.  相似文献   

The role of rice (Oryza sativa) COM1 in meiotic homologous recombination (HR) is well understood, but its part in somatic double‐stranded break (DSB) repair remains unclear. Here, we show that for rice plants COM1 conferred tolerance against DNA damage caused by the chemicals bleomycin and mitomycin C, while the COM1 mutation did not compromise HR efficiencies and HR factor (RAD51 and RAD51 paralogues) localization to irradiation‐induced DSBs. Similar retarded growth at the post‐germination stage was observed in the com1‐2 mre11 double mutant and the mre11 single mutant, while combined mutations in COM1 with the HR pathway gene (RAD51C) or classic non‐homologous end joining (NHEJ) pathway genes (KU70, KU80, and LIG4) caused more phenotypic defects. In response to γ‐irradiation, COM1 was loaded normally onto DSBs in the ku70 mutant, but could not be properly loaded in the MRE11RNAi plant and in the wortmannin‐treated wild‐type plant. Under non‐irradiated conditions, more DSB sites were occupied by factors (MRE11, COM1, and LIG4) than RAD51 paralogues (RAD51B, RAD51C, and XRCC3) in the nucleus of wild‐type; protein loading of COM1 and XRCC3 was increased in the ku70 mutant. Therefore, quite differently to its role for HR in meiocytes, rice COM1 specifically acts in an alternative NHEJ pathway in somatic cells, based on the Mre11–Rad50–Nbs1 (MRN) complex and facilitated by PI3K‐like kinases. NHEJ factors, not HR factors, preferentially load onto endogenous DSBs, with KU70 restricting DSB localization of COM1 and XRCC3 in plant somatic cells.  相似文献   

The Type II CRISPR‐Cas9 system is a simple, efficient, and versatile tool for targeted genome editing in a wide range of organisms and cell types. It continues to gain more scientific interest and has established itself as an extremely powerful technology within our synthetic biology toolkit. It works upon a targeted site and generates a double strand breaks that become repaired by either the NHEJ or the HDR pathway, modifying or permanently replacing the genomic target sequences of interest. These can include viral targets, single‐mutation genetic diseases, and multiple‐site corrections for wide scale disease states, offering the potential to manage and cure some of mankind's most persistent biomedical menaces. Here, we present the developing progress and future potential of CRISPR‐Cas9 in biological and biomedical investigations, toward numerous therapeutic, biomedical, and biotechnological applications, as well as some of the challenges within. J. Cell. Biochem. 119: 81–94, 2018. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The output of genetic mutant screenings in soya bean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] has been limited by its paleopolypoid genome. CRISPR‐Cas9 can generate multiplex mutants in crops with complex genomes. Nevertheless, the transformation efficiency of soya bean remains low and, hence, remains the major obstacle in the application of CRISPR‐Cas9 as a mutant screening tool. Here, we report a pooled CRISPR‐Cas9 platform to generate soya bean multiplex mutagenesis populations. We optimized the key steps in the screening protocol, including vector construction, sgRNA assessment, pooled transformation, sgRNA identification and gene editing verification. We constructed 70 CRISPR‐Cas9 vectors to target 102 candidate genes and their paralogs which were subjected to pooled transformation in 16 batches. A population consisting of 407 T0 lines was obtained containing all sgRNAs at an average mutagenesis frequency of 59.2%, including 35.6% lines carrying multiplex mutations. The mutation frequency in the T1 progeny could be increased further despite obtaining a transgenic chimera. In this population, we characterized gmric1/gmric2 double mutants with increased nodule numbers and gmrdn1‐1/1‐2/1‐3 triple mutant lines with decreased nodulation. Our study provides an advanced strategy for the generation of a targeted multiplex mutant population to overcome the gene redundancy problem in soya bean as well as in other major crops.  相似文献   

CRISPR-Cas9 system is now widely used to edit a target genome in animals and plants. Cas9 protein derived from Streptococcus pyogenes(Sp Cas9) cleaves double-stranded DNA targeted by a chimeric single-guide RNA(sg RNA). For plant genome editing, Agrobacterium-mediated T-DNA transformation has been broadly used to express Cas9 proteins and sg RNAs under the control of Ca MV 35 S and U6/U3 promoter, respectively. We here developed a simple and high-throughput binary vector system to clone a 19 20 bp of sg RNA, which binds to the reverse complement of a target locus, in a large T-DNA binary vector containing an Sp Cas9 expressing cassette. Twostep cloning procedures:(1) annealing two target-specific oligonucleotides with overhangs specific to the Aar I restriction enzyme site of the binary vector; and(2) ligating the annealed oligonucleotides into the two Aar I sites of the vector, facilitate the high-throughput production of the positive clones. In addition, Cas9-coding sequence and U6/U3 promoter can be easily exchanged via the GatewayTMsystem and unique Eco RI/Xho I sites on the vector, respectively. We examined the mutation ratio and patterns when we transformed these constructs into Arabidopsis thaliana and a wild tobacco, Nicotiana attenuata. Our vector system will be useful to generate targeted large-scale knock-out lines of model as well as non-model plant.  相似文献   

Repair of DNA double‐stranded breaks (DSBs) is crucial for the maintenance of genome stability. DSBs are repaired by either error prone non‐homologous end‐joining (NHEJ) or error‐free homologous recombination. NHEJ precedes either by a classic, Lig4‐dependent process (C‐NHEJ) or an alternative, Lig4‐independent one (A‐NHEJ). Dysfunctional telomeres arising either through natural attrition due to telomerase deficiency or by removal of telomere‐binding proteins are recognized as DSBs. In this report, we studied which end‐joining pathways are required to join dysfunctional telomeres. In agreement with earlier studies, depletion of Trf2 resulted in end‐to‐end chromosome fusions mediated by the C‐NHEJ pathway. In contrast, removal of Tpp1–Pot1a/b initiated robust chromosome fusions that are mediated by A‐NHEJ. C‐NHEJ is also dispensable for the fusion of naturally shortened telomeres. Our results reveal that telomeres engage distinct DNA repair pathways depending on how they are rendered dysfunctional, and that A‐NHEJ is a major pathway to process dysfunctional telomeres.  相似文献   

Cells employ potentially mutagenic DNA repair mechanisms to avoid the detrimental effects of chromosome breaks on cell survival. While classical non‐homologous end‐joining (cNHEJ) is largely error‐free, alternative end‐joining pathways have been described that are intrinsically mutagenic. Which end‐joining mechanisms operate in germ and embryonic cells and thus contribute to heritable mutations found in congenital diseases is, however, still largely elusive. Here, we determined the genetic requirements for the repair of CRISPR/Cas9‐induced chromosomal breaks of different configurations, and establish the mutational consequences. We find that cNHEJ and polymerase theta‐mediated end‐joining (TMEJ) act both parallel and redundant in mouse embryonic stem cells and account for virtually all end‐joining activity. Surprisingly, mutagenic repair by polymerase theta (Pol θ, encoded by the Polq gene) is most prevalent for blunt double‐strand breaks (DSBs), while cNHEJ dictates mutagenic repair of DSBs with protruding ends, in which the cNHEJ polymerases lambda and mu play minor roles. We conclude that cNHEJ‐dependent repair of DSBs with protruding ends can explain de novo formation of tandem duplications in mammalian genomes.  相似文献   

In many plant species, gene dosage is an important cause of phenotype variation. Engineering gene dosage, particularly in polyploid genomes, would provide an efficient tool for plant breeding. The hexaploid oilseed crop Camelina sativa, which has three closely related expressed subgenomes, is an ideal species for investigation of the possibility of creating a large collection of combinatorial mutants. Selective, targeted mutagenesis of the three delta‐12‐desaturase (FAD2) genes was achieved by CRISPR‐Cas9 gene editing, leading to reduced levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids and increased accumulation of oleic acid in the oil. Analysis of mutations over four generations demonstrated the presence of a large variety of heritable mutations in the three isologous CsFAD2 genes. The different combinations of single, double and triple mutants in the T3 generation were isolated, and the complete loss‐of‐function mutants revealed the importance of delta‐12‐desaturation for Camelina development. Combinatorial association of different alleles for the three FAD2 loci provided a large diversity of Camelina lines with various lipid profiles, ranging from 10% to 62% oleic acid accumulation in the oil. The different allelic combinations allowed an unbiased analysis of gene dosage and function in this hexaploid species, but also provided a unique source of genetic variability for plant breeding.  相似文献   

Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats‐associated protein 9 (CRISPR‐Cas9) is a revolutionary technology that enables efficient genomic modification in many organisms. Currently, the wide use of Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 (SpCas9) primarily recognizes sites harbouring a canonical NGG protospacer adjacent motif (PAM). The newly developed VQR (D1135V/R1335Q/T1337R) variant of Cas9 has been shown to cleave sites containing NGA PAM in rice, which greatly expanded the range of genome editing. However, the low editing efficiency of the VQR variant remains, which limits its wide application in genome editing. In this study, by modifying the single guide RNA (sgRNA) structure and strong endogenous promoters, we significantly increased the editing efficiency of the VQR variant. The modified CRISPR‐Cas9‐VQR system provides a robust toolbox for multiplex genome editing at sites containing noncanonical NGA PAM.  相似文献   

We report the first application of CRISPR‐Cas technology to single species detection from environmental DNA (eDNA). Organisms shed and excrete DNA into their environment such as in skin cells and faeces, referred to as environmental DNA (eDNA). Utilising eDNA allows noninvasive monitoring with increased specificity and sensitivity. Current methods primarily employ PCR‐based techniques to detect a given species from eDNA samples, posing a logistical challenge for on‐site monitoring and potential adaptation to biosensor devices. We have developed an alternative method; coupling isothermal amplification to a CRISPR‐Cas12a detection system. This utilises the collateral cleavage activity of Cas12a, a ribonuclease guided by a highly specific single CRISPR RNA. We used the target species Salmo salar as a proof‐of‐concept test of the specificity of the assay among closely related species and to show the assay is successful at a single temperature of 37°C with signal detection at 535 nM. The specific assay, detects at attomolar sensitivity with rapid detection rates (<2.5 hr). This approach simplifies the challenge of building a biosensor device for rapid target species detection in the field and can be easily adapted to detect any species from eDNA samples from a variety of sources enhancing the capabilities of eDNA as a tool for monitoring biodiversity.  相似文献   

CRISPR‐Cas is RNA‐based prokaryotic immune systems that defend against exogenous genetic elements such as plasmids and viruses. Cas1 and Cas2 are highly conserved components that play an essential part in the adaptation stage of all CRISPR‐Cas systems. Characterization of CRISPR‐Cas genes in Thermococcus onnurineus reveals the association of the Cas2 gene with the putative type IV system that lacks Cas1 or its homologous genes. Here, we present a crystal structure of T. onnurineus Cas2 (Ton_Cas2) that exhibits a deep and wide cleft at an interface lined with positive residues (Arg16, Lys18, Lys19, Arg22, and Arg23). The obvious DNA recognizing loops in Cas2 from E. coli (Eco_Cas2) are absent in Ton_Cas2 and have significantly different shapes and electrostatic potential distributions around the putative nucleotide binding region. Furthermore, Ton_Cas2 lacks the hairpin motif at the C‐terminus that is responsible for Cas1 binding in Eco_Cas2. These structural features could be a unique signature and indicate an altered functional mechanism in the adaptation stage of Cas2 in type IV CRISPR‐Cas systems.  相似文献   

Efficient DNA repair mechanisms frequently limit the effectiveness of chemotherapeutic agents that act through DNA damaging mechanisms. Consequently, proteins involved in DNA repair have increasingly become attractive targets of high‐throughput screening initiatives to identify modulators of these pathways. Disruption of the XRCC4‐Ligase IV interaction provides a novel means to efficiently halt repair of mammalian DNA double strand break repair; however; the extreme affinity of these proteins presents a major obstacle for drug discovery. A better understanding of the interaction surfaces is needed to provide a more specific target for inhibitor studies. To clearly define key interface(s) of Ligase IV necessary for interaction with XRCC4, we developed a competitive displacement assay using ESI‐MS/MS and determined the minimal inhibitory fragment of the XRCC4‐interacting region (XIR) capable of disrupting a complex of XRCC4/XIR. Disruption of a single helix (helix 2) within the helix‐loop‐helix clamp of Ligase IV was sufficient to displace XIR from a preformed complex. Dose‐dependent response curves for the disruption of the complex by either helix 2 or helix‐loop‐helix fragments revealed that potency of inhibition was greater for the larger helix‐loop‐helix peptide. Our results suggest a susceptibility to inhibition at the interface of helix 2 and future studies would benefit from targeting this surface of Ligase IV to identify modulators that disrupt its interaction with XRCC4. Furthermore, helix 1 and loop regions of the helix‐loop‐helix clamp provide secondary target surfaces to identify adjuvant compounds that could be used in combination to more efficiently inhibit XRCC4/Ligase IV complex formation and DNA repair. Proteins 2014; 82:187–194. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Targeting the MAPK signaling pathway has transformed the treatment of metastatic melanoma. CRISPR‐Cas9 genetic screens provide a genome‐wide approach to uncover novel genetic dependencies that might serve as therapeutic targets. Here, we analyzed recently reported CRISPR‐Cas9 screens comparing data from 28 melanoma cell lines and 313 cell lines of other tumor types in order to identify fitness genes related to melanoma. We found an average of 1,494 fitness genes in each melanoma cell line. We identified 33 genes, inactivation of which specifically reduced the fitness of melanoma. This set of tumor type‐specific genes includes established melanoma fitness genes as well as many genes that have not previously been associated with melanoma growth. Several genes encode proteins that can be targeted using available inhibitors. We verified that genetic inactivation of DUSP4 and PPP2R2A reduces the proliferation of melanoma cells. DUSP4 encodes an inhibitor of ERK, suggesting that further activation of MAPK signaling activity through its loss is selectively deleterious to melanoma cells. Collectively, these data present a resource of genetic dependencies in melanoma that may be explored as potential therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Over the last three decades, the development of new genome editing techniques, such as ODM, TALENs, ZFNs and the CRISPR‐Cas system, has led to significant progress in the field of plant and animal breeding. The CRISPR‐Cas system is the most versatile genome editing tool discovered in the history of molecular biology because it can be used to alter diverse genomes (e.g. genomes from both plants and animals) including human genomes with unprecedented ease, accuracy and high efficiency. The recent development and scope of CRISPR‐Cas system have raised new regulatory challenges around the world due to moral, ethical, safety and technical concerns associated with its applications in pre‐clinical and clinical research, biomedicine and agriculture. Here, we review the art, applications and potential risks of CRISPR‐Cas system in genome editing. We also highlight the patent and ethical issues of this technology along with regulatory frameworks established by various nations to regulate CRISPR‐Cas‐modified organisms/products.  相似文献   

Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR) is a recently discovered adaptive prokaryotic immune system that provides acquired immunity against foreign nucleic acids by utilizing small guide crRNAs (CRISPR RNAs) to interfere with invading viruses and plasmids. In Escherichia coli, Cas3 is essential for crRNA-guided interference with virus proliferation. Cas3 contains N-terminal HD phosphohydrolase and C-terminal Superfamily 2 (SF2) helicase domains. Here, we provide the first report of the cloning, expression, purification and in vitro functional analysis of the Cas3 protein of the Streptococcus thermophilus CRISPR4 (Ecoli subtype) system. Cas3 possesses a single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-stimulated ATPase activity, which is coupled to unwinding of DNA/DNA and RNA/DNA duplexes. Cas3 also shows ATP-independent nuclease activity located in the HD domain with a preference for ssDNA substrates. To dissect the contribution of individual domains, Cas3 separation-of-function mutants (ATPase(+)/nuclease(-) and ATPase(-)/nuclease(+)) were obtained by site-directed mutagenesis. We propose that the Cas3 ATPase/helicase domain acts as a motor protein, which assists delivery of the nuclease activity to Cascade-crRNA complex targeting foreign DNA.  相似文献   

Site-specific integration has emerged as a promising strategy for precise Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line engineering and predictable cell line development (CLD). CRISPR/Cas9 with the homology-directed repair (HDR) pathway enables precise integration of transgenes into target genomic sites. However, inherent recalcitrance to HDR-mediated targeted integration (TI) of transgenes results in low targeting efficiency, thus requiring a selection process to find a targeted integrant in CHO cells. Here, we explored several parameters that influence the targeting efficiency using a promoter-trap-based single- or double-knock-in (KI) monitoring system. A simple change in the donor template design by the addition of single-guide RNA recognition sequences strongly increased KI efficiency (2.9–36.0 fold), depending on integration sites and cell culture mode, compared to conventional circular donor plasmids. Furthermore, sequential and simultaneous KI strategies enabled us to obtain populations with ~1–4% of double-KI cells without additional enrichment procedures. Thus, this simple optimized strategy not only allows efficient CRISPR/Cas9-mediated TI in CHO cells but also paves the way for the applicability of multiplexed KIs in one experimental step without the need for sequential and independent CHO–CLD procedures.  相似文献   

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