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Liquid hot (LHW) water pretreatment (LHW) of lignocellulosic material enhances enzymatic conversion of cellulose to glucose by solubilizing hemicellulose fraction of the biomass, while leaving the cellulose more reactive and accessible to cellulase enzymes. Within the range of pretreatment conditions tested in this study, the optimized LHW pretreatment conditions for a 15% (wt/vol) slurry of hybrid poplar were found to be 200oC, 10 min, which resulted in the highest fermentable sugar yield with minimal formation of sugar decomposition products during the pretreatment. The LHW pretreatment solubilized 62% of hemicellulose as soluble oligomers. Hot‐washing of the pretreated poplar slurry increased the efficiency of hydrolysis by doubling the yield of glucose for a given enzyme dose. The 15% (wt/vol) slurry of hybrid poplar, pretreated at the optimal conditions and hot‐washed, resulted in 54% glucose yield by 15 FPU cellulase per gram glucan after 120 h. The hydrolysate contained 56 g/L glucose and 12 g/L xylose. The effect of cellulase loading on the enzymatic digestibility of the pretreated poplar is also reported. Total monomeric sugar yield (glucose and xylose) reached 67% after 72 h of hydrolysis when 40 FPU cellulase per gram glucan were used. An overall mass balance of the poplar‐to‐ethanol process was established based on the experimentally determined composition and hydrolysis efficiencies of the liquid hot water pretreated poplar. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

Lignin-derived inhibition is a major obstacle restricting the enzymatic hydrolysis of cell wall polysaccharides especially with softwood lignocellulosics. Enzyme adsorption on lignin is suggested to contribute to the inhibitory effect of lignin. The interaction of cellulases with softwood lignin was studied in the present work with commercial Trichoderma reesei cellulases (Celluclast) and lignin-rich residues isolated from steam pretreated softwood (SPS) by enzymatic and acid hydrolysis. Both lignin preparations inhibited the hydrolysis of microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel) and adsorbed the major cellulases present in the commercial cellulase mixture. The adsorption phenomenon was studied at low temperature (4°C) and at the typical hydrolysis temperature (45°C) by following activities of free and lignin-bound enzymes. Severe inactivation of the lignin-bound enzymes was observed at 45°C, however at 4°C the enzymes retained well their activity. Furthermore, SDS-PAGE analysis of the lignin-bound enzymes indicated that very strong interactions form between the residue and the enzymes at 45°C, because the enzymes were not released from the residue in the electrophoresis. These results suggest that heat-induced denaturation may take place on the surface of softwood lignin at the hydrolysis temperature.  相似文献   

Moderate loadings of cellulase enzyme supplemented with beta-glucosidase were applied to solids produced by ammonia fiber expansion (AFEX), ammonia recycle (ARP), controlled pH, dilute sulfuric acid, lime, and sulfur dioxide pretreatments to better understand factors that control glucose and xylose release following 24, 48, and 72 h of hydrolysis and define promising routes to reducing enzyme demands. Glucose removal was higher from all pretreatments than from Avicel cellulose at lower enzyme loadings, but sugar release was a bit lower for solids prepared by dilute sulfuric acid in the Sunds system and by controlled pH pretreatment than from Avicel at higher protein loadings. Inhibition by cellobiose was observed to depend on the type of substrate and pretreatment and hydrolysis times, with a corresponding impact of beta-glucosidase supplementation. Furthermore, for the first time, xylobiose and higher xylooligomers were shown to inhibit enzymatic hydrolysis of pure glucan, pure xylan, and pretreated corn stover, and xylose, xylobiose, and xylotriose were shown to have progressively greater effects on hydrolysis rates. Consistent with this, addition of xylanase and beta-xylosidase improved performance significantly. For a combined mass loading of cellulase and beta-glucosidase of 16.1 mg/g original glucan (about 7.5 FPU/g), glucose release from pretreated solids ranged from 50% to75% of the theoretical maximum and was greater for all pretreatments at all protein loadings compared to pure Avicel cellulose except for solids from controlled pH pretreatment and from dilute acid pretreatment by the Sunds pilot unit. The fraction of xylose released from pretreated solids was always less than for glucose, with the upper limit being about 60% of the maximum for ARP and the Sunds dilute acid pretreatments at a very high protein mass loading of 116 mg/g glucan (about 60 FPU).  相似文献   

Bovine serum albumin (BSA), Tween‐20, and polyethylene glycol (PEG6000) were added to washed corn stover solids produced by ammonia fiber expansion (AFEX), ammonia recycled percolation (ARP), dilute sulfuric acid (DA), lime, controlled pH, and sulfur dioxide (SO2) pretreatments and to untreated corn stover (UT) and pure Avicel glucan prior to adding cellulase supplemented with β‐glucosidase at an activity ratio of 1:2/g and a moderate enzyme loading of 16.1 mg/g glucan in the raw corn stover. The additives were applied individually at 150, 300, and 600 mg/g glucan in the pretreated solids and in combinations of equal amounts of each that totaled 600 mg/g. The greatest increase in total sugar release was by Tween‐20 with SO2 pretreated solids followed by PEG6000 with ARP solids and Tween‐20 with lime solids. The effectiveness of the additives was observed to depend on the type of sugars left in the solids, suggesting that it may be more beneficial to use the mixture of these additives to realize a high total sugar yield. In addition, little enhancement in sugar release was possible beyond a loading of 150 mg additives/g glucan for most pretreatments, and combinations did not improve sugar release much over use of additives alone for all except SO2. Additives were also found to significantly increase concentrations of cellobiose and cellooligomers after 72 h of Avicel hydrolysis. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;102: 1544–1557. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The high cost of enzymes is a major bottleneck preventing the development of an economically viable lignocellulosic ethanol industry. Commercial enzyme cocktails for the conversion of plant biomass to fermentable sugars are complex mixtures containing more than 80 proteins of suboptimal activities and relative proportions. As a step toward the development of a more efficient enzyme cocktail for biomass conversion, we have developed a platform, called GENPLAT, that uses robotic liquid handling and statistically valid experimental design to analyze synthetic enzyme mixtures. Commercial enzymes (Accellerase 1000 +/? Multifect Xylanase, and Spezyme CP +/? Novozyme 188) were used to test the system and serve as comparative benchmarks. Using ammonia‐fiber expansion (AFEX) pretreated corn stover ground to 0.5 mm and a glucan loading of 0.2%, an enzyme loading of 15 mg protein/g glucan, and 48 h digestion at 50°C, commercial enzymes released 53% and 41% of the available glucose and xylose, respectively. Mixtures of three, five, and six pure enzymes of Trichoderma species, expressed in Pichia pastoris, were systematically optimized. Statistical models were developed for the optimization of glucose alone, xylose alone, and the average of glucose + xylose for two digestion durations, 24 and 48 h. The resulting models were statistically significant (P < 0.0001) and indicated an optimum composition for glucose release (values for optimized xylose release are in parentheses) of 29% (5%) cellobiohydrolase 1, 5% (14%) cellobiohydrolase 2, 25% (25%) endo‐β1,4‐glucanase 1, 14% (5%) β‐glucosidase, 22% (34%) endo‐β1,4‐xylanase 3, and 5% (17%) β‐xylosidase in 48 h at a protein loading of 15 mg/g glucan. Comparison of two AFEX‐treated corn stover preparations ground to different particle sizes indicated that particle size (100 vs. 500 µm) makes a large difference in total digestibility. The assay platform and the optimized “core” set together provide a starting point for the rapid testing and optimization of alternate core enzymes from other microbial and recombinant sources as well as for the testing of “accessory” proteins for development of superior enzyme mixtures for biomass conversion. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;106: 707–720. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Introduction – Bioautographic assays using TLC play an important role in the search for active compounds from plants. A TLC assay has previously been established for the detection of β‐glucosidase inhibitors but not for α‐glucosidase. Nonetheless, α‐glucosidase inhibition is an important target for therapeutic agents against of type 2 diabetes and anti‐viral infections. Objective – To develop a TLC bioautographic method to detect α‐ and β‐glucosidase inhibitors in plant extracts. Methodology – The enzymes α‐ and β‐d ‐glucosidase were dissolved in sodium acetate buffer. After migration of the samples, the TLC plate was sprayed with enzyme solution and incubated at room temperature for 60 min in the case of α‐d ‐glucosidase, and 37°C for 20 min in the case of β‐d ‐glucosidase. For detection of the active enzyme, solutions of 2‐naphthyl‐α‐D‐glucopyranoside or 2‐naphthyl‐β‐D‐glucopyranoside and Fast Blue Salt were mixed at a ratio of 1 : 1 (for α‐d ‐glucosidase) or 1 : 4 (for β‐d ‐glucosidase) and sprayed onto the plate to give a purple background colouration after 2–5 min. Results – Enzyme inhibitors were visualised as white spots on the TLC plates. Conduritol B epoxide inhibited α‐d ‐glucosidase and β‐d ‐glucosidase down to 0.1 µg. Methanol extracts of Tussilago farfara and Urtica dioica after migration on TLC gave enzymatic inhibition when applied in amounts of 100 µg for α‐glucosidase and 50 µg for β‐glucosidase. Conclusion – The screening test was able to detect inhibition of α‐ and β‐glucosidases by pure reference substances and by compounds present in complex matrices, such as plant extracts. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is recognized that some form of post‐treatment will usually be required if reasonable hydrolysis yields (>60%) of steam pretreated softwood are to be achieved when using low enzyme loadings (5 FPU/g cellulose). In the work reported here we modified/removed lignin from steam pretreated softwood while investigating the influence that the severity of pretreatment might have on the effectiveness of subsequent post‐treatments. Although treatment at a lower severity could provide better overall hemicellulose recovery, post‐treatment was not as effective on the cellulosic component. Pretreatment at medium severity resulted in the best compromise, providing reasonable recovery of the water soluble hemicellulose sugars and the use of post‐treatment conditions that significantly increased the enzymatic hydrolysis of the water insoluble cellulosic component. Post‐treatment with alkaline hydrogen peroxide or neutral sulfonation resulted in 62% cellulose hydrolysis at an enzyme loading of 5 FPU/g cellulose, which was four times greater than was obtained when the cellulosic fraction was not post‐treated. When the enzyme loading was increased to 15 FPU/g cellulose, the post‐treated cellulosic fraction was almost completely hydrolyzed to glucose. Despite the higher lignin content (44%) of the sulfonated substrate, similar hydrolysis yields to those achieved after alkaline peroxide post‐treatment (14% lignin content) indicated that, in addition to lignin removal, lignin modification also plays an important role in influencing the effectiveness of hydrolysis when low enzyme loadings are used. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011;108: 2300–2311. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

王伟  李杏春  崔宝凯 《微生物学通报》2012,39(10):1524-1531
【目的】增强真菌预处理的效率和降低热水预处理对反应条件的要求。【方法】综合利用白腐菌和热水预处理毛白杨,分析此方法对毛白杨化学组分和酶水解效果的影响。【结果】白腐菌Lenzites betulinus C5617协同热水处理,损失率最高达70.70%。纤维素在2个预处理阶段都有损失,其中L.betulinus C5617达到29.62%。木质素的降解主要集中在白腐菌预处理阶段,其中L.betulinus C5617降解的酸不溶木素较多,达到了16.98%。综合预处理显著改善了毛白杨的酶水解效果。与只经热水预处理的样品相比较,L.betulinus C5617和P.sanguineus D9497协同热水处理分别引起还原糖得率上升了20.60%和12.23%。【结论】综合预处理降低了热水解对反应条件的要求,节约了预处理成本。  相似文献   

青贮对柳枝稷制取燃料乙醇转化过程的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青贮是一种传统的生物质原料保存方法,广泛应用于纤维素乙醇炼制领域尚需要考察其对原料品质和下游乙醇转化过程的影响。文中以秋季(初、中和末)收割的柳枝稷为原料,通过青贮、高温水热(LHW)预处理、纤维素酶水解和同步糖化与发酵(SSF)实验对上述问题予以回答。结果显示,秋季初收割的柳枝稷以不同湿度青贮后pH均小于4.0,干重损失小于2%,各主要成分与青贮前相比无明显变化;LHW预处理中青贮样品半纤维素水解率普遍高于未贮存样品,但青贮同样使原料获得了更高的发酵抑制物产生水平;青贮柳枝稷葡萄糖、木糖和半乳糖产量(预处理+酶水解)高于未贮存柳枝稷;经过168 h的SSF,青贮样品乙醇浓度为12.1 g/L,未贮存的秋季初、秋季中和秋季末柳枝稷为底物的浓度分别为10.3 g/L、9.7 g/L和10.6 g/L。综上,青贮有助于提高柳枝稷LHW预处理效率、酶水解率和乙醇产量。  相似文献   

Lignin content, composition, distribution as well as cell wall thickness, structures, and type of tissue have a measurable effect on enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose in lignocellulosic feedstocks. The first part of our work combined compositional analysis, pretreatment and enzyme hydrolysis for fractionated pith, rind, and leaf tissues from a hybrid stay-green corn, in order to identify the role of structural characteristics on enzyme hydrolysis of cell walls. The extent of enzyme hydrolysis follows the sequence rind < leaves < pith with 90% conversion of cellulose to glucose in 24 h in the best cases. Physical fractionation of corn stalks or other C(4) grasses into soft and hard tissue types could reduce cost of cellulose conversion by enabling reduced enzyme loadings to hydrolyze soft tissue, and directing the hard tissue to other uses such as thermal processing, combustion, or recycle to the land from which the corn was harvested.  相似文献   

In aquatic microbial ecology, it has been considered that most extracellular enzymes except phosphatases are of bacterial origin. We tested this paradigm by evaluating the relationship between bacterial cell number and the activity of three glycolytic enzymes from 17 fresh waters and also from a laboratory experiment. Our large sets of pooled data do not seem to support such a simple explanation, because we found only a weak correlation of bacterial number with activity of α‐glucosidase (rs = 0.63), β‐glucosidase (rs = 0.45), and βN‐acetylhexosaminidase (rs = 0.44). We also tested relations of the enzymatic activities to potential sources of natural substrates: dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and phytoplankton (as chlorophyll a). Their correlations with the enzymatic activities tested were very weak or insignificant. On the other hand, we found evidence for distinct producers of extracellular enzymes by analysing enzyme kinetics. The kinetics usually did not follow the simple Michaelis‐Menten model but a more complex one, indicating a mixture of two enzymes with distinct affinity to a substrate. In combination with size fractionation, we could sometimes even distinguish three or more different enzymes. During diatom blooms, the diatom biomass tightly correlated with βN‐acetylhexosaminidase activity (>4 μm fraction). We also documented very tight relationships between activity of both glucosidases and dry weight of Daphnia longispina (rs = 1.0 and 0.60 for α‐ and β‐glucosidases, respectively) in an alpine clear‐water lake. Our data and evidence from other studies indicate that extracellular glycosidic activities in aquatic ecosystems cannot generally be assigned only to bacteria. Also invertebrate animals and other eukaryotes (fungi, diatoms, protozoa etc.) should be considered as potentially very important enzyme producers. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

In the first part of our work, we combined compositional analysis, pretreatment and enzyme hydrolysis for fractionated pith, rind, and leaf tissues from a hybrid stay-green corn, in order to identify the role of structural characteristics on enzyme hydrolysis of cell walls. Hydrolysis experiments coupled with chemical analysis of the different fractions of corn stover showed significant differences in cell wall structure before and after liquid hot water pretreatment. The extent of enzyme hydrolysis followed the sequence rind < leaves < pith with 90% conversion of cellulose to glucose in 24 h in the best cases. Since similar lignin contents remained after liquid hot water pretreatment of leaves, rind, and pith, our results indicated that the amount of lignin alone is not sufficient to explain the different enzymatic hydrolysis characteristics of the fractions. While the role of structural characteristics on enzyme hydrolysis of cell walls is measured as described in part I, the SEM images presented in this part II of our work show that sugar yields from enzymatic hydrolysis of corn fractions correlate with changes in plant cell wall structure both before and after liquid hot water pretreatment.  相似文献   

A kinetic model incorporating dynamic adsorption, enzymatic hydrolysis, and product inhibition was developed for enzymatic hydrolysis of differently pretreated fibers from a nitrogen-rich lignocellulosic material-dairy manure. The effects of manure proteins on the enzyme adsorption profile during hydrolysis have been discussed. Enzyme activity, instead of protein concentration, was used to describe the enzymatic hydrolysis in order to avoid the effect of manure protein on enzyme protein analysis. Dynamic enzyme adsorption was modeled based on a Langmiur-type isotherm. A first-order reaction was applied to model the hydrolysis with consideration being given for the product inhibition. The model satisfactorily predicted the behaviors of enzyme adsorption, hydrolysis, and product inhibition for all five sample manure fibers. The reaction conditions were the substrate concentrations of 10-50 g/L, enzyme loadings of 7-150 FPU/g total substrate, and the reaction temperature of 50 degrees C.  相似文献   

Particle size associated with accessible surface area has a significant impact on the saccharification of plant cell walls by cellulolytic enzymes. Small particle sizes of untreated cellulosic substrate are more readily hydrolyzed than large ones because of higher specific surface area. Pretreatment enlarges accessible and susceptible surface area leading to enhanced cellulose hydrolysis. These hypotheses were tested using ground corn stover in the size ranges of 425-710 and 53-75 microm. Ultrastructural changes in these particles were imaged after treatment with cellulolytic enzymes before and after liquid hot water pretreatment. The smaller 53-75 microm corn stover particles are 1.5x more susceptible to hydrolysis than 425-710 microm corn stover particles. This difference between the two particle size ranges is eliminated when the stover is pretreated with liquid hot water pretreatment at 190 degrees C for 15 min, at pH between 4.3 and 6.2. This pretreatment causes ultrastructural changes and formation of micron-sized pores that make the cellulose more accessible to hydrolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

The adaptation of nine species of mites that infest stored products for starch utilization was tested by (1) enzymatic analysis using feces and whole mite extracts, (2) biotests, and (3) inhibition experiments. Acarus siro, Aleuroglyphus ovatus, and Tyroborus lini were associated with the starch‐type substrates and maltose, with higher enzymatic activities observed in whole mite extracts. Lepidoglyphus destructor was associated with the same substrates but had higher activities in feces. Dermatophagoides farinae, Chortoglyphus arcuatus, and Caloglyphus redickorzevi were associated with sucrose. Tyrophagus putrescentiae and Carpoglyphus lactis had low or intermediate enzymatic activity on the tested substrates. Biotests on starch additive diets showed accelerated growth of species associated with the starch‐type substrates. The inhibitor acarbose suppressed starch hydrolysis and growth of the mites. We suggest that the species with higher starch hydrolytic activity in feces were more tolerant to acarbose, and α‐amylase and α‐glucosidase of synanthropic mites are suitable targets for inhibitor‐based strategies of mite control. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In these studies, we pretreated sweet sorghum bagasse (SSB) using liquid hot water (LHW) or dilute H2SO4 (2 g L?1) at 190°C for zero min (as soon as temperature reached 190°C, cooling was started) to reduce generation of sugar degradation fermentation inhibiting products such as furfural and hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF). The solids loading were 250–300 g L?1. This was followed by enzymatic hydrolysis. After hydrolysis, 89.0 g L?1 sugars, 7.60 g L?1 acetic acid, 0.33 g L?1 furfural, and 0.07 g L?1 HMF were released. This pretreatment and hydrolysis resulted in the release of 57.9% sugars. This was followed by second hydrolysis of the fibrous biomass which resulted in the release of 43.64 g L?1 additional sugars, 2.40 g L?1 acetic acid, zero g L?1 furfural, and zero g L?1 HMF. In both the hydrolyzates, 86.3% sugars present in SSB were released. Fermentation of the hydrolyzate I resulted in poor acetone‐butanol‐ethanol (ABE) fermentation. However, fermentation of the hydrolyzate II was successful and produced 13.43 g L?1 ABE of which butanol was the main product. Use of 2 g L?1 H2SO4 as a pretreatment medium followed by enzymatic hydrolysis resulted in the release of 100.6–93.8% (w/w) sugars from 250 to 300 g L?1 SSB, respectively. LHW or dilute H2SO4 were used to economize production of cellulosic sugars from SSB. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 34:960–966, 2018  相似文献   

Two different series of novel β‐ketoamide curcumin analogs enriched in biological activities have been synthesized. The synthesized compounds were screened for their in vitro anti‐diabetic and AGEs inhibitory activities and exhibited potent to good anti‐diabetic and AGEs inhibitory activities. The molecular docking study was also performed with the α‐amylase enzyme.  相似文献   

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