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Pakistani camels have been classified socio-geographically into 20 breeds, but they have not yet been subjected to substantial selective pressures and the genetic basis for these breeds is not understood. However, it should be possible to distinguish them by use of molecular data. This study investigated the genetic diversity and population structure within and between two major Pakistani camel breeds, Marecha and Lassi. As no SNP array is currently available, we first identified 63 619 SNPs using a genotyping by sequencing approach. After quality control, a panel of 36 926 SNPs was used in the analysis. Population structure was investigated with a principal coordinate analysis as well as a cluster analysis using NetView , and multilocus heterozygosity analysis to explore between- and within-breed genetic variation. In addition, between-breed variation was explored using the fixation index, FST. We also compared relationship matrices computed using the VanRaden SNP-based method and a method developed specifically for genotyping by sequencing data. Among the two camel breeds, Lassi showed a lower level of genetic diversity whereas Marecha showed a higher level. As a genotyping platform has not yet been developed for the camel, the SNPs discovered in this study will be useful in future genetic studies in camels.  相似文献   

Brassica napus (AnAnCnCn) is an important worldwide oilseed crop, but it is a young allotetraploid with a short evolutionary history and limited genetic diversity. To significantly broaden its genetic diversity and create a novel heterotic population for sustainable rapeseed breeding, this study reconstituted the genome of B. napus by replacing it with the subgenomes from 122 accessions of Brassica rapa (ArAr) and 74 accessions of Brassica carinata (BcBcCcCc) and developing a novel gene pool of B. napus through five rounds of extensive recurrent selection. When compared with traditional B. napus using SSR markers and high‐throughput SNP/Indel markers through genotyping by sequencing, the newly developed gene pool and its homozygous progenies exhibited a large genetic distance, rich allelic diversity, new alleles and exotic allelic introgression across all 19 AC chromosomes. In addition to the abundant genomic variation detected in the AC genome, we also detected considerable introgression from the eight chromosomes of the B genome. Extensive trait variation and some genetic improvements were present from the early recurrent selection to later generations. This novel gene pool produced equally rich phenotypic variation and should be valuable for rapeseed genetic improvement. By reconstituting the genome of B. napus by introducing subgenomic variation within and between the related species using intense selection and recombination, the whole genome could be substantially reorganized. These results serve as an example of the manipulation of the genome of a young allopolyploid and provide insights into its rapid genome evolution affected by interspecific and intraspecific crosses.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Characterizing genetic diversity through genotyping short amplicons is central to evolutionary biology. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies changed the scale at which these type of data are acquired. SESAME is a web application package that assists genotyping of multiplexed individuals for several markers based on NGS amplicon sequencing. It automatically assigns reads to loci and individuals, corrects reads if standard samples are available and provides an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) for allele validation based on the sequences and associated decision-making tools. The aim of SESAME is to help allele identification among a large number of sequences. AVAILABILITY: SESAME and its documentation are freely available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Licence for Windows and Linux from http://www1.montpellier.inra.fr/CBGP/NGS/ or http://tinyurl.com/ngs-sesame.  相似文献   



PCR amplicon sequencing has been widely used as a targeted approach for both DNA and RNA sequence analysis. High multiplex PCR has further enabled the enrichment of hundreds of amplicons in one simple reaction. At the same time, the performance of PCR amplicon sequencing can be negatively affected by issues such as high duplicate reads, polymerase artifacts and PCR amplification bias. Recently researchers have made some good progress in addressing these shortcomings by incorporating molecular barcodes into PCR primer design. So far, most work has been demonstrated using one to a few pairs of primers, which limits the size of the region one can analyze.


We developed a simple protocol, which enables the use of molecular barcodes in high multiplex PCR with hundreds of amplicons. Using this protocol and reference materials, we demonstrated the applications in accurate variant calling at very low fraction over a large region and in targeted RNA quantification. We also evaluated the protocol’s utility in profiling FFPE samples.


We demonstrated the successful implementation of molecular barcodes in high multiplex PCR, with multiplex scale many times higher than earlier work. We showed that the new protocol combines the benefits of both high multiplex PCR and molecular barcodes, i.e. the analysis of a very large region, low DNA input requirement, very good reproducibility and the ability to detect as low as 1 % mutations with minimal false positives (FP).

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1806-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are essential to the understanding of population genetic variation and diversity. Here, we performed restriction‐site‐associated DNA sequencing (RAD‐seq) on 72 individuals from 13 Chinese indigenous and three introduced chicken breeds. A total of 620 million reads were obtained using an Illumina Hiseq2000 sequencer. An average of 75 587 SNPs were identified from each individual. Further filtering strictly validated 28 895 SNPs candidates for all populations. When compared with the NCBI dbSNP (chicken_9031), 15 404 SNPs were new discoveries. In this study, RAD‐seq was performed for the first time on chickens, implicating the remarkable effectiveness and potential applications on genetic analysis and breeding technique for whole‐genome selection in chicken and other agricultural animals.  相似文献   



Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the most common type of genetic variation. Identification of large numbers of SNPs is helpful for genetic diversity analysis, map-based cloning, genome-wide association analyses and marker-assisted breeding. Recently, identifying genome-wide SNPs in allopolyploid Brassica napus (rapeseed, canola) by resequencing many accessions has become feasible, due to the availability of reference genomes of Brassica rapa (2n = AA) and Brassica oleracea (2n = CC), which are the progenitor species of B. napus (2n = AACC). Although many SNPs in B. napus have been released, the objective in the present study was to produce a larger, more informative set of SNPs for large-scale and efficient genotypic screening. Hence, short-read genome sequencing was conducted on ten elite B. napus accessions for SNP discovery. A subset of these SNPs was randomly selected for sequence validation and for genotyping efficiency testing using the Illumina GoldenGate assay.


A total of 892,536 bi-allelic SNPs were discovered throughout the B. napus genome. A total of 36,458 putative amino acid variants were located in 13,552 protein-coding genes, which were predicted to have enriched binding and catalytic activity as a result. Using the GoldenGate genotyping platform, 94 of 96 SNPs sampled could effectively distinguish genotypes of 130 lines from two mapping populations, with an average call rate of 92%.


Despite the polyploid nature of B. napus, nearly 900,000 simple SNPs were identified by whole genome resequencing. These SNPs were predicted to be effective in high-throughput genotyping assays (51% polymorphic SNPs, 92% average call rate using the GoldenGate assay, leading to an estimated >450 000 useful SNPs). Hence, the development of a much larger genotyping array of informative SNPs is feasible. SNPs identified in this study to cause non-synonymous amino acid substitutions can also be utilized to directly identify causal genes in association studies.  相似文献   

Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)are molecular markers based on nucleotide variation and can be used for genotyping assays across populations and to track genomic inheritance. SNPs offer a comprehensive genotyping alternative to whole-genome sequencing for both agricultural and research purposes including molecular breeding and diagnostics, genome evolution and genetic diversity analyses, genetic mapping, and trait association studies. Here genomic SNPs were discovered between four cultivars of the important amphidiploid oilseed species Brassica napus and used to develop a B. napus Infinium? array containing 5,306 SNPs randomly dispersed across the genome. Assay success was high, with >94 % of these producing a reproducible, polymorphic genotype in the 1,070 samples screened. Although the assay was designed to B. napus, successful SNP amplification was achieved in the B. napus progenitor species, Brassica rapa and Brassica oleracea, and to a lesser extent in the related species Brassica nigra. Phylogenetic analysis was consistent with the expected relationships between B. napus individuals. This study presents an efficient custom SNP assay development pipeline in the complex polyploid Brassica genome and demonstrates the utility of the array for high-throughput genotyping in a number of related Brassica species. It also demonstrates the utility of this assay in genotyping resistance genes on chromosome A7, which segregate amongst the 1,070 samples.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: High-resolution HLA genotyping is a critical diagnostic and research assay. Current methods rarely achieve unambiguous high-resolution typing without making population-specific frequency inferences due to a lack of locus coverage and difficulty in exon-phase matching. Achieving high-resolution typing is also becoming more challenging with traditional methods as the database of known HLA alleles increases. RESULTS: We designed a cDNA amplicon-based pyrosequencing method to capture 94% of the HLA class I open-reading-frame with only two amplicons per sample, and an analogous method for class II HLA genes, with a primary focus on sequencing the DRB loci. We present a novel Galaxy server-based analysis workflow for determining genotype. During assay validation, we performed two GS Junior sequencing runs to determine the accuracy of the HLA class I amplicons and DRB amplicon at different levels of multiplexing. When 116 amplicons were multiplexed, we unambiguously resolved 99%of class I alleles to four- or six-digit resolution, as well as 100% unambiguous DRB calls. The second experiment, with 271 multiplexed amplicons, missed some alleles, but generated high-resolution, concordant typing for 93% of class I alleles, and 96% for DRB1 alleles. In a third, preliminary experiment we attempted to sequence novel amplicons for other class II loci with mixed success. CONCLUSIONS: The presented assay is higher-throughput and higher-resolution than existing HLA genotyping methods, and suitable for allele discovery or large cohort sampling. The validated class I and DRB primers successfully generated unambiguously high-resolution genotypes, while further work is needed to validate additional class II genotyping amplicons.  相似文献   

We describe a method for the efficient genotyping of SNPs, involving sequencing of ordered and catenated sequence-tagged sites (OCS). In OCS, short genomic segments, each containing an SNP, are amplified by PCR using primers that carry specially designed extra nucleotides at their 5′-ends. Amplification products are then combined and converted to a concatamer in a defined order by a second round of thermal cycling. The concatenation takes place because the 5′-ends of each amplicon are designed to be complementary to the ends of the presumptive neighboring amplicons. The primer sequences for OCS are chosen using newly developed dedicated software, OCS Optimizer. Using sets of SNPs, we show that at least 10 STSs can be concatenated in a predefined order and all SNPs in the STSs are accurately genotyped by one two-way sequencing reaction.  相似文献   



Unambiguous human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing is important in transplant matching and disease association studies. High-resolution HLA typing that is not restricted to the peptide-binding region can decrease HLA allele ambiguities. Cost and technology constraints have hampered high-throughput and efficient high resolution unambiguous HLA typing. We have developed a method for HLA genotyping that preserves the very high-resolution that can be obtained by next-generation sequencing (NGS) but also achieves substantially increased efficiency. Unambiguous HLA-A, B, C and DRB1 genotypes can be determined for 96 individuals in a single run of the Illumina MiSeq.


Long-range amplification of full-length HLA genes from four loci was performed in separate polymerase chain reactions (PCR) using primers and PCR conditions that were optimized to reduce co-amplification of other HLA loci. Amplicons from the four HLA loci of each individual were then pooled and subjected to enzymatic library generation. All four loci of an individual were then tagged with one unique index combination. This multi-locus individual tagging (MIT) method combined with NGS enabled the four loci of 96 individuals to be analyzed in a single 500 cycle sequencing paired-end run of the Illumina-MiSeq. The MIT-NGS method generated sequence reads from the four loci were then discriminated using commercially available NGS HLA typing software. Comparison of the MIT-NGS with Sanger sequence-based HLA typing methods showed that all the ambiguities and discordances between the two methods were due to the accuracy of the MIT-NGS method.


The MIT-NGS method enabled accurate, robust and cost effective simultaneous analyses of four HLA loci per sample and produced 6 or 8-digit high-resolution unambiguous phased HLA typing data from 96 individuals in a single NGS run.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-864) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Adaptation of DNA melting analysis for polymorphic single nucleotides (SNPs) genotyping using an unlabeled oligonucleotide probe for polymorphic DNAs under the presence of fluorescent DNA binding dye necessitates a reaction condition where the probe efficiently associates with a target strand that is PCR amplified. We present experimental evidence that application of an unlabeled probe to a dilute PCR amplicon provides a condition such that the fluorescent signals gained subsequently by probe melting are sufficient to discriminate allelic identities. This approach is best exploited by adapting the multiplexing PCR technique in order to cover multiple SNPs for given samples. 3′-end modification of the probe is unnecessary as the amplicon dilution step provides a way of inactivating the polymerase through divalent cation chelation. With the use of low-cost reagents and ordinary laboratory equipment, this method offers a rapid, simple and cost-efficient way of SNP genotyping.  相似文献   

Allopolyploidy is a significant mechanism of plant speciation, and many allopolyploid species have arisen recurrently. However, the probability that allopolyploidization between the same two parental species could lead to the origin of different taxa has received little attention. Here we used a new progenitor‐specific amplicon sequencing method to demonstrate the independent origins of two yarrow species, Achillea alpina L. and Achillea wilsoniana Heimerl ex Hand.‐Mazz., through allotetraploidy from the same diploid progenitor species pair, Achillea acuminata (Ledeb.) Sch. Bip. and Achillea asiatica Serg. Based on the sequences of 17 nuclear genes from 21 wild populations of the four Achillea species investigated, a clear view of genetic structure and demographic history was obtained with each species. Significant genetic differentiation was evident between the two tetraploid species. Two genetically distinguishable groups were detected within one of the progenitor, A. acuminata, and ancestors belonging to those two groups contributed to the two tetraploid species. Excluding fixed heterozygosity, we detected extremely low genetic diversity in many populations of both tetraploid species. Approximate Bayesian computation indicated that both tetraploid species originated before the Last Glacial Maximum, and nearly all diploid lineages went through population declines after the allopolyploidization events. Our study indicates that independent allopolyploidization events between the same Achillea parental species have generated two genetically and ecologically distinct taxa.  相似文献   

Xiong Z  Pires JC 《Genetics》2011,187(1):37-49
Investigating recombination of homoeologous chromosomes in allopolyploid species is central to understanding plant breeding and evolution. However, examining chromosome pairing in the allotetraploid Brassica napus has been hampered by the lack of chromosome-specific molecular probes. In this study, we establish the identification of all homoeologous chromosomes of allopolyploid B. napus by using robust molecular cytogenetic karyotypes developed for the progenitor species Brassica rapa (A genome) and Brassica oleracea (C genome). The identification of every chromosome among these three Brassica species utilized genetically mapped bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) from B. rapa as probes for fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). With this BAC-FISH data, a second karyotype was developed using two BACs that contained repetitive DNA sequences and the ubiquitous ribosomal and pericentromere repeats. Using this diagnostic probe mix and a BAC that contained a C-genome repeat in two successive hybridizations allowed for routine identification of the corresponding homoeologous chromosomes between the A and C genomes of B. napus. When applied to the B. napus cultivar Stellar, we detected one chromosomal rearrangement relative to the parental karyotypes. This robust novel chromosomal painting technique will have biological applications for the understanding of chromosome pairing, homoeologous recombination, and genome evolution in the genus Brassica and will facilitate new applied breeding technologies that rely upon identification of chromosomes.  相似文献   

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