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We studied recovery of poly(3-hydroxybutyric acid) (PHB) from Alcaligenes eutrophus and a recombinant Escherichia coli strain harboring the A. eutrophus poly(3-hydroxyalkanoic acid) biosynthesis genes. The amount of PHB degraded to a lower-molecular-weight compound in A. eutrophus during the recovery process was significant when sodium hypochlorite was used, but the amount degraded in the recombinant E. coli strain was negligible. However, there was no difference between the two microorganisms in the patterns of molecular weight change when PHB was recovered by using dispersions of a sodium hypochlorite solution and chloroform. To understand these findings, we examined purified PHB and lyophilized cells containing PHB by using a differential scanning calorimeter, a thermogravimetric analyzer, and nuclear magnetic resonance. The results of our analysis of lyophilized whole cells containing PHB with the differential scanning calorimeter suggested that the PHB granules in the recombinant E. coli strain were crystalline, while most of the PHB in A. eutrophus was in a mobile amorphous state. The stability of the native PHB in the recombinant E. coli strain during sodium hypochlorite treatment seemed to be due to its crystalline morphology. In addition, as determined by the thermogravimetric analyzer study, lyophilized cell powder of the recombinant E. coli strain containing PHB exhibited greater thermal stability than purified PHB obtained by chloroform extraction. The PHB preparations extracted from the two microorganisms had identical polymer properties.  相似文献   

Ribosomal rRNA gene fragments (rDNA) encompassing the 16S rDNA, the 16S-23S rDNA spacer region and part of the 23S rDNA of 95 strains belonging to 13 well-described taxa of the eubacterial family Comamonadaceae (beta subclass of the Proteobacteria or rRNA superfamily III) were enzymatically amplified using conserved primers. The fragments of approximately 2400 base pairs were subjected to restriction analysis. Restriction fragment length patterns obtained with HinfI enabled us to distinguish 9 of the 13 taxa studied. Restriction with CfoI was necessary to differentiate Acidovorax delafieldii from A. temperans and Hydrogenophaga flava from H. pseudoflava. The results indicate that amplified rDNA restriction analysis is a simple and reliable tool for the identification of bacterial species.  相似文献   

The gene locus acoE, which is involved in the utilization of acetoin in Alcaligenes eutrophus, was identified as the structural gene of an acetyl coenzyme A synthetase (acetate:coenzyme A ligase [AMP forming]; EC This gene was localized on a 3.8-kbp SmaI-EcoRI subfragment of an 8.1-kbp EcoRI restriction fragment (fragment E) that was cloned recently (C. Fründ, H. Priefert, A. Steinbüchel, and H. G. Schlegel, J. Bacteriol. 171:6539-6548, 1989). The 1,983 bp acoE gene encoded a protein with a relative molecular weight of 72,519, and it was preceded by a putative Shine-Dalgarno sequence. A comparison analysis of the amino acid sequence deduced from acoE revealed a high degree of homology to primary structures of acetyl coenzyme A synthetases from other sources (amounting to up to 50.5% identical amino acids). Tn5 insertions in two transposon-induced mutants of A. eutrophus, that were impaired in the catabolism of acetoin were mapped 481 and 1,159 bp downstream from the translational start codon of acoE. The expression of acoE in Escherichia coli led to the formation of an acyl coenzyme A synthetase that accepted acetate as the preferred substrate (100% relative activity) but also reacted with propionate (46%) and hydroxypropionate (87%); fatty acids consisting of four or more carbon atoms were not accepted. In addition, evidence for the presence of a second acyl coenzyme A synthetase was obtained; this enzyme exhibited a different substrate specificity. The latter enzyme is obviously required for the activation of propionate, e.g., during the formation of the storage compound poly(3-hydroxybutyric acid-co-3-hydroxyvaleric acid) when propionate is provided as the sole carbon source. An analysis of mutants provided evidence that the expression of the uptake protein for propionate depends on the presence of alternate sigma factor sigma 54.  相似文献   

Copolyesters of 3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB) and 4-hydroxybutyrate (4HB) were produced by Alcaligenes eutrophus at 30 degrees C in nitrogen-free culture solutions containing gamma-butyrolactone alone or with fructose or butyric acid as the carbon sources. When gamma-butyrolactone was used as the sole carbon source, the 4HB fraction in copolyester increased from 9 to 21 mol% as the concentration of gamma-butyrolactone in the culture solution increased from 10 to 25 g/l. The addition of fructose to the culture solution of gamma-butyrolactone resulted in a decrease in the 4HB fraction in copolyester. The copolyesters produced from gamma-butyrolactone and fructose by A. eutrophus were shown to have random sequence distribution of 3HB and 4HB units by analysis of the 125 MHz 13C n.m.r. spectra. In contrast, a mixture of random copolyesters with two different 4HB fractions was produced by A. eutrophus when gamma-butyrolactone and butyric acid were used as the carbon sources. These results are discussed on the basis of a proposed biosynthetic pathway of P(3HB-co-4HB). The copolyester films became soft with an increase in the 4HB fraction, and the elongation to break at 23 degrees C increased from 5 to 444% as the 4HB fraction increased from 0 to 16 mol%. The P(3HB-co-10% 4HB) film was shown to be biodegradable in an activated sludge.  相似文献   

The phbC gene encoding the third enzyme of the poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate biosynthetic pathway, poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate polymerase, in Alcaligenes eutrophus H16 has been identified by the complementation of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate negative mutants of A. eutrophus H16. These results demonstrate that the three enzymes of the poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate biosynthetic pathway are organized phbC-phbA-phbB. Expression of all three genes in Escherichia coli results in a significant level (50% dry cell weight) of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate production. phbC encodes a polypeptide of Mr = 63,900 which has a hydropathy profile distinct from typical membrane proteins indicating that poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate biosynthesis probably does not involve a membrane complex.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli pfkA gene has been cloned in the non-self-transmissible vector pVK101 from hybrid plasmids obtained from the Clarke and Carbon clone bank, resulting in the plasmids pAS300 and pAS100; the latter plasmid also encoded the E. coli tpi gene. These plasmids were transferred by conjugation to mutants of Alcaligenes eutrophus which are unable to grow on fructose and gluconate due to lack of 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate aldolase activity. These transconjugants recovered the ability to grow on fructose and harbored pAS100 or pAS300. After growth on fructose, the transconjugants contained phosphofructokinase at specific activities between 0.73 and 1.83 U/mg of protein, indicating that the E. coli pfkA gene is readily expressed in A. eutrophus and that the utilization of fructose occurs via the Embden-Meyerhof pathway instead of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway. In contrast, transconjugants of the wild type of A. eutrophus, which are potentially able to catabolize fructose via both pathways, grew at a decreased rate on fructose and during growth on fructose did not stably maintain pAS100 or pAS300. Indications for a glycolytic futile cycling of fructose 6-phosphate and fructose 1,6-bisphosphate are discussed. Plasmid pA 100 was also transferred to 14 different species of gram-negative bacteria. The pfkA gene was expressed in most of these species. In addition, most transconjugants of these strains and of A. eutrophus exhibited higher specific activities of triosephosphate isomerase than did the corresponding parent strains.  相似文献   

Eight mutants of Alcaligenes eutrophus defective in the intracellular accumulation of poly-beta-hydroxybutyric acid (PHB) were isolated after transposon Tn5 mutagenesis with the suicide vector pSUP5011. EcoRI fragments which harbor Tn5-mob were isolated from pHC79 cosmid gene banks. One of them, PPT1, was used as a probe to detect the intact 12.5-kilobase-pair EcoRI fragment PP1 in a lambda L47 gene bank of A. eutrophus genomic DNA. In six of these mutants (PSI, API, GPI, GPIV, GPV, and GPVI) the insertion of Tn5-mob was physically mapped within a region of approximately 1.2 kilobase pairs in PP1; in mutant API, cointegration of vector DNA has occurred. In two other mutants (GPII and GPIII), most probably only the insertion element had inserted into PP1. All PHB-negative mutants were completely impaired in the formation of active PHB synthase, which was measured by a radiometric assay. In addition, activities of beta-ketothiolase and of NADPH-dependent acetoacetyl coenzyme A (acetoacetyl-CoA) reductase were diminished, whereas the activity of NADPH-dependent acetoacetyl-CoA reductase was unaffected. In all PHB-negative mutants the ability to accumulate PHB was restored upon complementation in trans with PP1. The PHB-synthetic pathway of A. eutrophus was heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli. Recombinant strains of E. coli JM83 and K-12, which harbor pUC9-1::PP1, pSUP202::PP1, or pVK101::PP1, accumulated PHB up to 30% of the cellular dry weight. Crude extracts of these cells had significant activities of the enzymes PHB synthase, beta-ketothiolase, and NADPH-dependent acetoacetyl-CoA reductase. Therefore, PP1 most probably encodes all three genes of the PHB-synthetic pathway in A. eutrophus. In addition to PHB-negative mutants, we isolated mutants which accumulate PHB at a much lower rate than the wild type does. These PHB-leaky mutants exhibited activities of all three PHB-synthetic enzymes; Tn5-mob had not inserted into PP1, and the phenotype of the wild type could not be restored with fragment PP1. The rationale for this mutant type remains unknown.  相似文献   

The Alcaligenes eutrophus genes for beta-ketothiolase, NADPH-dependent acetoacetyl-CoA reductase and poly(beta-hydroxybutyric acid) synthase (PHB synthase) which comprise the three-step PHB-biosynthetic pathway, were cloned. Molecular studies revealed that these genes are organized in a single operon. The A. eutrophus PHB-biosynthetic genes are readily expressed in other bacteria, and DNA fragments harbouring the operon can be used as a cartridge to confer to other bacteria the ability to synthesize PHB from acetyl-CoA. The biochemical and physiological capabilities of A. eutrophus for the synthesis of a wide variety of polyhydroxyalkanoates are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The phenotypically silent cyclopropane fatty acid synthesis (cfa) gene of Escherichia coli K-12 has been located on the genetic linkage map. This was accomplished by integrating (via homologous recombination) the selectable marker of a recombinant plasmid into the host chromosome near the cfa locus. This integration allowed the subsequent isolation of a cfa-linked transposon Tn10 insertion. Genetic mapping of the Tn10 insertion, using conventional techniques, placed the cfa locus at min 36.5 on the linkage map in the vicinity of several other non-selectable markers. We ordered cfa and these other loci by three-factor transductional analyses. Selection for excision of the Tn10 element resulted in several types of mutants which harbor mutations of cfa and of neighboring genes, presumably as a consequence of Tn10-catalyzed chromosomal rearrangements.  相似文献   

Summary The acoD gene of Alcaligenes eutrophus, which encodes a very stable NAD dependent aldehyde dehydrogenase with high affinity toward acetaldehyde (K m = 4M), was overexpressed in Escherichia coli. Plasmid pDel087, a deletion derivative of a plasmid constructed recently (Priefert et al., 1992), conferred acetaldehyde dehydrogenase activity of 2.5 U/mg of protein to E. coli, which was about 8-fold higher than the activity in ethanol-grown cells of A. eutrophus.  相似文献   

Two extragenic suppressors which allow temperature-sensitive htrA mutant Escherichia coli bacteria to grow at 42 degrees C and simultaneously acquire a cold-sensitive phenotype at 30 degrees C were isolated. The cold-sensitive phenotype exhibited by one of the mutants was used to clone the corresponding wild-type copy of the suppressor gene. This was done through complementation with a mini-mu plasmid E. coli DNA library, by selection for colonies which were no longer cold sensitive, at 30 degrees C. The cloned suppressor gene was shown to complement the cold-sensitive phenotype of both suppressor mutations. It was mapped to 68 min on the E. coli chromosome through hybridization to the Kohara library of overlapping lambda transducing bacteriophages, which covers the entire E. coli chromosome. The complementing gene was further subcloned on an 830-base-pair (bp) DNA fragment. DNA sequencing revealed the presence of an open reading frame (ORF) of 333 bp which could encode a protein of 12,359 Mr. Subcloning of various DNA fragments from within this 830-bp DNA fragment suggests that this ORF is most likely responsible for suppression of the cold-sensitive phenotype of the htrA suppressor bacteria. By using a T7 polymerase system to overproduce plasmid-encoded proteins, a protein of approximately 12,000 Mr was produced by this cloned DNA fragment. This ORF defines a previously undiscovered gene in E. coli, called sohA (suppressor of htrA).  相似文献   

Summary Transposon Tn 951-encoded -galactosidase was expressed in Pseudomonas saccharophila and enabled this bacterium to grow on lactose as sole carbon source. In contrast, -galactosidase was not expressed in Alcaligenes eutrophus even if the lacZ gene of Tn 951 was separated from the lacI gene. However, -galactosidase was expressed in A. eutrophus, if a DNA fragment, which was suspected to harbour the promoter of the A. eutrophus poly(3-hydroxybutyric acid)-synthetic genes, was ligated to the promoter probe vector pMC1403, which employs lac Z, Y as reporter genes. Plasmid pPL76, which harboured one of the promoter-lac fusions, enabled A. eutrophus not only to express -galactosidase but also to grow slowly on lactose (doubling time = 25–30 h). Subsequently, the promoter-lac fusion was ligated to Tn5 in pSUP5011 and was inserted into the genome of A. eutrophus H16 and of the glucose-utilizing mutant H16-G+1 by applying the suicide plasmid technique. Two recombinant strains, H16-cPL and H16-G+1-cPL, which grow with a doubling time of 16–23 h on lactose, were investigated in detail. The cells only utilized the glucose residue of lactose as a carbon source for grouth and excreted galactose into the medium. Only after the Escherichia coli gal operon had been cloned in vector pVK101 and had been mobilized to H16-cPL or H16-G+1-cPL, was lactose completely utilized; no galactose was detected in the medium and the growth yields increased twofold. Depending on the orientation of the gal operon in pVK101, the expression of galactokinase seems to be dependent either on the promoter of aminoglycoside phosphotransferase gene (kan) or on the promoter of the tetR gene. Offprint requests to: A. Steinbüchel  相似文献   

The extracellular poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) depolymerase gene from Alcaligenes faecalis T1 was cloned into Escherichia coli DH1 by using the plasmid pUC8. An A. faecalis T1 genomic library was prepared in E. coli from a partial Sau3AI digest and screened with antibody against the depolymerase. Of the 29 antibody-positive clones, 1 (pDP14), containing about 4 kilobase pairs of A. faecalis T1 DNA, caused expression of a high level of depolymerase activity in E. coli. The enzyme purified from E. coli was not significantly different from the depolymerase of A. faecalis in molecular weight, immunological properties, peptide map, specific activity, or substrate specificity. Most of the expressed enzyme was found to be localized in the periplasmic space of E. coli, although about 10% of the total activity was found in the culture medium. Results of a deletion experiment with pDP14 showed that a large SalI fragment of about 2 kilobase pairs was responsible for expression of the enzyme in E. coli. The nucleotide sequence of the large SalI fragment has been determined. Comparison of the deduced amino terminus with that obtained from sequence analysis of the purified protein indicated that poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) depolymerase exists as a 488-amino-acid precursor with a signal peptide of 27 amino acids.  相似文献   

We cloned and sequenced the sohB gene of Escherichia coli. The temperature-sensitive phenotype of bacteria that carry a Tn10 insertion in the htrA (degP) gene is relieved when the sohB gene is present in the cell on a multicopy plasmid (30 to 50 copies per cell). The htrA gene encodes a periplasmic protease required for bacterial viability only at high temperature, i.e., above 39 degrees C. The sohB gene maps to 28 min on the E. coli chromosome, precisely between the topA and btuR genes. The gene encodes a 39,000-Mr precursor protein which is processed to a 37,000-Mr mature form. Sequencing of a DNA fragment containing the gene revealed an open reading frame which could encode a protein of Mr 39,474 with a predicted signal sequence cleavage site between amino acids 22 and 23. Cleavage at this site would reduce the size of the processed protein to 37,474 Mr. The predicted protein encoded by the open reading frame has homology with the inner membrane enzyme protease IV of E. coli, which digests cleaved signal peptides. Therefore, it is possible that the sohB gene encodes a previously undiscovered periplasmic protease in E. coli that, when overexpressed, can partially compensate for the missing HtrA protein function.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the Escherichia coli mhpB gene, encoding 2,3-dihydroxyphenylpropionate 1,2-dioxygenase, was determined by sequencing of a 3.1-kb fragment of DNA from Kohara phage 139. The inferred amino acid sequence showed 58% sequence identity with the sequence of an extradiol dioxygenase, MpcI, from Alcaligenes eutrophus and 10 to 20% sequence identity with protocatechuate 4,5-dioxygenase from Pseudomonas paucimobilis, with 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetate 2,3-dioxygenase from E. coli, and with human 3-hydroxyanthranilate dioxygenase. Sequence similarity between the N- and C-terminal halves of this new family of dioxygenases was detected, with conserved histidine residues in the N-terminal domain. A model is proposed to account for the relationship between this family of enzymes and other extradiol dioxygenases. The A. eutrophus MpcI enzyme was expressed in E. coli, purified, and characterized as a protein with a subunit size of 33.8 kDa. Purified MhpB and MpcI showed similar substrate specificities for a range of 3-substituted catechols, and evidence for essential histidine and cysteine residues in both enzymes was obtained.  相似文献   

From genomic libraries of the purple non-sulfur bacteria Rhodospirillum rubrum Ha and Rhodobacter sphaeroides ATCC 17023 in the broad-host range cosmid pVK100, we cloned a 15- and a 14-kbp HindIII restriction fragment, respectively. Each of these fragments restored the ability to accumulate poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB), in the PHB-negative mutant Alcaligenes eutrophus PHB-4. These hybrid cosmids also complemented PHB-negative mutants derived from wild-type R. rubrum or R. sphaeroides. Both fragments hybridized with the PHB synthase structural gene of A. eutrophus H16 and conferred the ability to express PHB synthase activity. Only the 15-kbp HindIII fragment from R. rubrum conferred on the mutant PHB-4 the ability to form large PHB granules (length up to 3.5 microns).  相似文献   

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