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Ahrens CH  Brunner E  Hafen E  Aebersold R  Basler K 《Fly》2007,1(3):182-186
Proteomic analyses are critically important for systems biology because important aspects related to the structure, function and control of biological systems are only amenable by direct protein measurements. It has become apparent that the current proteomics technologies are unlikely to allow routine, quantitative measurements of whole proteomes. We have therefore suggested and largely implemented a two-step strategy for quantitative proteome analysis. In a first step, the discovery phase, the proteome observable by mass spectrometry is extensively analyzed. The resulting proteome catalog can then be used to select peptides specific to only one protein, so-called proteotypic peptides (PTPs). It represents the basis to realize sensitive, robust and reproducible measurements based on targeted mass spectrometry of these PTPs in a subsequent scoring phase. In this Extra View we describe the need for such proteome catalogs and their multiple benefits for catalyzing the shift towards targeted quantitative proteomic analysis and beyond. We use the Insulin signaling cascade as a representative example to illustrate the limitations of currently used proteomics approaches for the specific analysis of individual pathway components, and describe how the recently published Drosophila proteome catalog already helped to overcome many of these limitations.  相似文献   

Characterization of the Drosophila melanogaster mitochondrial proteome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have combined high-resolution two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis with mass spectrometry with the aim of identifying proteins represented in the 2-D gel database of Drosophila melanogaster mitochondria. First, we purified mitochondria from third instar Drosophila larvae and constructed a high-resolution 2-D gel database containing 231 silver-stained polypeptides. Next, we carried out preparative 2-D PAGE to isolate some of the polypeptides and characterize them by MALDI-TOF analysis. Using this strategy, we identified 66 mitochondrial spots in the database, and in each case confirmed their identity by MALDI-TOF/TOF analysis. In addition, we generated antibodies against two of the mitochondrial proteins as tools for characterizing the organelle.  相似文献   

We have combined high-resolution two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis with mass spectrometry to identifying proteins represented in a 2-D gel database of Drosophila melanogaster ribosomes. First, we purified ribosomes from third instar Drosophila larvae and constructed a high-resolution 2-D gel database containing 58 Coomassie blue stained polypeptides. Next, we carried out preparative 2-D PAGE to isolate some of the polypeptides and characterize them by MALDI-TOF. Using this strategy we identified 52 ribosomal spots in the database, and in each case confirmed their identity by MALDI-TOF/TOF. The database can be used to analyze Minute mutants of Drosophila.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster is emerging as a powerful model system for the study of cardiac disease. Establishing peptide and protein maps of the Drosophila heart is central to implementation of protein network studies that will allow us to assess the hallmarks of Drosophila heart pathogenesis and gauge the degree of conservation with human disease mechanisms on a systems level. Using a gel-LC-MS/MS approach, we identified 1228 protein clusters from 145 dissected adult fly hearts. Contractile, cytostructural and mitochondrial proteins were most abundant consistent with electron micrographs of the Drosophila cardiac tube. Functional/Ontological enrichment analysis further showed that proteins involved in glycolysis, Ca(2+)-binding, redox, and G-protein signaling, among other processes, are also over-represented. Comparison with a mouse heart proteome revealed conservation at the level of molecular function, biological processes and cellular components. The subsisting peptidome encompassed 5169 distinct heart-associated peptides, of which 1293 (25%) had not been identified in a recent Drosophila peptide compendium. PeptideClassifier analysis was further used to map peptides to specific gene-models. 1872 peptides provide valuable information about protein isoform groups whereas a further 3112 uniquely identify specific protein isoforms and may be used as a heart-associated peptide resource for quantitative proteomic approaches based on multiple-reaction monitoring. In summary, identification of excitation-contraction protein landmarks, orthologues of proteins associated with cardiovascular defects, and conservation of protein ontologies, provides testimony to the heart-like character of the Drosophila cardiac tube and to the utility of proteomics as a complement to the power of genetics in this growing model of human heart disease.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster is one of the most widely used model organisms in life sciences. Mapping its proteome is of great significance for understanding the biological characteristics and tissue functions of this species. However, the comprehensive coverage of its proteome remains a challenge. Here, we describe a high‐coverage analysis of whole fly through a 1D gel electrophoresis and LC‐MS/MS approach. By combining the datasets of two types of SDS‐PAGE and two kinds of tagmata, the high‐coverage analysis resulted in the identification of 5262 genes, which correspond to 38.23% of the entire coding genes. Moreover, we found that the fly head and body have different molecular weight distributions of their proteomes when the proteins were resolved with SDS‐PAGE and image analysis of the stained gel. This phenomenon was further confirmed by both label‐free and isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation‐based quantitative approaches. The consistent results of the two different quantitation methods also demonstrated the stability and accuracy of the LC‐MS/MS platform. The MS proteomics data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange with identifiers PXD000454 and PXD000455 ( http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD000454 ; ( http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD000455 ).  相似文献   

The whole genome approach enables the characterization of all components of any given biological pathway. Moreover, it can help to uncover all the metabolic routes for any molecule. Here we have used the genome of Drosophila melanogaster to search for enzymes involved in the metabolism of fucosylated glycans. Our results suggest that in the fruit fly GDP-fucose, the donor for fucosyltransferase reactions, is formed exclusively via the de novo pathway from GDP-mannose through enzymatic reactions catalyzed by GDP-D-mannose 4,6-dehydratase (GMD) and GDP-4-keto-6-deoxy-D-mannose 3,5-epimerase/4-reductase (GMER, also known as FX in man). The Drosophila genome does not have orthologs for the salvage pathway enzymes, i.e. fucokinase and GDP-fucose pyrophosphorylase synthesizing GDP-fucose from fucose. In addition we identified two novel fucosyltransferases predicted to catalyze alpha1,3- and alpha1,6-specific linkages to the GlcNAc residues on glycans. No genes with the capacity to encode alpha1,2-specific fucosyltransferases were found. We also identified two novel genes coding for O-fucosyltransferases and a gene responsible for a fucosidase enzyme in the Drosophila genome. Finally, using the Drosophila CG4435 gene, we identified two novel human genes putatively coding for fucosyltransferases. This work can serve as a basis for further whole-genome approaches in mapping all possible glycosylation pathways and as a basic analysis leading to subsequent experimental studies to verify the predictions made in this work.  相似文献   

Alias Z  Clark AG 《Proteomics》2007,7(19):3618-3628
GSTs from adult Drosophila melanogaster have been partially purified using three different affinity chromatography media and separated by 2-DE. Nine GSTs have been identified by MALDI-TOF MS. In the absence of special treatments, eight GSTs could be positively identified. These were DmGSTs D1 (the dominant Delta isoform which was present in five protein zones of differing pI) and D3 (and possibly also D5); the Epsilon-class GSTs E3, 6, 7 and 9 and a previously uncharacterised, probable member of the class, CG16936. The Sigma-class DmGSTS1 was prominent. DmGSTD2 was detected only after pretreatment of the flies with Phenobarbital (PhB). Treatment with Paraquat (PQ) led to an increase in the total GST activity, as measured with the substrates 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) and 3,4-dichloro-nitrobenzene (DCNB) and an increase in the relative amounts of the D1, D3, E6 and E7 isoforms. PhB treatment led to increases in the relative amounts of the D1, D2, E3, E6, E7 and E9 isoforms detected with a possible depression in the relative amount of GSTS1. CG16936 was unaffected by either pretreatment.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis in Drosophila melanogaster has been widely used to identify a system of genes that control cell growth in response to insulin and nutrients. Many of these genes encode components of the insulin receptor/target of rapamycin (InR/TOR) pathway. However, the biochemical context of this regulatory system is still poorly characterized in Drosophila. Here, we present the first quantitative study that systematically characterizes the modularity and hormone sensitivity of the interaction proteome underlying growth control by the dInR/TOR pathway. Applying quantitative affinity purification and mass spectrometry, we identified 97 high confidence protein interactions among 58 network components. In all, 22% of the detected interactions were regulated by insulin affecting membrane proximal as well as intracellular signaling complexes. Systematic functional analysis linked a subset of network components to the control of dTORC1 and dTORC2 activity. Furthermore, our data suggest the presence of three distinct dTOR kinase complexes, including the evolutionary conserved dTTT complex (Drosophila TOR, TELO2, TTI1). Subsequent genetic studies in flies suggest a role for dTTT in controlling cell growth via a dTORC1‐ and dTORC2‐dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that the strength of male mate choice should vary depending on male quality when higher-quality males receive greater fitness benefits from being choosy. This pattern extends to differences in male body size, with larger males often having stronger pre- and post-copulatory preferences than smaller males. We sought to determine whether large males and small males differ in the strength (or direction) of their preference for large, high-fecundity females using the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. We measured male courtship preferences and mating duration to show that male body size had no impact on the strength of male mate choice; all males, regardless of their size, had equally strong preferences for large females. To understand the selective pressures shaping male mate choice in males of different sizes, we also measured the fitness benefits associated with preferring large females for both large and small males. Male body size did not affect the benefits that males received: large and small males were equally successful at mating with large females, received the same direct fitness benefits from mating with large females, and showed similar competitive fertilization success with large females. These findings provide insight into why the strength of male mate choice was not affected by male body size in this system. Our study highlights the importance of evaluating the benefits and costs of male mate choice across multiple males to predict when differences in male mate choice should occur.  相似文献   

Exposure to Paraquat and RNA interference knockdown of mitochondrial superoxide dismutase (Sod2) are known to result in significant lifespan reduction, locomotor dysfunction, and mitochondrial degeneration in Drosophila melanogaster. Both perturbations increase the flux of the progenitor ROS, superoxide, but the molecular underpinnings of the resulting phenotypes are poorly understood. Improved understanding of such processes could lead to advances in the treatment of numerous age‐related disorders. Superoxide toxicity can act through protein carbonylation. Analysis of carbonylated proteins is attractive since carbonyl groups are not present in the 20 canonical amino acids and are amenable to labeling and enrichment strategies. Here, carbonylated proteins were labeled with biotin hydrazide and enriched on streptavidin beads. On‐bead digestion was used to release carbonylated protein peptides, with relative abundance ratios versus controls obtained using the iTRAQ MS‐based proteomics approach. Western blotting and biotin quantitation assay approaches were also investigated. By both Western blotting and proteomics, Paraquat exposure, but not Sod2 knockdown, resulted in increased carbonylated protein relative abundance. For Paraquat exposure versus control, the median carbonylated protein relative abundance ratio (1.53) determined using MS‐based proteomics was in good agreement with that obtained using a commercial biotin quantitation kit (1.36).  相似文献   

The rapid accumulation of sequence data generated by the various genome sequencingprojects and the generation of expressed sequence tag databases has resulted in the need forthe development of fast and sensitive methods for the identification and characterisation oflarge numbers of gel electrophoretically separated proteins to translate the sequence data intobiological function. To achieve this goal it has been necessary to devise new approaches toprotein analysis: matrix-assisted laser desorption and electrospray mass spectrometry havebecome important protein analytical tools which are both fast and sensitive. When combinedwith a robotic system for the in-gel digestion of electrophoretically separated proteins, itbecomes possible to rapidly identify many proteins by searching databases with MS data. Thepower of this combination of techniques is demonstrated by an analysis of the proteins presentin the myofibrillar lattice of the indirect flight muscle of Drosophila melanogaster. Theproteins were separated by SDS-PAGE and in-gel proteolysis was performed bothautomatically and manually. All 16 major proteins could quickly be identified by massspectrometry. Although most of the protein components were known to be present in theflight muscle, two new components were also identified. The combination of methodsdescribed offers a means for the rapid identification of large numbers of gel separatedproteins.  相似文献   

Summary The rapid accumulation of sequence data generated by the various genome sequencing projects and the generation of expressed sequence tag databases has resulted in the need for the development of fast and sensitive methods for the identification and characterisation of large numbers of gel electrophoretically separated proteins to translated the sequence data into biological function. To achieve this goal it has been necessary to devise new approaches to protein analysis: matrix-assisted laser desorption and electrospray mass spectrometry have become important protein analytical tools which are both fast and sensitive. When combined with a robotic system for the in-gel digestion of electrophoretically separated proteins, it becomes possible to rapidly identify many proteins by searching databases with MS data. The power of this combination of techniques is demonstrated by an analysis of the proteins present in the myofibrillar lattice of the indirect flight muscle ofDrosophila melanogaster. The proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE and in-gel proteolysis was performed both automatically and manually. All 16 major proteins could quickly be identified by mass spectrometry. Although most of the protein components were known to be present in the flight muscle, two new components were also identified. The combination of methods described offers a means for the rapid identification of large numbers of gel separated proteins.  相似文献   

Summary From a zeste mutant stock with a mutable white locus a new mutant (z w w ) was isolated. It has a white-eyed phenotype and a short X-chromosome inversion (In(1)w w ) which extends from salivary chromosome bands 3B2-C1 to 4B4-C1. In giant chromosomes of heterozygotes the inversion is unusually tightly paired. Probably because of this intimate pairing the recombination frequencies for regions near the inversion are not decreased in comparison to those for structurally normal chromosomes. The inversion chromosome is mutable. The mutations which arise have pigmented eyes and can be subdivided into two groups. One group is characterized by a re-inversion to normal chromosome structure. The mutability of the white locus appears to be independent of the inversion and reinversion. The process of reinversion is discussed.  相似文献   

A genetic melanotic neoplasm of Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The construction of mature fruiting bodies occurs during the culmination stage of development of Dictyostelium discoideum. These contain at least two different cell types, spores and stalks, which originate from an initially homogenous population of vegetative amoebas. As an attempt to identify proteins whose synthesis is regulated in each cell type during differentiation, we have analyzed the two-dimensional profiles of proteins synthesized by spore and stalk cells during the culmination stage. We have identified 5 major polypeptides which are specifically synthesized by spore cells during culmination and 9 which are only made by stalk cells. Furthermore, synthesis of about 20 polypeptides appears to be enriched either in the spore or in the stalk cells. We also show that synthesis of actin, a major protein synthesized during Dictyostelium development, is specifically inhibited in the spore cells during culmination. Synthesis of most of the cell type-specific proteins initiates at 19–20 hr, during culmination. Moreover, the proteins whose synthesis is induced after formation of tight aggregates, the time when the major change in gene expression occurs, are not specifically incorporated into spores or stalk cells, and appear to be synthesized by both cell types. We conclude that a new class of genes is expressed during the culmination stage in Dictyostelium, giving rise to specific patterns of protein synthesis in spore and stalk cells.  相似文献   

A protein complex network of Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Determining the composition of protein complexes is an essential step toward understanding the cell as an integrated system. Using coaffinity purification coupled to mass spectrometry analysis, we examined protein associations involving nearly 5,000 individual, FLAG-HA epitope-tagged Drosophila proteins. Stringent analysis of these data, based on a statistical framework designed to define individual protein-protein interactions, led to the generation of a Drosophila protein interaction map (DPiM) encompassing 556 protein complexes. The high quality of the DPiM and its usefulness as a paradigm for metazoan proteomes are apparent from the recovery of many known complexes, significant enrichment for shared functional attributes, and validation in human cells. The DPiM defines potential novel members for several important protein complexes and assigns functional links to 586 protein-coding genes lacking previous experimental annotation. The DPiM represents, to our knowledge, the largest metazoan protein complex map and provides a valuable resource for analysis of protein complex evolution.  相似文献   

基于二次判别的果蝇启动子识别   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对果蝇polⅡ启动子和非启动子的序列特征分析,计算了序列每个位点单碱基保守性M1(l)值和六联体保守性M6(l)值。从而分别选取两个区域的六联体频数作为离散源参数,利用离散增量结合二次判别函数(IDQD)对启动子进行了预测。对于从编码区和内含子中选取的非启动子数据集,启动子的预测成功率分别达到93%和89%。比较结果显示IDQD模型能够有效地提高启动子预测成功率。  相似文献   

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