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Photosynthetic carbon assimilation in plants is regulated by activity of the ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase/oxygenase. Although the carboxylase requires CO2 to activate the enzyme, changes in CO2 between 100 and 1,400 microliters per liter did not cause changes in activation of the leaf carboxylase in light. With these CO2 levels and 21% O2 or 1% or less O2, the levels of ribulose bisphosphate were high and not limiting for CO2 fixation. With high leaf ribulose bisphosphate, the Kact(CO2) of the carboxylase must be lower than in dark, where RuBP is quite low in leaves. When leaves were illuminated in the absence of CO2 and O2, activation of the carboxylase dropped to zero while RuBP levels approached the binding site concentration of the carboxylase, probably by forming the inactive enzyme-RuBP complex.

The mechanism for changing activation of the RuBP carboxylase in the light involves not only Mg2+ and pH changes in the chloroplast stroma, but also the effects of binding RuBP to the enzyme. In light when RuBP is greater than the binding site concentration of the carboxylase, Mg2+ and pH most likely determine the ratio of inactive enzyme-RuBP to active enzyme-CO2-Mg2+-RuBP forms. Higher irradiances favor more optimal Mg2+ and pH, with greater activation of the carboxylase and increased photosynthesis.


Besford, R. T., Withers, A. C. and Ludwig, L. J. 1985. Ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase activity and photosynthesis duringleaf development in the tomato.—J. exp Bot. 36: 1530–1541. The carboxylase activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenaseand of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, and the light saturatedrate of net photosynthesis were measured in the developing 5thleaf of tomato plants. Values for light saturated net photosynthesiswere also calculated from the measured carboxylase activitiesand estimates of internal CO2 and oxygen concentrations. Thecalculated rate using the activity of ribulose bisphosphatecarboxylase alone for net CO2 assimilation in 300 mm3 dm–3CO2 was greater than the measured rate at 80% and full expansionbut less than the measured rate in younger leaves. When theactivities of both the carboxylases were taken into accountbetter agreement was evident for young leaves but the rate wasfurther overestimated for older leaves The calculated rate forphotosynthesis in 1200 mm3 dm–3 CO2, assuming saturationof ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase with RuBP, was an overestimatefor young leaves but was close to the observed values for leavesnear full expansion. The results are discussed in terms of measuredconductances for CO2 and the availability of RuBP in the leaf Key words: Tomato, leaf development, photosynthesis, RuBP carboxylase, oxygenase  相似文献   

When 8-day-old wheat seedlings (Triticum aestivum L. var. Chris) are placed in the dark the fully expanded primary leaves undergo the normal changes associated with senescence, for example, loss of chlorophyll, soluble protein, and photosynthetic capacity (Wittenbach 1977 Plant Physiol. 59: 1039-1042). Senescence in this leaf is completely reversible when plants are transferred to the light during the first 2 days, but thereafter it becomes an irreversible process. During the reversible stage of senescence the loss of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase) quantitated immunochemically, accounted for 80% of the total loss of soluble protein. There was no significant change in RuBPCase activity per milligram of antibody-recognized carboxylase during this stage despite an apparent decline in specific activity on a milligram of soluble protein basis. With the onset of the irreversible stage of senescence there was a rapid decline in activity per milligram of carboxylase, suggesting a loss of active sites. There was no increase in total proteolytic activity during the reversible stage of senescence despite the loss of carboxylase, indicating that this initial loss was not due to an increase in total activity. An 80% increase in proteolytic activity was correlated with the onset of the irreversible stage and the rapid decline in RuBPCase activity per milligram of carboxylase. Delaying senescence with zeatin reduced the rate of loss of carboxylase and delayed both the onset of the irreversible stage and the increase in proteolytic activity to the same degree, suggesting that these events are closely related. The main proteinases present in wheat and responsible for the increase in activity are the thiol proteinases. These proteinases have a high affinity for RuBPCase, exhibiting an apparent Km at 38 C of 1.8 × 10−7 m. The Km for casein was 1.1 × 10−6 m. If casein is representative of noncarboxylase protein, then the higher affinity for carboxylase may provide an explanation for its apparent preferential loss during the reversible stage of senescence.  相似文献   

The effects of nitrate supply on the composition (cell numbers,protein and chlorophyll contents) of flag leaves of winter wheatgrown with two amounts of N fertilizer and of spring wheat grownin the glasshouse under controlled nitrate supply are describedand related to photosynthesis. Nitrogen deficiency decreasedthe size of leaves, mainly by reducing cell number and, to asmaller extent, by decreasing cell volume. Protein content perunit leaf area, per cell and per unit cell volume was largerwith abundant N. Total soluble protein, ribulose bisphosphatecarboxylase-oxygenase (RuBPc-o) protein and chlorophyll changedin proportion irrespective of nitrogen supply and leaf age.Photosynthesis per unit area of flag leaf and carboxylationefficiency in both winter and spring wheat were proportionalto the amount of total soluble protein up to 7.0 g m–2and to the amount of RuBPc-o protein up to 4.0 g m–2.However, photosynthesis did not increase in proportion to theamount of total soluble or RuBPc-o protein above these amounts.In young leaves with a high protein content the measured ratesof photosynthesis were lower than expected from the amount andactivity of RuBPc-o. Carboxylation per unit of RuBPc-o protein,measured in vitro, was slightly greater in N-deficient leavesof winter wheat but not of spring wheat. RuBPc-o activity perunit of RuBPc-o protein was similar in winter and spring wheatleaves and remained approximately constant with age, but increasedin leaves showing advanced senescence. RuBPc-o protein fromN-deficient leaves migrated faster on polyacrylamide gels thanprotein from leaves with high N content. Regulation of the rateof photosynthesis in leaves and chloroplasts with a high proteincontent is discussed. The conductance of the cell to the fluxof CO2 from intercellular spaces to RuBPc-o active sites iscalculated, from cell surface areas and CO2 fluxes, to decreasethe CO2 partial pressure at the active site by less than 0.8Pa at an internal CO2 partial pressure of 34 Pa. Thus the decreasein partial pressure of CO2 is insufficient to account for theinefficiency of RuBPc-o in vivo at high protein contents. Otherlimitations to the rate of photosynthesis are considered. Key words: Wheat, photosynthesis, nitrogen, ribulose, bisphosphate carboxylase  相似文献   

The activity of the enzyme ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase(RuBPCase) was estimated after rapidly extracting it from intactwheat leaves pretreated under different light and CO2 levels.No HCO3 was added to the extraction buffer since it isshown to inhibit RuBPCase. The activity increased as light intensityor CO2 concentration during pretreatment was increased. Enzymeactivity increased as temperature during pretreatment was decreased.Light activation did not affect the affinity of RuBPCase forCO2. A Km of 30 µM CO2 under air level O2 was determined.CO2, light and temperature are three main limiting factors ofphotosynthesis. It seems that the activity of RuBPCase is regulatedby these factors according to the requirements for CO2 fixation.  相似文献   

Vu CV  Allen LH  Bowes G 《Plant physiology》1983,73(3):729-734
Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr. cv Bragg) was grown throughout its life cycle at 330, 450, and 800 microliters CO2 per liter in outdoor controlled-environment chambers under solar irradiance. Leaf ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase) activities and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) levels were measured at selected times after planting. Growth under the high CO2 levels reduced the extractable RuBPCase activity by up to 22%, but increased the daytime RuBP levels by up to 20%.

Diurnal measurements of RuBPCase (expressed in micromoles CO2 per milligram chlorophyll per hour) showed that the enzyme values were low (230) when sampled before sunrise, even when activated in vitro with saturating HCO3 and Mg2+, but increased to 590 during the day as the solar quantum irradiance (photosynthetically active radiation or PAR, in micromoles per square meter per second) rose to 600. The nonactivated RuBPCase values, which averaged 20% lower than the corresponding HCO3 and Mg2+-activated values, increased in a similar manner with increasing solar PAR. The per cent RuBPCase activation (the ratio of nonactivated to maximum-activated values) increased from 40% before dawn to 80% during the day. Leaf RuBP levels (expressed in nanomoles per milligram chlorophyll) were close to zero before sunrise but increased to a maximum of 220 as the solar PAR rose beyond 1200. In a chamber kept dark throughout the morning, leaf RuBPCase activities and RuBP levels remained at the predawn values. Upon removal of the cover at noon, the HCO3 and Mg2+-activated RuBPCase values and the RuBP levels rose to 465 and 122, respectively, after only 5 minutes of leaf exposure to solar PAR at 1500.

These results indicate that, in soybean leaves, light may exert a regulatory effect on extractable RuBPCase in addition to the well-established activation by CO2 and Mg2+.


Young bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv Seafarer) grew faster in air enriched with CO2 (1200 microliters per liter) than in ambient CO2 (330 microliters per liter). However, by 7 days when increases in overall growth (dry weight, leaf area) were visible, there was a significant decline (about 25%) in the leaf mineral content (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) and a drop in the activity of two enzymes of carbon fixation, carbonic anhydrase and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase under high CO2. Although the activity of neither enzyme was altered in young, expanding leaves during the acclimation period, in mature leaves the activity of carbonic anhydrase was reduced 95% compared with a decline of 50% in ambient CO2. The drop in RuBP carboxylase was less extreme with 40% of the initial activity retained in the high CO2 compared with 50% in the ambient atmosphere. While CO2 enrichment might alter the flow of carbon into the glycolate pathway by modifying the activities of carbonic anhydrase or RuBP carboxylase, there is no early change in the ability of photosynthetic tissue to oxidize glycolate to CO2.  相似文献   

Changes of some photosynthetic properties of high-CO2 grown cells of Chlorella pyrenoidosa during adaptation to low-CO2 conditions have been investigated. The Km value of photosynthesis of the high-CO2 grown cells for dissolved inorganic carbon was 3.3 millimolar and decreased to 25 to 30 micromolar within 4 hours after transferring to air. In the presence of saturating CO2 concentrations the photosynthetic activity of the high-CO2 grown cells was 1.5 times as high as that of the low-CO2 grown cells. There was a significant rise of the photosynthetic activity during adaptation of the high-CO2 grown cells to air, followed by a steady decrease. The activity of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase in both the high- and low-CO2 grown cells was close to the photosynthetic activity of the cells. The concentration of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) was higher in the low-CO2 adapting and low-CO2 grown cells than in the high-CO2 grown cells regardless of the photosynthetic rate. This seems to be due to an increased RuBP regeneration activity during adaptation followed by maintenance of the new higher concentration. The RuBP level always exceeded the concentration of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase RuBP binding sites in both the high- and low-CO2 grown cells at any dissolved inorganic carbon concentration.  相似文献   

Changes in ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase) and proteolytic activity were followed in the flag leaf and second leaf of field-grown winter wheat (cv. Arthur). These changes were followed in relation to changes in leaf chlorophyll, protein, and photosynthesis, and seed development. Levels of RuBPCase were determined by rocket immunoelectrophoresis as described previously (Wittenbach 1978 Plant Physiol 62: 604-608). RuBPCase constituted 40 to 45% of the total soluble protein in the flag leaf and an even higher percentage of the soluble protein in the second leaf. This ratio remained unchanged until senescence when RuBPCase protein was apparently lost at a faster rate than total soluble protein. No change in the specific activity of RuBPCase on either a milligram protein or RuBPCase basis was observed until senescence. A close correlation existed among the various indices of senescence in the field, namely, the decline in chlorophyll, protein, photosynthesis, and RuBPCase activity. In addition, proteinase activity increased with the onset of senescence. These enzymes readily degraded RuBPCase, exhibiting a pH optimum of 4.8 to 5.0 and a temperature optimum of 50 C. Proteinase activity was modified by sulfydryl reagents suggesting the presence of sulfydryl groups at or near the active sites.  相似文献   

Vu JC  Allen LH  Bowes G 《Plant physiology》1987,83(3):573-578
Soybean (Glycine max [L.] cv Bragg) was grown at 330 or 660 microliters CO2 per liter in outdoor, controlled-environment chambers. When the plants were 50 days old, drought stress was imposed by gradually reducing irrigation each evening so that plants wilted earlier each succeeding day. On the ninth day, as the pots ran out of water CO2 exchange rate (CER) decreased rapidly to near zero for the remainder of the day. Both CO2-enrichment and drought stress reduced the total (HCO3/Mg2+-activated) extractable ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase) activity, as expressed on a chlorophyll basis. In addition, drought stress when canopy CER values and leaf water potentials were lowest, reduced the initial (nonactivated) RuBPCase activity by 50% compared to the corresponding unstressed treatments. This suggests that moderate to severe drought stress reduces the in vivo activation state of RuBPCase, as well as lowers the total activity. It is hypothesized that stromal acidification under drought stress causes the lowered initial RuBPCase activities. The Km(CO2) values of activated RuBPCase from stressed and unstressed plants were similar; 15.0 and 12.6 micromolar, respectively. RuBP levels were 10 to 30% lower in drought stressed as compared to unstressed treatments. However, RuBP levels increased from near zero at night to around 150 to 200 nanomoles per milligram chlorophyll during the day, even as water potentials and canopy CERs decreased. This suggests that the rapid decline in canopy CER cannot be attributed to drought stress induced limitations in the RuBP regeneration capability. Thus, in soybean leaves, a nonstomatal limitation of leaf photosynthesis under drought stress conditions appears due, in part, to a reduction of the in vivo activity of RuBPCase. Because initial RuBPCase activities were not reduced as much as canopy CER values, this enzymic effect does not explain entirely the response of soybean photosynthesis to drought stress.  相似文献   

The effects of ear removal on gas exchange traits, chlorophyll, and leaf N profiles, and activities of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase were examined using four maize hybrids (B73 × Mo17, B73 × LH38, FS854, and CB59G × LH38) and four inbred lines (B73, Mo17, LH38, and CB59G) as experimental material. A diverse genotypic response to ear removal was observed which was generally typified by (a) greatly accelerated loss of chlorophyll, leaf N, enzyme activities, and CO2 exchange relative to controls for B73, B73 × Mo17, and B73 × LH38, (b) intermediate rate of decline for leaf constituents for FS854, LH38, and Mo17, or (c) loss of leaf constituents at similar or slower rates than for control plants for CB59G and CB59G × LH38. For all genotypes which had accelerated senescence relative to controls, loss of CO2 exchange activity was correlated with increased internal CO2 concentrations. Thus, it was concluded that metabolic factors and not stomatal effects were responsible for loss of CO2 exchange activity. Loss of chlorophyll, leaf N, and enzyme activities correlated well with loss of CO2 exchange activity only for some of the genotypes. Accelerated leaf senescence in response to ear removal for the inbred line B73 and the hybrids B73 × Mo17 and B73 × LH38, as well as the apparent delayed leaf senescence for the inbred line CB59G and the hybrid CB59G × LH38 show that the contrasting responses to ear removal, rapid versus delayed senescence, can be transmitted as dominant traits to F1 hybrids. The intermediate response by some genotypes, and the dominance of contrasting senescence traits, suggested a relatively complex inheritance for expression of the ear removal response.  相似文献   

The activation kinetics of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) following an increase in photon flux density (PFD) were studied by analyzing CO2 assimilation time courses in spinach leaves (Spinacia oleracea). When leaves were exposed to 45 minutes of darkness before illumination at 690 micromoles per square meter per second, Rubisco activation followed apparent first-order kinetics with a relaxation time of about 3.8 minutes. But when leaves were illuminated for 45 minutes at 160 micromoles per square meter per second prior to illumination at 690 micromoles per square meter per second the relaxation time for Rubisco activation was only 2.1 minutes. The kinetics of this change in relaxation times were investigated by exposing dark-adapted leaves to 160 micromoles per square meter per second for different periods before increasing the PFD to 690 micromoles per square meter per second. It was found that the apparent relaxation time for Rubisco activation changed from 3.8 to 2.1 minutes slowly, requiring at least 8 minutes for completion. This result indicates that at least two sequential, slow processes are involved in light-mediated activation of Rubisco in spinach leaves and that the relaxation times characterizing these two processes are about 4 and 2 minutes, respectively. The kinetics of the first process in the reverse direction and the dependence of the relaxation time for the second process on the magnitude of the increase in PFD were also determined. Evidence that the first slow process is activation of the enzyme Rubisco activase and that the second slow process is the catalytic activation of Rubisco by activase is discussed.  相似文献   

A non-radioisotopic anion-exchange ion chromatographic method for measuring the carboxylation/ oxygenation specificity (τ) of ribulose 1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) is presented. The assay measures the amounts of fixation products at varying [CO2]/[O2] ratios to measure the relative rates of CO2 and O2 fixation reactions. The amount of 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA) and phosphoglycolate (PG) in the reaction mixture were measured with a conductivity detector and the specific factor was calculated using the following equations: νc = ([3-PGA] – [PG])/2 and νo = [PG]. By this method, specificity factors for RubisCOs were measured without using radioactive reagents.  相似文献   

The relationships between CO2-exchange rate (CER), DNA and chlorophyll (Chl) concentrations, pyruvate,Pi dikinase (PPDK) and ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase) activities in ten maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes were investigated. The in vivo degrees of activation of PPDK and RuBPCase were estimated to make meaningful comparisons with CER. In leaves at a photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) of 720 micromoles per square meter per second, in vivo PPDK degree of activation was 80% of that of PPDK fully activated in vitro, whereas RuBPCase could not be further activated in vitro, suggesting that RuBPCase was fully activated in vivo. CER varied about 50% among the genotypes tested. Significant genetic differences were observed for the average weight of a cell (estimated by gram fresh weight per milligram DNA), but this character was not correlated with CER expressed on a fresh weight basis. CER was correlated with Chl concentration, and with estimates of the in vivo degree of activation of PPDK and RuBPCase. We concluded that in maize, CER is controlled by the metabolic components of photosynthesis rather than by membrane resistances to CO2. If the latter factor were controlling CER, then smaller cells with higher amounts of exposed cell surface area per unit cell volume would have lower resistance to CO2 diffusion, and therefore higher CER. When data were expressed on a DNA basis (proportional to a per cell basis), results indicated that larger cells (i.e. those with higher fresh weight per milligram DNA) have a higher content of Chl, and higher PPDK and RuBPCase activities, resulting in higher CER than in smaller cells.  相似文献   

The activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase was measured at various times during the purification of the enzyme from leaves of Nicotiana tabacum which were collected either 1 hour before the start of the photoperiod (predawn) or in the middle of the photoperiod (midday). The activity of the enzyme in extracts of the predawn leaves (0.8 units/mg enzyme) was consistently about 2-fold lower than that measured in extracts of midday leaves (1.7 units/mg enzyme). The activity of the predawn enzyme was increased to that of the midday enzyme following removal of CO2 and Mg2+ (deactivation), (NH4)2SO4 precipitation, or incubation in SO42− (18 millimolar required for one-half maximal increase). Following purification to >95% homogeneity, the predawn enzyme was found to have ~0.5 moles of bound organic phosphate per mole of enzyme active sites, while the midday enzyme had only ~0.08 moles of bound organic phosphate per mole of enzyme active sites. Deactivation of the predawn enzyme or treatment with 0.2 molar SO42− resulted in the removal of most of the bound organic phosphate. These findings support the hypothesis that following the night period about 50% of the enzyme is catalytically inactive because of the tight-binding of a small molecular weight, phosphorylated inhibitor at the active site.  相似文献   

The rate of photosynthesis by the freshwater alga Lemanea mamillosais proportional to CO2 concentration, virtually to the pointof saturation, and inversely proportional to the radius of thethallus. By contrast, the CO2 response curve of very thin slicesof the thallus is a rectangular hyperbola with a (lower) halfsaturation concentration of 10 mmol m–3. For the intactplant, the kinetics of CO2 fixation are strongly masked by internalCO2 transport limitations, although the maximum rate of photosynthesisis probably determined by the rate of supply of ribulose bisphosphate(RuBP). The flow of water over the alga becomes turbulent atwater velocities greater than about 90 mm s–1 and thethallus stretches significantly at higher water velocities.In its natural habitat, therefore, the external unstirred layerwill be thin (< 10 µm) and the thallus will be stretched,leading to rapid external and increased internal rates of CO2transport from the bulk solution. The estimated maximum rateof CO2 transport is commensurate with the maximum rate of photosynthesis(i.e. the rate of supply of RuBP). Key words: Transport limitations, Kinetics of CO2 fixation  相似文献   

Pyke, K. A. and Leech, R. M. 1987. Cellular levels of ribulose1,5 bisphosphate carboxylase and chloroplast compartment sizein wheat mesophyll cells.—J. exp. Bot. 38: 1949–1956. The amount of the photosynthetic enzyme ribulose 1,5 bisphosphatecarboxylase (RUBISCO),as determined in mesophyll cells in primarywheat leaves was related to the size of the chloroplast compartmentwithin the cell for wheat species of three ploidy levels. Asimilar comparison was made for several genotypes of the hexaploidbreadwheat Triticum aestivum. Estimation of total chloroplastvolume per mesophyll cell was made assuming chloroplasts tobe oblate spheroid in shape. A significant correlation was found between the amount of RUBISCOper cell and the total chloroplast volume per cell for diploid,tetraploid and hexaploid wheat species. A significant correlationbetween cellular RUBISCO level and total chloroplast volumeper cell was also observed for a range of genotypes of the hexaploidT. aestivum but these genotypes of T. aestivutn accumulate agreater amount of RUBISCO per unit chloroplast volume than doany other wheat species. For these genotypes of T. aestivumthe stromal concentration of RUBISCO was estimated at 0·5mol m–3 with a ribulose Msphosphate binding site concentrationof 4·0 mol m–3. These results are discussed with respect to a gene dosage hypothesisto explain the accumulation of RUBISCO in leaf mesophyll cells. Key words: Ribulose, bisphosphate carboxylase, wheat chloroplasts, mesophyll cells  相似文献   

The amounts of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase protein decreasedrapidly with leaf age to a low content by the middle stage ofsenescence. In contrast, the decrease in chloroplast numberwas slight during the same period. This indicates that the enzymecan be degraded within the chloroplast before the chloroplastsdisintegrate during senescence. (Received September 3, 1983; Accepted November 24, 1983)  相似文献   

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