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Three independent methods have been used to determine the size of the quantum accumulation unit in green plant photosynthesis. This unit is defined as that group of pigment molecules within which quantal absorption acts must take place leading to the evolution of a single O2 molecule. All three methods take advantage of the nonlinearity of oxygen yield with light dose at very low dosages. The experimental values of this unit size, based on an assumed model for the charge cooperation in O2 evolution, ranging from 800 to 1600, suggest that there is either limited energy transfer between energy-trapping units or chemical cooperation among oxygen precursors formed in several neighboring energy-trapping units. Widely diffusible essential precursors to molecular oxygen are ruled out by these results. Inhibition studies show that O2 evolution is blocked when 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) is added to chloroplasts after two preliminary flashes and before a third flash which would have yielded O2 in the absence of DCMU. This experiment is interpreted as evidence that the site of DCMU inhibition is on the oxidizing side of system II. Pretreatment of chloroplasts with large concentrations of Tris, previously believed to destroy O2 evolution by blocking an essential reaction in the electron chain between water and system II, may be alternately interpreted as promoting the dark reversal of the system II light-induced electron transfer.  相似文献   

The published reports of flash-induced absorbance changes in the 680-690 nm spectral region, which have been attributed to bleaching of the primary reaction center chlorophyll of photosystem II (PSII) P-680, are discussed in light of what is known about the primary electron acceptor of PSII, C-550. The question of whether the fluorescence yield changes, which accompany the photoreduction of C-550, might influence the measurements of chlorophyll bleaching is examined. The responses attributed to P-680 and their relationship to C-550 indicate that, if the absorbance measurements are valid, P-680 probably functions as the primary electron donor to PSII rather than as a photochemical sensitizer of the primary redox reaction.  相似文献   

Electric fields of a few hundred volts per centimeter greatly stimulate the emission of delayed light from “broken” chloroplasts. At low intensities of exciting light the fluorescence of these chloroplasts is also stimulated by the electric field, but to a lesser extent. Assuming that the electric field has no effect on prompt fluorescence, and has the same effect on the delayed light emission during illumination as in the dark, we can determine the ratio of delayed light to fluorescence under steady-state illumination.  相似文献   

Lifetime of the excited state (τ) of bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) in photosynthetic bacteria, measured with a mode-locked argon laser (oscillating at 488 nm; mode locked at 56 MHz) as light source, ranged from 0.3 to 2.5 nsec. These τ values are reported with a precision of ±0.1 nsec. The value of τ at high exciting light intensity (I) was two to three times that at low intensity. For young cultures of green bacterium Chloropseudomonas ethylicum, τ ranged from 0.5 (low I) to 1.0 nsec (high I); for those of the purple bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum, from 0.4 (low I) to 1.0 nsec (high I); and for those of the BChl b-containing Rhodopseudomonas viridis, from 1.0 (low I) to 2.5 nsec (high I). These data provide information regarding the efficiencies of the photochemical process in these bacteria. Quantum yield (ø) of BChl fluorescence, calculated from ø = τ/τ0 (where τ0 is the intrinsic lifetime of fluorescence), ranges from 2-6% at low intensities to 6-14% at high intensities.  相似文献   

Oxygen pulses produced in Chlorella by a xenon flash of 15 μsec half-width were measured by means of a rapid oxygen polarograph. Under appropriate conditions the height of the pulse caused by a saturating flash was a measure of the number of active reaction centers in system II. In pigment state II, caused by illumination during several minutes with light II, the number of active centers II was the same as in pigment state I. Oxygen pulses produced by about half-saturating flashes were diminished by about 7-10% in state II, showing that the fluorescence decrease in light II was at least partly caused by a decrease in energy transfer to reaction center II. After addition of 3(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU), only the first flash produced oxygen which gives additional support for the hypothesis that DCMU inhibits between Q and system I.  相似文献   

Using isolated chloroplasts in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU), an analysis was made of the rise of the fluorescence yield effected by weak light. Depending on the pretreatment, the time-course of the rapid photochemical part of the rise varied between nearly first-order and quadratic kinetics, i.e., reflected either a one-quantum or a two-quantum conversion. We consider the occurrence of two photoreductants per system II unit, which are reoxidized in different dark reactions. The data further showed that the “first-order process” is also inhomogeneous.  相似文献   

Using a mode-locked laser (λ, 632.8 nm), fluorescence decay of chlorophyll (Chl) a in the green alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa, the red alga Porphyridium cruentum, and the blue-green alga Anacystis nidulans was measured by the phase-shift method under conditions when photosynthesis was not operative (3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea [DCMU] poisoning, or cooling to 77°K). In the presence of 10-5 M DCMU, the lifetime of Chl a fluorescence (τ) at room temperature is about 1.7 nsec in Chlorella, 1.0 nsec in Porphyridium, and 0.7 nsec in Anacystis. At 77°K, τ is 1.4 nsec (for fluorescence at about 685 nm, F-685) and 2.3 nsec (for F-730) in Chlorella, 0.9 nsec (F-685) and 1.2 nsec (F-730) in Porphyridium, and 0.8 nsec (F-685 and F-730) in Anacystis. From the above measurement, and the assumption that τ0 (the intrinsic fluorescence lifetime) for Chl a in all three algae is 15.2 nsec, we have calculated the rate constants of radiationless transition (that includes energy transfer to weakly fluorescent system I) processes competing with fluorescence at room temperature to be about 5 × 108 sec-1 in Chlorella, 9 × 108 sec-1 in Porphyridium, and 13 × 108 sec-1 in Anacystis. At 77°K, this rate constant for Chl a that fluoresces at 685 nm remains, in the first approximation, the same as at room temperature. From the τ data, the rate constant for the trapping of excitation energy is calculated to be about 1.2 × 109 sec-1 for Chlorella, 2 × 109 sec-1 for Porphyridium, and 2 × 109 sec-1 for Anacystis. The efficiency of trapping is calculated to be about 66% (Chlorella), 68% (Porphyridium), and 60% (Anacystis). (It is recognized that variations in the above values are to be expected if algae grown under different conditions are used for experimentation.) The maximum quantum yield of Chl a fluorescence for system II (λ, 632.8 nm), calculated from τ measurements, is about 10% in Chlorella, 6-7% in Porhyridium, and 5% in Anacystis under conditions when photosynthesis is not operative; the values at 77°K appear to be very close to those with DCMU added at room temperature. ø for F-730 at 77°K, however, is somewhat higher than for F-685. The predicted quantum yields of fluorescence for Chl a in intact cells (both systems I and II) at low intensities of 632.8 nm light are about 2-3, 1-2, and 1% for Chlorella, Porphyridium, and Anacystis, respectively.  相似文献   

A Kinetic Model for the Energy Transfer in Phycobilisomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A kinetic model for the energy transfer in phycobilisome (PBS) rods of Synechococcus 6301 is presented, based on a set of experimental parameters from picosecond studies. It is shown that the enormous complexity of the kinetic system formed by 400-500 chromophores can be greatly simplified by using symmetry arguments. According to the model the transfer along the phycocyanin rods has to be taken into account in both directions, i.e., back and forth along the rods. The corresponding forward rate constants for single step energy transfer between trimeric disks are predicted to be 100-300 ns-1. The model that best fits the experimental data is an asymmetric random walk along the rods with overall exciton kinetics that is essentially trap-limited. The transfer process from the sensitizing to the fluorescing C-PC phycocyanin chromophores (τ ≈ 10 ps) is localized in the hexamers. The transfer from the innermost phycocyanin trimer to the core is calculated to be in the range 36-44 ns-1. These parameters lead to calculated overall rod-core transfer times of 102 and 124 ps for rods containing three and four hexamers, respectively. The model calculations confirm the previously suggested hypothesis that the energy transfer from the rods to the core is essentially described by one dominant exponential function. Extension of the model to heterogeneous PBS rods, i.e., PBS containing also phycoerythrin, is straightforward.  相似文献   

In bacterial photosynthesis light-harvesting complexes, LH2 and LH1 absorb sunlight energy and deliver it to reaction centers (RCs) with extraordinarily high efficiency. Submolecular resolution images have revealed that both the LH2:LH1 ratio, and the architecture of the photosynthetic membrane itself, adapt to light intensity. We investigate the functional implications of structural adaptations in the energy transfer performance in natural in vivo low- and high-light-adapted membrane architectures of Rhodospirillum photometricum. A model is presented to describe excitation migration across the full range of light intensities that cover states from active photosynthesis, where all RCs are available for charge separation, to saturated photosynthesis where all RCs are unavailable. Our study outlines three key findings. First, there is a critical light-energy density, below which the low-light adapted membrane is more efficient at absorbing photons and generating a charge separation at RCs, than the high-light-adapted membrane. Second, connectivity of core complexes is similar in both membranes, suggesting that, despite different growth conditions, a preferred transfer pathway is through core-core contacts. Third, there may be minimal subareas on the membrane which, containing the same LH2:LH1 ratio, behave as minimal functional units as far as excitation transfer efficiency is concerned.  相似文献   

A non-adiabatic theory of Electron Transfer (ET), which improves the standard theory near the inversion point and becomes equivalent to it far from the inversion point, is presented. The complex amplitudes of the electronic wavefunctions at different sites are used as Kramers variables for describing the quantum tunneling of the electron in the deformable potential generated by its environment (nonadiabaticity) which is modeled as a harmonic classical thermal bath. After exact elimination of the bath, the effective electron dynamics is described by a discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation with norm preserving dissipative terms and a Langevin random force, with a frequency cut-off, due to the thermalized phonons. This theory reveals the existence of a specially interesting marginal case when the linear and nonlinear coefficients of a two electronic states system are appropriately tuned for forming a Coherent Electron-Phonon Oscillator (CEPO). An electron injected on one of the electronic states of a CEPO generates large amplitude charge oscillations (even at zero temperature) associated with coherent phonon oscillations and electronic level oscillations. This fluctuating electronic level may resonate with a third site which captures the electron so that Ultrafast Electron Transfer (UFET) becomes possible. Numerical results are shown where two weakly interacting sites, a donor and a catalyst, form a CEPO that triggers an UFET to an acceptor. Without a catalytic site, a very large energy barrier prevents any direct ET. This UFET is shown to have many qualitative features similar to those observed in the primary charge separation in photosynthetic reaction centers. We suggest that more generally, CEPO could be a paradigm for understanding many selective chemical reactions involving electron transfer in biosystems.  相似文献   

In this paper the recent research from our laboratory is reviewed. Short fragments of the photochemical electron transfer chain of photosynthesis were reproduced in aqueous detergent solutions or in organic solvents. The function of photosystem I is reproduced in a ternary system of chlorophylls, electron donors (dienols, sulfhydryl compounds, hydrazine, etc.), and electron acceptors (viologens, nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide [NAD], flavines, etc.). Chlorophyll-photosensitized reduction of viologens in some cases is activated by oxygen at the expense of active reductants formed during the photosensitized oxidation of an initial electron donor (thiourea). Chlorophyll-photosensitized oxidoreduction of cytochromes is activated by flavines, viologens, vitamin K derivatives, and some other redox systems (cofactors of cyclic photophosphorylation). The primary mechanism of the reactions studied depends on the reversible chlorophyll photooxidoreduction. In binary systems, chlorophyll (monomeric or aggregated) and electron donor or electron acceptor, reversible photoreduction or photooxidation is observed. Irreversible bacteriochlorophyll oxidation leads to the formation of chlorophyll and protochlorophyll analogues; irreversible protochlorophyll photoreduction results in chlorophyll-like pigment appearance. The photodisaggregation of chlorophyll was observed. The models of photosystem II studied were the photochemical oxygen evolution in aqueous solutions of electron acceptors (ferric compounds, quinone), photosensitized in the near UV part of the spectrum by inorganic semiconductors (tungsten, titanium, and zinc oxides). All reactions described are based on electron (hydrogen) transfer photosensitized by pigment system.  相似文献   

Light- and oxygen-induced changes of cytochromes f, b563, and b559 and ferredoxin-flavoprotein were studied by a double beam spectrophotometer with combinations of inhibitors and lowered temperatures in the whole cells of the pale green mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardi (ATCC 18302). At room temperature, the steady state changes of cytochrome f and ferredoxin-flavoprotein are small, but at low temperature slightly above 0 C, they are clearly defined. Phenylmercuric acetate inhibits photoreduction of ferredoxin-flavoprotein and cytochrome f simultaneously but not that of cytochrome b563. 2-Heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide shows a crossover point between cytochromes f and b563 and partially inhibits photoreduction of cytochrome f. Two cyclic pathways operating in C. remhardi are postulated: (a) photosystem I → xb563f → photosystem I; and (b) photosystem I → x → ferredoxin-flavoprotein → f → photosystem I.  相似文献   

The effects of cadmium on isolated corn shoot mitochondria were determined. In the absence of phosphate cadmium stimulated the oxidation of exogenous NADH optimally at 0.025 mM, but was inhibitory at 0.1 mM and above. The presence of phosphate negated the cadmium stimulation of exogenous NADH oxidation and permitted inhibitions only at higher cadmium concentrations. Succinate or malate + pyruvate oxidation in the absence of phosphate was inhibited to a greater extent by cadmium than when phosphate was present. ADP/O and respiratory control ratios were reduced by cadmium but generally were less sensitive to cadmium than state 4 or minus phosphate respiration. The data suggest that the site of cadmium effect is likely to be early in electron transport. Cadmium had a pronounced effect on mitochondrial swelling under either passive or active conditions. When succinate or exogenous NADH were being oxidized swelling occurred at 0.05 mM cadmium, but with malate + pyruvate the cadmium concentration had to exceed 1.0 mM. Phosphate (2 mM) prevented the swelling. Dithiothreitol, a SH group protector, prevented any effect of cadmium on swelling or respiration which suggests that sulfhydryl groups are likely involved in the cadmium-membrane interaction.  相似文献   

Jajoo  A.  Bharti  S.  Mohanty  P. 《Photosynthetica》2001,39(3):321-337
Ionic environment is important in regulating photosynthetic reactions. The roles of cations, Mn2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Na+, and K+ as cofactors in electron transport, energy transfer, phosphorylation, and carbon assimilation are better known than the roles of anions, except for chloride and bicarbonate. Only a limited information exists on the roles and effects of nitri formate, sulphate, and phosphate. In this review, we evaluate and highlight the roles of some specific anions on electron transport as well as on excitation energy transfer processes in photosynthesis. Anions exert significant effects on thyla membrane conformation and membrane fluidity, possibly by redistributing the thylakoid membrane surface charges. The anion/cation induced phase transitions in the hydrophilic domains of the thylakoid membranes are probably responsible for the various structural and co-related functional changes under stress. Anions are also important in regulation of energy distribution between the two photosystems. Anions do not only divert more energy from photosystem (PS) 2 to PS1, but can also reverse the effect of cations on energy distribution in a valence-dependent manner. Anions affect also the structure of the photosynthetic apparatus and excitation energy distribution between the two photosystems.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic application of picosecond spectroscopic techniques to bacterial reaction centers has led to a much greater understanding of the chemical nature of the initial steps of photosynthesis. Within 10 ps after excitation, a charge transfer complex is formed between the primary donor, a “special pair” of bacteriochlorophyll molecules, and a transient acceptor involving bacteriopheophytin. This complex subsequently decays in about 120 ps by donating the electron to a metastable acceptor, a tightly bound quinone.

Recent experiments with conventional optical and ESR techniques have shown that when reaction centers are illuminated by a series of single turnover flashes in the presence of excess electron donors and acceptors, a stable, anionic ubisemiquinone is formed on odd flashes and destroyed on even flashes, suggesting that the acceptor region contains a second quinone that acts as a two-electron gate between the reaction center and subsequent electron transport events involving the quinone pool.

Utilizing standard picosecond techniques, we have examined the decay of the charge transfer complex in reaction centers in the presence of the stable semiquinone, formed by flash illumination with a dye laser 10 s before excitation by a picosecond pulse. In this state the decay rate for the charge transfer complex is considerably slower than when no electron is present in the quinone acceptor region. This indicates fairly strong coupling between constituents of the reaction center-quinone acceptor complex and may provide a probe into the relative positions of the various components.


The passive sorption of Pb+2, Cd+2, Zn+2, Co+2, Ni+2, and Mn+2 by isolated corn mitochondria was determined, and, except for Pb+2, the maximum sorption for each cation was about 58 nmol per milligram of protein. Sorption of Pb+2 was apparently ten times greater, but precipitation may have been the cause of this larger value. The effects of Pb+2, Cd+2, Zn+2, Co+2, and Ni+2 on acceptorless rates of electron transport for three substrates were determined. Greater than 50% inhibitions of oxidation were observed for succinate after additions of >0.1 mM Cd+2, Zn+2, or Pb+2: for NADH after additions of >0.5 mM Cd+2 or Zn+2; and for malate + pyruvate after additions of >0.1 mM Cd+2. Some inhibition of the rate of substrate oxidation was observed for most cations at higher concentrations. Coupling, as measured by ADP/O ratios, was inhibited at lowest concentrations by Cd+2 or Zn+2 and at higher concentrations by Co+2 or Ni+2. Substantial swelling of mitochondria oxidizing succinate was observed following additions of O.1 mM Cd+2 or Pb+2, Correlations are drawn between the effects of Pb+2, Cd+2, Zn+2, Co+2, and Ni+2 and their sorption to mitochondrial membranes.  相似文献   

  • 1 Two separate light reactions may be distinguished: (I) the reduction of ferredoxin and NADP probably by oxidation of carotene to xanthophyll; (II) the oxida tion of cytochrome f by chlorophyll (probably a). Reaction II implies a return of electrons to the pigments, system III, thus maintaining its normal steady state of oxidation-reduction. The xanthophyll is hereby again reduced to carotene.
  • 2 System I is sensitive to violet-blue-green and probably also infrared light. Carotene absorbs in these regions, ferredoxin in blue-violet. System II is primarily sensitive to red light but also to blue-violet. Both chlorophyll and cytochromes absorb in the latter region, the cytochromes also in green.
  • 3 The response of systems I and II to different spectral regions was studied by means of a special spectrophotometric flash technique, enabling precise measure ments of the band-height of the enzymes involved. The initial photic reactions of systems I and II, viz., the reduction of ferredoxin-NADP and the oxidation of cyto chrome f show a full turnover in less than 0.1 ms but the transfer between systems I and II by means of which the cytochromes are reduced is slowed down to about 10?1-10?2 s. The initial effect may thus be observed during ca. 0.1 s. At continuous illumination the displacement of the steady states of the enzymes may last up to several seconds and then return to a state of only partial reduction. Erroneous inter pretations of these phenomena are corrected.
  • 4 In the blue-sensitive system I ferredoxin alone mediates the reduction of NADP but the possibility of the presence of other factors capable of dark chemical elec tron transfer is discussed. In the red-sensitive system II three cytochromes operate, viz., f, b3 and b6. Spectrophotometric evidence for the existence of two cytochromes b is presented. Cytochromes b6 and f are approximately synchronously oxidized and reduced, whereas b3 reacts somewhat independently. Cytochrome b3 probably acts as a decharger of OH? and compensates for the capture of H++ e? at the reduction of triphosphopyridine nucleotide (NAD) or of electrons by other oxidants.
  • 5 The transfer of electrons between systems I and II maintains a reversible steady state of oxidation-reduction that may be moved to one side or the other not only by monochromatic light but also in the dark under influence of N2, O2, the ratios NADP/NADPH and ADP/ATP, and various added substances. Spectrophotometric measurements in UV show that a flavoprotein participates in the multiple steady state.
  • 6 The investigations illustrate many intricate technical problems that are too frequently overlooked. Photostructural reactions must be eliminated by referring band-heights to an isosbestic level. The photosynthetic activity is strongly dependent on light-scattering. Reliable measurements of cytochromes must be made in the α-region owing to a strong interference of rapid changes of the ratio carotene/xanthophyll in the region of the γ-bands.

Chloroplasts from Codium vermilara, isolated by relatively crude methods, are able to fix CO2 at rates comparable to the rates of intact plants. Sections in thalli of Codium vermilara show that the chloroplasts are surrounded by a thin layer of cytoplasm. This surrounding layer of cytoplasm, is retained also in isolated chloroplasts, and presumably preserves the intactness of the chloroplast envelope.  相似文献   

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