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Many animals use chemical signals for communication between conspecifics and for territory marking. The pygmy bluetongue lizard is normally solitary, focussing activity around the entrance of its burrow, from where it ambushes prey, and rarely contacts other individuals. In this paper we examined whether lizards in laboratory experiments alter their behaviour in the presence of scats from conspecifics. In the first experiment, when lizards were offered a choice of two vacant burrows with or without a scat close to the entrance, they tongue flicked more often at the burrow entrance when the scat was present, and more often chose to occupy the burrow with the scat. An interpretation is that lizards use scat signals to recognise burrows that may be suitable because they have previously been occupied by a conspecific, but that they approach those burrows cautiously in case a resident is still present and likely to resist a takeover. Scats from male lizards were inspected (by both sexes) for longer than scats of female lizards. In the second experiment, when resident lizards were presented with scats outside of their burrows, they inspected and tongue flicked at those scats more often if the scat came from a male than a female lizard, but there was no definitive evidence from our experiments that lizards differentiated in their response to scats from lizards that were found close to or far from the test lizard. The results were consistent with a communication system in which lizards use scats to advertise their presence, independent of any direct contact.  相似文献   

Y Qi  DW Noble  J Fu  MJ Whiting 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e41130
Shared ecological resources such as burrow complexes can set the stage for social groupings and the evolution of more complex social behavior such as parental care. Paternity testing is increasingly revealing cases of kin-based groupings, and lizards may be a good system to inform on the early evolution of sociality. We examined spatial and social organization in the lizard Phrynocephalus vlangalii from China and tested genetic relatedness (based on eight microsatellite DNA loci) between offspring and parents that shared burrow complexes. Adult males and females had similar spatial patterns: they overlapped most with members of the opposite sex and least with their own sex. Males in better body condition overlapped with more females, and both sexes showed high site fidelity. Most lizards used a single burrow, but some individuals used two or three burrows. While high site fidelity is consistent with sociality in lizards, juveniles did not preferentially share burrows with parents, and we documented only a few cases of parent-offspring associations through burrow sharing. We suggest that P. vlangalii conforms to a classical polygynous mating system in which the burrow forms the core of the male's territory and may be offered as an important resource for females, but this remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Burrow‐digging organisms act as ecosystem engineers, providing potential habitat to other organisms. In the Mid North region of South Australia, wolf and trapdoor spiders in fragmented grassland communities provide this service. Pygmy bluetongue lizards are an endangered skink, endemic to these grasslands. The lizards obligatorily use burrows dug by these spider groups as refuges, basking sites and ambush points. We investigated the occupancy of these spider burrows by lizards and other organisms within the grassland community, identifying the occasions that burrows were shared by multiple taxa. We found that the lizards and trapdoor spiders are predominantly solitary, while wolf spiders co‐shared burrows more frequently with either weevils or snails. There were numerous taxa that were found to regularly co‐share with other taxa, particularly snails, centipedes and weevils. There was a strong temporal influence on burrow sharing, with most co‐sharing occurring late in summer. This study provides an insight into the use of burrows by the lizards and co‐existing taxa within these grassland communities. The dynamics of burrow‐use by other taxa have the potential to influence long‐term conservation of these lizards as burrow availability is crucial to their survival in these grasslands.  相似文献   

Conservation management requires knowledge of how a target species interacts with other species. Some relatively common species can modify the environment to the advantage of rarer, endangered species. Thus, local enhancement of those common species can positively influence remaining populations of the rarer species. The endangered pygmy bluetongue lizard Tiliqua adelaidensis inhabits burrows that are constructed by lycosid and mygalomorph spiders. We recorded 490 burrows in a 1 ha plot at the end of one season, and then observed at regular intervals the formation and loss of burrows, and the changes in occupancy status of each burrow over the next season. We found spiders in 94% of all newly constructed burrows and deduced that they had built the burrows. We found no evidence that lizards dug new burrows or deepened existing burrows. The numbers of both lizards and spiders in the burrows declined over the spring and summer, with lizards moving from their burrows more often early in the season than later. However, there was no strong trend for lizards to replace spiders in burrows. In fact, lizards tended to occupy deeper burrows than spiders, suggesting little negative impact of lizards on spiders. However, spiders had a positive impact on lizards by providing the refuge burrows central for lizard survival. Although lizards readily accept artificial burrows, long-term conservation for the lizards must include viable spider populations to maintain a supply of suitable burrow refuges.  相似文献   

Crawfish frogs (Lithobates areolatus) have experienced declines across large portions of their former range. These declines are out of proportion to syntopic wetland-breeding amphibian species, suggesting losses are resulting from unfavorable aspects of non-breeding upland habitat. Crawfish frogs get their common name from their affinity for crayfish burrows, although the strength of this relationship has never been formally assessed. We used radiotelemetry to address 4 questions related to upland burrow dwelling in crawfish frogs: 1) what burrow types are used and how do they function to affect crawfish frog survivorship; 2) what are the physical characteristics and habitat associations of crawfish frog burrows; 3) what are the home range sizes of crawfish frogs when burrow dwelling; and 4) where are crawfish frog burrows situated with respect to breeding wetlands? We tracked crawfish frogs to 34 burrows, discovered another 7 occupied burrows, and therefore report on 41 burrows. Crawfish frogs exclusively occupied crayfish burrows as primary burrows, which they inhabited for an average of 10.5 months of the year. With one exception, crawfish frogs also used crayfish burrows as secondary burrows—temporary retreats occupied while exhibiting breeding migrations or ranging forays. Burrows were exclusively located in grassland habitats, although crawfish frogs migrated through narrow woodlands and across gravel roads to reach distant grassland primary burrow sites. Home range estimates while inhabiting burrows were 0.05 m2 (the area of the burrow entrance plus the associated feeding platform) or 0.01 m3 (the estimated volume of their burrow). Crawfish frog burrows were located at distances up to 1,020 m from their breeding wetlands. To protect crawfish frog populations, we recommend a buffer (core habitat plus terrestrial buffer) of at least 1.2 km around each breeding wetland. Within this buffer, at least 3 critical habitat elements must be present: 1) extensive grasslands maintained by prescribed burning and/or logging, 2) an adequate number of upland crayfish burrows, and 3) no soil disturbance of the sort that would destroy crayfish burrow integrity. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

T C Grubb 《Animal behaviour》1974,22(1):192-202
Visual, auditory, and olfactory navigation in the homing behaviour of Leach's petrel to the nesting burrow were investigated. Petrels returning to their burrows at night hovered above the thick spruce-fir canopy in the vicinity of the burrow before plummeting to the forest floor a few metres downwind of their burrows. They then walked upwind to their burrows. Birds landed closer to, and followed more circuitous routes to, their burrows in still air than in a wind. They failed to avoid obstacles in the path to burrows, often failed to locate accurately burrow entrances on first trial, and vocalized only after entering the burrow. In a Y-maze olfactorium, captive breeding petrels chose an air current coming from their own nest material in preference to one from similar materials collected on the forest floor. In the same apparatus, birds did not respond positively to air currents from their own stomach oil or preen gland oil. Petrels taken from burrows and released that same night did not return within a week if their external nares were plugged or if their olfactory nerves were transected. They did return if not operated on or if only subjected to sham operations. These results support an olfactory guidance system in burrow location and argue against visual or auditory guidance.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The beetle Parastizopus armaticeps (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) inhabits the Kalahari desert of southern Africa, constructs breeding burrows after rainfall, and shows extensive biparental care. Previous work has shown that it is predominantly male size, not female size, that determines breeding success; however, in the field these beetles show size assortative mating. This might obscure or override effects of female size on reproduction. Moreover, the inaccessibility of the breeding burrows makes it impossible to test effects of female and male size on offspring development and survival before adulthood. 2. To disentangle the effects of male and female length, body mass, and body condition on reproductive success, males and females were paired randomly in small breeding cages in the laboratory (n = 887 breeding pairs). The construction of the breeding cages allowed a clear view of the brood chamber contents at each stage in offspring development. Larva, pupa, and imago numbers and development were monitored daily, and imago mass at hatching from the pupa (hatchlings), offspring mass, and offspring body length at complete exoskeleton melanisation (juveniles) were determined. 3. There was a weak positive correlation between body condition and body length for females only. Breeding chronology was related to male body condition: males in better condition were fast to start and finish a breeding bout. Males in better condition produced heavier hatchlings and juveniles, and larger‐sized males produced larger‐sized juveniles. In contrast, numbers of larvae and juveniles produced were determined mainly by female length and body condition: larger females in better condition hatched more larvae and produced more offspring. 4. The results suggest that male size and condition will be the most important determinant of reproductive success under relatively dry conditions, when burrow length is critical for reproductive success. Female size might be more important for the pair's reproductive success under wet breeding conditions, when burrow length is less critical for successful reproduction.  相似文献   

Spawning burrow selection by the longfinned goby Valenciennea longipinnis was studied in the near-shore moat on coral reefs, Okinawa, Japan. The gobies make several burrows within their home range, and spawn in one of them. To examine the factors important for spawning burrow selection three characteristics were investigated: current strength, burrow length and effect of underground water on the burrow. Among the burrows, pairs tended to spawn in a larger burrow irrespective of their body sizes. Most of the other non-spawning burrows were too small for a pair to stay together, because hard substrata may prevent the fish from excavating and shaping the burrow as they like. Moreover, pairs preferred to spawn in burrows where the underground water was oozing out, probably because the male's parental burden will decrease due to the higher dissolved oxygen concentration in such burrows. Although current strength may affect a water-exchange in a V. longipinnis burrow in relation to water-exchange function of a mound, it did not affect the spawning burrow selection because of the smaller velocity difference among the burrows relative to the daily fluctuation of tidal current.  相似文献   

Dispersal is an important component in the demography of animal populations. Many animals show seasonal changes in their tendency to disperse, reflecting changes in resource availability, mating opportunities, or in population age structure at the time when new offspring enter the population. Understanding when and why dispersal occurs can be important for the management of endangered species. The pygmy bluetongue lizard is an endangered Australian species that occupies and defends single burrow refuges for extended periods of time, rarely moving far from the burrow entrance. However, previous pitfall trapping data have suggested movement of adult males in spring and of juveniles in autumn of each year. In the current study we compared behaviours of adult lizards each month, over the spring-summer activity period over two consecutive field seasons, to provide deeper understanding of the seasonal dispersal pattern. We released adult pygmy bluetongue lizards into a central area, provided with artificial burrows, within large enclosures, and monitored the behaviour and movements of the released lizards over a four day period. There was a consistent decline in time spent basking, amount of movement around burrow entrances, and rates of dispersal from the central release area from early spring to late summer. Results could be relevant to understanding and managing natural populations and for any translocation attempts of this endangered lizard species.  相似文献   

The Chatham petrel (Pterodroma axillaris) is an endangered species, restricted to a single population on South East Island, Chatham Islands. The key threat to breeding success is loss of chicks as a result of interference by broad-billed prions (Pachyptila vittata) prospecting for burrows for their oncoming breeding season. The effectiveness in decreasing interference using an artificial burrow entrance flap was investigated. The flap exploits behavioural differences between the species. Chatham petrels have a high incentive to push through a flap due to their investment in their burrow and chick, while prospecting prions are influenced by ease of access when searching for potential burrows. This trial found 90% of Chatham petrels entered their burrows through the artificial flap. Flaps acted as barriers to broad-billed prions, where 22% entered the burrow through the flap (P <0.01) compared to the control burrows. Artificial burrow flaps have the potential to provide a low cost, low labour strategy for protecting the known breeding population of Chatham petrels.  相似文献   

Longer‐range acoustic parent‐offspring communication is widespread, but might be absent in species in which young are hidden in burrows during the mother's absence. The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is such a species, with unusually limited maternal care largely restricted to a short daily nursing bout. Based, however, on evidence of frequent infanticide in this species, we hypothesize that rabbits possess a mechanism promoting a maternal response to pup distress calls. We conducted playback experiments with distress calls of pre‐weaning pups played next to the breeding burrows of mothers in a field enclosure (i.e. next to the burrows where mothers give birth and raise their young). Calls were played shortly after pups were born (T1) when infanticide risk is maximal, and shortly before the pups start dispersing from the breeding burrow (T2). A high proportion of mothers (60.6%) responded to pup calls by rapidly returning to their breeding burrow and 40% of them investigated the area around the entrance. Return responses to the playback of pup calls did not differ between mothers during T1 and T2. Thus, our results confirm that rabbit mothers respond rapidly to pup distress calls and that this responsiveness may adaptively serve to repel potentially infanticidal females.  相似文献   

Uca pugilator, the sand fiddler crab, constructs two kinds of burrows in protected, sandy upper-intertidal and supratidal substrates on the west coast of Florida. Temporary burrows are built and used as a refuge by non-breeding crabs during high tide periods and at night when crabs cease feeding in the intertidal zone. Breeding burrows are constructed and defended by courting males and are the site of mating, oviposition and the incubation of eggs by females. Up to three ovigerous females may be accommodated in a single breeding burrow, each female sequestered in a separate terminal chamber. The construction and defence of burrows specialized for breeding may be an adaptive response by males to the preferences females exhibit when selecting a breeding site.  相似文献   

Infanticide is an important source of mortality of dependent offspring in several mammal species, whereas female conspecifics are often the perpetrators. This has led to maternal counter‐strategies, such as the defence of the nests. However, cases of infanticide are hard to detect in the field, and studies on maternal offspring defence behaviour under natural breeding conditions are scarce. We conducted such a study on the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), which is usually considered to show low maternal care. The study was carried out over 5 yr on a field enclosure population. We (1) studied infanticide rates and the impact of potential determinants: the group density and age structure of the females’ rank hierarchy within the groups; we used the latter as an estimator of social group stability. We (2) studied if mothers defend their breeding burrow against approaching, potentially infanticidal females. Overall, we recorded infanticide in 5% of all litters; infanticide was the cause in 12% of cases of litter mortality. The proportion of infanticide was 7% higher in groups where same‐age females occupied successive rank positions than in groups where the females’ rank hierarchy had a more heterogeneous and linear age structure. We hypothesize that social instability in the former groups was the reason for the increased infanticide risk. Infanticide rates were not correlated with group density and did not differ among mothers with different social ranks. Infanticide occurred exclusively during the first 10 d after parturition. During this time, mothers stayed closer to their breeding burrows than shortly before parturition or during later lactation. Moreover, mothers were more aggressive against other females in proximity to their breeding burrow than in more distant areas. We suggest that the pattern of spacing behaviour and intrasexual aggression of rabbit mothers are an adaptive response to the occurrence of female infanticidal behaviour.  相似文献   

Mammals that build extensive open burrow systems are often classified as ecosystem engineers, since they have the potential to modulate the availability of resources for themselves and other organisms. Lizards may benefit from the heterogeneity created by these structures, especially if coupled with an increased offer of sites for refuge and thermoregulation. However, information about these engineering effects by burrowing animals is scarce. We investigated the influence of European rabbit burrows on several parameters of a Mediterranean lizard community (abundance, density, diversity and body condition) in three different habitats (open pastures, holm oak and scrub patches). We found that lizards were positively associated with burrows, and that burrows determined lizard presence at otherwise unfavourable habitats. Moreover, community parameters such as density and species richness were higher in sites with burrows. Burrows influenced lizard species in different ways, and were also relevant for other Mediterranean vertebrates, as revealed by questionnaires to experts. We also explored the possible resources provided by burrows for lizards. Warrens offer relatively abundant prey and appropriate retreat sites for refuge and thermoregulation. Warrens may have further implications within the ecosystem, acting as stepping stones, allowing lizards to reach otherwise inaccessible habitat patches. This study shows that European rabbit warrens have a positive influence on lizard density and diversity, and confirms the role of rabbits as ecosystem engineers. This reinforces the need for appropriate conservation measures for rabbits, especially given their threatened status in the Iberian Peninsula. Furthermore, our study highlights that taking into account the influence of engineering activities increases our awareness of species interactions, and may translate into more adequate conservation measures for the preservation of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Abstract The Capricorn Group of islands in Australia's Great Barrier Reef Marine Park sustains one of the world's largest breeding populations of the Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pacificus. Heron Island, a 13.5 ha coral cay which supports tourist and research station leases as well as a national park, is the third largest nesting island in the group. Sample censuses of breeding burrows were conducted each year between 1985 and 1990 and a further survey was completed in 1993. These returned estimates of between 13 264±1387 and 16 337±1545 active burrows (Y±SE). Burrow densities within each of the habitats monitored showed no significant trends between years, although there were large differences in burrow density between habitats. There were roughly the same number of burrows in the developed (west) and national park (east) halves of the cay. A miniature video camera system (burrowscope), which allowed nesting chambers at the ends of burrows to be inspected, was used in 1989, 1990 and 1993. This demonstrated that around half the burrows were occupied by incubating birds. Variations were found in the distribution of incubating birds between habitats, although this did not remain constant between the years. In the 1993 season, breeding activity was traced from the burrow establishment to fledging stage. Fifty-one per cent of burrows were used for breeding (eggs laid), 77% of eggs hatched and 80% of chicks produced a fledgling. Overall breeding success for the island was estimated at 61%. In 1993 the area designated as Buildings was found to have significantly lower hatching success compared with natural habitats. Most mortality occurred at the egg stage; however, in the Fringe habitat, mortality was highest at the chick stage. Previous surveys have estimated the breeding population from burrow counts. It now appears that only about 30% of such burrows produce fledglings.  相似文献   

DIANHUA KE  & XIN LU 《Ibis》2009,151(2):321-331
The Tibetan Ground Tit Pseudopodoces humilis is a high-altitude passerine endemic to the Tibetan Plateau. A 4-year study in alpine meadows in Northern Tibet at 4300 m asl demonstrated that rather than using Pika Ochotona spp. holes as previously reported, the birds excavated one nest burrow themselves in spring and another after breeding, which they used for roosting in winter. Both the nesting and winter-roosting burrows comprised a straight tunnel leading to an ellipsoid chamber. There were no significant differences in placement or structural characteristics between the two types of burrows, except that winter-roosting burrows had a significantly smaller entrance diameter. Most burrows were 100–160 cm long and their chambers 20–40 cm deep. Tibetan Ground Tits tended to maximize the thermal benefits of their burrows by adjusting their spatial and structural characteristics in response to local solar radiation and wind regimes. Burrows tended to be oriented towards the sun and away from prevailing winds, presumably to maintain burrow temperature. Longer tunnels could function to save heat from solar radiation or reduce wind-disturbance, while shorter tunnels allow chambers to be warmed sooner in situations where wind potentially reduced soil temperatures. The thermal benefits to the birds of burrow architecture are likely to play a crucial role throughout the year in these extreme alpine environments.  相似文献   

Re‐occupation of existing nesting burrows in the European bee‐eater Merops apiaster has only rarely – and if so mostly anecdotically – been documented in the literature record, although such behavior would substantially save time and energy. In this study, we quantify burrow re‐occupation in a German colony over a period of eleven years and identify ecological variables determining reuse probability. Of 179 recorded broods, 54% took place in a reused burrow and the overall probability that one of 75 individually recognized burrows would be reused in a given subsequent year was estimated as 26.4%. This indicates that between‐year burrow reuse is a common behavior in the study colony which contrasts with findings from studies in other colonies. Furthermore, burrow re‐occupation probability declined highly significantly with increasing age of the breeding wall. Statistical separation of within‐ and between‐burrow effects of the age of the breeding wall revealed that a decline in re‐occupation probability with individual burrow age was responsible for this and not a selective disappearance of burrows with high re‐occupation probability over time. Limited duty cycles of individual burrows may be caused by accumulating detritus or decreasing stability with increasing burrow age. Alternatively, burrow fidelity may presuppose pair fidelity which may also explain the observed restricted burrow reuse duty cycles. A consequent next step would be to extend our within‐colony approach to other colonies and compare the ecological circumstances under which bee‐eaters reuse breeding burrows.  相似文献   

Burrowing is a widespread nesting behaviour, found in vertebrates and invertebrates. It is particularly common in small procellariiform seabirds such as blue petrels (Halobaena caerulea) and Antarctic prions (Pachyptila desolata), two closely related petrel species. However, digging a burrow is costly and alternative strategies may evolve. Accordingly, blue petrel males can adopt two alternative nesting strategies: digging a new burrow or squatting in an empty one. Importantly, a blue petrel squatter arriving at the colony to breed is more likely to find empty Antarctic prion burrows than empty blue petrel burrows, since the former species only start breeding a month later. However, squatting in a prion’s burrow is risky for blue petrels as the legitimate owner very often returns and claims the burrow back, thus ruining the squatter’s breeding attempt. We present here results of a survey of two sympatric colonies of blue petrels and Antarctic prions on Kerguelen Island. Our data show that blue petrel squatters preferentially occupy blue petrel empty burrows. To investigate potential underlying mechanisms behind this preference, we used a simple Y‐maze design to show that blue petrels can discriminate and prefer their specific odour over the prion odour. Our results confirm the existence of alternative burrowing strategies in blue petrels and suggest that squatters could use olfaction to avoid the less suitable Antarctic prion burrows.  相似文献   

C. Endo 《Journal of Zoology》2007,273(4):414-420
The underground life of the oriental mole cricket Gryllotalpa orientalis has been investigated by studying the structure of its burrows under different environmental situations and in different seasons. The different uses of different burrow types and their advantages and disadvantages have been examined. The total length, number of tunnels and combination of burrow types varied from a simple tunnel to a more complex one with branches at various angles to the surface, burrow types being divided roughly into shallow horizontal or deep vertical ones. In horizontal burrows, the branching structure was well developed in various directions. It is notable that the vertical burrows of G. orientalis were occupied by only one individual. Both vertical and horizontal burrows were used for foraging: vertical burrows for plants with subterranean stems and horizontal burrows for creeping plants. Vertical burrows were also used for hiding from predators, resting, moulting and overwintering, whereas horizontal burrows were used for escaping from predators and as mating routes. Egg chambers were constructed beside horizontal burrows, and calling burrows were constructed as part of horizontal burrows. Based on their current requirements, mole crickets continuously modify their burrow structures or change burrowing sites.  相似文献   

Patterns of nest site selection exhibited at the scale of a population should result from initial preferences of individuals occupying nest sites as well as preferences exhibited by individuals moving between nest sites. We tested whether nest‐site preferences measured at the population scale were predictive of patterns of burrow switching by Leach's Storm‐Petrels (Oceanodroma leucorhoa), a long‐lived seabird that nests in underground burrows. Breeding pairs generally choose from the pool of available existing burrows rather than constructing new burrows, and a portion of the burrows in a colony remains unused in any breeding season. We quantified burrow preference at a colony on Kent Island, New Brunswick, over four breeding seasons. We used a classification and regression tree analysis to build a predictive model of nest‐site selection. Preferentially occupied burrows were drier, longer, had larger nest chambers, and were in areas of higher burrow density. To measure preferences during burrow switching, we tracked individuals that switched burrows, comparing characteristics of the burrows in which these birds were originally found to those they inhabited at the end of the study period. Characteristics preferred by switching individuals were a subset of those observed at the scale of the population; individuals moved to burrows that were drier, longer, and had larger nest chambers. Our results show how preferences of individuals that move between nest sites contribute to nest site preferences exhibited at the population scales commonly tested.  相似文献   

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