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Next-generation DNA sequencing (NGS) approaches are rapidly surpassing Sanger sequencing for characterizing the diversity of natural microbial communities. Despite this rapid transition, few comparisons exist between Sanger sequences and the generally much shorter reads of NGS. Operational taxonomic units (OTUs) derived from full-length (Sanger sequencing) and pyrotag (454 sequencing of the V9 hypervariable region) sequences of 18S rRNA genes from 10 global samples were analyzed in order to compare the resulting protistan community structures and species richness. Pyrotag OTUs called at 98% sequence similarity yielded numbers of OTUs that were similar overall to those for full-length sequences when the latter were called at 97% similarity. Singleton OTUs strongly influenced estimates of species richness but not the higher-level taxonomic composition of the community. The pyrotag and full-length sequence data sets had slightly different taxonomic compositions of rhizarians, stramenopiles, cryptophytes, and haptophytes, but the two data sets had similarly high compositions of alveolates. Pyrotag-based OTUs were often derived from sequences that mapped to multiple full-length OTUs at 100% similarity. Thus, pyrotags sequenced from a single hypervariable region might not be appropriate for establishing protistan species-level OTUs. However, nonmetric multidimensional scaling plots constructed with the two data sets yielded similar clusters, indicating that beta diversity analysis results were similar for the Sanger and NGS sequences. Short pyrotag sequences can provide holistic assessments of protistan communities, although care must be taken in interpreting the results. The longer reads (>500 bp) that are now becoming available through NGS should provide powerful tools for assessing the diversity of microbial eukaryotic assemblages.  相似文献   

Due to the advent of the so-called Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies the amount of monetary and temporal resources for whole-genome sequencing has been reduced by several orders of magnitude. Sequence reads can be assembled either by anchoring them directly onto an available reference genome (classical reference assembly), or can be concatenated by overlap (de novo assembly). The latter strategy is preferable because it tends to maintain the architecture of the genome sequence the however, depending on the NGS platform used, the shortness of read lengths cause tremendous problems the in the subsequent genome assembly phase, impeding closing of the entire genome sequence. To address the problem, we developed a multi-pronged hybrid de novo strategy combining De Bruijn graph and Overlap-Layout-Consensus methods, which was used to assemble from short reads the entire genome of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis strain I19, a bacterium with immense importance in veterinary medicine that causes Caseous Lymphadenitis in ruminants, principally ovines and caprines. Briefly, contigs were assembled de novo from the short reads and were only oriented using a reference genome by anchoring. Remaining gaps were closed using iterative anchoring of short reads by craning to gap flanks. Finally, we compare the genome sequence assembled using our hybrid strategy to a classical reference assembly using the same data as input and show that with the availability of a reference genome, it pays off to use the hybrid de novo strategy, rather than a classical reference assembly, because more genome sequences are preserved using the former.  相似文献   

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is a disruptive technology that has found widespread acceptance in the life sciences research community. The high throughput and low cost of sequencing has encouraged researchers to undertake ambitious genomic projects, especially in de novo genome sequencing. Currently, NGS systems generate sequence data as short reads and de novo genome assembly using these short reads is computationally very intensive. Due to lower cost of sequencing and higher throughput, NGS systems now provide the ability to sequence genomes at high depth. However, currently no report is available highlighting the impact of high sequence depth on genome assembly using real data sets and multiple assembly algorithms. Recently, some studies have evaluated the impact of sequence coverage, error rate and average read length on genome assembly using multiple assembly algorithms, however, these evaluations were performed using simulated datasets. One limitation of using simulated datasets is that variables such as error rates, read length and coverage which are known to impact genome assembly are carefully controlled. Hence, this study was undertaken to identify the minimum depth of sequencing required for de novo assembly for different sized genomes using graph based assembly algorithms and real datasets. Illumina reads for E.coli (4.6 MB) S.kudriavzevii (11.18 MB) and C.elegans (100 MB) were assembled using SOAPdenovo, Velvet, ABySS, Meraculous and IDBA-UD. Our analysis shows that 50X is the optimum read depth for assembling these genomes using all assemblers except Meraculous which requires 100X read depth. Moreover, our analysis shows that de novo assembly from 50X read data requires only 6–40 GB RAM depending on the genome size and assembly algorithm used. We believe that this information can be extremely valuable for researchers in designing experiments and multiplexing which will enable optimum utilization of sequencing as well as analysis resources.  相似文献   

Plant biosecurity requires rapid identification of pathogenic organisms. While there are many pathogen-specific diagnostic assays, the ability to test for large numbers of pathogens simultaneously is lacking. Next generation sequencing (NGS) allows one to detect all organisms within a given sample, but has computational limitations during assembly and similarity searching of sequence data which extend the time needed to make a diagnostic decision. To minimize the amount of bioinformatic processing time needed, unique pathogen-specific sequences (termed e-probes) were designed to be used in searches of unassembled, non-quality checked, sequence data. E-probes have been designed and tested for several selected phytopathogens, including an RNA virus, a DNA virus, bacteria, fungi, and an oomycete, illustrating the ability to detect several diverse plant pathogens. E-probes of 80 or more nucleotides in length provided satisfactory levels of precision (75%). The number of e-probes designed for each pathogen varied with the genome size of the pathogen. To give confidence to diagnostic calls, a statistical method of determining the presence of a given pathogen was developed, in which target e-probe signals (detection signal) are compared to signals generated by a decoy set of e-probes (background signal). The E-probe Diagnostic Nucleic acid Analysis (EDNA) process provides the framework for a new sequence-based detection system that eliminates the need for assembly of NGS data.  相似文献   

Predicting protein domains is essential for understanding a protein’s function at the molecular level. However, up till now, there has been no direct and straightforward method for predicting protein domains in species without a reference genome sequence. In this study, we developed a functionality with a set of programs that can predict protein domains directly from genomic sequence data without a reference genome. Using whole genome sequence data, the programming functionality mainly comprised DNA assembly in combination with next-generation sequencing (NGS) assembly methods and traditional methods, peptide prediction and protein domain prediction. The proposed new functionality avoids problems associated with de novo assembly due to micro reads and small single repeats. Furthermore, we applied our functionality for the prediction of leucine rich repeat (LRR) domains in four species of Ficus with no reference genome, based on NGS genomic data. We found that the LRRNT_2 and LRR_8 domains are related to plant transpiration efficiency, as indicated by the stomata index, in the four species of Ficus. The programming functionality established in this study provides new insights for protein domain prediction, which is particularly timely in the current age of NGS data expansion.  相似文献   

With various ‘omics’ data becoming available recently, new challenges and opportunities are provided for researches on the assembly of next-generation sequences. As an attempt to utilize novel opportunities, we developed a next-generation sequence clustering method focusing on interdependency between genomics and proteomics data. Under the assumption that we can obtain next-generation read sequences and proteomics data of a target species, we mapped the read sequences against protein sequences and found physically adjacent reads based on a machine learning-based read assignment method. We measured the performance of our method by using simulated read sequences and collected protein sequences of Escherichia coli (E. coli). Here, we concentrated on the actual adjacency of the clustered reads in the E. coli genome and found that (i) the proposed method improves the performance of read clustering and (ii) the use of proteomics data does have a potential for enhancing the performance of genome assemblers. These results demonstrate that the integrative approach is effective for the accurate grouping of adjacent reads in a genome, which will result in a better genome assembly.  相似文献   



Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is a frequently applied approach to detect sequence variations between highly related genomes. Recent large-scale re-sequencing studies as the Human 1000 Genomes Project utilize NGS data of low coverage to afford sequencing of hundreds of individuals. Here, SNPs and micro-indels can be detected by applying an alignment-consensus approach. However, computational methods capable of discovering other variations such as novel insertions or highly diverged sequence from low coverage NGS data are still lacking.


We present LOCAS, a new NGS assembler particularly designed for low coverage assembly of eukaryotic genomes using a mismatch sensitive overlap-layout-consensus approach. LOCAS assembles homologous regions in a homology-guided manner while it performs de novo assemblies of insertions and highly polymorphic target regions subsequently to an alignment-consensus approach. LOCAS has been evaluated in homology-guided assembly scenarios with low sequence coverage of Arabidopsis thaliana strains sequenced as part of the Arabidopsis 1001 Genomes Project. While assembling the same amount of long insertions as state-of-the-art NGS assemblers, LOCAS showed best results regarding contig size, error rate and runtime.


LOCAS produces excellent results for homology-guided assembly of eukaryotic genomes with short reads and low sequencing depth, and therefore appears to be the assembly tool of choice for the detection of novel sequence variations in this scenario.  相似文献   

The 3rd generation of sequencing (3GS) technologies generate ultra-long reads (up to 1 Mb), which makes it possible to eliminate gaps and effectively resolve repeats in genome assembly. However, the 3GS technologies suffer from the high base-level error rates (15%–40%) and high sequencing costs. To address these issues, the hybrid assembly strategy, which utilizes both 3GS reads and inexpensive NGS (next generation sequencing) short reads, was invented. Here, we use 10×-Genomics® technology, which integrates a novel bar-coding strategy with Illumina® NGS with an advantage of revealing long-range sequence information, to replace common NGS short reads for hybrid assembly of long erroneous 3GS reads. We demonstrate the feasibility of integrating the 3GS with 10×-Genomics technologies for a new strategy of hybrid de novo genome assembly by utilizing DBG2OLC and Sparc software packages, previously developed by the authors for regular hybrid assembly. Using a human genome as an example, we show that with only 7× coverage of ultra-long Nanopore® reads, augmented with 10× reads, our approach achieved nearly the same level of quality, compared with non-hybrid assembly with 35× coverage of Nanopore reads. Compared with the assembly with 10×-Genomics reads alone, our assembly is gapless with slightly high cost. These results suggest that our new hybrid assembly with ultra-long 3GS reads augmented with 10×-Genomics reads offers a low-cost (less than ¼ the cost of the non-hybrid assembly) and computationally light-weighted (only took 109 calendar hours with peak memory-usage = 61GB on a dual-CPU office workstation) solution for extending the wide applications of the 3GS technologies.  相似文献   



The advent of pyrophosphate sequencing makes large volumes of sequencing data available at a lower cost than previously possible. However, the short read lengths are difficult to assemble and the large dataset is difficult to handle. During the sequencing of a virus from the tsetse fly, Glossina pallidipes, we found the need for tools to search quickly a set of reads for near exact text matches.


A set of tools is provided to search a large data set of pyrophosphate sequence reads under a "live" CD version of Linux on a standard PC that can be used by anyone without prior knowledge of Linux and without having to install a Linux setup on the computer. The tools permit short lengths of de novo assembly, checking of existing assembled sequences, selection and display of reads from the data set and gathering counts of sequences in the reads.


Demonstrations are given of the use of the tools to help with checking an assembly against the fragment data set; investigating homopolymer lengths, repeat regions and polymorphisms; and resolving inserted bases caused by incomplete chain extension.


The additional information contained in a pyrophosphate sequencing data set beyond a basic assembly is difficult to access due to a lack of tools. The set of simple tools presented here would allow anyone with basic computer skills and a standard PC to access this information.  相似文献   

为了促进对四倍体拟南芥(A.suecica)的研究,阐明多倍体植物在染色体加倍过程中遗传物质的变化,从而在分子层面上解释多倍体植物的环境适应和进化机制,描述了一套基于第二代测序技术的转录组短序列组装和生物信息学分析方法.通过对23 000 000条来至于Illumina测序平台的序列数据进行SOAPdenovo组装,以...  相似文献   

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have enabled high-throughput and low-cost generation of sequence data; however, de novo genome assembly remains a great challenge, particularly for large genomes. NGS short reads are often insufficient to create large contigs that span repeat sequences and to facilitate unambiguous assembly. Plant genomes are notorious for containing high quantities of repetitive elements, which combined with huge genome sizes, makes accurate assembly of these large and complex genomes intractable thus far. Using two-color genome mapping of tiling bacterial artificial chromosomes (BAC) clones on nanochannel arrays, we completed high-confidence assembly of a 2.1-Mb, highly repetitive region in the large and complex genome of Aegilops tauschii, the D-genome donor of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum). Genome mapping is based on direct visualization of sequence motifs on single DNA molecules hundreds of kilobases in length. With the genome map as a scaffold, we anchored unplaced sequence contigs, validated the initial draft assembly, and resolved instances of misassembly, some involving contigs <2 kb long, to dramatically improve the assembly from 75% to 95% complete.  相似文献   

Background: Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have fostered an unprecedented proliferation of high-throughput sequencing projects and a concomitant development of novel algorithms for the assembly of short reads. However, numerous technical or computational challenges in de novo assembly still remain, although many new ideas and solutions have been suggested to tackle the challenges in both experimental and computational settings.Results: In this review, we first briefly introduce some of the major challenges faced by NGS sequence assembly. Then, we analyze the characteristics of various sequencing platforms and their impact on assembly results. After that, we classify de novo assemblers according to their frameworks (overlap graph-based, de Bruijn graph-based and string graph-based), and introduce the characteristics of each assembly tool and their adaptation scene. Next, we introduce in detail the solutions to the main challenges of de novo assembly of next generation sequencing data, single-cell sequencing data and single molecule sequencing data. At last, we discuss the application of SMS long reads in solving problems encountered in NGS assembly.Conclusions: This review not only gives an overview of the latest methods and developments in assembly algorithms, but also provides guidelines to determine the optimal assembly algorithm for a given input sequencing data type.  相似文献   

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) approaches rapidly produce millions to billions of short reads, which allow pathogen detection and discovery in human clinical, animal and environmental samples. A major limitation of sequence homology-based identification for highly divergent microorganisms is the short length of reads generated by most highly parallel sequencing technologies. Short reads require a high level of sequence similarities to annotated genes to confidently predict gene function or homology. Such recognition of highly divergent homologues can be improved by reference-free (de novo) assembly of short overlapping sequence reads into larger contigs. We describe an ensemble strategy that integrates the sequential use of various de Bruijn graph and overlap-layout-consensus assemblers with a novel partitioned sub-assembly approach. We also proposed new quality metrics that are suitable for evaluating metagenome de novo assembly. We demonstrate that this new ensemble strategy tested using in silico spike-in, clinical and environmental NGS datasets achieved significantly better contigs than current approaches.  相似文献   

Functional & Integrative Genomics - De novo assembly of reads produced by next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies offers a rapid approach to obtain expressed gene sequences for non-model...  相似文献   

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