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Many human anatomy courses are taught using cat dissection. Alternatives are available, but information regarding learning outcomes is incomplete. In 2003, approximately 120 undergraduates enrolled in a human anatomy course were assigned to one of two treatment groups. In the control group, students performed cat dissections (emphasizing isolation and identification) of the muscular, digestive, and cardiovascular systems. In the experimental treatment group, students built clay sculptures of each human body system. Student learning was evaluated by using both low- and high-difficulty questions. On pre- and postexperiment control exams, there were no significant differences in student performance. On exams after a cat dissection vs. a human-clay sculpting experience, the students in the human-clay sculpting treatment group scored significantly higher than their classmates in the cat dissection group on both the low- and high-difficulty questions. Student attitudes toward dissection and taking future human anatomy courses were also measured. There were no differences in student attitudes at the beginning of the experiment; afterward, students exposed to a cat dissection experience viewed dissection more favorably than students in the human-clay sculpting treatment group. There were no treatment effects on student willingness to take future human anatomy courses. The experimental design makes it difficult to conclude precisely why students assigned to the human-clay sculpting experience performed better on exams, but as each method was performed in this particular human anatomy course, our data indicate that human-clay sculpting may be a viable alternative to cat dissection in an anatomy course in which the students focus on human anatomy.  相似文献   

It is challenging for biomedical engineering programs to incorporate an indepth study of the systemic interdependence of cells, tissues, and organs into the rigorous mathematical curriculum that is the cornerstone of engineering education. To be sure, many biomedical engineering programs require their students to enroll in anatomy and physiology courses. Often, however, these courses tend to provide bulk information with only a modicum of live tissue experimentation. In the Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering Department of the University of Rhode Island, this issue is addressed to some extent by implementing an experiential physiology laboratory that addresses research in electrophysiology and biomechanics. The two-semester project-based course exposes the students to laboratory skills in dissection, instrumentation, and physiological measurements. In a novel approach to laboratory intensive learning, the course meets on six Sundays throughout the semester for an 8-h laboratory period. At the end of the course, students are required to prepare a two-page conference paper and submit the results to the Northeast Bioengineering Conference (NEBC) for consideration. Students then travel to the conference location to present their work. Since the inception of the course in the fall of 2003, we have collectively submitted 22 papers to the NEBC. This article will discuss the nature of the experimentation, the types of experiments performed, the goals of the course, and the metrics used to determine the success of the students and the research.  相似文献   

药用植物学是医学院中药、药学等相关专业和高等农业院校中药资源开发与利用等专业的专业基础课,是培养相关专业学生掌握和运用药用植物形态解剖学及系统分类学的基本知识和技能,准确识别和鉴定药用植物种类,保证临床用药准确有效的重要课程。课题组通过整合药用植物学教学内容,建立多元化的教学方法,构建多层次实践教学体系,建立合理的综合性考核评价体系,培养学生双创能力。  相似文献   

This article addresses the role and meaning of different practices of giving in the production process of sainthood in Theravāda Buddhism. Its focus is an account of the birthday ceremony of Thamanya Hsayadaw, the most venerated monk in contemporary Burma. Two ways of giving are defined, reciprocity and redistribution, which appear in the course of the ceremony and which correspond to the two most standard kinds of giving involving a Theravādin monk in a social relationship. The birthday ceremony itself is then described and discussed on two complementary levels. First, the meaning and implications of the gifts made during the ceremony are scrutinized. Second, at a more comprehensive level, the analysis shows that each of these gifts falls within a specific configuration and participates in a sanctification mechanism. This process entails not just the simple addition of various gifts but also their general articulation. It is this sanctifying dynamic of giving that is examined in detail.  相似文献   

人体解剖学是直接影响其他基础医学和临床医学课程教学成效的重要基础课程。新疆是多民族聚居区,我校也是以少数民族学生居多,所以如何结合他们的民族特点,运用良好的教学方法和教学手段,对提高我校少数民族人体解剖学的教学质量具有至关重要的作用。我们在教学过程中开展了PBL教学探索,认为PBL教学可以锻炼学生的自主学习能力,激发学生的学习兴趣,以弥补传统教学中的呆板、缺乏灵活性等缺点,让学生更快更好更有兴趣地学习人体解剖学,从而达到提高教学质量的目的,为少数民族教育探索提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of different anatomic representations on student learning in a human anatomy class studying the muscular system. Specifically, we examined the efficacy of using dissected cats (with and without handouts) compared with clay sculpting of human structures. Ten undergraduate laboratory sections were assigned to three treatment groups: cat dissection only, cat dissection with handouts, and human clay sculpting with handouts. Exams included higher-order questions that presented novel anatomic images and scenarios that the students did not practice in class. The higher-order anatomy exam questions varied the degree to which students in the different treatments had to transform the anatomic representation studied during laboratory activities to match the representation used in the exam questions. In this respect, exam questions manipulated the similarity between the surface features of the anatomic representations used in the classroom versus the exam. When identifying anatomic structures presented in a photograph or diagram, student performance improved significantly when transformation demands decreased, i.e., students in the human clay sculpting treatment group performed best on human anatomy questions and students in the cat dissection treatment group performed better on cat anatomy questions (independent of the use of handouts). There were similar, but nonsignificant, trends when students were asked functional anatomy questions presented in human and cat contexts. On survey questions designed to measure student attitudes about dissection versus nonanimal alternatives, students typically preferred the method used in their treatment group, suggesting that student preference is too fluid to factor into curricular decisions. When designing curricula, instructors must choose anatomic representations that support their course goals. Human representations are most effective when teaching the human muscular system.  相似文献   

To generate motivation and promote the development of written communication skills, students in a freshman-level anatomy and physiology course for nonmajors created group webpages describing historically important diseases. After the groups had been formed, each individual was assigned specific components of the disease (e.g., causes or treatments), which were subsequently combined into a final product. Interviews and questionnaires were used to document students' previous educational experiences regarding, and attitudes toward, the project. Students learned more about website design than about anatomy and physiology, but students preferred the assignment over traditional term papers. Although most students could find relevant information for this project on the internet, they were uncritical in judging the accuracy of the information they found.  相似文献   

目的:探讨多媒体技术应用于在医学高等院校人体解剖学专业课程中的意义,以及该教学策略对生物医学教学实践的作用。方法:选取我院校本部学生80人,随机分为实验组和对照组,每组40人。实验组采取多媒体教学法,对照组则采用传统教学法。比较两组学生的期末考试成绩,并在假期对两组学生进行问卷调查,分析调查结果。结果:①期末测试结果:实验组学生的期末考试平均分为88.3,对照组学生的期末考试平均分为68.9,实验组明显优于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05);②问卷调查结果:实验组92.28%的学生认为教学能够提高学习主动性,而对照组为69.36%;实验组88.61%的学生认为教学有助于提升对课程内容的理解,而对照组为66.19%;实验组93.45%的学生认为教学促进师生互动,而对照组为67.64%;实验组72.75%的学生认为教学可增强团队合作精神,而对照组为46.73%。实验组的调查结果明显优于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:将多媒体技术引入人体解剖学课程的教学实践中,能够更好的帮助学生掌握人体解剖学的理论体系,提升教学质量,提高学生的专业知识水平。  相似文献   

目的:探索新的人体解剖学实验教学模式和促进解剖学实验室标本建设,在提高解剖学实验教学质量同时,使实验室具有数量可观、质量上乘,能立体、全面反映人体形态构造的标本,实现解剖学教学质量和实验室建设的共同发展。方法:组建具备良好的职业道德、崇高的敬业精神和扎实的解剖学理论知识,又能激励和启迪学生的教学团队,遴选具有强烈的事业心,高度的责任感和吃苦耐劳精神学生,师生互动,学生自主动手解剖尸体,制作标本,进行师生共建实验室模式的探索。结果:学生观察能力、动手能力、学生综合素质和知识结构得到提高和强化,教师业务水平得到提高,实验室教学标本得到大量有效补充。结论:师生共建实验室活动取得了良好效果。在推广过程中,加大对学生的人文关怀,使教师不仅是"课程的组织者、情感的支持者、学习的参与者、信息的咨询者"更是学生"生活的关怀者",将使本探索将更具推广意义。  相似文献   

Recent advances in genomics and structural biology have resulted in an unprecedented increase in biological data available from Internet-accessible databases. In order to help students effectively use this vast repository of information, undergraduate biology students at Drake University were introduced to bioinformatics software and databases in three courses, beginning with an introductory course in cell biology. The exercises and projects that were used to help students develop literacy in bioinformatics are described. In a recently offered course in bioinformatics, students developed their own simple sequence analysis tool using the Perl programming language. These experiences are described from the point of view of the instructor as well as the students. A preliminary assessment has been made of the degree to which students had developed a working knowledge of bioinformatics concepts and methods. Finally, some conclusions have been drawn from these courses that may be helpful to instructors wishing to introduce bioinformatics within the undergraduate biology curriculum.  相似文献   

The course ‘Biology of Mankind’ was introduced into the University of New South Wales for first-year students from any faculty wishing to take biology. All students, regardless of their previous background in biology or their reasons for taking the course, followed the same syllabus. Biological principles were taught in the context of the evolution of man in relation to his environment; the importance of scientific methods for the study of these interactions was emphasized. At the beginning of their university studies students were introduced to the relevance of biology for an understanding of many related disciplines. The course represented an educational innovation in both content and teaching methods. It sought to develop some independence in student learning as preparation for subsequent years. The development of the course and its evaluation over a three-year period are reviewed.  相似文献   

This paper describes and evaluates a major renovation of a human anatomy and physiology lab for allied health students. A Howard Hughes Medical Institute award funded an extensive collaboration between faculty involved in teaching the course and faculty with expertise in industrial and furniture design. The resulting physical lab has unique features designed to improve work in groups, student movement, and integration of computers with wet laboratories. The anatomy curriculum was switched from fetal pig dissections to the use of human cadavers, computer animations, and plastic models. An inquiry approach was integrated into the physiology curriculum. Student attitude surveys suggest that the physical and curricular changes resulted in a significant increase in student learning. An experiment designed to specifically test the effect of new vs. old equipment did not support a benefit to new equipment independent of changes in the lab physical environment and curriculum. Because the improvements in student attitude surveys occurred in the physiology but not the anatomy labs, we suggest that at least a portion of the increase is due to the institution of the inquiry approach.  相似文献   

Functional Neuroanatomy is a course designed to help students learn the function and anatomy of the human nervous system. Historically, students have had difficulty with the spinal tract curricular unit and frequently resorted to memorization to "learn" the material. They performed poorly on exams and failed to demonstrate competence in the functional application of their knowledge. In an effort to improve learning and promote critical thinking in this course, the instructor revised the curriculum to include 1) shorter, less detailed lectures; 2) a set of practice problems that presented the spinal tracts in an applied context; and 3) a manipulative, which was composed of a magnetic bulletin board and a kit of magnets representing structures of the nervous system. Student learning, as assessed by summative exams, improved under the revised curriculum. Scores on knowledge, analytical, and synthesis questions were significantly higher than scores from previous classes using the traditional lecture curriculum (P < 0.05). This curricular protocol could potentially be applied to other topics where students resort to memorization and fail to comprehend concepts and processes.  相似文献   

The first-year zoology course at University College Cardiff is based on a self-instructional system using printed texts, audiovisual programmes, and integrated practical work. Each course ‘Unit’ has in addition a ‘General Session’ in the lecture theatre and structured tutorial work; some Units have associated fieldwork. The students work in a specially designed teaching laboratory and proceed at their own preferred time and pace. Each aspect of the course and its organization is described, with emphasis on the modifications to the original scheme which have been introduced during its first three years of existence in the light of experience.  相似文献   

Live animals and cadavers are integral to veterinary education. In the year of this survey (2008), and in at least the five preceding years, cadavers obtained by euthanasia of healthy pound dogs and ex-racing greyhounds were dissected by students, during their veterinary anatomy classes at the University of Queensland School of Veterinary Science. Students may have ethical concerns about this. An alternative approach was to use donated dog cadavers. These are owned pet dogs that have died of natural causes or have been euthanised for medical reasons, and have been donated by their owners for the purposes of veterinary education. Veterinary students at the School were surveyed in 2008, in order to determine their preferences for cadaver source. Data from 406 questionnaires were analysed. Third-year and fifth-year veterinary students were more likely than first-year students to prefer pound-dog/greyhound cadavers over donated cadavers for anatomy dissection (p ≤ 0.002). Between 32% and 45% of the students had no preference for either source of cadaver. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that veterinary students become more accepting of the euthanasia of unwanted healthy animals for education as they progress through the veterinary programme, in contexts such as the current study. This could occur due to increased acceptance of the euthanasia of healthy animals generally, a decline in moral development, desensitisation, and/or the belief that healthy animal cadavers offer a superior learning experience.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study investigating both the use and usefulness of laboratory dissections and computer-based dissections, in a tertiary, first-year human biology course. In addition student attitudes to dissection were investigated. Data were collected from enrolled students using quantitative and qualitative survey instruments. Students were questioned about their usage and perceptions of the usefulness of there sources provided, and their attitudes towards the use of dissections for learning in human biology.

The real dissection was used as a learning resource by 80% of the student cohort while only 15% used the computer-based dissection material. In addition 5% of students reported that they did not use either the realdissection material or the computer-based dissection. Of those students who did use the computer-based dissection, two thirds of them found it useful for learning both structure and function of body systems. Of those students who used the real dissection, 72% found it useful for learning structure but only 62% found that it helped in learning function. Of the entire cohort surveyed, 90% agreed that biology students should dissect ananimal to help learn about anatomy. These outcomes reinforce the need to offer a variety of learning experiences that target different styles of learning.  相似文献   

普通生物学课程教学改革实践探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对专业基础课普通生物学课程教学实际,探讨以解决实际问题为学习导向、转变学生思维方式变被动学习为主动学习、转变学生学习方式建立系统化知识体系、采取拓展专业视野与创设师生互动的课堂教学提升教学水平。改革的实践促进培养学生良好的专业学习能力。  相似文献   

Students in a large introductory biology course at Flinders University, South Australia, were quizzed on misconceptions relating to evolution and their acceptance of evolutionary theory before and after completing the course. By providing students with a course featuring a multifaceted approach to learning about evolution, students improved their understanding and decreased their overall misconceptions. A variety of instructional methods and assessment tools were utilized in the course, and it employed an active and historically rich pedagogical approach. Although student learning and understanding of evolutionary theory improved throughout the course, it did not alter the beliefs of students who commented both before and after the course that religious theories provided adequate explanation for the diversity of life. Interestingly, students who maintained this belief scored more poorly on the final examination than students who considered evolution as the best explanation for the diversity of life.  相似文献   

A complete course of respiratory physiology suitable for first-year medical and graduate students has been placed on the Web for our own students and for other educational institutions. There are several reasons for doing this. The first is that the modern-day student uses a variety of options for acquiring knowledge. These include attending lectures, reading texts, iPod downloads, and surfing the internet. This Web-based course is another option that may be preferable for some students. A second reason is that it is becoming increasingly difficult for some medical schools to find faculty members who are willing and able to teach the principles of respiratory physiology. This is a potentially serious problem because a sound knowledge of respiratory physiology will always be necessary for the intelligent practice of medicine. Schools with limited faculty may find it useful to use these Web-based lectures followed by a discussion session with students. Another reason is that some schools have moved away from systematic lectures to case-based discussions, with the possibility that students will not be exposed to some of the principles of respiratory physiology. The hope is that this comprehensive course of lectures will help students to assimilate this important material as the medical school curriculum continues to expand at a rapid rate.  相似文献   

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