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Sexually deceptive orchids from the genus Ophrys attract their pollinators primarily through the chemical mimicry of female hymenopteran sex pheromones, thereby deceiving males into attempted matings with the orchid labellum. Floral odor traits are crucial for the reproductive success of these pollinator-limited orchids, as well as for maintaining reproductive isolation through the attraction of specific pollinators. We tested for the signature of pollinator-mediated selection on floral odor by comparing intra and interspecific differentiation in odor compounds with that found at microsatellite markers among natural populations. Three regions from southern Italy were sampled. We found strong floral odor differentiation among allopatric populations within species, among allopatric species and among sympatric species. Population differences in odor were also reflected in significant variation in the attractivity of floral extracts to the pollinator, Colletes cunicularius. Odor compounds that are electrophysiologically active in C. cunicularius males, especially alkenes, were more strongly differentiated among conspecific populations than nonactive compounds in the floral odor. In marked contrast to these odor patterns, there was limited population or species level differentiation in microsatellites (FST range 0.005 to 0.127, mean FST 0.075). We propose that the strong odor differentiation and lack of genetic differentiation among sympatric taxa indicates selection imposed by the distinct odor preferences of different pollinating species. Within species, low FST values are suggestive of large effective population sizes and indicate that divergent selection rather than genetic drift accounts for the strong population differentiation in odor. The higher differentiation in active versus non-active odor compounds suggests that divergent selection among orchid populations may be driven by local pollinator preferences for those particular compounds critical for pollinator attraction.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that frequency-dependent resource competition will disproportionately impact the most common phenotypes in a population. The resulting disruptive selection forms the driving force behind evolutionary models of niche diversification, character release, ecological sexual dimorphism, resource polymorphism, and sympatric speciation. However, there is little empirical support for the idea that intraspecific competition generates disruptive selection. This paper presents a test of this theory, using natural populations of the three-spine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus. Sticklebacks exhibit substantial individual specialization associated with phenotypic variation and so are likely to experience frequency-dependent competition and hence disruptive selection. Using body size and relative gonad mass as indirect measures of potential fecundity and hence fitness, I show that an important aspect of trophic morphology, gill raker length, is subject to disruptive selection in one of two natural lake populations. To test whether this apparent disruptive selection could have been caused by competition, I manipulated population densities in pairs of large enclosures in each of five lakes. In each lake I removed fish from one enclosure and added them to the other to create paired low- and high-population-density treatments with natural phenotype distributions. Again using indirect measures of fitness, disruptive selection was consistently stronger in high-density than low-density enclosures. These results support long-standing theoretical arguments that intraspecific competition drives disruptive selection and thus may be an important causal agent in the evolution of ecological variation.  相似文献   

This study is devoted to assess sex ratio variation among 33 populations of the gynodioecious Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima in Brittany (France) and to explore the causes of this variation. We showed that three different CMS (cytoplasmic male sterility) cytotypes occurred in populations, but strongly differed for their frequencies and the frequency of their associated nuclear restorer alleles (which counteract the effect of CMS and restore male fertility). No correlation was found between CMS and restorer frequencies within populations, which has been previously interpreted as a result of stochasticity. However, neutral genetic variation did not indicate recent population bottlenecks in studied populations. Moreover, no significant correlation was found between female frequency or variance and current population size. Consequently, stochastic processes could not be the major cause of sex ratio variation. Alternatively, empirical estimations of the variation of females, CMS genes and nuclear restorer allele's frequencies were compared to theoretical predictions based on a frequency‐dependent selection model of gynodioecy. In particular, we showed that an absence of correlation between CMS and restorer frequencies could also occur without stochasticity. The large variation of sex ratio in Beta vulgaris could thus be explained by frequency‐dependent selection acting on CMS genes and restorer alleles.  相似文献   

Geographical patterns of morphological variation have been useful in addressing hypotheses about environmental adaptation. In particular, latitudinal clines in phenotypes have been studied in a number of Drosophila species. Some environmental conditions along latitudinal clines—for example, temperature—also vary along altitudinal clines, but these have been studied infrequently and it remains unclear whether these environmental factors are similar enough for convergence or parallel evolution. Most clinal studies in Drosophila have dealt exclusively with univariate phenotypes, allowing for the detection of clinal relationships, but not for estimating the directions of covariation between them. We measured variation in wing shape and size in D. melanogaster derived from populations at varying altitudes and latitudes across sub‐Saharan Africa. Geometric morphometrics allows us to compare shape changes associated with latitude and altitude, and manipulating rearing temperature allows us to quantify the extent to which thermal plasticity recapitulates clinal effects. Comparing effect vectors demonstrates that altitude, latitude, and temperature are only partly associated, and that the altitudinal shape effect may differ between Eastern and Western Africa. Our results suggest that selection responsible for these phenotypic clines may be more complex than just thermal adaptation.  相似文献   

Body size is widely believed to affect the occurrence of sexual maturation. Recent studies have used changes in the age-specific body size at which the probability of maturing is 50%, a feature of probabilistic reaction norms, to quantify purported evolution of life histories. However, body size results from a combination of growth rates during successive developmental stages. Therefore, to understand the evolution of the maturation schedule, it is necessary to comprehend the relationships among body size, growth history, and maturation schedule. We examined the relationships among body size, previous growth history, and maturation probability in chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta). In this study, previous growth history was estimated from yearly specific growth increments that provide information describing body size. Previous growth history was found to be more closely linked to maturation probability than body size. The most recent growth condition was the most important factor affecting whether a fish matured during the subsequent breeding season. Because individuals of similar body size and same age can have different growth histories, the relationship between body size and maturation probability could be plastically modified by growth history. This may violate an assumption required to infer evolution, namely that size-related maturation trends in probabilistic reaction norms are immune to growth history.  相似文献   

Gametophytic apomixis is a common form of asexual reproduction in plants. Virtually all gametophytic apomicts are polyploids, and some view polyploidy as a prerequisite for the transition to apomixis. However, any causal link between apomixis and polyploidy is complicated by the fact that most apomictic polyploids are allopolyploids, leading some to speculate that hybridization, rather than polyploidy, enables apomixis. Diploid apomixis presents a rare opportunity to isolate the role of hybridization, and a number of diploid apomicts have been documented in the genus Boechera (Brassicaceae). Here, we present the results of a microsatellite study of 1393 morphologically and geographically diverse diploid individuals, evaluating the hypothesis that diploid Boechera apomicts are hybrids. This genus‐wide dataset was made possible by the applicability of a core set of microsatellite loci in 69 of the 70 diploid Boechera species and by our ability to successfully genotype herbarium specimens of widely varying ages. With few exceptions, diploid apomicts exhibited markedly high levels of heterozygosity resulting from the combination of disparate genomes. This strongly suggests that most apomictic diploid Boechera lineages are of hybrid origin, and that the genomic consequences of hybridization allow for the transition to gametophytic apomixis in this genus.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Lipson et al. (2002) presented an elegant linear algebraic formalism to define and study the evolution of modularity in an artificial evolving system. They employed simulation data to support their suggestion that modularity arises spontaneously in temporally fluctuating systems in response to selection for enhanced evolvability. We show analytically and by simulation that their correlate of modularity is itself under selection and so is not a reliable indicator of selection for modularity per se. In addition, we question the relation between modularity and evolvability in their simulations, suggesting that this modularity cannot confer enhanced evolvability.  相似文献   

Abstract How much of the variation in adaptive divergence can be explained by gene flow? The answer to this question should objectively reveal whether gene flow generally places a substantial constraint on evolutionary diversification. We studied multiple independent lake‐stream population pairs of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus acu‐leatus). For each pair, we quantified adaptive divergence based on morphological traits that have a genetic basis and are subject to divergent selection. We then estimated gene flow based on variation at five unlinked microsatellite loci. We found a consistent and significant pattern for morphological divergence to be positively correlated with genetic divergence and negatively correlated with gene flow. Statistical significance and the amount of variation explained varied within and among traits: 36.1–74.1% for body depth and 11.8–51.7% for gill raker number. Variation within each trait was the result of differences among methods for estimating genetic divergence and gene flow. Variation among traits likely reflects different strengths of divergent selection. We conclude that gene flow has a substantial effect on adaptive divergence in nature but that the magnitude of this effect varies among traits. An alternative explanation is that cause and effect are reversed: adaptive divergence is instead constraining gene flow. This effect seems relatively unimportant for our system because genetic divergence and gene flow were not correlated with ecologically relevant habitat features of lakes (surface area) or streams (width, depth, flow, canopy openness).  相似文献   

Alston , R. E. (U. Texas, Austin), and H. S. Irwin . The comparative extent of variation of free amino acids and certain “secondary” substances among Cassia species. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(1): 35–39. Illus. 1961.—Five species of Cassia, selected to include 4 sections of the genus, were examined by chromatographic methods for free amino acids and for substances visible in ultraviolet light, visible light and after spraying with a general reagent for phenols. The latter, representing a heterogeneous group, are referred to as “secondary” substances (implying that they are not intimately involved in basic energy transfer or assimilative activity of all tissues). Among the species examined there was definite but only moderate variation in the free amino acids present, and differences were predominantly quantitative. In contrast, a minimum of 25 “secondary” substances appeared on the chromatograms when viewed in ultraviolet light and ammonia vapor, with no more than 9 of the spots present in a single species. While free amino acid patterns may be useful in themselves, it seems that patterns of variation of “secondary” substances offer a greater potential in taxonomic work.  相似文献   

Adaptive hypotheses of female choice predict that females use male courtship displays as an indicator of male quality. A test of whether female choice is adaptive measuring direct and indirect effects of mate choice on females was made using a laboratory population of a lek-mating species, the Mediterranean fruit fly. The nonrandom mating observed in this species is thought to be strongly influenced by female choice. Whether female choice acts to increase fecundity or offspring quality was assessed using two different statistical tests. Multiple regression showed that females generally do not receive direct benefits as a result of mating with males which are successful in copulating with many females. However, in one trial the relationship between male quality and female benefit was nonlinear. Females which mate with males that obtain few matings (<2), and females which mate with males that obtain many matings (>6) enjoy increased fecundity. Mate choice does not, however, appear to enhance offspring quality as father/son correlation and sibling analysis showed no heritable component to male copulatory success.  相似文献   

The bill structures of different call types of red crossbills (Loxia curvirostra complex) in western North America usually approximate the predicted optima for foraging on single species of conifers. One clear exception is the call type in the South Hills, Idaho, that is coevolving in an evolutionary arms race with Rocky Mountain lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta ssp. latifolia). Although South Hills crossbills forage only on the cones of these lodgepole pines, their average bill depth is smaller than that predicted to be optimal. Because preliminary data showed that large-billed males were more likely to exhibit symptoms of ectoparasitic mite (Knemidokoptes jamaicensis) infestation, the goal of our study was to further quantify the incidence of mite infestation and determine whether selection by mites may have favored smaller-billed crossbills and thus driven crossbills away from the foraging optimum. We estimated annual survival of both infected and uninfected South Hills crossbills using program MARK, which allows for auxiliary variables such as bill size and sex to be included in survival analyses. Mite infestation depressed crossbill survival and, especially for males, caused directional selection against larger-billed individuals. Such selection may explain why South Hills crossbills have smaller bills than the optimum and why average bill size for males has decreased from 1998 to 2003. This selection may also explain why the degree of sexual size dimorphism has decreased by nearly 50% since 1998.  相似文献   

Geological and climatic processes potentially alter speciation rates by generating and modifying barriers to dispersal. In Southeast Asia, two processes have substantially altered the distribution of land. Volcanic uplift produced many new islands during the Miocene–Pliocene and repeated sea level fluctuations during the Pleistocene resulted in intermittent land connections among islands. Each process represents a potential driver of diversification. We use a phylogenetic analysis of a group of Southeast Asian shrews ( Crocidura ) to examine geographic and temporal processes of diversification. In general, diversification has taken place in allopatry following the colonization of new areas. Sulawesi provides an exception, where we cannot reject within-island speciation for a clade of eight sympatric and syntopic species. We find only weak support for temporally declining diversification rates, implying that neither volcanic uplift nor sea level fluctuations had a strong effect on diversification rates. We suggest that dynamic archipelagos continually offer new opportunities for allopatric diversification, thereby sustaining high speciation rates over long periods of time, or Southeast Asian shrews represent an immature radiation on a density-dependent trajectory that has yet to fill geographic and ecological space.  相似文献   

In boreal Scandinavia Usnea longissima is a rare epiphytic lichen associated with old spruce (Picea abies) forests. To test whether tree age was an important determinant of the occurrence and abundance of U. longissima at the scale of a forest stand we estimated thallus numbers on 1008 trees within three submontane spruce stands in south-central Norway. The stands were of all ages and multi-layered and had been selectively cut previous to the 1940s. There was no relationship between number of U. longissima thalli and tree age among trees with dbh of ≥10 cm. The most consistent pattern was a positive relationship between occurrence and number of thalli and stem diameter. After controlling the covariance of stem diameter, there was a tendency for a negative relationship between number of thalli and tree age. The results suggest that in old-growth resembling stands, with already established U. longissima populations, tree size (here measured as stem diameter) is a better predictor of thallus number than tree age. This does not contradict the possibility that other environmental characteristics, associated with stands of older age, may be important for the establishment and growth of U. longissima populations.  相似文献   

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