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Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) embryos at three stages of development were cultured on C2d, SBH and WPM media. In vitro culture produced high percentages of germination and seedlings throughout all three developmental stages. Significant media effects were noted for changes in both embryo length and weight during the culture period, as well as number of plants produced. Embryos between 5 and 9 mm (developmental stage I) germinated and developed into plants in a significantly higher percentage than in the other two more mature stages. Therefore, embryo culture can be successfully used as a tool in an apricot breeding program to obtain higher percentages of seedlings from planned hybridization or to overcome a lack of seed germination.  相似文献   

The influence of donor plant growth conditions in years 2003, 2004, and 2005 on tissue culture response (TCR) traits of 96 wheat genotypes was evaluated. Immature embryos, collected 12–15 days after anthesis from field-grown plants, were cultured on Murashige and Skoog medium containing 2 mg/l 2,4-D followed by their transfer to a growth regulator-free medium. Donor plants growth in a season 2003 characterized by drought and heat stress, as compared to favorable growth seasons 2004 and 2005, resulted in a increased variability and a decreased percentage of callus formation and the number of regenerating calli and plants regenerated per embryo in all genotypes, except genotype Florida that exhibited a significantly increased number of regenerating calli in 2003. The reduction rate of regenerating callus formation depended on genotype, and it was the highest in Magnif 41, NS66/92, and Mexico 3. The results suggest that the impact of donor plant growth conditions on TCR traits can be as large as the effect of the genotype, which should be taken into account when planning transformation work with wheat. Published in Russian in Fiziologiya Rastenii, 2009, vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 596–602. This text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Shoots were regenerated from the proximal region of immature cotyledons (with the embryonic axis removed) of Prunus persica (peach) and from the same area in mature cotyledons of P. domestica (plum) and P. cerasus (sour cherry) on MS medium containing (in mgl-1) thiamine-HCl, 0.4; nicotinic acid, 0.5; pyridoxine-HCl, 0.5; sucrose, 25 000; and 0.7% agar. The medium was supplemented with 0.0–2.5 M indole-butyric acid and 5–12.5 M thidiazuron. Cultures were incubated at 24 °C under 16h photoperiod. Shoots regenerated adventitiously over a broad range of thidiazuron concentrations and 2.5 M indole-butyric acid in 35 days. The presence of the embryonic axis inhibited the development of shoots. Regenerated shoots of peach and plum were rooted on half-strength MS inorganic semi-solid medium with 2.5–5.0 M indole-butyric acid. Rooted plants were acclimatized and transferred to the greenhouse.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - IBA indole-butyric acid - TDZ N-phenyl-N-1,2,3-thidiazol-5-ylurea - IAA indole-acetic acid - NAA -naphthalene-acetic acid  相似文献   

Interploid sexual hybridizations were completed in 2001 and 2002 between seven lemon (Citrus limon(L.) Burm. f.) varieties, Key lime (C. aurantifolia (Cristm.) Swing), Palestine sweet lime (C. imettioides Tan.), Lakeland limequat (C. aurantifolia x Fortunella japonica (Thumb.) Swing.), and Etrog citron (C. medica L.) as diploid progenitors and four allotetraploid somatic hybrids (Key lime + Valencia orange, Hamlin orange + Femminello lemon, Valencia orange + Rough lemon, and Valencia orange+ Femminello lemon) in efforts to generate improved seedless triploid acid fruit hybrids. Efficient recovery of triploid progeny from such crosses requires embryo rescue to avoid embryo abortion due to endosperm failure. Germination of rescued genetically diverse immature embryos was induced on two culture media (EME and Gamborgs B5), with two sucrose concentrations (50 or 70 g l–1). All media contained 0.5 g l–1 malt extract and 4.50 M GA3. Germination of globular, heart and torpedo shaped embryos (defined as small embryos) was significantly (p < 0.05) affected by medium and genotype. Gamborgs medium induced 82.89% germination. Of germinated embryos, 11–65% developed into normal plants with differences among crosses. Cotyledonary embryos (defined as immature embryos with fully developed cotyledons) germinated and developed into normal plants at higher rates than less-developed embryos. In efforts to improve the efficiency of plant recovery, small embryos from Todo el año × HF and Lisbon × HF crosses conducted during 2002 were rescued and cultured on three media (MS, Gamborgs, and RMA) for comparison. Media did not significantly affect the proportion of normal plant recovery.  相似文献   

Three different culture media have been examined for their ability to support growth in culture of embryos of two pea lines near-isogenic except for the r-locus. Embryos showed a greater increase in fresh weight on a medium containing 10% sucrose and a high level of a mixture of amino acids than on either one containing an equivalent amount of glutamine as the sole nitrogen source or one containing both inorganic nitrogen and a low level of glutamine. Small embryos (up to 10 mg fresh weight) showed the greatest relative increase in fresh weight. Decreasing the osmotic pressure of an agar medium by lowering the sucrose content to 2% and reducing the concentration of amino acids induced precocious germination. Shoot growth was more sensitive than root growth to increasing sucrose concentrations and optimum development was obtained when embryos were cultured in liquid culture at a high osmotic pressure followed by growth on an agar medium at low osmotic pressure. Alternatively, precocious germination could be induced by removing the cotyledons. Embryos of all sizes and of both genotypes of pea responded in a similar manner.  相似文献   

诱导茶树成熟胚培育成幼苗的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以茶树品种——农抗早的成熟胚为外植体离体培养,初次研究了2,4-D、6-BA等不同植物激素对茶树成熟胚诱导成幼苗的影响。结果表明,在合适的激素组合条件下,愈伤组织诱导为97%,在附加2.5mg/L 6-BA 0.5mg/L NAA的MS培养基上,愈伤组织的芽分化率为14.2%,附加1.5mg/L NAA的1/2 MS培养基,幼苗的根分化率为5%。  相似文献   

Assisted reproduction technologies for clinical and research purposes rely on a brief in vitro embryo culture which, despite decades of progress, remain suboptimal in comparison to the physiological environment. One promising tool to improve this technique is the development of bespoke microfluidic chambers. Here we present and validate a new microfluidic device in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) for the culture of early mouse embryos. Device material and design resulted embryo compatible and elicit minimal stress. Blastocyst formation, hatching, attachment and outgrowth formation on fibronectin-coated devices were similar to traditional microdrop methods. Total blastocyst cell number and allocation to the trophectoderm and inner cell mass lineages were unaffected. The devices were designed for culture of 10–12 embryos. Development rates, mitochondrial polarization and metabolic turnover of key energy substrates glucose, pyruvate and lactate were consistent with groups of 10 embryos in microdrop controls. Increasing group size to 40 embryos per device was associated with increased variation in development rates and altered metabolism. Device culture did not perturb blastocyst gene expression but did elicit changes in embryo metabolome, which can be ascribed to substrate leaching from PDMS and warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

Mouse embryos at various stages of development were used to test three types of media: TC199, CMRL-1066 and TALP. The effect of 20% human cord serum (HCS) and fetal calf serum (FCS) were also compared in TC199 and CMRL-1066 media. Embryos were recovered at the two, four and eight cell stages and assessed for at least one cleavage progression in 24 hours. There was no difference in embryo growth rates between the media for four and eight cell embryos, however TALP significantly increased the proportion of two cell embryos which underwent at least one cleavage division. HCS significantly promoted a greater number of cleavage divisions compared with FCS. This study indicates that the defined medium (TALP) can be employed for equal or increased growth rates of early mouse embryos cultured in vitro compared to two serum supplemented media (TC199 and CMRL-1066).  相似文献   

Yields of 106–108 peach mesophyll cells and protoplasts · gfw-1 were obtained depending on factors such as digesting enzymes, and leaf size. Onozuka R-10 (2%) in combination with Macerase (0.5%) was found best for protoplast isolation and mediocre for cell isolation among several enzyme combinations tested. Viability was 90% for protoplasts and 60% for cells. Pectolyase Y23 was found to be ineffective in our investigation. Small leaves, 4–10 mm in length, were a superior source for protoplast isolation than medium or big expanded leaves, 22–30 mm in length. The high yields of protoplasts could be obtained only when keeping the ratio of leaf biomass to volume of digesting enzyme solution under 20 mg ml-1. Purification of protoplasts on a sucrose gradient yielded about 107 protoplasts · gfw-1, however, the preparation was still contaminated by intact cells. Protoplasts were cultured under different growth regulators and physical conditions. Limited growth and division of protoplasts embedded in agarose drops were observed.Abbreviations BA 6-benzyladenine - IBA indolebutyric acid - FDA fluorescein diacetate - MES 2-M-morpholinoethane sulphonic acid - MS Murashige and Skoog - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - PVP polyvinylpyrrolidone  相似文献   

Embryogenic callus was induced from immature embryos of Angelica sinensis cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium. Embryogenic callus growth was more rapid on MS basal medium than on B5 or White medium. Embryogenic callus was used to establish a suspension culture and somatic embryos and germinating embryos developed during the culture. A shaking speed of 80 rpm was found to be optimal for establishing suspension cultures, while 100 rpm produced more somatic embryos and germinating embryos with an initiation cell density of 0.2 ml packed cell volume/25 ml medium. Adding 0.3% agar to the liquid medium also stimulated the formation of somatic and germinating embryos. While no plant growth regulators were needed for culture initiation and plant regeneration, the addition of 0.5–1 mg/l 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid was needed to maintain the embryogenic suspension culture by preventing embryo germination. Forty percent of the germinating embryos survived after culturing on filter paper moistened with liquid half-strength MS medium containing 3% sucrose. The plants were successfully transferred into soil. Received: 19 March 1997 / Revision received: 21 November 1997 / Accepted: 19 January 1998  相似文献   

A comparison of semi-solid vs. liquid embryo proliferation media was made using two Gossypium hirsutum L. genotypes (Coker 312 and T25) and two callus initiation media. Sections of petioles from mature, flowering plants were cultured on two modified Murashige and Skoog media. Medium 1 included 4.0 mg l-1 NAA and 1.0 mg l-1 kinetin; medium 2 contained 0.1 mg l-1 2,4-D and 0.1 mg l-1 kinetin. After six weeks, callus was removed from each explant and divided in half. One callus portion was placed in liquid proliferation medium and the other on semi-solid (0.2% Gelrite) proliferation medium. Composition of proliferation medium was identical to that of initiation medium, except no growth regulators were added. Embryos were counted after eight weeks. The percentage of explants forming callus was influenced by genotype/initiation medium combination. Analysis of variance procedures revealed significant variability for callus initiation media, proliferation media (semi-solid or liquid), and an initiation medium x genotype interaction. Paired t-tests indicated that more embryos were produced in liquid proliferation medium (227.3 embryos/culture) than on semi-solid proliferation medium (134.6 embryos/culture).Abbreviations NAA naphtaleneacetic acid - 2,4-D 2,4-D dichlorophenoxyacetic acid  相似文献   

Summary Ovule perforation technique and media components (plant growth regulators andl-glutamine) were tested on in vitro growth of immature (<3 mm) embryos of “Springcrest” and “Earligrande” peaches. Ovule perforation was 2 to 4 times more effective in promoting embryo growth than leaving ovules intact.l-Glutamine (400 mg·liter−1) promoted an increase in growth but could not be used with indole-acetic acid plus kinetin because an antagonistic effect on embryo growth occurred. The use of these exogenous plant growth regulators did not increase embryo growth over in vivo growth.  相似文献   

吴丽芳  魏晓梅 《广西植物》2019,39(8):1107-1114
该研究以蔗糖、麦芽糖、山梨醇及PEG(6000)为渗透剂,探讨了不同渗透剂对白刺花体细胞胚发育、胚成熟及萌发的影响。结果表明:白刺花下胚轴形成的胚性愈伤组织接种至MS+2,4-D 0.2 mg·L~(-1)+NAA 1.0 mg·L~(-1)+6-BA 2.0 mg·L~(-1)+TDZ 1.0 mg·L~(-1)+蔗糖40 g·L~(-1)+谷氨酰胺100 mg·L~(-1)+植物凝胶3g·L~(-1)的培养基上,体细胞胚发生率高达66. 21%,总胚数为79个; 7%蔗糖可使体细胞胚成熟率高达64.36%,同时也可提高多子叶畸形胚形成; 2%麦芽糖+2%山梨醇+4%蔗糖组合使体细胞胚成熟率最高达88.89%,畸形胚比例最低; 30 g·L~(-1)PEG培养时,体细胞成熟率最高,为82.35%;鱼雷期的体细胞胚最合适转接,可使体胚萌发率达90.58%,复合糖上培养得到的成熟体细胞胚生根率最高,为87.47%。这为实现白刺花体细胞胚育苗奠定了理论基础,并提供了可行的方案。  相似文献   

Asif  MJ  Mak  C  Othman  RY 《Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture》2001,67(3):267-270
In vitro zygotic embryo culture of wild banana significantly increased the germination compared to greenhouse grown seeds. Embryo orientation and BAP concentration significantly affected germination rate. These factors together with gelling agent, dark and light conditions and coconut water, also showed variable effects on the number of roots per plant, root length, shoot length, number of days to root emergence and number of days to shoot emergence.  相似文献   

Five experiments, utilizing 3741 embryos produced in vitro, were designed to test the effects of Eagle's nonessential amino acids, and combinations of Eagle's essential amino acids and the RNA polymerase inhibitor α-amanitin on the development of preimplantation bovine embryos in a modified protein-free KSOM medium. Embryos were cultured in 5% O2:5% CO2:90% N2 at 39°C for the first 40–44 hr in modified KSOM, and embryos with ≥4 cells were cultured in modified KSOM-PVA with different amino acids in experiments 1–4, and with the addition of α-amanitin in experiment 5. In experiment 1, addition of 0.5× of the essential amino acids, with different concentrations of nonessential amino acids significantly increased hatching of blastocysts and decreased blastocyst degeneration, but increasing the nonessential amino acids from 1× to 5×, did not stimulate embryo development. In experiments 2–4, increasing only the glycine concentration, or adding each of the 12 essential amino acids singly or several in combination to the medium containing nonessential amino acids, did not significantly improve embryo development. Taurine (0.4 mM) in the modified KSOM medium reduced blastocyst degeneration. In experiment 5, α-amanitin (20 μM) completely inhibited further embryo development when it was added at several stages from 4-cell embryos to morulae. The study with protein-free KSOM plus amino acids provided a completely defined simple medium for culturing bovine embryos, with evidence that continuous mRNA activity and presumed protein synthesis was obligatory to meet the complex and continuous requirements for proteins by the developing blastocyst. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 46:278–285, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Somatic embryos of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] are induced on immature cotyledons explanted onto a medium containing moderately high levels of auxin. Germinability of embryos is related to morphologic normality, and both are reduced by excessive exposure to auxin during the induction process. Shoot meristem development was improved by reducing exposure of cotyledonary explants from 30 to 10 to 14 d on 10 mg/liter α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). A 3-d exposure was sufficient to induce embryos, and embryo frequency was not significantly increased by exposures to NAA for more than 1 wk. Embryo frequency was enhanced, however, by transfer after 9 d to fresh medium containing 10 mg/liter NAA. Germination of morphologically normal embryos was achieved without growth regulators, after maturation for 1 mo. on hormone-free medium and desiccation for 1 wk in a sealed, dry container. This research was funded by Lubrizol Genetics, Inc., Madison, WI.  相似文献   

Summary Various culture milieus were examined for their support of mouse blastocyst development. Two important variables were the time at which human cord serum was added to the medium and the concentration of amino acids. In the best medium, Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium (fortified with six times the usual amino-acid concentration plus 20% fetal bovine serum, replaced after 48 hr with human cord serum), 83% of the blastocysts shed the zona pellucida, 58% developed to the early egg cylinder stage, 42% to the advanced egg cylinder stage and 22% attained the primitive streak stage after 6 to 8 days of culture. A preliminary account was given at the Tissue Culture Association Meeting in 1976 and the abstract published in its proceedings (1). This work was supported by MRC Grant No. MA4235.  相似文献   

Summary Pistils ofTrifolium repens L. andT. ambiguum Bieb. were cultured on an agar-based modified Murashige-Skoog medium. Pistils with and without accessory floral parts were removed from flowers of selected clones ofT. repens, hand-pollinated under aseptic conditions, and planted on the medium. Pistils cultured without accessory floral parts showed no evidence of fertilization after 2 weeks. However, 52% of thoseT. repens pistils cultured with calyx lobes and pedicels contained ovules with maturing embryos 12 days after in vitro cross-pollination. Pistils fromT. ambiguum intraspecific cross-pollinations could not be cultured successfully under the same conditions; however, addition of various combinations of auxin, cytokinin, and gibberellic acid enhanced embryo growth. Fertilization and partial embryo development occurred in interspecific crosses betweenT. ambiguum andT. repens orT. hybridum only whenT. ambiguum was used as the pistillate parent. These results indicate that embryological development under in vitro conditions closely parallels in situ development although growth regulator requirements may vary among species. This work is Technical Contribution 1785 from the South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station and was supported by SCAES-USDA Cooperative State Research Agreement No. 616-15-65.  相似文献   

In order to increase the yield of haploid sugarbeet plants obtained from in vitro culture of unfertilized ovules, we have studied several factors: (1) the nature and concentration of various growth hormones, (2) the temperature for the cultured ovules, (3) genotypes and (4) seasonal effects. We found N6 medium [7] supplemented with 2.85 M of indoleacetic acid (IAA) and 0.88 M of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) or N6 medium containing 2.3 M of kinetin (KIN) to give the best qualitative and quantitative results for the culture of ovules. A two-step process for the induction and the development of gynogenic embryos was used. For the initiation of the embryos from the cultured ovules, the temperature of 27°C was favoured to that of 24°C. A pronounced and very significant seasonal effect was observed; the month of June was favoured to that of the other summer months tested. The effect of genotype was significant only for certain media. Using the above concentrations and combinations, a yield of viable gynogenic plants (plants/100 cultured ovules) between 6 and 10% (depending on the genotype) was obtained. In each case, 81% of these were haploids.  相似文献   

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