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Autoradiography of cell envelope ghosts obtained from a strain of Escherichia coli which lacks two major outer membrane proteins has been used to demonstrate the polar concentration of another major outer membrane protein, ompA protein. The beta-lactam antibiotic cephalexin prevents the insertion of newly synthesized ompA protein into the poles but removal of the antibiotic allows the randomly dispersed protein to migrate to the polar and possibly the septal areas of the cell. Labelling of whole cells with bacteriophage K3 has confirmed a polar concentration of ompA protein.  相似文献   

Role of a major outer membrane protein in Escherichia coli.   总被引:8,自引:22,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Mutants of Escherichia coli B/r lacking a major outer membrane protein, protein b, were obtained by selecting for resistance to copper. These mutants showed a decreased ability to utilize a variety of metabolites when the metabolites were present at low concentrations. Also, mutants of E. coli K-12 lacking proteins b and c from the outer membrane were shown to have an identical defect in the uptake of various metabolites. These results are discussed with regard to their implications as to the role of these proteins in permeability of the outer membrane,  相似文献   

Protein II, a major outer cell envelope membrane protein, was found together with lipopolysaccharide to stoichiometrically inhibit conjugation in Escherichia coli K12.  相似文献   

The study made on E. coli used as a model has indicated that the selection of clones, resistant or sensitive to aerosol dispersion, can be carried out by storing the freeze-dried cultures of these clones in humid air for 2.5 hours.  相似文献   

The method of electro-orientational spectroscopy was used to study the damaging action of SDS and Triton X-100 on Escherichia coli cells in which the barrier properties of the outer membrane were impaired by treatment with Triton B (10(-2) M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.0) and a heat shock (47 degrees C, 15 min). When either SDS (10(-4)-2.10(-4) M) or Triton X-100 (10(-4)-10(-3) M) was added to such cells, the high-frequency region of their electroorientational spectrum was found to undergo considerable changes. The mode of these changes indicated that the barrier properties of cell cytoplasmic membranes were damaged. These changes were not detected in the case of intact cells. Changes in the low-frequency region of the spectra for intact and damaged cells stemmed from the adsorption of these surfactant molecules on the cell surface.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli strain JF694 contains a new major outer membrane protein which we have called protein E (J. Foulds, and T. Chai, J. Bacteriol. 133:1478-1483). Two new bacteriophages, TC45 and TC23, were isolated that require the presence of protein E in the outer membrane of host cells for growth. Both of these bacteriophages have a morphology similar to T-even bacteriophages but are distinct in properties such as plaque morphology, buoyant density, and burst size. Although strain JF694, containing protein E, adsorbs bacteriophage TC45 efficiently, cells killed with heat or chloroform are unable to inactivate this bacteriophage. Purified protein E either in the presence or absence of additional probable cofactors such as lipopolysaccharide was also unable to inactivate bacteriophage TC45. Both bacteriophages probably use protein E as at least part of their receptor but require, in addition, other outer membrane components or a specific orientation or organization of this protein in the outer membrane.  相似文献   

Summary Incubation of Escherichia coli with chloramphenicol causes metabolic and biosynthetic disturbances, the best known of which is the synthesis of RNA and formation of incomplete ribosomes (chloramphenicol particles). As a result of the unbalanced biosynthesis the bacteria transferred in a growth medium exhibit a prolonged lag of recovery and also a lag before development of and lysis by phage 857 occurs. If lactose is the sole carbon source during incubation with chloramphenicol, the extent of these disturbaces is strongly dependent on the relative amount of -galactoside permease.This effect can serve to demonstrate heterogeneity of permease content in a population and permits to physically separate the fraction rich in permease.If bacteria fully induced for the lactose operon are grown without inducer, the permease is distributed among the progeny and unequal distribution will result in a heterogeneous population. It is shown, that using chloramphenicol treatment in the presence of lactose, followed by thermal induction of phage 857, bacteria previously deinduced during two doubling periods appear heterogeneous, about half the population being poor in permease.The significance of these results in terms of the pattern of growth of membrane is discussed.  相似文献   

The requirement for the glycine residue at the COOH terminus of the signal peptide of the precursor of the major Escherichia coli outer membrane lipoprotein was examined. Using oligonucleotide-directed site-specific mutagenesis, this residue was replaced by residues of increasing side chain size. Substitution by serine had no effect on the modification or processing of the prolipoprotein. Substitution by valine or leucine resulted in the accumulation of the unmodified precursor, whereas threonine substitution resulted in slow lipid modification and no detectable processing of the lipid modified precursor. The results indicate that serine is the upper limit on size for the residue at the cleavage site. Larger residues at this position prevent the action of both the glyceride transferase and signal peptidase II enzymes, indicating that the cleavage site residue plays a role in events prior to proteolytic cleavage. The upper limit on size of the cleavage site residue is similar to that found for exported proteins cleaved by signal peptidase I, as well as eucaryotic exported proteins. The possibility that the cleavage site residue may have a role other than active site recognition by the signal peptidase is discussed.  相似文献   

Penicillin-binding site on the Escherichia coli cell envelope.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The binding of 35S-labeled penicillin to distinct penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) of the "cell envelope" obtained from the sonication of Escherichia coli was studied at different pHs ranging from 4 to 11. At low pH, PBPs 1b, 1c, 2, and 3 demonstrated the greatest amount of binding. At high pH, these PBPs bound the least amount of penicillin. PBPs 1a and 5/6 exhibited the greatest amount of binding at pH 10 and the least amount at pH 4. With the exception of PBP 5/6, the effect of pH on the binding of penicillin was direct. Experiments distinguishing the effect of pH on penicillin binding by PBP 5/6 from its effect on beta-lactamase activity indicated that although substantial binding occurred at the lowest pH, the amount of binding increased with pH, reaching a maximum at pH 10. Based on earlier studies, it is proposed that the binding at high pH involves the formation of a covalent bond between the C-7 of penicillin and free epsilon amino groups of the PBPs. At pHs ranging from 4 to 8, position 1 of penicillin, occupied by sulfur, is considered to be the site that establishes a covalent bond with the sulfhydryl groups of PBP 5. The use of specific blockers of free epsilon amino groups or sulfhydryl groups indicated that wherever the presence of each had little or no effect on the binding of penicillin by PBP 5, the presence of both completely prevented binding. The specific blocker of the hydroxyl group of serine did not affect the binding of penicillin. These observations suggest that a molecule of penicillin forms simultaneous bonds between its S at position 1 and sulfhydryl groups of PBP 5 and between its C-7 and free epsilon amino groups of PBP 5.  相似文献   

Phospholipid concentrations have been estimated throughout the successive cell cycle in synchronously growing culture of E. coli B/r. Total phospholipid phosphorus was shown to be doubled in the period of time between two cell divisions, whereas during the division itself it did not change. Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG) exhibit a stepwise increase during the cell cycle. It should be noted that the phase of accumulation of these lipids could shift depending on the duration of the cell cycle. The fall in level of PE was followed by a short-term increase (5-10 min). At the same time the level of cardiolipin was observed to be significantly increased.  相似文献   

Summary The isolation of a series of plasmid mutant derivatives that overproduce the traT outer membrane protein, TraTp, is described. Some of the mutants directed the synthesis of 10-fold more TraTp (200,000 copies/cell) than did the parental plasmid (20,000 copies/cell). The proteins specified by all mutant plasmids except one were correctly inserted into the outer membrane and exposed on the cell surface. The TraTp that was not correctly inserted did not mediate the expected levels of surface exclusion and serum resistance, suggesting that surface localization is a requirement of TraTp function. The overproduction of TraTp was deleterious to bacterial growth, particularly that of minicell mutants of E. coli K-12.  相似文献   

Homogenotes, heterogenotes, and intergeneric hybrids have been studied that are diploid for the structural gene of a major outer cell envelope membrane protein (protein II) from Escherichia coli. This protein can act as a phage receptor. In wild-type homogenotes, diploidy for the gene did not cause a gene dosage effect. It could be shown with two heterogenotes that both the chromosomal mutant and the episomal wild-type genes are expressed, and in each case more of the mutant than the wild-type protein species was found in the cell envelope. In on case of 21 phage-resistant mutants missing protein II was a trans effect observed of the mutant gene on the expression of the episomal wild type gene. Transfer of E. coli episomes carrying the protein II structural gene into Salmonella typhimurium and Proteus mirabilis resulted in intergeneric hybrids that became sensitive to the relevant phage and harbored the E. coli protein II in their cell envelopes. The results may be taken as suggestive evidence for a simple feedback mechanism for the regulation of synthesis of protein II, and they show that there are no highly specific requirements on protein primary structure for incorporation into an outer cell envelope membrane.  相似文献   

All pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)-containing dehydrogenases whose structures are known contain Ca(2+) bonded to the PQQ at the active site. However, membrane glucose dehydrogenase (GDH) requires reconstitution with PQQ and Mg(2+) ions (but not Ca(2+)) for activity. To address the question of whether the Mg(2+) replaces the usual active site Ca(2+) in this enzyme, mutant GDHs were produced in which residues proposed to be involved in binding metal ion were modified (D354N-GDH and N355D-GDH and D354N-GDH/N355D-GDH). The most remarkable observation was that reconstitution with PQQ of the mutant enzymes was not supported by Mg(2+) ions as in the wild-type GDH, but it could be supported by Ca(2+), Sr(2+) or Ba(2+) ions. This was competitively inhibited by Mg(2+). This result, together with studies on the kinetics of the modified enzymes have led to the conclusion that, although a Ca(2+) ion is able to form part of the active site of the genetically modified GDH, as in all other PQQ-containing quinoproteins, a Mg(2+) ion surprisingly replaces Ca(2+) in the active site of the wild-type GDH.  相似文献   

Three Escherichia coli phages, TuIa, TuIb, and TuII, were isolated from local sewage. We present evidence that they use the major outer membrane proteins Ia, Ib, and II, respectively, as receptors. In all cases the proteins, under the experimental conditions used, required lipopolysaccharide to exhibit their receptor activity. For proteins Ia and II, an approximately two- to eightfold molar excess of lipopolysaccharide (based on one diglucosamine unit) was necessary to reach maximal receptor activity. Lipopolysaccharide did not appear to possess phage-binding sites. It seemed that the lipopolysaccharide requirement reflected a protein-lipopolysaccharide interaction in vivo, and lipopolysaccharide may thus cause the specific localization of these proteins. Inactivation of phage TuII by a protein II-lipopolysaccharide complex was reversible as long as the complex was in solution. Precipitation of the complex with Mg2+ led to irreversible phage inactivation with an inactivation constant (37 degrees C)K = 7 X 10-2 ml/min per microgram. With phages TuIa and TuIb and their respective protein-lipopolysaccharide complexes, only irreversible inactivation was found at 37 degrees C. The activity of the three proteins as phage receptors shows that part of them must be located at the cells surface. In addition, the association of proteins Ia and Ib with the murein layer of the cell envelope makes this pair trans-membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Peptide mapping and isoelectric focusing were used to compare the major outer membrane pore proteins from various strains of Escherichia coli K-12, including strains carrying mutations in the nmpA, nmpB, and nmpC genes which result in the production of new membrane proteins. Proteins 1a, 1b, and 2 and the NmpA proteins each gave unique peptide and isoelectric focusing profiles, indicating that these are different polypeptides. The NmpA protein and the NmpB protein appeared to be identical by these criteria. The NmpC protein and protein 2 were nearly identical, although one different peptide was observed in comparing the proteolytic peptide maps of these proteins and there were slight differences in their isoelectric focusing profiles. Antiserum against protein 2 showed partial cross-reactivity with the NmpC protein. These results indicate that the various pore proteins of E. coli K-12 fall into four different classes.  相似文献   

When E. coli outer membrane protein is dissolved in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) solution and boiled briefly, a single major peak (peak B) with a molecular weight of 42,000 daltons is observed on SDS-containing polyacrylamide gels. If the protein is dissolved in SDS solution at 37 °C and applied to gels without further treatment, peak B disappears and two other major peaks appear: Peak A, which is composed of aggregates and migrates more slowly than peak B, and peak C which is composed of monomeric protein not fully reacted with SDS and which migrates faster than peak B. When cyanogen bromide peptides of protein from peak A and peak C were compared, it was evident that peak A and peak C contained entirely different polypeptides. This was further confirmed by differential labeling studies with methionine and leucine. The cyanogen bromide peptide profiles of protein from peak A suggested that this peak was composed of two polypeptides, and this was confirmed by electrophoresis in an alkaline gel system which resolves peak B into three subcomponents. Two of these were derived from peak A and the third was derived from peak C. These results indicate that the outer membrane of E. coli contains at least three nonidentical major polypeptides, each of which has a nearly identical molecular weight of about 42,000 daltons. These polypeptides are present in identical proportions in the soluble and insoluble fractions obtained when the outer membrane is treated with Triton X-100 plus EDTA.  相似文献   

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