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The Escherichia coli ArcB sensor is involved in anaerobic phosphotransfer signal transduction. ArcB is a hybrid sensor that contains three types of phosphotransfer signaling domains in its primary amino acid sequence, namely, transmitter (or His-kinase), receiver, and histidine-containing phosphotransfer (HPt) domains. However, examination of the function of the newly-discovered HPt domain (named ArcBc) is still at a very early stage. To gain a general insight into the structure and function of the widespread HPt domains, on the basis of its three-dimensional crystal structure, in this study we constructed a certain set of mutants each having a single amino acid substitution in the HPt domain of ArcB. These ArcBc mutants were characterized and evaluated, based on the in vivo ability to signal the OmpR receiver via trans-phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The histidine autokinase CheA functions as the central processing unit in the Escherichia coli chemotaxis signaling machinery. CheA receives autophosphorylation control inputs from chemoreceptors and in turn regulates the flux of signaling phosphates to the CheY and CheB response regulator proteins. Phospho-CheY changes the direction of flagellar rotation; phospho-CheB covalently modifies receptor molecules during sensory adaptation. The CheA phosphorylation site, His-48, lies in the N-terminal P1 domain, which must engage the CheA ATP-binding domain, P4, to initiate an autophosphorylation reaction cycle. The docking determinants for the P1-P4 interaction have not been experimentally identified. We devised mutant screens to isolate P1 domains with impaired autophosphorylation or phosphotransfer activities. One set of P1 mutants identified amino acid replacements at surface-exposed residues distal to His-48. These lesions reduced the rate of P1 transphosphorylation by P4. However, once phosphorylated, the mutant P1 domains transferred phosphate to CheY at the wild-type rate. Thus, these P1 mutants appear to define interaction determinants for P1-P4 docking during the CheA autophosphorylation reaction.  相似文献   

The Tar protein of Escherichia coli is a chemotactic signal transducer that spans the cytoplasmic membrane and mediates responses to the attractants aspartate and maltose. Aspartate binds directly to Tar, whereas maltose binds to the periplasmic maltose-binding protein, which then interacts with Tar. The Arg-64, Arg-69, and Arg-73 residues of Tar have previously been shown to be involved in aspartate sensing. When lysine residues are introduced at these positions by site-directed mutagenesis, aspartate taxis is disrupted most by substitution at position 64, and maltose taxis is disrupted most by substitution at position 73. To explore the spatial distribution of ligand recognition sites on Tar further, we performed doped-primer mutagenesis in selected regions of the tar gene. A number of mutations that interfere specifically with aspartate taxis (Asp-), maltose taxis (Mal-), or both were identified. Mutations affecting residues 64 to 73 or 149 to 154 in the periplasmic domain of Tar are associated with an Asp- phenotype, whereas mutations affecting residues 73 to 83 or 141 to 150 are associated with a Mal- phenotype. We conclude that aspartate and maltose-binding protein interact with adjacent and partially overlapping regions in the periplasmic domain of Tar to initiate attractant signalling.  相似文献   

Mutational Analysis of UMP Kinase from Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
UMP kinase from Escherichia coli is one of the four regulatory enzymes involved in the de novo biosynthetic pathway of pyrimidine nucleotides. This homohexamer, with no counterpart in eukarya, might serve as a target for new antibacterial drugs. Although the bacterial enzyme does not show sequence similarity with any other known nucleoside monophosphate kinase, two segments between amino acids 35 to 78 and 145 to 194 exhibit 28% identity with phosphoglycerate kinase and 30% identity with aspartokinase, respectively. Based on these similarities, a number of residues of E. coli UMP kinase were selected for site-directed mutagenesis experiments. Biochemical, kinetic, and spectroscopic analysis of the modified proteins identified residues essential for catalysis (Asp146), binding of UMP (Asp174), and interaction with the allosteric effectors, GTP and UTP (Arg62 and Asp77).  相似文献   

The serine and aspartate chemosensory receptors (Tsr and Tar) of Escherichia coli have two membrane-spanning regions TM1 and TM2. To investigate their roles in transmembrane signalling, we constructed two chimeric receptors from Tsr and Tar with heterologous combinations of TM1 and TM2: the N-terminus of one receptor, including TM1 and the periplasmic domain, was fused to the C-terminus of the other, beginning with TM2. Both of the chimeric receptor genes rescued the chemotactic defect of a receptorless E. coli strain, indicating that the chimeric receptors are functional. Their apparent affinities for the specific ligands were the same as those of Tsr or Tar. Therefore, as far as transmembrane signalling abilities are concerned, the TW2 regions of Tsr and Tar are interchangeable, suggesting that sequence-specific interaction between TM1 and TM2 may not be required for the signal transmission across the membrane. The cells expressing either of the chimeric receptors, however, showed ‘smooth’, biased, basal swimming patterns. Moreover, they adapted quickly after stimulation with the repellent glycerol. This rapid adaptation was observed even in the methyltransferase-defective strain. Therefore, exchange of TM2 might impose structural constraints on the chimeric receptors that stabilize conformations which elicit smooth swimming.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli chemoreceptors for serine (Tsr) and aspartate (Tar) and several bacterial class III adenylyl cyclases (ACs) share a common molecular architecture; that is, a membrane anchor that is linked via a cytoplasmic HAMP domain to a C-terminal signal output unit. Functionality of both proteins requires homodimerization. The chemotaxis receptors are well characterized, whereas the typical hexahelical membrane anchor (6TM) of class III ACs, suggested to operate as a channel or transporter, has no known function beyond a membrane anchor. We joined the intramolecular networks of Tsr or Tar and two bacterial ACs, Rv3645 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis and CyaG from Arthrospira platensis, across their signal transmission sites, connecting the chemotaxis receptors via different HAMP domains to the catalytic AC domains. AC activity in the chimeras was inhibited by micromolar concentrations of l-serine or l-aspartate in vitro and in vivo. Single point mutations known to abolish ligand binding in Tar (R69E or T154I) or Tsr (R69E or T156K) abrogated AC regulation. Co-expression of mutant pairs, which functionally complement each other, restored regulation in vitro and in vivo. Taken together, these studies demonstrate chemotaxis receptor-mediated regulation of chimeric bacterial ACs and connect chemical sensing and AC regulation.  相似文献   

The multi-protein β-barrel assembly machine (BAM) of Escherichia coli is responsible for the folding and insertion of β-barrel containing integral outer membrane proteins (OMPs) into the bacterial outer membrane. An essential component of this complex is the BamA protein, which binds unfolded β-barrel precursors via the five polypeptide transport-associated (POTRA) domains in its N-terminus. The C-terminus of BamA contains a β-barrel domain, which tethers BamA to the outer membrane and is also thought to be involved in OMP insertion. Here we mutagenize BamA using linker scanning mutagenesis and demonstrate that all five POTRA domains are essential for BamA protein function in our experimental system. Furthermore, we generate a homology based model of the BamA β-barrel and test our model using insertion mutagenesis, deletion analysis and immunofluorescence to identify β-strands, periplasmic turns and extracellular loops. We show that the surface-exposed loops of the BamA β-barrel are essential.  相似文献   

The Eph receptor tyrosine kinases and their membrane-bound ephrin ligands control a diverse array of cell-cell interactions in the developing and adult organisms. During signal transduction across plasma membrane, Eph receptors, like other receptor tyrosine kinases, are involved in lateral dimerization and subsequent oligomerization presumably with proper assembly of their single-span transmembrane domains. Spatial structure of dimeric transmembrane domain of EphA2 receptor embedded into lipid bicelle was obtained by solution NMR, showing a left-handed parallel packing of the transmembrane helices (535-559)2. The helices interact through the extended heptad repeat motif L535X3G539X2A542X3V546X2L549 assisted by intermolecular stacking interactions of aromatic rings of (FF557)2, whereas the characteristic tandem GG4-like motif A536X3G540X3G544 is not used, enabling another mode of helix-helix association. Importantly, a similar motif AX3GX3G as was found is responsible for right-handed dimerization of transmembrane domain of the EphA1 receptor. These findings serve as an instructive example of the diversity of transmembrane domain formation within the same family of protein kinases and seem to favor the assumption that the so-called rotation-coupled activation mechanism may take place during the Eph receptor signaling. A possible role of membrane lipid rafts in relation to Eph transmembrane domain oligomerization and Eph signal transduction was also discussed.  相似文献   

The serine chemoreceptor of Escherichia coli contains four canonical methylation sites for sensory adaptation that lie near intersubunit helix interfaces of the Tsr homodimer. An unexplored fifth methylation site, E502, lies at an intrasubunit helix interface closest to the HAMP domain that controls input-output signaling in methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins. We analyzed, with in vivo Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) kinase assays, the serine thresholds and response cooperativities of Tsr receptors with different mutationally imposed modifications at sites 1 to 4 and/or at site 5. Tsr variants carrying E or Q at residue 502, in combination with unmodifiable D and N replacements at adaptation sites 1 to 4, underwent both methylation and demethylation/deamidation, although detection of the latter modifications required elevated intracellular levels of CheB. These Tsr variants could not mediate a chemotactic response to serine spatial gradients, demonstrating that adaptational modifications at E502 alone are not sufficient for Tsr function. Moreover, E502 is not critical for Tsr function, because only two amino acid replacements at this residue abrogated serine chemotaxis: Tsr-E502P had extreme kinase-off output and Tsr-E502I had extreme kinase-on output. These large threshold shifts are probably due to the unique HAMP-proximal location of methylation site 5. However, a methylation-mimicking glutamine at any Tsr modification site raised the serine response threshold, suggesting that all sites influence signaling by the same general mechanism, presumably through changes in packing stability of the methylation helix bundle. These findings are consistent with control of input-output signaling in Tsr through dynamic interplay of the structural stabilities of the HAMP and methylation bundles.  相似文献   

Domain Analysis of the FliM Protein of Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The FliM protein of Escherichia coli is required for the assembly and function of flagella. Genetic analyses and binding studies have shown that FliM interacts with several other flagellar proteins, including FliN, FliG, phosphorylated CheY, other copies of FliM, and possibly MotA and FliF. Here, we examine the effects of a set of linker insertions and partial deletions in FliM on its binding to FliN, FliG, CheY, and phospho-CheY and on its functions in flagellar assembly and rotation. The results suggest that FliM is organized into multiple domains. A C-terminal domain of about 90 residues binds to FliN in coprecipitation experiments, is most stable when coexpressed with FliN, and has some sequence similarity to FliN. This C-terminal domain is joined to the rest of FliM by a segment (residues 237 to 247) that is poorly conserved, tolerates linker insertion, and may be an interdomain linker. Binding to FliG occurs through multiple segments of FliM, some in the C-terminal domain and others in an N-terminal domain of 144 residues. Binding of FliM to CheY and phospho-CheY was complex. In coprecipitation experiments using purified FliM, the protein bound weakly to unphosphorylated CheY and more strongly to phospho-CheY, in agreement with previous reports. By contrast, in experiments using FliM in fresh cell lysates, the protein bound to unphosphorylated CheY about as well as to phospho-CheY. Determinants for binding CheY occur both near the N terminus of FliM, which appears most important for binding to the phosphorylated protein, and in the C-terminal domain, which binds more strongly to unphosphorylated CheY. Several different deletions and linker insertions in FliM enhanced its binding to phospho-CheY in coprecipitation experiments with protein from cell lysates. This suggests that determinants for binding phospho-CheY may be partly masked in the FliM protein as it exists in the cytoplasm. A model is proposed for the arrangement and function of FliM domains in the flagellar motor.  相似文献   

Sertoli cells are responsible for regulating a wide range of processes that lead to the differentiation of male germ cells into spermatozoa. Cytoplasmic pH (pH i ) has been shown to be an important parameter in cell physiology, regulating namely cell metabolism and differentiation. However, membrane transport mechanisms involved in pH i regulation mechanisms of Sertoli cells have not yet been elucidated. In this work, pH i was determined using the pH-sensitive fluorescent probe 2′,7′-bis-(2-carboxyethyl)-5-(and-6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF). Addition of weak acids resulted in rapid acidification of the intracellular milieu. Sertoli cells then recovered pH i by a mechanism that was shown to be sensitive to external Na+. pH i recovery was also greatly reduced in the presence of 4,4′-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (DIDS) and amiloride. These results point toward the action of an Na+-driven HCO3/Cl exchanger and/or an Na+/HCO3 cotransporter and the action of the Na+/H+ exchanger on pH i regulation in the experimental conditions used. pH i recovery was only slightly affected by ouabain, suggesting that the inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase affects recovery indirectly, possibly via the shift on the Na+ gradient. On the other hand, recovery from the acid load was independent of the presence of concanamycin A, a specific inhibitor of the V-type ATPases, suggesting that these pumps do not have a relevant action on pH i regulation in bovine Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

The envelope glycoprotein (Env) of human immunodeficiency virus mediates virus entry into cells by undergoing conformational changes that lead to fusion between viral and cellular membranes. A six-helix bundle in gp41, consisting of an interior trimeric coiled-coil core with three exterior helices packed in the grooves (core structure), has been proposed to be part of a fusion-active structure of Env (D. C. Chan, D. Fass, J. M. Berger, and P. S. Kim, Cell 89:263–273, 1997; W. Weissenhorn, A. Dessen, S. C. Harrison, J. J. Skehel, and D. C. Wiley, Nature 387:426–430, 1997; and K. Tan, J. Liu, J. Wang, S. Shen, and M. Lu, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94:12303, 1997). We analyzed the effects of amino acid substitutions of arginine or glutamic acid in residues in the coiled-coil (heptad repeat) domain that line the interface between the helices in the gp41 core structure. We found that mutations of leucine to arginine or glutamic acid in position 556 and of alanine to arginine in position 558 resulted in undetectable levels of Env expression. Seven other mutations in six positions completely abolished fusion activity despite incorporation of the mutant Env into virions and normal gp160 processing. Single-residue substitutions of glutamic acid at position 570 or 577 resulted in the only viable mutants among the 16 mutants studied, although both viable mutants exhibited impaired fusion activity compared to that of the wild type. The glutamic acid 577 mutant was more sensitive than the wild type to inhibition by a gp41 coiled-coil peptide (DP-107) but not to that by another peptide corresponding to the C helix in the gp41 core structure (DP-178). These results provide insight into the gp41 fusion mechanism and suggest that the DP-107 peptide may inhibit fusion by binding to the homologous region in gp41, probably by forming a peptide-gp41 coiled-coil structure.  相似文献   

The Tol-Pal proteins of Escherichia coli are involved in maintaining outer membrane integrity. They form two complexes in the cell envelope. Transmembrane domains of TolQ, TolR, and TolA interact in the cytoplasmic membrane, while TolB and Pal form a complex near the outer membrane. The N-terminal transmembrane domain of TolA anchors the protein to the cytoplasmic membrane and interacts with TolQ and TolR. Extensive mutagenesis of the N-terminal part of TolA was carried out to characterize the residues involved in such processes. Mutations affecting the function of TolA resulted in a lack or an alteration in TolA-TolQ or TolR-TolA interactions but did not affect the formation of TolQ-TolR complexes. Our results confirmed the importance of residues serine 18 and histidine 22, which are part of an SHLS motif highly conserved in the TolA and the related TonB proteins from different organisms. Genetic suppression experiments were performed to restore the functional activity of some tolA mutants. The suppressor mutations all affected the first transmembrane helix of TolQ. These results confirmed the essential role of the transmembrane domain of TolA in triggering interactions with TolQ and TolR.  相似文献   

The syndecans are a type of cell surface adhesion receptor that initiates intracellular signaling events through receptor clustering mediated by their highly conserved transmembrane domains (TMDs). However, the exact function of the syndecan TMD is not yet fully understood. Here, we investigated the specific regulatory role of the syndecan-2 TMD. We found that syndecan-2 mutants in which the TMD had been replaced with that of syndecan-4 were defective in syndecan-2-mediated functions, suggesting that the TMD of syndecan-2 plays one or more specific roles. Interestingly, syndecan-2 has a stronger tendency to form sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-resistant homodimers than syndecan-4. Our structural studies showed that a unique phenylalanine residue (Phe167) enables an additional molecular interaction between the TMDs of the syndecan-2 homodimer. The presence of Phe167 was correlated with a higher tendency toward oligomerization, and its replacement with isoleucine significantly reduced the SDS-resistant dimer formation and cellular functions of syndecan-2 (e.g. cell migration). Conversely, replacement of isoleucine with phenylalanine at this position in the syndecan-4 TMD rescued the defects observed in a mutant syndecan-2 harboring the syndecan-4 TMD. Taken together, these data suggest that Phe167 in the TMD of syndecan-2 endows the protein with specific functions. Our work offers new insights into the signaling mediated by the TMD of syndecan family members.  相似文献   

After transfer into fresh medium, Escherichia coli cells containing ribosomal helices resume growth without a lag period. The helices disappear within 15 min after transfer, the number of 70S ribosomes decreases, and a steady-state ribosomal profile appears within one cell generation time. Subunits isolated from the helices support in vitro protein synthesis, but efficiency is optimal only when supplemented with an undetermined factor that is contained in the S-100 fraction of log-phase cells. The data suggest a possible role of helices as ribosomal reserve units.  相似文献   

Glutathione (GSH) plays an important role in bacterial cells, participating in maintenance of redox balance in the cytoplasm and in defense against many toxic compounds and stresses. In this study we demonstrate that in aerobic, exponentially growing Escherichia coli culture endogenous reduced glutathione undergoes continuous transmembrane cycling between the cells and medium. As a result of an establishment of a dynamic balance between GSH efflux and uptake, a constant extracellular concentration of GSH counting per biomass unit is maintained. The magnitude of this concentration strictly depends on external pH. GSH cycling is carried out in respiring cells and disturbed by influences, which change the level of ΔμH(+) and ATP. Export of GSH is modified by phosphate deficiency in the medium.  相似文献   

Aspartate taxis mutants of the Escherichia coli tar chemoreceptor.   总被引:5,自引:8,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The Tar protein of Escherichia coli belongs to a family of methyl-accepting inner membrane proteins that mediate chemotactic responses to a variety of compounds. These transmembrane signalers monitor the chemical environment by means of specific ligand-binding sites arrayed on the periplasmic side of the membrane, and in turn control cytoplasmic signals that modulate the flagellar rotational machinery. The periplasmic receptor domain of Tar senses two quite different chemoeffectors, aspartate and maltose. Aspartate is detected through direct binding to Tar molecules, whereas maltose is detected indirectly when complexed with the periplasmic maltose-binding protein. Saturating levels of either aspartate or maltose do not block behavioral responses to the other compound, indicating that the detection sites for these two attractants are not identical. We initiated structure-function studies of these chemoreceptor sites by isolating tar mutants which eliminate aspartate or maltose taxis, while retaining the ability to respond to the other chemoeffector. Mutants with greatly reduced aspartate taxis are described and characterized in this report. When present in single copy in the chromosome, these tar mutations generally eliminated chemotactic responses to aspartate and structurally related compounds, such as glutamate and methionine. Residual responses to these compounds were shifted to higher concentrations, indicating a reduced affinity of the aspartate-binding site in the mutant receptors. Maltose responses in the mutants ranged from 10 to 80% of normal, but had no detectable threshold shifts, indicating that these receptor alterations may have little effect on maltose detection sensitivity. The mutational changes in 17 mutants were determined by DNA sequence analysis. Each mutant exhibited a single amino acid replacement at residue 64, 69, or 73 in the Tar molecule. The wild-type Tar transducer contains arginines at all three of these positions, implying that electrostatic forces may play an important role in aspartate detection.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli Aer protein contains an N-terminal PAS domain that binds flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), senses aerotactic stimuli, and communicates with the output signaling domain. To explore the roles of the intervening F1 and HAMP segments in Aer signaling, we isolated plasmid-borne aerotaxis-defective mutations in a host strain lacking all chemoreceptors of the methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein (MCP) family. Under these conditions, Aer alone established the cell's run/tumble swimming pattern and modulated that behavior in response to oxygen gradients. We found two classes of Aer mutants: null and clockwise (CW) biased. Most mutant proteins exhibited the null phenotype: failure to elicit CW flagellar rotation, no aerosensing behavior in MCP-containing hosts, and no apparent FAD-binding ability. However, null mutants had low Aer expression levels caused by rapid degradation of apparently nonnative subunits. Their functional defects probably reflect the absence of a protein product. In contrast, CW-biased mutant proteins exhibited normal expression levels, wild-type FAD binding, and robust aerosensing behavior in MCP-containing hosts. The CW lesions evidently shift unstimulated Aer output to the CW signaling state but do not block the Aer input-output pathway. The distribution and properties of null and CW-biased mutations suggest that the Aer PAS domain may engage in two different interactions with HAMP and the HAMP-proximal signaling domain: one needed for Aer maturation and another for promoting CW output from the Aer signaling domain. Most aerotaxis-defective null mutations in these regions seemed to affect maturation only, indicating that these two interactions involve structurally distinct determinants.  相似文献   

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