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Yeast and plant tRNA splicing entails discrete healing and sealing steps catalyzed by a tRNA ligase that converts the 2',3' cyclic phosphate and 5'-OH termini of the broken tRNA exons to 3'-OH/2'-PO4 and 5'-PO4 ends, respectively, then joins the ends to yield a 2'-PO4, 3'-5' phosphodiester splice junction. The junction 2'-PO4 is removed by a tRNA phosphotransferase, Tpt1. Animal cells have two potential tRNA repair pathways: a yeast-like system plus a distinctive mechanism, also present in archaea, in which the 2',3' cyclic phosphate and 5'-OH termini are ligated directly. Here we report that a mammalian 2',3' cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (CNP) can perform the essential 3' end-healing steps of tRNA splicing in yeast and thereby complement growth of strains bearing lethal or temperature-sensitive mutations in the tRNA ligase 3' end-healing domain. Although this is the first evidence of an RNA processing function in vivo for the mammalian CNP protein, it seems unlikely that the yeast-like pathway is responsible for animal tRNA splicing, insofar as neither CNP nor Tpt1 is essential in mice.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRs) commonly regulate translation from target mRNA 3' untranslated regions (UTRs). While effective miR-binding sites have also been identified in 5' untranslated regions (UTRs) or open reading frames (ORFs), the mechanism(s) of miR-mediated regulation from these sites has not been defined. Here, we systematically investigate how the position of miR-binding sites influences translational regulation and characterize their mechanistic basis. We show that specific translational regulation is elicited in vitro and in vivo not only from the 3'UTR, but equally effectively from six Drosophila miR-2-binding sites in the 5'UTR or the ORF. In all cases, miR-2 triggers mRNA deadenylation and inhibits translation initiation in a cap-dependent fashion. In contrast, single or dual miR-2-binding sites in the 5'UTR or the ORF yield rather inefficient or no regulation. This work represents the first demonstration that 5'UTR and ORF miR-binding sites can function mechanistically similarly to the intensively investigated 3'UTR sites. Using single or dual binding sites, it also reveals a biological rationale for the high prevalence of miR regulatory sites in the 3'UTR.  相似文献   

The HEN1 RNA methyltransferase from Arabidopsis thaliana catalyzes S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet)-dependent 2′-O-methylation at the 3′-termini of small double-stranded RNAs and is a crucial factor in the biogenesis of plant small noncoding RNAs, such as miRNAs or siRNAs. We performed functional and kinetic studies of the full-length HEN1 methyltransferase and its truncated form comprising the C-terminal part of the protein (residues 666–942) with a variety of model RNA substrates. Kinetic parameters obtained with natural RNA substrates indicate that HEN1 is highly catalytically efficient in the absence of any supplementary proteins. We find that the enzyme modifies individual strands in succession leading to complete methylation of an RNA duplex. The rates of methyl group transfer to individual strands of hemimethylated substrates under single turnover conditions are comparable with the multiple turnover rate under steady-state conditions, suggesting that release of reaction products is not a rate-limiting event in the reaction cycle. The truncated protein, which includes conserved motifs characteristic for AdoMet binding, efficiently modifies double-stranded RNA substrates in vitro; however, in contrast to the full-length methyltransferase, it shows weaker interactions with both substrates and is sensitive to base mispairing in the first and second positions of the RNA duplex. Our findings suggest an important role for the N-terminal domains in stabilizing the catalytic complex and indicate that major structural determinants required for selective recognition and methylation of RNA duplexes reside in the C-terminal domain.  相似文献   

RNA-specific ribonucleotidyl transferases   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Martin G  Keller W 《RNA (New York, N.Y.)》2007,13(11):1834-1849
RNA-specific nucleotidyl transferases (rNTrs) are a diverse family of template-independent polymerases that add ribonucleotides to the 3'-ends of RNA molecules. All rNTrs share a related active-site architecture first described for DNA polymerase beta and a catalytic mechanism conserved among DNA and RNA polymerases. The best known examples are the nuclear poly(A) polymerases involved in the 3'-end processing of eukaryotic messenger RNA precursors and the ubiquitous CCA-adding enzymes that complete the 3'-ends of tRNA molecules. In recent years, a growing number of new enzymes have been added to the list that now includes the "noncanonical" poly(A) polymerases involved in RNA quality control or in the readenylation of dormant messenger RNAs in the cytoplasm. Other members of the group are terminal uridylyl transferases adding single or multiple UMP residues in RNA-editing reactions or upon the maturation of small RNAs and poly(U) polymerases, the substrates of which are still not known. 2'-5'Oligo(A) synthetases differ from the other rNTrs by synthesizing oligonucleotides with 2'-5'-phosphodiester bonds de novo.  相似文献   

In DNA methylation microarray analysis, quantitative assessment of intermediate methylation levels in samples with various global methylation levels is still difficult. Here, specifically for methylated DNA immunoprecipitation-CpG island (CGI) microarray analysis, we developed a new output value. The signal log ratio reflected the global methylation levels, but had only moderate linear correlation (r = 0.72) with the fraction of DNA molecules immunoprecipitated. By multiplying the signal log ratio using a coefficient obtained from the probability value that took account of signals in neighbouring probes, its linearity was markedly improved (r = 0.94). The new output value, Me value, reflected the global methylation level, had a strong correlation also with the fraction of methylated CpG sites obtained by bisulphite sequencing (r = 0.88), and had an accuracy of 71.8 and 83.8% in detecting completely methylated and unmethylated CGIs. Analysis of gastric cancer cell lines using the Me value showed that methylation of CGIs in promoters and gene bodies was associated with low and high, respectively, gene expression. The degree of demethylation of promoter CGIs after 5-aza-2''-deoxycytidine treatment had no association with that of induction of gene expression. The Me value was considered to be useful for analysis of intermediate methylation levels of CGIs.  相似文献   

The use of short, high-affinity probes consisting of a combination of DNA and locked nucleic acid (LNA) has enabled the specific detection of microRNAs (miRNAs) by in situ hybridization (ISH). However, detection of low–copy number miRNAs is still not always possible. Here the authors show that probes consisting of 2′-O-methyl RNAs (2OMe) and LNA at every third base (2:1 ratio), under optimized hybridization conditions, excluding yeast RNA from the hybridization buffer, can provide superior performance in detection of miRNA targets in terms of sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio compared to DNA + LNA probes. Furthermore, they show that hybridizations can be performed in buffers of 4M urea instead of 50% formamide, thereby yielding an equally specific but nontoxic assay. The use of 2OMe + LNA–based probes and the optimized ISH assay enable simple and fast detection of low–copy number miRNA targets, such as miR-130a in mouse brain.  相似文献   

新近研究发现成熟的microRNA能够游离于细胞之外,稳定存在于循环血中,具备疾病分子生物标志物的某些优点,已在多种肿瘤和非肿瘤疾病的早期诊断和预后中显示了独特的价值,同时循环血中microRNA的功能研究也已开始。该文针对近两年循环血中microRNA标志物及功能研究的成果,对microRNA研究中的这一热点问题进行综述。  相似文献   

Alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH) are a class of enzymes that catalyze the reversible oxidation of alcohols to corresponding aldehydes or ketones, by using either nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP), as coenzymes. In this study, a short-chain ADH gene was identified in Bombyx mori by 5'-RACE PCR. This is the first time the coding region of BmADH has been cloned, expressed, purified and then characterized. The cDNA fragment encoding the BmADH protein was amplified from a pool of silkworm cDNAs by PCR, and then cloned into E. coli expression vector pET-30a(+). The recombinant His-tagged BmADH protein was expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3), and then purified by metal chelating affinity chromatography. The soluble recombinant BmADH, produced at low-growth temperature, was instrumental in catalyzing the ethanol-dependent reduction of NAD(+), thereby indicating ethanol as one of the substrates of BmADH.  相似文献   

RNA 2',3'-cyclic phosphate ends play important roles in RNA metabolism as substrates for RNA ligases during tRNA restriction-repair and tRNA splicing. Diverse bacteria from multiple phyla encode a two-component RNA repair cassette, comprising Pnkp (polynucleotide kinase-phosphatase-ligase) and Hen1 (RNA 3'-terminal ribose 2'-O-methyltransferase), that heals and then seals broken tRNAs with 2',3'-cyclic phosphate and 5'-OH ends. The Pnkp-Hen1 repair operon is absent in the majority of bacterial species, thereby raising the prospect that other RNA repair systems might be extant. A candidate component is RNA 3'-phosphate cyclase, a widely distributed enzyme that transforms RNA 3'-monophosphate termini into 2',3'-cyclic phosphates but cannot seal the ends it produces. Escherichia coli RNA cyclase (RtcA) is encoded in a σ(54)-regulated operon with RtcB, a protein of unknown function. Taking a cue from Pnkp-Hen1, we purified E. coli RtcB and tested it for RNA ligase activity. We report that RtcB per se seals broken tRNA-like stem-loop structures with 2',3'-cyclic phosphate and 5'-OH ends to form a splice junction with a 2'-OH, 3',5'-phosphodiester. We speculate that: (i) RtcB might afford bacteria a means to recover from stress-induced RNA damage; and (ii) RtcB homologs might catalyze tRNA repair or splicing reactions in archaea and eukarya.  相似文献   

Cap hydrolysis is a critical step in several eukaryotic mRNA decay pathways and is carried out by the evolutionarily conserved decapping complex containing Dcp2 at the catalytic core. In yeast, Dcp1 is an essential activator of decapping and coactivators such as Edc1 and Edc2 are thought to enhance activity, though their mechanism remains elusive. Using kinetic analysis we show that a crucial function of Dcp1 is to couple the binding of coactivators of decapping to activation of Dcp2. Edc1 and Edc2 bind Dcp1 via its EVH1 proline recognition site and stimulate decapping by 1000-fold, affecting both the K(M) for mRNA and rate of the catalytic step. The C-terminus of Edc1 is necessary and sufficient to enhance the catalytic step, while the remainder of the protein likely increases mRNA binding to the decapping complex. Lesions in the Dcp1 EVH1 domain or the Edc1 proline-rich sequence are sufficient to block stimulation. These results identify a new role of Dcp1, which is to link the binding of coactivators to substrate recognition and activation of Dcp2.  相似文献   

MicroRNA定量检测方法的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
景花  宋沁馨  周国华 《遗传》2010,32(1):31-40
MicroRNA是一类内源性的非编码小分子RNA, 通过下调蛋白编码基因的表达而对不同的细胞发育过程起到重要的调控作用。分析组织或细胞样本中microRNA的表达可为研究这类分子的生物学功能提供重要的信息。近年来, 研究者发展了许多方法检测不同的生理和病理学过程中microRNA的表达差异, 并发现microRNA的异常表达与癌症、神经紊乱和心脏疾病等的发生相关。文章系统地介绍了最新发展的microRNA定量检测方法, 详细阐述了基于探针杂交技术的Northern blotting法、微阵列芯片法、纳米金标记法、桥连同位素标记法, 以及基于扩增技术的定量PCR检测法、滚环扩增法、引物入侵法和新一代大规模高通量测序法等, 并对这些方法的优缺点进行了分析比较。  相似文献   

Viral methyltransferases are involved in the mRNA capping process, resulting in the transfer of a methyl group from S-adenosyl-L-methionine to capped RNA. Two groups of methyltransferases (MTases) are known: (guanine-N7)-methyltransferases (N7MTases), adding a methyl group onto the N7 atom of guanine, and (nucleoside-2'-O-)-methyltransferases (2'OMTases), adding a methyl group to a ribose hydroxyl. We have expressed and purified two constructs of Meaban virus (MV; genus Flavivirus) NS5 protein MTase domain (residues 1-265 and 1-293, respectively). We report here the three-dimensional structure of the shorter MTase construct in complex with the cofactor S-adenosyl-L-methionine, at 2.9 angstroms resolution. Inspection of the refined crystal structure, which highlights structural conservation of specific active site residues, together with sequence analysis and structural comparison with Dengue virus 2'OMTase, suggests that the crystallized enzyme belongs to the 2'OMTase subgroup. Enzymatic assays show that the short MV MTase construct is inactive, but the longer construct expressed can transfer a methyl group to the ribose 2'O atom of a short GpppAC(5) substrate. West Nile virus MTase domain has been recently shown to display both N7 and 2'O MTase activity on a capped RNA substrate comprising the 5'-terminal 190 nt of the West Nile virus genome. The lack of N7 MTase activity here reported for MV MTase may be related either to the small size of the capped RNA substrate, to its sequence, or to different structural properties of the C-terminal regions of West Nile virus and MV MTase-domains.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are key regulators of cellular energy and are the focus of a large number of studies examining the regulation of mitochondrial dynamics and biogenesis in healthy and diseased conditions. One approach to monitoring mitochondrial biogenesis is to measure the rate of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) replication. We developed a sensitive technique to visualize newly synthesized mtDNA in individual cells to study mtDNA replication within subcellular compartments of neurons. The technique combines the incorporation of 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) and/or 5-ethynyl-2′-deoxyuridine (EdU) into mtDNA, together with a tyramide signal amplification protocol. Employing this technique, we visualized and measured mtDNA biogenesis in individual cells. The labeling procedure for EdU allows for more comprehensive results by allowing the comparison of its incorporation with other intracellular markers, because it does not require the harsh acid or enzyme digests necessary to recover the BrdU epitope. In addition, the utilization of both BrdU and EdU permits sequential pulse–chase experiments to follow the intracellular localization of mtDNA replication. The ability to quantify mitochondrial biogenesis provides an essential tool for investigating the alterations in mitochondrial dynamics involved in the pathogenesis of multiple cellular disorders, including neuropathies and neurodegenerative diseases. (J Histochem Cytochem 58:207–218, 2010)  相似文献   

The two active sites of dimeric 5-aminolevulinate synthase (ALAS), a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme, are located on the subunit interface with contribution of essential amino acids from each subunit. Linking the two subunits into a single polypeptide chain dimer (2XALAS) yielded an enzyme with an approximate sevenfold greater turnover number than that of wild-type ALAS. Spectroscopic and kinetic properties of 2XALAS were investigated to explore the differences in the coenzyme structure and kinetic mechanism relative to those of wild-type ALAS that confer a more active enzyme. The absorption spectra of both ALAS and 2XALAS had maxima at 410 and 330 nm, with a greater A(410)/A(330) ratio at pH approximately 7.5 for 2XALAS. The 330 nm absorption band showed an intense fluorescence at 385 nm but not at 510 nm, indicating that the 330 nm absorption species is the substituted aldamine rather than the enolimine form of the Schiff base. The 385 nm emission intensity increased with increasing pH with a single pK of approximately 8.5 for both enzymes, and thus the 410 and 330 nm absorption species were attributed to the ketoenamine and substituted aldamine, respectively. Transient kinetic analysis of the formation and decay of the quinonoid intermediate EQ(2) indicated that, although their rates were similar in ALAS and 2XALAS, accumulation of this intermediate was greater in the 2XALAS-catalyzed reaction. Collectively, these results suggest that ketoenamine is the active form of the coenzyme and forms a more prominent coenzyme structure in 2XALAS than in ALAS at pH approximately 7.5.  相似文献   

Binding of small oligonucleotides to the periphery of folded RNA can provide insight into the secondary structure of complex RNA in solution. To discriminate between bound and unbound fluorescein-labeled 2'-O-methyl RNA probes, we use ionically coated gold nanoparticles to selectively adsorb unbound probes and quench their fluorescence. The target is the 3' untranslated region of Bombyx mori R2 RNA. Fluorescence indicates that R2 sequences complementary to some of the probes are accessible for binding in the three-dimensional structure. Hybridization occurs under homogeneous conditions in the absence of the gold nanoparticles so that steric issues associated with chip-based assays are avoided. The assay is compatible with well plate formats, takes less than 5 min, and requires only 2 pmol or less of unlabeled target RNA per probe sequence tested.  相似文献   

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