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Lemur catta's ability to consume a wide variety of plant foods is a key to this species' survival in a time of ecological crisis across its geographic range. We examined seasonal diet variability of L. catta groups inhabiting two rocky outcrop fragments in south‐central Madagascar: Anja Reserve and Tsaranoro Valley forest. Leaves and fruit of Melia azedarach were a keystone resource for Anja lemurs in wet and dry seasons. At Tsaranoro, L. catta relied on M. azedarach and Ficus spp. in dry season, but during the wet season, neither was a dominant food resource. Top food species at both sites differed markedly from those consumed by L. catta in other habitats. At Tsaranoro, a greater proportion of lemurs engaged in feeding during the dry season compared with wet season. We attribute this to resource scarcity during dry season, when greater feeding effort is needed to maintain energy requirements. Because M. azedarach is ubiquitous throughout Anja Reserve, producing fruit and leaves year‐round, Anja lemurs can meet energy requirements with little seasonal adjustment in feeding activity. L. catta's IUCN status has been upgraded to Endangered, thus, greater insight into its diet flexibility and ability to survive on introduced plant species, can inform conservation plans in remaining wild habitats and ex situ programs.  相似文献   

Scent-marking and olfactory communication are used extensively by prosimians and can provide spatial and temporal records of group movement and behavior. We compare rates of male scent-marking in relation to reproductive seasons, male dominance rank, and habitat use in two related prosimians: Lemur catta and Eulemur fulvus rufus. We collected scent-marking data on adult male Lemur catta at Beza-Mahafaly Reserve (dry forest), and on Eulemur fulvus rufus at Ranomafana National Park (rainforest), Madagascar. In Lemur, rates of overall scent-marking differed significantly by reproductive season, with higher rates occurring in mating and lactation/migration periods, whereas in Eulemur, reproductive season did not appear to affect scent-marking rates. Dominance rank of male Lemur catta did not affect rates of scent-marking. Among male Eulemur fulvus, dominance relations were not apparent; however, 2 of the 5 focal males scent-marked somewhat more frequently during the mating season and also experienced greater mating success. In Lemur catta, higher rates of scent-marking in the mating season may relate to indirect reproductive competition during a period of high aggression, while such mating competition was not as marked in Eulemur fulvus. Furthermore, higher rates of marking in resident male Lemur catta during male migration may correlate with vigilance toward immigrating males. Greater overall scent-marking rates in ring-tailed lemurs may relate to extensive intergroup home range overlap and no area of exclusive use, whereas the red-fronted lemur groups tended to forage in areas of their home range where little-to-no intergroup overlap occurred.  相似文献   

Land‐use changes are expected to affect plant–disperser conditional mutualisms through changes in animal behavior. We analyzed the oak–rodent conditional mutualism in Mediterranean fragmented forests at two climatically different locations. We quantified fragmentation effects on seed dispersal effectiveness and assessed if such effects were due to changes in habitat structure and intraspecific competition for acorns in fragmented areas. Fragmentation decreased cover from predators within mouse territories as well as intraspecific competition for acorns. This resulted in lower dispersal effectiveness in small forest fragments. Globally, habitat structure was the main driver in mouse foraging decisions. In small fragments, low shelter availability precluded mouse movements, leading to short mobilization distances and low caching rates. However, as the proportion of cover from predators increased, mice were able to modulate their foraging decisions depending on intraspecific competition for acorns, resulting in higher dispersal quality. In addition to fragmentation effects, delayed breeding in the southern locality caused lower number of rodents during the dispersal season, which reduced acorn mobilization rates. Our study shows that seed dispersal patterns in managed systems can be analyzed as the result of management effects on key environmental factors in dispersers’ foraging decisions.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic changes in land use threaten biodiversity and ecosystem functioning by the conversion of natural habitat into agricultural mosaic landscapes, often with drastic consequences for the associated fauna. The first step in the development of efficient conservation plans is to understand movement of animals through complex habitat mosaics. Therefore, we studied ranging behavior and habitat use in Dermanura watsoni (Phyllostomidae), a frugivorous bat species that is a valuable seed disperser in degraded ecosystems. Radio-tracking of sixteen bats showed that the animals strongly rely on natural forest. Day roosts were exclusively located within mature forest fragments. Selection ratios showed that the bats foraged selectively within the available habitat and positively selected natural forest. However, larger daily ranges were associated with higher use of degraded habitats. Home range geometry and composition of focal foraging areas indicated that wider ranging bats performed directional foraging bouts from natural to degraded forest sites traversing the matrix over distances of up to three hundred meters. This behavior demonstrates the potential of frugivorous bats to functionally connect fragmented areas by providing ecosystem services between natural and degraded sites, and highlights the need for conservation of natural habitat patches within agricultural landscapes that meet the roosting requirements of bats.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is an increasingly serious issue affecting primates in most regions where they are found today. Populations of Lemur catta (ring-tailed lemur) in Madagascar's south-central region are increasingly restricted to small, isolated forest fragments, surrounded by grasslands or small-scale agriculture. Our aim was to evaluate the potential for population viability of L. catta in nine forest fragments of varying sizes (2–46 ha, population range: 6–210 animals) in south-central Madagascar, using a set of comparative, quantitative ecological measures. We used Poisson regression models with a log link function to examine the effects of fragment size, within-fragment food availability, and abundance of matrix resources (food and water sources) on L. catta population sizes and juvenile recruitment. We found a strong association between overall population size and (a) fragment size and (b) abundance of key food resources Melia azedarach and Ficus spp. (per 100 m along transect lines). Juvenile recruitment was also associated with fragment size and abundance of the two above-mentioned food resources. When the largest population, an outlier, was removed from the analysis, again, the model containing fragment size and abundance of M. azedarach and Ficus spp. was the best fitting, but the model that best predicted juvenile recruitment contained only fragment size. While our results are useful for predicting population presence and possible persistence in these fragments, both the potential for male dispersal and the extent of human disturbance within most fragments play crucial roles regarding the likelihood of long-term L. catta survival. While seven of the nine fragments were reasonably protected from human disturbance, only three offered the strong potential for male dispersal, thus the long-term viability of many of these populations is highly uncertain.  相似文献   

Large home ranges and extreme flexibility in ranging behaviors characterize most subarid dwelling haplorhines. However, the most comparable extant strepsirhine, Lemur catta, is characterized as having small home ranges with consistent boundaries. Since ranging studies on this species have been limited to gallery forest habitat, the author's goal is to identify ecological factors that affect range use of L. catta in one of the most resource‐limited environments of its distribution. To conduct this study, ranging and behavioral data were collected on two nonoverlapping groups through all‐day follows in the semidesert scrub environment of Cap Sainte‐Marie (CSM), Madagascar. Data were collected from August 2007 through July 2008. Home range areas and day range lengths were generated using ArcGIS® 9.3. Other variables measured were habitat composition, diet richness, daily activity, and microclimate. Home range areas of CSM L. catta were very large relative to those of gallery forest L. catta, and there was great monthly variation. In contrast, day range lengths at CSM were either smaller than or approximated the size of comparative gallery forest groups. Temperature, sunning, and diet richness were associated with day range length for one but not for both groups and appear to be related to energy management needs. Based on these findings, the author suggests that L. catta is capable of extensive behavioral and ranging flexibility in the extremes of its environment. However, physiological constraints impose limitations that can interfere with its ability to adapt to even seemingly minor variations in microclimate and habitat structure within the same site. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Primate social grouping is understood as an adaptive strategy for mitigating environmental selection pressures, but the relative importance of various pressures may vary. Physiological measures of well-being can show their short-term impacts and suggest their relative importance and capacity to provide ultimate or proximate control of group size. I examined correlations between pressures commonly proposed as causes of social grouping (foraging success, intergroup and intragroup agonism, and predation risk) and individual levels of fecal cortisol, a hormonal stress measure, in a free-ranging population of Lemur catta. I collected behavioral data on 45 female Lemur catta at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar, over 3 seasons (August 1999-July 2000) and determined individual cortisol levels from 474 fecal samples. Neither predator alarm rates nor intragroup agonism rates correlated with cortisol levels in any season. However, females with low daily food intake and high rates of escalated intergroup defense exhibited higher cortisol levels. The data suggest that acquisition and defense of food resources are principal challenges in Lemur catta, and may be important factors determining social grouping and other behavioral or life history adaptations.  相似文献   

Across the tropics, landscapes of continuous rain forest are being replaced by forest fragments embedded in a matrix of pastures and farmlands. This conversion has endangered many species, including arboreal primates. Species vary, however, in how they are able to supplement their diets from the matrix, although this is rarely studied in primates. We studied two groups of black howlers (Alouatta pigra) for a total of 1156 h, one inhabiting a smaller fragment (0.4 ha) and the other a larger fragment (20 ha). monkeys inhabiting the smaller fragment spent more time in the matrix than in the habitat fragment, spending 50 % of their time (335 of 667 h) in an abandoned mango (Mangifera indica) plantation, 8.8 % in scattered trees, and 0.2 % in pastures. In contrast, monkeys in the larger fragment spent 75 % of their time (368 of 489 h) in the forest fragment and only 25 % of their time in the matrix. Feeding in the matrix accounted for 53 % and 12 % of the foraging time for groups in the smaller and larger fragments respectively. We suggest that Alouatta pigra can use resources in the matrix to supplement their diet by means of crop raiding or taking other resources in many fragmented landscapes and that this may be true also for many fragment-dwelling primates. It is important to include a consideration of the matrix in conservation planning, considering both the total resources available to primates and the consequences of crop raiding for farmers.  相似文献   

The mechanisms through which forest fragmentation threatens the survival of mammal populations remain poorly known, yet knowledge of this process would greatly aid conservation efforts. I investigated ranging behaviors of diademed sifakas ( Propithecus diadema ) in continuous and fragmented forest at Tsinjoarivo, eastern Madagascar, using focal animal observations to examine home range size, daily path length (DPL), and habitat use relative to forest edges over 12 mo. Sifaka groups in forest fragments had home ranges that were 25–50 percent as large as continuous forest groups, and moderately reduced DPLs. Continuous forest groups foraged more than expected near forest edges while fragment groups avoided edges. Fragments have higher population density than continuous forest; however, several lines of evidence suggest that fragment groups' food resources may be denser, but lower quality. Continuous forest groups appear to be energy-maximizers, maintaining large ranges and preferentially feeding in rare fruiting trees found only in continuous forest interiors, while fragment groups appear to be time-minimizers, using small home ranges and primarily feeding on mistletoe (a fallback food in continuous forest). Therefore, the consequences of fragmentation on long-term viability remain unknown; it is possible that the advantage of increased density is outweighed by longer-term demographic challenges, or other threats ( e.g. , nutrition, health, social behavior, disease). When animals stranded in forest fragments exhibit complex and potentially unpredictable responses, simple ecological proxies ( e.g. , incidence patterns and density) are probably inadequate in assessing population health and viability. Ecological study and monitoring is essential in judging the viability of fragmented populations.  相似文献   

Ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) is the only species in the Genus Lemur, distributed in the deciduous and spiny forests of southwestern Madagascar. This species is listed as endangered due to the loss and fragmentation of its natural habitat, a consequence of deforestation. Twenty-one nuclear microsatellite loci were isolated from a genomic DNA derived from a free-ranging ring-tailed lemur population from the Tsimanampetsotsa National Park, Madagascar. We report various parameter estimates and measures to establish the utility of this marker suite as screened among individuals this single forest fragment.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation causes negative population trends or even local extinction in many species. Understanding the role of fragmentation on behavior and space use of animals is an essential part of revealing the mechanism behind observed population declines. We studied experimentally the effects of small-scale habitat fragmentation on the distribution and movement of bank voles (Myodes glareolus) in seminatural enclosures. We predicted that besides habitat structure, availability of two resources, food for both sexes, and receptive females for males, determine individual distribution. We manipulated female density (either 0, 4, or 12 per enclosure) and followed movements of radio-collared males. We also studied the effect of unequal food distribution between the fragments on vole distribution. The habitat of 0.25-ha enclosures was manipulated by forming either one large, two medium-sized, or four small habitat patches surrounded by an inhospitable matrix. Female density and distribution clearly affected male spacing behavior. Males had larger home ranges in the medium female density enclosures. Furthermore, the use of the inhospitable and risky matrix area increased with habitat fragmentation. Food supplementation improved individual condition measured as body mass but did not affect breeding success. Our experiments demonstrated that both small-scale habitat fragmentation and resource distribution affect the behavior and condition of individuals. Increased fragmentation led to increased risk taking in both mating and foraging behavior. This should have direct survival and fitness consequences, and therefore our results may be extrapolated to population-level consequences of habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

The effect of habitat fragmentation on spatial foraging behaviour in the root vole Microtus oeconomus was investigated in seven experimental populations. Four of the populations were established in large, continuous blocks (30 × 95 m) of meadow habitat (treatment plots), whereas the three remaining populations had six small rectangular habitat fragments (30 × 7.5 m) with variable inter-fragment distances (control plots). Both the small habitat fragments and the large continuous habitat were embedded in a non-habitat matrix area which was regularly mowed. Half-way through the study period, the continuous habitat in treatment plots was destroyed by mowing to give a configuration identical to the control plots. Dyed bait placed at the edges and in the interior of habitat fragments as well as in the matrix area was used to reveal differential use of these areas for foraging. Animals in the small-fragment plots fed more than expected along the edges, while edges were used according to availability in the large blocks of continuous habitat. In the fragmented plots, the frequency of foraging in the matrix decreased with increasing distance to the fragment border and with increasing inter-fragment distances. Furthermore, the frequency of use of more than one habitat fragment in individual foraging ranges decreased with increasing inter-fragment distances. Reproductively inactive animals of both sexes fed more often along habitat edges than reproductively active animals. Reproductively active females fed exclusively in one habitat fragment, whereas inactive animals and especially reproductively active males frequently included more than one fragment in their foraging ranges. The only effect of habitat destruction was less foraging in the matrix habitat in the post-destruction treatment plots compared to the permanently fragmented control plots. This was probably an effect of different matrix quality. Root voles in these experimental populations forage in edge and matrix habitat with great risk of becoming victims to predation, and the results are interpreted in this context. Received: 19 August 1998 / Accepted: 30 June 1999  相似文献   

To test flying fox adaptations to a habitat mosaic with extreme deforestation, the abundance, habitat choice and feeding behavior of the Pacific flying fox, Pteropus tonganus, were investigated across 16 islands of the Yasawa archipelago, Fiji. The habitat mosaic is formed by 4.3 percent tropical dry forest and 3.3 percent farmland, leaving exotic grasslands and stands of Leucaena leucocephala to overrun the vast majority of land. Pteropus tonganus abundance was high (5757 bats) despite deforestation and hunting. Roosting sites were restricted to native forest fragments. Grasslands and stands of L. leucocephala were completely void of bats at all times. The mean foraging density in farmland was four times higher than in forests and foraging competition was routinely observed in farmland but was extremely rare in forests. The author suggests that during the study, extensive foraging in farmland was supporting the high P. tonganus population. Additionally, the preferential foraging in farmland was responsible for the low foraging densities within forests and dramatically less intraspecies competition for forest resources. Further research is needed on seed dispersal within forests and to test for seasonal variations in bat abundance and feeding.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation result in landscapes where high quality habitat patches are surrounded by matrix habitats of low and variable quality. For mobile species to persist in such landscapes, individual animals often rely on the high quality habitats but also use matrix habitats for supplemental resources or while moving between higher quality patches. Determining what habitat features animals select when in these matrix areas is important, as retaining desirable features in lower quality habitats may enable species persistence. We examine a population of US federally threatened Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) in northcentral Washington, near the southwestern range limit, where lynx habitat is fragmented by topography, wildfires, and human impacts. We used Global Positioning System radio-collar data from 17 lynx in the North Cascade Mountains during 2007–2013 to explore lynx habitat use. We used Random Forest models to analyze core hunting, resting, and denning habitat, and the habitats lynx select while between patches of core habitat. While selecting core habitat, lynx used spruce (Picea engelmannii)-fir (Abies lasiocarpa), lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), and mixed sub-boreal-Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) forests, and avoided dry forests and forest openings including new burns. When not in core habitat, lynx used a wider range of habitats, including new burns where fire skips and residual trees offered cover. Our results show clearly that Canada lynx tolerate a wider range of habitats where they occupy fragmented landscapes. Consequently, maintaining animals in fragmented landscapes requires that we identify and conserve not only the core habitats a particular species selects, but also the habitat features animals use while in less suitable environments.  相似文献   

Invasive species are often favoured in fragmented, highly-modified, human-dominated landscapes such as urban areas. Because successful invasive urban adapters can occupy habitat that is quite different from that in their original range, effective management programmes for invasive species in urban areas require an understanding of distribution, habitat and resource requirements at a local scale that is tailored to the fine-scale heterogeneity typical of urban landscapes. The common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is one of New Zealand’s most destructive invasive pest species. As brushtail possums traditionally occupy forest habitat, control in New Zealand has focussed on rural and forest habitats, and forest fragments in cities. However, as successful urban adapters, possums may be occupying a wider range of habitats. Here we use site occupancy methods to determine the distribution of brushtail possums across five distinguishable urban habitat types during summer, which is when possums have the greatest impacts on breeding birds. We collected data on possum presence/absence and habitat characteristics, including possible sources of supplementary food (fruit trees, vegetable gardens, compost heaps), and the availability of forest fragments from 150 survey locations. Predictive distribution models constructed using the programme PRESENCE revealed that while occupancy rates were highest in forest fragments, possums were still present across a large proportion of residential habitat with occupancy decreasing as housing density increased and green cover decreased. The presence of supplementary food sources was important in predicting possum occupancy, which may reflect the high nutritional value of these food types. Additionally, occupancy decreased as the proportion of forest fragment decreased, indicating the importance of forest fragments in determining possum distribution. Control operations to protect native birds from possum predation in cities should include well-vegetated residential areas; these modified habitats not only support possums but provide a source for reinvasion of fragments.  相似文献   

From June through December, data were collected on the diet and ranging patterns of moustached (Saguinus mystax) and saddle-back (Saguinus fuscicollis) tamarin monkeys in the Amazon Basin of northeastern Peru. During this 7-month period, insects and nonleguminous fruits accounted for 83% of tamarin feeding and foraging time. Despite marked seasonal variation in rainfall and forest productivity, patterns of habitat utilization, day range, dietary diversity, resource exploitation, and activity budget remained relatively stable throughout the year. Moustached and saddle-back tamarins appear to solve problems of food acquisition and exploit patchily distributed feeding sites using a relatively limited set of foraging patterns. In general, these primates concentrate their daily feeding efforts on several trees from a small number of target plant species. These feeding sites are uncommon, produce only a small amount of ripe fruit each day, and are characterized by a high degree of intraspecific fruiting and flowering synchrony. Trees of the same species are frequently visited in succession, and individual feeding sites are revisited several times over the course of 1–2 weeks. This type of foraging pattern occurred during both dry and wet seasons and when exploiting fruit, nectar, legume, and exudate resources. Seasonal variation in the percentage of feeding and foraging time devoted to insectivory was also limited. In this investigation, there was no consistent evidence that temporal changes in overall forest fruit production had a major impact on the feeding, foraging, or ranging behavior of either tamarin species.  相似文献   

The feeding behavior of two sympatric species of lemurs, Lemur cattaand Lemur fulvus,was studied in an enclosure simulating a natural habitat at the Duke University Primate Center. L. fulvusspent less time feeding during the day than L. catta.But the former species ate more fruit and had longer feeding bouts on preferred food items than L. catta.They also had a shorter food passage time than L. cattaand their choice of resting places was more influenced by food distribution. Furthermore, the two lemur species ate parts of different plant species and showed different reactions to chemical plant components. According to these results, L. fulvusis a more conservative feeder than L. catta.These interspecific differences in feeding behavior may be one of a number of differences that allow the two species to coexist. In allopatry, however, L. fulvusmay also adopt feeding patterns similar to those of L. catta.But L. cattawas never found to change its feeding strategies in different areas. It may be this option of L. fulvusto adopt different feeding strategies in different situations that allows this species to have the widest range of all Malagasy lemurs. Duke University Primate Center Publication No. 259.  相似文献   

Ant species of the late succession stages usually have several queens and a polydomous colony structure, where several colonies occupy the same territory without competing. The wood ant Formica aquilonia is a good example of such a species in boreal forests. In this species, the lack of intraspecific competition may be caused by the stable environment and abundant food resources (e.g. excretions of tree-living aphids). We studied how habitat destruction, in the form of clear-cutting, affects aggressiveness between neighbouring colonies in F. aquilonia. Intercolonial relationships were more hostile in clear-cuts than in forest interiors. This aggression may be the result of increased intraspecific resource competition or alienation of neighbouring colonies caused by the loss of visual orientation cues. We suggest that the original polydomous relationships between colonies decline and colonies may start aggressive competition for the remaining resources.  相似文献   

The introduction of Eulemur fulvus in 1975 into the Berenty Reserve and their recent attainment of population densities comparable to those of Lemur catta led us to analyze food partitioning among the 3 large prosimian species in the gallery forest. We assessed the diets of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta), brown lemurs (Eulemur fulvus) and sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi) from food intake measurements during 3 successive short-term studies. All species exhibited marked seasonal changes in their major food categories. Dietary overlap was very high between ring-tailed lemurs and brown lemurs during 2 of 3 seasons, including the middle of the dry season. During the latter period, Eulemur appeared to compensate for a low quality diet by increasing the amount of food eaten. In contrast, Lemur fed on lower amounts of food and seemed more efficient at coping with fibrous plant materials. There is low dietary overlap of Lemur catta and Eulemur fulvus versus Propithecus, which exhibit by far the highest dietary diversity of the 3 species. We discuss sustainable coexistence among them, based on respective dietary adaptations and potential for dietary flexibility.  相似文献   

Animals, including humans, use olfaction to assess potential social and sexual partners. Although hormones modulate olfactory cues, we know little about whether contraception affects semiochemical signals and, ultimately, mate choice. We examined the effects of a common contraceptive, medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), on the olfactory cues of female ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta), and the behavioural response these cues generated in male conspecifics. The genital odorants of contracepted females were dramatically altered, falling well outside the range of normal female variation: MPA decreased the richness and modified the relative abundances of volatile chemicals expressed in labial secretions. Comparisons between treatment groups revealed several indicator compounds that could reliably signal female reproductive status to conspecifics. MPA also changed a female''s individual chemical ‘signature’, while minimizing her chemical distinctiveness relative to other contracepted females. Most remarkably, MPA degraded the chemical patterns that encode honest information about genetic constitution, including individual diversity (heterozygosity) and pairwise relatedness to conspecifics. Lastly, males preferentially investigated the odorants of intact over contracepted females, clearly distinguishing those with immediate reproductive potential. By altering the olfactory cues that signal fertility, individuality, genetic quality and relatedness, contraceptives may disrupt intraspecific interactions in primates, including those relevant to kin recognition and mate choice.  相似文献   

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