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The degree to which extrinsic factors influence migration chronology in North American waterfowl has not been quantified, particularly for dabbling ducks. Previous studies have examined waterfowl migration using various methods, however, quantitative approaches to define avian migration chronology over broad spatio-temporal scales are limited, and the implications for using different approaches have not been assessed. We used movement data from 19 female adult mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) equipped with solar-powered global positioning system satellite transmitters to evaluate two individual level approaches for quantifying migration chronology. The first approach defined migration based on individual movements among geopolitical boundaries (state, provincial, international), whereas the second method modeled net displacement as a function of time using nonlinear models. Differences in migration chronologies identified by each of the approaches were examined with analysis of variance. The geopolitical method identified mean autumn migration midpoints at 15 November 2010 and 13 November 2011, whereas the net displacement method identified midpoints at 15 November 2010 and 14 November 2011. The mean midpoints for spring migration were 3 April 2011 and 20 March 2012 using the geopolitical method and 31 March 2011 and 22 March 2012 using the net displacement method. The duration, initiation date, midpoint, and termination date for both autumn and spring migration did not differ between the two individual level approaches. Although we did not detect differences in migration parameters between the different approaches, the net displacement metric offers broad potential to address questions in movement ecology for migrating species. Ultimately, an objective definition of migration chronology will allow researchers to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the extrinsic factors that drive migration at the individual and population levels. As a result, targeted conservation plans can be developed to support planning for habitat management and evaluation of long-term climate effects.  相似文献   



Systematic reviews are used widely to guide health care decisions. Several tools have been created to assess systematic review quality. The measurement tool for assessing the methodological quality of systematic reviews known as the AMSTAR tool applies a yes/no score to eleven relevant domains of review methodology. This tool has been reworked so that each domain is scored based on a four point scale, producing R-AMSTAR.

Methods and Findings

We aimed to compare the AMSTAR and R-AMSTAR tools in assessing systematic reviews in the field of assisted reproduction for subfertility. All published systematic reviews on assisted reproductive technology, with the latest search for studies taking place from 2007–2011, were considered. Reviews that contained no included studies or considered diagnostic outcomes were excluded. Thirty each of Cochrane and non-Cochrane reviews were randomly selected from a search of relevant databases. Both tools were then applied to all sixty reviews. The results were converted to percentage scores and all reviews graded and ranked based on this. AMSTAR produced a much wider variation in percentage scores and achieved higher inter-rater reliability than R-AMSTAR according to kappa statistics. The average rating for Cochrane reviews was consistent between the two tools (88.3% for R-AMSTAR versus 83.6% for AMSTAR) but inconsistent for non-Cochrane reviews (63.9% R-AMSTAR vs. 38.5% AMSTAR). In comparing the rankings generated between the two tools Cochrane reviews changed an average of 4.2 places, compared to 2.9 for non-Cochrane.


R-AMSTAR provided greater guidance in the assessment of domains and produced quantitative results. However, there were many problems with the construction of its criteria and AMSTAR was much easier to apply consistently. We recommend that AMSTAR incorporates the findings of this study and produces additional guidance for its application in order to improve its reliability and usefulness.  相似文献   

Life‐cycle assessment (LCA) practitioners build models to quantify resource consumption, environmental releases, and potential environmental and human health impacts of product systems. Most often, practitioners define a model structure, assign a single value to each parameter, and build deterministic models to approximate environmental outcomes. This approach fails to capture the variability and uncertainty inherent in LCA. To make good decisions, decision makers need to understand the uncertainty in and divergence between LCA outcomes for different product systems. Several approaches for conducting LCA under uncertainty have been proposed and implemented. For example, Monte Carlo simulation and fuzzy set theory have been applied in a limited number of LCA studies. These approaches are well understood and are generally accepted in quantitative decision analysis. But they do not guarantee reliable outcomes. A survey of approaches used to incorporate quantitative uncertainty analysis into LCA is presented. The suitability of each approach for providing reliable outcomes and enabling better decisions is discussed. Approaches that may lead to overconfident or unreliable results are discussed and guidance for improving uncertainty analysis in LCA is provided.  相似文献   

The hands of the Hominoidea evidence four adaptive modes which distinguish the lesse apes (Hylobatidae), the orangutan (Pongo), the African apes (Pan), and man (Homo) from one another. The hands of the apes consist of compromises between manipulatory and locomotor functions because selection has operated for precision of grip as well as for special locomotor mechanisms. The human hand is almost totally devoted to manipulation. The hands of gibbons, orangutans and the African apes differ in many features that may be correlated with locomotion. The gibbons and siamang are specially adapted for ricochetal arm-swinging. The great apes possess morphological adaptations for arboreal foraging and climbing distinct from those of the hylobatids. In addition, the African apes have become secondarily adapted for terrestrial quadrupedal locomotion. Many features that distinguish the hands of chimpanzees and gorillas may be associated with the development of efficient knuckele-walking propulsive and support mechanisms.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Although the methods discussed in this report havebeen applied to biomechanical studies on horses, these techniqueshave broad applications to locomotor research on all species.Cinematography has been and will continue to be the most widelyapplied of these methods. Recent advances in video imaging willcomplement, but not completely replace, this technique. Electrogoniometryhas been primarily restricted to use on human beings and horses.This method has far broader kinematic applications and its useshould be seriously investigated by researchers studying otherspecies. Force plates have been used widely, and with the advancesin research technology, even broader applications of this techniquewill be available. The technology used in the development ofthe instrumented shoes can be used to develop instrumentationfor investigations in other species. Substantial modificationsincluding the miniaturization of electrical components willbe necessary. The references cited in this discussion, although in no wayall-inclusive, indicate that a vast amount of research usinga variety of methods has been conducted on the locomotion ofanimals. We have just begun to define and understand the complexinteractions of the musculoskeletal system with other body systems.Students of locomotion must use their imagination and ingenuityin refining and adapting these techniques, and in developingnew methods to solve the many unanswered questions.  相似文献   

The proteome of the bacterium Methylocella silvestris has been characterized using reversed phase ultra high pressure liquid chromatography (UPLC) and two-dimensional reversed phase (high pH)-reversed phase (low pH) UPLC prior to mass spectrometric analysis. Variations in protein expression levels were identified with the aid of label-free quantification in a study of soluble protein extracts from the organism grown using methane, succinate, or propane as a substrate. The number of first dimensional fractionation steps has been varied for 2D analyses, and the impact on data throughput and quality has been demonstrated. Comparisons have been made regarding required experimental considerations including total loading of biological samples required, instrument time, and resulting data file sizes. The data obtained have been evaluated with respect to number of protein identifications, confidence of assignments, sequence coverage, relative levels of proteins, and dynamic range. Good qualitative and quantitative agreement was observed between the different approaches, and the potential benefits and limitations of the reversed phase-reversed phase UPLC technique in label-free analysis are discussed. A preliminary screen of the protein regulation data has also been performed, providing evidence for a possible propane assimilation route.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that microtubules in tissue culture cells extend from the centrosome to cell periphery, and the length of individual microtubules averages several dozens of microns. However, direct electron-microscopic measurements have cast some doubt on this assumption. In this study, the average length of microtubules in cultured Vero cells was estimated using a combined approach. The length of free cytoplasmic and centrosomal microtubules was determined by means of electron microscopy in serial sections; concurrently, the length of free microtubules in the lamella was measured in preparations stained with tubulin antibodies (an indirect immunofluorescent method), by tracing saltatory particle movements along the microtubules in living cells. According to the data of immunofluorescent microscopy, microtubule length in the lamella averaged 4.57 ± 3.69 m. However, since two or more microtubules can overlap, their length may be slightly overestimated by this method. On the other hand, saltatory movements are easy to monitor and measure fairly accurately, but their range may be shorter than the actual microtubule length because of a limited processiveness of motors (kinesin and dynein). On average, the trajectories of saltatory movements in living cells were 3.85 ± 0.72 m long. At the electron-microscopic level, microtubule length was analyzed using pseudo-three-dimensional reconstructions of the microtubule systems around the centrosome and in the lamella. The length of free microtubules in the lamella reached 18 m, averaging 3.33 ± 2.43 m; the average length of centrosomal microtubules was 1.49 ± 0.82 m. Good correspondence between the data on microtubule length and arrangement obtained by different methods allows the conclusion that most of the free microtubules in Vero cells actually have a length of 2–5 m; i.e., they are much shorter than the cell radius (about 25 m). Microtubules extending from the centrosome are shorter still and do not reach the cell periphery. Thus, most microtubules in the lamella of Vero cells are free and their ordered arrangement is not associated with their attachment to the centrosome.  相似文献   

The cortical connections of the dorsal (PMd) and ventral (PMv) subdivisions of the premotor area (PM, lateral area 6) were studied in four monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) through the use of retrograde tracers. In two animals, tracer was injected ventral to the arcuate sulcus (PMv), in a region from which forelimb movements could be elicited by intracortical microstimulation (ICMS). Tracer injections dorsal to the arcuate sulcus (PMd) were made in two locations. In one animal, tracer was injected caudal to the genu of the arcuate sulcus (in caudal PMd [cPMd], where ICMS was effective in eliciting forelimb movements); in another animal, it was injected rostral to the genu of the arcuate sulcus (in rostral PMd [rPMd], where ICMS was ineffective in eliciting movements). Retrogradely labeled neurons were counted in the ipsilateral hemisphere and located in cytoarchitectonically identified areas of the frontal and parietal lobes. Although both PMv and PMd were found to receive inputs from other motor areas, the prefrontal cortex, and the parietal cortex, there were differences in the topography and the relative strength of projections from these areas.

There were few common inputs to PMv and PMd; only the supplementary eye fields projected to all three areas studied. Interconnections within PMd or PMv appeared to link hindlimb and forelimb representations, and forelimb and face representations; however, connections between PMd and PMv were sparse. Areas cPMd and PMv were found to receive inputs from other motor areas—the primary motor area, the supplementary motor area, and the cingulate motor area—but the topography and strength of projections from these areas varied. Area rPMd was found to receive sparse inputs, if any, from these motor areas. The frontal eye field (area 8a) was found to project to PMv and rPMd, and area 46 was labeled substantially only from rPMd. Parietal projections to PMv were found to originate from a variety of somatosensory and visual areas, including the second somatosensory cortex and related areas in the parietal operculum of the lateral sulcus, as well as areas 5, 7a, and 7b, and the anterior intraparietal area. By contrast, projections to cPMd arose only from area 5. Visual areas 7m and the medial intraparietal area were labeled from rPMd. Relatively more parietal neurons were labeled after tracer injections in PMv than in PMd. Thus, PMv and PMd appear to be parts of separate, parallel networks for movement control.  相似文献   

Theoretical investigation of properties of assumed gene networks constructed from elementary units of two types, genetic elements and control links, was carried out. A test was formulated for a subclass of such networks with cyclic structure called S(n,k) networks allowing calculation-free prediction of the network limit properties (the presence/absence and number of stationary and/or cyclic functioning modes) from a graph of the network structure. The data obtained can be useful for constructing gene networks with predefined properties.  相似文献   

Laminae I-III of the spinal dorsal horn contain many inhibitory interneurons that use GABA and/or glycine as a neurotransmitter. Distinct neurochemical populations can be recognised among these cells, and these populations are likely to have differing roles in inhibiting pain or itch. Quantitative studies in rat have shown that inhibitory interneurons account for 25-40% of all neurons in this region. The sst2A receptor is expressed by around half the inhibitory interneurons in laminae I-II, and is associated with particular neurochemically-defined populations.Although much of the work on spinal pain mechanisms has been performed on rat, the mouse is now increasingly used as a model, due to the availability of genetically altered lines. However, quantitative information on the arrangement of interneurons is lacking in the mouse, and it is possible that there are significant species differences in neuronal organisation.In this study, we show that as in the rat, nearly all neurons in laminae I-III that are enriched with glycine also contain GABA, which suggests that GABA-immunoreactivity can be used to identify inhibitory interneurons in this region. These cells account for 26% of the neurons in laminae I-II and 38% of those in lamina III. As in the rat, the sst2A receptor is only expressed by inhibitory interneurons in laminae I-II, and is present on just over half (54%) of these cells. Antibody against the neurokinin 1 receptor was used to define lamina I, and we found that although the receptor was concentrated in this lamina, it was expressed by many fewer cells than in the rat. By estimating the total numbers of neurons in each of these laminae in the L4 segment of the mouse, we show that there are around half as many neurons in each lamina as are present in the corresponding segment of the rat.  相似文献   

Attempts to establish relationships between mandibular morphology and either traditional dietary categories or geometric and material properties of primate diets have not been particularly successful. Using our conceptual framework of the feeding factors impacting mandibular morphology, we argue that this is because dietary categories and food geometric and material properties affect mandibular morphology only through intervening variables that are currently poorly understood, i.e., feeding behavior, mandibular loading, and stress and strain regimes. Our studies of 3-dimensional jaw kinematics in macaques and capuchins show that, although jaw movement profiles during chewing are affected by food material properties and species-level effects, patterns of jaw movements in these two species are broadly similar. However, because mandibular loading, stress, and strain regimes are determined by interactions between feeding behavior (such as jaw kinematics) and mandibular morphology, it is difficult to say whether these similarities in chewing kinematics also mean similarities in loading, stress, and strain. Comparative analyses of the scaling of daily feeding time and chew cycle duration reveal only weak support for the hypothesis that larger primates chew more than smaller primates. Consideration of these results suggests that better data are needed on the relationship between dietary categories, food material and geometric properties, the amount of time/cycles associated with different feeding behaviors (ingestion, premolar biting, mastication), and mandible stress and strain patterns if we are to understand fully relationships between mandibular morphology and diet in primates.  相似文献   

Allometric scaling relationships between body weight, bone length, and cross-sectional dimensions of the lower limb bones which measure structural strength and rigidity (area, second moments of area) are investigated in Homo, Gorilla, Pan, Pongo, and Macaca. Cross-sectional dimensions are slightly positively allometric and highly correlated with body weight; within-bone proportional differences are largely a result of differences in relative bone length to body weight. Orangutans show the greatest deviation from general scaling relationships between lower limb bone structural strength and weight, probably due to habitual upper limb suspension. Formulas for the prediction of weight from cross-sectional dimensions are presented.  相似文献   



Although the striatum is in position to regulate motor function, the role of the structure in locomotor behaviour is poorly understood. Therefore, a detailed analysis of locomotion- and obstacle avoidance-related parameters was performed after unilateral lesion of the striatum in rats.

Methods and Results

Using the three dimensional motion capture technology, kinematics of walking and clearing obstacles, head and body orientation were analyzed before and up to 60 days after the lesion. Recordings were performed in treadmill running rats with or without obstacles attached to the treadmill belt. The lesion, which was induced by the direct injection of the mitochondrial toxin malonate into the left caudoputamen resulted in the complete destruction of the dorsal striatum. During the first three days following the lesion, rats were unable to run on the treadmill. Thereafter, rats showed normal looking locomotion, yet the contralesional limbs exhibited changes in length and timing parameters, and were overflexed. Moreover, the head of lesioned rats was orientated towards the side of the lesion, and their postural vertical shifted towards the contralesional side. During obstructed running, the contralesional limbs when they were leading the crossing manoeuvre stepped on the obstacle rather than to overcome obstacle without touching it, yet more frequently with the forelimb than the hindlimb. Unsuccessful crossings appeared to be due to a paw placement farther away from the front of the obstacles, and not to an inappropriate limb elevation. Importantly, deficit in locomotor behaviour did not regress over the time.


Our results argue that the striatum of one hemisphere controls kinematics of contralateral limbs during stereotyped locomotion and plays a prominent role in the selection of the right motor program so that these limbs successfully cross over obstacle.  相似文献   

While much attention has been given to bio-robotics in recent years, not much of this has been given to the challenging subject of locomotion in slippery conditions. This study begins to rectify this by proposing a biomimetic approach to generating the friction required to give sufficient propulsive force on a slippery substrate. We took inspiration from a successful biological solution-that of applying hair-like structures to the propulsive appendages, similar to the setae found in nereid polychaetes living in muddy habitats. We began by examining the morphology and the mean locomotion parameters of one of the most common nereids: Nereis diversicolor. Following this study, we designed and fabricated a robotic system with appendages imitating the biological shape found in the worm. A flexible control system was developed to allow most of the locomotion parameters observed in the real worm to be applied to the robot. Experiments on three different natural substrates ranging from fine sand to gravel showed  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative microhemagglutination assays for antibodies to Treponema pallidum (MHA-TP) were performed on 314 syphilitic and 597 presumably nonsyphilitic sera, and the results were compared with those of the fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorbed (FTA-ABS), the Treponema pallidum immobilization (TPI), and the Veneral Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) tests. MHA-TP sensitivity was similar to that of the other tests in all stages of syphilis except primary syphilis, in which MHA-TP reactivity was only 64% compared with 82% in the FTA-ABS test, 73% in the VDRL test, and 67% in the TPI test. MHA-TP specificity was satisfactory and comparable to that of the other treponemal tests. Quantitation of the MHA-TP test was automated by use of Autotiter II equipment. Titers tended to become elevated later in the course of syphilis and to remain elevated longer than did VDRL titers. Reproducibility of the quantitative MHA-TP test was satisfactory, with duplicate tests agreeing within one doubling dilution on 97.5% of 351 reactive sera. Poor reproducibility was obtained with sera giving minimal reactions in the qualitative test, and such sera should be routinely retested. The MHA-TP is less time-consuming and costly than the FTA-ABS test and could be used in conjunction with the VDRL or another reagin test for syphilis to eliminate a large number of the FTA-ABS tests now required.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry - Strategies for the analysis of plant volatiles have changed significantly over the past 15–20 years due to the introduction of new approaches to...  相似文献   

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