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Synopsis Specimens of skin from human foetuses from 6–41 weeks gestation were incubated to demonstrate the presence of hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (HSDs) by histochemical methods. When present HSDs were noted only within the acini of the sebaceous glands and in the secretory duct. Seventeen--HSD activity was first demonstrated at 16 weeks gestation, co-incident with full function in the glands. Three-- and 16-HSD activity did not appear until 22–24 weeks. There were differences between the foetal pattern of distribution of the enzymes within gland acini and that already known in skin from subjects in extrauterine life. The time of changeover to the latter pattern has been established as 38 weeks gestation. No correlation was noted between HSD activity and the sex of the foetus or body site. It is concluded that foetal skin is involved in steroid metabolism, and possible physiological roles for this activity are discussed, with speculation over skin as an excretory route or detoxication centre for steroids and the role of steroid metabolic activity in the local stimulation and functional control of foetal sebaceous glands.  相似文献   

Summary Mouse, rat, hamster, guinea pig and sheep kidneys and foetal human, adult male and female human, mouse, rat, hamster and guinea pig livers were examined for hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity.3-Hydroxysteroids were utilised by all tissues, including neonatal mouse kidney, but the 5-configuration was a more suitable substrate than the corresponding 5-steroid. Both N.A.D. and N.A.D.P. were suitable cofactors.Only trace 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity was demonstrable in renal tissue, however liver possessed a higher level of activity and lanosterol, a precurser of cholesterol, was an especially suitable substrate possibly indicating that the liver is capable of synthesising cholesterol.6-Hydroxyprogesterone was poorly utilized by renal and hepatic tissue and N.A.D. was found to be the only cofactor suitable for this reaction. All the tissues, possessed 11-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity. In the kidney, this enzyme occurred in the collecting tubules. It was further noted that in mouse kidney 11-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase was absent at birth but appeared within the first fourteen days. Activity with 11-hydroxysteroids was observed to be more prominent in the liver of male animals and this pattern was also found with 3-, 3-, 16- and 16-hydroxysteroids, all of which are confirmed by previous biochemical findings.Renal tissue was not capable of utilizing the 16-hydroxysteroid in contrast to liver which could use this substrate fairly well. 16- and 17-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases were demonstrable in the livers of all species and in all kidneys. The 20-hydroxysteroid was only poorly utilized by hepatic tissue and not at all by renal tissue.Slight activity was demonstrable with 5- and 5-androstans as substrates in liver and the diformazan deposition was presumably due to the action of a steroid reductase.  相似文献   

The structure-function study of hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases has stimulated the development of their chromatography, which in turn reveals more mechanisms of these enzumes. Due to the various membrane associations and mild hydrophobic nature of most of the enzymes studied up to now, hydrophobic interaction chromatography has played a crucial role in their purification, using media such as phenyl-Superose or Sepharose-PEG. At the same time, affinity chromatography, especially the dye-containing columns, proves very efficient for these dehydrogenases, as the latter utilizes adenylyl-containing cofactors. Elution by their specific ligand facilitates their purification. In this paper, the use of detergents in the purification of these enzymes is also reviewed. Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase preparation is further improved by rapid purification which facilitates the elimination of protein microheterogeneity, caused in vitro by oxidation, reduction or partial proteolysis. This process was shown to increase the crystallizability of the enzymes [Lin et al., J. Cryst. Growth, 122 (1992) 242–245; Zhu et al., J. Mol. Biol., 234 (1993) 242–244]. The fast purification permitted a simpler procedure and better combination of various columns than conventional chromatography. This leads to even higher efficiency, yielding homogeneous and highly active preparations.  相似文献   

Steroid hormone action can be regulated not only at the receptor level but also by the enzymes that are responsible for the synthesis and degradation of biologically active steroids. Traditionally the pharmacological intervention of steroid hormone action has focused on the development of steroidal and nonsteroidal hormone receptor agonists and antagonists with appropriate pharmacokinetics. Recently, the development of selective inhibitors/inactivators of steroid metabolizing enzymes has gained momentum. This review will concentrate on the development of mechanism-based inhibitors for one class of steroid hormone transforming enzymes, the hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases.  相似文献   

Gynecological, endocrinological and histological tests on a 19-year-old female patient led to the diagnosis of Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor (arrhenoblastoma) of intermediate differentiation. For enzyme histochemical purposes the tumor tissue, removed from the right ovary by laparatomy, was frozen in liquid nitrogen. The following enzymes were demonstrated: nonspecific esterases, 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSDH), 17 beta-HSDH, 11 beta-HSDH, and NADH tetrazolium reductase. Cryostat sections, prefixed with formaldehyde vapors, were used to localize testosterone production immunohistochemically with the PAP method. A large number of pseudotubules with Sertoli cells were observed; the Leydig cells in the interstitial space were often arranged in the form of islands. Strong nonspecific esterase activity weak 3 beta-HSDH activity, moderate 17 beta-HSDH activity, and strong 11 beta-HSDH activity were observed largely in the Leydig cells. Testosterone synthesis, demonstrated immunohistochemically, took place predominantly in the Leydig cells, but also to a small extent in the Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

The mouse epididymis was studied to localize histochemically a number of hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases in the various zones. The epithelium of the posterior half of the initial segment (head) and the anterior half of the middle segment (body) shows a strong reaction for delta5-3beta-, 3alpha,5alpha-, 3alpha,5beta-, 11beta, 16alpha-, 17beta, 20alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases. This activity attenuates posteriorly. Only the 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase is present throughout the length of the epididymis. The luminal contents of the middle segment also show the histochemical utilization of a number of steroids.  相似文献   

Summary In these experiments, a considerable range of hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases were demonstrated in vertebrate hepatic tissue; 3, 3, 6, 11, 16, 16, 17 and 20 were consistently present.3 hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase was fairly active in mammalian liver, but consistently greater activity was seen with the 3 dehydrogenases which are probably concerned with steroid detoxication and excretion. 6 and 11 hydroxysteroids were only moderately well used, and both these were noticeably better used in male tissue, as were also 3, 3, 16 and 16 hydroxysteroids. All mammalian liver utilised 16, 16 and 17 compounds fairly well, and 20 was consistently but poorly used.This histochemical evidence agrees with biochemical and clinical evidence for the significance and nature of steroid metabolism in the liver. Many of the enzymes showing activity in the liver have known function in the detoxication and elimination of steroids; and 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase is concerned in cholesterol biosynthesis as well as the biosynthesis of progesterane. To have shown contrasting patterns of activity between liver and steroid producing endocrine tissues is further evidence for the specificity of these techniques in the study of dehydrogenase distribution.  相似文献   

Several NAD(P)+-dependent hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases, namely 3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, 7α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, and 12α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase were separately immobilized on nylon tubes for the continuous-flow automated assay of hydroxysteroids. 3α-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase was also immobilized on pore glass. Spectrophotometric monitoring in the visible region, where blank values were markedly reduced, was achieved through the Meldola blue catalyzed transfer of hydrogen from NAD(P)H to a tetrazolium salt. Nylon-tube-immobilized enzymes maintained 45–55% of the original activity after 1 month of intermittent use. The operational range, using the “end point” approach, was 1–25 nmol of steroid and the assay speed 10–15 samples/h. Reliable results were obtained in the determination of 3α-hydroxysteroids and 3β,17β-hydroxysteroids in urine and total bile acids in serum.  相似文献   

Oxytocin receptor in human fetal membranes at term and during labor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Human fetal membranes, taken from 30 patients submitted to caesarean section during the final stages of gestation and labor, were examined in order to evaluate the presence and characteristics of the oxytocin receptor. The presence of oxytocin receptors in human fetal membranes, both in the amnion and in the chorion-decidua, was demonstrated in this study. The receptor binding to oxytocin showed a significant increase during early and advanced labor compared with before the onset of labor. When the pre-labor level was taken as the normalized form (control = 100) the increase with respect to the control (10 cases) for the amnion in early labor (2.27 times +/- 0.11, mean +/- SEM, P less than 0.001, 10 cases) and in advanced labor (2.53 times +/- 0.15, 10 cases, P less than 0.001) was highly significant. In the chorion-decidua the increase was 1.61 times +/- 0.09, P less than 0.001 in early labor and 1.66 times +/- 0.19, P less than 0.001 in advanced labor. Scatchard analysis showed a single receptor site for oxytocin in amnion and chorion decidua. The dissociation constant (Kd) did not change during the various stages of labor; the mean values found were 0.228 +/- 0.02 (mean +/- SEM) nM in the amnion and 0.193 +/- 0.03 nM in the chorion-decidua respectively. These findings suggest that human fetal membranes are target organs for oxytocin and that they might play a role in the onset of labor through an increase of receptor binding.  相似文献   

Synopsis From the third to the sixth month of foetal life abundant glycogen is found in all foetal epithelia. It declines thereafter, except in certain squamous mucosae in which it persists into adult life. Foetal epithelial glycogen or its products of degradation may function as sources of carbohydrate for the energy requirements of the developing organism as a whole or they may have a local metabolic role.A glycocalyx covering the surface of many epithelial membranes is found early in foetal life (fourth month). Alkaline phosphatase activity is detectable histoenzymatically within this surface coat in the small intestine, suggesting that the intestinal mucosa is potentially capable of absorption at this early stage.Foetal mucins differ histochemically in many respects from their adult counterparts. It is difficult to interpret such differences because the biological role of even the best chemically defined adult glycoproteins is poorly understood.  相似文献   

The hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases: beta-HSDH, 20 beta-HSDH, and 3 alpha-HSDH, were immobilized on CNBr-activated Sepharose. The effect of various immobilization conditions on the activity recovery and stability were examined. The presence of cofactor during the immobilization reaction increased the activity recovery (40--60% of the total) and also led to materials highly stable in the presence of organic solvents. For example, beta-HSDH maintained 60% of its original activity two months after continuous use in the water--ethyl-acetate system. Kinetic experiments showed that the increase of the apparent Km values is poor and demonstrated that the organic solvent behaves as a weak inhibitor (ki greater than 0.2M) for the substrate. The immobilized enzymes lyophilized in the presence of sucrose had full activity restored even after several months storage at room temperature. Immobilized hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases were shown to be suitable for preparative transformation of steroids in water--organic solvent systems.  相似文献   

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