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Recently, in order to accelerate drug development, trials that use adaptive seamless designs such as phase II/III clinical trials have been proposed. Phase II/III clinical trials combine traditional phases II and III into a single trial that is conducted in two stages. Using stage 1 data, an interim analysis is performed to answer phase II objectives and after collection of stage 2 data, a final confirmatory analysis is performed to answer phase III objectives. In this paper we consider phase II/III clinical trials in which, at stage 1, several experimental treatments are compared to a control and the apparently most effective experimental treatment is selected to continue to stage 2. Although these trials are attractive because the confirmatory analysis includes phase II data from stage 1, the inference methods used for trials that compare a single experimental treatment to a control and do not have an interim analysis are no longer appropriate. Several methods for analysing phase II/III clinical trials have been developed. These methods are recent and so there is little literature on extensive comparisons of their characteristics. In this paper we review and compare the various methods available for constructing confidence intervals after phase II/III clinical trials.  相似文献   

Traditionally drug development is generally divided into three phases which have different aims and objectives. Recently so-called adaptive seamless designs that allow combination of the objectives of different development phases into a single trial have gained much interest. Adaptive trials combining treatment selection typical for Phase II and confirmation of efficacy as in Phase III are referred to as adaptive seamless Phase II/III designs and are considered in this paper. We compared four methods for adaptive treatment selection, namely the classical Dunnett test, an adaptive version of the Dunnett test based on the conditional error approach, the combination test approach, and an approach within the classical group-sequential framework. The latter two approaches have only recently been published. In a simulation study we found that no one method dominates the others in terms of power apart from the adaptive Dunnett test that dominates the classical Dunnett by construction. Furthermore, scenarios under which one approach outperforms others are described.  相似文献   

The conduct of phase II and III programs is costly, time‐consuming and, due to high failure rates in late development stages, risky. There is a strong connection between phase II and III trials as the go/no‐go decision and the sample size chosen for phase III are based on the results observed in phase II. An integrated planning of phase II and III is therefore reasonable. The success of phase II/III programs crucially depends on the allocation of the resources to phase II and III in terms of sample size and the rule applied to decide whether to stop or to proceed with phase III. Recently, a utility‐based approach was proposed, where optimal planning of phase II/III programs is achieved by taking fixed and variable costs of the drug development program and potential gains after a successful launch into account. However, this method is restricted to programs with a single phase III trial, while regulatory authorities usually require statistical significance in two or more phase III trials. We present a generalization of this procedure to programs where two or more phase III trials are performed. Optimal phase II sample sizes and go/no‐go decision rules are provided for time‐to‐event outcomes and cases, where at least one, two, or three phase III trials need to be successful. Different drug development program strategies (e.g. one large vs. two phase III trials) are compared within these different cases. Application to practical examples typically met in oncology trials illustrates the proposed method.  相似文献   

Adaptive seamless designs combine confirmatory testing, a domain of phase III trials, with features such as treatment or subgroup selection, typically associated with phase II trials. They promise to increase the efficiency of development programmes of new drugs, for example, in terms of sample size and/or development time. It is well acknowledged that adaptive designs are more involved from a logistical perspective and require more upfront planning, often in the form of extensive simulation studies, than conventional approaches. Here, we present a framework for adaptive treatment and subgroup selection using the same notation, which links the somewhat disparate literature on treatment selection on one side and on subgroup selection on the other. Furthermore, we introduce a flexible and efficient simulation model that serves both designs. As primary endpoints often take a long time to observe, interim analyses are frequently informed by early outcomes. Therefore, all methods presented accommodate interim analyses informed by either the primary outcome or an early outcome. The R package asd , previously developed to simulate designs with treatment selection, was extended to include subgroup selection (so-called adaptive enrichment designs). Here, we describe the functionality of the R package asd and use it to present some worked-up examples motivated by clinical trials in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and oncology. The examples both illustrate various features of the R package and provide insights into the operating characteristics of adaptive seamless studies.  相似文献   

In many phase II clinical trials, it is essential to assess both efficacy and safety. Although several phase II designs that accommodate multiple outcomes have been proposed recently, none are derived using decision theory. This paper describes a Bayesian decision theoretic strategy for constructing phase II designs based on both efficacy and adverse events. The gain function includes utilities assigned to patient outcomes, a reward for declaring the new treatment promising, and costs associated with the conduct of the phase II trial and future phase III testing. A method for eliciting gain function parameters from medical collaborators and for evaluating the design's frequentist operating characteristics is described. The strategy is illustrated by application to a clinical trial of peripheral blood stem cell transplantation for multiple myeloma.  相似文献   

In oncology, single‐arm two‐stage designs with binary endpoint are widely applied in phase II for the development of cytotoxic cancer therapies. Simon's optimal design with prefixed sample sizes in both stages minimizes the expected sample size under the null hypothesis and is one of the most popular designs. The search algorithms that are currently used to identify phase II designs showing prespecified characteristics are computationally intensive. For this reason, most authors impose restrictions on their search procedure. However, it remains unclear to what extent this approach influences the optimality of the resulting designs. This article describes an extension to fixed sample size phase II designs by allowing the sample size of stage two to depend on the number of responses observed in the first stage. Furthermore, we present a more efficient numerical algorithm that allows for an exhaustive search of designs. Comparisons between designs presented in the literature and the proposed optimal adaptive designs show that while the improvements are generally moderate, notable reductions in the average sample size can be achieved for specific parameter constellations when applying the new method and search strategy.  相似文献   

Englert S  Kieser M 《Biometrics》2012,68(3):886-892
Summary Phase II trials in oncology are usually conducted as single-arm two-stage designs with binary endpoints. Currently available adaptive design methods are tailored to comparative studies with continuous test statistics. Direct transfer of these methods to discrete test statistics results in conservative procedures and, therefore, in a loss in power. We propose a method based on the conditional error function principle that directly accounts for the discreteness of the outcome. It is shown how application of the method can be used to construct new phase II designs that are more efficient as compared to currently applied designs and that allow flexible mid-course design modifications. The proposed method is illustrated with a variety of frequently used phase II designs.  相似文献   

We propose drug screening designs based on a Bayesian decision-theoretic approach. The discussion is motivated by screening designs for phase II studies. The proposed screening designs allow consideration of multiple treatments simultaneously. In each period, new treatments can arise and currently considered treatments can be dropped. Once a treatment is removed from the phase II screening trial, a terminal decision is made about abandoning the treatment or recommending it for a future confirmatory phase III study. The decision about dropping treatments from the active set is a sequential stopping decision. We propose a solution based on decision boundaries in the space of marginal posterior moments for the unknown parameter of interest that relates to each treatment. We present a Monte Carlo simulation algorithm to implement the proposed approach. We provide an implementation of the proposed method as an easy to use R library available for public domain download (http://www.stat.rice.edu/~rusi/ or http://odin.mdacc.tmc.edu/~pm/).  相似文献   

This is a discussion of the following two papers in this special issue on adaptive designs: 'Confirmatory seamless phase II/III clinical trials with hypotheses selection at interim: General concepts' by Frank Bretz, Heinz Schmidli, Franz K?nig, Amy Racine and Willi Maurer, and 'Confirmatory seamless phase II/III clinical trials with hypotheses selection at interim: Applications and practical considerations' by Heinz Schmidli, Frank Bretz, Amy Racine and Willi Maurer.  相似文献   

Sequential designs for phase I clinical trials which incorporate maximum likelihood estimates (MLE) as data accrue are inherently problematic because of limited data for estimation early on. We address this problem for small phase I clinical trials with ordinal responses. In particular, we explore the problem of the nonexistence of the MLE of the logistic parameters under a proportional odds model with one predictor. We incorporate the probability of an undetermined MLE as a restriction, as well as ethical considerations, into a proposed sequential optimal approach, which consists of a start‐up design, a follow‐on design and a sequential dose‐finding design. Comparisons with nonparametric sequential designs are also performed based on simulation studies with parameters drawn from a real data set.  相似文献   

Ding M  Rosner GL  Müller P 《Biometrics》2008,64(3):886-894
Summary .   Most phase II screening designs available in the literature consider one treatment at a time. Each study is considered in isolation. We propose a more systematic decision-making approach to the phase II screening process. The sequential design allows for more efficiency and greater learning about treatments. The approach incorporates a Bayesian hierarchical model that allows combining information across several related studies in a formal way and improves estimation in small data sets by borrowing strength from other treatments. The design incorporates a utility function that includes sampling costs and possible future payoff. Computer simulations show that this method has high probability of discarding treatments with low success rates and moving treatments with high success rates to phase III trial.  相似文献   

The use of drug combinations in clinical trials is increasingly common during the last years since a more favorable therapeutic response may be obtained by combining drugs. In phase I clinical trials, most of the existing methodology recommends a one unique dose combination as “optimal,” which may result in a subsequent failed phase II clinical trial since other dose combinations may present higher treatment efficacy for the same level of toxicity. We are particularly interested in the setting where it is necessary to wait a few cycles of therapy to observe an efficacy outcome and the phase I and II population of patients are different with respect to treatment efficacy. Under these circumstances, it is common practice to implement two-stage designs where a set of maximum tolerated dose combinations is selected in a first stage, and then studied in a second stage for treatment efficacy. In this article we present a new two-stage design for early phase clinical trials with drug combinations. In the first stage, binary toxicity data is used to guide the dose escalation and set the maximum tolerated dose combinations. In the second stage, we take the set of maximum tolerated dose combinations recommended from the first stage, which remains fixed along the entire second stage, and through adaptive randomization, we allocate subsequent cohorts of patients in dose combinations that are likely to have high posterior median time to progression. The methodology is assessed with extensive simulations and exemplified with a real trial.  相似文献   

Huang X  Biswas S  Oki Y  Issa JP  Berry DA 《Biometrics》2007,63(2):429-436
The use of multiple drugs in a single clinical trial or as a therapeutic strategy has become common, particularly in the treatment of cancer. Because traditional trials are designed to evaluate one agent at a time, the evaluation of therapies in combination requires specialized trial designs. In place of the traditional separate phase I and II trials, we propose using a parallel phase I/II clinical trial to evaluate simultaneously the safety and efficacy of combination dose levels, and select the optimal combination dose. The trial is started with an initial period of dose escalation, then patients are randomly assigned to admissible dose levels. These dose levels are compared with each other. Bayesian posterior probabilities are used in the randomization to adaptively assign more patients to doses with higher efficacy levels. Combination doses with lower efficacy are temporarily closed and those with intolerable toxicity are eliminated from the trial. The trial is stopped if the posterior probability for safety, efficacy, or futility crosses a prespecified boundary. For illustration, we apply the design to a combination chemotherapy trial for leukemia. We use simulation studies to assess the operating characteristics of the parallel phase I/II trial design, and compare it to a conventional design for a standard phase I and phase II trial. The simulations show that the proposed design saves sample size, has better power, and efficiently assigns more patients to doses with higher efficacy levels.  相似文献   

Drop-the-losers designs are statistical designs which have two stages of a trial separated by a data based decision. In the first stage k experimental treatments and a control are administered. During a transition period, the empirically best experimental treatment is selected for continuation into the second phase, along with the control. At the study's end, inference focuses on the comparison of the selected treatment with the control using both stages' data. Traditional methods used to make inferences based on both stages' data can yield tests with higher than advertised levels of significance and confidence intervals with lower than advertised confidence. For normally distributed data, methods are provided to correct these deficiencies, providing confidence intervals with accurate levels of confidence. Drop-the-losers designs are particularly applicable to biopharmaceutical clinical trials where they can allow Phase II and Phase III clinical trials to be conducted under a single protocol with the use of all available data.  相似文献   

There has been much development in Bayesian adaptive designs in clinical trials. In the Bayesian paradigm, the posterior predictive distribution characterizes the future possible outcomes given the currently observed data. Based on the interim time-to-event data, we develop a new phase II trial design by combining the strength of both Bayesian adaptive randomization and the predictive probability. By comparing the mean survival times between patients assigned to two treatment arms, more patients are assigned to the better treatment on the basis of adaptive randomization. We continuously monitor the trial using the predictive probability for early termination in the case of superiority or futility. We conduct extensive simulation studies to examine the operating characteristics of four designs: the proposed predictive probability adaptive randomization design, the predictive probability equal randomization design, the posterior probability adaptive randomization design, and the group sequential design. Adaptive randomization designs using predictive probability and posterior probability yield a longer overall median survival time than the group sequential design, but at the cost of a slightly larger sample size. The average sample size using the predictive probability method is generally smaller than that of the posterior probability design.  相似文献   

Atkinson AC  Biswas A 《Biometrics》2005,61(1):118-125
Adaptive designs are used in phase III clinical trials for skewing the allocation pattern toward the better treatments. We use optimum design theory to derive a skewed Bayesian biased-coin procedure for sequential designs with continuous responses. The skewed designs are used to provide adaptive designs, the performance of which is studied numerically and theoretically. Important properties are loss and the proportion of allocation to the better treatment.  相似文献   

Seamlessly expanding a randomized phase II trial to phase III   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Inoue LY  Thall PF  Berry DA 《Biometrics》2002,58(4):823-831
A sequential Bayesian phase II/III design is proposed for comparative clinical trials. The design is based on both survival time and discrete early events that may be related to survival and assumes a parametric mixture model. Phase II involves a small number of centers. Patients are randomized between treatments throughout, and sequential decisions are based on predictive probabilities of concluding superiority of the experimental treatment. Whether to stop early, continue, or shift into phase III is assessed repeatedly in phase II. Phase III begins when additional institutions are incorporated into the ongoing phase II trial. Simulation studies in the context of a non-small-cell lung cancer trial indicate that the proposed method maintains overall size and power while usually requiring substantially smaller sample size and shorter trial duration when compared with conventional group-sequential phase III designs.  相似文献   

As an approach to combining the phase II dose finding trial and phase III pivotal trials, we propose a two-stage adaptive design that selects the best among several treatments in the first stage and tests significance of the selected treatment in the second stage. The approach controls the type I error defined as the probability of selecting a treatment and claiming its significance when the selected treatment is indifferent from placebo, as considered in Bischoff and Miller (2005). Our approach uses the conditional error function and allows determining the conditional type I error function for the second stage based on information observed at the first stage in a similar way to that for an ordinary adaptive design without treatment selection. We examine properties such as expected sample size and stage-2 power of this design with a given type I error and a maximum stage-2 sample size under different hypothesis configurations. We also propose a method to find the optimal conditional error function of a simple parametric form to improve the performance of the design and have derived optimal designs under some hypothesis configurations. Application of this approach is illustrated by a hypothetical example.  相似文献   

Most existing phase II clinical trial designs focus on conventional chemotherapy with binary tumor response as the endpoint. The advent of novel therapies, such as molecularly targeted agents and immunotherapy, has made the endpoint of phase II trials more complicated, often involving ordinal, nested, and coprimary endpoints. We propose a simple and flexible Bayesian optimal phase II predictive probability (OPP) design that handles binary and complex endpoints in a unified way. The Dirichlet-multinomial model is employed to accommodate different types of endpoints. At each interim, given the observed interim data, we calculate the Bayesian predictive probability of success, should the trial continue to the maximum planned sample size, and use it to make the go/no-go decision. The OPP design controls the type I error rate, maximizes power or minimizes the expected sample size, and is easy to implement, because the go/no-go decision boundaries can be enumerated and included in the protocol before the onset of the trial. Simulation studies show that the OPP design has satisfactory operating characteristics.  相似文献   

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