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Focal therapy of prostate cancer is an evolving treatment strategy that destroys a predefined region of the prostate gland that harbors clinically significant disease. Although long-term oncologic control has yet to be demonstrated, focal therapy is associated with a marked decrease in treatment-related morbidity. Focal laser ablation is an emerging modality that has several advantages, most notably real-time magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) compatibility. This review presents the principles of laser ablation, the role of multiparametric MRI for delineating the site of significant prostate cancer, a summary of published clinical studies, and our initial experience with 23 patients, criteria for selecting candidates for focal prostate ablation, and speculation regarding future directions.Key words: Laser ablation, Prostate cancer, Focal therapy, Targeted therapyProstate cancer is the most common solid organ malignancy and the second most common cause of cancer death among men living in the Western world.1 Widespread prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing and decreased thresholds for prostate biopsy have led to both a reduction in the proportion of men diagnosed with advanced disease and disease-specific mortality. The consequence of widespread PSA screening has been a dramatic increase in both the detection of low-risk disease and the proportion of men diagnosed with prostate cancer undergoing radical prostatectomy (RP) or radiation therapy (RT).2 In many cases, the complications associated with treating low-risk disease by RP or RT outweigh the benefits.3,4 Although active surveillance (AS) is an appealing alternative for managing low-risk disease, it potentially decreases long-term survival rates.5 Due to the unreliability of disease risk stratification at the time of diagnosis, 14% to 41% of men assigned to AS will cross over to RP or RT due to upgrading or upstaging.6There is increasing evidence that multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) localizes the site(s) of clinically significant prostate cancer prior to prostate biopsy.7 These suspicious MRI focal abnormalities can be biopsied directly in the MRI unit or under transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) guidance using software that co-registers and fuses the MRI and ultrasound (US) images.8 In many cases, MRI image-guided biopsy identifies a single clinically significant cancer. Although prostate cancer is typically a multifocal disease, the index, or dominant, lesion is typically predictive of extraprostatic extension and disease progression.911 The majority of the secondary tumor sites are composed of small Gleason 6 disease, which represent no immediate threat.12 It is theoretically possible to focally ablate only the index lesion, thereby achieving oncologic control while minimizing treatment-related morbidity by minimizing collateral damage to adjacent structures.Focal ablation of prostate cancer is an evolving treatment strategy that destroys a predefined region (or target) of the prostate that harbors the clinically significant cancer. A number of energy sources have been investigated for focal ablation of the prostate, including cryotherapy,13 high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU),14 photodynamic therapy,15 and laser ablation.16 Although long-term oncologic control has yet to be demonstrated, all of these targeted ablative options are associated with marked decrease in treatment-related complications. One of the advantages of laser technology is that the ablation can be performed with real-time MRI imaging. Because the target lesion are almost always defined by the MRI, laser ablation is currently the most accurate way to deliver ablative energy to the intended target. Other advantages of laser ablation include its homogeneous tissue necrosis, relatively low cost, and wide availability.17 MRI-guided focal ablation allows treatment monitoring using MR thermometry and real-time visualization of the targeted treatment zone.18,19This review presents the principles of laser ablation, the role of mpMRI for delineating the site of significant prostate cancer, a summary of published clinical studies and the New York University Langone Medical Center (NYULMC)/Sperling Prostate Cancer Center experience on focal laser ablation of prostate cancer, criteria for selecting candidates for focal prostate ablation, and speculation regarding future directions of focal laser ablation for the treatment of localized prostate cancer.  相似文献   

本研究针对微波热消融肿瘤治疗过程中温度分布实时监测的核心问题,利用计算机模拟生物组织温度场分布,提出了基于有限元的微波消融温度场仿真方法。分别仿真了微波发射功率、作用时间及生物组织热物性参数对温度场分布的影响。研究结果表明:功率增大25%,毁损区温度平均升高20%;功率增大50%,温度升高40%;功率增大75%,温度升高60%。作用时间延长,温度场分布基本不变,但有效毁损体积增大,时间延长2倍可使毁损体积增大150%。导热系数对热疗远场区热能的扩散产生作用。经验证发现仿真结果与实验结果误差较小,证明了仿真方法的准确性。研究结果对于通过微波消融术前模拟来确定合适的发射功率和作用时间,以及制订合理的手术计划有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

Focal therapy has been proposed in recent years as a means of bridging the gap between radical prostatectomy and active surveillance for treatment of prostate cancer. The rationale for focal therapy comes from its success in treating other malignancies. One of the challenges in applying such an approach to the treatment of prostate cancer has been the multifocal nature of the disease. This review addresses the selection of potentially ideal candidates for focal therapy and discusses which modalities are currently being used and proposed for focal therapy. Setting and meeting guidelines for oncologic efficacy is a challenge we must embrace to safely deliver this potentially revolutionary approach to treating men with prostate cancer.Key words: Focal therapy, Photodynamic therapy, Prostatic neoplasms, Prostate-specific antigen, Prostatectomy, Ultrasound, high-intensity focused, transrectal, CryosurgeryWith the advent of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening there has been a stage migration, with radical prostatectomy (RP) being performed with increasing frequency in men with low-risk disease.1 Whole gland treatment of prostate cancer carries a significant risk of incontinence and sexual dysfunction. Even in the most experienced centers, the rate of potency following RP is approximately 60%.24 Stage migration has led many to recommend active surveillance (AS) as a means to decrease the number of men who may be overtreated; however, AS has been slow to gain acceptance in the United States.An analysis of over 5300 men from the Cancer of the Prostate Strategic Urologic Research Endeavor (CaPSURE) National Prostate Cancer Registry5 showed that only 7% of men with clinically localized prostate cancer chose AS as an initial option. Aside from the anxiety that stems from not treating a diagnosed cancer, the greater difficulty with AS lies in selection of candidates and appropriate parameters for surveillance, allowing prompt intervention without compromising cure rates.Focal therapy has been proposed in recent years as a means of bridging the gap between whole gland treatment and AS. Many believe that for patients with low-risk disease, focal therapy is the ideal option for maximizing quality of life by avoiding the effects of whole gland radiation or surgery while alleviating the anxiety and uncertainty of AS. The definition of focal therapy itself is not well established and includes lesion-targeted therapy (LAT), hemiablative therapy (HAT), or subtotal gland therapy (STAT), sparing at least 1 neurovascular bundle.6The rationale for focal therapy comes from its success in treating other malignancies. In breast cancer treatment, for example, radical mastectomy has been replaced in many instances by local excision and Mohs surgery has led to less radical surgery for the treatment of melanoma.7 In our own field, the push for nephron-sparing surgery has led to the favoring of partial nephrectomy in tumors less than 7 cm, with oncologic outcomes similar to those of radical nephrectomy.8The challenge in applying such an approach to the treatment of prostate cancer has been the multifocal nature of prostate cancer and the fact that most cancers are detected without identifying a lesion on palpation or imaging studies.9,10In this review, we revisit the current status of focal therapy in the treatment of prostate cancer. We discuss whether there are ideal candidates for focal therapy; we then discuss how these candidates should be selected. We review which modalities are currently being used and proposed for focal therapy. Finally, we discuss potential definitions of successful treatment. As this article shows, there are still many aspects of focal therapy that are yet to be defined, that warrant a great need for further research.  相似文献   

Cancer cell resistance to anoikis driven by aberrant signaling sustained by the tumor microenvironment confers high invasive potential and therapeutic resistance. We recently generated a novel lead quinazoline-based Doxazosin® derivative, DZ-50, which impairs tumor growth and metastasis via anoikis. Genome-wide analysis in the human prostate cancer cell line DU-145 identified primary downregulated targets of DZ-50, including genes involved in focal adhesion integrity (fibronectin, integrin-α6 and talin), tight junction formation (claudin-11) as well as insulin growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3) and the angiogenesis modulator thrombospondin 1 (TSP-1). Confocal microscopy demonstrated structural disruption of both focal adhesions and tight junctions by the downregulation of these gene targets, resulting in decreased cell survival, migration and adhesion to extracellular matrix (ECM) components in two androgen-independent human prostate cancer cell lines, PC-3 and DU-145. Stabilization of cell-ECM interactions by overexpression of talin-1 and/or exposing cells to a fibronectin-rich environment mitigated the effect of DZ-50. Loss of expression of the intracellular focal adhesion signaling effectors talin-1 and integrin linked kinase (ILK) sensitized human prostate cancer to anoikis. Our findings suggest that DZ-50 exerts its antitumor effect by targeting the key functional intercellular interactions, focal adhesions and tight junctions, supporting the therapeutic significance of this agent for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer.  相似文献   

DNA damage has been associated with prostate cancer risk. Men who were referred for initial prostate biopsy for elevated prostate-specific antigen or abnormal digital rectal examination are often found with no cancer but have a higher risk of developing prostate cancer than the general population of men in their lifetime. In this study, we investigated whether DNA damage is one of the factors that predispose these men referred for prostate biopsies to a higher risk of prostate cancer. We found significantly elevated levels of 8-oxo-2-deoxyguanosine immunoreactivity in the prostates of the referred men (n = 50) in comparison to the control prostates of men (n = 32) with no indication for referral for prostate biopsy. Twelve of these control men were healthy middle-aged men and 20 of them were older men whose conditions were diagnosed with bladder cancer but with normal serum prostate-specific antigen and digital rectal examination and no evidence of prostate disease. In all the 8-oxo-2-deoxyguanosine-positive prostates, we detected phosphorylation of the ataxia telangiectasia mutated kinase and expression of the immune-stimulatory molecule MIC in the prostate epithelium. These data suggest that: 1) oxidative DNA damage has occurred in the “referred” but pathologically normal prostates, indicating that these prostates may be subjected to genomic instability and eventually neoplastic transformation; 2) in response to DNA damage, two surveillance pathways, represented by ataxia telangiectasia mutated phosphorylation and induction of the NKG2D ligand MIC, were activated to prevent tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Focal laser ablation destroys cancerous cells via thermal destruction of tissue by a laser. Heat is absorbed, causing thermal necrosis of the target region. It combines the aggressive benefits of radiation treatment (destroying cancer cells) without the harmful side effects (due to its precise localization). MRI is typically used pre-treatment to determine the targeted area, and post-treatment to determine efficacy by detecting necrotic tissue, or tumor recurrence. However, no system exists to quantitatively evaluate the post-treatment effects on the morphology and structure via MRI. To quantify these changes, the pre- and post-treatment MR images must first be spatially aligned. The goal is to quantify (a) laser-induced shape-based changes, and (b) changes in MRI parameters post-treatment. The shape-based changes may be correlated with treatment efficacy, and the quantitative effects of laser treatment over time is currently poorly understood. This work attempts to model changes in gland morphology following laser treatment due to (1) patient alignment, (2) changes due to surrounding organs such as the bladder and rectum, and (3) changes due to the treatment itself. To isolate the treatment-induced shape-based changes, the changes from (1) and (2) are first modeled and removed using a finite element model (FEM). A FEM models the physical properties of tissue. The use of a physical biomechanical model is important since a stated goal of this work is to determine the physical shape-based changes to the prostate from the treatment, and therefore only physical real deformations are to be allowed. A second FEM is then used to isolate the physical, shape-based, treatment-induced changes. We applied and evaluated our model in capturing the laser induced changes to the prostate morphology on eight patients with 3.0 Tesla, T2-weighted MRI, acquired approximately six months following treatment. Our results suggest the laser treatment causes a decrease in prostate volume, which appears to manifest predominantly at the site of ablation. After spatially aligning the images, changes to MRI intensity values are clearly visible at the site of ablation. Our results suggest that our new methodology is able to capture and quantify the degree of laser-induced changes to the prostate. The quantitative measurements reflecting of the deformation changes can be used to track treatment response over time.  相似文献   

ObjectiveIn the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial (PCPT), finasteride reduced the risk of prostate cancer by 25%, even though high-grade prostate cancer was more common in the finasteride group. However, it remains to be determined whether finasteride concentrations may affect prostate cancer risk. In this study, we examined the association between serum finasteride concentrations and the risk of prostate cancer in the treatment arm of the PCPT and determined factors involved in modifying drug concentrations.MethodsData for this nested case-control study are from the PCPT. Cases were drawn from men with biopsy-proven prostate cancer and matched controls. Finasteride concentrations were measured using a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry validated assay. The association of serum finasteride concentrations with prostate cancer risk was determined by logistic regression. We also examine whether polymorphisms in the enzyme target and metabolism genes of finasteride are related to drug concentrations using linear regression.

Results and Conclusions

Among men with detectable finasteride concentrations, there was no association between finasteride concentrations and prostate cancer risk, low-grade or high-grade, when finasteride concentration was analyzed as a continuous variable or categorized by cutoff points. Since there was no concentration-dependent effect on prostate cancer, any exposure to finasteride intake may reduce prostate cancer risk. Of the twenty-seven SNPs assessed in the enzyme target and metabolism pathway, five SNPs in two genes, CYP3A4 (rs2242480; rs4646437; rs4986910), and CYP3A5 (rs15524; rs776746) were significantly associated with modifying finasteride concentrations. These results suggest that finasteride exposure may reduce prostate cancer risk and finasteride concentrations are affected by genetic variations in genes responsible for altering its metabolism pathway.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00288106  相似文献   

High-throughput next-generation sequencing provides a revolutionary platform to unravel the precise DNA aberrations concealed within subgroups of tumour cells. However, in many instances, the limited number of cells makes the application of this technology in tumour heterogeneity studies a challenge. In order to address these limitations, we present a novel methodology to partner laser capture microdissection (LCM) with sequencing platforms, through a whole-genome amplification (WGA) protocol performed in situ directly on LCM engrafted cells. We further adapted current Illumina mate pair (MP) sequencing protocols to the input of WGA DNA and used this technology to investigate large genomic rearrangements in adjacent Gleason Pattern 3 and 4 prostate tumours separately collected by LCM. Sequencing data predicted genome coverage and depths similar to unamplified genomic DNA, with limited repetition and bias predicted in WGA protocols. Mapping algorithms developed in our laboratory predicted high-confidence rearrangements and selected events each demonstrated the predicted fusion junctions upon validation. Rearrangements were additionally confirmed in unamplified tissue and evaluated in adjacent benign-appearing tissues. A detailed understanding of gene fusions that characterize cancer will be critical in the development of biomarkers to predict the clinical outcome. The described methodology provides a mechanism of efficiently defining these events in limited pure populations of tumour tissue, aiding in the derivation of genomic aberrations that initiate cancer and drive cancer progression.  相似文献   

朱水文  樊建平  王乘 《生物工程学报》2008,24(12):2111-2116
通过建立三维有限元单胞模型, 考虑界面脱胶损伤效应, 对羟基磷灰石颗粒增强Bis-GMA/TEGDMA聚合物在吸湿作用下的损伤场进行了研究。文中建立了3种不同的单胞模型, 分别用来研究不同的颗粒含量、粘结强度和吸湿率对界面脱胶损伤的影响, 重点放在应力分布形式和应力传递方式。采用有损和无损伤模型预测了牙齿充填材料的杨氏模量和断裂强度, 结果显示考虑脱胶损伤时, 模拟结果与现有的实验数据相吻合。同时就应力传递屏蔽作用进行了对比研究, 并将FCC单胞模型推广, 用于预测承受三点弯曲测试的临界载荷。  相似文献   

Background:Prostate cancer (PC) is one of the most abundant cancers among men, and In Iran, has been responsible for 6% of all deaths from cancer in men. NUF2 and GMNN genes are considered as loci of susceptibility to tumorigenesis in humans. Alterations in expression of these genes have been reported in various malignancies. The aim of our study was to test whether different NUF2 and GMNN expression levels are associated with PC incidence and hence, might be considered as new molecular tools for PC screening.Methods:Biopsy samples from 40 PC patients and 41 healthy Iranian men were used to determine the relative gene expression. After RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis, samples were analyzed using TaqMan Quantitative Real time PCR. Patients’ background information, included smoking habits and family histories of PC, were recorded. Stages and grades of their PC were classified by the TNM tumor, node, metastasis (TMN) staging system based on standard guidelines.Results:NUF2 expression did not significantly differ between the groups, while GMNN expression was significantly greater in the PC specimens than in the controls.Conclusion:Regarding the significant role of GMNN in various tumor phenotypes, and its importance in PC progression, the alteration in GMNN expression in PC samples vs. controls indicate that the genetic profiling of this cancer might be considered to personalize therapy for each patient in the future.Key Words: Family history, Geminin (GMNN), Tumor staging, NUF2, Prostate cancer  相似文献   

王应洪  张霞  陈春梅  段晨阳  王燕 《生物磁学》2013,(34):6665-6667
目的:探讨临床上检测前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)的变化情况对前列腺增生和前列腺癌等疾病的诊断价值。方法:采用回顾性分析的方法,选取2010年6月至2012年4月在我院泌尿科接受治疗的前列腺增生患者64例定义为前列腺增生组(BPH),前列腺癌患者83例定义为前列腺癌组(PCa),另选取同期接受体检的健康人群137例作为对照组。分别检测三组患者入院时的游离前列腺特异性抗原和总前列腺特异性抗原的水平变化情况。对比并分析三组检测结果。结果:经检测,前列腺增生患者的血清总PSA明显高于对照组健康人群的正常值,而前列腺癌患者的血清总PSA比前列腺增生患者增高的更为明显。对照组游离PSA为(2.78±0.94)ng/mL,总PSA(1.05±0.57)ng/mL,游离PSA与总PSA的比值为,(0.38±0.61);前列腺增生患者游离PSA为(6.36+3.24)ng/mL,总PSA为(1.64±0.76)ng/mL,游离PSA与总PSA的比值为(0.26±0.23);前列腺癌患者游离PSA为(12.42±4.97)ng/mL,总PSA为(1.44±0.78)ng/mL,游离PSA与总PSA的比值为(0.12±0.16)。组间比较差异明显,具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:对患者的PSA进行检测,对前列腺增生和前列腺癌的诊断具有良好的辅助作用和,临床价值。  相似文献   

The bombesin/gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) family of neuropeptides has been implicated in various in vitro and in vivo models of human malignancies including prostate cancers. It was previously shown that bombesin and/or neurotensin (NT) acts as a survival and migratory factor(s) for androgen-independent prostate cancers. However, a role in the transition from an androgen-dependent to -refractory state has not been addressed. In this study, we investigate the biological effects and signal pathways of bombesin and NT on LNCaP, a prostate cancer cell line which requires androgen for growth. We show that both neurotrophic factors can induce LNCaP growth in the absence of androgen. Concurrent transactivation of reporter genes driven by the prostate-specific antigen promoter or a promoter carrying an androgen-responsive element (ARE) indicate that growth stimulation is accompanied by androgen receptor (AR) activation. Furthermore, neurotrophic factor-induced gene activation was also present in PC3 cells transfected with the AR but not in the parental line which lacks the AR. Given that bombesin does not directly bind to the AR and is known to engage a G-protein-coupled receptor, we investigated downstream signaling events that could possibly interact with the AR pathway. We found that three nonreceptor tyrosine kinases, focal adhesion kinase (FAK), Src, and Etk/BMX play important parts in this process. Etk/Bmx activation requires FAK and Src and is critical for neurotrophic factor-induced growth, as LNCaP cells transfected with a dominant-negative Etk/BMX fail to respond to bombesin. Etk's activation requires FAK, Src, but not phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Likewise, bombesin-induced AR activation is inhibited by the dominant-negative mutant of either Src or FAK. Thus, in addition to defining a new G-protein pathway, this report makes the following points regarding prostate cancer. (i) Neurotrophic factors can activate the AR, thus circumventing the normal growth inhibition caused by androgen ablation. (ii) Tyrosine kinases are involved in neurotrophic factor-mediated AR activation and, as such, may serve as targets of future therapeutics, to be used in conjunction with current antihormone and antineuropeptide therapies.  相似文献   

Although smoking is not associated with prostate cancer risk overall, smoking is associated with prostate cancer recurrence and mortality. Increased cadmium (Cd) exposure from smoking may play a role in progression of the disease. In this study, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was used to determine Cd, arsenic (As), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) levels in formalin-fixed paraffin embedded tumor and tumor-adjacent non-neoplastic tissue of never- and ever-smokers with prostate cancer. In smokers, metal levels were also evaluated with regard to biochemical and distant recurrence of disease. Smokers (N?=?25) had significantly higher Cd (median ppb, p?=?0.03) and lower Zn (p?=?0.002) in non-neoplastic tissue than never-smokers (N?=?21). Metal levels were not significantly different in tumor tissue of smokers and non-smokers. Among smokers, Cd level did not differ by recurrence status. However, the ratio of Cd ppb to Pb ppb was significantly higher in both tumor and adjacent tissue of cases with distant recurrence when compared with cases without distant recurrence (tumor tissue Cd/Pb, 6.36 vs. 1.19, p?=?0.009, adjacent non-neoplastic tissue Cd/Pb, 6.36 vs. 1.02, p?=?0.038). Tissue Zn levels were also higher in smokers with distant recurrence (tumor, p?=?0.039 and adjacent non-neoplastic, p?=?0.028). These initial findings suggest that prostate tissue metal levels may differ in smokers with and without recurrence. If these findings are confirmed in larger studies, additional work will be needed to determine whether variations in metal levels are drivers of disease progression or are simply passengers of the disease process.  相似文献   

前列腺干细胞抗原(prostate stem cell antigen,PSCA)是一种前列腺癌相关肿瘤抗原,也是一种GPI(gly-cosyl phosphatidylinositol)锚定蛋白,通过其C端的GPI锚定结构锚定到细胞膜表面.PSCA在正常前列腺组织中的表达较低,提高的PSCA表达伴随着增加的肿瘤分期、分级以及雄激素非依赖性和转移癌的形成,且不随癌症进展而降低,是前列腺癌诊断和治疗的理想靶抗原.动物实验显示,PSCA抗体和疫苗可能在前列腺癌免疫靶向治疗中具有重要价值.  相似文献   

张积华  张毅  袁梅  郑淑芳 《生物磁学》2011,(20):3923-3926
目的:探究超声显像诊断前列腺钙化灶(PFC)的临床实用价值和超声分型。方法:对1284倒经腹部超声显像诊断为PFC的临床资料进行回顾性分析,并根据超声所见进行分型。结果:超声显像诊断PFC1,284例,单发768倒(59.81%)。多发516例(40.19%);钙化灶直径2-36mm;Ⅰ度542例(42.21%),Ⅱ度460例(35.83%),Ⅲ度282例(21.96%);孤立型412例(32.09%),散在型319例(24.84%),聚集型395例(30.76%),条索型158例(12-31%)。内腺435例(33.88%)、外腺348例((27.10%)、内外腺交界处351例(27.34%)、后尿道周围150例(11.68%)。单纯性钙化520例(40.50%),合并前列腺增生597例(46.50%)、前列腺炎129例(10.05%)、前列腺囊肿36例(2.80%)、前列腺癌2例(0.16%)。结论:PFC是男性泌尿生殖系统常见疾病,其程度和类型与年龄密切相关,近半数与前列腺增生并存,可能与组织退变、增生、炎症、钙磷代谢紊乱等因素有关。超声显像是诊断PFC最可靠、最简便的方法,具有重要的l陆床实用价值。  相似文献   

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