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High quality, ultra-fast bioanalytical LC/MS/MS methods were developed using short columns packed with fused-core particles and high (1.0–3.0 mL/min) flow rates. For more than two years, at flow rates up to 3.0 mL/min, using 0.33 min non-ballistic gradients, these methods were shown to provide comparable or better performance than slower assays for accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specificity, and ruggedness, and met all criteria required by the bioanalytical regulatory guidance.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive, sensitive, and highly specific negative ion electrospray LC/MS method for identifying all structural classes of glucosinolates in crude plant extracts. The technique is based on the observation of simultaneous maxima in the abundances of the m/z 96 and 97 ions, generated by programmed cone voltage fragmentation, in the mass chromatogram. The abundance ratios lie in the range 1:2-1:4 ([m/z 96]/[m/z 97]). Examination of the corresponding full-scan mass spectra allows individual glucosinolates of all structural classes to be identified rapidly and with confidence. The use of linearly programmed cone voltage fragmentation enhances characteristic fragment ions without compromising the abundance of the analytically important [M - H]- ion and its associated (and analytically useful) sulfur isotope peaks. Detection limits are in the low nanogram range for full-scan, programmed cone voltage spectra. Comparison of the technique with LC/MS/MS methods (product ion, precursor ion, and constant neutral loss scans) has shown that the sensitivity and selectivity of the programmed cone voltage method is superior. Data obtained on a variety of plant extracts confirmed that the methodology was robust and reliable.  相似文献   

Fungal infections occur in immunocompromised patients. Azole antifungal agents are used for the prophylaxis and treatment of these infections. The interest in therapeutic drug monitoring azole agents has increased over the last few years. Inter- and intra-patient variability of pharmacokinetics, drug–drug interactions, serum concentration related toxicity and success of therapy has stressed the need of frequently therapeutic drug monitoring of the drugs, belonging to the group of azoles. Therefore a simple, rapid and flexible method of analysis is required. This method is based on the precipitation of proteins in human serum with LC/MS/MS detection. Validation was performed according to the guidelines for bioanalytical method validation of the food and drug administration agency. The four most used azole drugs can be detected in human serum within the clinical relevant serum levels with good accuracy and reproducibility at the limit of quantification. Intra- and inter-day validation demonstrated good accuracy and reproducibility. A rapid, sensitive and flexible LC/MS/MS method has been developed and validated to measure voriconazole (VRZ), fluconazole (FLZ), itraconazole (ITZ) and posaconazole (PSZ) in human serum. This new method is suitable for clinical pharmacokinetic studies and routine monitoring in daily practice.  相似文献   

We have investigated the use of a top-down liquid chromatography/mass spectrometric (LC/MS) approach for the identification of specific protein biomarkers useful for differentiation of closely related strains of bacteria. The sequence information derived from the protein biomarker was then used to develop specific polymerase chain reaction primers useful for rapid identification of the strains. Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) strains were used for this evaluation. The expressed protein profiles of two closely related serotype 0157:H7 strains, the predominant strain implicated in illness worldwide, and the nonpathogenic E. coli K-12 strain were compared with each other in an attempt to identify new protein markers that could be used to distinguish the 0157:H7 strains from each other and from the E. coli K-12 strain. Sequencing of a single protein unique to one of the 0157:H7 strains identified it as a cytolethal distending toxin, a potential virulence marker. The protein sequence information enabled the derivation of genetic sequence information for this toxin, thus allowing the development of specific polymerase chain reaction primers for its detection. In addition, the top-down LC/MS technique was able to identify other unique biomarkers and differentiate nearly identical 0157:H7 strains, which exhibited identical phenotypic, serologic, and genetic traits. The results of these studies demonstrate that this approach can be expanded to other serotypes of interest and provide a rational approach to identifying new molecular targets for detection.  相似文献   

Biological monitoring is a necessary process for risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), particularly, bisphenol A (BPA), in breast milk, because its human risks are not clear yet, and infants, who feed on breast milk, are highly susceptible for EDCs. Concerning biological monitoring of BPA, the HPLC/FLD has been widely used before the LC/MS/MS. However, there was no report, which simultaneously evaluated the two methods in real analyses. Therefore, we analyzed BPA with LC/MS/MS and HPLC/FLD in human breast milk and conducted comparison of two methods in analyzed BPA levels. After establishing optimal condition, e.g. linearity, recovery, reproducibility and free BPA system, we analyzed BPA levels in human breast milk samples (N = 100). The LOQs were similar in the two methods, i.e. 1.8 and 1.3 ng/mL for the HPLC/FLD and LC/MS/MS assays, respectively. There were strong associations between total BPA levels with the two methods (R2 = 0.40, p < 0.01), however, only 11% of them were analyzed as similar levels with 15% CVs. In addition, the detection range of BPA was broader in the HPLC method than the LC/MS/MS method. However, the BPA levels in the HPLC/FLD analysis were lower than those in the LC/MS/MS analysis (p < 0.01). Thus, the differences in BPA levels between the two methods may come from mainly over-estimation with the LC/MS/MS method in low BPA samples and some of poor resolution with the HPLC/FLD in high BPA samples.  相似文献   

Tetraspanins are integral membrane proteins involved in a variety of physiological and pathological processes. In cancer, clinical and experimental studies have reported a link between tetraspanin expression levels and metastasis. Tetraspanins play a role as organizers of a molecular network of interactions, the "tetraspanin web". Here, we have performed a proteomic characterization of the tetraspanin web using a model of human colon cancer consisting of two cell lines derived from primary tumor and metastasis from the same patient. The tetraspanin complexes were isolated after immunoaffinity purification and the proteins were identified by MS using LC-ESI-MS/MS and MALDI-FTICR. The high resolution and mass accuracy of FTICR MS allowed reliable identification using mass finger printing with only two peptides. Thus, it could be used to resolve the composition of complex peptide mixtures from membrane proteins. Different types of membrane proteins were identified, including adhesion molecules (integrins, Lu/B-CAM, GA733 proteins), receptors and signaling molecules (BAI2, PKC, G proteins), proteases (ADAM10, TADG15), and membrane fusion proteins (syntaxins) as well as poorly characterized proteins (CDCP1, HEM-1, CTL1, and CTL2). Some components were differentially detected in the tetraspanin web of the two cell lines. These differences may be relevant for tumor progression and metastasis.  相似文献   

Vigna unguiculata (L. Walp) or Cowpea pod methanolic extracts phytochemical analysis, total phenolic content (TPC), and secondary metabolite profiling were determined using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS) analysis. GC/MS analysis revealed twenty compounds in the extract, while LC/MS analysis identified twenty-four compounds. GC/MS chromatogram analysis suggested the presence of opioid α-N-Normethadol a major constituent found in methanolic extract and fatty acid esters carotenoid is found second major constituent. LC/MS chromatogram and the mass spectral analysis demonstrated the presence of flavonoids, carotenoids, and alkaloids as major phytochemicals. We investigated the antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-oxidant activity of pod methanolic extract. The extract was found equally effective against E. coli, S. pyogenes, and P. aeruginosa with MIC 100 μg/mL similar to the standard Ampicillin (MIC 100 μg/mL). C. albicans were found to be most susceptible to Vign unguiculata pods methanolic extract with a MIC of 250 μg/mL. The pod extract showed significant DPPH scavenging activity (IC50=78.38±0.15) which suggests its antioxidant potential.  相似文献   

无土栽培番红花的LC/MS分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用高效液相色谱质谱联用(LC/MS)法,分析比较了有土栽培和无土栽培番红花(Crocus sativusL.)药材的高效液相色谱指纹图谱,发现两者有一致的指纹图谱,并利用质谱作检测器(MSD)从无土栽培番红花药材中检测到了西红花苷-Ⅰ[crocin-Ⅰ,C44H64O24,分子质量(M.M.)976]、西红花苷-Ⅱ(crocin-Ⅱ,C38H54O19,M.M.814)、西红花苷-Ⅲ(crocin-Ⅲ,C32H44O14,M.M.652)、苦藏花素(picrocrocin,C16H26O7,M.M.330)、苦藏红花酸(picrocro-cinic acid,C16H26O8,M.M.346)、双葡萄糖基莰非醇(di-glucosyl-kaempferol,C27H30O16,M.M.610)以及1个西红花苷-Ⅱ的异构体(crocin-Ⅱs isomer,C38H54O19,M.M.814)。从化学成分角度,说明无土栽培技术可以用于无公害番红花药材的生产,在缺乏对照品的情况下,LC/MS法可作为检测番红花药材质量的有效方法。  相似文献   

Cyclotrichium niveum (Boiss.) Manden & Scheng belonging to the Lamiaceae family, which is an endemic species in the eastern Anatolian region of Turkey, has an important place in terms of ethno-botany. The phytochemical composition of the plant, inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) (which hydrolyzes the neurotransmitter acetylcholine), inhibition of paraoxonase for antiatherosclerotic activity (hPON 1) (which detoxifies organophosphates), and antioxidant capacity were all investigated in this study. Phytochemical content was determined by LC/MS/MS, and enzyme inhibition and antioxidant capacity studies were determined by spectrophotometer. Antioxidant capacity of C. niveum extracts (methanol, hexane, and water) was determined by applying ABTS⋅+, DPPH⋅, FRAP, and CUPRAC methods. Both the water and the methanol extracts of the C. niveum exhibited significant inhibition on the AChE (IC50 value for methanol and water extract 0.114±0.14 mg/mL (R2:0.997) and 0.178±0.12 mg/mL (R2: 0.994), respectively). In contrast, the methanol and water extracts of the C. niveum did not exhibit the inhibition effect on hPON 1. The highest activity for ABTS⋅+ was 66.53 % in the water extract, and DPPH⋅ was 55.03 % in the methanol extract. In the metal-reducing power assay, the absorbance was 0.168±0.04 for FRAP water extract and 0.621±0.01 for CUPRAC methanol extract. According to LC/MS/MS analyses, hydroxybenzoic acid, salicylic acid, syringic acid, acetohydroxamic acid and luteolin determined in the plant extract. As a consequence, C. niveum which has antioxidant, anti-atherogenic and anti-neurodegenerative properties has the potential to be used as a natural medication instead of synthetic drugs used in Alzheimer's patients.  相似文献   

As part of a joint clinical research project to study the effects of nicotine on the brain, a HPLC electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry method with a solid-phase extraction sample preparation was developed for the quantitative determination of nicotine and cotinine in human serum in volunteers. The measured concentrations of nicotine and cotinine were used as control for smoking behaviour. A X-Bridge-column from Waters, and a SSQ 7000 single quadropole mass spectrometer with a TSP liquid chromatographic system were used. The method includes a simple and robust sample preparation and this assay has been shown to be of a sufficient sensitivity for this application. The limits of quantification were 5 and 2 ng/ml for cotinine and nicotine, respectively. A simultaneous study was conducted to measure nicotine receptor availability and the vigilance in the same group of volunteers.  相似文献   

To determine 15 bile acid metabolic products in human serum by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) and value their diagnostic outcome in primary biliary cholangitis (PBC). Serum from 20 healthy controls and 26 patients with PBC were collected and went LC/MS/MS analysis of 15 bile acid metabolic products. The test results were analyzed by bile acid metabolomics, and the potential biomarkers were screened and their diagnostic performance was judged by statistical methods such as principal component and partial least squares discriminant analysis and area under curve (AUC). 8 differential metabolites can be screened out: Deoxycholic acid (DCA), Glycine deoxycholic acid (GDCA), Lithocholic acid (LCA), Glycine ursodeoxycholic acid (GUDCA), Taurolithocholic acid (TLCA), Tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA), Taurodeoxycholic acid (TDCA), Glycine chenodeoxycholic acid (GCDCA). The performance of the biomarkers was evaluated by the AUC, specificity and sensitivity. In conclusion, DCA, GDCA, LCA, GUDCA, TLCA, TUDCA, TDCA and GCDCA were identified as eight potential biomarkers to distinguish between healthy people and PBC patients by multivariate statistical analysis, which provided reliable experimental basis for clinical practice.  相似文献   

gamma-Glutamylcysteine ligase (GCL) combines cysteine and glutamate through its gamma carboxyl moiety as the first step for glutathione (GSH) synthesis and is considered to be the rate-limiting enzyme in this pathway. The enzyme is a heterodimer, with a heavy catalytic and a light regulatory subunit, which plays a critical role in the anti-oxidant response. Besides the original method of Seelig designed for the measurement of a purified enzyme, few endpoint methods, often unrefined, are available for measuring it in complex biological samples. We describe a new, fast and reliable kinetic LC/MS method which enabled us to optimize its detection. l-2-Aminobutyrate is used instead of cysteine (to avoid glutathione synthetase interference) as triggering substrate with saturating concentrations of glutamate and ATP; the gamma glutamylaminobutyrate formed is measured at m/z=233 at regular time intervals. Reaction rate is maximum because ATP is held constant by enzymatic recycling of ADP by pyruvate kinase and phosphoenolpyruvate. The repeatability of the method is good, with CV% of 6.5 and 4% for catalytic activities at, respectively 0.9 and 34 U/l. The affinities of rat and human enzymes for glutamate and aminobutyrate are in good agreement with previous published data. However, unlike the rat enzyme, human GCL is not sensitive to reduced glutathione and displays a more basic optimum pH.  相似文献   

Palytoxin analogs are marine toxins with large complex polyol structures. A benthic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis siamensis produces more than ten palytoxins (ostreocins, OSTs). The limited sample availability of minor OSTs restricts the definition of their chemical structures. The present investigation characterizes structures of two minor OSTs, i.e., ostreocin-A (OSTA) and ostreocin-E1 (OSTE1), using ostreocin-D (OSTD) as a reference compound, by liquid chromatography/quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The molecular formulas of OSTA and OSTE1 were C127H219N3O54 and C127H217N3O52, respectively. Compared to OSTD, OSTA has an extra oxygen atom whereas OSTE1 lacks one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. The MS/MS experiments (precursor ions: [M + H]+ and [M-H]?) suggested a hydroxyl substitution at C82 in OSTA and alteration(s) between C53 and C100 in OSTE1. Further analysis of structural details in OSTE1 was performed through a pseudo-MS3 experiment (precursor ion: m/z 1432.748). Accordingly, the planar structures of OSTA and OSTE1 were assigned to 42,82-dihydroxy-3,26-didemethyl-19,44-dideoxypalytoxin and 42-hydroxy-3,26-didemethyl-19,44,73-trideoxypalytoxin-72-ene, respectively.

Abbreviations:CID: collision induced dissociation; HR-LC/MS/MS: high-resolution liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry; LC/ESI/Q-TOF MS: liquid chromatography/quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry equipped with an electrospray ionization source; NMR: nuclear magnetic resonance; OSTs: ostreocins; OSTA: ostreocin-A; OSTB: ostreocin-B; OSTD: ostreocin-D; OSTE1: ostreocin-E1; OVTX-a: ovatoxin-a; OVTXs: ovatoxins; PLTX: palytoxin  相似文献   

Eleven polyphenols, classified as flavonoid glycosides, flavonoid aglycones, and phenolic acids, are important bioactive components in the capitula of Coreopsis tinctoria (CCT). Nevertheless, their full pharmacokinetic profiles have not been demonstrated simultaneously. Therefore, a liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) method was developed in the present work and used it to study the pharmacokinetics of these 11 compounds. We performed LC/MS/MS with a gradient mobile phase composed of water containing 0.1 % formic acid and acetonitrile containing 0.1 % formic acid on a Proshell 120 SB C18 column (2.1 mm×100 mm, 2.7 μm). We achieved a good chromatographic peak shape, resolution, and mass signal response, and multiple reaction monitoring facilitated the simultaneous detection of 11 analytes. In addition, we validated the selectivity, correlation coefficient, precision, extraction recovery, matrix effects, and stability of the LC/MS/MS method to be acceptable for 11 analytes in rat plasma. Subsequently, rats were orally administered with 50 % ethanol eluent of CCT (ECCT). Nine of 11 polyphenols were absorbed quickly (except for QCD and TCA), and their plasma levels peaked within 40 min. The exposure and Cmax values of flavonoid glycosides and phenolic acids were lower than those of flavonoid aglycones. This is the first report to demonstrate the pharmacokinetics of 11 polyphenols in ECCT, which may play an important role in future studies of the bioactive components of ECCT and their bioactive mechanisms.  相似文献   

ω-6和ω-3类多不饱和脂肪酸是两种人体所需的重要营养物质。人体内的很多生理病理过程均涉及到这些多不饱和脂肪酸,以及它们在环氧合酶(cyclooxygenase,COX)和脂氧合酶(lipoxygenase,LOX)催化下产生的过氧化代谢物。环氧合酶和脂氧合酶催化的多不饱和脂肪酸的过氧化是复杂的生化过程,会产生一系列的自由基产物。这些自由基产物又会与蛋白质、DNA和RNA结合,从而导致很多生理功能的改变。然而一直以来,缺乏合适的分析方法来有效分离和鉴定这些自由基产物,限制了人们对环氧合酶和脂氧合酶,以及多不饱和脂肪酸的过氧化在生理作用方面的研究。直到最近,才出现了对COX/LOX催化产生的活泼自由基定性和定量分析的报道。这里将对一种可以用来鉴定体外脂类过氧化产生的自由基产物的自旋捕捉-LC/ESR/MS联用技术的发展与改进过程进行综述。这种新颖的LC/ESR/MS联用技术首次使得直接检测多不饱和脂肪酸代谢产生的自由基成为可能,这对自由基的生理学作用研究是一个重大突破,为人们在多不饱和脂肪酸的生理作用以及环氧合酶和脂氧合酶催化的脂质过氧化方面的研究带来了极大便利。  相似文献   

To screen for glycoproteins showing aberrant sialylation patterns in sera of cancer patients and apply such information for biomarker identification, we performed SELDI‐TOF MS analysis coupled with lectin‐coupled ProteinChip arrays (Jacalin or SNA) using sera obtained from lung cancer patients and control individuals. Our approach consisted of three processes (i) removal of 14 abundant proteins in serum, (ii) enrichment of glycoproteins with lectin‐coupled ProteinChip arrays, and (iii) SELDI‐TOF MS analysis with acidic glycoprotein‐compatible matrix. We identified 41 protein peaks showing significant differences (p<0.05) in the peak levels between the cancer and control groups using the Jacalin‐ and SNA‐ProteinChips. Among them, we identified loss of Neu5Ac (α2,6) Gal/GalNAc structure in apolipoprotein C‐III (apoC‐III) in cancer patients through subsequent MALDI‐QIT‐TOF MS/MS. Furthermore, subsequent validation experiments using an additional set of 60 lung adenocarcinoma patients and 30 normal controls demonstrated that there is a higher frequency of serum apoC‐III with loss of α2,6‐linkage Neu5Ac residues in lung cancer patients compared to controls. Our results have demonstrated that lectin‐coupled ProteinChip technology allows the high‐throughput and specific recognition of cancer‐associated aberrant glycosylations, and implied a possibility of its applicability to studies on other diseases.  相似文献   

d-Serine is an endogenous modulator of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. Plasma concentrations of d-serine and the ratio of d-serine to total serine may be used as clinically-translatable biomarkers in NMDA receptor-related disease. We developed a highly sensitive and specific method using high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) for the simultaneous determination of the d- and l-isomers of serine in human plasma. Since d- and l-serine are endogenous components, phosphate buffered saline was used as the surrogate matrix. d- and l-serine in human plasma and PBS were treated by cationic exchange solid phase extraction. d-Serine (m/z 106.1 > 60.0), l-serine (m/z 106.1 > 60.1) and dl-serine-d3 (m/z 109.1 > 63.0) were detected using a multiple reaction monitoring. The enantiomer separation of d- and l-serine was successfully achieved without any derivatization step using tandemly-arranged and ice-cold CROWNPAK CR-I(+) columns with an isocratic mobile phase comprised of 0.3% trifluoroacetic acid in 10% acetonitrile. The standard curves were linear throughout the calibration range with 0.01–10 μg/mL (d-serine) and 0.1–100 μg/mL (l-serine), respectively. Intra-day and inter-day precision and accuracy of the quality control samples were within relative standard deviations of less than 15%. The endogenous concentrations of d- and l-serine in human plasma were 0.124–0.199 and 7.97–13.1 μg/mL, respectively.  相似文献   

Many physiological processes show a high degree of stereoselectivity, including the metabolism of xenobiotics as catalyzed by cytochrome P450 enzymes. An analysis of these chiral discrimination effects in drug metabolism is essential for an in-depth understanding of metabolic pathways that differ between enantiomers of a given chiral drug or metabolite thereof. Achiral chromatographic separation and structural identification followed by chiral analysis of metabolites from blood specimens usually requires a time-consuming multistage analytical technique. In an effort to optimize such a complicated analytical scheme, a novel two-dimensional online achiral-chiral liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/LC-MS/MS) coupling method was developed by using a peak parking technique in combination with a makeup flow system. Metabolites were separated in the first dimension using a C18 reversed-phase system. A makeup eluent of water/methanol (95/5) was split into the flow before storing the metabolites separately on chiral cartridges. Subsequently, the metabolite enantiomers were eluted backward onto the analytical chiral column and separated, and the ratio of enantiomers was determined. The method was successfully validated with respect to limit of detection, linearity, intra- and interday accuracy, and precision. In the course of a human volunteer study investigating the influence of CYP (cytochrome) 2C9 genetic polymorphism on phenprocoumon (PPC) metabolism, we used this new two-dimensional online analytical technique for the analysis of PPC metabolites in plasma. The enantiomeric forms of 4'-, 6-, and 7-hydroxy-PPC metabolites as well as two novel metabolites were identified, and the ratio of the enantiomers was calculated. We found that the enantiomeric ratio for the different metabolites in the plasma sample of each measured individual differs markedly from a nearly 100% chiral discrimination for the two new putative metabolites. This new analytical coupling method possesses general utility in the analysis of chiral discrimination effects, particularly as it relates to pharmacokinetics and dynamics, a scientific field that is rapidly becoming an area of concern and interest.  相似文献   

In the proteomic analysis of membrane proteins, less‐specific proteases have become a promising tool to overcome fundamental limitations of trypsin with its unique specificity for basic residues. Pepsin is well‐known to be utilized for specific applications that require acidic conditions, but in terms of membrane protein identification and characterization, it has been disregarded for the most part. This work presents an optimization of an existing peptic digest protocol for the analysis of membrane proteins using bacteriorhodopsin from purple membranes as reference.  相似文献   

Zearalenone is a mycotoxin mainly produced by severalFusarium species, which are known to colonize grains in temperate climates. The purpose of the study is to provide a reliable isotope dilution method for the quantification of this mycotoxin. A derivative of the analyte to be used as standard is obtained by reaction with acetic anhydride, which is available in two pure isotopic forms, a protonated (“light”) and a hexadeuterated (“heavy”). The derivatized standards are added to the matrix split intwo parts. Then, the derivatization procedure is repeated on both matrices derivatizing the part containing the “heavy” labelled standard with the “light” acetic anhydride and the part containing the “light” labelled standard with the “heavy” acetic anhydride. Both extracted mixtures are analyzed by LC/MS, monitoring the “light” and the “heavy” labelled analytes and using the former as standard for the latter in one case and viceversa in the other case. The method allowed to obtain very good results, without the need of IAC purification. Presented at the 27th Mykotoxin-Workshop, Dortmund, Germany, June 13–15, 2005. Financial support: The Italian Ministry of Health  相似文献   

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