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Rubisco activase – Rubisco's catalytic chaperone   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
The current status of research on the structure, regulation, mechanism and importance of Rubisco activase is reviewed. The activase is now recognized to be a member of the AAA+ family, whose members participate in macromolecular complexes that perform diverse chaperone-like functions. The conserved nucleotide-binding domain of AAA+ family members appears to have a common fold that when applied to the activase is generally consistent with previous site-directed mutagenesis studies of the activase. Regulation of the activase in species containing both isoforms can occur via redox changes in the carboxy-terminus of the larger isoform, mediated by thioredoxin-f, which alters the response of activase to the ratio of ADP to ATP in the stroma. Studies of Rubisco activation in transgenic Arabidopsis plants demonstrated that light modulation is dependent on redox regulation of the larger isoform, providing a model for the regulation in other species. Further insights into the mechanism of the activase have emerged from an analysis of the crystal structures of Rubisco conformational variants and the identification of Rubisco residues that confer specificity in its interaction with the activase. The physiological importance of the activase is reinforced by recent studies indicating that it plays a vital role in the response of photosynthesis to temperature. Rubisco activase is one of a new type of chaperone, which in this case functions to promote and maintain the catalytic activity of Rubisco.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Rubisco frequently undergoes unproductive interactions with its sugar-phosphate substrate that stabilize active sites in an inactive conformation. Restoring catalytic competence to these sites requires the "molecular chiropractic" activity of Rubisco activase (activase). To make the study of activase more routine and physiologically relevant, an assay was devised for measuring activase activity in leaf extracts based on the ATP-dependent activation of inactive Rubisco. Control experiments with an Arabidopsis activase-deficient mutant confirmed that the rate of Rubisco activation was dependent on the concentration of activase in the extracts. Activase catalyzed Rubisco activation at rates equivalent to 9-14% catalytic sites per min in desalted extracts of Arabidopsis, camelina, tobacco, cotton, and wheat. Faster rates were observed in a transgenic line of Arabidopsis that expresses only the β-isoform of activase, whereas no activity was detected in a line that expresses only the α-isoform. Activase activity was also low or undetectable in rice, maize, and Chlamydomonas, revealing differences in the stability of the enzyme in different species. These differences are discussed in terms of the ability of activase subunits to remain associated or to reassociate into active oligomers when the stromal milieu is diluted by extraction. Finally, the temperature response of activase activity in leaf extracts differed for Arabidopsis, camelina, tobacco, and cotton, corresponding to the respective temperature responses of photosynthesis for each species. These results confirmed the exceptional thermal lability of activase at physiological ratios of activase to Rubisco.  相似文献   

Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) is prone to inactivation from non-productive binding of sugar-phosphates. Reactivation of Rubisco requires conformational remodeling by a specific chaperone, Rubisco activase. Rubisco activase from tobacco and other plants in the family Solanaceae is an inefficient activator of Rubisco from non-Solanaceae plants and from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. To determine if the Rubisco small subunit plays a role in the interaction with Rubisco activase, a hybrid Rubisco (SSNT) composed of tobacco small subunits and Chlamydomonas large subunits was constructed. The SSNT hybrid, like other hybrid Rubiscos containing plant small subunits, supported photoautotrophic growth in Chlamydomonas, but growth in air was much slower than for cells containing wild-type Rubisco. The kinetic properties of the SSNT hybrid Rubisco were similar to the wild-type enzyme, indicating that the poor growth in air was probably caused by disruption of pyrenoid formation and the consequent impairment of the CO2concentrating mechanism. Recombinant Rubisco activase from Arabidopsis activated the SSNT hybrid Rubisco and hybrid Rubiscos containing spinach and Arabidopsis small subunits at rates similar to the rates with wild-type Rubisco. However, none of the hybrid Rubiscos was activated by tobacco Rubisco activase. That replacement of Chlamydomonas small subunits with plant small subunits does not affect the species-specific interaction between Rubisco and Rubisco activase suggests that the association is not dominated by the small subunits that surround the Rubisco central solvent channel. Therefore, the geometry of a side-on binding mode is more consistent with the data than a top-on or ring-stacking binding mode.  相似文献   

Angiomotins were originally identified as angiostatin binding proteins and implicated in the regulation of endothelial cell migration. Recent studies have shed light on the role of Angiomotins and other members of the Motin protein family in epithelial cells and in pathways directly linked to the pathogenesis of cancer. In particular, Motins have been shown to play a role in signaling pathways regulated by small G-proteins and the Hippo–YAP pathway. In this review the role of the Motin protein family in these signaling pathways will be described and open questions will be discussed.  相似文献   

Characterized by a photo—catalysis property, nano-anatase TiO2 is closely related to photosynthesis of spinach. It could not only improve light absorbance, transformation from light energy to electron energy and active chemical energy, but also promote the activity of Rubiso activase of spinach. However, the relation between the activity of Rubiso activase and the growth of spinach promoted by nano-anatase TiO2 treatment remains largely unclear. In this study, we find that the amount and the activity of Rubiso activase are obviously increased by nano-anatase TiO2 treatment, which led to the great promotion of Rubsico carboxylation and the high rate of photosynthesis, thus improving of spinach growth. The significant enhancement of Rubiso activase activity of nano-anatase TiO2 treated spinach is also accompanied by conformational changes as determined by spectroscopic analysis. But bulk TiO2 effect is not as significant as nano-anatase TiO2, as the grain size of nano-anatase TiO2 (5 nm) is much smaller than that of bulk TiO2, which entered spinach cell more easily.  相似文献   

Angular transformation has been widely used to analyze proportions or percentages in ecology. A new type of artifact can arise by applying angular transformation to proportions or percentages. Proportions with the same mean or expected value, but with different sample sizes (denominator of proportions), have different means or expected values after this transformation. Overdispersion causes a larger deviation of the expected value after the transformation. Angular transformation should be avoided unless the sample size (denominator of proportions) is the same for all the proportions analyzed.  相似文献   

Interferon (IFN)-γ is the uppermost cytokine implicated in anti-tumor immunity. With its cytostatic, pro-apoptotic and immune-provoking effects, IFN-γ plays a central role in the recognition and elimination of transformed cells. Considering well-characterized anti-tumor effects of this cytokine, many clinical trials and immunotherapy approaches have been designed to reinforce IFN-γ-mediated immunity for different types of cancer. However, the outcomes were not satisfactory and leaded to questioning of alternative actions of IFN-γ. Many regulatory pathways can be induced by IFN-γ to protect the normal tissues from collateral damage and to facilitate the re-establishment of homeostasis. Nevertheless, malignant cells can take the advantage of IFN-γ as an inducer of mediators inhibiting anti-tumor immune reactions. In addition, under the influence of tumor-derived factors, certain types of immune cells are also licensed by IFN-γ to perform regulatory actions. This review focuses on the immune modulatory functions of IFN-γ in cancer as an alternative story to be told.  相似文献   

Subunits of multiprotein complexes in the chloroplasts of eukaryotic cells are frequently the products of protein synthesis in the nucleus-cytoplasm and the organelle. The mechanisms that integrate gene expression in the two compartments are poorly understood. Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) is a model of nuclear-chloroplast interactions because it is a relatively simple example of a multimeric complex, being composed of nuclear DNA-encoded (RbcS) small subunits (SS) and chloroplast DNA-encoded ( rbcL) large subunits (LS). One means by which RbcS and rbcL expression are coordinated is by the adjustment of subunit stoichiometries in response to the abundance of unassembled subunits. This type of integration occurs by two principal mechanisms. When SS accumulation is limiting (as in antisense mutants of tobacco), LS levels are primarily adjusted to those of the SS at the level of rbcL mRNA translation initiation. On the other hand, when LS accumulation is limiting (as in some rbcL nonsense and missense mutants), SS levels are adjusted to those of the LS at the level of protein degradation. These two mechanisms may be ubiquitous and serve as either fine-tune or course controls during normal growth and development. Autogenous control is a central theme of prokaryotic gene regulation, and intergenomic regulation of RbcS and rbcL expression by subunit concentrations may be a relic of an endosymbiotic past.  相似文献   

Children under the age of 5 years living in areas of moderate to high malaria transmission are highly susceptible to clinical malaria with fever that prompts treatment of blood stage infection with anti-malarial drugs. In contrast, older school age children frequently experience subclinical malaria, i.e. chronic Plasmodium falciparum parasitemia without fever or other clinical symptoms. The role of innate immune cells in regulating inflammation at a level that is sufficient to control the parasite biomass, while at the same time maintaining a disease-tolerant clinical phenotype, i.e., subclinical malaria, is not well understood. Recent studies suggest that host epigenetic mechanisms underlie the innate immune homeostasis associated with subclinical malaria. This Current Opinion article presents evidence supporting the notion that modifications of the host monocyte/macrophage epigenome regulate innate immune functions pertinent to subclinical malaria.  相似文献   

Several enzymes that were originally characterized to have one defined function in intermediatory metabolism are now shown to participate in a number of other cellular processes. Multifunctional proteins may be crucial for building of the highly complex networks that maintain the function and structure in the eukaryotic cell possessing a relatively low number of protein-encoding genes. One facet of this phenomenon, on which I will focus in this review, is the interaction of metabolic enzymes with RNA. The list of such enzymes known to be associated with RNA is constantly expanding, but the most intriguing question remains unanswered: are the metabolic enzyme-RNA interactions relevant in the regulation of cell metabolism? It has been proposed that metabolic RNA-binding enzymes participate in general regulatory circuits linking a metabolic function to a regulatory mechanism, similar to the situation of the metabolic enzyme aconitase, which also functions as iron-responsive RNA-binding regulatory element. However, some authors have cautioned that some of such enzymes may merely represent "molecular fossils" of the transition from an RNA to a protein world and that the RNA-binding properties may not have a functional significance. Here I will describe enzymes that have been shown to interact with RNA (in several cases a newly discovered RNA-binding protein has been identified as a well-known metabolic enzyme) and particularly point out those whose ability to interact with RNA seems to have a proven physiological significance. I will also try to depict the molecular switch between an enzyme's metabolic and regulatory functions in cases where such a mechanism has been elucidated. For most of these enzymes relations between their enzymatic functions and RNA metabolism are unclear or seem not to exist. All these enzymes are ancient, as judged by their wide distribution, and participate in fundamental biochemical pathways.  相似文献   


We live in an era of rapidly advancing computing capacity and algorithmic sophistication. “Big data” and “artificial intelligence”find progressively wider use in all spheres of human activity, including healthcare. A diverse array of computational technologies is being applied with increasing frequency to antibody drug research and development (R&D). Their successful applications are met with great interest due to the potential for accelerating and streamlining the antibody R&D process. While this excitement is very likely justified in the long term, it is less likely that the transition from the first use to routine practice will escape challenges that other new technologies had experienced before they began to blossom. This transition typically requires many cycles of iterative learning that rely on the deconstruction of the technology to understand its pitfalls and define vectors for optimization. The study by Vasquez et al. identifies a key obstacle to such learning: the lack of transparency regarding methodology in computational antibody design reports, which has the potential to mislead the community efforts  相似文献   

DNA and machinery for gene expression have been discovered in chloroplasts during the 1960s. It was soon evident that the chloroplast genome is relatively small, that most genes for chloroplast-localized proteins reside in the nucleus and that chloroplast membranes, ribosomes, and protein complexes are composed of proteins encoded in both the chloroplast and the nuclear genome. This situation has made the existence of mechanisms highly probable that coordinate the gene expression in plastids and nucleus. In the 1970s, the first evidence for plastid signals controlling nuclear gene expression was provided by studies on plastid ribosome deficient mutants with reduced amounts and/or activities of nuclear-encoded chloroplast proteins including the small subunit of Rubisco, ferredoxin NADP+ reductase, and enzymes of the Calvin cycle. This review describes first models of plastid-to-nucleus signaling and their discovery. Today, many plastid signals are known. They do not only balance gene expression in chloroplasts and nucleus during developmental processes but are also generated in response to environmental changes sensed by the organelles.  相似文献   

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