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By the 1970s, brown bears (Ursus arctos) in Hokkaido, northern Japan, were opportunistic omnivores that mainly depended on plant materials. Because the sika deer (Cervus nippon) population irrupted in eastern Hokkaido in the 1990s, we expected that brown bears might prey on sika deer fawns. First, we developed a simple and cost-effective method of monitoring possible bear predation on deer fawns by analyzing the widths of deer hairs remained in bear scats. Based on hair thickness standards, we distinguished the brown bear consumption of deer fawns from adults by analyzing bear scats (n?=?108) collected during the deer birthing season (late May?Clate July) in 1999?C2008. To evaluate the importance of fawns to bears, we compared the occurrence of fawn and adult deer hairs in bear scats among three periods (I, 1999?C2000; II, 2003?C2005; III, 2006?C2008) in eastern Hokkaido. The occurrence of fawn hairs in bear scats increased from 12.5 to 27.3?% in volume and from 6.3 to 33.6?% in frequency from period I to period III, whereas adult hairs in scats decreased from 42.8 to 26.1?% in volume and from 34.4 to 22.7?% in frequency during the same time. These data suggest that bears increasingly preyed on deer fawns after the deer population irruption and decreasingly used adult carcasses because of the enforcement of deer carcass treatment by the Hokkaido government.  相似文献   

华北豹(Panthera pardus japonesis)是中国特有的豹亚种。由于长期缺乏有效的科学调查, 目前对其分布、种群及动态、行为、猎物现状等基础信息不清。在2007-2014年期间, 本研究应用红外相机技术(camera trap)对山西晋中庆城林场的华北豹种群开展了长达7年的连续监测。先后监测到14只华北豹, 其中成年个体11只(3♀, 8), 幼体3只, 成年雌雄比例为0.375; 在其间出现了2次繁殖。该区域主要的有蹄类猎物为野猪(Sus scrofa)和西伯利亚狍(Capreolus pygargus), 其相对密度分别为4.16和3.48, 绝对密度分别为1.35只/km2和3.61只/km2。  相似文献   

Red fox Vulpes vulpes predation on roe deer Capreolus capreolus fawns has the potential to strongly affect prey population dynamics, but it is unclear whether this relationship is symmetrical or not. We analysed the spring–summer diet of adult foxes and of their cubs in a fragmented agricultural area of southeastern Norway, where a parallel study showed that the predator kills annually 25% of the radio-monitored roe deer fawns. The overall diet was highly varied and was dominated by small mammals (33% volume), especially Microtus agrestis, and medium-large mammals (25%), largely represented by fawns. The frequency of occurrence (FO) of fawns in the diet of adult foxes was highest in early spring, thus, supporting previous studies showing that the predator started actively hunting for fawns from the very beginning of the birth season. During the summer, the FO of both fawns and small mammals markedly declined, while that of berries and invertebrates increased. As expected for central-place foragers, cubs consumed a higher proportion of large prey items compared to adults. In particular, 25% of scats from cubs—versus 9% from adults—contained roe deer remains, suggesting a high profitability of fawns for vixens raising offspring. However, considering the wide food spectrum and the availability of several large prey items in our study area, it seems unlikely that the importance of fawns to the diet and population dynamics of red foxes could be as great as the impact of the predator on roe deer populations. This asymmetrical relationship implies that there are unlikely to be any stabilising feedback mechanisms in the predator–prey relationship.  相似文献   

Studies on predation by the wolf (Canis lupus) have often reported contradictory results about the role of prey density and vulnerability on wolf prey use. We investigated dietary response and prey selection by wolves in a high-density and multi-species ungulate community, analysing scats collected over a period of 11 years in the Casentinesi Forests, Italy. The second most abundant species, wild boar (Sus scrofa), was found to be the main wolf prey, and we did not observe any dietary response of wolves to variations in the density of either primary or secondary prey species. Selection patterns were uniform throughout the study period. Wolves strongly selected for wild boar piglets, while roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) fawns and adults, red deer (Cervus elaphus) adults and fallow deer (Dama dama) adults were avoided. Wolf preference for wild boar was inversely density dependent. Within each species, juveniles were preferred to adults. Medium-sized, young individuals of both wild boar and roe deer were optimal prey, although with different selection patterns related to the different anti-predator strategies adopted by each prey species. The results of this study suggest that in productive ecosystems with high density and high renewal rates of prey, selection patterns by wolves are determined by prey vulnerability, which is connected to prey age and body size. The different patterns of wild boar versus cervids use by wolf across Europe seems to be related to their relative abundances, while the strong selection of wild boar in Italian Apennines with respect to the more frequent avoidance in central-eastern Europe is better explained by higher piglet productivity and smaller body size of adults boar in Mediterranean temperate forests.  相似文献   

Very few studies on ungulates address issues of inter-specific synchrony in population responses to environmental variation such as climate. Depending on whether annual variation in performance of ungulate populations is driven by direct or indirect (trophic) interactions, very different predictions regarding the pattern of inter-specific synchrony can be derived. We compared annual autumn body mass variation in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa) from Poland over the period 1982–2002, and related this to variation in winter and summer climate and plant phenological development [the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), derived from satellites]. Roe deer fawns (∼1.3 kg increase from year 1982 to 2002) and yearlings both increased markedly in mass over years. There was also an increase for wild boar mass over years (∼4.2 kg increase for piglets from 1982 to 2002). Despite our failure to link annual body mass to spring or winter conditions or the NDVI, the body mass of roe deer and wild boar fluctuated in synchrony. As this was a field roe deer population, and since wild boar is an omnivore, we suggest this may be linked to annual variation and trends in crop structure (mainly rye). We urge future studies to take advantage of studying multiple species in order to gain further insight into processes of how climate affect ungulate populations. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and wolf (Canis lupus) are two widespread opportunistic predators living in simpatry in many areas. Nonetheless, scarce information are available on their trophic interactions. We investigated food habits of these two carnivores in a mountain area in Italy and assessed the extent of their trophic niche overlap, focusing on the consumption of wild ungulates. Thereby we analyzed the content of 669 red fox scats and 253 wolf scats collected between May 2008 and April 2009. Red foxes resulted to have a more than three times higher niche breadth than wolves. Vegetables, small mammals, wild ungulates, and invertebrates were major items (altogether 92% of volume) of the red fox annual diet. On the contrary wolf annual diet relied on wild ungulates (94% of volume) with wild boar (Sus scrofa) being the main food item. The degree of trophic niche overlap between the two species was found to be low (Pianka's O = 0.356). Diet variation between the warm and the cold seasons was limited in both species, and higher in red fox than in wolf. The two canids appeared to use wild ungulates unevenly being the former more selective for younger preys, smaller in size (newborn piglets and roe deer Capreolus capreolus fawns), whereas the latter exhibited a preference for medium-sized and large ungulates (10–35 kg wild boar and adult roe deer). Even if wild ungulates represent the main shared food category, the different use of age/weight classes by the two predators, together with their possible consumption as carrions by red fox, suggests a very limited trophic competition between wolf and red fox.This study represents a contribution to the knowledge of trophic interaction in predator–prey systems where sympatric carnivores are present.  相似文献   

Human harvest is the most important mortality factor for wild ungulates in Europe and can affect several aspects of ungulate biology. There is a growing concern about possible negative side effects of human harvest. To better understand the differences between human and natural mortality, we compared the extent, age and sex structure, nutritional condition, spatial and temporal distribution of human harvest, and natural predation by the Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx on the European roe deer Capreolus capreolus, the most abundant wild ungulate in Europe. Compared to the human harvest, lynx were less likely to kill fawns and yearlings than adults, and among adult deer, lynx were more likely to kill females. The proportion of roe deer with fat-depleted bone marrow was higher among lynx prey than among harvested animals. Average lynx kill rate was estimated to 47.8 roe deer per year, and lynx predation was considerably lower than the human harvest in the same area. While human harvest increased with higher roe deer density, lynx predation was similar across the gradient of roe deer densities. Comparison with other countries indicated that differences between human harvest and natural mortality of ungulates vary considerably in different parts of Europe. Variation in hunting practices and, even more importantly, carnivore predation may have an important role in buffering unwanted side effects of harvest of wild ungulates.  相似文献   

In this study the distance, at which polar bears detected and actively responded to approaching snowmobiles was measured and the behavioural response was recorded. The study was performed on Svalbard, an arctic island where human traffic has increased substantially in recent years. Fieldwork was conduced in April and/or May during the years 2003–2005. Polar bears were observed on ice with telescopes and binoculars. Undisturbed polar bears were observed continuously and their behaviours recorded, during the time when two snowmobiles moved toward the bear(s). Distances between the bear, the observer, and the approaching snowmobiles were measured using GPS positions taken on the track towards the bear. Data on the behavioural response of 20 encounters with bears were collected. On average, bears were alerted to the snowmobiles at 1,164 m. Mean distance at which the locomotive response occurred was 843 m, and there was a statistical significant difference in distance between sex and age classes [326 m (95% CI = 138–496 m) for adult males; 1,534 m (95% CI = 508–2,768 m) for adult females with cubs; 164 m (95% CI = 49–543 m) for two adult females without cubs; and 1,160 m (95% CI = 375–1,353 m) for single medium sized bears]. The responses of the polar bears to the snowmobiles were categorized according to intensity and persistence of reactions. Females with cubs and single medium sized bears tended to show more intense responses than adult males and lone adult females. Wind direction affects sound and odour transmission, and although an effect on response distance was not found, the response intensity was affected by wind direction. We conclude that female polar bears with small cubs in particular may have a greater risk to be disturbed, since they react at greater distances with amplified reactions; thus, users of snowmobiles should take particular care in areas where females with cubs are present.  相似文献   

At the end of the nineteenth century, the wolf Canis lupus was extinct in Hungary and in recent decades has returned to the northern highland area of the country. The diet of wolves living in groups in Aggteleki National Park was investigated using scat analysis (n = 81 scats) and prey remains (n = 31 carcasses). Throughout the year wolves (average, minimum two wolves per year) consumed mostly wild-living ungulates (mean percent of biomass consumed, B% 97.2%; relative frequency of occurrence, %O 74.0%). The wild boar Sus scrofa was the most common prey item found in wolf scat (%B 35.6%) and is also the most commonly occurring ungulate in the study areas. The second most commonly occurring prey item in wolf scat was red deer Cervus elaphus (B% 32.8%). Conversely, prey remain analyses revealed wild boar as the second most commonly utilised prey species (%O 16.1%) after red deer (%O 67.7%). The roe deer Capreolus capreolus that occurs at lower population densities was the third most commonly utilised prey species. The importance of low population density mouflon Ovis aries, livestock and other food types was low. The results are similar to those found in the northern part of the Carpathian Mountains.  相似文献   

Summary Wolf-ungulate interactions were studied in the pristine deciduous and mixed forests of the Bialowiea National Park in 1985–1989. The study period included two severe and two mild winters. The community of ungulates inhabiting Bialowiea National Park consisted of red deer Cervus elaphus, 55% of all ungulates; wild boar Sus scrofa, 42%; and roe deer Capreolus capreolus, moose Alces alces, and European bison Bison bonasus, about 1% each. The average size of red deer groups increased from 2.7 (SD 2.35) in spring and summer to 6.9 (SD 6.84) in autumn and winter. In winter the group size of red deer was positively correlated with the depth of snow cover and negatively correlated with the mean daily temperature. Average group size of wild boar did not change significantly between seasons; it was 6.8 (SD 5.16) in spring and summer and 5.7 (SD 4.67) in autumn and winter. Analysis of 144 wolf scats showed that wolves preyed selectively on red deer. In October–April, Cervidae (mostly red deer) constituted 91% of biomass consumed by wolves, while wild boar made up only 8%. In May–September deer formed 77% of prey biomass, and the share of wild boar increased to 22%. In all seasons of the year wolves selected juveniles from deer and boar populations: 61% of red deer and 94% of wild boar of determined age recovered from wolves' scats were young <1 year old. Analysis of 117 carcasses of ungulates found in Bialowiea National Park showed that predation was the predominant mortality factor for red deer (40 killed, 10 dead from causes other than predation) and roe deer (4 killed, none dead). Wild boar suffered most from severe winter conditions (8 killed, 56 dead). The percentage of ungulates that had died from undernutrition and starvation in the total mortality was proportional to the severity of winter.  相似文献   

We quantified the amount, spatial distribution, and importance of salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.)-derived nitrogen (N) by brown bears (Ursus arctos) on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. We tested and confirmed the hypothesis that the stable isotope signature (δ15N) of N in foliage of white spruce (Picea glauca) was inversely proportional to the distance from salmon-spawning streams (r=–0.99 and P<0.05 in two separate watersheds). Locations of radio-collared brown bears, relative to their distance from a stream, were highly correlated with δ15N depletion of foliage across the same gradient (r=–0.98 and –0.96 and P<0.05 in the same two separate watersheds). Mean rates of redistribution of salmon-derived N by adult female brown bears were 37.2±2.9 kg/year per bear (range 23.1–56.3), of which 96% (35.7±2.7 kg/year per bear) was excreted in urine, 3% (1.1±0.1 kg/year per bear) was excreted in feces, and <1% (0.3± 0.1 kg/year per bear) was retained in the body. On an area basis, salmon-N redistribution rates were as high as 5.1±0.7 mg/m2 per year per bear within 500 m of the stream but dropped off greatly with increasing distance. We estimated that 15.5–17.8% of the total N in spruce foliage within 500 m of the stream was derived from salmon. Of that, bears had distributed 83–84%. Thus, brown bears can be an important vector of salmon-derived N into riparian ecosystems, but their effects are highly variable spatially and a function of bear density. Received: 11 February 1999 / Accepted: 7 July 1999  相似文献   

 We investigated the effects of cohort, sex, litter size and time of birth on birth weights and postnatal growth rates of roe deer fawns in a highly reproductive Norwegian population. By repeatedly recapturing radio-collared individuals, a total of 950 weights were obtained from 231 fawns of known age. In accordance with earlier studies, there was a period of linear growth during the first month following birth. Mean postnatal growth rates of 155 g/day are the highest yet recorded for roe deer; however, the mean birth weights of fawns were lower than those reported from populations in continental Europe. During the period of linear growth, we found no sex differences. However, growth rates were affected both by time of birth and litter size; fawns born early had lower growth rates than fawns born during or after the peak calving period, and fawns in triplet – groups had lower growth rates than either fawns in twin – groups or single fawns. Despite a fourfold increase in population density during the study, this factor was not able to explain variation in postnatal growth rates, although cohort effects on birth weight were evident. Received: 13 May 1996 / Accepted: 26 June 1996  相似文献   

We studied the predator-prey relationships among wolvesCanis lupus Linnaeus, 1758, wild ungulates, and livestock in the managed mountain forests of the Western Carpathians (S Poland). Though roe deerCapreolus capreolus dominated in the community of wild ungulates and livestock was abundant within the study area, the three wolf packs preyed mainly on red deerCervus elaphus (42% of food biomass), and next on the roe deer (33%). In both species of deer, wolves preferred killing females and juveniles more frequently than expected from their respective shares in the populations. Wild boarSus scrofa made up 4% of the food biomass, in accordance with its low share in the ungulates community. Despite the easy access of wolves to numerous unprotected sheep flocks pastured on meadows among woods, livestock constituted only 3% of the wolf food biomass. Wolves preyed mostly on sheep (88%), killing on average 34 per year. Most cases of livestock depredation occurred in August –September, on pastures located most often >50 m apart from buildings. Usually, lack of proper guarding was conducive to wolf attacks.  相似文献   

Exotic woody weed plants are a very serious threat to seed dispersed by ungulate in the tropical forest of Asia. The ungulates in Point Calimere Wildlife Sanctuary (PCWS) are a significant role in native indigenous seed dispersal. The exotic woody weed tree Prosopis juliflora prevalence distributed in the PCWS and they might potentially alter the native medicinal plant species. In the present investigation, we have assessed the seed dispersal by ungulates in PCWS from January to March 2017. Four different ungulate species were selected to understand their seed dispersal rate of different plant species in selected sanctuary. This investigation was planned to confirm the seed dispersal by ungulates of blackbuck, spotted deer, wild boar and feral horse. Among the four different ungulates tested, the maximum numbers of pellets collected from blackbuck and no seed found in their pellets. The low quantities of pellets were collected from wild boar and this study has recorded medium-sized ungulates which dispersed variety of plant. However, the dispersal of the seed of medicinal plants were not considerably high and relatively moderate percentage of seeds dispersal occurred in medium-sized ungulates like wild boar and spotted deer. P. juliflora had 100% seed germination rate were observed from the faecal samples of wild boar and feral horse. The control seed achieved maximum seedling rate than the ungulates seeds.  相似文献   

中国野生印支虎及其猎物种群状况的野外实地研究一直处于空白。本研究使用足迹鉴别法、粪堆计数法,首次对西双版纳尚勇自然保护区野生印支虎种群数量现状及该区域内的虎猎物种群状况进行了调查研究。结果显示:2004 ~ 2009 年间,确认西双版纳保护区存在3 只成年印支虎个体(2 雌1 雄),西双版纳尚勇保护区拥有比较丰富的有蹄类种群,其中虎的主要猎物:水鹿平均密度为7.63 (7.40 ~ 9.23)只/ km2 ;赤麂平均密度为17. 39 (11.33 ~24.94)只/ km2 ,野猪平均密度为10.26 (7.69 ~ 14.51) 只/ km2 ,该区域虎猎物生物量为1 715. 74 kg/ km2 。本研究还探讨了该区域印支虎种群的保护前景以及中国境内开展虎种群调查的适用办法等。  相似文献   

Wildlife agencies face difficult situations when orphaned or injured American black bear (Ursus americanus) cubs (<12 months old) or yearlings (≥12 and <24 months old) are captured. One option is bear rehabilitation, the care and feeding of cubs or yearlings in a semi-natural environment, followed by release. Unfortunately, the survival and movements of bears released from rehabilitation facilities are often poorly documented and the ultimate reasons for success or failure poorly understood. Our goal was to assess survival and post-release conflict of orphaned bear cubs and yearlings following release from a rehabilitation facility, Appalachian Bear Rescue (ABR), in Townsend, Tennessee, USA, from 2015–2016. We predicted that rehabilitated bears would survive at similar rates, die from similar causes, and engage in similar conflict behavior to wild conspecifics. We equipped 42 black bear cubs and yearlings from ABR with global positioning system-collars and released them in Great Smoky Mountains National Park or Cherokee National Forest, Tennessee and North Carolina, USA. Estimated annual survival using known-fate methods for all released bears was 0.93 ± 0.06 [SE]). Survival for 13 bears released as cubs was 0.64 ± 0.14, whereas none of the bears released as yearlings died within 1 year after release (n = 29). Survival of rehabilitated bears was similar to or higher than published rates for wild conspecifics. Three of 42 bears (7.1%) released from ABR engaged in conflict behavior up to 1 year following release, and those had spent time involved in conflict behavior with their mothers (e.g., approaching humans) prior to being orphaned. Despite not having the typical post-natal experience with their mothers, the bears in our study appeared to behave and survive similarly to their wild conspecifics. Rehabilitation is effective for managing orphaned or injured bears. Best survival occurred for bears released as yearlings; however, managers can maximize cub survival through fall releases when plentiful wild foods are available. © 2019 The Authors. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Due to the fact that the feeding habits of large carnivores are the main contentious point when they start resettling regions they were absent from for several decades, the diet composition of the wolves in Germany was analysed from the beginning of this process. Wolves in Germany primarily feed on wild ungulates, which make up more than 96% of their diet. The dominating prey species is the roe deer (55.3%), followed by red deer (20.8%) and wild boar (17.7%). The second important food category are the leporids (2.9% of Biomass), whereas livestock makes up only 0.6% of all biomass consumed. Wolves clearly prefer hunting on juvenile to adult red deer; roe deer are not selected after their age. We found seasonal differences in the diet composition with a higher amount of wild boar in spring and winter, when a high amount of juveniles and weakened animals, respectively, are available. In the first years of the study the percentage of red deer was much higher, and the percentage of roe deer therefore was lower than the following years. The amount of wild boar in the wolf diet fluctuated most in the first three years. Diet composition remained constant during the last five years. Wolves needed less than two generations for adapting to the new conditions in the cultivated landscape of eastern Germany.  相似文献   

野猪是世界上分布最广的大型哺乳动物之一,也是东北虎豹国家公园内主要的有蹄类动物,东北虎主要的猎物之一。本文采集了中国虎豹观测网络架设在东北虎豹国家公园东部区域的红外相机完整一年的拍摄数据(2015年5月至2016年4月),通过占域模型和核密度分析,获得不同季节的野猪生境利用情况和日活动节律,探究人为因素、环境因素和生物因素对野猪生境利用的影响。结果显示,野猪偏好于针叶林和针阔混交林,在靠近居民点的区域活动增加。不同物种间的相互作用对野猪的生境利用产生不同影响,受捕食者压力野猪会倾向于躲避东北虎,但东北豹对野猪占域显示为正向影响。梅花鹿和狍对野猪的影响在不同季节呈现相反,梅花鹿对野猪的占域在冬季呈负向影响,而狍对野猪的占域则在夏季呈负向影响。本研究区域内的野猪夏季有2个活动高峰,冬季有1个活动高峰,在不同季节都倾向于白天和晨昏活动,在日落前达到活动最高峰。本研究揭示东北虎豹国家公园东部区域的野猪生境利用和活动节律是受到植被生境、大型食肉动物和人类因素等多种因素相互作用,长期相适应的结果。  相似文献   

Following several years of occasional occurrence, several wolvesCanis lupus Linnaeus, 1758 have established a resident population in northeastern Saxony (Eastern Germany). From 2001 to 2003, we collected and analysed 192 scats ofC. lupus. Results of our study are expressed as the frequency of occurrence of prey species and the percentage of biomass consumed using coefficients of digestibility as well as two variants of an equation for prey mass per collectable scat. Diet composition of the wolves was restricted to a few food items, mostly wild ungulates. These remains were found in 97% of the scats, representing 99% of the biomass consumed by the wolves. Roe deerCapreolus capreolus was the most frequent and most important prey, constituting nearly of one half the biomass. Red deerCervus elaphus was recorded in one-third of the samples, followed by wild boarSus scrofa, mouflonOvis am mon musimon and brown hareLepus europaeus. Compared with game occurrence, roe deer was clearly preferred over the other species. A difference between winter and summer diets was mainly due to the high occurrence of young wild boar in summer. The general diet pattern of the wolf in Saxony corresponds with that found in the naturally occurring populations in Europe.  相似文献   

Many studies have investigated the ecology of wolf populations of Eurasia, showing that although wolves are mostly opportunistic in seeking meso-large enough mammalian prey, they can also be selective, depending on local availability of prey and their population biomass. Yet prey preferences of the wolf have been poorly evaluated in situations of complex predator/prey systems because such ecological situations are extremely rare in Europe. In particular, the role of beaver is poorly known due to the extreme decline in its range and population over the last few centuries.We conducted a 15-year study (1999–2014) of wolf Canis lupus diet in the Naliboki forest of central-western Belarus to determine the dietary responses of the wolf population in a context of a rich prey supply (beaver 650 inds/100 km2, elk 47 inds/100 km2, red deer 98 inds/100 km, roe deer 398 inds/100 km2, wild boar 234 inds/100 km2). The bison, although present, is not preyed on. We compared the seasonal and annual diet variations of both wolf adults and pups, by scat analysis and hair identification. In winter 2012–2013, the winter was quite harsh with a long period of snow, which severely affected the roe deer and wild boar populations. Five severe summer droughts also occurred (1999, 2001, 2002, 2004 and 2013), greatly decreasing the water level in rivers and canals. We took advantage of these stressful events to evaluate the diet responses of the wolves.In “normal” years, we identified 11 food categories, essentially beaver and medium-sized ungulates (66%), and large ungulates to a lesser extent (9% in summer, 20% in winter). The adults were found to selectively supply pups with beaver, probably because of its easy transportability. Beaver consumption also increased during summer droughts when water levels were very low. After the harsh winter of 2012–2013, which was followed by a sharp decline in medium-sized prey, we observed a shift in the winter diet breadth of the wolves towards greater consumption of both large wild ungulates and small carnivores. We concluded that:1. Beaver is a functional element in wolf ecology, as a primary food for adults and pups;2. A large range of available prey species is important to maintaining a viable wolf population in cases of extreme climatic events.  相似文献   

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