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获得性免疫缺陷综合征(acquiredimmunodeficiencysyndrome,AIDS)通常都被译为“艾滋病”,我认为不妥。“艾滋病”,当然不是意译。如果说是音译,也不对,因为AIDS的音译应为“艾滋”;这个“病”字,完全是多余的,因为“滋...  相似文献   

SLE,是systemiclupuserythematosus的缩写,其惯用的汉语译名为“系统性红斑狼疮”。这个译名已被许多专著、参考书、教材、专业刊物和一些医学词典所广泛采用。我认为,这个译法不妥。问题就在systemic一字的翻译上。可能当初的译者没有仔细地去辨别systemic和systematic两个字的意义,而把它们等同起来了。Systematic,译成“有系统的”或“系统性”,是不错的;可是把SLE中的S(systemic)翻译成“系统性”,就不对了。我最近查考了几种版本的Webst…  相似文献   

还是译为“凋谢”好!雨京关键词ApoptosisApoptosis一词在生化文献中日益多见,但尚未统一译名。某些《词汇》将它译为“编程性细胞死亡”(《细胞学生物学名词》,1992年)或“细胞程序死亡”(《英汉分子生物学与生物工程词汇》,1994年),...  相似文献   

Motif和Module王克夷,景沛(中国科学院上海生物化学研究所,上海200031)关键词motif,module蛋白质一级结构测定近十年来发展迅猛。这不仅是因为有了以Edman降解法为基础的蛋白质氨基酸序列测定仪的商品化,更是由于DNA核苷酸序列...  相似文献   

Alzheimer'sdisease宜译为“阿尔采末病”丁光生(中国科学院上海药物所,上海200031)Alzheimer'sdisease昔译“阿耳茨海默氏病”。但AloisAlzheimer(1864~1915)是德国神经病学家,德文音译宜为“阿...  相似文献   

Mitochondrial porin facilitates the diffusion of small hydrophilic molecules across the mitochondrial outer membrane. Despite low sequence similarity among porins from different species, a glycine-leucine-lysine (GLK) motif is conserved in mitochondrial and Neisseria porins. To investigate the possible roles of these conserved residues, including their hypothesized participation in ATP binding by the protein, we replaced the lysine residue of the GLK motif of Neurospora crassa porin with glutamic acid through site-directed mutagenesis of the corresponding gene. Although the pores formed by this protein have size and gating characteristics similar to those of the wild-type protein, the channels formed by GLEporin are less anion selective than the wild-type pores. The GLEporin retains the ability to be cross linked to [-32P]ATP, indicating that the GLK sequence is not essential for ATP binding. Furthermore, the pores formed by both GLEporin and the wild-type protein become more cation selective in the presence of ATP. Taken together, these results support structural models that place the GLK motif in a part of the ion-selective -barrel that is not directly involved in ATP binding.  相似文献   

建议将Prion译为朊病毒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建议将Prion译为朊病毒张友尚(中国科学院上海生物化学研究所,上海200031)关键词Prion译名Prion是一类只有蛋白质没有核酸的病原体。它的发现对生物学的传统观念提出了挑战,因而在理论上具有重大意义。Prion引起的病变主要是蛋白质的淀粉样...  相似文献   

βγ-Crystallin-type double clamp (N/D)(N/D)XX(S/T)S motif is an established but sparsely investigated motif for Ca2+ binding. A βγ-crystallin domain is formed of two Greek key motifs, accommodating two Ca2+-binding sites. βγ-Crystallins make a separate class of Ca2+-binding proteins (CaBP), apparently a major group of CaBP in bacteria. Paralleling the diversity in βγ-crystallin domains, these motifs also show great diversity, both in structure and in function. Although the expression of some of them has been associated with stress, virulence, and adhesion, the functional implications of Ca2+ binding to βγ-crystallins in mediating biological processes are yet to be elucidated.  相似文献   

A number of mutant forms of the antirestriction protein ArdA encoded by theardA gene located in a transmissive IncN plasmid pKM101 have been constructed. Proteins belonging to the Ard family are specific inhibitors of type I restriction–modification enzymes. Single mutational substitutions of negatively charged amino acid residues located in the antirestriction motif with hydrophobic alanine, E134A, E137A, D144A, or a double substitution E134A, E137A do not affect the antirestriction activity (Ard) of ArdA but almost completely abolish the antimodification activity (Amd). Mutational substitutions F107D and A110D in the assumed interface ArdA, which determines contact between monomers in the active dimer (Ard)2, cause an approximately 100-fold decrease in the antirestriction protein activity. It is hypothesized that the ArdA protein forms two complexes with the type I restriction–modification enzyme (R2M2S): (1) with a specific region in the S subunit involved in contact with the sK site in DNA; and (2) with a nonspecific region in the R subunit involved in DNA translocation and degradation by restriction endonucleases. The association of ArdA with the specific region inhibits restriction endonuclease and methyltransferase activities simultaneously, whereas the association of ArdA with a nonspecific region inhibits only restriction endonuclease activity of the R2M2S enzyme.  相似文献   

瑞士科学家最近开发出一种可替代断裂骨骼的人造骨,它能够让骨质细胞迅速生长,自身却随着骨质细胞的不断成熟而“溶解”,并最终给发育好的新骨骼让路。  相似文献   

<正>哈佛大学神经生物学家培养出一种能"闻"出光线的小鼠,使研究人员能更好地理解嗅觉功能的神经机制,并为将来研究气味与感受之间的关系以及其他感知系统的神经机制开辟了新方向。  相似文献   

Cell adhesion-mediated drug resistance contributes to minimal residual disease and relapse in hematological malignancies. Here, we show that adhesion of Jurkat T-acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells to substrates engaging α4β1-integrin or α5β1-integrin promotes chemoresistance to doxorubicin-induced apoptosis. Reconstituted expression of α4δ, a truncated α4-integrin with KXGFFKR as the cytoplasmic motif, in α4-deficient cells promoted chemoresistance to doxorubicin in a manner independent of α4-mediated adhesion. The adhesion-independent chemoresistance did not require β1-integrin as the heterodimeric pair, since expression of Tacδ, a monomeric nonintegrin transmembrane protein fused to the juxtamembrane KXGFFKR, was sufficient to reproduce the phenomenon. The requirement for integrin-mediated adhesion in stimulation of Akt phosphorylation and activation was bypassed for cells expressing α4δ and Tacδ. Cells expressing α4δ and Tacδ exhibited a high influx of extracellular Ca2+, and inhibition of Ca2+ channels with verapamil attenuated the adhesion-independent chemoresistance. Tacδ cells also exhibited greater rates of drug efflux. α4δ and Tacδ interacted with the Ca2+-binding protein calreticulin, in a manner dependent on the KXGFFKR motif. Adhesion-mediated engagement of α4-integrins promoted an increased calreticulin-α4 association and greater influx of extracellular Ca2+ than in nonadherent cells. The α-integrin KXGFFKR motif is involved in adhesion-mediated control of chemoresistance in T cells.  相似文献   

美国研究人员正在研制一种应用碳纳米管和DNA等材料制成的新式太阳能电池,该电池能像植物体内天然的光合作用系统一样进行自我修复,从而延长电池寿命并减少制造成本。  相似文献   

瑞士联邦综合理工大学近日利用可被人体吸收的一些聚合物和陶瓷材料构成的新复合材料研制出一种新型人造骨。其外形可以模仿断裂的骨骼,被植入人体后骨质细胞能附着并渗透到人造骨中。新材料中的毛孔使这些细胞可以交织在一起,  相似文献   

《Journal of molecular biology》2019,431(6):1234-1249
Phosphorylation of short linear peptide motifs is a widespread process for the dynamic regulation of protein–protein interactions. However, the global impact of phosphorylation events on the protein–protein interactome is rarely addressed. The disordered C-terminal tail of ribosomal S6 kinase 1 (RSK1) binds to PDZ domain-containing scaffold proteins, and it harbors a phosphorylatable PDZ-binding motif (PBM) responsive to epidermal growth factor stimulation. Here, we examined binding of two versions of the RSK1 PBM, either phosphorylated or unphosphorylated at position − 3, to almost all (95%) of the 266 PDZ domains of the human proteome. PBM phosphorylation dramatically altered the PDZ domain-binding landscape of RSK1, by strengthening or weakening numerous interactions to various degrees. The RSK–PDZome interactome analyzed in this study reveals how linear motif-based phospho-switches convey stimulus-dependent changes in the context of related network components.  相似文献   

在我所查阅的英汉词典和英汉医学词汇中 ,apnea都被译为“呼吸暂停” ;不少专业书刊 ,也沿用此译法 ,我认为不够妥当。原文apnea中 ,没有“暂停”的意思。a 在希腊文中是表示“否定”的构词成分 ,汉语的意义是“不” ,或“无” ,或“缺”。pnea也是希腊字 ,意思是“呼吸”或“风”。所以 ,apnea应译为“无呼吸”或“呼吸停止”。Dorland医学词典对apnea的解释就是cessationofbreathing。两本德文词典 (Real和Pschyrembel)对该词的注解也都是Atemstillstand(呼吸停止 ) ,都没有“暂停”的意思。可见 ,把apnea译为“呼吸暂停” ,不符合原文…  相似文献   

近日,美国科学家发现了一种能决定乳腺癌是否会扩散及演变成致命性癌症的蛋白。这种蛋白位于细胞核内,监控它能帮助患者了解乳腺癌扩散之前的危险性,从而决定采用哪种治疗方案。  相似文献   

染色体数目异常是唐氏综合征等很多遗传疾病的主要原因。一项最新研究发现.一种核糖核酸基因可遏制引发唐氏综合征的“多余”染色体上的基因表达,这将有助于今后开发出防治此类遗传疾病的新技术。  相似文献   

Peripheral membrane proteins can be targeted to specific organelles or the plasma membrane by differential recognition of phospholipid headgroups. Although molecular determinants of specificity for several headgroups, including phosphatidylserine and phosphoinositides are well defined, specific recognition of the headgroup of the zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine (PC) is less well understood. In cytosolic proteins the cation-π box provides a suitable receptor for choline recognition and binding through the trimethylammonium moiety. In PC, this moiety might provide a sufficient handle to bind to peripheral proteins via a cation-π cage, where the π systems of two or more aromatic residues are within 4–5 Å of the quaternary amine. We prove this hypothesis by engineering the cation-π box into secreted phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C from Staphylococcus aureus, which lacks specific PC recognition. The N254Y/H258Y variant selectively binds PC-enriched vesicles, and x-ray crystallography reveals N254Y/H258Y binds choline and dibutyroylphosphatidylcholine within the cation-π motif. Such simple PC recognition motifs could be engineered into a wide variety of secondary structures providing a generally applicable method for specific recognition of PC.  相似文献   

The interaction of Bcl-2 family proteins at the mitochondrial outer membrane controls membrane permeability and thereby the apoptotic program. The anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 binds to the pro-apoptotic protein Bax to prevent Bax homo-oligomerization required for membrane permeabilization. Here, we used site-specific photocross-linking to map the surfaces of Bax and Bcl-2 that interact in the hetero-complex formed in a Triton X-100 micelle as a membrane surrogate. Heterodimer-specific photoadducts were detected from multiple sites in Bax and Bcl-2. Many of the interaction sites are located in the Bcl-2 homology 3 (BH3) region of Bax and the BH1–3 groove of Bcl-2 that likely form the BH3-BH1–3 groove interface. However, other interaction sites form a second interface that includes helix 6 of Bax and the BH4 region of Bcl-2. Loss-of-function mutations in the BH3 region of Bax and the BH1 region of Bcl-2 disrupted the BH3-BH1–3 interface, as expected. Surprisingly the second interface was also disrupted by these mutations. Similarly, a loss-of-function mutation in the BH4 region of Bcl-2 that forms part of the second interface also disrupted both interfaces. As expected, both kinds of mutation abolished Bcl-2-mediated inhibition of Bax oligomerization in detergent micelles. Therefore, Bcl-2 binds Bax through two interdependent interfaces to inhibit the pro-apoptotic oligomerization of Bax.  相似文献   

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