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Doremus  Craig  Clesceri  Lenore S. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):261-268
Rapid microbial metabolism and a large phosphorus uptake potential were observed in surface sediments of Lake George, New York. This sediment (termed the flocculent layer) also exhibited a phosphorus limited condition and a large reservoir of inorganic phosphorus associated with humic substances. These observations suggest that the empirically observed phosphorus retention in oligotrophic lake sediments may be promoted by a rapid cycling of phosphorus between microflora and its associated organic matter.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate nutrient limitation of algal abundance in Anderson-Cue Lake, a softwater clear oligotrophic lake in north-central Florida. Nutrient diffusing clay pots and cylindrical enclosures were used in the field to test effects of different combinations of nitrogen, phosphorus, silica, and carbon on algal standing crop and composition of periphytic and planktonic algae, respectively. Effects of nutrient enrichment on periphytic algae were examined in two studies conducted 31 May – 8 July and 10 June – 15 July 1991. Nutrient effects on planktonic algae were examined in one study from 13 June – 1 July 1991. Planktonic and periphytic algal biovolume was significantly higher (p<0.05) when nitrogen and carbon were added in combination than with treatments without nitrogen, carbon, or nitrogen and carbon. Treatments with nitrogen and carbon combined resulted in lower algal diversity and dominance by coccoid green algae andScenedesmus. Results indicate that carbon and nitrogen can be limiting factors to algal growth in Anderson-Cue Lake and possibly other lakes of similar water quality.  相似文献   

The importance of Chironomus plumosus larvae onbenthic metabolism and nutrient exchange across thesediment–water interface was evaluated in a shalloweutrophic lake (Lake Arreskov, Denmark) following aphytoplankton sedimentation. Chironomus plumosuslarvae were added to laboratory sediment microcosms,corresponding to a density of 2825 larvae m−2.Non-inhabited microcosms served as controls. Asedimentation pulse of organic matter was simulated byadding fresh algal material (Chlamydomonasreinhardii) to sediment cores (36 g dryweight m−2). The mineralization was followed bymeasuring fluxes of O2, CO2, dissolvedinorganic nitrogen and phosphate. A rapid clearance ofalgae from the water column in faunated microcosmssuggested that chironomids may be of major importancein controlling phytoplankton concentrations in shalloweutrophic lakes. Chironomids increased the sedimentO2 uptake ≈ 3 times more than what wouldbe expected from their own respiration, indicating astimulation of microbial activity and decomposition oforganic matter in the sediment. Addition of algaeenhanced the release of CO2, NH+ 4 ando-P. The excess inorganic C, N and P released inamended non-inhabited sediment after 36 dayscorresponded to 65, 31 and 58% of the C, N and P inthe added algae. In sediment inhabited by Chironomus plumosus the corresponding numbers were147, 45 and 73%, indicating that mineralization oforganic matter also from the indigenous sediment poolwas stimulated by chironomids. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The colonization of deciduous leaf litter by aquatic invertebrates was studied at Scott Lake in Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada. Deciduous leaf packs were colonized after only 2 days submergence. The invertebrate community was dominated by chironomids (25–94% depending on sampling period), and to a lesser extent by oligochaetes, turbellarians, and mayflies. Collectors, such as the chironomids Dicrotendipes, Pseudochironomus, Paratanytarsus and Parakiefferiella were the dominant functional-feeding group suggesting that leaf litter is being used as habitat rather than a direct food source. Deciduous leaf litter lost a substantial amount of weight, due to leaching, after only 48 h submergence. Fall-shed beech (Fagus grandifolia) leaves decomposed more rapidly than fall-shed sugar maple (Acer saccharum) leaves with daily processing coefficients (k), determined using an exponential decay model, of 0.0058 and 0.0039, respectively. Conversely, conditioned maple leaves, defined as leaves remaining on the ground over winter, were processed faster than conditioned beech leaves, with coefficients of 0.0042 and 0.0014, respectively. It is speculated that inhibitory compounds have been leached from the maple leaves, allowing for faster leaf processing. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Monthly (April to November) hydroacoustic surveys and parallel gillnet catches were used to determine vendace Coregonus albula abundance, biomass and population dynamics in a deep oligotrophic lake. By hydroacoustic surveys, recruitment of 0+ year vendace could clearly be detected. In contrast, gillnet catches resulted in low numbers of 0+ year fish, and similarly under-represented proportions of the oldest vendace. Consequently, the correlation between hydroacoustics and gillnets with respect to fish numbers and geometric mean fish total length was high only for the age groups 1 + to 4+ years. Annual variability in hydroacoustic estimates offish abundance and biomass was high (CV=26–29%) which reflects the seasonal population dynamics of vendace.  相似文献   

1. We conducted bioassays of nutrient limitation to understand how macronutrients and the position of streams relative to lakes control nitrogen (N2) fixation and periphytic biomass in three oligotrophic Rocky Mountain catchments. We measured periphytic chlorophyll‐a (chl‐a) and nitrogen‐fixation responses to nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) additions using nutrient‐diffusing substrata at 19 stream study sites, located above and below lakes within the study catchments. 2. We found that periphytic chl‐a was significantly co‐limited by N and P at 13 of the 19 sites, with sole limitation by P observed at another four sites, and no nutrient response at the final two sites. On average, the addition of N, P and N + P stimulated chl‐a 35%, 114% and 700% above control values respectively. The addition of P alone stimulated nitrogen fixation by 2500% at five of the 19 sites. The addition of N, either with or without simultaneous P addition, suppressed nitrogen fixation by 73% at nine of the 19 sites. 3. Lake outlet streams were warmer and had higher dissolved organic carbon concentrations than inlet streams and those further upstream, but position relative to lakes did not affect chl‐a and nitrogen fixation in the absence of nutrient additions. Chl‐a response to nutrient additions did not change along the length of the study streams, but nitrogen fixation was suppressed more strongly by N, and stimulated more strongly by P, at lower altitude sites. The responses of chl‐a and nitrogen fixation to nutrients were not affected by location relative to lakes. Some variation in responses to nutrients could be explained by nitrate and/or total N concentration. 4. Periphytic chl‐a and nitrogen fixation were affected by nutrient supply, but responses to nutrients were independent of stream position in the landscape relative to lakes. Understanding interactions between nutrient supply, nitrogen fixation and chl‐a may help predict periphytic responses to future perturbations of oligotrophic streams, such as the deposition of atmospheric N.  相似文献   

Measurements of the vertical temperature in tropical Lake McIlwaine were used to calculate the time-averaged ( 6 months) vertical diffusivity coefficient (Kz) in the metalimnion and hypolimnion. The mean value of Kz (0.21 cm2 s–1) was correlated with the lake surface area. The mass transport rates of PO4-P and NH4-N, upward from the hypolimnion to the metalimnion, were calculated using Kz and measured values of the nutrient concentration gradients. During a period of 4.5 months when the water was stably stratified, PO4-P was transported upward at a mean rate of 42 kg day–1 and NH4-N at a mean rate of 162 kg day–1 over the entire lake.  相似文献   

1. Temperature and many other physical and chemical factors affecting CO2 production in lake sediments vary significantly both seasonally and spatially. The effects of temperature and sediment properties on benthic CO2 production were studied in in situ and in vitro experiments in the boreal oligotrophic Lake Pääjärvi, southern Finland. 2. In in situ experiments, temperature of the water overlying the shallow littoral sediment varied seasonally between 0.5 and 15.7 °C, but in deep water (≥20 m) the range was only 1.1–6.6 °C. The same exponential model (r2 = 0.70) described the temperature dependence at 1.2, 10 and 20 m depths. At 2.5 and 5 m depths, however, the slopes of the two regression models (r2 = 0.94) were identical but the intercept values were different. Sediment properties (wet, dry, mineral and organic mass) varied seasonally and with depth, but they did not explain a significantly larger proportion of variation in the CO2 output rate than temperature. 3. In in vitro experiments, there was a clear and uniform exponential dependence of CO2 production on temperature, with a 2.7‐fold increase per 10 °C temperature rise. The temperature response (slope of regression) was always the same, but the basic value of CO2 production (intercept) varied, indicating that other factors also contributed to the benthic CO2 output rate. 4. The annual CO2 production of the sediment in Lake Pääjärvi averaged 62 g CO2 m?2, the shallow littoral at 0–3 m depth releasing 114 g CO2 m?2 and deep profundal (>15 m) 30 g CO2 m?2. On the whole lake basis, the shallow littoral at 0–3 m depth accounted for 53% and the sediment area in contact with the summer epilimnion (down to a depth c. 10 m) 75% of the estimated total annual CO2 output of the lake sediment, respectively. Of the annual production, 83% was released during the spring and summer. 5. Using the temperature‐CO2 production equations and climate change scenarios we estimated that climatic warming might increase littoral benthic CO2 production in summer by nearly 30% from the period 1961–90 to the period 2071–2100.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. We outline a simple method for estimating the in-situ settling velocity of particles in wind disturbed lakes. The total sedimentation rate (primary and secondary sedimentation) was measured during storm events in two lakes using a time series sediment trap.
2. The sediment trap had 12 sample bottles which were programmed to open for periods of 3–4 h, giving total deployment times ranging from 36 to 48 h.
3. Wave mixed layer theory was used to infer if and when sediment resuspension occurred and the first order rate equation was used to estimate the settling velocity of resuspended particles.
4. The settling velocity during three resuspension events in Lough Neagh and one in Lough Macnean were 34.3, 29.5, 24.1 and 77.3 m day−1, respectively. These are similar to values obtained using recent in-situ video imaging in marine environments, but much larger than previous lake sediment trap studies.  相似文献   

Sediment traps were deployed in an oligotrophic, seasonally anoxic maritime Antarctic lake for 15 months. Immediately after the onset of the inflow in spring many iron oxyhydroxide aggregates were collected in the traps. Image analysis, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis were used to examine the aggregates.The aggregates consisted of primary particles that persisted in the aggregates. The mean diameter of the aggregates was constant with depth. The aggregates consisted predominantly of iron, phosphorus and oxygen but calcium was also an important constituent. Significant concentrations of manganese and sodium were also detected. The molar ratio Fe:P remained constant at 4:1 as did the ratio Fe:Ca at 52:1. The concentration of iron, phosphorus and calcium in the aggregates increased with depth, whilst the concentration of manganese decreased with depth in parallel with a gradient of increasing anoxia.The stable water column formed under ice cover and the temporal and spatial data provide evidence that the Fe:P and Fe:Ca ratios are constant and characteristic of the aggregates, whilst the overall composition of the aggregates is more dynamic and dependant on redox conditions and water chemistry.  相似文献   

Benthic community oxygen uptake of Lake Attersee sediments was measured between 1976 and 1979, along two profiles at 25, 50 and 100 m depth. Profile I was situated in the bay of Unterach into which the main tributary, Mondsee-Ache, discharges a high load of organic matter. Profile II was chosen at Weyregg to avoid the eutrophying effect of Mondsee-Ache. Oxygen uptake rates of Unterach sediments at 25 and 50 m depth were found to be higher when compared to the other sites (mean rates: Unterach 25 m = 15.56, 50 m = 11.05 mg O2 · m−2 · h−1; Weyregg 25 m = 6.43, 50 m = 5.14 mg O2 · m−2 · h−1). Organic content of the uppermost sediment layer was also higher in the bay of Unterach than at Weyregg. Oxygen uptake rates of undisturbed sediment cores vary considerably throughout the year, but no simple correlation existed with variations in organic content of the sediments. Peaks of organic matter were found to concur with following peaks of oxygen uptake rates, which implies that a certain time span is necessary for transforming freshly sedimented organic matter into a state digestable for the benthic community. The retardation between increasing organic matter of the sediment and the corresponding increase of benthic oxygen uptake was different at Unterach and Weyregg respectively, which is explained by the different quality of sedimenting material.  相似文献   

The significance of a halocline for nutrient cycles in a shallow coastal lagoon, Lake Nakanoumi, was investigated. The study was made possible when the northern part of the lagoon was enclosed by polder dikes prior to land reclamation for agricultural purposes. The disappearance of the halocline allowed vertical mixing to extend to the whole depth and vertical gradients in water properties then decreased remarkably. Despite the disappearance of the halocline, dissolved oxygen content of bottom waters decreased considerably during summer months. Summer peaks in inorganic nitrogen and phosphate were still observed after disappearance of the halocline.  相似文献   

Kozerski  H.-P. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,494(1-3):51-55
Sedimentation of organic particles plays a decisive role in streams in relation to pelagic loss as well as retention of nutrients and other substances. The plate sediment trap allows for the direct measurement of these net fluxes. Biweekly measurements were undertaken in the eutrophic lowland River Spree (MQ 14 m3 s–1) 10 km upstream of Berlin in 1999 and 2000. Trapping rates between 0.5 and 25 g DW m–2 day–1 were found near the bank. The variance of seston sedimentation is controlled by the seston concentration, the settling velocity of the particles and the flow velocity. The sinking velocity exhibits significant seasonal fluctuations with highest values in summer. It is shown that the critical flow velocity for sedimentation is another important parameter. This controls the distribution of sedimentation over the width of the river and thus the effective average sedimentation rate for the entire river segment. This average rate ranged between 0.9 and 6.6 g DW m–2 day–1.  相似文献   

Mineralization of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in thermokarst lakes plays a non-negligible role in the permafrost carbon (C) cycle, but remains poorly understood due to its complex interactions with external C and nutrient inputs (i.e., aquatic priming and nutrient effects). Based on large-scale lake sampling and laboratory incubations, in combination with 13C-stable-isotope labeling, optical spectroscopy, and high-throughput sequencing, we examined large-scale patterns and dominant drivers of priming and nutrient effects of DOM biodegradation across 30 thermokarst lakes along a 1100-km transect on the Tibetan Plateau. We observed that labile C and phosphorus (P) rather than nitrogen (N) inputs stimulated DOM biodegradation, with the priming and P effects being 172% and 451% over unamended control, respectively. We also detected significant interactive effects of labile C and nutrient supply on DOM biodegradation, with the combined labile C and nutrient additions inducing stronger microbial mineralization than C or nutrient treatment alone, illustrating that microbial activity in alpine thermokarst lakes is co-limited by both C and nutrients. We further found that the aquatic priming was mainly driven by DOM quality, with the priming intensity increasing with DOM recalcitrance, reflecting the limitation of external C as energy sources for microbial activity. Greater priming intensity was also associated with higher community-level ribosomal RNA gene operon (rrn) copy number and bacterial diversity as well as increased background soluble reactive P concentration. In contrast, the P effect decreased with DOM recalcitrance as well as with background soluble reactive P and ammonium concentrations, revealing the declining importance of P availability in mediating DOM biodegradation with enhanced C limitation but reduced nutrient limitation. Overall, the stimulation of external C and P inputs on DOM biodegradation in thermokarst lakes would amplify C-climate feedback in this alpine permafrost region.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to estimate the role of small mammals and birds in the cycling of nutrients in the littoral zone of lakes. We estimated the approximate amounts of food, organic matter and elements ingested and egested during the breeding season by waterfowl. Small mammal densities were estimated, and their movements studied between different patches of a mosaic landscape, including the lake's shore region. Studies on passerine birds were aimed at determining the territories of some species in alder forest. Special attention was paid to the range of penetration of the reed belts by forest species.  相似文献   

叶片凋落物分解对生态系统的养分循环和生产力有着重要意义。该文利用网袋分解法对九寨沟国家自然保护区内黄果冷杉(Abies ernestii)、油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)、红桦(Betula albo-sinensis)和高山柳(Salix cupularis) 4个典型树种叶片凋落物在林下及高山湖泊中的分解及养分释放特征进行了对比研究。结果表明: 1)叶片凋落物分解质量损失规律符合Olson的负指数衰减模型(r > 0.93, p < 0.01), 4个树种叶片在林下完全分解(99%)的时间依次为: 高山柳(6.80 a) <红桦(10.34 a) <黄果冷杉(18.88 a) <油松(27.21 a), 且分别是其在水体中分解的1.48倍、1.55倍、1.80倍和1.65倍。2)分解1年后凋落物质量剩余率(MR)和氮素剩余率(NR)均与叶片初始N含量极显著负相关, 而与叶片初始C:N值极显著正相关。3)不同树种间叶片N和P释放特征差异明显, 且在林下和水体间的释放模式也存在差异; 高山柳叶片凋落物在林下和水体分解过程中N元素从分解初期便开始释放, 而其他树种叶片凋落物N元素释放前存在明显的富集过程; 各树种叶片凋落物P元素释放模式为释放—富集—释放。研究表明: 叶片凋落物分解是一个受其自身性质和外界环境因素共同作用的复杂过程, 而凋落物在高山湖泊中的快速分解将对保护区现有的水体景观产生潜在影响。  相似文献   

1. Fine benthic organic matter (FBOM, particles <1 mm) was collected eight times in 1995 and 1996 from settling ponds located at the base of five catchments, and assayed for total C, N and P, extractable ammonium, mineralisable N, organic P, labile polysaccharides, denitrification potential, acetylene reduction and respiration rates, and β‐glucosidase and phosphatase activities. The five catchments (10–101 ha in size) are located in the Pacific North‐west of the United States. They contain either old‐growth forests dominated by Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) or stands that were harvested 30 years ago and replanted with Douglas‐fir, with riparian zones dominated by red alder (Alnus rubra), bigleaf and vine maple (Acer macrophyllum; A. circinatum) and understory herbaceous plants. 2. C : N ratios were significantly higher, and mineralisable N, extractable ammonium and labile polysaccharides were all significantly lower, in FBOM from old‐growth catchment sediment than in FBOM from catchments containing harvested stands, showing that the chemical characteristics of FBOM were influenced by forest harvest. C and N concentrations were greatest in sediment from old‐growth catchments, but microbial activities (respiration, denitrification potential, phosphatase and β‐glucosidase) tended to be greater in sediment from the harvested catchments. 3. Levels of certain chemical components of harvested‐catchment FBOM were elevated relative to those found in old growth; specifically, organic and total P, extractable ammonium, mineralisable N and labile polysaccharides, suggesting that stream FBOM from harvested basins is more biodegradable than stream FBOM from old‐growth basins. 4. In addition to effects of past timber harvest on FBOM characteristics, there were also significant seasonal differences in both logged and unlogged catchments in all variables except mineralisable N, labile polysaccharides and acetylene reduction rates. 5. The results indicate that past timber harvest in five river basins influenced both composition of and seasonal fluctuations in fine benthic organic matter (FBOM) collected from stream sediments in settling ponds, suggesting a linkage between forest harvest and stream productivity. 6. Comparisons between seasonal patterns in stream and settling pond sediment FBOM characteristics suggested that the readily decomposable organic matter entering sediments during a storm event are rapidly transported and decomposed during their movement through the catchment basin. It also showed the validity of studying settling pond sediments as a surrogate for mountain stream sediments.  相似文献   

Himken  M.  Lammel  J.  Neukirchen  D.  Czypionka-Krause  U.  Olfs  H.-W. 《Plant and Soil》1997,189(1):117-126
There is increasing interest in cultivation of Miscanthus as a source of renewable energy in Europe, but there is little information on its nutrient requirements. Our aim was to determine the nutrient requirement of an established Miscanthus crop through a detailed study of nutrient uptake and nutrient remobilization between plant parts during growth and senescence. Therefore dry matter of rhizomes and shoots as well as N, P, K and Mg concentration under three N fertilizer rates (0, 90, and 180 kg N ha-1) were measured in field trials in 1992/93 and at one rate of 100 kg N h-1 in 1994/95.Maximum aboveground biomass in an established Miscanthus crop ranged between 25-30 t dry matter ha-1 in the September of both trial years. Due to senescence and leaf fall there was a 30% loss in dry matter between September and harvest in March. N fertilization had no effect on crop yield at harvest. Concentrations of N, P, K and Mg in shoots were at a maximum at the beginning of the growing period in May and decreased thereafter while concentrations in rhizomes stayed fairly constant throughout the year and were not affected by N fertilization.Nutrient mobilization from rhizomes to shoots - defined as the maximum change in nutrient content in rhizomes from the beginning of the growth period measured in 1992/93 was 55 kg N ha-1, 8 kg P ha-1, 39 kg K ha-1 and 11 kg Mg ha-1. This is equivalent to 21 N, 36 P, 14 K and 27 Mg of the maximum nutrient content of the shoots. Nutrient remobilization from shoots to rhizomes defined as the increase in nutrient content of rhizomes between September and March measured in 1994/95 was 101 kg N ha-1, 9 kg P ha-1, 81 kg K ha-1 and 8 kg Mg ha-1 equivalent to 46 N, 50 P, 30 K and 27 Mg of nutrient content of shoots in September. Results showed that nutrient remobilization within the plant needs to be considered when calculating nutrient balances and fertilizer recommendations.  相似文献   

Catechol 2,3-dioxygenase (C23O) is an extradiol dioxygenase that plays an important role in degrading aromatic compounds such as those found at polluted sites. However, little is known about the diversity of C23O genes in unpolluted environments. In such environments, various factors, including the quality and quantity of dissolved organic matter (DOM), could influence the composition and behaviour of bacterial community possessing C230 genes. We investigated C23O genes in bacteria responding to DOM from various sources in a eutrophic lake by PCR and cloning. Six microcosms filled with lake water containing indigenous bacteria and DOM from different sources were incubated for 10 days. After 1 or 2 days of incubation, C23O genes were detected in the microcosms enriched with DOM recovered from inflow river water and humus from reed grass. The sequences were very diverse but had features conserved in extradiol dioxygenases. The clone libraries generated on day 2 showed distinctive compositions among microcosms, indicating that bacteria possessing a variety of C23O genes responded differently to DOM from different sources. After 10 days of incubation, C23O genes in a previously unidentified gene cluster, 'Cluster X', became dominant in the libraries.  相似文献   

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