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We constructed a genetic map of most of the length of bovine chromosome 1 using the CSIRO and the Texas A&M University cattle reference families. Twelve loci are in a single linkage group, 9 of which are highly polymorphic loci. Four loci are of known biochemical function, α-1 crystallin (CRYA1), γ-s crystallin (CRYGS), superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), and uridine monophosphate synthase (LIMPS), and these have also been previously mapped in humans. The loci CRYA 1, CSRD 1613, GMBT 7, RM 95, SOD I, and LIMPS had been previously assigned to bovine syntenic group U10, while CSRD 1613 and LIMPS had also been assigned to chromosome 1 by in situ hybridization. All of the loci show statistically significant linkage to at least one other locus. The conserved loci indicate that there have been major rearrangements during the evolution of bovine chromosome 1 compared to other mammalian chromosomes. The estimate of the total length of the linkage group is 168 cM, which accords well with the predicted length based on chiasmata frequencies for the bovine genome and the relative size of chromosome 1 in the bovine genome.  相似文献   

A genetic and physical map of bovine Chromosome 11   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A genetic map of bovine Chromosome (Chr) 11 (BTA11, synteny group U16) has been constructed from 330 animals belonging to 21 families, which constitute the international bovine reference panel (IBRP). This map is based on 13 polymorphic microsatellite markers, two of which were chosen in previously published maps. Three markers have been isolated from cosmids. Two of the three cosmids have been physically localized by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), to anchor the genetic map on the chromosome. In addition, a biallelic polymorphism in the -lactoglobulin gene (LGB) has been genetically positioned relative to the microsatellite markers. The most probable order of the markers is: cen-INRA044-BM716-INRA177-(TGLA 327, INRA198, INRA131)-INRA111-INRABERN169-(INRA115, INRA032)-INRA108-INRABERN162-INRA195-LGB. T The total linkage group spans 126 cM, which probably corresponds to most of the chromosome length. The average intermarker distance is about 10.5 cM, allowing the potential detection of a genetic linkage with any Economic Trait Loci (ETL) of this chromosome.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of bovine Chromosome (Chr) 7 was generated with a Bos taurus×Bos gaurus interspecific hybrid backcross panel. This study included six previously mapped microsatellites and five unmapped expressed genes that were identified by PCR-based restriction fragment length variants (RFLVs). The gene order (from centromere to telomere) and the map distances (in centimorgans) are as follows: cen–BM2607–11.2–LDLR–3.6–AMH,CSF2–11.2–BP41–19–BM6117–19–SPARC–14.4–FGFA–15.5–BM1853–11.2–RASA–18.8–ILSTS006. Previous comparative synteny mapping demonstrated that bovine Chr 7 shares homologous regions with both HSA5q and HSA19p. A break or fusion between AMH and CSF2 in an ancestral chromosome is suggested to account for the current arrangement of these homologous segments in the human and bovine genomes. In this study, we demonstrate that a short proximal portion of BTA7 is homologous with HSA19p, while a larger distal portion of BTA7 is homologous with human Chr 5q. The orientation of these conserved human segments on BTA7 is also demonstrated. Our data show that the linear order of genes has not been conserved within the homologous region of HSA5 and BTA7, and one chromosomal translocation or inversion is proposed to account for this difference. Received: 11 June 1996 / Accepted: 9 November 1996  相似文献   

An integrated genetic and physical map of the bovine X Chromosome   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Genotypic data for 56 microsatellites (ms) generated from maternal full sib families nested within paternal half sib pedigrees were used to construct a linkage map of the bovine X Chromosome (Chr) (BTX) that spans 150 cM (ave. interval 2.7 cM). The linkage map contains 36 previously unlinked ms; seven generated from a BTXp library. Genotypic data from these 36 ms was merged into an existing linkage map to more than double the number of informative BTX markers. A male specific linkage map of the pseudoautosomal region was also constructed from five ms at the distal end of BTXq. Four informative probes physically assigned by fluorescence in situ hybridization defined the extent of coverage, confirmed the position of the pseudoautosomal region on the q-arm, and identified a 4.1-cM marker interval containing the centromere of BTX. Received: 14 July 1996 / Accepted: 19 September 1996  相似文献   

Nine microsatellite loci were mapped to rat Chromosome (Chr) 7 by genetic linkage and somatic cell hybrid analysis. These loci include the gene encoding a member of the IID sub-family of cytochrome P450 (Cyp2d), a gene with repetitive sequences expressed during myotube formation (D7Arb1e), four anonymous loci, D7Arb81, D7Arb208, D7Arb569, D7Arb609a, and three DNA loci defined by MapPairTM markers R245, R513, and R1071. The nine loci were all identified by PCR-based microsatellite polymorphism analysis and were characterized in 40 F2 intercross progeny of Fischer (F344/N) and Lewis (LEW/N) rats for segregation analysis. These markers formed a single linkage group spanning 76.8 cM with the following order and distances: D7Arb569-11.4 cM-D7Arb81-9.7 cM-R513-2.6 cM-Cyp2d-0.0 cM-R245-1.3 cM-D7Arb1e-10.4 cM-R1071-15.9 cM-D7Arb609a-15.4 cM-D7Arb208. Physical mapping of Cyp2d by somatic cell hybrid analysis allowed us to assign this linkage group to rat Chr 7. For each marker, two to six alleles were detected in a panel of 16 inbred rat strains (ACI/N, BN/SsN, BUF/N, DA/Bkl, F344/N, LER/N, LEW/N, LOU/MN, MNR/N, MR/N, SHR/N, SR/Jr, SS/Jr, WBB1/N, WBB2/N, WKY/N).  相似文献   

A radiation hybrid map for the bovine Y Chromosome   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Screening a bovine Y Chromosome-specific DNA library resulted in 34 new microsatellites, six of which mapped to the pseudoautosomal region (PAR), and 28 localized to the Y-specific region. These microsatellites, together with 23 markers previously mapped to the bovine Y Chr, were scored on a 7000-rad cattle–hamster radiation hybrid (RH) panel. Retention frequency of individual markers ranged from 18.5% to 76.5% with an average of 48.4%. Markers with high retention frequency (>55%) were found to exist in multiple copies on the Y Chr. Thirteen markers were placed on the PAR RH map with the AmelY gene proximal to the pseudoautosomal boundary and 46 markers, including Sry and Tspy gene, on the Y-specific region of the RH map. The microsatellites developed and mapped in this work will be useful for comparative mapping of cattle, sheep, and goat, studying the origin, evolution, and migration of bovidae species and provide an initial platform to develop a high-resolution map of the Y Chr and positional cloning of Y-specific genes.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of 32 loci on human chromosome 10   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We have constructed a genetic linkage map of human chromosome 10 based on DNA probes that detect 47 restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) at 32 different loci. Segregation data were collected on a set of multigenerational families provided by the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain and maps were constructed using recently developed multipoint analysis techniques. The length of the sex-averaged map is 178 cM and the sex-specific map lengths are 131 cM in males and 255 cM in females. Recombination is significantly higher in female meioses. The mean distance between loci is 5.6 cM for the sex-averaged map. The genetic map spans the length of the chromosome as judged by physical localization of probes by in situ hybridization techniques and mapping of the probes on human-hamster hybrid cell lines containing all or part of chromosome 10. The informativeness of two loci near the locus responsible for multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (MEN-2A) has been increased by isolation of cosmids that reveal additional RFLPs at these loci.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive radiation hybrid map of the bovine X chromosome (Chr) containing 20 new markers, including both microsatellites and expressed genes. This study was conducted with a 5000-rad whole genome RH cell panel consisting of 90 hybrid cell lines. Retention frequencies of individual markers range from 7.8% for XIST to 31.1% for TGLA325. Statistical analysis with RHMAPPER placed all the loci into five linkage groups under a LOD score criterion of 6.0. These groups could be oriented relative to each other because they included multiple microsatellite loci from the consensus linkage map of the X Chr. Markers included in both this RH map and the bovine cytogenetic map were in a consistent order. The comparative bovine–human map thus generated consists of five blocks of genes, the order of which is conserved, although in the opposite direction when presented as ideograms with p and q arms. Inversions of three blocks account for the difference in gene order across the entirety of the two X Chrs.  相似文献   

A medium-density genetic linkage map of the bovine genome   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
W. Barendse  D. Vaiman  S. J. Kemp  Y. Sugimoto  S. M. Armitage  J. L. Williams  H. S. Sun  A. Eggen  M. Agaba  S. A. Aleyasin  M. Band  M. D. Bishop  J. Buitkamp  K. Byrne  F. Collins  L. Cooper  W. Coppettiers  B. Denys  R. D. Drinkwater  K. Easterday  C. Elduque  S. Ennis  G. Erhardt  L. Ferretti  N. Flavin  Q. Gao  M. Georges  R. Gurung  B. Harlizius  G. Hawkins  J. Hetzel  T. Hirano  D. Hulme  C. Jorgensen  M. Kessler  B. W. Kirkpatrick  B. Konfortov  S. Kostia  C. Kuhn  J. A. Lenstra  H. Leveziel  H. A. Lewin  B. Leyhe  L. Lil  I. Martin Burriel  R. A. McGraw  J. R. Miller  D. E. Moody  S. S. Moore  S. Nakane  I. J. Nijman  I. Olsaker  D. Pomp  A. Rando  M. Ron  A. Shalom  A. J. Teale  U. Thieven  B. G. D. Urquhart  D. -I. Vage  A. Van de Weghe  S. Varvio  R. Velmala  J. Vilkki  R. Weikard  C. Woodside  J. E. Womack  M. Zanotti  P. Zaragoza 《Mammalian genome》1997,8(1):21-28
A cattle genetic linkage map was constructed which covers more than 95 percent of the bovine genome at medium density. Seven hundred and forty six DNA polymorphisms were genotyped in cattle families which comprise 347 individuals in full sibling pedigrees. Seven hundred and three of the loci are linked to at least one other locus. All linkage groups are assigned to chromosomes, and all are orientated with regards to the centromere. There is little overall difference in the lengths of the bull and cow linkage maps although there are individual differences between maps of chromosomes. One hundred and sixty polymorphisms are in or near genes, and the resultant genome-wide comparative analyses indicate that while there is greater conservation of synteny between cattle and humans compared with mice, the conservation of gene order between cattle and humans is much less than would be expected from the conservation of synteny. This map provides a basis for high-resolution mapping of the bovine genome with physical resources such as Yeast and Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes as well as providing the underpinning for the interpolation of information from the Human Genome Project. Received: 15 August 1996 / Accepted: 15 September 1996  相似文献   

A genetic and physical map of bovine chromosome 3   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper reports a map of nine polymorphic microsatellite markers previously assigned to bovine chromosome 3 (BTA3) by somatic cell genetics. The linkage group covers 101 cM on the chromosome with an average intermarker distance of 13-9 cM. One marker (INRA200) was isolated from a peak of flow sorted chromosomes 2 and 3. Another marker (INRA197) was derived from a cosmid. The localization of the cosmid by in situ hybridization enabled the orientation of the linkage group on BTA3. Markers were relatively evenly spaced and consequently can be used to complement other mapping data about this chromosome. This establishes a framework of polymorphic markers that can be used to search for quantitative trait loci (QTL).  相似文献   

A genome-wide genetic map of NB-LRR disease resistance loci in potato   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Like all plants, potato has evolved a surveillance system consisting of a large array of genes encoding for immune receptors that confer resistance to pathogens and pests. The majority of these so-called resistance or R proteins belong to the super-family that harbour a nucleotide binding and a leucine-rich-repeat domain (NB-LRR). Here, sequence information of the conserved NB domain was used to investigate the genome-wide genetic distribution of the NB-LRR resistance gene loci in potato. We analysed the sequences of 288 unique BAC clones selected using filter hybridisation screening of a BAC library of the diploid potato clone RH89-039-16 (S. tuberosum ssp. tuberosum) and a physical map of this BAC library. This resulted in the identification of 738 partial and full-length NB-LRR sequences. Based on homology of these sequences with known resistance genes, 280 and 448 sequences were classified as TIR-NB-LRR (TNL) and CC-NB-LRR (CNL) sequences, respectively. Genetic mapping revealed the presence of 15 TNL and 32 CNL loci. Thirty-six are novel, while three TNL loci and eight CNL loci are syntenic with previously identified functional resistance genes. The genetic map was complemented with 68 universal CAPS markers and 82 disease resistance trait loci described in literature, providing an excellent template for genetic studies and applied research in potato.  相似文献   

Summary In nine family pedigrees in which X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) is segregating, a multi-point linkage analysis has been carried out. In each family, the map distance, d, between XLA and a fixed point in a known map of nine RFLP loci on the X chromosome was estimated by calculating the log likelihoods, L(d). Using a new method, the 10-point likelihood was approximated by appropriately combining three 4-point likelihoods. Homogeneity tests (admixture tests) were performed showing clear evidence for heterogeneity of XLA.  相似文献   

The interleukin 2 receptor (IL2RA), a human Chromosome (Chr) 10p locus, was mapped to sheep Chr 13q12-q15 by in situ hybridization. Two loci from human Chr 10q, cytochrome P450 subfamily XVII (CYP17) and the tachykinin 2 receptor (TAC2R), were assigned to sheep Chrs 22q21-q23 and 25q14-q23 respectively. The assignment of IL2RA allows the provisional assignment of the previously unassigned sheep syntenic group U15 to sheep Chr 13. Sheep linkage group 5 is predicted to be located on sheep Chr 25 on the basis of the TAC2R assignment.  相似文献   

A comprehensive radiation hybrid map of the bovine genome comprising 5593 loci   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
A bovine whole genome 7000-rad radiation hybrid (RH) panel, SUNbRH(7000-rad), was constructed to build a high-resolution RH map. The Shirakawa-USDA linkage map served as a scaffold to construct a framework map of 3216 microsatellites on which 2377 ESTs were ordered. The resulting RH map provided essentially complete coverage across the genome, with 1 cR7000 corresponding to 114 kb, and a cattle-human comparative map of 1716 bovine genes and sequences annotated in the human genome, which covered 79 and 72% of the bovine and human genomes, respectively. We then integrated the bovine RH and comparative maps with BAC fingerprint information in to construct a detailed, BAC-based physical map covering a reported 40-cM quantitative trait locus region for intramuscular fat or "marbling" on BTA 4. In summary, the new, high-resolution SUNbRH7000-rad, comparative, Shirakawa-USDA linkage, and BAC fingerprint maps provide a set of genomic tools for fine mapping regions of interest in cattle.  相似文献   

Linkages among three biochemical loci (Acol, Ahd2, and Mup1) and four microsatellite loci (A8, Glut1, Jun, and Pnd) were determined to construct a linkage map of rat Chromosome (Chr) 5. Consequently, an extensive linkage map on rat Chr 5 was constructed with the following gene order: A8-Aco1-Mup1-Jun-Glut1-Ahd2-Pnd. In this linkage map, the Jun and A8 loci are newly placed, and two previously reported linkage groups on rat Chr 5 are connected by the Jun locus. The linkage map indicates an extensive linkage conservation between the loci on rat Chr 5 and those on mouse Chr 4.  相似文献   

Eight new loci have been assigned to sheep Chromosome (Chr) 1q by use of a chromosomally characterized minipanel of sheep x hamster cell hybrids. Four loci, which have been mapped to the distal region of human Chr 3q, are ceruloplasmin (CP), sucrase isomaltase (SI), glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2), and ectopic viral integration site 1 (EVI1). The other four loci, on human Chr 21, include interferon alpha receptor (IFNAR); interferon inducible protein p78, murine (MX1); collagen type VI, alpha 1 (COL6A1); and S100 protein, beta polypeptide (S100B). All of these loci, except GLUT2 and MX1, have been mapped onto bovine Chr 1 or are syntenic with loci on this chromosome. The in situ localization of transferrin (TF) to sheep Chr 1q42-q45 confirms our previous assignment of this locus and independently anchors the eight new syntenic loci to sheep Chr 1q.  相似文献   

A 2-cM genetic linkage map of human chromosome 7p that includes 47 loci.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A new high-resolution genetic linkage map for human chromosome 7p has been constructed. The map is composed of 47 loci (54 polymorphic systems), 19 of which are uniquely placed with odds of at least 1000:1. Four genes are represented, including glucokinase (GCK, ATP:D-hexose-6-phosphotransferase, EC which was mapped via a (CA)n dinucleotide repeat polymorphism. The sex-average map measures 94.4 cM and the male and female maps measure 73.2 and 116.1 cM, respectively. We believe that the genetic map extends nearly the full length of the short arm of chromosome 7 since a centromere marker has been incorporated, and the most distal marker, D7S21, has been cytogenetically localized by in situ hybridization to 7p22-pter. The average marker spacing is 2 cM, and the largest interval between uniquely placed markers is 13 cM (sex-average map). Overall, female recombination was observed to be about 1.5 times that of males, and a statistically significant sex-specific recombination frequency was found for a single interval. The map is based on genotypic data gathered from 40 CEPH reference pedigrees and was constructed using the CRI-MAP program package. The map presented here represents a combined and substantially expanded dataset compared to previously published chromosome 7 maps, and it will serve as a "baseline" genetic map that should prove useful for future efforts to develop a 1-cM map and for construction of a contiguous clone-based physical map for this chromosome.  相似文献   

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