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Bovine corneal endothelial cells synthesize in culture predominantly type III collagen, with lesser amounts of types I and V and apparently little if any type IV. This pattern of synthesis is observed in both dividing and post-confluent cultures and irrespective of whether cells are attached to plastic or collagen-coated surface.  相似文献   

Three glucuronic acid-rich dermatan sulfate proteoglycans (DS-PGs) have been isolated by chromatographic and electrophoretic techniques from cultures of bovine aortic endothelial cells and characterized structurally. The smallest of the DS-PGs (DS-II) has an apparent Mr of approximately 100,000 and glycosaminoglycan chains of Mr approximately 29,000. Core glycoprotein samples prepared by chondroitin ABC lyase digestion run as doublets of Mr = 45,000 and 48,000 on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A decrease in core size is apparent after N-glycanase digestion, or when DS-PG is isolated from tunicamycin-treated cultures, providing evidence that the core protein is N-glycosylated. Isolated DS-II shows evidence of self-association when subjected to liquid chromatography under conditions of reduced ionic strength, but not during sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In addition, DS-II, but not other endothelial cell DS-PG subclasses, is bound by an antibody against human skin fibroblast DS-PG, indicating that this DS-PG belongs to a family of widely distributed small DS-PGs, previously isolated from various connective tissues. A slightly larger (Mr approximately 220,000) DS-PG (DS-I) can be separated from DS-II by preparative electrophoresis. Despite similarities in core size and extent of N-glycosylation between DS-I and DS-II, DS-I shows only limited ability to self-associate, and does not interact with the anti-fibroblast DS-PG antibody. DS-I glycosaminoglycan chains are also smaller (Mr approximately 18,000) than those from DS-II, similar in size to the chains borne by the DS-PG subclass of largest size (high molecular weight (HMW)-DS). HMW-DS, which predominated in cell layer extracts, runs with a Kav of 0.45 on Sepharose CL-2B and is estimated to have an Mr greater than 700,000. Reduction and alkylation of HMW-DS indicates that it forms disulfide-bonded aggregates with other matrical proteins within the cell layer. HMW-DS displayed multiple protein cores (Mr greater than 200,000) upon chondroitin ABC lyase treatment. Despite some similarity in size to the family of large, aggregating chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans and DS-PGs, immunological evidence suggests that it lacks a hyaluronic acid binding region.  相似文献   

Summary A valuable system has been developed to study replication of adult beta cells. Isolated islets from adult rats were partially dispersed and plated on dishes coated with extracellular matrix from bovine-corneal endothelial cells. Within 24 h islet cells attached to the matrix and formed a monolayer. The proportion of insulin-, glucagon-, and somatostatin-containing cells in the cultures was characteristic of whole islets. Function of beta cells was assessed by measuring glucosestimulated insulin release. Insulin release from 7-day-old cultures increased 19-fold after a 16.7 mM glucose challenge indicating that beta-cell function was normal. Cellular replication in the cultures was assessed using the thymidine analogue 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU). BrdU incorporation was noted in insulin-, glucagon-, and somatostatin-containing cells and also in non-endocrine cells. Among endocrine cells, the majority of BrdU labeling occurred in beta cells. Beta-cell replication potential was assessed using different concentrations of glucose. The incorporation of BrdU into beta cells was affected in a dose-dependent manner by glucose; over a 10-fold increase of beta-cell BrdU labeling was observed when glucose concentration was raised from 5.5 to 16.7 mM. The system proved advantageous for studying the replication potential of adult beta cells.  相似文献   

Plasminogen activator activity by cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This communication reports the observations that bovine aortic endothelial cells (EC) in culture during their log phase of growth secrete plasminogen activator. Hydrocortisone, dibutyryl cAMP, theophylline, colchicine and cycloheximide, dependent upon concentration, inhibit plasminogen activator activity. Several substances associated with inflammation and thrombosis, such as thrombin, serotonin,catecholomines, histamine, vasopressin, endotoxin, and indomethacin, at the concentrations tested, did not significantly alter plasminogen activator activity when compared with controls.  相似文献   

Corneal endothelial function is dependent onHCO3 transport. However, the relativeHCO3 permeabilities of the apical andbasolateral membranes are unknown. Using changes in intracellular pHsecondary to removingCO2-HCO3 (at constant pH) or removing HCO3alone (at constant CO2) fromapical or basolateral compartments, we determined the relative apicaland basolateral HCO3 permeabilities and their dependencies on Na+ andCl. Removal ofCO2-HCO3from the apical side caused a steady-state alkalinization (+0.08 pHunits), and removal from the basolateral side caused an acidification(0.05 pH units). Removal ofHCO3 at constantCO2 indicated that the basolateralHCO3 fluxes were about three to fourtimes the apical fluxes. Reducing perfusateNa+ concentration to 10 mM had noeffect on apical flux but slowed basolateralHCO3 flux by one-half. In the absence of Cl, there was anapparent increase in apical HCO3 fluxunder constant-pH conditions; however, no net change could be measuredunder constant-CO2 conditions.Basolateral flux was slowed ~30% in the absence ofCl, but the net flux wasunchanged. The steady-state alkalinization after removal ofCO2-HCO3apically suggests that CO2diffusion may contribute to apicalHCO3 flux through the action of amembrane-associated carbonic anhydrase. Indeed, apicalCO2 fluxes were inhibited by theextracellular carbonic anhydrase inhibitor benzolamide and partiallyrestored by exogenous carbonic anhydrase. The presence ofmembrane-bound carbonic anhydrase (CAIV) was confirmed byimmunoblotting. We conclude that theNa+-dependent basolateralHCO3 permeability is consistent withNa+-nHCO3cotransport. Changes inHCO3 flux in the absence ofCl are most likely due toNa+-nHCO3cotransport-induced membrane potential changes that cannot bedissipated. Apical HCO3 permeabilityis relatively low, but may be augmented byCO2 diffusion in conjunction witha CAIV.


Summary Usin gintracellular microelectrode technique, the response of the voltageV across the plasma membrane of cultured bovine corneal endothelial cells to changes in sodium and bicarbonate concentrations was investigated. (1) The electrical response to changes in [HCO 3 ] o (depolarization upon lowering and hyperpolarization upon raising [HCO 3 ] o ) was dependent on sodium. Lithium could fairly well be substituted for sodium, whereas potassium or choline were much less effective. (2) Removal of external sodium caused a depolarization, while a readdition led to a hyperpolarization, which increased with time of preincubation in the sodium-depleted medium. (3) The response to changes in [Na+] o was dependent on bicarbonate. In a nominally bicarbonate-free medium, its amplitude was decreased or even reversed in sign. (4) Application of SITS or DIDS (10–3 m) had a similar effect on the response to sodium as bicarbonate-depleted medium. (5) At [Na+] o =151mm and [HCO 3 ] o =46mm, the transients ofV depended, with 39.0±9.0 (sd) mV/decade, on bicarbonate and, with 15.3±5.8 (sd) mV/decade, on sodium. (6) After the preincubation of cells with lithium, replacement of Li by choline led to similar effects as the replacement of sodium by choline, though the response ofV was smaller with Li. This response could be reduced or reversed by the removal of bicarbonate or by the application of SITS. (7) Amiloride (10–3 m) caused a reversible hyperpolarization of the steady-state potential by 8.5±2.6 mV (sd). It did not affect the immediate response to changes in [Na+] o or [HCO 3 ] o , but reduced the speed of regaining the steady-state potential after a change in [HCO 3 ] o . (8) Ouabain (10–4 m) caused a fast depolarization of –6.8±1.1 (sd) mV, which was followed by a continuing slower depolarization. The effect was almost identical at 10–5 m. (9) It is suggested, that corneal endothelial cells possess a cotransport for sodium and bicarbonate, which transports net negative charage with these ions. It is inhibitable by stilbenes, but not directly affected by amiloride or ouabain. Lithium is a good substitute for sodium with respect to bicarbonate transport and is transported itself. In addition, the effect of amiloride provides indirect evidence for the existence of a Na+/H+-antiport. A model for the transepithelial transport of bicarbonate across the corneal endothelium is proposed.  相似文献   

Cultured microvascular endothelial cells isolated from rat epididymal fat pads produce glycosaminoglycans that accelerate thrombin-antithrombin complex formation. The heparinlike nature of these macromolecules was established by complete destruction of their anticoagulant activity employing purified Flavobacterium heparinase. Only 15% of the biologic activity of these complex carbohydrates was expressed when the heparin binding domain on the protease inhibitor was chemically modified at the Trp 49 residue. The anticoagulantly active species contains disaccharides which constitute the unique antithrombin binding region of the mucopolysaccharide. Removal of the biologically active heparinlike components from endothelial cells with 0.05% trypsin suggests that these molecular species are present on the cell surface.  相似文献   

The role of extracellular ethanolamine in phospholipid synthesis was examined in cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells. Serine and ethanolamine were both readily accumulated by these cells and incorporated into phospholipid. Exposing cells to extracellular ethanolamine for 4-6 weeks had no effect on cell growth, yet increased the phosphatidylethanolamine content of these cells by 31% as compared to control cells. The intracellular content of ethanolamine was measured by high performance liquid chromatography, and results showed that the ethanolamine-treated cells contained a significantly greater amount of free ethanolamine compared to control cells (0.62 +/- 0.07 nmol/mg of protein versus 0.27 +/- 0.05 nmol/mg of protein, respectively). Ethanolamine-treated cells also had decreased accumulation and incorporation into lipid of [3H]ethanolamine throughout a 48-h incubation and increased K'm and V'max parameters of ethanolamine transport as compared to control cells. Studies were also done to examine the effect of ethanolamine on the generation of free ethanolamine from phosphatidylserine. In pulse-chase experiments with [3H]serine, a physiological concentration of ethanolamine (25 microM) decreased the amount of 3H-labeled phosphatidylethanolamine produced from 3H-labeled phosphatidylserine by 12 h as compared to the amount of 3H-labeled phosphatidyl-ethanolamine produced in the absence of ethanolamine in the chase incubation. Furthermore, ethanolamine-treated cells accumulated 20% less labeled ethanolamine in the aqueous pool from [3H]serine after 24 h of incubation than did control cells. These results can be explained by isotope dilution with the ethanolamine pool that accumulates in these cells with time when exposed to media supplemented with a physiological concentration of ethanolamine and by an effect of ethanolamine on ethanolamine generation from phosphatidylserine. The results show that an extracellular source of ethanolamine significantly influences the phospholipid metabolism of cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Endotoxin injures bovine pulmonary endothelial cells in culture but the cytotoxicity is unaffected by a host of antiinflammatory drugs. We hypothesized that agents which could decrease intracellular concentrations of toxic metabolites of O2 would prevent endotoxin effects on cultured pulmonary artery endothelial cells. We measured endotoxin-induced release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) from and production of prostanoids by cultured bovine pulmonary endothelial cells in the presence and absence of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and the xanthine oxidase inhibitor allopurinol. Escherichia coli endotoxin (0.001-10 micrograms/ml) caused a dose-related release of LDH and stimulated production of both prostacyclin [measured as 6-ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha (6-keto-PGF1 alpha)] and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). Both DMSO and allopurinol decreased endotoxin-induced LDH release; this effect was related to concentration of the drugs (0-2% for DMSO and 0-0.3 mg/ml for allopurinol). Both drugs also prevented endotoxin-induced changes in endothelial morphology. Endotoxin increased intracellular reduction of the redox dye nitro blue tetrazolium, caused intracellular oxidation of 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate and caused release of conjugated dienes from endothelial cells; both DMSO and allopurinol inhibited those responses. DMSO, but not allopurinol, prevented endotoxin-induced production of prostacyclin and PGE2 by endothelium. Direct injury of pulmonary endothelium by endotoxin is inhibited by two chemically dissimilar drugs which have a common potential for decreasing intracellular concentrations of toxic metabolites of O2; indirect evidence suggests that potential as a mechanism for the protective effects of the drugs.  相似文献   

Bovine aortic endothelial cells were cultured in medium containing [3H]glucosamine and concentrations of [35S]sulfate ranging from 0.01 to 0.31 mM. While the amount of [3H]hexosamine incorporated into chondroitin sulfate and heparan sulfate was constant, decreasing concentrations of sulfate resulted in lower [35S]sulfate incorporation. Sulfate concentrations greater than 0.11 mM were required for maximal [35S]sulfate incorporation. Chondroitin sulfate was particularly affected so that the sulfate to hexosamine ratio in [3H]chondroitin [35S]sulfate dropped considerably more than the sulfate to hexosamine ratio in [3H] heparan [35S]sulfate. Sulfate concentration had no effect on the ratio of chondroitin 4-sulfate to chondroitin 6-sulfate. The ratios of sulfate to hexosamine in cell-associated glycosaminoglycans were essentially identical with the ratios in media glycosaminoglycans at all sulfate concentrations. DEAE-cellulose chromatography confirmed that sulfation of chondroitin sulfate was particularly sensitive to low sulfate concentrations. While cells incubated in medium containing 0.31 mM sulfate produced chondroitin sulfate which eluted later than heparan sulfate, cells incubated in medium containing less than 0.04 mM sulfate produced chondroitin sulfate which eluted before heparan sulfate and near hyaluronic acid, indicating that many chains were essentially unsulfated. At intermediate concentrations of sulfate, chondroitin sulfate was found in very broad elution patterns suggesting that most did not fit an "all or nothing" mechanism. Heparan sulfate produced at low concentrations of sulfate eluted with narrower elution patterns than chondroitin sulfate, and there was no indication of any "all or nothing" sulfation.  相似文献   

Summary Single sodium-channel currents were measured in neuroblastoma cells after inhibition of inactivation by chloramine-T (CHL-T), sea anemone toxin II (ATX-II) and scorpion toxin (SCT). The decaying phase of the averaged single-channel currents recorded with 90-msec pulses in cell-attached patches was clearly slower than that of the unmodified channels, suggesting inhibition of macroscopic inactivation. Each substance caused repetitive openings and a moderate increase in the channel open time. AtV m =RP+20 mV andT=12°C, the mean channel open times were 1.4, 1.6 and 1.8 msec for CHL-T, ATX-II and SCT, respectively, as opposed to 1.07 msec for native channels. Open-time histograms could be best fitted by the sum of two exponentials. The time constants of the fits were similar for histograms constructed from single openings and from openings during bursts. This suggests that the population of channels is homogeneous and that in bursts the same open conformations of channels occur as in single openings. Mean burst durations for bursts consisting of more than one opening atV m =RP+20 mV were 4.9, 5.8 and 6.1 msec for CHL-T, ATX-II and SCT, respectively. Burst open-time histograms constructed from two or three openings were fitted by the gamma function. The different time constants of the fits obtained for ATX-II and SCT suggested multiple open conformations of channels for openings of bursts. However, significantly different open-time histograms constructed from the first, second and third openings of bursts could not be obtained systematically. A positive correlation was found for the dwell time of the first and the second, as well as for the second and the third opening of bursts with each substance, but a negative one for the dwell time of an opening and the neighboring closing of bursts with ATX-II. The results suggest a model with multiple open and inactivated states. In this model the inactivated states are weakly absorbing.  相似文献   

Several angiogenic preparations that have been shown to stimulate plasminogen activator (PA) and collagenase production by cultured bovine capillary endothelial (BCE) cells were tested for their ability to stimulate BCE cell motility in the phagokinetic track assay. Bovine retinal extract, medium conditioned by 3T3-F442A differentiated mouse adipocytes, SK HEP-1 human hepatoma cell lysate, mouse sarcoma 180 cell lysate, and medium conditioned by mouse sarcoma 180 cells stimulated motility 68.7%, 48.5%, 140.9%, 56.5%, and 102.1%, respectively, relative to untreated cells. The motility-stimulating activity of these preparations was dose dependent and linear over the 16-h assay period. Several hormones and growth factors were tested for BCE cell motility-stimulating activity, including insulin, vasopressin, fibroblast growth factor, and a partially purified preparation of sarcoma growth factor, and were found to be ineffective. 12-0-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-acetate (TPA), a potent stimulator of both PA and collagenase activities in BCE cells, also did not stimulate motility, indicating that protease production is not sufficient to stimulate BCE cell motility in this assay. Neither SK HEP-1 hepatoma cell lysate nor TPA was effective in stimulating motility in bovine aortic endothelial (BAE) cells. The inability of SK HEP-1 hepatoma cell lysate to stimulate movement in BAE cells is consistent with the observation that angiogenesis occurs by sprouting of capillaries, not large vessels.  相似文献   

1. The addition of ATP to cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells induced the increase in intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) and thereby activated the sodium/proton exchanger and the prostacyclin production in a similar dose-dependent manner, as observed by the addition of ATP. 2. Other nucleoside triphosphates also activated the cells and the potency orders of the nucleotides were ATP greater than UTP greater than ITP greater than CTP greater than GTP for all the responses. 3. Pretreatment of the cells with UTP desensitized the response to ATP and the pretreatment of ATP desensitized the response to UTP. 4. The responses to ATP and UTP were inhibited by neither pertussis nor cholera toxin. 5. The receptor for UTP, however, may be a distinct pyrimidinoceptor different from the purinoceptor of the cells for ATP, because the 50% effective concentration of UDP was much larger than that of UTP, while ATP and ADP were essentially equipotent ligands to the endothelial cells.  相似文献   

To investigate the intracellular localization of endothelin in cultured endothelial cells, an immunocytochemical study was carried out by the post-embedding protein A-gold technique with endothelin-specific antiserum. Gold particles were seen on the rough endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi cisternae, the Golgi vesicles, small vesicles beneath the cell membrane, and the lysosomes. By contrast, no secretory granules were observed. These results suggest that endothelin is secreted by a constitutive pathway and that the lysosome may play an important role in regulating the biological activity of endothelin.  相似文献   

Summary Bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAECs) respond to bradykinin with an increase in cytosolic-free Ca2+ concentration, [Ca2+] i , accompanied by an increase in surface membrane K+ permeability. In this study, electrophysiological measurement of K+ current was combined with86Rb+ efflux measurements to characterize the K+ flux pathway in BAECs. Bradykinin- and Ca2+-activated K+ currents were identified and shown to be blocked by the alkylammonium compound, tetrabutylammonium chloride and by the scorpion toxin,noxiustoxin, but not by apamin or tetraethylammonium chloride. Whole-cell and single-channel current analysis suggest that the threshold for Ca2+ activation is in the range of 10 to 100nm [Ca2+] i . The whole-cell current measurement show voltage sensitivity only at the membrane potentials more positive than 0 mV where significant current decay occurs during a sustained depolarizing pulse. Another K+ current present in control conditions, an inwardly rectifying K+ current, was blocked by Ba2+ and was not affected bynoxiustoxin or tetrabutylammonium chloride. Efflux of86Rb from BAEC monolayers was stimulated by both bradykinin and ionomycin. Stimulated efflux was blocked by tetrabutyl- and tetrapentyl-ammonium chloride and bynoxiustoxin, but not by apamin or furosemide. Thus,86Rb+ efflux stimulated by bradykinin and ionomycin has the same pharmacological sensitivity as the bradykinin- and Ca2+-activated membrane currents. The results confirm that bradykinin-stimulated86Rb+ efflux occurs via Ca2+-activated K+ channels. The blocking agents identified may provide a means for interpreting the role of the Ca2+-activated K+ current in the response of BAECs to bradykinin.  相似文献   

Radioactive proline-labeled type VIII collagen was biosynthesized in the presence of beta-aminoproprionitrile by rabbit corneal endothelial cells and isolated from the culture medium. Type VIII was purified in the presence of protease inhibitors and at neutral pH by ultrafiltration, precipitation with 3.9 M NaCl, sedimentation in sucrose gradients, and DEAE-Sephacel chromatography. The major components of this collagen, VIII-1, -2, and -3, exhibited apparent molecular weights of greater than 194,000, 124,000, and 61,000, respectively, and were shown to contain identical CNBr peptides. Following separation of VIII-1, -2, and -3 from each other and any residual proteases by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, exposure to acetic acid led to the conversion of VIII-1 to VIII-2 and VIII-3. Thus, VIII-1 is not a continuous single peptide chain, and the preliminary interrupted-helix model of the type VIII structure (Benya, P. D. (1980) Renal Physiol. 3, 30-35) was revised. VIII-3 appears to be the parent alpha 1 (VIII)-chain, with VIII-2 and VIII-1 representing beta- and gamma-chain configurations stabilized by strong noncovalent acid-labile interactions and beta-aminoproprionitrile-insensitive covalent cross-links. Based on two-dimensional CNBr peptide mapping, the alpha-chain is composed of six peptides. Mr 5,300-19,600. The terminal peptides are pepsin sensitive and correlate with two noncollagenous domains, NC1 (Mr 14,700) and NC2 (Mr 4-5,000). NC1 contains the site of acid-labile chain association.  相似文献   

Summary To investigate the intracellular localization of endothelin in cultured endothelial cells, an immunocytochemical study was carried out by the post-embedding protein A-gold technique with endothelin-specific antiserum. Gold particles were seen on the rough endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi cisternae, the Golgi vesicles, small vesicles beneath the cell membrane, and the lysosomes. By contrast, no secretory granules were observed. These results suggest that endothelin is secreted by a constitutive pathway and that the lysosome may play an important role in regulating the biological activity of endothelin.  相似文献   

Sulphated glycosaminoglycans have been analysed in cloned bovine aortic endothelial cells cultured on collagen gels after incubation with [3H]glucosamine and Na2(35)SO4. Radioactive products were analysed in the culture medium, in sequential collagenase and trypsin extracts of the cell monolayer and the associated extracellular matrix, and in the remaining viable cells. Heparan sulphate and chondroitin sulphate were found in each compartment: the heparan sulphate had a low degree of sulphation (approximately 0.4 N-sulphate and 0.2 O-sulphate groups per disaccharide unit on average). In the nitrous acid scission products of heparan sulphate, O-sulphated substituents were confined to disaccharide and tetrasaccharide fragments, indicating that local regions of the chain (which might be susceptible to excission by the platelet endoglycosidase) are highly sulphated. Only minor structural differences in heparan sulphate were observed between the various compartments. In contrast the chondroitin sulphate found in the collagenase extract had a higher iduronic acid content than corresponding material in the trypsin extract and the culture medium, indicating that collagenase and trypsin may extract glycosaminoglycans from different regions of the extracellular and pericellular matrix.  相似文献   

Using the cornea of macaque monkey, we demonstrated the relationship between cell density and growth of endothelial cells in vitro. Corneal endothelial cells in a cell sheet grow most actively in regions with cell density of 1000 to 1800 cells/mm2, in explant cultures and cell sheets and in concentrated inocula dissociated cells. Cell morphology was well sustained in these cultures. Cells cultured at a higher cell density retained their potential to proliferate actively, showing clear contrast to cells cultured at a density lower than 200 cells/mm2. When dissociated cells were cultured at a low density and maintained for more than 4 weeks, they gradually lost their growth potential, altered into polymorphonuclear giant cells and eventually dedifferentiated. In addition, cells with no contact with each other did not express growth potential. Density dependent growth was confirmed by measuring the mitotic index against the cell density per square mm from the center to the peripheral regions in cultured explants. It is concluded that the growth pattern of corneal endothelial cells is closely related to cell density, and that growth of these cells might be regulated through intercellular communications.  相似文献   

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