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Organisms with external fertilization are often sperm limited, and in echinoids, larger eggs have a higher probability of fertilization than smaller eggs. This difference is thought to be a result of the more frequent sperm-egg collisions experienced by larger targets. Here we report how two components of egg target size, the egg cell and jelly coat, contributed to fertilization success in a selection experiment. We used a cross-sectional analysis of correlated characters to estimate the selection gradients on egg and jelly-coat size in five replicate male pairs of the sand dollar Dendraster excentricus. Results indicated that eggs with larger cells and jelly coats were preferentially fertilized under sperm limitation in the laboratory. The selection gradients were an average of 922% steeper for egg than for jelly-coat size. The standardized selection gradients for egg and jelly-coat size were similar. Our results suggest that fertilization selection can act on both egg-cell and jelly-coat size but that an increase in egg-cell volume is much more likely to increase fertilization success than an equal change in jelly-coat volume. The strengths of the selection gradients were inversely related to the correlation of egg traits across replicate egg clutches. This result suggests the importance of replication in studies of selection of correlated characters.  相似文献   

Genetic correlations between male and female traits can act as evolutionary constraints and, if involving reproductive traits, potentially influence sexual selection. Artificial selection on egg size in the tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana has yielded highly divergent lines. Here we report evidence for correlated evolution in male traits. Males from the large-egg selected lines produced significantly heavier spermatophores independent of body size and tended to have more fertile sperm stored in their reproductive tracts than those from the small-egg selected lines. This may be due to an underlying genetic correlation in reproductive effort between the sexes. However, non-fertile sperm number and testis size remained unaffected by selection on egg size. Phenotypic correlations within an unselected population revealed that spermatophore mass and fertile sperm number, but not testis size and non-fertile sperm number, were positively related to male body size, and that larger spermatophores contained more fertile, but not non-fertile sperm. In addition, males provided larger females with bigger spermatophores and more fertile sperm, indicating males may be exercising mate choice during copulation.  相似文献   

tlsb-1%Males are often the ‘sicker’ sex with male biased parasitism found in a taxonomically diverse range of species. There is considerable interest in the processes that could underlie the evolution of sex-biased parasitism. Mating system differences along with differences in lifespan may play a key role. We examine whether these factors are likely to lead to male-biased parasitism through natural selection taking into account the critical role that ecological feedbacks play in the evolution of defence. We use a host-parasite model with two-sexes and the techniques of adaptive dynamics to investigate how mating system and sexual differences in competitive ability and longevity can select for a bias in the rates of parasitism. Male-biased parasitism is selected for when males have a shorter average lifespan or when males are subject to greater competition for resources. Male-biased parasitism evolves as a consequence of sexual differences in life-history that produce a greater proportion of susceptible females than males and therefore reduce the cost of avoiding parasitism in males. Different mating systems such as monogamy, polygyny or polyandry did not produce a bias in parasitism through these ecological feedbacks but may accentuate an existing bias.  相似文献   

The negative relationship between offspring number and offspring size provides a classic example of the role of trade-offs in life history theory. However, the evolutionary transitions in egg size and clutch size that have produced this negative relationship are still largely unknown. Since body size may affect both of these traits, it would be helpful to understand how evolutionary changes in body size may have facilitated or constrained shifts in clutch and egg size. By using comparative methods with a database of life histories and a phylogeny of 222 genera of cichlid fishes, we investigated the order of evolutionary transitions in these traits in relation to each other. We found that the ancestral large-bodied cichlids first increased egg size, followed by a decrease in both body size and clutch size resulting in the common current combination of a small-bodied cichlid with a small clutch of large eggs. Furthermore, lineages that deviated from the negative relationship between clutch and egg size underwent different transitions in these traits according to their body size (large bodied genera have moved towards the large clutch/small egg end of the continuum and small bodied genera towards the small clutch/large egg end of the continuum) to reach the negative relationship between clutch size and egg size. Our results show that body size is highly important in shaping the negative relationship between clutch size and egg size.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Tradeoffs in performance or fitness across environments have important implications regarding the nature of evolutionary constraints. It remains controversial whether tradeoffs such as these reflect genetic correlations that are genuine evolutionary constraints. However, if such long-term genetic constraints do exist, they must be due to underlying pleiotropy such that alleles that confer high performance in one environment invariably confer low performance in another. The distribution of genetic correlations within and among populations can provide insight about the existence of such pleiotropic tradeoffs. The long-term association of certain teleost fish taxa with particular abiotic environments suggests that tradeoffs in performance across environments have constrained the geographic distribution of those taxa. Here we report the results of an experiment in which we artificially selected on acute heat- and cold-stress tolerance in two stocks of the poeciliid fish Heterandria formosa from source populations with different thermal histories. Unexpectedly, we observed no direct responses to selection. Under certain conditions, fish from the different source populations differed significantly in cold tolerance, but not in heat tolerance. The results suggest there are no strong pleiotropic tradeoffs between heat- and cold-stress tolerance in these populations.  相似文献   

Life history patterns in lizards of the arid and semiarid zone of Australia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Klaus Henle 《Oecologia》1991,88(3):347-358
Summary Studies on the life histories and population dynamics of lizards in the semiarid/arid zone of Australia are reviewed to identify the influence of size (female mean snout-vent length), phylogeny (family effects) and ecological parameters on the evolution of life history traits of these species. Species producing more than one clutch per year are larger than single-clutched ones. In an ANCOVA, significant effects of size and phylogeny on clutch size and on age at sexual maturity were found. Microhabitat (arboreal, terrestrial, and subterranean life style) also had an effect on clutch size, but only mediated through a significant interaction with size. However, results of the ANCOVAs depend on the families and ecological parameters included in the analyses. Therefore, caution is necessary in interpreting or generalizing the results; in any case, size and phylogeny explain only a small percentage of the observed variation. Nevertheless, a direct comparison of a set of syntopic/paratopic desert lizards supports and extends the main conclusions of the ANCOVA. A significant but small phylogenetic effect was found, and arboreal microhabitat was associated with greater age at sexual maturity. Activity (diurnal versus nocturnal) influenced yearly mortalities and clutch frequencies. For both, microhabitat and activity, predation levels and size-dependent mortality were the likely selective factors causing these correlations. The demographic environment explains the paucity of duurnal lizard species with fixed clutch sizes in the semiarid/arid zone of Australia. Possible causes for the evolution of fixed clutch sizes are discussed.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized six polymorphic microsatellite loci for the polychaete tubeworm, Hydroides elegans. Two additional loci were not reliably scorable and estimates of heterozygosity were obtained for the other six. In addition, cross‐species amplification was successful for two loci using the congener H. hexagonus. Given that few microsatellite loci are available for polychaetes, these markers will be useful in assessing dispersal and gene flow in H. elegans and probably also other polychaetes.  相似文献   

Summary Spot size in descendants from the Goodale white-spotted stock of mice responded to selection for increased spot size. The realized heritability estimate was 0.52. However, no correlated response of reproduction to spot size selection was found in the present study, nor was there any correlated response among body weight variables.Joint project of Purdue University and USDA-SEA-ARS, North Central Region. Journal paper number 8279 from the Purdue Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

Large grain size and earliness to flowering are traits critical to cowpea adoption in the West African savannahs. This study reports on the correlated response to selection in these two traits in the two populations in which selections were made primarily for grain yield potential. Further, the present study reports on the effectiveness of early generation selection for grain yield. Each of the two populations, SARC 2 and SARC 3, was derived from a cross between an adapted parent Marfo-Tuya and an exotic breeding line that has large grain size and early flowering. Replicated yield evaluation of F5 families showed that grain yield of Marfo-Tuya was not different from those of the highest yielding families in each population. Increases in grain size of individual families over Marfo-Tuya were large and, the response to selection averaged 5.3 and 3.9 g/100 seeds in the SARC 2 and SARC 3 populations, respectively. Response to selection in days to flowering averaged 3 days in SARC 3, whereas response to selection was not observed in SARC 2. Retrospective selection in the F3 at 40% intensity was efficient in identifying a high proportion of elite families in each population.  相似文献   

Genetic and developmental constraints have often been invoked to explain patterns of existing morphologies. Yet, empirical tests addressing this issue directly are still scarce. We here set out to investigate the importance of maternal body size as an evolutionary constraint on egg size in the tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana, employing an artificial two-trait selection experiment on simultaneous changes in body and egg size (synergistic and antagonistic selection). Selection on maternal body size and egg size was successful in both the synergistic and the antagonistic selection direction. Yet, responses to selection and realized heritabilities varied across selection regimes: the most extreme values for pupal mass were found in the synergistic selection directions, whereas in the antagonistic selection direction realized heritabilities were low and nonsignificant in three of four cases. In contrast, for egg size the highest values were obtained in the lines selected for low pupal mass. Thus, selection on body size yielded a stronger correlated response in egg size than vice versa, which is likely to bias (i.e., constrain), if weakly, evolutionary change in body size. However, it seems questionable whether this will prevent evolution toward novel phenotypes, given enough time and that natural selection is strong. Correlated responses to selection were overall weak. Egg and larval development times tended to be associated with changes in maternal size, whereas variation in pupal development times weakly tended to follow variation in egg size. Lifetime fecundity was similar across selection regimes, except for females simultaneously selected for large body mass and small egg size, exhibiting increased fecundity. Multiple regressions showed that lifetime fecundity and concomitantly reproductive investment were primarily determined by longevity, as expected for an income breeder, whereas egg size was primarily determined by pupal mass. Evidence for a phenotypic trade-off between egg size and number was weak.  相似文献   

The mating system of the simultaneously hermaphroditic polychaeteworm Ophryotrocha diadema consists of a regular egg exchangebetween partners of a pair. Such reciprocal egg exchange hasbeen considered a form of cooperation, where one partner cooperatesby offering its eggs to be fertilized and expects to receivepartner's eggs to fertilize. Frequency of cases in which hermaphroditescheated (i.e., failed to give up eggs at their turn) and responsesto cheating were estimated by analyzing the behavior of 38 triplets of ovigerous hermaphrodites over a 2-week period. Thepartner did not reciprocate 8% of egg layings. The cheatedpartner did not detect most cases of cheating (16 out of 25).Such a low frequency of cheating can explain why no retaliationmechanism evolved in this species. Sixty-eight percent of the individuals from the original pairs deserted even if their partnersnever cheated them; therefore, cheating cannot be consideredthe cause of desertion. Rather, desertion appeared to be aconsequence of availability of a new partner whose oocyteswere riper than those of the old partner. It occurred becausethe opportunity arose for an immediate reward, indicating thatO. diadema egg exchange differs from that originally describedin some serranid fish as egg trading. The relationship betweencosts of desertion and population size is discussed.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that, in hermaphroditic organisms,individuals allocate a fixed amount of resources divided amongmale and female functions to reproduction and that the proportiondevoted to each sex depends on the mating group size. As themating group size increases, hermaphrodites are predicted toallocate proportionally more resources to the male and lessresources to the female function (approaching equal allocationto both sexes) to face increased sperm competition. Up to nowlittle experimental evidence has been provided to support thetheory in hermaphroditic animals. Facultative shift betweenmale and female allocation in response to variation in localgroup size does occur in several taxa but not always in theexpected direction and not with similar patterns. In the protandricand then simultaneously hermaphroditic polychaete worm Ophryotrochadiadema reproductive resources are flexibly allocated in theprotandrous and the hermaphroditic phase. The cost of male reproductionduring adolescence is spread over the whole energy budget ofthe animal as shown by the shortening of lifespan and the loweringof growth rate in individuals with enhanced male expenditureduring the protandrous phase. Moreover, in this species, shortterm sex allocation adjustments differ from those describedin other taxa. Individuals regulate their reproductive outputso that where reproductive competitors are present, the numberof female gametes is strongly reduced but the number of malegametes (although it changes) is not significantly increased.Resources subtracted from the female function are not directlyallocated to sperm production, but to expensive male behaviorsthat are likely to enhance male reproductive success. Theseresults are discussed in the light of the relevance of sexualselection in large populations of hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

Females of the migrant skipper, Parnara guttata guttata, that are reared under lower temperatures lay smaller eggs. The adaptive significance of egg size plasticity in response to temperature is unknown in this species. We suggest, based on the following experimental results, that P. g. guttata uses temperature as an indirect cue to predict the host condition (leaf toughness) of the next generation. First, larvae were reared under the typical conditions of temperature and photoperiod experienced during the immature stages in the first, second, and overwintering (third) generations (LD 16:8 at 25°C, LD 14:10 at 25°C and LD 14:10 at 20°C). Females reared under LD14:10 at 20°C produced more, smaller eggs than those reared under LD14:10 and LD16:8 at 25°C. Secondly, survival rates of first instar larvae derived from females reared under the three photoperiod/temperature treatments were measured on young soft rice leaves (soft), or tough, old rice leaves (tough). Survival rates of hatchlings reared on soft and tough leaves did not differ when females were reared under LD16:8 and LD14:10 at 25°C. However, hatchling survival was significantly higher on soft than on tough leaves when females were reared under LD14:10 at 20°C. Thirdly, we found that egg size plasticity in response to temperature in P. g. guttata may be a threshold response. Temperatures below 20°C experienced during the immature stages may be effective for production of smaller and more eggs in the overwintering generation of P. g. guttata.  相似文献   

Many animals generate new body segments sequentially from a posterior growth zone, and this is generally thought to be the case for the annelids. Most annelids, including polychaetes, have an indirect life cycle and generate their earliest segments during larval life. We have characterized the nature of the growth zone in two polychaetes, Hydroides elegans and Capitella sp. I, during both larval and juvenile stages of segment formation by examining cell division patterns with 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine incorporation. Cell division patterns show commonalities between the two species, even though they have distinct body plans and life history characteristics. In both polychaetes, larval segments arise from a field of dividing cells located in lateral regions of the body, rather than from a localized posterior growth zone. Circumferential expansion of the forming segmental tissue is particularly pronounced in Capitella sp. I. Post-metamorphic segments, in contrast, originate from a classical posterior growth zone, with the exception of four posterior thoracic segments of H. elegans, which appear to arise from an area in the middle of the body, indicating plasticity of segment-generating mechanisms present in different annelid life histories. The distinct nature of larval versus juvenile growth zones in H. elegans and Capitella sp. I raises the question of the mechanistic relationship between these two growth zones. The results of this study increase our understanding of the cellular origins of segments in annelids, and serve as a basis for interpretation of molecular expression patterns associated with segment formation in polychaetes.  相似文献   

Understanding the consequences of environmental change on ecological and evolutionary dynamics is inherently problematic because of the complex interplay between them. Using invertebrates in microcosms, we characterise phenotypic, population and evolutionary dynamics before, during and after exposure to a novel environment and harvesting over 20 generations. We demonstrate an evolved change in life‐history traits (the age‐ and size‐at‐maturity, and survival to maturity) in response to selection caused by environmental change (wild to laboratory) and to harvesting (juvenile or adult). Life‐history evolution, which drives changes in population growth rate and thus population dynamics, includes an increase in age‐to‐maturity of 76% (from 12.5 to 22 days) in the unharvested populations as they adapt to the new environment. Evolutionary responses to harvesting are outweighed by the response to environmental change (~ 1.4 vs. 4% change in age‐at‐maturity per generation). The adaptive response to environmental change converts a negative population growth trajectory into a positive one: an example of evolutionary rescue.  相似文献   

We reexamined a Daisyworld model from the traditional view of competition theory. Unlike the original model, white and black daisies in our model incorporate a seeding/germination trade-off against bare ground area without assuming the local temperature reward. As a result, the planetary temperature is automatically regulated by two species if the following conditions are met: (i) the species react equally to an environmental condition, but one can alter the environmental condition in the opposite direction to the other. (ii) that one of the two cannot have both a higher maximal growth rate (mu(max)) and lower half-saturation constant (K) than those of the other. In other words, a pair of phenotypes incorporates a trade-off between quality and number of seeds. We found that the homeostatic regulation can also be reconciled with the adaptive evolution of optimal temperature. The results of simulation imply that biotic environmental feedback can also be maintained when the emergence of polymorphisms (black and white daisies) is closely linked to such a trade-off.  相似文献   

By using selection differentials, gradients and structural equation modelling (SEM), I have quantified the phenotypic selection acting on Lobularia maritima (Cruciferae) flower size, display, colour and density, using data on lifetime female fitness. Furthermore, by analysing the resulting F1 generation in field and greenhouse conditions, I estimated the actual intergenerational change in the value of these traits. Both pollinators preferred plants with many and large flowers. Strong directional selection for increased flower display was found in all years of the study, regardless of the technique used. Indirect selection due to a high significant correlation with flower display occurred on flower colour and size. SEM showed that pollinators played only a minor role in this observed phenotypic selection. The analysis of the phenotypes of F1 plants showed that flower display actually increased across generations. In addition, white flowers were significantly more frequent in the offspring population than in the parental one, mostly due to the association between flower display and white coloured flowers. This suggests that both direct and indirect selection can play a role in the evolution of correlated traits in this crucifer.  相似文献   

Neurons are the basic computational units of the brain, but brain size is the predominant surrogate measure of brain functional capacity in comparative and cognitive neuroscience. This approach is based on the assumption that larger brains harbor higher numbers of neurons and their connections, and therefore have a higher information‐processing capacity. However, recent studies have shown that brain mass may be less strongly correlated with neuron counts than previously thought. Till now, no experimental test has been conducted to examine the relationship between evolutionary changes in brain size and the number of brain neurons. Here, we provide such a test by comparing neuron number in artificial selection lines of female guppies (Poecilia reticulata) with >15% difference in relative brain mass and numerous previously demonstrated cognitive differences. Using the isotropic fractionator, we demonstrate that large‐brained females have a higher overall number of neurons than small‐brained females, but similar neuronal densities. Importantly, this difference holds also for the telencephalon, a key region for cognition. Our study provides the first direct experimental evidence that selection for brain mass leads to matching changes in number of neurons and shows that brain size evolution is intimately linked to the evolution of neuron number and cognition.  相似文献   

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