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K. Elgmork 《Hydrobiologia》1996,320(1-3):63-70
By successively filtering off animals emerging from mud cores taken to the laboratory, the degree of torpidity within the same species was found to vary considerably both time and space. Variation in time from the start of dormancy follows a pattern of diapause development similar to that of insect diapause. In some localities dormancy is deep and prolonged, while in others it is less pronounced and lasts for a shorter period. The depth of torpidity during winter seems to be correlated to an induction early in the year. The intensity of diapause varies along the slope of the localities and down into the bottom mud. In some cases high temperatures seem to induce a deeper torpidity.  相似文献   

Gerhard Maier 《Oecologia》1995,101(2):245-250
Laboratory investigations with Cyclops vicinus and Metacyclops minutus documented that mating frequency decreased significantly after the initial mating, i.e. re-mating is relatively rare in cyclopoid copepods. Re-mating is unnecessary because females are able to fertilize multiple clutches of viable eggs from one insemination. Similar sized Cyclops vicinus and Cyclops furcifer interbreed frequently. Interbreeding does not occur when size differences and taxonomic differences are as great as between C. vicinus and M. leuckarti. In C. vicinus and M. leuckarti, the duration of the last mating phase (spermatophore transfer until release of the female) and consequently the duration of the entire mating process, is different. I conclude that the low re-mating frequency in cyclopoid copepods probably evolved to accelerate clutch production in unpredictable environments and to reduce predation risk. The occurrence of interspecific mating discourages the co-existence of similarly sized, related species. Mating behaviour may have a considerable influence on zooplankton community structure.  相似文献   

Megacyclops viridis (Jurine), Macrocyclops albidus (Jurine), and Acanthocyclops vernalis (Fischer) were raised in the laboratory at six temperatures (5, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 20°) and fed a mixture of ciliates (Paramecium caudatum and Colpidium campylum). Data were taken on clutch size, embryonic development time, interclutch period, time to first clutch, sex ratio and longevity.Clutch size, time to first clutch, embryonic development time, interclutch period and longevity are inversely related to temperature. The ratio of males to females in a cohort is independent of temperature.  相似文献   

1. The mouthparts of five species of adult planktonic cyclopoid copepods (Cyclops vicinus, C. abyssorum, Acanthocyclops robustus, Mesocyclops leuckarti and Thermocyclopscrassus), in particular the distance between setae and setules of the maxilliped (which can indicate the ability to retain small particles), were compared using electron and light microscopy. 2. The mesh‐sizes of the food‐collection grid formed by these setae and setules ranged between 4.6 and 13.2 μm; the area covered by the grid ranged between 6000 and 32 000 μm2. 3. Mesh‐size was not simply correlated with body size. Cyclops abyssorum and M. leuckarti have the coarsest meshes and T. crassus the finest, while C. vicinus and A. robustus were intermediate. 4. The results suggest that cyclopoid copepods are able to retain particles in the size range of nanoplankton and that differences in mesh‐sizes between species may explain differences in the ability to subsist and reproduce on a diet of small algae.  相似文献   

The response of four benthic cyclopoid copepods,Acanthocyclops viridis (Megacyclops viridis) (Jurine, 1820),Macrocyclops albidus (Jurine),Eucyclops agilis (Koch, Sars) (Eucyclops serrulatus) (Fischer, 1851) andParacyclops fimbriatus (Fischer), to hypoxia and anoxia was investigated. All of these species died within six hours when confronted by totally anoxic conditions, but all survived four days at oxygen saturation levels as low as 25%. Males succumbed to the effects of anoxia more rapidly than the larger females of each species, and larger species survived for shorter periods than smaller species. In artificially stratified columns, where the lower layer was anoxic, all four species displayed an upward migratory response towards oxygenated conditions. Where the artificial hypolimnion was hypoxic, however, the migratory response was not observed. The results suggest that some benthic copepods cope with seasonal anoxia in eutrophic stratified lakes by migration rather than the various physiological adaptations shown by planktonic and semi-planktonic species.  相似文献   

The partitioning of limited resources commonly explains how different species can coexist within the same ecological community. In this 2010 study, the diets of three coexisting freshwater fishes (Cape galaxias Galaxias zebratus, n = 27; Cape kurper Sandelia capensis, n = 60; Breede River redfin Pseudobarbus burchelli, n = 77) were characterised and compared in three headwater streams in South Africa's Cape Fold Ecoregion using gut contents and stable isotope analyses. These data were analysed to ascertain whether the three species exploit distinct trophic niches. Both approaches provided evidence that these species occupy different trophic niches, though with some overlap. However, dietary differences among sites were not consistent and were probably influenced by site-specific factors like resource availability. Pseudobarbus burchelli had a broader niche breadth at Tierkloof Stream than the other two species, but not at Waaihoek or Tierstel Streams. Our results also suggest that P. burchelli consumed a more omnivorous diet than do the other two species, whereas S. capensis occupied a higher trophic position than the other two species and consumed vertebrates. Our findings suggest that these species occupy non-equivalent feeding niches in Cape Fold Ecoregion headwater streams, and that diet partitioning might facilitate their coexistence in these systems.  相似文献   

Megacyclops viridis (Jurine, 1820), Macrocyclops albidus (Jurine, 1820) and Acanthocyclops vernalis (Fischer, 1853) were raised in the laboratory at six temperatures (5, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 20 °C) and fed five different diets. The diets consisted of: a large ciliate Paramecium caudatum, a small ciliate Colpidium campylum, a mixture of P. caudatum and C. campylum, the cladoceran Daphnia hyalina, and nauplii of brine shrimp Artemia salina. Data was collected on development time, growth and adult size achieved. The results indicated that in all three species development and growth are faster on the diet of crustacea and Paramecium than on Colpidium. Female M. viridis and M. albidus do not develop beyond the stage V copepodid at low temperatures on the diet of Colpidium.  相似文献   

Marten  Gerald G.  Bordes  Edgar S.  Nguyen  Mieu 《Hydrobiologia》1994,292(1):491-496
The New Orleans Mosquito Control Board mass produces Mesocyclops longisetus and Macrocyclops albidus for introduction to mosquito breeding sites as a routine part of control operations. Mesocyclops longisetus is used in tires that collect rainwater; M. albidus is used in temporary pools. Field trials in a Spartina marsh, rice fields, and residential roadside ditches in Louisiana suggest that M. longisetus and M. albidus could be of use to control larvae of Anopheles spp. and Culex quinquefasciatus. Mesocyclops longisetus has proved to be effective for Aedes aegypti control in cisterns, 55-gallon drums, and other domestic containers in Honduras.  相似文献   

The predatory feeding of Mesocyclops edax and Cyclops vicinus was studied using the 14C-labelled Ceriodaphnia and some other kinds of the crustacean zooplankters. When given a choice, both species exhibited clear selection of smaller specimens of prey. The feeding rates depend on the kind of prey. The daily ration for the prey readily accepted by Mesocyclops was roughly equal to the predator's biomass, while it was only one half or one third of the body biomass in Cyclops vicinus. Only about one third of the killed biomass was actually ingested and 21–32% was assimilated when the copepods preyed upon the cladocerans or the copepodid larvae. When fed with naupliar larvae the cyclopoid copepods assimilated over 70% of the killed biomass. Almost one half of the freshly assimilated carbon passes through the short term cycle and is quickly respired and excreted.  相似文献   

Six of the 10 recognised families of the order Cyclopoida are parasitic, with 4 of them occurring on marine invertebrates and the remaining 2 on freshwater gastropods and fishes, respectively. A cladistic analysis of the 10 families indicates that evolution of parasitism occurred twice in the history of the cyclopoids. The first attempt was made by the marine epibenthic ancestors seeking food and shelter in sessile tunicates — the ascidians. This event led to the evolution of 2 ascidicolous families: Archinotodelphyidae and Notodelphyidae. The descendant of this lineage had also invaded the mantle cavity of marine bivalve molluscs, eventually leading to the evolution of the Mantridae. The second attempt for the parasitic mode of life was launched by the ancestor which was the sister group of the ancestral cyclopoids — the most successful family of freshwater copepods. This ancestral stock, while living in the coastal zone, split into 2 groups: one group stayed behind in the ocean and colonised again the ascidians; the other groups invaded freshwater and evolved into the fish-parasitising Lernaeidae and the gastropod-parasitising Ozmanidae.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. We studied species composition, abundance and population dynamics of cyclopoid copepods emerging from dormancy from the sediments of a temporary pond in South Carolina in 1985, 1988 and 1989. During a drought in 1988–89, the maximum hydroperiod was 19 days; in 1985 and late 1989-early 1990, the hydroperiods were 57 and 118 days. We also report on species present in 1984 and 1987, two years that had longer hydroperiods, and on abundance of cyclopoids in 1984. 2. Within a day after standing water appeared, fourth-instar copepodids of Diacydops haueri and D. crassicaudis brachycercus became active. These two species appeared every time the pond filled in winter, spring, or autumn. Other species, including Acanthocyclops vernalis, were usually not collected until weeks or months after the pond filled. Because the times and durations of fillings were extremely variable, species composition differed among years, with the most species (eleven) appearing in 1984, the year with the longest hydroperiod. 3. The abundances of emerging Diacydops were much lower in 1988 and 1989 (range of means from seven fillings in spring and autumn: 675–7382 animals m?2) than 1985 (range of means from three fillings in winter: 26,037–107,418 animals m?2). Low abundances of emerging animals could have been caused by poor survival of dormant animals, poor production during preceding seasons, or incomplete emergence of the dormant populations. 4. Substrate samples from the dry pond were collected in spring, summer, and autumn 1988 and winter 1989 to measure emergence of the cyclopoids in laboratory incubations. Population densities of emerging animals were much lower in 1988 and 1989 (range of means from seven experiments: 0–120 animals m?2 over the first 3 days) than in similar experiments in 1984 (Taylor & Mahoney, 1990, means from two experiments: 3630 and 6890 animals m?2). 5. Despite the low abundance of animals emerging from dormancy in late 1989, the cyclopoid populations in 1990 reached similar densities of copepodids (104?-105 animals m?2) to those reached in 1984 and 1985. These results suggest that short generation time and high reproductive capacity permit rapid recovery from population reductions.  相似文献   

同地共栖三种鼠耳蝠食性差异及其生态位分化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hu KL  Yang J  Tan LJ  Zhang LB 《动物学研究》2012,33(2):177-181
2005年9—11月在贵州省安龙县笃山乡暗河村,分析了共栖同一山洞3种鼠耳蝠的形态特征和食性。在体型上,华南水鼠耳蝠体重为(4.46±0.53)g,前臂长为(34.63±1.45)mm;毛腿鼠耳蝠体重为(5.15±1.76)g,前臂长为(35.20±1.07)mm;西南鼠耳蝠体重为(10.94±0.87)g,前臂长为(45.21±1.15)mm。3种鼠耳蝠的体重两两之间差异显著,西南鼠耳蝠与另外2种鼠耳蝠的前臂长相比两两之间差异显著。在食物组成上,华南水鼠耳蝠主要捕食近水面活动的双翅目及其幼虫,体积百分比和频次百分比分别为79.7%和100%;毛腿鼠耳蝠主要捕食双翅目和小型鞘翅目,体积百分比分别占59.6%和28.8%,频次百分比分别为91.3%和80.1%;西南鼠耳蝠的食物组成主要为近地面或在地表活动的鞘翅目步甲科和埋葬虫科昆虫,体积百分比和频次百分比分别为80.8%和100%;3种鼠耳蝠食物组成存在显著差异。结果表明,同地共栖3种鼠耳蝠除了形态结构上出现差异,食物组成也存在明显的差异。据此,推测3种鼠耳蝠可能采取不同的捕食生境和捕食策略,从而导致捕食生态位分离,避免出现激烈竞争,使得3种近缘鼠耳蝠能够同地共栖。  相似文献   

Anthropogenic disturbances can constrain the realized niche space of wildlife by inducing avoidance behaviors and altering community dynamics. Human activity might contribute to reduced partitioning of niche space by carnivores that consume similar resources, both by promoting tolerant species while also altering behavior of species (e.g. activity patterns). We investigated the influence of anthropogenic disturbance on habitat and dietary niche breadth and overlap among competing carnivores, and explored if altered resource partitioning could be explained by human‐induced activity shifts. To describe the diets of coyotes, bobcat, and gray foxes, we designed a citizen science program to collect carnivore scat samples in low‐ (‘wildland’) and high‐ (‘interface’) human‐use open space preserves, and obtained diet estimates using a DNA metabarcoding approach. Habitat use was determined at scat locations. We found that coyotes expanded habitat and dietary niche breadth in interface preserves, whereas bobcats and foxes narrowed both niche breadth measures. High human use was related to increased dietary niche overlap among all mesocarnivore pairs, increased coyote habitat overlap with bobcats and foxes, and a small reduction in habitat overlap between bobcats and foxes. The strongest increase in diet overlap was among coyotes and foxes, which was smaller in magnitude than their habitat overlap increase. Finally, coyote scats were more likely to contain nocturnal prey in interface preserves, whereas foxes appeared to reduce consumption of nocturnal prey. Our results suggest that dominant and generalist mesocarnivores may encroach on the niche space of subordinate mesocarnivores in areas with high human activity, and that patterns in resource use may be related to human‐induced activity shifts.  相似文献   

Three different methods were used to compare the feeding patterns of active cyclopoids and cyclopoids in active diapause from different habitats. First, we offered 14C- labeled algal detritus to stage III, stage IV (two different physiological groups), and adult females of Acanthocyclops vernalis from temporary water-bodies of the Volga Delta. Second, we compared the functional responses of active and actively diapausing cyclopoids preying on copepod nauplii. Stage III, stage IV (various physiological groups), stage V, adult males and females of Acanthocyclops viridis, Cyclops kolensis, C. abyssorum sevani from the Volga Delta, Lake Sevan (Armenia), and Mozhaisk Reservoir (Moscow District) were tested. Finally, we examined the activity of digestive enzymes (proteases) of CIV of C. kolensis from Mozhaisk Reservoir at different temperatures and temperature acclimation regimes. All three approaches used have led to similar conclusions. Actively diapausing cyclopoids were capable of feeding on both plant and animal prey; however, their feeding rates and digestive enzyme activity were 2–8 times lower than those of active cyclopoids of similar size. At the initial stage of active diapause the feeding rates were comparable with those of active cyclopoids then declined to a low level during approximately two weeks. Transfer of cyclopoids undergoing winter diapause from ambient temperature (4 °C) to warmer water (20 °C) resulted in dramatic increase of proteases activity only if the acclimation period was relatively long (two weeks).  相似文献   

Biological observations on small cyclopoid copepods in the Red Sea   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The breeding activity, sex ratio and variation in body lengthof a number of cyclopoid copepod species from the upper 450mof the Red Sea were analyzed. In most species the body lengthof adult specimens was in the lower range or less than thosereported from other pelagic regions. In the central Red Seamost species had some individuals actively breeding, duringboth autumn and winter. To the north, breeding was observedin fewer species. Only two species, Paroithona sp. and Agetuslimbatus, however, seemed to find conditions for reproductionbetter in the north than in the central area. The sex ratioswere quite consistent for all species within the families Sapphirinidaeand Corycaeidae (high percentage of males) and Oithonidae (lowpercentage of males). Within the Oncaeidae, the percentage ofmales varied from a few percent to >60% of adults. Thereappears to be a relationship between sex ratio and size. Populationsof the very small Oncaea species, O.ivlevi, O.prendeli and O.zernovi,include far fewer males than those of their larger congeners.The available information on the biology of Oncaea is summarized.Peculiarities in their life histories and reproduction are discussed.  相似文献   

Janet W. Reid 《Hydrobiologia》1987,153(2):121-138
Eight species of cyclopoid copepods were recorded from 1979–1983 in the complex microhabitats of a wet campo (campo úmido) marsh in central Brazil. Ectocyclops herbsti and Paracyclops fimbriatus occurred most often in areas with water covering the soil; Muscocyclops therasiae n. sp. occurred mainly in soils with no surface water; while Metacyclops campestris n. sp. showed no distinct microhabitat preference. Occurrence of the remaining four species was too sporadic to determine microhabitat preference. Paracyclops carectum n. sp., Metacyclops campestris n. sp., Muscocyclops therasiae n. sp., Muscocyclops bidentatus n. sp. and Ponticyclops boscoi n. g. n. sp. are described. A key to the New World species of Metacyclops s. str. is provided.  相似文献   

We examined the importance of algal versus invertebrate preyfor three cyclopoid copepods by comparing reproductive successfor females fed on three diets: exclusively algal food, exclusivelyinvertebrate prey and a combination of algal plus invertebrateprey. The three cyclopoid species represent a distinct gradientin body size: Tropocyclops prasinus mexicanus (small body size),Diacyclops thomasi (medium body size) and Mesocyclops edax (largebody size). Our results provide strong evidence for the potentialimportance of algae in the diet of adult cyclopoid copepods.However, the role of herbivory is dependent on species bodysize. We found that algae are the key dietary factor for reproductivesuccess of the small T.p.mexicanus. In contrast, the availabilityof invertebrate prey had a greater influence on reproductionby the two larger species. Overall, cyclopoid copepods shouldbe generally considered as having the potential to derive theirenergy from either animal or algal sources. This has importantconsequences for interpretations of the forces influencing zooplanktoncommunity diversity as well as for general food web theory.  相似文献   

V. I. Monchenko 《Hydrobiologia》1996,320(1-3):119-122
The seasonal activity and diapause in Cyclopidae was investigated in natural water-bodies in the vicinity of Kiev and in experiments. It was established that in stenothermal species (cold-loving and warmth-loving) the temperature thresholds of passing into an active state are nearer to the temperature optimum of each species than the temperature thresholds of passing into resting state. But temperature seemingly is not the only factor leading to changes in the activity state of populations. It seems probable that in the appearance of a particular adaptation some definite irritating external factor, regularly repeating each year, and permitting adaptation to it, acquires the role of a switch-factor directing the physiological processes of the organism to move in a new way — entering the resting state or leaving it.  相似文献   

Filtering and feeding rates of cyclopoid copepods feeding on phytoplankton   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rita Adrian 《Hydrobiologia》1991,210(3):217-223
The algal biomass ingested by omnivorous cyclopoid copepods (Cyclops kolensis and C. vicinus) was measured by two methods in the hypertrophic Heiligensee in Berlin (West Germany). The clearance and ingestion rates inferred from measurements of natural populations of 14C labelled phytoplankton were compared with those obtained from chlorophyll a determinations using the presence/absence method (observed chlorophyll a content of natural lake phytoplankton with and without addition of cyclopoids). Both methods gave similar results. Nevertheless, the radio tracer method is preferred, mainly because the short feeding duration excludes high variations in both the food composition and food concentration that limit the presence/absence method.  相似文献   

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