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The yellow-necked mouse, Apodemus flavicollis, is characterized by a frequent occurrence of B chromosomes. The frequency of intra individual mosaicism of Bs was studied in 995 animals collected at six localities in Serbia. It was found that 329 (33.06%) possessed B chromosomes. Among these, 87 animals (26.44%) were mosaics. A total of 32 mosaic animals with more than one B chromosome were analyzed for distribution of Bs which was found to be quite different between groups of animals with different numbers of Bs and increases with their number. The frequency of mosaics differs between localities and ranges from 0.22 to 0.55.  相似文献   

Two alternative models are used to explain maintenance of polymorphism of B chromosomes (Bs) in populations of a great number of species. The parasitic model suggests deleterious effects of Bs on fitness of carriers, while the heterotic model assumes that, in the absence of drive, equilibrium is produced by beneficial effects of Bs at low numbers. In order to determine the potential contribution of Bs to genetic differentiation and diversity, four populations of Apodemus flavicollis, differing in frequency of Bs (from 0.23 to 0.38) and settled in ecologically different habitats, were analyzed by 471 AFLP markers. Although numerous loci were demonstrated to be population specific, none of them was associated with individuals with Bs. AMOVA showed that the presence of Bs does not affect population differentiation, pointing to greater genetic similarity of Bs to A chromosomes. The greatest genetic diversity (0.241) was found in the population settled in optimal conditions for this species featured by the lowest frequency of animals with Bs (0.23). We found that the majority of loci marked as loci under directional selection, are characteristic of either a population with lower or one with a higher frequency of Bs. Several loci detected as outliers were associated with environmental variables that could directly and/or indirectly influence population dynamics of A. flavicollis. Thus, we suggest that the different frequency of Bs carriers in populations is related to adaptive differentiation to diverse habitats, which is in accordance with the heterotic model of Bs maintenance.  相似文献   

The impact of wearing a radio-collar was investigated for 124 Yellow-necked Mice Apodemus flavicollis, in mixed deciduous woodlands. Collared mice neither lost more weight nor lost weight more frequently than control individuals. The cost of wearing a collar was not greater for small individuals than for larger ones. The impact of wearing a radio-collar was mostly due to the shape and size of the radio-collar and the external antenna rather than the package weight. This aspect was particularly acute in the presence of ticks. One solution to this problem may be to build and use radio-transmitter packages as compact (but nevertheless resistant to gnawing) and symmetrical as possible and to use collars impregnated with tick repellent.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, the genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are among the most debated candidates accounting for co-evolutionary processes of host-parasite interaction at the molecular level. The exceptionally high allelic polymorphism found in MHC loci is believed to be maintained by pathogen-driven selection, mediated either through heterozygous advantage or rare allele advantage (= frequency dependent selection). While investigations under natural conditions are still very rare, studies on humans or mice under laboratory conditions revealed support for both hypotheses. We investigated nematode burden and allelic diversity of a functional important MHC class II gene (DRB exon2) in free-ranging yellow-necked mice (Apodemus flavicollis). Twenty-seven distinct Apfl-DRB alleles were detected in 146 individuals with high levels of amino acid sequence divergence, especially at the antigen binding sites (ABS), indicating selection processes acting on this locus. Heterozygosity had no influence on the infection status (being infected or not), the number of different nematode infections (NNI) or the intensity of infection, measured as the individual faecal egg count (FEC). However, significant associations of specific Apfl-DRB alleles to both nematode susceptibility and resistance were found, for all nematodes as well as in separate analyses of the two most common nematodes. Apodemus flavicollis individuals carrying the alleles Apfl-DRB*5 or Apfl-DRB*15 revealed significantly higher FEC than individuals with other alleles. In contrast, the allele Apfl-DRB*23 showed a significant association to low FEC of the most common nematode. Thus, our results provide evidence for pathogen-driven selection acting through rare allele advantage under natural conditions.  相似文献   

The main object of this study was to use discontinuous variation as a means of measuring divergence between populations of A. sylvaticus (L.) and A. flavicollis (Melchior) from Britain and Eurasia. Samples from 17 populations (671 skulls) were each classified for 20 discontinuous morphological variants. The investigation has shown that certain epigenetic variants have a characteristic incidence in populations of the two species and that the relative incidence of the variants could be used as an aid to specific separation. The calculation of degree of divergence between the populations has made it possible to suggest the order in which populations are related to each other.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of host sex in parasite transmission and questioned: ‘Is host sex important in influencing the dynamics of infection in free living animal populations?’ We experimentally reduced the helminth community of either males or females in a yellow‐necked mice (Apodemus flavicollis) population using an anthelmintic, in replicated trapping areas, and subsequently monitored the prevalence and intensity of macroparasites in the untreated sex. We focussed on the dominant parasite Heligmosomoides polygyrus and found that reducing parasites in males caused a consistent reduction of parasitic intensity in females, estimated through faecal egg counts, but the removal of parasites in females had no significant influence on the parasites in males. This finding suggests that males are responsible for driving the parasite infection in the host population and females may play a relatively trivial role. The possible mechanisms promoting such patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

Vertical stratification of the arboreal habitat allows the coexistence of several species in a given area, because the complex arboreal strata can be used in different ways by arboreal and scansorial mammals. The present report experimentally investigated the gait metrics on different arboreal substrates, of three sympatric rodents living in a deciduous forest in Poznań, Poland. Arboreal locomotion was compared between the burrowing striped field mouse, Apodemus agrarius, the scansorial bank vole, Myodes glareolus, and the more arboreal yellow-necked mouse, Apodemus flavicollis. We filmed two wild-caught individuals from each species walking on four different substrate diameters (2 mm, 5 mm, 10 mm, 25 mm) and three different inclinations (45° descending, horizontal, 45° ascending) at 240 fps and collected a set of gait parameters from a total of 273 complete cycles. Our results did not demonstrate clear relationships between arboreal locomotion and the ecology of the three species. Only A. flavicollis exhibited locomotor features partly associated with arboreal competence, including lower velocity and diagonality on narrow substrates and asymmetrical gaits on wider ones. On the other hand, the two Apodemus species, despite their different ecologies, shared a few locomotor similarities, such as velocity regulation primarily by stride frequency, and similar effects of substrate size and inclination on diagonality, duty factor, and duty factor index indicating the possibility of a phylogenetic signal. Because the selected gait parameters provided limited insight into the ability of small mammals to move competently through an arboreal habitat, these findings indicate that the relationship between behaviour and ecology is complex.  相似文献   

Organization of B chromosomes in the Korean field mouse Apodemus peninsulae was analyzed. We painted its metaphase chromosomes with whole and partial chromosome paints generated by microdissection and DOP-PCR. The results of the painting indicated that all B chromosomes contained a large amount of repeated DNA sequences. The repeats could be classified in terms of their homology and predominant location. Pericentromeric repeats of B chromosomes were present in many copies in pericentromeric C-blocks of all autosomes and in non-centromeric C-blocks of the sex chromosomes. B arm specific type 1 repeats comprised the main body of the arms of almost all B chromosomes and were present in the arms of A chromosomes as interspersed sequences. B arm-specific type 2 repeats were found at the ends of some B chromosomes that did not undergo compaction at the interphase- metaphase transition and remained uncondensed. On the basis of comparative analysis of localization of B chromosome repeats in the chromosomes of two related species, A. peninsulae and A. agrarius, we suggest a hypothesis of B chromosome origin and evolution in the genus Apodemus.  相似文献   

M. Eriksson 《Ecography》1984,7(4):428-429
Winter breeding, as judged from heavy reproductive organs in both males and females, was observed in bank voles, yellow-necked mice and wood mice in south Sweden during the winter of 1976–1977. The breeding was probably a result of unusually favourable feeding conditions created by an extremely rich beech mast crop.  相似文献   

The exact location of glacial refugia and the patterns of postglacial range expansion of European mammals are not yet completely elucidated. Therefore, further detailed studies covering a large part of the Western Palearctic region are still needed. In this order, we sequenced 972 bp of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b (mtDNA cyt b) from 124 yellow-necked fieldmice (Apodemus flavicollis) collected from 53 European localities. The aims of the study were to answer the following questions: Did the Mediterranean peninsulas act as the main refuge for yellow-necked fieldmouse or did the species also survive in more easterly refugia (the Caucasus or the southern Ural) and in Central Europe? What is the role of Turkey and Near East regions as Quaternary glacial refuges for this species and as a source for postglacial recolonisers of the Western Palearctic region? The results provide a clear picture of the impact of the quaternary glaciations on the genetic and geographic structure of the fieldmouse. This species survived the ice ages in two main refuges, the first one in the Italo-Balkan region; the second one in Turkey and the Near East regions. It is from the Balkan refuge that it recolonised all European regions at the end of the last glaciation. The Turkish and Near East populations are distinct from the European ones and they did not recolonise the Palearctic region probably because: (i) they were blocked by the Black Sea and the Caucasus, (ii) the long term presence of fieldmice populations in the Balkans prevented their expansion. These are genetically differentiated from the European and Russian ones and could be described as a particular subspecies. This result emphasises the importance of Turkey and the Near and Middle East regions as a refuge for Palearctic mammals.  相似文献   

In Europe, concordant geographical distribution among genetic lineages within different species is rare, which suggests distinct reactions to Quaternary ice ages. This study aims to determine whether such a discrepancy also affects a pair of sympatric species, which are morphologically and taxonomically closely related but which have slight differences in their ecological habits. The phylogeographic structures of two European rodents, the Yellow-necked fieldmouse (A. flavicollis) and the woodmouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) were, therefore, compared on the basis of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b (mtDNA cyt b) sequences (965 base pairs) from 196 specimens collected from 59 European localities spread throughout the species distributions. The results indicate that the two species survived in different ways through the Quaternary glaciations. A. sylvaticus survived in the Iberian Peninsula from where it recolonized almost all Europe at the end of the last glaciation. Conversely, the refuge from which A. flavicollis recolonized Europe, including northern Spain, during the Holocene corresponds to the Italo-Balkan area, where A. sylvaticus suffered a serious genetic bottleneck. This study confirms that even closely related species may have highly different phylogeographic histories and shows the importance of ecological plasticity of the species for their survival through climate change. Finally, it suggests that phylogeographic distinctiveness may be a general feature of European species.  相似文献   

The spatial organization and relationships of Apodemus sylvaticus and A. flavicollis in mixed deciduous woodland were examined using live-trapping techniques. Each population was aggregated and contagion was greatest during early summer. Aggregation in A sylvaticus varied inversely with density so that at high densities this species was randomly dispersed. In A. flavicollis aggregation increased with increasing density. This interspecific difference may result from differing annual population cycles. Adult males, adult females and juveniles had different patterns of dispersion and association in A. sylvaticus and A. flavicollis suggesting differences in their social behaviour. Intraspecific associations, particularly among males and between males and females, made a major contribution to overall contagion in the populations. A. sylvaticus and A. flavicollis were segregated throughout the year except for late summer and they were also prevalent in different cover types. The behaviour which determined the spatial segregation of the species may be acquired since juvenile A. sylvaticus were associated more frequently with A. flavicollis and juvenile A. flavicollis were associated less frequently with A. sylvaticus than their respective adult conspecifics. Comparing sympatric with allopatric populations of A. sylvaticus , and observing inter-specific behaviour, suggest that the spatial segregation in sympatry results from A. sylvaticus avoiding the competitively superior A. flavicollis .  相似文献   

Karyotypes of four Chinese species of field mice of the genus Apodemus were examined, including Apodemus chevrieri(diploid chromosome number,2 n=48, fundamental number of autosomal arms,FNa=56), A. draco(2 n=48, FNa=48), A. ilex(2 n=48, FNa=48), and A. latronum(2 n=48, FNa=48).Karyotypes of A. chevrieri, A. draco, and A. ilex are reported here for the first time, providing useful information for their species taxonomy. Determining the karyotypes of all species of Apodemus in Asia,both in this and previous studies, provides a solid overview of the chromosome evolution and species differentiation of the genus in East Asia. In addition to allopatric speciation, chromosome rearrangements likely played an important role in the formation of the four Apodemus species groups as well as speciation within each group in East Asia. For example, increased centromeric heterochromatin in A. latronum may have contributed to the post-mating reproductive isolation from the A. draco-A. ilex-A. semotus clade.  相似文献   

Comparative analysis of micro B and macro B chromosomes of the Korean field mouse Apodemus peninsulae, collected in populations from Siberia and the Russian Far East, was performed with Giemsa, DAPI, Ag-NOR staining and chromosome painting with whole and partial chromosome probes generated by microdissection and DOP-PCR. DNA composition of micro B chromosomes was different from that of macro B chromosomes. All analyzed micro B chromosomes contained clusters of DNA repeats associated with regions characterized by an uncondensed state in mitosis. Giemsa and DAPI staining did not reveal these regions. Their presence in micro B chromosomes led to their special morphology and underestimation in size. DNA repeat clusters homologous to DNA of micro B chromosome arms were also revealed in telomeric regions of some macro B chromosomes of specimens captured in Siberian regions. Neither active NORs nor clusters of ribosomal DNA were found in the uncondensed regions of micro B chromosomes. Possible evolutionary pathways for the origin of macro and micro B chromosomes are discussed.  相似文献   

Chromosome sets of 114 Apodemus agrarius mice from 29 localities in Moldova, Ukraine, Siberia, and Far East were studied by means of G-, C-, and NOR-banding. In all populations studied, the Y chromosome was shown to be a medium-size acrocentric chromosome consisting of heterochromatin. Chromosome polymorphism observed in populations from Primorskii krai concerned (1) the morphology of the first two autosome pairs (variants A/A, A/ST, and ST/ST), (2) the number of metacentric chromosomes (from 6 to 8), and (3) heterochromatin localization in the pericentromeric regions of two metacentric chromosome pairs. A karyotype with an additional heterochromatic microchromosome found in all the metaphases studied was described in one mouse from a locality of western Primorye that has not been studied previously. In the karyotype of 15 mice from four populations of Primorye, the pool of nucleolus organizer regions is distributed over three autosome pairs rather than over four, as is the case A. agrarius from Europe. Based on the analysis of literature sources and our own data, the problem of chromosome polymorphism in the field mouse is discussed.  相似文献   

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