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Studies in the field of ecomorphology aim to delineate the role of anatomy in determining an organism's ecological niche. Although an extensive literature exists correlating trophic morphology with biological role, surprisingly little research has investigated the causal relationship between morphological variation and differential feeding performance. This study examines the possible role of oral jaw-crushing performance in moulding diet in an ontogenetic series of sheepshead, Archosargus probatocephalus (Sparidae: Teleostei). By comparing potential niche, as determined by anatomical predictions of force production, with realized niche, as determined by field studies investigating prey use in the natural environment, we were able to assess to what degree maximal capabilities affected resource use. Evidence strongly suggested that oral jaw-crushing force was an important determinant of diet in these fishes. All oral jaw elements, as well as force produced by the adductor mandibulae complex, scaled with positive allometry, which was consistent with the increase in hard prey taken. There was a significant correlation between increased force production and increased durophagous habit. Lastly, the force used to feed in nature increased at the same rate as the predicted maximum force generated by the adductor mandibulae complex. Studies such as this one speak directly to the relationship between maximum functional potential and actual patterns of resource use.  相似文献   

This paper reports two new species of Euryhaliotrema Kritsky & Boeger, 2002 collected from the gills of Lutjanus argentimaculatus (Forsskål). E. xinyingense n. sp. is similar to Euryhaliotrema atlanticum Kritsky & Boeger, 2002 in the structure of copulatory apparatus, but differs from the latter in the shape of anchors and the structure of vagina. E. hainanense n. sp. also closely resembles E. atlanticum Kritsky & Boeger, 2002, but differs from the latter in the structure of haptor and the shape of accessory piece.  相似文献   

Three species of Euryhaliotrema Kritsky & Boeger, 2002 (Monogenoidea: Dactylogyridae) were collected from the gills of four golden snapper Lutjanus johnii (Bloch) (Lutjanidae) from the marine and brackish waters off Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. Type-specimens of Ancyrocephalus johni Tripathi, 1959 apparently have not survived and the possibility existed that the species was based on specimens representing more than one species. Euryhaliotrema johni (Tripathi, 1959) (sensu Young, 1968) was redescribed and determined to most likely represent A. johni, originally described from the River Hooghly, Diamond Harbour, India. Two new species were described. Euryhaliotrema longibaculoides n. sp. was most similar to Euryhaliotrema longibaculum (Zhukov, 1976) Kritsky & Boeger, 2002 from Lutjanus spp. from the western Atlantic Ocean. It differed from E. longibaculum by having a male copulatory organ (MCO) with an elongate comparatively delicate shaft and a bulbous base (MCO U- or J-shaped with funnel-shaped base in E. longibaculum). Based on the comparative morphology of the haptoral sclerites, Euryhaliotrema lisae n. sp. was most similar to Euryhaliotrema cryptophallus Kritsky & Yang, 2012 from the gills of the mangrove red snapper Lutjanus argentimaculatus (Forsskål) from the South China Sea. Euryhaliotrema lisae differed from E. cryptophallus by having a copulatory complex with an obvious weakly sclerotised J-shaped MCO (MCO cryptic, delicate, and with a shaft comprising about one counterclockwise ring in E. cryptophallus).  相似文献   

We investigated the antifungal chemical defenses and physiological responses of five seagrasses collected from nearshore seagrass beds from the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, against a panel of co-occurring marine fungi isolated from nearby coastal communities. Whole plant tissues from Thalassia testudinum, Halodule wrightii and Syringodium filiforme prevented overgrowth by three of the seven fungi used in this study. Organic extracts from four of the five seagrasses inhibited the growth of at least one fungal strain. The extract from Ruppia maritima exhibited the highest antifungal activity, inhibiting the growth of three fungi including the pathogen Lindra thalassiae. Among the fungal panel, Fusarium sp. 2 was the most susceptible to seagrass extracts, whereas none of the extracts disrupted the growth of Dendryphiella salina and Fusarium sp. 3. Under laboratory conditions fungal inoculation elicited hydrogen peroxide production in all specimens within 25 min post-inoculation as measured with a redox sensitive dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA) assay. The concentration of H2O2 released into the immediate vicinity of infected seagrasses varied between 0.10 and 0.85 μmol g−1 FW min−1 depending on seagrass species and pathogen combination. Longer term incubation (days) of T. testudinum with homogenates of D. salina or L. thallasiae resulted in the induction of caspase activity, a known proteolytic activator of apoptotic and inflammatory activities. The application of micromolar concentrations of H2O2 to blades of T. testudinum induced caspase activity suggesting that fungal detection, H2O2 production, and caspase activation occur in a consecutive order. The seagrasses examined in this study appear to use a combined strategy to combat fungal infection, including microbial chemical defenses and signaling pathways observed in terrestrial plants.  相似文献   

Euryhaliotrema dontykoleos n. sp. (Monogenoidea, Polyonchoinea, Dactylogyridae) is described based on specimens collected from the gills of Pachyurus junki (Teleostei, Sciaenidae, Pachyurinae) in the Rio Tocantins and its tributaries, State of Tocantins, Brazil. The new species, the first species of Monogenoidea reported from a pachyurine, is easily differentiated from its congener by the presence of toothlike projections in the border of the vaginal opening and by having a trapezoidal anteromedial projection on the ventral bar. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that the new species is not a member of the clade that includes the Euryhaliotrema spp. from Plagioscion spp., a second lineage of freshwater sciaenids in South America. Euryhaliotrema dontykoleos shares an immediate ancestor with the clade formed by parasites infecting marine Paralonchurus spp., (Sciaenidae), and those of Plagioscion spp.  相似文献   

Archosargus probatocephalusin a Florida estuary was investigated to explore intraspecific variation in prey utilization and jaw biomechanics. Volumetric contribution of major prey types and seven biomechanical features of the oral jaws that characterize prey-capture and processing performance were contrasted between two locations within the estuary. At Mosquito Lagoon, where A. probatocephalusinhabited mostly oyster beds, mangroves and salt marshes, fish consumed mostly thick-shelled bivalves, gastropods, crabs, and tubiculous polychaetes and amphipods. In contrast, conspecifics at Indian River Lagoon that inhabited mostly seagrass beds and algal turf consumed predominantly algae, seagrass, epiphytic invertebrates and small bivalves and gastropods. Difference in magnitude of durophagy between locations was associated with differences in oral-jaw biomechanics. Analyses of covariance indicated that A. probatocephalusat Mosquito Lagoon had more massive jaw muscles and bones, than conspecifics at Indian River Lagoon. Variations in lever ratios for jaw-opening and jaw-closing between locations were not significant. It is hypothesized that intralocality differences in food habits have induced the development of feeding morphologies that enhance the ability of A. probatocephalusto successfully exploit locally dominant prey resources within the estuary. Plasticity of the feeding mechanism of A. probatocephalusmay buffer the species from the adverse effects of settling on heterogeneous habitats that contain variable prey resources such as those found within estuaries.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogenetic relationships among monogenean parasites of the Chaetodontidae (butterflyfishes) from the Indo-West Pacific Ocean. Molecular phylogenies of selected taxa within the Dactylogyridae, including the ancyrocephaline parasites of butterflyfishes, based on two nuclear and one mitochondrial gene fragments (complete 18S rDNA, partial 28S rDNA (D1-D3), and partial 16S rDNA) were reconstructed using parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods. Our results show the non-monophyletic nature of the monogenean fauna of butterflyfishes. The group is divided into two independent lineages. The first clade contains species of the genera Aliatrema and Euryhaliotrematoides , which parasitize Chaetodontidae exclusively. The second contains species of Haliotrema , a generalist group of parasites. The positions of several other species of the Ancyrocephalinae, including freshwater species, at the base of the two clades, provide strong evidence that the monogenean fauna did not result from a single colonization event, but rather that they have colonized their butterflyfish hosts independently at least twice.  相似文献   

During an investigation of gill monogenoidean parasites from freshwater fishes in central Panama, 5 new species of Urocleidoides (sensu stricto) were found: Urocleidoides cultellus n. sp., Urocleidoides visiofortatus n. sp., and Urocleidoides advenai n. sp. from the gymnotiform Brachyhypopomus occidentalis (Hypopomidae); Urocleidoides neotropicalis n. sp. and Urocleidoides piriatiu n. sp. from the characiforms Saccodon dariensis (Parodontidae) and Ctenolucius beani (Ctenoluciidae), respectively. Our findings represent the first known species of Urocleidoides from these fishes in Central America and demonstrate that they are morphologically linked to their South American congeners.  相似文献   

Euryhaliotrematoides mehen n. sp. (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) is described based on specimens collected from the gills of the spotted rose snapper Lutjanus guttatus (Steindachner) off Mazatlan, Sinaloa, on the northwestern coast of Mexico. The synapomorphy of this genus is the presence of a funnel-shaped base of the male copulatory organ. This new species differs from all other species of the genus by possessing a male copulatory organ with a base with a thickened margin and a membranous accessory piece resembling a scarf and covering about 60% of its distal region. PCR products of the 28S rRNA (831 bp) and 18S rRNA (662 bp) genes were sequenced and submitted to GenBank (accession numbers HQ615997 and JF938069, respectively). BLASTn searches revealed no 100% identical hits with the previously registered monogenean sequences.  相似文献   

Salt marshes of the Indian River Lagoon, Florida (USA) were once prolific producers of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes lay their eggs on the infrequently-flooded high marsh surface when the soil surface is exposed. The eggs hatch when the high marsh is flooded by the infrequent high tides or summer rains. To control mosquito production, most of the salt marshes (over 16.200 ha) were impounded by the early 1970s. Flooding, usually by pumping water from the Lagoon, effectively controlled mosquitoes.However, impounding had a profoundly negative impact on the wetland plant, fish, and invertebrate communities. Isolation from the Lagoon cut off aquatic access by transient estuarine species that used the wetlands for feeding or as nursery area. In one study, the number of fish species dropped from 16 to 5 after impounding. Wetland vegetation within some impoundments was totally eliminated; other impoundments developed into freshwater systems.When tidal exchange is restored through hydrologic connection, usually by culverts installed through the perimeter dike, recovery to more natural conditions is often rapid. In one impoundment where wetland vegetation was totally eliminated, recovery of salt-tolerant plants began almost immediately. In another, cover of salt-tolerant plants increased 1,056% in less than 3 years. Fisheries species that benefitted the most were snook, ladyfish, and striped mullet. Over 1,500 juvenile snook were captured in a single 3-hr flood-tide culvert trap as they attempted to migrate into an impoundment. The zooplankton community rapidly returned to the more typical marsh-Lagoon community. Water quality and sediment sulfides returned to typical marsh values. Overall, reconnection enhances natural productivity and diversity, although water quality in the perimeter ditch, an artifact of dike construction, remains problematic.Earlier experiments demonstrated that flooding only during the summer mosquito breeding season provided as effective mosquito control as year-round flooding. In standard management, the impoundment is flooded in summer, then left open to the Lagoon through culverts the rest of the year. Culverts are typically opened when the fall sea level rise first floods the high marsh.Impoundment reconnection is being implemented by a multi-agency partnership. The total reconnected area is expected to reach 9,454 ha by the end of 1998, representing 60% of the impounded wetlands in the entire IRL system. One stumbling block is private ownership of many of the remaining isolated impoundments.University of Florida, IFAS, Journal Series No. R-05201.Harbor Branch Contribution Number 1152.Corresponding editor: R.E. Turner  相似文献   

Material of the paederine genus Domene Fauvel, 1873 from China is examined. Nine species were identified, four of them described previously, one unnamed (represented exclusively by females), and four are newly described: Domene cultrata sp. n. (Gansu, Hubei, Shaanxi); Domene cuspidata sp. n. (Gansu, Shaanxi, Sichuan); Domene chenae sp. n. (Guangxi); Domene reducta sp. n. (Sichuan). A lectotype is designated for Domene reitteri Koch, 1939; a neotype is designated for Domene chenpengi Li, 1990. Domene dersuuzalai Gusarov, 1992 is placed in synonymy with Domene chenpengi. Previous records of two Japanese species from China are most likely based on misidentifications and considered erroneous. Thus, the Domene fauna of China is currently composed of twelve described species. A key to the Domene species of China is provided. The distributions of eleven species are mapped.  相似文献   

Salt marshes of the Indian River Lagoon, Florida (USA) were once prolific producers of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes lay their eggs on the infrequently-flooded high marsh surface when the soil surface is exposed. The eggs hatch when the high marsh is flooded by the infrequent high tides or summer rains. To control mosquito production, most of the salt marshes (over 16.200 ha) were impounded by the early 1970s. Flooding, usually by pumping water from the Lagoon, effectively controlled mosquitoes. However, impounding had a profoundly negative impact on the wetland plant, fish, and invertebrate communities. Isolation from the Lagoon cut off aquatic access by transient estuarine species that used the wetlands for feeding or as nursery area. In one study, the number of fish species dropped from 16 to 5 after impounding. Wetland vegetation within some impoundments was totally eliminated; other impoundments developed into freshwater systems. When tidal exchange is restored through hydrologic connection, usually by culverts installed through the perimeter dike, recovery to more natural conditions is often rapid. In one impoundment where wetland vegetation was totally eliminated, recovery of salt-tolerant plants began almost immediately. In another, cover of salt-tolerant plants increased 1,056% in less than 3 years. Fisheries species that benefitted the most were snook, ladyfish, and striped mullet. Over 1,500 juvenile snook were captured in a single 3-hr flood-tide culvert trap as they attempted to migrate into an impoundment. The zooplankton community rapidly returned to the more typical marsh-Lagoon community. Water quality and sediment sulfides returned to typical marsh values. Overall, reconnection enhances natural productivity and diversity, although water quality in the perimeter ditch, an artifact of dike construction, remains problematic. Earlier experiments demonstrated that flooding only during the summer mosquito breeding season provided as effective mosquito control as year-round flooding. In standard management, the impoundment is flooded in summer, then left open to the Lagoon through culverts the rest of the year. Culverts are typically opened when the fall sea level rise first floods the high marsh. Impoundment reconnection is being implemented by a multi-agency partnership. The total reconnected area is expected to reach 9,454 ha by the end of 1998, representing 60% of the impounded wetlands in the entire IRL system. One stumbling block is private ownership of many of the remaining isolated impoundments.  相似文献   

A previously undescribed skin abnormality, referred to as “linear skin markings” (LSM), has been identified in free-ranging common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida (IRL). The lesions were identified during photo-identification surveys conducted from 2002 and 2015. LSM presented as distinct, parallel lines running dorso-ventrally on the torso and varied in length and width. The goals of this study were to determine (1) prevalence of the condition in IRL dolphins, (2) age and sex distribution of affected animals, (3) spatial and temporal distribution patterns, (4) duration of the condition, and (5) development of hypotheses regarding the etiology of the condition. Among 1,357 individual dolphins identified during the study period, 96 (7.0%) showed evidence of LSM. Nearly all (98.8%) cases with an established home range occurred in the northern and central regions of the IRL. The majority of cases of known sex were female (85%), of which 100% had given birth to one or more calves. The mean age of animals with LSM when first observed was 7.3 with a range of 1–20 years. The maximum observed duration of LSM was 15 years. Once observed, the condition persisted indefinitely. The etiology of LSM has not been established.  相似文献   

A preliminary study of the gill parasites from 61 common dentex (Dentex dentex, Pisces, Sparidae) was developed. Seven parasite species were found: one monogenean (Microcotyle erythrini), one udonellidean Udonella caligorum), one digenean trematode (Stephanostomum sp. metacercariae), three copepods (Caligus productus, Caligus diaphanus and Clavellopsis fallax) and one isopod (Gnathia vorax, praniza larvae). Only 1.6% of the fishes examined presented one parasitic species whilst the remainder had two parasitic species (13%), three (26%), four (21%), five (20%) and six different species (18%). The udonellidean U. caligorum was found as a hyperparasite or phoront of the three copepods. Prevalence and other ecological parameters as well as the spatial site of each parasite in the gill tissue are described. The multiparasitic combinations are also examined.  相似文献   

A study of gill parasites from fishes of the subgenus Coptodon Regan, 1920 (Cichlidae), namely Tilapia coffea Thys van den Audenaerde, T. dageti Thys van den Audenaerde, T. guineensis (Bleeker), T. louka Thys van den Audenaerde, T. walteri Thys van den Audenaerde and T. zillii (Gervais), from different locations in West Africa (Burkina Fasso, Congo, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Mali and Senegal), revealed the presence of 19 species of Cichlidogyrus Paperna, 1960 (Monogenea, Ancyrocephalidae). Six are considered new species: C. amphoratus n. sp., C. levequei n. sp., C. microscutus n. sp., C. ornatus n. sp., C. ouedraogoi n. sp. and C. yanni n. sp. The host-specificity of these parasites is discussed.  相似文献   

Scanning and transmission electron microscopy were used to investigate the fine structure of the sperm of the Sparid fish Pagellus erythrinus L. The spermatozoon of pandora has a spherical head lacking an acrosome, a cone-shaped midpiece and a long tail. The midpiece houses a single mitochondrion. The centriolar complex lies inside the nuclear fossa and is composed of a proximal and a distal centriole which are arranged at right angles to each other. The flagellum is inserted medio-laterally into the head, contains the conventional 9+2 axoneme and possesses one pair of lateral fins. On the basis of its ultrastructural organization, the pandora sperm can be regarded as an evolved form of the primitive spermatozoon found in Teleosts. According to the morphological classification proposed by Mattei (1970), the sperm of pandora belongs to a "type I" designation, like that of the other Sparid fish.  相似文献   

Acanthopagrus latus, long considered a single valid Indo‐West Pacific Ocean species, characterized by having yellow pelvic, anal and caudal fins, is reviewed and separated into A. latus (east Asian shelf) and Acanthopagrus longispinnis (Bengal Bay), and three new species: Acanthopagrus morrisoni sp. nov. (north‐western Australia), Acanthopagrus arabicus sp. nov. [Middle East (except for the Red Sea) to coasts of Iran and Pakistan, and western Indian coast] and Acanthopagrus sheim sp. nov. (The Gulf). Although A. latus as redefined considerably varies in morphology and colouration, it can be recognized as a discrete east Asian endemic, with the following nominal species being junior synonyms: Chrysophrys auripes, Chrysophrys xanthopoda, Chrysophrys rubroptera and Sparus chrysopterus. Chrysophrys novaecaledoniae, known only from the holotype (type locality: Nouméa, New Caledonia), is a questionable junior synonym of A. latus, the lack of subsequent collections suggesting that the type locality is erroneous. Acanthopagrus longispinnis is differentiated from the other species in the complex by consistently having 12 dorsal‐fin spines and a much larger second anal‐fin spine, 21–26% (mean 23%) of standard length (LS) (v. 14–24%, mean 18–21% in the other four species). Acanthopagrus morrisoni sp. nov. has the entire caudal fin yellow with a wide black posterior margin (persisting in preserved specimens) and consistently 3 ½ scale rows between the fifth dorsal‐fin spine base and the lateral line. Acanthopagrus sheim sp. nov. has the pelvic, anal and lower caudal fins vivid yellow, with two (rarely three) small black blotches on the lower inter‐radial membranes between the spinous and soft dorsal‐fin rays. Acanthopagrus arabicus sp. nov. consistently has 4 ½ scale rows between the fifth dorsal‐fin spine base and the lateral line, whereas A. latus always has black streaks proximally on the inter‐radial membranes between the yellow anal‐fin rays. A neotype and lectotye, respectively, are designated for A. latus and A. longispinnis. The p‐distance (net nucleotide substitutions per site) of partial mitochondrial 16s ribosomal RNA genes (538 bp) among the above species (except A. longispinnis) and three other congeners (Acanthopagrus berda, Acanthopagrus pacificus and Acanthopagrus bifasciatus) strongly indicates that each is a distinct species. A key is provided for the 20 species of Acanthopagrus currently known from the Indo‐West Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

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