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Tob, a member of the Tob and BTG antiproliferative protein family, plays an important role in many cellular processes including cell proliferation. In this study, we have addressed molecular mechanisms regulating subcellular localization of Tob. Treatment with leptomycin B, an inhibitor of nuclear export signal (NES) receptor, resulted in a change in subcellular distribution of Tob from its pan-cellular distribution to nuclear accumulation, indicating the existence of NES in Tob. Our results have then identified an N-terminal region (residues 2-14) of Tob as a functional NES. They have also shown that Tob has a functional, bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLS) in residues 18-40. Thus, Tob is shuttling between the nucleus and the cytoplasm by its NES and NLS. To examine a possible relationship between subcellular distribution of Tob and its function, we exogenously added a strong NLS sequence or a strong NES sequence or both to Tob. The obtained results have demonstrated that the strong NLS-added Tob has a much weaker activity to inhibit cell cycle progression from G0/G1 to S phase. These results suggest that cytoplasmic localization or nucleocytoplasmic shuttling is important for the antiproliferative function of Tob.  相似文献   

MPF localization is controlled by nuclear export.   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
A Hagting  C Karlsson  P Clute  M Jackman    J Pines 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(14):4127-4138
In eukaryotes, mitosis is initiated by M phase promoting factor (MPF), composed of B-type cyclins and their partner protein kinase, CDK1. In animal cells, MPF is cytoplasmic in interphase and is translocated into the nucleus after mitosis has begun, after which it associates with the mitotic apparatus until the cyclins are degraded in anaphase. We have used a fusion protein between human cyclin B1 and green fluorescent protein (GFP) to study this dynamic behaviour in real time, in living cells. We found that when we injected cyclin B1-GFP, or cyclin B1-GFP bound to CDK1 (i.e. MPF), into interphase nuclei it is rapidly exported into the cytoplasm. Cyclin B1 nuclear export is blocked by leptomycin B, an inhibitor of the recently identified export factor, exportin 1 (CRM1). The nuclear export of MPF is mediated by a nuclear export sequence in cyclin B1, and an export-defective cyclin B1 accumulates in interphase nuclei. Therefore, during interphase MPF constantly shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm, but the bulk of MPF is retained in the cytoplasm by rapid nuclear export. We found that a cyclin mutant with a defective nuclear export signal does not enhance the premature mitosis caused by interfering with the regulatory phosphorylation of CDK1, but is more sensitive to inhibition by the Wee1 kinase.  相似文献   

The core protein of pestiviruses is released from the polyprotein by viral and cellular proteinases. Here we report on an additional intramembrane proteolytic step that generates the C terminus of the core protein. C-terminal processing of the core protein of classical swine fever virus (CSFV) was blocked by the inhibitor (Z-LL)(2)-ketone, which is specific for signal peptide peptidase (SPP). The same effect was obtained by overexpression of the dominant-negative SPP D(265)A mutant. The presence of (Z-LL)(2)-ketone reduced the viability of CSFV almost 100-fold in a concentration-dependent manner. Reduction of virus viability was also observed in infection experiments using a cell line that inducibly expressed SPP D(265)A. The position of SPP cleavage was determined by C-terminal sequencing of core protein purified from virions. The C terminus of CSFV core protein is alanine(255) and is located in the hydrophobic center of the signal peptide. The intramembrane generation of the C terminus of the CSFV core protein is almost identical to the processing scheme of the core protein of hepatitis C viruses.  相似文献   

To determine the subcellular location of the Streptococcus mutans P1 protein C-terminal anchor, cell envelope fractionation experiments were conducted in combination with Western immunoblotting, using monoclonal antibody MAb 6-8C specific for an epitope that maps near the C terminus of P1 protein and also a polyclonal antibody preparation directed against the P1 C-terminal 144 amino acids (P1COOH). P1 protein was detected in cell walls but not the membrane purified from S. mutans cells by the monoclonal antibody. In contrast, P1 protein was not detected in the same cell wall preparation using the anti-P1COOH polyclonal antibody. However, proteins released from the cell walls by treatment with mutanolysin contained antigen that was recognized by the anti-P1COOH antibody, suggesting that the epitopes recognized by the antibody were masked by peptidoglycan in the cell wall preparations. When cell walls were treated with boiling trichloroacetic acid to solubilize cell-wall-associated carbohydrate, P1 antigen could not be detected in either the solubilized carbohydrate, or in the remaining peptidoglycan, regardless of whether polyclonal or monoclonal antibody was used. However, when the peptidoglycan was treated with mutanolysin, P1 antigen could be detected in the mutanolysin solubilized fraction by MAb 6-8C. Collectively, these data suggest that the C-terminal 144 amino acids of the P1 protein are embedded within the cell wall, and associated exclusively with the peptidoglycan. Furthermore, the ability of the anti-P1COOH antibody to recognize P1 antigen only after mutanolysin treatment of cell walls suggests these C-terminal 144 amino acids are tightly intercalated within the peptidoglycan strands.  相似文献   

beta-arrestins (betaarrs) are two highly homologous proteins that uncouple G protein-coupled receptors from their cognate G proteins, serve as adaptor molecules linking G protein-coupled receptors to clathrin-coat components (AP-2 complex and clathrin), and act as scaffolding proteins for ERK1/2 and JNK3 cascades. A striking difference between the two betaarrs (betaarr1 and betaarr2) is that betaarr1 is evenly distributed throughout the cell, whereas betaarr2 shows an apparent cytoplasmic localization at steady state. Here, we investigate the molecular determinants underlying this differential distribution. betaarr2 is constitutively excluded from the nucleus by a leptomycin B-sensitive pathway because of the presence of a classical leucine-rich nuclear export signal in its C terminus (L395/L397) that is absent in betaarr1. In addition, using a nuclear import assay in yeast we showed that betaarr2 is actively imported into the nucleus, suggesting that betaarr2 undergoes constitutive nucleocytoplasmic shuttling. In cells expressing betaarr2, JNK3 is mostly cytosolic. A point mutation of the nuclear export signal (L395A) in betaarr2, which was sufficient to redistribute betaarr2 from the cytosol to the nucleus, also caused the nuclear relocalization of JNK3. These data indicate that the nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of betaarr2 controls the subcellular distribution of JNK3.  相似文献   

Abnormal p53 cellular localization has been considered to be one of the mechanisms that could inactivate p53 function. To understand the regulation of p53 cellular trafficking, we have previously identified two p53 domains involved in its localization. A basic domain, Lys(305)-Arg(306), is required for p53 nuclear import, and a carboxyl-terminal domain, namely the cytoplasmic sequestration domain (CSD) from residues 326-355, could block the nuclear import of Lys(305) or Arg(306) mutated p53. To characterize further the function of these two domains, we demonstrate in this report that the previously described major nuclear localization signal works together with Lys(305)-Arg(306) to form a bipartite and functional nuclear localization sequence (NLS) for p53 nuclear import. The CSD could block the binding of p53 to the NLS receptor, importin alpha, and reduce the efficiency of p53 nuclear import in MCF-7, H1299, and Saos-2 cells. The blocking effect of the CSD is not due to the enhancement of nuclear export or oligomerization of the p53. These results indicate that the CSD can regulate p53 nuclear import by controlling access of the NLS to importin alpha binding.  相似文献   

Appropriate subcellular localization is crucial for regulating p53 function. We show that p53 export is mediated by a highly conserved leucine-rich nuclear export signal (NES) located in its tetramerization domain. Mutation of NES residues prevented p53 export and hampered tetramer formation. Although the p53-binding protein MDM2 has an NES and has been proposed to mediate p53 export, we show that the intrinsic p53 NES is both necessary and sufficient for export. This report also demonstrates that the cytoplasmic localization of p53 in neuroblastoma cells is due to its hyperactive nuclear export: p53 in these cells can be trapped in the nucleus by the export-inhibiting drug leptomycin B or by binding a p53-tetramerization domain peptide that masks the NES. We propose a model in which regulated p53 tetramerization occludes its NES, thereby ensuring nuclear retention of the DNA-binding form. We suggest that attenuation of p53 function involves the conversion of tetramers into monomers or dimers, in which the NES is exposed to the proteins which mediate their export to the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,134(5):1157-1168
RanBP1 is a Ran/TC4 binding protein that can promote the interaction between Ran and beta-importin /beta-karyopherin, a component of the docking complex for nuclear protein cargo. This interaction occurs through a Ran binding domain (RBD). Here we show that RanBP1 is primarily cytoplasmic, but the isolated RBD accumulates in the nucleus. A region COOH-terminal to the RBD is responsible for this cytoplasmic localization. This domain acts heterologously, localizing a nuclear cyclin B1 mutant to the cytoplasm. The domain contains a nuclear export signal that is necessary but not sufficient for the nuclear export of a functional RBD In transiently transfected cells, epitope-tagged RanBP1 promotes dexamethasone-dependent nuclear accumulation of a glucocorticoid receptor-green fluorescent protein fusion, but the isolated RBD potently inhibits this accumulation. The cytosolic location of RanBP1 may therefore be important for nuclear protein import. RanBP1 may provide a key link between the nuclear import and export pathways.  相似文献   

The C2 domain was originally defined as a homologous domain to the C2 regulatory region of Ca2+ -dependent protein kinase C and has been identified in more than 50 different signaling molecules. The original C2 domain of protein kinase Calpha functions as a Ca2+ binding module, and the Ca2+ binding to the C2 domain allows translocation of proteins to phospholipid membranes. By contrast, however, some C2 domains do not exhibit Ca2+ binding activity because of amino acid substitutions at Ca2+ -binding sites, and their physiological meanings remain largely unknown. In this study, we discovered an unexpected function of the Ca2+ -independent C2A domain of double C2 protein gamma (Doc2gamma) in nuclear localization. Deletion and mutation analyses revealed that the putative Ca2+ binding loop 3 of Doc2gamma contains six Arg residues ((177)RLRRRRR(183)) and that this basic cluster is both necessary and sufficient for nuclear localization of Doc2gamma. Because of the presence of the basic cluster, the C2A domain of Doc2gamma did not show Ca2+ -dependent phospholipid binding activity. Our findings indicate that by changing the nature of the putative Ca2+ binding loops the C2 domain has more diversified function in cellular signaling than a simple Ca2+ binding motif.  相似文献   

Dok1 is believed to be a mainly cytoplasmic adaptor protein which down-regulates mitogen-activated protein kinase activation, inhibits cell proliferation and transformation, and promotes cell spreading and cell migration. Here we show that Dok1 shuttles between the nucleus and cytoplasm. Treatment of cells with leptomycin B (LMB), a specific inhibitor of the nuclear export signal (NES)-dependent receptor CRM1, causes nuclear accumulation of Dok1. We have identified a functional NES (348LLKAKLTDPKED359) that plays a major role in the cytoplasmic localization of Dok1. Src-induced tyrosine phosphorylation prevented the LMB-mediated nuclear accumulation of Dok1. Dok1 cytoplasmic localization is also dependent on IKKbeta. Serum starvation or maintaining cells in suspension favor Dok1 nuclear localization, while serum stimulation, exposure to growth factor, or cell adhesion to a substrate induce cytoplasmic localization. Functionally, nuclear NES-mutant Dok1 had impaired ability to inhibit cell proliferation and to promote cell spreading and cell motility. Taken together, our results provide the first evidence that Dok1 transits through the nucleus and is actively exported into the cytoplasm by the CRM1 nuclear export system. Nuclear export modulated by external stimuli and phosphorylation may be a mechanism by which Dok1 is maintained in the cytoplasm and membrane, thus regulating its signaling functions.  相似文献   

A striking characteristic of mRNA export factors is that they shuttle continuously between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. This shuttling is mediated by specific factors interacting with peptide motifs called nuclear export signals (NES) and nuclear localization signals. We have identified a novel CRM-1-independent transferable NES and two nuclear localization signals in the Epstein-Barr virus mRNA export factor EB2 (also called BMLF1, Mta, or SM) localized at the N terminus of the protein between amino acids 61 and 146. We have also found that a previously described double NES (amino acids 213-236) does not mediate the nuclear shuttling of EB2, but is an interaction domain with the cellular export factor REF in vitro. This newly characterized REF interaction domain is essential for EB2-mediated mRNA export. Accordingly, in vivo, EB2 is found in complexes containing REF as well as the cellular factor TAP. However, these interactions are RNase-sensitive, suggesting that the RNA is an essential component of these complexes.  相似文献   

We have investigated the intracellular location of RNAs transcribed from transfected DNA. COS cells transfected with a clone containing the human adult beta globin gene contain three classes of globin RNAs. Their 3' termini and splice sites are indistinguishable from those of mature reticulocyte beta globin mRNA, and they are polyadenylated. However, as determined by S1 mapping, their 5' sequences are different. The 5' terminus of one is the same as that of mature beta globin mRNA (+1, cap site). The presumed 5' terminus of the second is located 30 nucleotides downstream from the cap site (+30). The third class contains additional nucleotides transcribed from sequences located 5' to the cap site (5' upstream RNA). The 5' upstream RNA molecules are restricted to the nucleus and are more stable than heterogeneous nuclear RNA. The +30 and +1 RNAs are located primarily in the cytoplasm. The data support the notion that nucleotide sequences and/or secondary modifications in the 5' region determine if an RNA is to be transported.  相似文献   

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