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The phase behavior of aqueous dispersions of extracted lipids from Clostridium thermocellum wild-type and ethanol-tolerant C919 cells has been examined by DSC. The optimum growth temperature of this anaerobe is 60°C. The wild-type lipids exhibit a broad phase transition centered at 30°C; the C919 mutant lipids show a 10°C lower Tm. The direct addition of growth inhibiting concentrations of ethanol has no significant effect on Tm or headgroup mobility (monitored by 2H-NMR) of either set of lipids. In contrast, wild-type cells adapted to growth in ethanol exhibit a broadened and lower Tm (15–25°C plateau); C919 membrane lipids do not exhibit significantly altered phase behavior when adapted to growth in ethanol. Both wild-type and mutant membranes have fatty acid composition changes upon growth in ethanol, which increases lower-melting components. It is concluded that fatty acid changes which occur upon adaptation of the organism to growth in ethanol are secondary responses and not necessarily direct responses to alter membrane fluidity.  相似文献   

The extractable lipid composition of Mesorhizobium ciceri strain HAMBI 1750 grown in a phosphate sufficient medium (79CA) is reported. Cardiolipin (CL—27% of total lipids), phosphatidylglycerol (PG—18%), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE—1%), phosphatidylcholine (PC—30%) and two methylated derivatives of PE, i.e. phosphatidyl-N, N-dimethylethanolamine (DMPE—1%) and phosphatidyl-N-monomethylethanolamine (MMPE—1%), were found to make up the phospholipids of the analysed bacteria. Nonphosphorus, ornithine-containing lipid (OL—10%) was also detected. Polar groups of phospholipids were predominantly acylated with cis-11,12-methyleneoctadecanoyl (lactobacillic) residues, whereas the ornithine lipid contained mainly 3-hexadecanoyloxy-11,12-methyleneoctadecanoic acid bound to the α-amino group.  相似文献   

Detailed analyses of lipid composition have been made on various membrane fractions isolated at different intervals after 24 h-starved Tetrahymena cells were refed with nutrient-rich medium. During starvation there was a marked alteration in both phospholipid polar headgroup and acyl chain compositions: an increase in 2-aminoethylphospholipid and γ-linolenic acid (18 : 3) with a concurrent decrease in phosphatidylethanolamine and palmitoleic acid (16 : 1). However, following refeeding, such an altered lipid composition was rather rapidly restored to the initial level of the control cell membranes prior to starvation. This membrane lipid modification was found to occur in good accordance with the recovery of cell size and lipid synthesis. The considerable changes in the principal unsaturated fatty acids, 16 : 1 and 18 : 3, which are formed via the palmitate and stearate desaturation pathways, respectively, were suggested to be accounted for by the levels of desaturases activities. The results of the labeling experiments with radioactive precursors have demonstrated that in the refed cells, there was a more rapid and dynamic transfer or exchange between membranes as compared with that in the exponentially growing control cells. Thus, rapid ameliorative modifications of membrane lipid composition are thought to be required for the urgent growth of membrane systems in the refed cell which should be ready to initiate new division.  相似文献   

Tetrahymena was grown at up to 260 atm to see if the bilayer-ordering effect of pressure increased the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids in the membrane lipids. Both whole cells and microsomes showed no such change in their fatty acid composition. The most striking effect was seen in the former which showed a pressure-dependent increase in the proportion of C16:0 in relation to C16:Δ9. Homeoviscous adaptation to pressure does not appear to occur in this cell.  相似文献   

Membrane composition and fluidity, and survival of Chinese hamster ovary fibroblasts have been examined following various thermal exposures. It has been found that enhanced thermal resistance following brief exposure to 43°C is not accompanied by detectable membrane lipid alterations. This is in contrast to membrane alterations that occur following adaptation to elevated temperatures compatible with growth (39°C and 41°C).  相似文献   

The low level of endogenous fatty acid synthesis in Acholeplasma laidlawii A strain EF22 was found to be caused by a deficiency of pantetheine in the lipid-depleted growth medium. By supplementing the oleic acid-containing medium with increasing concentrations of pantetheine, saturated fatty acid synthesis was stimulated (having an apparent Km of 5 μM for pantetheine) and the incorporation of endogenously synthesized fatty acids in membrane lipids increased markedly. Furthermore, carotenoid biosynthesis was stimulated. Exogenous palmitic acid was found to inhibit partially the endogenous fatty acid synthesis. A gradual stimulation of fatty acid synthesis was accompanied by a linear increase in the molar proportion between the two dominating membrane glucolipids, monoglucosyldiacylglycerol and diglucosyldiacylglycerol. The total amount of charged membrane lipids decreased upon increasing the degree of fatty acid saturation. These regulations are discussed in terms of membrane stability, and influence of membrane molecular ordering and surface charge density on lipid polar head group synthesis.  相似文献   

To study the interaction of voltage-sensitive Na+-channels with membrane lipids, the phospholipid and fatty acid composition of highly purified membrane fragments from the remarkably differentiated plasma membrane of Electrophorus electricus has been analyzed. After density gradient fractionation and carrier free electrophoresis, fractions with up to 30 pmol tetrodotoxin binding/mg protein can be obtained, which may correspond to a 50% pure preparation of the extrasynaptic part of the excitable face. Phospholipid classes and cholesterol are separated by one-dimensional thin-layer chromatography in acidic and alkaline solvent systems. The following mean molar contents are found: 40% phosphatidylcholine, 23% phosphatidylserine, 30% phosphatidylethanolamine and 7% sphingomyelin. In a series of 11 animals, significant deviations from these mean values have been observed. The fatty acid composition of the phospholipids has been determined by gas chromatography. Phosphatidylcholine contains more than 50% 16:0, and about 20% unsaturated fatty acids in the C-18 group. Compared to other plasma membrane fractions, this phospholipid is the least differentiated. By contrast, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine show many characteristics in different membrane fractions, especially in their unsaturated components representing more than 50%. 22:6, as the major constituent in these fractions, accounts for a quarter to a third of all fatty acids in these fractions. 18:0 is the main saturated component in these two phospholipids with abundances of typically a quarter or less of all fatty acids. Knowledge of the lipid composition of these excitable membranes may help to conserve binding and structural properties when analyzing lipid-sensitive Na+-channels in vitro. It is also useful as a guideline for systematic reconstitution studies.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of two plasma membrane fractions from epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi is reported. Fraction M, a preparation obtained by conventional methods of cell fractionation is composed of 31% proteins, 34% lipids, 16% carbohydrates and 3% of the lipopeptidophosphoglycan. Phospholipids and sterols account for 7.5 and 9%, respectively, of the total mass. Phosphatidylethanolamine is the major phospholipid in fraction M, representing 45% of the total membrane phospholipids. The other fraction, fraction V (vesicles), was obtained by treatment of the cell with a vesiculating agent. This fraction contains 42% lipids, 20% carbohydrates, 13% proteins and 21% of the lipopeptidophosphoglycan. Phospholipids and sterols make up 17 and 8%, respectively, of the total mass of this fraction. Phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine are the main phospholipids found in fraction V. Phosphonolipids and sialic acid have not been detected in either membrane fraction. Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis show that the glycoproteins ABC and the lipopeptidophosphoglycan are 50- and 10-times more concentrated, respectively, in fractions V and M than in the whole cell homogenate. The high molar sterol/phospholipid ratio found in fraction M suggests that this fraction is less fluid than fraction V, perhaps reflecting a migration of certain membrane components in the presence of the vesiculating agent. Hence, fraction M is, probably, more representative of the epimastigote plasma membrane as a whole than fraction V.  相似文献   

As part of its aerobic metabolism, Streptococcus pneumoniae generates high levels of H2O2 by pyruvate oxidase (SpxB), which can be further reduced to yield the damaging hydroxyl radicals via the Fenton reaction. A universal conserved adaptation response observed among bacteria is the adjustment of the membrane fatty acids to various growth conditions. The aim of the present study was to reveal the effect of endogenous reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation on membrane composition of S. pneumoniae. Blocking carbon aerobic metabolism, by growing the bacteria at anaerobic conditions or by the truncation of the spxB gene, resulted in a significant enhancement in fatty acid unsaturation, mainly cis-vaccenic acid. Moreover, reducing the level of OH· by growing the bacteria at acidic pH, or in the presence of an OH· scavenger (salicylate), resulted in increased fatty acid unsaturation, similar to that obtained under anaerobic conditions. RT-PCR results demonstrated that this change does not originate from a change in mRNA expression level of the fatty acid synthase II genes. We suggest that endogenous ROS play an important regulatory role in membrane adaptation, allowing the survival of this anaerobic organism at aerobic environments of the host.  相似文献   

Clostridium thermocellum, a cellulolytic, thermophilic anaerobe, has potential for commercial exploitation in converting fibrous biomass to ethanol. However, ethanol concentrations above 1% (w/v) are inhibitory to growth and fermentation, and this limits industrial application of the organism. Recent work with ethanol-adapted strains suggested that protein changes occurred during ethanol adaptation, particularly in the membrane proteome. A two-stage Bicine-doubled sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis protocol was designed to separate membrane proteins and circumvent problems associated with membrane protein analysis using traditional gel-based proteomics approaches. Wild-type and ethanol-adapted C. thermocellum membranes displayed similar spot diversity and approximately 60% of proteins identified from purified membrane fractions were observed to be differentially expressed in the two strains. A majority (73%) of differentially expressed proteins were down-regulated in the ethanol-adapted strain. Based on putative identifications, a significant proportion of these down-regulated proteins were involved with carbohydrate transport and metabolism. Approximately one-third of the up-regulated proteins in the ethanol-adapted species were associated with chemotaxis and signal transduction. Overall, the results suggested that membrane-associated proteins in the ethanol-adapted strain are either being synthesized in lower quantities or not properly incorporated into the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Tetrahymena pyriformis cells have been grown in media varying in NaCl concentration from 3.7 mM (normal medium) to 0.3 M and varying in CaCl2 from 0.2 mM (normal medium) to 0.1 M. Tetrahymena grown in 0.3 M NaCl showed relatively few alterations in phospholipid composition, with significant changes being found only in the cell surface membranes (pellicle), which increased in phosphatidylethanolamine content from 39% (low Na+) to 48% (high Na+) of the total phospholipids. The small decrease in fatty acid unsaturation and increase in shorter chain fatty acids in pellicle phospholipids were not statistically significant. No significant changes in phospholipid head group composition or fatty acid distribution were observed in high Ca2+-grown cells. Complementary studies of membrane fluidity, as inferred from freeze-fracture electron microscopy analysis, indicated that membranes of high Na+-acclimated cells were similar to those of control cells, when each was measured in its respective medium. However, the outer alveolar membrane of the pellicle and the food vacuolar membrane were considerably less fluid in high-Ca2+ cells. The lower fluidity in vacuolar membranes may have been responsible for alterations in the cells' capacity to form food vacuoles.  相似文献   

The codling moth (Cydia pomonella) is a major insect pest of apples worldwide. It overwinters as a diapausing fifth instar larva. The overwintering is often a critical part of the insect life-cycle in temperate zone. This study brings detailed analysis of seasonal changes in lipid composition and fluidity in overwintering larvae sampled in the field. Fatty acid composition of triacylglycerol (TG) depots in the fat body and relative proportions of phospholipid (PL) molecular species in biological membranes were analyzed. In addition, temperature of melting (Tm) in TG depots was assessed by using differential scanning calorimetry and the conformational order (fluidity) of PL membranes was analyzed by measuring the anisotropy of fluorescence polarization of diphenylhexatriene probe in membrane vesicles. We observed a significant increase of relative proportion of linoleic acid (C18:2n6) at the expense of palmitic acid (C16:0) in TG depots during the larval transition to diapause accompanied with decreasing melting temperature of total lipids, which might increase the accessibility of depot fats for enzymatic breakdown during overwintering. The fluidity of membranes was maintained very high irrespective of developmental mode or seasonally changing acclimation status of larvae. The seasonal changes in PL composition were relatively small. We discuss these results in light of alternative survival strategies of codling moth larvae (supercooling vs. freezing), variability and low predictability of environmental conditions, and other cold tolerance mechanisms such as extending the supercooling capacity and massive accumulation of cryoprotective metabolites.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the correlation between mycelial age and fatty acid biosynthesis. The correlation was investigated by analyzing the lipid composition lengthwise the mycelium of the oleaginous fungus Mortierella isabellina, a potential producer of γ-linolenic acid (GLA). Young mycelia were rich in polar lipids (glycolipids plus sphingolipids and phospholipids), while neutral lipid content increased in aged mycelia. In young mycelia, each polar lipid fraction contained almost 40% (w/w) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), but this content decreased to less than 30% (w/w) in aged mycelia. On the other hand, PUFA content in neutral lipids fluctuated slightly with age. These results indicate that PUFA biosynthesis is favored in young, fast growing mycelia, while it decreases significantly in aged mycelia. This trend was also observed when we grew M. isabellina on pear pomace, an agro-industrial waste. Pear pomace cultures yielded significant amounts of lipid, which reached 12% (w/w) in dry fermented mass. The produced lipid was rich in GLA and the maximum GLA content in dry fermented mass was 2.9 mg/g.  相似文献   

In this study the effects of experimental modifications of plasma membrane lipid lateral mobility on the electrical membrane properties and cation transport of mouse neuroblastoma cells, clone Neuro-2A, have been studied. Short-term supplementation of a chemically defined growth medium with oleic acid or linoleic acid resulted in an increase in the lateral mobility of lipids as inferred from fluorescence recovery after photobleaching of the lipid probe 3,3′-dioctadecylindocarbocyanide iodide. These changes were accompanied by a marked depolarization of the membrane potential from ?51 mV to ?36 mV, 1.5 h after addition, followed by a slow repolarization. Tracer flux studies, using 86Rb+ as a radioactive tracer for K+, demonstrated that the depolarization was not caused by changes in (Na+ + K+)-ATPase-mediated K+ influx or in the transmembrane K+ gradient. The permeability ratio (PNaPK), determined from electrophysiological measurements, however, increased from 0.10 to 0.27 upon supplementation with oleic acid or linoleic acid. This transient rise of PNaPK was shown by 24Na+ and 86Rb+ flux measurements to be due to both an increase of the Na+ permeability and a decrease of the K+ permeability. None of these effects occurred upon supplementation of the growth medium with stearic acid.  相似文献   

Clostridium thermocellum is among the most prevalent of known anaerobic cellulolytic bacteria. In this study, genetic and phenotypic variations among C. thermocellum strains isolated from different biogas plants were determined and different genotyping methods were evaluated on these isolates. At least two C. thermocellum strains were isolated independently from each of nine different biogas plants via enrichment on cellulose. Various DNA-based genotyping methods such as ribotyping, RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) and VNTR (Variable Number of Tandem Repeats) were applied to these isolates. One novel approach – the amplification of unknown target sequences between copies of a previously discovered Random Inserted Mobile Element (RIME) – was also tested. The genotyping method with the highest discriminatory power was found to be the amplification of the sequences between the insertion elements, where isolates from each biogas plant yielded a different band pattern. Cellulolytic potentials, optimal growth conditions and substrate spectra of all isolates were characterized to help identify phenotypic variations. Irrespective of the genotyping method used, the isolates from each individual biogas plant always exhibited identical patterns. This is suggestive of a single C. thermocellum strain exhibiting dominance in each biogas plant. The genotypic groups reflect the results of the physiological characterization of the isolates like substrate diversity and cellulase activity. Conversely, strains isolated across a range of biogas plants differed in their genotyping results and physiological properties. Both strains isolated from one biogas plant had the best specific cellulose-degrading properties and might therefore achieve superior substrate utilization yields in biogas fermenters.  相似文献   

The codling moth (Cydia pomonella) is a major insect pest of apples worldwide. It overwinters as a diapausing fifth instar larva. The overwintering is often a critical part of the insect life-cycle in temperate zone. This study brings detailed analysis of seasonal changes in lipid composition and fluidity in overwintering larvae sampled in the field. Fatty acid composition of triacylglycerol (TG) depots in the fat body and relative proportions of phospholipid (PL) molecular species in biological membranes were analyzed. In addition, temperature of melting (Tm) in TG depots was assessed by using differential scanning calorimetry and the conformational order (fluidity) of PL membranes was analyzed by measuring the anisotropy of fluorescence polarization of diphenylhexatriene probe in membrane vesicles. We observed a significant increase of relative proportion of linoleic acid (C18:2n6) at the expense of palmitic acid (C16:0) in TG depots during the larval transition to diapause accompanied with decreasing melting temperature of total lipids, which might increase the accessibility of depot fats for enzymatic breakdown during overwintering. The fluidity of membranes was maintained very high irrespective of developmental mode or seasonally changing acclimation status of larvae. The seasonal changes in PL composition were relatively small. We discuss these results in light of alternative survival strategies of codling moth larvae (supercooling vs. freezing), variability and low predictability of environmental conditions, and other cold tolerance mechanisms such as extending the supercooling capacity and massive accumulation of cryoprotective metabolites.  相似文献   

EL4 cells were cultured with exogenous fatty acids under conditions that resulted in their incorporation into membrane phospholipids. The behavior of the fluorescent lipid probes diphenylhexatriene and perylene was monitored in intact EL4 cells and in isolated EL4 plasma membranes. In whole cells substituted with unsaturated fatty acids, there was always a marked decrease in the P value of both probes compared to the P value of the probes in unsubstituted cells. In whole cells substituted with saturated fatty acids, on the other hand, P values for both probes were unchanged compared to unsubstituted cells. In plasma membrane isolated from EL4 cells, no difference in P values for either probe was observed among membranes from unsubstituted, saturated fatty acid substituted or unsaturated fatty acid substituted cells, even when the degree of fatty acid substitution was quite substantial. Most of the fluorescent signal for both probes in whole cells appeared to come from cytoplasmic lipid droplets. The value of techniques such as fluorescent polarization for monitoring physical properties of membranes (such as ‘fluidity’) is discussed.  相似文献   

The cell membrane of Streptococcus sanguis contains three classes of lipid: neutral lipid, glycolipid and phospholipid. A striking difference in membrane lipid composition between cells in the exponential and in the stationary phases of growth was observed. During the exponential phase, approx. 37–45%, 14–19% and 37–45% of the lipids synthesized were found to be neutral lipid, glycolipid and phospholipid, respectively. The amount of lipid synthesized reached a maximum at the early stationary phase. The amount of phospholipid drastically declined thereafter and that of neutral lipid slightly declined. In contrast, the amount of glycolipid markedly increased and exceeded the amount of phospholipid. The phospholipid present during the exponential phase was found to be mainly phosphatidylglycerol (82–88%) and a small amount of cardiolipin (12–18%). At the stationary phase, the amount of phosphatidylglycerol greatly decreased and reached approx. 16% of that in the early stationary phase, while cardiolipin steadily increased and became the major phospholipid in the late stationary phase. The glycolipid was found to be composed of mainly mono- and diglucosyldiglycerides. At the end of the experiment (after 8 h incubation), the distribution of lipids was found to be: neutral lipid, 46%; glycolipid (monoglucosyldiglyceride, 28%; diglucosyldiglyceride, 13%) 41%; and phospholipid (phosphatidylglycerol, 3%, cardiolipin, 8%) 13%.  相似文献   

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