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The cyclic tetrapeptide tentoxin at concentrations greater than 5 X 10(-7) M selectively increases the ion conductivity for potassium of lipid bilayer membranes, while the naturally occurring derivative dihydrotentoxin has no influence on this property. Current-voltage curves, zero-current potential and charge-pulse measurements were used to characterize the action of tentoxin. The results suggest that a new mechanism of facilitated ion transport operates. The model of tentoxin dimerization and tentoxin-K+ association developed is in contradiction to the model of tentoxin pore formation described recently by Heitz et al. (Biophys. Chem. 23 (1986) 245).  相似文献   

According to a recent publication by Thomae, A. V., H. Wunderli-Allenspach, and S. D. Kr?mer (2005. Biophys. J. 89:1802-1811), membrane bilayers are well-permeable to the charged species of aromatic carboxylic acids. At physiological pH, the anions were claimed to be the major diffusing species. In contrast, calculation of the Born energy barrier predicts a 10(5)-fold higher permeability for the uncharged (protonated) form. To test the new model, we now have measured both the current carried by the salicylate anion through solvent-free planar membranes and the amount of protons transported by the neutral species. The corresponding membrane permeabilities of the charged and protonated forms were 4 x 10(-7) cm/s and 1.2 cm/s. These data are in perfect agreement with literature data gathered in the last three decades (compare, e.g., Gutknecht, J., and D. C. Tosteson. 1973. Science. 182:1258-1261). They indicate that the report by Thomae at al. represents an experimental artifact. The well-documented role of neutral species in the permeation process of weak acids and bases across artificial and natural membranes is not in question. Overton still rules.  相似文献   

We present random walk models for the diffusive motion of lipid probe molecules in a lipid bilayer and calculate the diffusion constants for probes spanning the entire bilayer and for probes extending through one lipid layer only. The stiffness of such molecules can explain the observed value of 2/3 for the ratio of these diffusion constants.  相似文献   

The basic concept of the fluid-mosaic model of Singer and Nicolson, an essential point of which is that the membrane proteins are floating in a sea of excess lipid molecules organized in the lipid bilayer, may be misleading in understanding the movement of membrane components in biological membranes that show distinct domain structure. It seems that the lipid bilayer is an active factor in forming the membrane structure, and the lipid composition is responsible for the presence of domains in the membrane. The main role in the process of domain formation is played by cholesterol and sphingolipids. The results presented here show that in a binary mixture of cholesterol and unsaturated phospholipids, cholesterol is segregated out from the bulk unsaturated liquid-crystalline phase. This forms cholesterol-enriched domains or clustered cholesterol domains due to the lateral nonconformability between the rigid planar ring structure of cholesterol and the rigid bend of the unsaturated alkyl chain at double bond position. These cholesterol-enriched domains may be stabilized by the presence of saturated alkyl chains of sphingomyelin or glycosphingolipids, and also by specific proteins which selectively locate in these domains and stabilize them as a result of protein-protein interaction. Such lipid domains are called "rafts" and have been shown to be responsible both for signal transduction to and from the cell and for protein sorting. We also looked at whether polar carotenoids, compounds showing some similarities to cholesterol and affecting membrane properties in a similar way, would also promote domain formation and locate preferentially in one of the lipid phases. Our preliminary data show that in the presence of cholesterol, lutein (a polar carotenoid) may segregate out from saturated lipid regions (liquid-ordered phase) and accumulate in the regions rich in unsaturated phospholipids forming carotenoid-rich domains there. Conventional and pulse EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) spin labeling techniques were employed to assess the molecular organization and dynamics of the raft-constituent molecules and of the raft itself in the membrane.  相似文献   

Summary The characteristics of Cl movement across luminal and basolateral membranes ofAmphiuma intestinal absorptive cells were studied using Cl-sensitive microelectrodes and tracer36Cl techniques. Intracellular Cl activity (a Cl i ) was unchanged when serosal Cl was replaced; when luminal Cl was replaced cell Cl was rapidly lost. Accordingly, the steady statea Cl i could be varied by changing the luminal [Cl]. As luminal [Cl] was raised from 1 to 86mM,a Cl i rose in a linear manner, the mucosal membrane hyperpolarized, and the transepithelial voltage became serosa negative. In contrast, the rate of Cl transport from the cell into the serosal medium, measured as the SITS-inhibitable portion of the Cl absorptive flux, attained a maximum whena Cl i reached an apparent value of 17mm, indicating the presence of a saturable, serosal transport step. The stilbeneinsensitive absorptive flux was linear with luminal [Cl], suggestive of a paracellular route of movement. Intracellulara Cl was near electrochemical equilibrium at all but the lowest values of luminal [Cl] after interference produced by other anions was taken into account.a Cl i was unaffected by Na replacement, removal of medium K, or elevation of medium HCO 3 . Mucosae labeled with36Cl lost isotope into both luminal and serosal media at the same rate and from compartments of equal capacity. Lowering luminal [Cl] or addition of theophylline enhanced luminal Cl efflux. It is concluded that a conductive Cl leak pathway is present in the luminal membrane. Serosal transfer is by a saturable, stilbene-inhibitable pathway. Luminal Cl entry appears to be passive, but an electrogenic uptake cannot be discounted.  相似文献   

Ascorbic acid stimulates active transport of Cl? by the isolated intact corneas. The effect is not present in corneas previously stimulated by theophylline, an inhibitor of 3′: 5′-cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase (EC, and vice versa, theophylline has no action after stimulation with ascorbic acid. This indicated inhibition of 3′: 5′-cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase by ascorbic acid. Assay of phosphodiesterase using 3H-labeled cyclid AMP of frog and rabbit corneal epithelial homogenates showed an inhibitory effect of ascorbic acid. Concentration of 5 mM produced 16% inhibition with 20 mM producing 46 %. This compares with 58 % inhibition by theophylline at 5 mM. Phosphodiesterase activity is mostly soluble in frog corneal epithelium but in rabbit 45 % is particulate. Soluble and particulate fractions are inhibited by ascorbate, but in rabbits greater inhibition (50 %) was observed in the particulate fraction than in the soluble fraction. Other tissues showed inhibition also: frog retina 12 %, rat brain (caudate nucleus) 48 %, rabbit brain 14 %, rabbit liver 16 %. It is concluded that ascorbate produces an increase in cyclic AMP content of corneal epithelium and other tissues by inhibition of 3′: 5′-cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase. This action may be one of the main functions of the high ascorbic acid content of ocular tissues and explain some of the effects of high dosis of ascorbate in other systems.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Han P  Wu N  He B  Lu Y  Li S  Liu Y  Zhao S  Liu L  Li Y 《Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)》2011,19(8):1647-1653
Recent data have revealed that oxidative products and inflammatory mediators are increased in the insulin‐resistant states of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Obese patients with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) are at high risk for developing T2DM and have high incidence of dyslipidemia. α‐Lipoic acid (ALA) is a potent antioxidant with insulin sensitizing activity. However, it is not clear whether ALA is effective on lipid parameters in humans. This study has investigated 22 obese subjects with IGT (obese‐IGT), 13 of whom underwent 2‐week ALA treatment, 600 mg intravenously once daily. Before and after the treatment, euglycemic‐hyperinsulinemic clamps were used to measure insulin sensitivity. Meanwhile, plasma lipids, oxidative products, and chronic inflammatory markers were measured. After treatment of ALA in obese‐IGT patients, insulin sensitivity was improved, insulin sensitivity index (ISI) impressively enhanced by 41%. Plasma levels of free fatty acids (FFAs), triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol (T‐Chol), low density lipoprotein‐cholesterol (LDL‐Chol), small dense LDL‐Chol (sd‐LDL), oxidized LDL‐Chol (ox‐LDL‐Chol), very low density lipoprotein‐cholesterol (VLDL‐Chol) were all significantly decreased (P < 0.01). At the same time, both plasma oxidative products (malondialdehyde (MDA), 8‐iso‐prostaglandin) and inflammatory markers (tumor necrosis factor‐α (TNF‐α), interleukin‐6 (IL‐6)) were remarkably decreased (P < 0.01), while adiponectin was increased (P < 0.01). There are significant negative correlations between ISI and plasma FFAs, sd‐LDL‐Chol, ox‐LDL‐Chol, MDA, 8‐iso‐prostaglandin, TNF‐α, and IL‐6, and positive correlations with HDL‐Chol and adiponectin in obese‐IGT patients. The results indicate that short‐term treatment with ALA can improve insulin sensitivity and plasma lipid profile possibly through amelioration of oxidative stress and chronic inflammatory reaction in obese patients with IGT.  相似文献   

HAMLET/BAMLET (Human/Bovine α-Lactalbumin Made Lethal to Tumors) is a tumoricidal substance composed of partially unfolded human/bovine α-lactalbumin (HLA/BLA) and several oleic acid (OA) molecules. The HAMLET mechanism of interaction involves an insufficiently understood effect on the membrane or its embedded components. We examined the effect of BLAOA (bovine α-lactalbumin complexed with oleic acid, a HAMLET-like substance) and its individual components on cells and artificial lipid membranes using viability staining and metabolic dyes, fluorescence spectroscopy, leakage integrity assays and microscopy. Our results show a dose-dependency of OA used to prepare BLAOA on its ability to induce tumor cell death, and a correlation between leakage and cell death. BLAOA incorporates into the membrane, tightens the lipid packing and lowers their solvent accessibility. Fluorescence imaging reveals that giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) develop blebs and eventually collapse upon exposure to BLAOA, indicating that the lipid packing reorganization can translate into observable morphological effects. These effects are observed to be local in GUVs, and a tightly packed and solvent-shielded lipid environment is associated with leakage and GUV disruption. Furthermore, the effects of BLAOA on membrane are pH dependent, with an optimum of activity on artificial membranes near neutral pHs. While BLA alone is effective at membrane disruption at acidic pHs, OA is ineffective in a pH range of 4.5 to 9.1. Taken together, this supports a model where the lipid, fatty acid and protein components enhance each other's ability to affect the overall integrity of the membrane.  相似文献   

Membrane interactions with β-amyloid peptides are implicated in the pathology of Alzheimer's disease and cholesterol has been shown to be key modulator of this interaction, yet little is known about the mechanism of this interaction. Using atomic force microscopy, we investigated the interaction of monomeric Aβ(1-40) peptides with planar mica-supported bilayers composed of DOPC and DPPC containing varying concentrations of cholesterol. We show that below the bilayer melting temperature, Aβ monomers adsorb to, and assemble on, the surface of DPPC bilayers to form layers that grow laterally and normal to the bilayer plane. Above the bilayer melting temperature, we observe protofibril formation. In contrast, in DOPC bilayers, Aβ monomers exhibit a detergent-like action, forming defects in the bilayer structure. The kinetics of both modes of interaction significantly increases with increasing membrane cholesterol content. We conclude that the mode and rate of the interaction of Aβ monomers with lipid bilayers are strongly dependent on lipid composition, phase state and cholesterol content.  相似文献   

Lipids are potent modulators of the Torpedo nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Lipids influence nicotinic receptor function by allosteric mechanisms, stabilizing varying proportions of pre-existing resting, open, desensitized, and uncoupled conformations. Recent structures reveal that lipids could alter function by modulating transmembrane α-helix/α-helix packing, which in turn could alter the conformation of the allosteric interface that links the agonist-binding and transmembrane pore domains—this interface is essential in the coupling of agonist binding to channel gating. We discuss potential mechanisms by which lipids stabilize different conformational states in the context of the hypothesis that lipid–nicotinic receptor interactions modulate receptor function at biological synapses.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) act as host defenses against microbial pathogens. Here we investigate the interactions of SVS-1 (KVKVKVKVdPlPTKVKVKVK), an engineered AMP and anti-cancer β-hairpin peptide, with lipid bilayers using spectroscopic studies and atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. In agreement with literature reports, simulation and experiment show preferential binding of SVS-1 peptides to anionic over neutral bilayers. Fluorescence and circular dichroism studies of a Trp-substituted SVS-1 analogue indicate, however, that it will bind to a zwitterionic DPPC bilayer under high-curvature conditions and folds into a hairpin. In bilayers formed from a 1:1 mixture of DPPC and anionic DPPG lipids, curvature and lipid fluidity are also observed to promote deeper insertion of the fluorescent peptide. Simulations using the CHARMM C36m force field offer complementary insight into timescales and mechanisms of folding and insertion. SVS-1 simulated at an anionic mixed POPC/POPG bilayer folded into a hairpin over a microsecond, the final stage in folding coinciding with the establishment of contact between the peptide's valine sidechains and the lipid tails through a “flip and dip” mechanism. Partial, transient folding and superficial bilayer contact are seen in simulation of the peptide at a zwitterionic POPC bilayer. Only when external surface tension is applied does the peptide establish lasting contact with the POPC bilayer. Our findings reveal the influence of disruption to lipid headgroup packing (via curvature or surface tension) on the pathway of binding and insertion, highlighting the collaborative effort of electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions on interaction of SVS-1 with lipid bilayers.  相似文献   

Oxygen flash yield patterns of dark adapted thylakoid membranes as measured with a Joliot-type O2-electrode indicate that inhibitors that block the oxidation of the reduced primary quinone Q?A of Photosystem II vary greatly in the rate of binding to and release from the inhibitor / QB binding environment. The ‘classical’ Photosystem-II herbicides like diuron and atrazine exhibit slow binding and release kinetics, whereas, for example, phenolic inhibitors, o-phenanthroline and synthetic quinones are exchanging quite rapidly with QB (about once per second or faster at inhibitor concentrations causing about 50% inhibition of O2 evolution). No general relationship between the efficiency of the inhibitor and the exchange rate is observed; it depends mainly on the type of inhibitor. Based on the classical Kok model, equations are derived in order to calculate oxygen yields evolved by thylakoids in single-turnover flashes as a function of the rate constants of inhibitor binding to and release from the inhibitor / QB binding environment in the presence of an oxidized or semireduced QA · QB or QA · inhibitor complex. Fitting of theoretical and experimental values yields that o-phenanthroline binds much faster to an oxidized than to a semireduced QA · QB complex. This fits very well with the hypothesis that the Q?B affinity to the site is much higher than that of QB. In the case of i-dinoseb, however, inhibitor / quinone exchange seems to occur mainly in the semiquinone state. Possibilities to explain this result are discussed.  相似文献   

Nobiletin has protective effects on cardiovascular diseases, but the mechanism is not clear. In this study, we examined whether nobiletin affects the expression of miR-590/LPL and its relative effects on lipid accumulation and pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion in human THP-1 macrophages. RT-qPCR analysis showed that nobiletin increased the expression of miR-590. Western blot analysis showed that nobiletin-suppressed LPL expression was enhanced by miR-590 mimic and abrogated by miR-590 inhibitor. Oil Red O staining and high-performance liquid chromatography assays showed that nobiletin attenuated lipid accumulation in macrophages. Treatment with nobiletin and miR-590 mimic decreased cellular lipid accumulation, whereas treatment with miR-590 inhibitor increased cellular lipid accumulation. ELISA illustrated that nobiletin alleviated pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion in macrophages as measured by, which was reduced by miR-590 mimic and increased by miR-590 inhibitor. In conclusion, nobiletin may alleviate lipid accumulation and secretion of pro-in?ammatory cytokines by enhancing the inhibitory effect of miR-590 on LPL expression, suggesting a promising strategy for potential drug development for atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

The pulmonary surfactant system constitutes an excellent example of how dynamic membrane polymorphism governs some biological functions through specific lipid–lipid, lipid–protein and protein–protein interactions assembled in highly differentiated cells. Lipid–protein surfactant complexes are assembled in alveolar pneumocytes in the form of tightly packed membranes, which are stored in specialized organelles called lamellar bodies (LB). Upon secretion of LBs, surfactant develops a membrane-based network that covers rapidly and efficiently the whole respiratory surface. This membrane-based surface layer is organized in a way that permits efficient gas exchange while optimizing the encounter of many different molecules and cells at the epithelial surface, in a cross-talk essential to keep the whole organism safe from potential pathogenic invaders.The present review summarizes what is known about the structure of the different forms of surfactant, with special emphasis on current models of the molecular organization of surfactant membrane components. The architecture and the behaviour shown by surfactant structures in vivo are interpreted, to some extent, from the interactions and the properties exhibited by different surfactant models as they have been studied in vitro, particularly addressing the possible role played by surfactant proteins. However, the limitations in structural complexity and biophysical performance of surfactant preparations reconstituted in vitro will be highlighted in particular, to allow for a proper evaluation of the significance of the experimental model systems used so far to study structure–function relationships in surfactant, and to define future challenges in the design and production of more efficient clinical surfactants.  相似文献   

Summary Brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) were prepared from the gills of the marine mussel,Mytilus edulis. These membranes contained two distinct pathways for cotransport of Na+ and -neutral amino acids. The major pathway in mussel gill BBMV was the alanine-lysine (AK) pathway, which had a high affinity for alanine and for the cationic amino acid, lysine. The AK pathway was inhibited by nonpolar -neutral amino acids and cationic amino acids, but was not affected by -neutral amino acids or imino acids. The kinetics of lysine transport were consistent with a single saturable process, with aJ max of 550 pmol/mg-min and aK t of 5 m. The AK pathway did not have a strict requirement for Na+, and concentrative transport of lysine was seen in the presence of inwardly directed gradients of Li+ and K+, as well as Na+. Harmaline inhibited the transport of lysine in solutions containing either Na+ or K+. The alanine-proline (AP) pathway transported both alanine and proline in mussel gill BBMV. The AP pathway was strongly inhibited by nonpolar -neutral amino acids, proline, and -(methylamino)isobutyric acid (Me-AIB). The kinetics of proline transport were described by a single saturable process, with aJ max of 180 pmol/mg-min andK t of 4 m. In contrast to the AK pathway, the AP pathway appeared to have a strict requirement for Na+. Na+-activation experiments with lysine and proline revealed sigmoid kinetics, indicating that multiple Na+ ions are involved in the transport of these substrates. The transport of both lysine and proline was affected by membrane potential in a manner consistent with electrogenic transport.  相似文献   

Antecedent studies have suggested that lipid composition and fluidity of cellular membranes of various organs are altered in response to thyroid hormone status. To date, the effects of thyroid hormone status on these parameters have not been examined in rat renal apical membrane in regard to sodium-dependent phosphate transport. In the present study, we determined the potential role of alterations in cortical brush-border membrane lipid composition and fluidity in modulation of Na+–Pi transport activity in response to thyroid hormone status. Thyroid hormone status influences the fractional excretion of Pi, which is associated with alteration in renal brush-border membrane phosphate transport. The increment in Na+–Pi transport in renal BBMV isolated from Hyper-T rats is manifested as an increase in the maximal velocity (Vmax) of Na+–Pi transport. Further, the cholesterol content was significantly increased in renal BBM of Hypo-T rats and decreased in Hyper-T rats as compared to the Eu-T rats. The molar ratio of cholesterol/phospholipids was also higher in renal BBM from hypo-T rats. Subsequently, fluorescence anisotropy of diphenyl hexatriene (rDPH) and microviscosity were significantly decreased in the renal BBM of the Hyper-T rats and increased in the Hypo-T rats as compared to Eu-T rats. The result of this study, therefore, suggest that alteration in renal BBM cholesterol, cholesterol/phospholipid molar ratio, and membrane fluidity play an important role in the modulation of renal BBM Na+–Pi transport in response to thyroid hormone status of animals. (Mol Cell Biochem 268: 75–82, 2005)  相似文献   

Plasma membrane lipids significantly affect assembly and activity of many signaling networks. The present work is aimed at analyzing, by molecular dynamics simulations, the structure and dynamics of the CD3 ζζ dimer in palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine bilayer (POPC) and in POPC/cholesterol/sphingomyelin bilayer, which resembles the raft membrane microdomain supposed to be the site of the signal transducing machinery. Both POPC and raft-like environment produce significant alterations in structure and flexibility of the CD3 ζζ with respect to nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) model: the dimer is more compact, its secondary structure is slightly less ordered, the arrangement of the Asp6 pair, which is important for binding to the Arg residue in the alpha chain of the T cell receptor (TCR), is stabilized by water molecules. Different interactions of charged residues with lipids at the lipid–cytoplasm boundary occur when the two environments are compared. Furthermore, in contrast to what is observed in POPC, in the raft-like environment correlated motions between transmembrane and cytoplasmic regions are observed. Altogether the data suggest that when the TCR complex resides in the raft domains, the CD3 ζζ dimer assumes a specific conformation probably necessary to the correct signal transduction.  相似文献   

The importance of the tryptophan residues of gramicidin for the lipid structure modulating activity of this pentadecapeptide was investigated by studying the interaction of gramicidin analogs A, B, C (which have a tryptophan, phenylalanine and tyrosine in position 11, respectively) and tryptophan-N-formylated gramicidin (in which the four tryptophan residues have been formylated) with several phospholipid systems. In addition in α-helical model pentadecapeptide (P15) was studied to further test the specificity of the gramicidin-lipid interaction. DSC experiments showed that all the gramicidin analogs produced a significant decrease in the gel to liquid-crystalline transition enthalpy of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine. The P15 peptide was much less effective in this respect. In dielaidoylphosphatidylethanolamine the gel → liquid-crystalline transition enthalpy was much less affected by the incorporation of these molecules. In this lipid system tryptophan-N-formylated gramicidin was found to be the most ineffective. 31P-NMR and small angle X-ray diffraction experiments showed that the ability of the peptides to induce bilayer structures in palmitoyllysophosphatidylcholine and HII phase promotion in dielaidoylphosphatidylethanolamine systems follows the order: gramicidin A′ (natural mixture) ≈gramicidin A > gramicidin B ≈ gramicidin C > tryptophan-N-formylated gramicidin > P15. These results support the hypothesis that the shape of gramicidin and its aggregational behaviour, in which the tryptophan residues play an essential role, are major determinants in the unique lipid structure modulating activity of gramicidin.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Iodoacetate, 2,4-dinitrophenol, cyanide and cycloheximide inhibited protein secretion as well as synthesis by acini (alveoli) from rat mammary gland. Cytochalasin B and vinblastine inhibited protein secretion and marginally reduced protein synthesis. Colchicine was without effect on protein synthesis but inhibited secretion.
  • 2.2. Intracellular protein transport was altered during incubation with metabolic and cytoskeletal inhibitors. Cycloheximide, iodoacetate. 2,4-dinitrophenol and Cytochalasin B appeared to block protein synthesis on polysomes of rough endoplasmic reticulum. Vinblastine inhibited protein transport from rough endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi apparatus and colchicine appeared to cause accumulation of protein in several endomembrane fractions.
  • 3.3. Iodoacetate reduced acinar lactose content but was without effect on lactose synthetase activity. Cyanide, cycloheximide and vinblastine reduced lactose synthetase activity but not tissue lactose concentration. Cytochalasin B reduced glucose incorporation but was without effect on lactose content and lactose synthetase activity. Colchicine and 2,4-dinitrophenol did not alter glucose incorporation, lactose content or lactose synthetase activity. Lactose secretion was inhibited by all metabolic and cytoskeletal inhibitors examined.
  • 4.4. Results indicated that sustained protein secretion depended on continued protein synthesis and that lactose secretion was coupled to protein secretion.

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