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Allophanate hydrolase was purified to homogeneity from extracts of Chlamydomonas reinhardii grown phototrophically using urea as sole source of nitrogen. The following sequence of steps comprised the purification procedure: (1) protamine sulfate precipitation; (2) ammonium sulfate fractionation; (3) poly(ethylene glycol) fractionation; (4) batch-wise DEAE-cellulose adsorption; (5) Sepharose 6-B gel filtration; (6) hydroxyapatite chromatography. This procedure yielded an allophanate hydrolase preparation which was homogenous as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The molecular weight, as determined by gradient polyacrylamide electrophoresis and gel filtration, was 110 000 and 100 000, respectively. The pH optimum of this enzyme was approximately 9.0, while the Km for allophanate was 0.55 mM. Allophanate hydrolase was sensitive to N-ethylmaleimide but was protected from this inhibition by allophanate. Malonic acid, oxaloacetic acid, and acetoacetic acid were inhibitory to allophanate hydrolysis.  相似文献   

After transition to anaerobiosis an oscillatory fermentation of plastidic starch is found in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardii. Oscillations are investigated by analysis of fluctuations in starch, fermentation products and metabolites. Period length, amplitudes and phase relationships are determined by a biometrical processing of the biochemical signals, which allows statistical treatment even under limitation of data points. The mean period length is 59 min and oscillations are detectable within 3 h after the onset of anaerobiosis. Metabolized starch carbon is found by 90% in the accumulating fermentation products as formate, acetate and ethanol. From the intermediates only pyruvate increases during fermentative oscillations. A phase shift of 180° between ATP and both, AMP and ADP, indicates activity of adenylate kinase and values for energy charge fluctuates between 0.70 and 0.89. Phase relations of glucose-6-P to both AMP and pyruvate are 190° and 56°, respectively, whereas that of pyruvate to ATP is 134°. Glucose-6-P concentration does not follow the rate of starch degradation. Phase relations of fermentation products to pyruvate indicates enzyme activities of formate pathway. High period length as observed during algal fermentation is thought to be generated by a complex rate control in a different compartmentalized glycolytic pathway.  相似文献   

Regulation of the assimilation of nitrate in Chlamydomonas reinhardii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Chlamydomonas, The assimilation of ammonia proceeds through the glutamine synthetaseglutamate synthase pathway. The primary target in the regula  相似文献   

The effects of solvents on the ATPase activity of chloroplast coupling factor 1 (CF1) isolated from wild-type Chlamydomonas reinhardii have been studied. Of the solvents examined, the following order summarizes their maximal ability to stimulate the ATPase activity of CF1: ethanol > methanol>allyl alcohol >n-propanol > acetone≈dioxane > ethylene glycol. Glycerol inhibits the CF1 activity at all concentrations. In the absence of organic solvents, 50% of the activity of the enzyme is irreversibly lost after a 10 min incubation at 65–70°C. Ethanol (23%) causes a 30°C drop in the temperature required for 50% inactivation. ATP partially stabilizes the CF1 in the presence, but not in the absence, of ethanol. In the absence of organic solvents, both free Mg2+ and ADP inhibit the CF1-ATPase. Mg2+ is a noncompetitive inhibitor with respect to MgATP, and the kinetic constants are: V, 6.3 μmol ATP hydrolyzed/mg protein per min; Km(MgATP), 0.23 mM; Kii(Mg2+), 27 μM; and Kis(Mg2+), 50 μM. In the presence of ethanol, double-reciprocal plots are no longer linear and have a Hill coefficient of about 1.8±0.1. V increases about 10–12-fold. The pattern of inhibition by Mg2+ appears to change from noncompetitive to competitive with respect to MgATP. In addition, ADP no longer inhibits the MgATPase activity of CF1.  相似文献   

The repression-derepression control of Nostoc muscorum nitrate reductase was studied with regard to the Mo-cofactor and apoprotein levels. It was found that the synthesis of Mo-cofactor is constitutive but the apoprotein is subject to the repression-derepression control. In NH4+ medium apoprotein synthesis was repressed and in N2 and NO3? media apoprotein synthesis was derepressed. The apoprotein levels were similar in NO3? and N2 media; however, the nitrate reductase activity was lower in N2 medium due to lower Mo-cofactor activity. The lower Mo-cofactor activity in N2-fixing conditions as compared to that in non-N2-fixing conditions was consistent with the earlier view that the Mo-cofactor of nitrate reductase may be a precursor for FeMo-cofactor of nitrogenase.  相似文献   

Dvorah Ish-Shalom  Itzhak Ohad 《BBA》1983,722(3):498-507
The polypeptide pattern, chlorophyll-protein complexes, fluorescence emission spectra and light intensity required for saturation of electron flow via Photosystem (PS) II and PS I in a pale-green photoautotrophic mutant, y-lp, were compared to those of the parent strain, Chlamydomonas reinhardii y-1 cells. The mutant exhibits a 686 nm fluorescence yield at 25°C and 77 K 2–6-fold higher than that of the parent strain cells, and is deficient in thylakoid polypeptides 14, 17.2, 18 and 22 according to the nomenclature of Chua (Chua, N.-H. (1980) Methods Enzymol. 60C, 434–446). All chlorophyll-protein complexes ascribed to PS II and the CP I complex were present in both type of cells. However, a chlorophyll-protein complex CP Ia containing — in the parent strain — the 66–68 kDa polypeptides of CP I and the four above-mentioned polypeptides, was absent in the mutant. It was previously reported that a chlorophyll-protein complex, CP O, obtained from C. reinhardii contains five polypeptides, namely, 14, 15, 17.2, 18 and 22 (Wollman, F.A. and Bennoun, P. (1982) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 680, 352–360). A CP O-like complex was present also in the mutant y-lp cells but it contains only one polypeptide, 15. Energy transfer from PS II to PS I was not impaired in the mutant, although a 4-fold higher light intensity was required for the saturation of PS I electron flow in the y-lp cells as compared with the parent strain. No difference was found in the light saturation curves for PS II activity between the mutant and parent strain cells. Based on these and additional data (Gershoni, J.M., Shochat, S., Malkin, S. and Ohad, I. (1982) Plant Physiol. 70, 637–644), it is concluded that the chlorophyll-protein complexes of PS I in Chlamydomonas comprise a reaction center-core antenna complex containing the 66–68 kDa polypeptides (CP I), a connecting antenna consisting of four polypeptides (14, 17.2, 18 and 22), and a light-harvesting antenna containing one polypeptide, 15. These appear to be organized as a complex, CP Ia. The interconnecting antenna is deficient in the y-lp mutant and thus the CP Ia complex is unstable and energy is not transferred from CP O to CP I. The effective cross-section of PS I antenna is thus reduced and a high fluorescence is emitted at 686 nm.  相似文献   

Geoffrey C. Owens  Itzhak Ohad 《BBA》1983,722(1):234-241
Thylakoid polypeptide phosphorylation has been studied in vivo and in vitro during plastid differentiation in Chlamydomonas reinhardii y-1. Pulse labeling cells at different stages of greening with [32P]orthophosphate revealed differences in the pattern of protein phosphorylation. In the early phase of greening the 44–47 kDa reaction center II polypeptides were labeled but the 22–24 kDa polypeptides of the light-harvesting chlorophyll ab-protein complex (LHC) were not. Later in the greening, coinciding with the formation of the antenna of Photosystem I and membrane stacking, the converse was found. Furthermore, the 22–24 kDa polypeptides of grana lamellae were less labeled than the same polypeptides found in the corresponding stroma lamellae. Polypeptides in the molecular mass range of 32–34 kDa were phosphorylated at all stages following the onset of greening. Dark-grown cells did not incorporate 32P in vivo or in vitro into the polypeptides present in the residual thylakoids. Similarly, cells greened in the presence of chloramphenicol, in which the synthesis of reaction centers is inhibited, showed no light-stimulated phosphorylation in vitro. However, the residual 32–34 kDa and 44–47 kDa polypeptides found in thylakoids of these cells were phosphorylated in vivo, whereas the LHC polypeptides synthesized in the presence of chloramphenicol were not. Phosphorylation of the LHC polypeptides (22–24 kDa) in these cells occurred if new reaction center polypeptides and all antennae components were formed, following removal of the inhibitor and further incubation of the cells in the light. Phosphorylation of LHC polypeptides was not resumed if active reaction centers were formed in the absence of complete restoration of all antenna components (incubation in the dark or light with addition of cycloheximide). It is concluded that phosphorylation is correlated with the thylakoid polypeptide content and organization.  相似文献   

Chlamydomonas reinhardii cells were treated with 5-fluorodeoxyuridine and ethylmethanesulfonate to induce mutagenesis. The mutant cells were analyzed for resistance against metribuzin (4-amino-6-(t-butyl)-3-methylthio-1,2,4-triazine-5-one). Clones with normal growth were isolated and the mutant cells further characterized. The photosynthetic rates of the mutant cells were about 20% lower than those of wild-type cells. The mutant cells were not only resistant against metribuzin (pI50 lowered from 6.65 to 3.41) but also against bromacil, atrazine, phenisopham and tolerant against 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. However, the mutant was more susceptible to phenolic electron-transport inhibitors like bromonitrothymol, ioxynil and i-dinoseb. 2,4-Dinitrophenyl-2′-iodo-3′-methyl-4′-nitro-6′-isopropyl phenyl ether inhibited the wild-type thylakoids more than the mutant. The analysis of the electron transport with artificial electron donors and acceptors showed that only Photosystem II was affected by the mutation and not Photosystem I. Binding experiments with isolated thylakoids of resistant and susceptible cells using [14C]metribuzin and [3H]-i-dinoseb revealed that metribuzin did not bind specifically to the thylakoids of the mutant cells, but that i-dinoseb did bind to the thylakoids of the mutant, and even better than to the thylakoids of the wild-type cells. Fluorescence studies confirmed these results.  相似文献   

Francis-Andr  Wollman  Pierre Bennoun 《BBA》1982,680(3):352-360
A new chlorophyll-protein complex, CP O, was isolated from Chlamydomonas reinhardii using lithium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis run at 4°C. A similar complex is recovered using Triton/digitonin solubilization of thylakoid membranes of the F54-14 mutant lacking in CP I and ATPase. CP O is enriched in long-wavelength chlorophyll a and contains five polypeptides (27.5, 27, 25, 23 and 19 kDa). Its 77 K fluorescence emission spectrum peaks at 705 nm while CP II have an emission maximum at 682 and 720 nm, respectively. Comparison of the polypeptide pattern of the wild type and AC40 mutant of C. reinhardii shows that the five CP O polypeptides are specifically lacking in the mutant. Although the 77 K emission originating from the Photosystem (PS) I pigments is lower in the mutant than in the wild type, the two spectra show the same peaks at 686, 694 and 717 nm. However, comparison of the 77 K emission spectrum of the F14 mutant lacking in CP I with that of the double mutant AC40-14 lacking in CP I and CP O shows the absence in the latter of the large emission band peaking at 707 nm. The 707 nm emission is thought to arise from some PS I antennae and is quenched in the wild type by the presence of PS I traps located in CP I. We conclude that CP O is a part of the PS I antenna in C. reinhardii which controls the 707 nm fluorescence emission.  相似文献   

The appearance of nitrate reductase activity in derepressed cultures of the Nit A mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii required concomitant photosynthetic CO2 fixation and was inhibited when protein turnover was prevented. Provided leupeptin was included in the extraction buffer, a single species of nitrate reductase (molecular mass, m = 390 kDa) was extracted from Nit A cultures incubated in nitrate medium for 4 h. Cultures of the mutant incubated in nitrate-free medium contained a number of nitrate reductase species (m = 52–500 kDa). This evidence suggests that nitrate plays a role in the stabilisation of the structure of the mutant nitrate reductase. Only one species of nitrate reductase (m = 188 kDa) was extracted from wild type cultures grown with nitrate.  相似文献   

B. A. Notton  R. J. Fido  G. Galfre 《Planta》1985,165(1):114-119
A set of monoclonal antibodies has been raised against NADH-nitrate reductase (NR; EC from spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.) leaves. Antibodies were screened by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and by their ability to inhibit various activities of the enzyme. The six monoclonals selected (AFRC MAC 74 to 79) are all gamma globulins; four (MAC 74 to 77) inhibit all terminal donating activities (NADH-NR; flavin mononucleotide, reduced form (FMNH2)-NR; and methyl viologen, reduced form (MV)-NR) and two (MAC 78 and 79) inhibit the acceptor activities (NADH-NR, and NADH-cytochrome c reductase). MAC 74 to 77 inhibit the NADH-NR activity of crude extracts of a variety of species (mono- and dicotyledoneae) while MAC 78 and 79 are effective against spinach and marrow, but not oil-seed rape, cucumber, oats, wheat and barley.Abbreviations Cyt c Rase cytochrome c reductase - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - FAD(H2) flavin adenine dinucleotide (reduced form) - FMN(H2) flavin mononucleotide (reduced form) - McAb monoclonal antibody - MV methyl viologen reduced form - NR nitrate reductase  相似文献   

H.F. Bundy  S. Coté 《Phytochemistry》1980,19(12):2531-2534
Carbonic anhydrase (CA) was purified from the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardii, and the purity of the preparation was established by gradient gel electrophoresis. The purified enzyme exhibited a MW of 165 000 and contained 6 atoms of Zn. The subunit MW, as determined by dodecyl sulfate electrophoresis, was 27 000. These results are consistent with a quarternary structure which is hexameric, each monomer containing 1 g atom of Zn. Like spinach CA, and in contrast to other oligomeric plant CAs, a sulfhydryl reducing agent is not needed to stabilize the enzyme. CO2-hydrase activity was inhibited by both acetazolamide (I50 = 7.8 × 10?9M) and sulfanilamide (I50 = 1.3 × 10?5M), as well as by certain inorganic anions. The purified enzyme showed relatively weak esterase activity with p-nitrophenyl acetate but was an extremely effective esterase with 2-hydroxy-5-nitro-α-toluenesulfonic acid sultone as the substrate. Both esterase activities could be completely inhibited by adding acetazolamide. In its gross structural characteristics, the C. reinhardii enzyme resembles the CAs from higher plants. However, in its esterase activity and the inhibition by sulfonamides it is markedly different from plant CAs and bears more resemblance to erythrocyte CAs.  相似文献   

We report some properties of Protein PA which has been isolated from the soluble fraction of a chlB mutant after anaerobic growth in the presence of KNO3. This protein has been identified by its capacity to reactivate nitrate reductase present in the soluble fraction of a chlA mutant by the complementation process. The presence of active Protein PA in the chlB mutant is independent of the presence of oxygen or of nitrate during growth. In contrast, the addition of sodium tungstate to the growth medium leads to the formation of inactive Protein PA which is not able to activate nitrate reductase in the chlA-soluble extract by complementation. Inactive Protein PA has been quantitated immunologically. The partial purification of Protein PA has been achieved from various chlorate-resistant mutants (chlA?chlG). The establishment of particular complementation systems comprising the soluble extracts of chlA or chlB mutants and partially purified Protein PA from soluble fractions of different chlorate-resistant mutants, has allowed the quantitative estimation of this protein. The analysis by ‘rocket immunoelectrophoresis’ using an antiserum specific for Protein PA has shown that inactive Protein PA is present in approximately equivalent amounts in the chlA, chlE, chlG and chlD mutants  相似文献   

Membrane-bound nitrate reductase from Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus 617 can be solubilized in either of two ways that will ultimately determine the presence or absence of the small (Ι) subunit. The enzyme complex (NarGHI) is composed of three subunits with molecular masses of 130, 65, and 20 kDa. This enzyme contains approximately 14 Fe, 0.8 Mo, and 1.3 molybdopterin guanine dinucleotides per enzyme molecule. Curiously, one heme b and 0.4 heme c per enzyme molecule have been detected. These hemes were potentiometrically characterized by optical spectroscopy at pH 7.6 and two noninteracting species were identified with respective midpoint potentials at E m = +197 mV (heme c) and −4.5 mV (heme b). Variable-temperature (4–120 K) X-band electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies performed on both as-isolated and dithionite-reduced nitrate reductase showed, respectively, an EPR signal characteristic of a [3Fe–4S]+ cluster and overlapping signals associated with at least three types of [4Fe–4S]+ centers. EPR of the as-isolated enzyme shows two distinct pH-dependent Mo(V) signals with hyperfine coupling to a solvent-exchangeable proton. These signals, called “low-pH” and “high-pH,” changed to a pH-independent Mo(V) signal upon nitrate or nitrite addition. Nitrate addition to dithionite-reduced samples at pH 6 and 7.6 yields some of the EPR signals described above and a new rhombic signal that has no hyperfine structure. The relationship between the distinct EPR-active Mo(V) species and their plausible structures is discussed on the basis of the structural information available to date for closely related membrane-bound nitrate reductases. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The mutant pg 113, derived from Chlamydomonas reinhardii, arg2 mt+ (parent strain), completely lacks chlorophyll (Chl) b but is still able to grow under autotrophic conditions. The light-harvesting Chl complex (LHCP) is absent. This is shown (a) by the lack of the corresponding signal in the CD spectrum of thylakoids and (b) by the absence of the band of the LHCP after electrophoresis of partially solubilized thylakoid membranes on lithium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels. All the other chlorophyll-protein complexes are present. In spite of the absence of the LHCP, all the polypeptide components of this complex are present in the mutant in the same ratios as in the parent strain, although in slightly reduced amounts. The LHC apoproteins are synthesized, processed and transported into the thylakoid membrane of the mutant. Moreover, the phosphorylation of thylakoid membrane polypeptides, which is related to the regulation of the energy distribution between Photosystem I and II, is the same in the mutant and in the parent strain, indicating that phosphorylation is not dependent on the presence of Chl b. Electron micrographs of thin sections of whole cells show that there are stacked regions of thylakoids in both the mutant and the parent strain chloroplasts. However, in the mutant, stacks are located near the chloroplast envelope, while long stretches or sometimes circles of unstacked membranes are found in the interior, mostly around the pyrenoid.  相似文献   

Enzyme activities involved in nitrate assimilation were analyzed from crude leaf extracts of wild-type (cv. Williams) and mutant ( nr1 ) soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.] plants lacking constitutive nitrate reductase (NR) activity. The nr1 soybean mutant (formerly LNR-2), had decreased NADH-NR, FMNH2-NR and cytochrome c reductase activities, all of which were associated with the loss of constitutive NR activity. Measurement of FMNH2-NR activity, by nitrite determination, was accurate since nitrite reductase could not use FMNH2 as a reductant source. Nitrite reductase activity was normal in the nr1 plant type in the presence of reduced methyl viologen. Assuming that constitutive NR is similar in structure to nitrate reductases from other plants, presence of xanthine dehydrogenase activity and loss of cytochrome c reductase activity indicated that the apoprotein and not the molybdenum cofactor had been affected in the constitutive enzyme of the mutant. Constitutive NR from urea-grown wild-type plants had 1) greater ability to use FMNH2 as an electron donor, 2) a lower pH optimum, and 3) decreased ability to distinguish between NO3 and HCO3, compared with inducible NR from NO3-grown nr1 plants. The presence in soybean leaves of a nitrate reductase with a pH optimum of 7.5 is contrary to previous reports and indicates that soybean is not an exception among higher plants for this activity.  相似文献   

Primary long-chain fatty alcohols are present in a variety of phyla. In eukaryotes, the production of fatty alcohols is catalyzed by fatty acyl-CoA reductase (FAR) enzymes that convert fatty acyl-CoAs or acyl-ACPs into fatty alcohols. Here, we report on the biochemical properties of a purified plant FAR, Arabidopsis FAR6 (AtFAR6). In vitro assays show that the enzyme preferentially uses 16 carbon acyl-chains as substrates and produces predominantly fatty alcohols. Free fatty acids and fatty aldehyde intermediates can be released from the enzyme, in particular with suboptimal chain lengths and concentrations of the substrates. Both acyl-CoA and acyl-ACP could serve as substrates. Transient expression experiments in Nicotiana tabacum showed that AtFAR6 is a chloroplast localized FAR. In addition, expression of full length AtFAR6 in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves resulted in the production of C16:0-alcohol within this organelle. Finally, a GUS reporter gene fusion with the AtFAR6 promoter showed that the AtFAR6 gene is expressed in various tissues of the plant with a distinct pattern compared to that of other Arabidopsis FARs, suggesting specialized functions in planta.  相似文献   

The reaction kinetics of APS-kinase from Chlamydomonas reinhardii showed that the enzyme formed PAPS from APS upon the addition of ATP. Evidence for a 35S-labelled protein intermediate between APS and PAPS has been obtained. The APS-kinase activity could only be measured in the presence of low concentrations of APS (20 ± 10 μM) and of ATP (0.2 ± 0.05 mM) due to substrate inhibition. The inhibition was partially overcome by low concentrations of 3′,5′-PAP (10,μM). The rates of PAPS formation obtained with cell extracts from the alga varied from 2 to 6 nM PAPS/mg protein/min (33–100 × 10?12 kat/mg).  相似文献   

Cell wall glycoproteins from Chlamydomonas reinhardii and the glycopeptides produced by the action of thermolysin were subjected to standard methylation analysis. GC-MS of the methylated alditol acetates revealed short oligosaccharides some of which show branching. O-glycosidically linked galactofuranosyl residues are present. The asymmetric distribution of the major O-glycosidic linkages is also reported.  相似文献   

Summary A population of A. thaliana, produced by self-fertilization of ethylmethane sulfonate treated plants, was exposed to chlorate in the watering solution, and plants showing early susceptibility symptoms were rescued. Among the progeny lines of these plants five were shown to be repeatably chlorate-hypersusceptible. One of these lines (designated C-4) possessed elevated activity of nitrate reductase (NR). The NR activity of mutant C-4 was higher than that of normal plants throughout the life cycle. Nitrite reductase and glutamine synthetase activities of C-4 were normal, as were chlorate uptake rate and tissue nitrate content. The elevated NR activity apparently was responsible for the chlorate hypersusceptibility of C-4. Inheritance studies of NR indicated that the elevated activity of C-4 was probably controlled by a single recessive allele.  相似文献   

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