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Y. Koyama  R.A. Long  W.G. Martin  P.R. Carey 《BBA》1979,548(1):153-160
The resonance Raman spectrum of the carotenoid neurosporene is shown to be a sensitive monitor of absorption shifts, and thus changes in membrane potential, in chromatophores of the GlC mutant of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides. For a Raman excitation wavelength at 472.7 nm, the intensities of the two most prominent resonance Raman features (v1 and v2) respond very differently to small shifts in the absorption maxima. Thus, the ratio intensity v1/intensity v2 is a sensitive probe for absorption shifts. Changes in this ratio of ~20% were observed during a valinomycin induced diffusion potential. At 5°C changes in the average intensity ratio of +6, ?4 and ?14% were brought about by oligomycin, FCCP and sodium deoxycholate, respectively. The changes in intensity ratio were temperature dependent and, in addition, effects due to the laser beam acting as an actinic light could be detected. Oscillatory changes were observed in absolute Raman and Rayleigh scattering intensities for chromatophores at 5°C and for intact cells under growing conditions.  相似文献   

(1) Three analogs of merocyanine dyes added to suspensions of chromatophore vesicles showed absorbance changes responding to the change in surface potential induced by salt addition and to the change in membrane potential induced by illumination. (2) The extent of the light-induced absorbance changes of the dyes was linearly related, in the presence and absence of uncouplers, to that of carotenoid spectral shift which is an intrinsic probe of the intramembrane electric field. (3) Comparison of the merocyanine absorbance changes induced by salt addition with those induced by illumination indicated that the surface potential change in the outer surface of chromatophore membranes during illumination was very small. (4) Judging from the spectra of these absorbance and from the low permeabilities of the dyes to membrane, the absorbance change are attributed to change in distribution of the dyes between the medium and the outer surface region in chromatophore membranes. The extent of the light-induced absorbance changes of merocyanine dyes depended on the salt concentration of the medium. The types of dependence were different among three merocyanine analogs. This is explained by the mechanism mentioned above assuming appropriate parameters. It is suggested that, under continuous illumination, an equilibrium of the electrochemical potential of H+ is reached between the bulk aqueous phase and the outer surface region in the membrane where the merocyanine dyes are distributed.  相似文献   

The changes in carotenoid absorbance induced by illumination or by a diffusion potential were larger in chromatophores from cells cultured under low light intensity than those in chromatophores from high-light culture in a photosynthetic bacterium, Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides. The carotenoid molecules which are associated with the pigment-protein complex (with the infrared bacteriochlorophyll peaks at 800 and 850 nm) (complex II) probably respond to the electrical field changes in the chromatophore membrane.  相似文献   

Radioactivity eventually destined for the chromatophore membrane of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides was shown in pulse-chase studies to appear first in a distinct pigmented fraction. This material formed an upper pigmented band which sedimented more slowly than chromatophores when cell-free extracts were subjected directly to rate-zone sedimentation on sucrose density gradients. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that the purified fraction contained polypeptide bands of the same mobility as light-harvesting bacteriochlorophyll a and reaction center-associated protein components of chromatophores; these were superimposed upon cytoplasmic membrane polypeptides. The pulse-chase relation was confined mainly to the polypeptide components of these pigment-protein complexes. It is suggested that the isolated fraction may be derived from sites at which new membrane invagination is initiated.  相似文献   

The temperature dependences of the P870+Q?A → P870QA and P870+Q?B → P870QB recombination reactions were measured in reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides. The data indicate that the P870+Q?B state decays by thermal repopulation of the P870+Q?A state, followed by recombination. ΔG° for the P870+Q?A → P870+Q?B reaction is ?6.89 kJ · mol?1, while ΔH° = ?14.45 kJ · mol?1 and ?TΔS° = + 7.53 kJ · mol?1. The activation ethalpy, H3, for the P870+Q?A Δ P870+Q?B reaction is +56.9 kJ · mol?1, while the activation entropy is near zero. The results permit an estimate of the shape of the potential energy curve for the P870+Q?A → P870+Q?B electron transfer reaction.  相似文献   

1. The inhibition by antimycin A of the cyclic electron transfer has been studied in chromatophores from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides Ga following an approach based on the analysis of the relaxation kinetics of the reaction center optical changes in pulsed light. The recovery kinetics of the bacteriochlorophyll redox state have been found to be clearly biphasic. The half-times of the fast phase (13 ms) and slow phase (about 400 ms) were not modified by antimycin in a range of concentrations from 0.1 to 9 μM. On the other hand the percentage extent of the fast phase, which reflects the rate of the cyclic electron transfer, was monotonically decreased by increasing concentrations of the inhibitor. This indicates that antimycin decreases progressively the fraction of the photosynthetic units, active in cyclic electron transfer. 2. The ATP yield per flash observed under conditions of controlled inhibition of electron flow was strongly dependent upon the amount of active redox cycles. On the other hand, the amplitude of the carotenoid band shift, which has been demonstrated unequivocally to be correlated to the ATP yield per flash in uninhibited chromatophores, was not affected by antimycin up to a 40% inhibition of electron flow. 3. The effect of a progressive limitation by DCCD in the number of active ATP synthetase complexes on flash-induced phosphorylation has been examined. The decrease in ATP yield observed over a wide range of flash frequencies is related simply to the ATPase activity and to phosphorylation in continuous light, irrespective of the value of the membrane potential, which appears to be stabilized by this inhibitor. 4. As a whole, the results obtained at low concentrations of antimycin and under conditions of partial inhibition by DCCD evidence a localized coupling between the redox reactions and phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Chromatophores of Rhodobacter sphaeroides were excited with light flashes to generate a transmembrane electrical potential difference. The electric relaxation was measured by electrochromic absorption changes as a function of added gramicidin. At low gramicidin/bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) molar ratios the decay of the electrochromic absorption changes showed a biphasic behaviour, with a fast phase relaxing at some s, and a slow phase relaxing at more than 100 ms. This was attributable to a mixture of vesicles containing gramicidin dimers with others containing none. The concentration dependence of this effect was linear. This implied full dimerization of gramicidin. The data were interpreted to yield an average bacteriochlorophyll content per chromatophore of 770(±150) and the conductance of a single gramicidin dimer in the chromatophore membrane of 15(±4) pS (in about 115 mM KCl).Abbreviations BChl Bacteriochlorphyll - tricine N-Tris[hydroxymethyllmethylglycine Offprint requests to: W. Junge  相似文献   

K.M. Petty  J.B. Jackson 《BBA》1979,547(3):463-473
ATP synthesis and the acceleration of the decay of the carotenoid absorption band shift after single flash excitation of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata chromatophores were compared. The two processes behave similarly with respect to: (1) ADP and Pi concentration; (2) inhibition by efrapeptin and venturicidin, and (3) inhibition by valinomycin/K+ and by ionophores.Taken together with earlier evidence for the electrochromic nature of the carotenoid band shift the data support the contention that positive charge moves outwards across the chromatophore membrane during ATP synthesis and justify the method for determination of the H+/ATP ratio (Petty, K.M. and Jackson, J.B. (1979) FEBS Lett. 97, 367–372).The ability of nucleotide diphosphates in the presence of Pi and Mg2+ to give rise to the acceleration of the carotenoid shift decay closely correlates with the rate of phosphorylation of the nucleotides in steady-state light. Nucleotide triphosphates enhance the decay in parallel with their rate of hydrolysis.Adenylyl imidodiphosphate is itself without effect on the decay of the carotenoid shift and it does not prevent the ADP-induced acceleration. The analogue does prevent the ATP effect but only after repeated flashes.  相似文献   

A reverted R26.1 strain of Rps. sphaeroides contains two types of light-harvesting complexes, absorbing near 880 and 850 nm. Resonance Raman spectroscopy provides evidence that the compensating mutation which, in R26.1, restored an 850-nm-absorbing antenna population, results in a local structure around the bacteriochlorophylls a that is the same as in the B850 (800-depleted) complexes from Rps. sphaeroides 2.4.1 (wild strain). Yet, this compensation is accompanied by a marked change in the control mechanisms of the synthesis of the antenna complexes.  相似文献   

H.-W. Trissl  U. Kunze  W. Junge 《BBA》1982,682(3):364-377
This paper concerns transient photoelectric signals that are observed when a suspension of photosynthetic vesicles is illuminated with flashing light of nonsaturating energy using a pair of electrodes positioned at different depths along the path of the exciting light. With chloroplasts we observed two different types of signals. One rose extremely fast, the rise time (10–90%) was less than 200 ps under excitation with a single pulse from a mode-locked ruby laser, while the other rose more slowly (typically 10 μs). These signals displayed several different properties such as their polarity, kinetics, apparent source impedance, and sensitivity to structural integrity of the chloroplast lamellar system. Experimentally, signal ‘Fast’ could only be induced by very short light pulses (shorter than approx. 60 ns), whereas signal ‘Slow’ appeared only under longer excitation. The detection of signal Fast required special instrumentation, particularly fast preamplifiers with low input capacitance. Our results support the more recent idea that signal Slow did not reflect the primary transmembrane charge separation, as postulated in the earlier literature, but rather lateral movement of charge carriers along the intact lamellar system of chloroplasts. On the other hand, signal Fast may reflect the primary outwardly directed electron transfer across the thylakoid membrane. Its polarity, however, was opposite to that previously postulated to appear in response to this event. For comparison we also studied photoelectric effects in a suspension of structurally more homogeneous chromatophores from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides. These vesicles displayed only a signal of the same polarity and similar kinetics as signal Fast from chloroplasts. When the secondary quinone electron acceptor (Q) was chemically reduced, the decay time was shortened from approx. 30 ns to approx. 10 ns. The acceleration to approx. 10 ns is known for the rapid, supposedly transmembrane back-reaction of the primary charge separation. Therefore, we conclude that the electrodes monitor the primary charge separation. There is still the unresolved problem with the polarity of the electric signal which we attribute to an as yet unidentified property of the pick-up system. Because its signal-to-noise ratio under extremely high time resolution is superior to that obtained in flash spectroscopy, signal Fast represents a very good means to measure the spatial separation between the very primary electron carriers in the photosynthetic reaction center.  相似文献   

Hiroyuki Arata  Mitsuo Nishimura 《BBA》1983,725(2):394-401
Delayed fluorescence of chromatophores of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides was measured to estimate the standard free energy change accompanying the electron transfer from the bacteriochlorophyll dimer (P) to the primary acceptor quinone (QA). The chromatophores emitted delayed fluorescence with a lifetime of about 60 ms in the presence of o-phenanthroline. By comparing the intensity of the delayed fluorescence with that of the prompt fluorescence, the standard free energy of the P+QA? radical pair was evaluated. It was about 0.87 eV below the level of excited singlet state, P1QA, or 0.51 eV above the ground state, PQA, independent of pH.  相似文献   

The phospholipids and fatty acid analysis of four strains of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides and of chromatophores from two strains show some differences and also show the presence of an unusual polar neutral lipid which is ninhydrin positive and which on acid hydrolysis yields ornithine and an unidentified amino compound. This lipid is called aminolipid-X and has a fatty acid composition very different from the phospholipids. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) contain a very small amount of plasmalogen forms as determined by combined mild alkaline hydrolysis, acetic acid hydrolysis and phospholipase A2 hydrolysis.The reaction of intact cells and chromatophores with trinitrobenzenesulfonate (TNBS), fluorodinitrobenzene (FDNB) and isethionylacetimidate (IA) show that 78% of the total PE in chromatophores is localized on the outer membrane surface. In intact cells about 15–35% of the total PE is localized on the outer surface of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Both reaction center protein from the photosynthetic bacteria Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides and egg phosphatidylcholine can be deuterium labelled; the reaction center protein can be incorporated into the phosphatidylcholine bilayers forming a homogeneous population of unilamellar vesicles. The lipid profile and the reaction center profile within these reconstituted membrane profiles were directly determined to 32 Å resolution using lamellar neutron diffraction from oriented membrane multilayers containing either deuterated or protonated reaction centers, and either deuterated or protonated phosphatidylcholine. The 32 Å resolution reaction center profile shows that the protein spans the membranes, and has an asymmetric mass distribution along the perpendicular to the membrane plane. These results were combined with previously described X-ray diffraction results in order to extend the resolution of the derived reaction center profile to 9 Å.  相似文献   

Single-photon counting techniques were used to measure the fluorescence decay from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides and Rhodospirillum rubrum chromatophores after excitation with a 25-ps, 600-nm laser pulse. Electron transfer was blocked beyond the initial radical-pair state (PF) by chemical reduction of the quinone that serves as the next electron acceptor. Under these conditions, the fluorescence decays with multiphasic kinetics and at least three exponential decay components are required to describe the delayed fluorescence. Weak magnetic fields cause a small increase in the decay time of the longest component. The components of the delayed fluorescence are similar to those found previously with isolated reaction centers. We interpret the multi-exponential decay in terms of two small (0.01-0.02 eV) relaxations in the free energy of PF, as suggested previously for reaction centers. From the initial amplitudes of the delayed fluorescence, it is possible to calculate the standard free-energy difference between the earliest resolved form of PF and the excited singlet state of the antenna complexes in R. rubrum strains S1 and G9. The free-energy gap is found to be about 0.10 eV. It also is possible to calculate the standard free-energy difference between PF and the excited singlet state of the reaction center bacteriochlorophyll dimer (P). Values of 0.17 to 0.19 eV were found in both R. rubrum strains and also in Rps. sphaeroides strain 2.4.1. This free-energy gap agrees well with the standard free-energy difference between PF and P determined previously for reaction centers isolated from Rps. sphaeroides strain R26. The temperature dependence of the delayed fluorescence amplitudes between 180 K and 295 K is qualitatively different in isolated reaction centers and chromatophores. However, the temperature dependence of the calculated standard free-energy difference between P* and PF is similar in reaction centers and chromatophores of Rps. sphaeroides. The different temperature dependence of the fluorescence amplitudes in reaction centers and chromatophores arises because the free-energy difference between P* and the excited antenna is dominated by the entropy change associated with delocalization of the excitation in the antenna. We conclude that the state PF is similar in isolated reaction centers and in the intact photosynthetic membrane. Chromatophores from Rps. sphaeroides strain R-26 exhibit an anomalous fluorescence component that could reflect heterogeneity in their antenna.  相似文献   

To test the predictions of the chemiosmotic hypothesis, it is essential to have sensitive and accurate measures of the aqueous volume and pH within membrane compartments. One unique feature of the present investigation is the application of electron spin resonance probes to determine internal aqueous volume and pH changes in bacterial chromatophores under virtually identical conditions. Volumes of the chromatophores ranged from 6 to 16 microliter/mg bacteriochlorophyll among different preparations, and were sensitive to the osmolarity of the suspending buffer. pH gradients reached two units in illuminated chromatophores as determined with ESR methods, and increased when KCl and valinomycin were added to the assay. Measurements with the fluorescent dye 9-amino-acridine yielded similar pH gradients, provided that an operational vesicle volume, which corrected for the binding of the dye to the membrane, was used in the calculation. The sensitivity of the ESR method allowed the measurement of pH gradients resulting from only a few light flashes. A plot of pH gradients versus number of flashes was linear up to about 30 flashes, and intercepted the origin. This result is consistent with proton release into the bulk aqueous phase after only a single light flash. This ability to measure small pH gradients offers new opportunities for the study of energy-transducing mechanisms.  相似文献   

A.J. Clark  N.P.J. Cotton  J.B. Jackson 《BBA》1983,723(3):440-453
(1) Under conditions in which membrane potential (Δψ) was the sole contributor to the proton-motive force, the steady-state rate of ATP synthesis in chromatophores increased disproportionately when Δψ was increased: the rate had an approximately sixth-power dependence on Δψ. (2) Simultaneous measurements showed that the dissipative ionic current (JDIS) across the chromatophore membrane had a related dependence on Δψ, i.e., the membrane conductance increased markedly as Δψ increased. (3) For comparable Δψ values, JDIS was greater in phosphorylating than in non-phosphorylating chromatophores. For comparable actinic light intensities, Δψ was smaller in phosphorylating than in non-phosphorylating chromatophores. (4) At either low pH or in the presence of venturicidin, oligomycin or dicyclohexylcarbodiimide to inhibit ATP synthesis, JDIS was substantially depressed, particularly at high Δψ. Even under these conditions the membrane conductance was dependent on Δψ. (5) Also in intact cells, JDIS was depressed in the presence of venturicidin. Points 1–5 are interpreted in terms of a Δψ -driven H+ flux through the F0 channel of the ATPase synthase. The high-power dependence of the F0 conductance on Δψ determines the dependence of the rate of ATP synthesis on Δψ. The Δψ -dependent conductance of F0 dominates the electrical properties of the membrane. In chromatophores the ionic current accompanying ATP synthesis was more than 50% of the total membrane ionic current at maximal Δψ. (6) The rate of cyclic electron transport was calculated from JDIS. This led to an estimate of 0.77 ± 0.22 for the ATP2e? ratio and of 3.5 ± 1.3 for the H+ATP ratio. (7) Severe inhibition of the electron-transport rate by decreasing the light intensity led to an almost proportionate decrease in the rate of ATP synthesis. The chromatophores were able to maintain proportionality by confining electron-transport phosphorylation to a narrow range of Δψ. This is a consequence of the remarkable conductance properties of the membrane.  相似文献   

Changes in the surface potential, the electrical potential difference between the membrane surface and the bulk aqueous phase were measured with the carotenoid spectral shift which indicates the change of electrical field in the membrane. Chromatophores were prepared from a non-sulfur purple bacterium, Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides, in a low-salt buffer. Surface potential was changed by addition of salt or by pH jump as predicted by the Gouy-Chapman diffuse double layer theory.When a salt was added at neutral pH, the shift of carotenoid spectrum to shorter wavelength, corresponding to an increase in electrical potential at the outside surface, was observed. The salts of divalent cations (MgSO4, MgCl2, CaCl2) were effective at concentrations lower than those of monovalent cation salts (NaCl, KCl, Na2SO4) by a factor of about 50. Among the salts of monoor divalent cation used, little ionic species-dependent difference was observed in the low-concentration range except that due to the valence of cations. The pH dependence of the salt-induced carotenoid change was explained in terms of the change in surface charge density, which was about 0 at pH 5–5.5 and had negative values at higher pH values. The dependence of the pH jump-induced absorbance change on the salt concentration was also consistent with the change in the charge density. The surface potential change by the salt addition, which was calibrated by H+ diffusion potential, was about 90 mV at the maximum. From the difference between the effective concentrations with salts of mono- and divalent cations at pH 7.8, the surface charge density of (?1.9 ± 0.5) · 10?3 elementary charge per Å2, and the surface potential of about ?100 mV in the presence of about 0.1 mM divalent cation or 5 mM monovalent cation were calculated.  相似文献   

亚克隆了Rhodobacter sphaeroides glnB启动子,以pMP220 为载体构建成glnBlacZ融合子。将glnBlacZ、nifHlacZ、nifAlacZ分别导入R. sphaeroides 谷氨酸合酶突变株gltB- 、gltD- 和野生型菌株中,分析了突变对固氮基因转录表达的影响。试验证明,在gltBD 突变株中nifH 的表达受阻遏,nifA 表达水平很低。这证明glt 基因的突变引起固氮酶结构基因和固氮正调节基因的转录被阻遏,而glnB 基因的表达几乎不受影响。试验还测定了环境中结合态氮和有机酸等信号分子对glnB 和nifH 表达的影响,发现加入氨或谷氨酰胺后,nifH 的表达受到明显的阻遏作用,glnBlacZ的β半乳糖苷酶活性虽下降30 % 左右但不随结合态氮浓度升高而变化,仍维持在一个较高的水平。α酮戊二酸和丙酮酸对nifH 的表达有部分去阻遏作用而对glnB的表达无诱导作用  相似文献   

A membrane potential jump was induced by the addition of valinomycin in the presence of a KCl concentration gradient across the membrane of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides chromatophores. As well as a carotenoid band shift, which is known to be an indicator of membrane potential, absorbance changes due to the oxidation-reduction reactions of cytochromes accompanied the jump. Under aerobic conditions with no reductant added, a part of cytochrome c2 was reduced by an inside-positive potential jump of about 100 mV in the time range of tens of seconds. This can be explained by the location of the cytochrome on the inner side of the chromatophore membrane and electrophoretic flow of electrons across the membrane. On the other hand, in the presence of 1 mM ascorbate, a similar jump of membrane potential induced a rapid oxidation of cytochrome c2 and a subsequent reduction. A rapid reduction of b-type cytochrome was also observed. Antimycin A inhibited the c2 oxidation, but did not inhibit the b reduction. The oxidation of cytochrome c2 may be explained by a diffusion-potential-induced electron flow to cytochrome b and a simultaneous electron donation by cytochrome b and cytochrome c2 to a common electron acceptor, possibly a quinone.  相似文献   

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