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(1) The effects of unconjugated bilirubin on the accumulation of p-aminohippurate, kinetics of p-aminohippurate uptake, the efflux of pre-accumulated p-aminohippurate and water and electrolyte distribution were investigated in the rat kidney cortical slice. (2) The addition of unconjugated bilirubin to the incubation medium decreased the 60 min slice-to-medium concentration ratio of p-aminohippurate. (3) The decrease in p-aminohippurate accumulation by unconjugated bilirubin was found to be more pronounced by increasing the concentration of pigment in the medium. (4) The rate of uptake of p-aminohippurate as a function of p-aminohippurate concentration differed in aerobiosis and anaerobiosis, and unconjugated bilirubin decreased only the uptake of p-aminohippurate in aerobic conditions. (5) The efflux of pre-accumulated p-aminohippurate decreased when unconjugated bilirubin concentration in the medium was low (10–20 μM) but the efflux increased when the concentration of pigment was much higher (100 μM). (6) The addition of unconjugated bilirubin to the medium (40–100 μM) increased intracellular sodium and total tissue water content, and decreased intracellular potassium and oxygen consumption of tissue. However the slices incubated with low concentration of pigment (20 μM) did not exhibit significative changes in cellular functional parameters. (7) These findings suggest that unconjugated bilirubin impairs p-aminohippurate transport by a complex mechanism that might involve binding of pigment to sites necessary for anion transport, although effects related to pigment toxicity or to its oxidative decomposition are not excluded.  相似文献   

This investigation was principally undertaken to test the ionic gradient hypothesis as applied to active p-aminohippurate uptake in the rabbit kidney cortical slice preparation. Efflux of p-aminohippurate from the slice was shown to be independent of external Na+ concentration. Transferring slices from a low sodium preincubation to a high sodium incubation medium containing p-aminohippurate increased intracellular concentrations of both Na+ and K+, and p-aminohippurate accumulation occurred. Transferring slices from a low sodium preincubation to a high sodium incubation medium containing ouabain and p-aminohippurate resulted in a net increase in intracellular Na+ concentration but no p-aminohippurate accumulation occurred. Different combinations of preincubation and incubation media gave a high to low array of intracellular Na+ concentrations and these directly reflected their respective p-aminohippurate uptake. These results suggest that the Na+-gradient hypothesis does not adequately explain the transport of organic acids in rabbit kidney. These results also suggest that Na+ possibly has an intracellular role through its stimulation of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase channeled to energizing the p-aminohippurate accumulative mechanism.  相似文献   

Rhodotorucine A which induces mating tube formation of a cells in Rhodosporidiumtoruloides is metabolized rapidly by a cells. By use of labeled rhodotorucine A, the degradation was found to be proteolytic. Two peptide fragments Tyr-Pro-Glu-Ile-Ser-Trp-Thr-Arg and Asn-Gly-Cys(S-farnesyl) were identified as the metabolites. Proteolysis of the pheromone mainly occurred on the cell surface. Culture filtrate of a cells at log phase did not metabolize rhodotorucine A.  相似文献   

The transducing phage λdarg14, carrying a portion of the E. coli chromosome including argECBH, is derived from the heat-inducible, lysis-defective strain λy199, which has the b519 and b515 deletions. Cleavage of λy199 DNA by EcoRI endonuclease, followed by agarose slab gel electrophoresis, results in bands corresponding to the known C, D, E, and F segments of λ, and a segment A′ (A plus B minus b519 minus b515, the cleavage site between A and B being eliminated). Cleavage of λdarg14 DNA by EcoRI yields the expected D, E, and F segments of λ and four other segments, termed 14-1 through 14-4, whose length is 17.5, 6.2, 3.0, and 2.0 kilobases, respectively, as determined by electron microscopy and corroborated by electrophoretic mobility. Heteroduplex analysis shows that the E. coli argECBH cluster is on the 14-1 segment.  相似文献   

OKY-1581 is an effective inhibitor of thromboxane synthesis invivo and invitro. The generation of thromboxane B2 (TxB2), prostaglandin E (PGE) and prostaglandin F (PGF) was measured following clotting and during platelet aggregation induced by collagen. The presence of OKY 1581 either invivo or invitro caused a reduction in TxB2 generation during clotting and platelet aggregation with a concomitant increase in PGE and PGF. The effect could be observed two hours after oral or subcutaneous administration of 5 to 100 mg per rabbit and lasted for 24 to 48 hours. The reduction in TxB2 was not accompanied by an inhibition of clotting or platelet aggregation. OKY-1581 appears to be a suitable agent for studying the role of TxB2 in atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Guanylate cyclase from crude homogenates of vegetative Dictyosteliumdiscoideum has been characterized. It has a pH optimum of 8.0, temperature optimum of 25°C and requires 1 mM dithiothreitol for optimal activity. It strongly prefers Mn++ to Mg++ as divalent cation, requires Mn++ in excess of GTP for detectable activity, and is inhibited by high Mn++ concentrations. It has an apparent Km for GTP of approximately 517 μM at 1 mM excess Mn++.The specific activity of guanylate cyclase in vegetative homogenates is 50–80 pmoles cGMP formed/min/mg protein. Most of the vegetative activity is found in the supernatant of a 100,000 x g spin (S100). The enzyme is relatively unstable. It loses 40% of its activity after 3 hours storage on ice. Enzyme activity was measured from cells that had been shaken in phosphate buffer for various times. It was found that the specific activity changed little for at least 8 hours. Cyclic AMP at 10?4 M did not affect the guanylate cyclase activity from crude homogenates of vegetative or 6 hour phosphate-shaken cells.  相似文献   

An inhibitor of Streptococcus,mutans endodextranase was detected in proteins prepared from batch cultures of S.,mutans strains representing serotypes a through g. Affinity chromatography of strain 6715-49 proteins, which apparently were free of endodextranase activity, yielded an active endodextranase and, in a separate peak, the endodextranase inhibitor. The presence of the inhibitor in culture fluids accounts for the absence of endodextranase activity in batch-grown cultures of S.,mutans known to produce this enzyme.  相似文献   

The paromomycin producing organism Streptomycesrimosusforma paromomycinus is resistant to this antibiotic and contains a phosphotransferase which inactivates paromomycin. The gene encoding this enzyme has been inserted in the Streptomyces vector pIJ702 and then cloned in Streptomyceslividans, selecting for paromomycin-resistance. Three plasmids have been isolated and one of them, pMJ1, contains a 2.2 kb insert with a single HindIII restriction site. Insertion of foreign DNA in this site blocks the expression of the phosphotransferase enzyme indicating that it is within the cloned gene. These findings provide a new dominant selective marker for Streptomyces cloning vectors with the versatility of insertional inactivation.  相似文献   

Rabbit anti-fluorescyl antibody producing lymphoid cells incubated invitro with LSD do not secrete the 7S form of immunoglobulin. The low molecular weight extracellular labeled material shows no measurable anti-fluorescyl antibody activity. Results indicate that during a short incubation period LSD interferes with tryptophan incorporation into antibody protein.  相似文献   

This case report addresses the occurrence of Brucellosis and its effect on the cattle in developing countries. Three Zebu bulls (Bosindicus) are presented and the clinical and pathologic signs are described. Conception rates declined following an abortion storm in one herd and without prior abortions in another herd. Semen collected by electro-ejaculation was found to be azoospermic or with very few spermatozoa. B. abortus was isolated from seminal vesicles, testes and epididymides. Organs affected and showing microscopic lesions were testes, epididymides and seminal vesicles. The latter were not consistently affected. None of the bulls showed impairment of libido or breeding capacity.  相似文献   

In an attempt to isolate and to study the electron transport system of Azotobacter vinelandii, we have isolated and purified a membrane-bound cytochrome o. The cytochrome o, purified as a detergent (Triton X-100) and hemoprotein complex, contained 1.6 nmoles heme per mg of protein. Cold-temperature spectrum showed that no other cytochrome was associated with the purified preparation, and electrophoresis revealed that only one type of hemoprotein was obtained. The purified cytochrome o reacted with both carbon monoxide and cyanide readily. Only in the reduced form did it combine with carbon monoxide, whereas the oxidized form reacted with cyanide. An “oxygenated” form of the cytochrome o was demonstrated to be spectrally distinguishable from both the oxidized and the reduced forms.  相似文献   

Uterine stage embryos collected from the hamster (8-cell) and cow (morula, early blastocyst) were monitored for development invitro (embryo culture) and invivo (embryo transfer) following premature removal of the zona pellucida.Removal of the zona pellucida did not significantly affect invitro development to the blastocyst stage of (1) 8-cell hamster embryos (zonae removed by a combined enzymic-mechanical procedure), (2) bovine morulae (zonae removed by mechanical means only) (3) early bovine blastocysts (zonae removed by the enzymic-mechanical technique).Zona-free hamster embryos formed significantly fewer viable fetuses than did zona-intact embryos. The lower incidence of fetal development observed following transfer of zona-free 8-cell hamster embryos may have resulted in part from the formation of chimeras by fusion of these embryos inutero. Such fusion was observed to occur invitro between zona-free embryos placed in close proximity. The proportion of pregnancies resulting from transfer of bovine blastocysts cultured from zona-free morulae was similar to that of zona-intact embryos.In this study we have demonstrated that (1) enzymic and mechanical procedures used to remove zonae pellucidae from uterine-stage hamster and bovine embryos do not adversely affect subsequent development of these embryos invitro and invivo and (2) zonae pellucidae are not required for normal development of these embryos. These findings have implications for microsurgery of mammalian embryos and for embryo transfer.  相似文献   

The quantity of organic acids ( lactic acid, acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid ) in the content of the gastrointestinal tract of germ-free and conventional rats and the invitro effects of the organic acid on the motility of the gastrointestinal tract of rats were investigated.Organic acids were detected only in the gastrointestinal contents of conventional rats but not in those of germ-free rats.Lactic acid detected in the stomach of rats stimulated the motility of both small and large bowel while acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid found in the cecum stimulated the motility of the large bowel but not of small bowel.  相似文献   

The effect of adenosine and the time response on adenine nucleotide and Pi levels in rat blood was investigated. an increase in adenine nucleotide with a concommitant decrease in Pi concentration 30, 60, and 90 minutes after the nucleoside administration were observed. Though the 100 mg/Kg dose showed the highest effect on nucleotide concentration, the maximal response on Pi content was achieved with the 50 mg/Kg dose. The results are discussed at the light of previous data obtained in hepatocytes, and using as indicators the energy charge and the phosphorylation potential.  相似文献   

The properties of carnitine transport were studied in rat kidney cortex slices. Tissue: medium concentration gradients of 7.9 for L-[methyl-14C]carnitine were attained after 60-min incubation at 37°C in 40 μM substrate. L- and D-carnitine uptake showed saturability. The concentration curves appeared to consist of (1) a high-affinity component, and (2) a lower affinity site. When corrected for the latter components, the estimated Km for L-carnitine was 90 μM and V = 22nmol/min per ml intracellular fluid; for D-carnitine, Km = 166 μM and V = 15 nmol/min per ml intracellular fluid. The system was stereospecific for L-carnitine. The uptake of L-carnitine was inhibited by (1) D-carnitine, γ-butyrobetaine, and (2) acetyl-L-carnitine. γ-Butyrobetaine and acetyl-L-carnitine were competitive inhibitors of L-carnitine uptake. Carnitine transport was not significantly reduced by choline, betaine, lysine or γ-aminobutyric acid. Carnitine uptake was inhibited by 2,4-dinitrophenol, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, N2 atmosphere, KCN, N-ethylmaleimide, low temperature (4°C) and ouabain. Complete replacement of Na+ in the medium by Li+ reduced L- and D-carnitine uptake by 75 and 60%, respectively. Complete replacement of K+ or Ca2+ in the medium also significantly reduces carnitine uptake. Two roles for the carnitine transport system in kidney are proposed: (1) a renal tubule reabsorption system for the steady-state maintenance of plasma carnitine; and (2) maintenance of normal carnitine levels in kidney cells, which is required for fatty acid oxidation.  相似文献   

Aspirin and salicylate are well-known but poorly understood teratogens in laboratory animals. Because aspirin inhibits PG synthesis, we systematically examined PG synthesis in rat embryo homogenates, the inhibition of PG synthesis in vivo and ex vivo by various non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and tested the hypothesis that the inhibition of PG synthesis is responsible for aspirin-induced limb defects in rats. We report that embryonic rat homogenates synthesis 6-keto-PGF, PGE, and PGF in large amounts from endogenous substrate, that aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit PG synthesis in vitro but not necessarily in vivo, and that contrary to our original hypothesis, the inhibition of PG synthesis is likely not responsible for aspirin-induced limb defects in rats.  相似文献   

Transcellular calcium transport by the internally perfused Calliphora midgut has been measured by simultaneously monitoring 45Ca removal from the perfusing saline (entry to the cells) and its appearance in the bathing saline (exit from the cells). Reduction of the Na+ gradient across the basolateral membranes of midgut epithelial cells by removal of bathing Na+ or by addition of monensin or ouabain inhibits calcium transport across the basolateral membranes. Calcium entry at the apical membranes is inhibited in parallel. The calmodulin inhibitors, trifluoperazine or calmidazolium, do not directly affect calcium transport nor do they dissociate the parallel changes in calcium entry and exit when calcium exit is inhibited. Experiments with A23187 are consistent with a role for intracellular calcium in regulating calcium entry at the apical membranes. It is suggested that calcium transport out of midgut epithelial cells is largely by Na+-Ca2+ countertransport, and that entry may be regulated by cytoplasmic calcium so that the calcium influx never exceeds the capacity of the transport mechanisms to pump it out of the cells.  相似文献   

Cells of E. coli C thy?321 are examined for thymine residue release from DNA following gamma-irradiation from 5 to 15 krad. Experimental conditions are designed to inhibit enzyme activity that might promote base residue release. Enzyme action is restricted in order to assess the physicochemical action of radiation on cellular DNA, and to this end irradiation is done under O2, N2, and N2O saturating conditions. Both thymine and thymidine release from bacterial DNA are detected and quantitated, and three oxygen effects are noted in comparing yields of these products. No difference in effect is observed between N2 and N2O gassing conditions, suggesting that the hydroxyl radical has little effect on thymine or thymidine release from irradiated DNA in vivo.  相似文献   

The specific synthesis of argF mRNA directed by the argF gene carried on the specialized transducing bacteriophage λh80C1857dargF, performed in vitro, is described with the use of an S180 extract from a strain carrying argR?. Synthesis of argF mRNA is biphasic at approximately 7 minutes. The regulation of argF mRNA synthesis by the specific arginine holorepressor present in an S180 extract prepared from a strain carrying the argR+ allele is described.  相似文献   

Six heifers were used in a series of experiments to study the effects of experimental Trypanosomavivax infection on bovine reproduction. Four three-year-old Zebu heifers were intravenously inoculated with T. vivax-strain Y58 — on days 14 and 16 of their estrous cycle and two control heifers in the same phase of estrus were not infected. All the heifers were bred in the research pens with a proven bull. The four infected heifers were bred at the first wave of parasitemia and the onset of pyrexia which characterised the infection. All the heifers were examined rectally 40 days after breeding. The four infected heifers were not pregnant but the two controls were. The infected heifers later became anestrous during the experimental period of more than five months. It is concluded that trypanosomiasis may contribute to high infertility rates in cattle kept in endemic areas.  相似文献   

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