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Thin sections of Lowicryl K4M-embedded materials were labeled with protein A-gold complex. Gold particles representing the antigen sites for cathepsin B were exclusively confined to lysosomes of each segment of the nephron. The heaviest labeling was noted in the lysosomes of the S1 segment of the proximal tubules. Labeling intensity varied considerably with the individual lysosomes. Lysosomes of the other tubular segments, such as the S2 and S3 segments of the proximal tubules, distal convoluted tubules, and collecting tubules were weakly labeled by gold particles. Quantitative analysis of labeling density also confirmed that lysosomes in the S1 segment have the highest labeling density and that approximately 65% of labeling in the whole renal segments, except for the glomerulus, was found in the S1 segment. These results indicate that in rat kidney the lysosomes of the S1 segment are a main location of cathepsin B. Further precise observations on lysosomes of the S1 segment revealed that apical vesicles, tubules, and vacuoles were devoid of gold particles, but when the vacuoles contained fine fibrillar materials, gold labeling was detectable in such vacuoles. As the lysosomal matrix becomes denser, the labeling density is increased. Some small vesicles around the Golgi complex were also labeled. These results indicate that the endocytotic apparatus including the apical vesicles, tubules, and vacuoles contains no cathepsin B. When the vacuoles develop into phagosomes, they acquire this enzyme to digest the absorbed proteins.  相似文献   

Cathepsin D is one of the main proteolytic enzymes contributing to the development of cancer. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the expression of cathepsin D in 48 colorectal adenocarcinomas at pT3 stage of clinical advancement and G2 histologic grade. The correlation between cathepsin D expression, anatomo-clinical advancement and the presence of chosen anatomo-clinical properties of the tumours was also analysed. Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissues were investigated with anti-cathepsin D antibody. Immunolocalisation of cathepsin D was performed using Labelled Streptavidin Biotin (LSAB) method. A statistical correlation was found between high catepsin D expression in the cells of the main mass of the cancer and low cathepsin D expression in low-differentiated cancer cells which formed nests at the border of cancer invasion. There was no correlation between cathepsin D expression in the cells of colorectal cancer and other anatomo-clinical parameters of the tumours.  相似文献   

Histochemical localization of cathepsin B in alveolar macrophages (AM) that separated into four different density fractions (I, II, III and IV) by discontinuous Percoll gradient centrifugation was demonstrated in fluorescence microscope using CBZ-Arg-Arg-4-methoxy-2- naphthylamide as a substrate and 5-nitrosalicylaldehyde as a coupling reagent. The least dense AM (fraction I) was found numerous bright yellow fluorescing particles with high intensity in small granules distributed throughout the cytoplasm when compared to the most dense cells (fraction IV). The different localization of cathepsin B activity in the fractionated cells suggested differentiation of lysosomal system and existence of maturational (or aging) sequence in rat AM.  相似文献   

We studied the mode of regulation of the activity of mature cathepsin B (CB) by L-cysteine and some related thiols. The activity of CB with Z-Arg-Arg-NHMec as substrate was gradually inhibited over a range of increasing concentration of Cys, Cys methyl ester (CysOMe), Cys ethyl ester (CysOEt), N-acetyl-Cys (N-AcCys) and 3-mercaptopropionic acid. However, the inhibition of CB peaked at a definite value of [Cys], [CysOMe], [CysOEt] and [N-AcCys] and was gradually reversed over a range of higher concentrations of Cys and its esters. The maximum inhibitory concentrations of Cys, CysOME, CysOEt and N-AcCys showed a positive relationship to the pKa(RSH) values of the thiols and those of CysOEt and Cys decreased with increasing pH. The capability of the thiols to overcome their own inhibitory effect on CB was dependent on the concentration of their thiolate anion (RS-). However, the preincubation-dilution experiments showed that Cys and N-AcCys did not interact with active CB via a covalent mode. The inhibition of CB by N-AcCys was competitive and could be reversed by CysOMe. This activity-recovering effect of CysOMe was concentration-dependent and obeyed the Michaelis-Menten saturation kinetics over a profound increase of [RS-]. CB reacting in an environment of concurrently decreasing [RS-] and increasing [RSH], which was achieved by means of carboxylesterase-catalyzed deesterification of CysOEt to Cys, was progressively inhibited. Cys and N-AcCys also inhibited the fragmentation of histone H4 by CB and their concentration-dependent inhibitory profiles were qualitatively similar to those observed with Z-Arg-Arg-NHMec. Taken together, the results indicate that the RSH form of Cys and related thiols inhibits the activity of CB while the RS- form of these thiols counteracts or reverses the inhibitory action of the RSH form. This previously unrecognized thiol-thiolate anion regulation mechanism might be involved in a dynamic regulation of CB activity in endosomes and lysosomes and at the sites of lysosome-driven pericellular proteolysis.  相似文献   

Fluorescent microplate assay for cancer cell-associated cathepsin B.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cathepsin B and in particular cell-surface and secreted cathepsin B has been implicated in the invasive and metastatic phenotype of numerous types of cancer. We describe here a method to easily survey cancer cell lines for cathepsin B activity using the highly selective substrate Z-Arg-Arg-AMC. Intact human U87 glioma cells hydrolyze Z-Arg-Arg-AMC with a Km of 460 microM at pH 7.0 and 37 degrees C. This is nearly the same as the Km of 430 microM obtained with purified cathepsin B assayed under the same conditions. The pericellular (i.e. both cell-surface and released) cathepsin B activity was inhibited by the cysteine protease inhibitors E-64, leupeptin, Mu-Np2-HphVS-2Np, Mu-Leu-HpHVSPh and the cathepsin B selective inhibitor Mu-Tyr(3,5 I2)-HphVSPh with IC50 values similar to those observed for the inhibition of purified human liver cathepsin B. Other human cancer cell lines with measurable pericellular cathepsin B activity included HT-1080 fibrosarcoma, MiaPaCa pancreatic, PC-3 prostate and HCT-116 colon. Cathepsin B activity correlated with protein levels of cathepsin B as determined by immunoblot analysis. Pericellular cathepsin B activity was also detected in the rat cell lines MatLyLu prostate and Mat B III adenocarcinoma and in the murine lines B16a melanoma and Lewis lung carcinoma. The ability to determine pericellular cathepsin B activity will be useful in selecting appropriate cell lines for use in vivo when analyzing the effects of inhibiting cathepsin B activity on tumor growth and metastasis.  相似文献   

Follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) select B cells during germinal center (GC) reactions. The B cells that are able to bind to the FDCs receive a signal that leads to the termination of endonuclease activity in the nuclei of those B cells. This signal must be in addition to the signals transferred through the cross-linkage of the B cell receptors and signals resulting from the interactions of the adhesion molecules lymphocyte function-associated Ag-1 and very late Ag-4 with ICAM-1 and VCAM-1, respectively. In this report, we present evidence that the FDCs silence all apoptotic processes in GC B lymphocytes and additionally switch off pre-present endonuclease activity. We also show that GC B cell apoptosis requires cathepsin activity downstream of caspase-3. This cathepsin activity is directly connected to endonuclease activity and therefore may be an interesting target for the antiapoptotic factors produced by FDCs.  相似文献   

Cathepsin L of cancer cells has been shown to play an important role in degradation of extracellular matrix for metastasis. In order to reduce cell invasion, cathepsin L propeptide-like proteins which are classified as the I29 family in the MEROPS peptidase database were characterized from Calotropis procera R. Br., rich in cysteine protease. Of 19 candidates, the cloned and expressed recombinant SnuCalCp03-propeptide (rSnuCalCp03-propeptide) showed a low nanomolar Ki value of 2.3?±?0.2?nM against cathepsin L. A significant inhibition of tumor cell invasion was observed with H1975, HT29, MDA-BM-231, PANC1, and PC3 with a 76, 67, 67, 63, and 79% reduction, respectively, in invasion observed in the presence of 400?nM of the rSnuCalCp03-propeptide. In addition, thermal and pH study showed rSnuCalCp03-propeptide consisting of secondary structures was stable at a broad range of temperatures (30–70?°C) and pH (2–10, except for 5 which is close to the isoelectric point of 5.2).  相似文献   

Summary Loss of tooth support during chronic periodontitis is very likely to involve tissue proteases such as cathepsin B. The distribution of this enzyme was, therefore, examined in ultrathin sections of gingival tissue embedded in acrylic resin and labelled with a sheep polyclonal antibody and gold-conjugated secondary antibody. Macrophages and fibroblasts in both inflamed and non-inflamed areas of tissue showed labelling, and this was strongest in lysosomes, corresponding to the normal intracellular location of cathepsin B. However, additional gold particles were found on the surface of these cells. Monocytes in inflamed areas also had surface labelling, some of which was present on microvilli. Labelled collagen fibres adjacent to all three cell types indicated that cathepsin B had been released into the immediate extracellular environment. Plasma membrane cathepsin B has previously been associated with cancers, but enzyme redistribution and release in the gingiva may have been linked to the inflammatory response, since fibroblasts and macrophages in non-inflamed areas showed less labelling of their surface and adjacent collagen. The collagen labelling added to evidence that cathepsin B can function extracellularly as well as intracellularly in connective tissue degradation. This destructive role for the enzyme is supported by our earlier measurements of increased biochemical activity in chronic periodontitis This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The cathepsin activity of different rat organs has been compared with their capacity for amino acid uptake. These data, together with the cathepsin activity of mice submaxillary glands under different conditions of protein synthesis, suggest a relation between cathepsin activity and protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Cathepsin B and collagenolytic cathepsin were obtained from bovine spleen and human placenta and identified as thiol proteinases. Both enzymes degraded insoluble fibrous collagen maximally at pH 3.5 and soluble monomeric collagen near pH 4.5. The response to activators and inhibitors was similar for both enzymes. Collagenolytic cathepsin was unable to degrade the synthetic substrates of cathepsin B and was also shown to differ in its physico-chemical properties. Minor differences were noted in the action of these cathepsins on insoluble fibrous collagen from different tissues. It was concluded that the rate and extent of the dissolution of fibrous collagen was determined by the number and location of the interchain cross-links, the amount of the associated non-collagenous components and the type of solvent ions, but not by the collagen phenotype.  相似文献   

Cathepsin B is a lysosomal cysteine protease exhibiting mainly dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase activity, which decreases dramatically above pH 5.5, when the enzyme starts acting as an endopeptidase. Since the common cathepsin B assays are performed at pH 6 and do not distinguish between these activities, we synthesized a series of peptide substrates specifically designed for the carboxydipeptidase activity of cathepsin B. The amino-acid sequences of the P(5)-P(1) part of these substrates were based on the binding fragments of cystatin C and cystatin SA, the natural reversible inhibitors of papain-like cysteine protease. The sequences of the P'(1)-P'(2) dipeptide fragments of the substrates were chosen on the basis of the specificity of the S'(1)-S'(2) sites of the cathepsin B catalytic cleft. The rates of hydrolysis by cathepsin B and papain, the archetypal cysteine protease, were monitored by a continuous fluorescence assay based on internal resonance energy transfer from an Edans to a Dabcyl group. The fluorescence energy donor and acceptor were attached to the C- and the N-terminal amino-acid residues, respectively. The kinetics of hydrolysis followed the Michaelis-Menten model. Out of all the examined peptides Dabcyl-R-L-V-G-F- E(Edans) turned out to be a very good substrate for both papain and cathepsin B at both pH 6 and pH 5. The replacement of Glu by Asp turned this peptide into an exclusive substrate for cathepsin B not hydrolyzed by papain. The substitution of Phe by Nal in the original substrate caused an increase of the specificity constant for cathepsin B at pH 5, and a significant decrease at pH 6. The results of kinetic studies also suggest that Arg in position P(4) is not important for the exopeptidase activity of cathepsin B, and that introducing Glu in place of Val in position P(2) causes an increase of the substrate preference towards this activity.  相似文献   

We performed immunocytochemical localization of cathepsin D in osteoclasts of the proximal growth plate of the rat femurs using both the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method for cryo-semi-thin (1 micron) sections and the colloidal gold-labeled IgG method for K4M ultra-thin sections. At the light microscopic level, cathepsin D immunoreactivity in the osteoclasts appeared at the vesicles, granules, and/or small vacuoles. They were distributed throughout the cytoplasm of each cell and were relatively numerous close to the bone surface. This antigen could not be detected at the eroded bone surface. As for other cells, immunoreactivity was seen only in the lysosomes of osteoblast-like cells. Immunoreactivity in the osteoclasts was stronger and greater in the density and number than in osteoblast-like cells. At the electron microscopic level, osteoclasts with well-developed ruffled border possessed numerous cathepsin D-containing lysosomes, vacuoles, and coated vesicle-like structures. Cathepsin D-containing lysosomes fused with cathepsin-negative vacuoles and formed large secondary lysosomes. Osteoclasts with poorly developed ruffled border possessed fewer cathepsin D-containing lysosomes than those with well-developed ruffled border. No immunogold particles were seen in vacuole-like channel expansions of the ruffled borders, between the channels of the ruffled borders, or on the eroded bone surface. These findings demonstrate that osteoclasts contain a large amount of cathepsin D. They suggest that cathepsin D is necessary for osteoclastic bone resorption, that it plays an indirect rather than direct role.  相似文献   

It has been shown that lysosomal cysteine proteinases, specially cathepsin B, has been implicated in a variety of diseases involving tissue remodeling states, such as inflammation, parasite infection, and tumor metastasis, by degradation of extracellular matrix components. Recently, we have shown that heparin and heparan sulfate bind to papain specifically; this interaction induces an increase of its alpha-helix content and stabilizes the enzyme structure even at alkaline pH (Almeida, P. C., Nantes, I. L., Rizzi, C. C. A., Júdice, W. A. S., Chagas, J. R., Juliano, L., Nader, H. B., and Tersariol, I. L. S. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 30433-30438). In the present work, a combination of circular dichroism analysis, affinity chromatography, cathepsin B mutants, and fluorogenic substrate assays were used to characterize the interaction of human cathepsin B with glycosaminoglycans. The nature of the cathepsin B-glycosaminoglycans interaction was sensitive to the charge and type of polysaccharide. Like papain, heparin and heparan sulfate bind cathepsin B specifically, and this interaction reduces the loss of cathepsin B alpha-helix content at alkaline pH. Our data show that the coupling of cathepsin B with heparin or heparan sulfate can potentiate the endopeptidase activity of the cathepsin B, increasing 5-fold the half-life (t(12)) of the enzyme at alkaline pH. Most of these effects are related to the interaction of heparin and heparan sulfate with His(111) residue of the cathepsin B occluding loop. These results strongly suggest that heparan sulfate may be an important binding site for cathepsin B at cell surface, reporting a novel physiological role for heparan sulfate proteoglycans.  相似文献   

Localization of cathepsin B in rat kidney was studied using immunocytochemical techniques. Cathepsin B was purified from rat liver and antibody to it was raised in rabbits. The antibody reacted with a lysosomal extract of rat kidney to form a single precipitin line in a double-diffusion test. Immunoblot analysis of lysosomal cathepsin B of rat kidney showed two species of 29K and 25K MW. After removal of Epon, semi-thin sections of glutaraldehyde-fixed tissue were stained by the indirect immunoenzyme technique. Dark-brown reaction product, indicating the antigenic sites for cathepsin B, was found in cytoplasmic granules throughout the nephron. Staining intensity and size of the positive granules varied widely in each segment of the nephron. In the glomeruli and distal tubules, a few small cytoplasmic granules were stained. In the proximal tubules, the S1 segment exhibited many large granules which were most heavily stained, whereas the S2 and S3 segments contained few positive granules. All segments of the distal tubules showed the smallest amount of positive granules. A few positive granules were also noted in the cortical and medullary collecting tubules. Control experiments confirmed the specificity of the staining. The results indicate that the major site for cathepsin B in rat kidney is the S1 segment of the proximal tubule which is known to actively take up proteins leaked through the glomerulus.  相似文献   

Benzyloxycarbonyl-phenylalanyl-arginine 4-methyl-7-coumarylamide was found to be an excellent substrate for the fluorimetric assay of cathepsin B, and arginine 4-methyl-7-coumarylamide for cathepsin H. Procedures were developed that are very convenient, and avoid the hazards associated with the use of naphthylamides.  相似文献   

The nature of the protein kinase (PK) which phosphorylates the core protein of hepatitis B virus in vitro was studied. The PK copurified with the core particles during rate zonal centrifugation and gel chromatography. It showed the same size heterogeneity as the core particles, which consisted of a main fraction of 28-nm particles and a subfraction of 22- to 26-nm particles. DNA-containing heavy core particles with a density of 1.33 to 1.35 g/ml and less endogenous PK than did the light cores. The phosphorylation reaction had a rapid initial phase (several minutes) and a slow but long-lasting second phase (many hours). The PK had a high affinity for ATP (KM = 0.5 mumol/liter). Only few of the several hundred P21.9 subunits in one core particle were phosphorylated in vitro. The only amino acid which was phosphorylated in vitro was serine. The resistance of the introduced phospho group against alkaline phosphatase showed that the PK acceptor, and probably the enzyme itself, was located inside the core particle.  相似文献   

Cowley SC  Av-Gay Y 《Gene》2001,264(2):225-231
Two green fluorescent protein (Gfp) fusion vectors were constructed for use in Mycobacterium spp. The first plasmid facilitates quantification of mycobacterial promoter activity. The second vector permits construction of translational fusions of mycobacterial proteins to Gfp in order to study subcellular localization including protein secretion. Using this translational fusion construct, we verify that a Gfp fusion to the putative secreted M. tuberculosis protein ChoD is translocated to the extracellular milieu when cloned and expressed in Mycobacterium smegmatis.  相似文献   

Nuclear localization activity of phytochrome B   总被引:31,自引:8,他引:23  
Phytochromes are soluble red/far-red-light photoreceptor proteins which mediate various photomorphogenic responses of plants. Despite much effort, the signal transduction mechanism of phytochrome has remained obscure. Phytochromes are encoded by a small multigene family in Arabidopsis . Among the members of the family, phytochrome A (phyA) and B (phyB) are the best characterized. PhyB contains putative nuclear localization signals within its C-terminal region. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants were produced which expressed a fusion protein consisting of GUS and C-terminal fragments of phyB. GUS staining from the fusion protein in these transgenic plants was observed in the nucleus, which suggests that the nuclear localization signal of the fragment is functional. Next, it was examined whether the endogenous phyB was detected in the nucleus. Nuclei were isolated from the light-grown wild-type Arabidopsis leaves and subjected to the immunoblot analysis. The result indicated that a substantial fraction of total phyB was recovered in the isolated nuclei. This result was further confirmed by the immunocytochemical analysis of the protoplasts. Finally, the effects of light treatments on the levels of phyB in the isolated nuclei were examined. Dark adaptation of the plants before the nuclear isolation reduced the levels of phyB. The reduction was accelerated by irradiation of plants with far-red light before the transfer to darkness. Thus, nuclear localization of phyB was suggested to be light-dependent.  相似文献   

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