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舜王坪地处山西省南端,中条山东段,海拔2358米,是华北地区南部山地的最高峰。这里受暖温带季风型大陆性气候的影响,年平均气温13℃,年降水量700毫米,适于暖温带植物生长,植物种类较为丰富。据初步调查,山中分布着一千余种种子植物,尤其在山体的顶部地势较平坦,是一片拥有4000亩沃草的亚高山草甸,其辽阔、平缓之状酷似塞外草原。因此,舜王坪颇为植物学研究和教学工作者看好,也是生态旅游者的一方乐土。笔者有幸在北方较高海拔山地最美的时节———夏季,将身心融入了舜王坪的绿海之中。一进入景区,首先映入眼帘的…  相似文献   

中国湖南舜皇山和大围山夏末鸟类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于 2 0 0 2年 8月 2 1日至 9月 14日对位于湖南省西南部的舜皇山自然保护区和位于湖南省东北部的大围山自然保护区的鸟类区系进行了调查。在舜皇山自然保护区记录到 5 8种鸟类,在大围山自然保护区则记录到4 3种鸟类。在两个保护区内共采集 5 1种 186号标本,这些标本现保存在美国堪萨斯大学自然历史博物馆和生物多样性研究中心;还对另外 8种保护鸟类进行了拍照。调查期间发现大部分种类于近期刚完成繁殖;有 14种古北界迁徙种类把两个保护区作为停留地或作为越冬地。还对灰喉山淑鸟、小燕尾、斑背燕尾在水平和垂直分布范围的扩张进行了报道。  相似文献   

舜皇山自然保护区的大型真菌资源   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
通过考察、采集到舜皇山自然保护区大型真菌资源标本600余份,共计31科,78属,200种.其中有国内新记录种1种,湖南省内新记录种72种.这些真菌中,食用菌57种,药用菌38种,外生菌根菌25种,木材致腐菌66种.  相似文献   

为了解舜皇山母猪耐粗饲与抗病等方面的特性与其肠道微生物组成的关系,运用16S r DNA高通量测序技术分析同一养殖场舜皇山母猪和长×大二元杂母猪肠道微生物的组成和多样性。结果发现:舜皇山母猪的肠道微生物多样性高于长×大二元杂母猪。两种品系猪肠道微生物均以厚壁菌门、拟杆菌门、螺旋体门为主,其在舜皇山母猪和长×大二元杂母猪肠道中的总丰度分别为92.86%和94.05%。在属水平上,两种品系猪肠道微生物均以Muribaculaceae、普雷沃氏菌科、产粪甾醇真细菌、瘤胃球菌科、密螺旋体属、Christensenellaceae等为主,但它们的相对丰度存在较明显的差异;另外,毛螺菌科和链球菌属细菌在舜皇山土猪肠道中的含量显著高于长×大二元杂母猪。Lefse分析显示:长×大二元杂母猪肠道微生物中差异显著的物种有15种;舜皇山母猪有28种,其中10种属于毛螺菌科,推测毛螺菌科在舜皇山母猪的抗病能力以及耐粗饲方面具有重要作用。此外,舜皇山母猪肠道中含有稀有细菌,如红杆菌,它们可能存在潜在的研究价值。  相似文献   

目的 挖掘肠道微生物在舜皇山土猪耐粗饲及抗病等方面的作用,为舜皇山土猪的饲养与保护以及益生菌的开发提供理论依据.方法 采集3个生长阶段的舜皇山土猪粪便样品,各4~5组,进行16SrDNA V3-V4区基因高通量测序,分析其微生物的组成及多样性.结果 舜皇山土猪肠道微生物主要由拟杆菌门(Bacteroides)、厚壁菌门...  相似文献   

国家三级保护树种——华南五针松(Pinuskwangtungensis),以其优美的雄姿,傲立于祖国江南大地。湖南新宁舜皇山的华南五针松更将其“性格”表现得淋漓尽致;充分表现出了“咬定青山不放松,立根原在破岩中,千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东西南北风”的坚强风彩。舜是山的华南五针松具有如下独特的风格。1、顶天立地,姿态万千。华南五针松自然分布在悬崖陡壁的严酷生境中,顽强地成群落生长,且与各种地貌巧妙结合,组成许多优美的天然画卷。如“他掌石”、“神箭石”、“银墙滴翠”、‘“苍松探海”、“夫妻共伞”、等等。石山上一旦有了华南…  相似文献   

湖南舜皇山国家级自然保护区位于湖南省西南部新宁县境内,地处南岭山系越城岭中段和雪峰山系余脉之间.保护区以南岭山地的原生性亚热带常绿阔叶林森林生态系统为主要保护对象,有效保护了国家重点保护野生动植物的种质资源和栖息地.同时,舜皇山保护区也是长江流域重要的水源涵养地,对于国家生态安全有着重要的意义.在保护区范围内已查明的维...  相似文献   

舜皇山的香果树   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在湖南新宁舜皇山森林公园桫椤江景区的山谷里,沿溪3公里,成片分布着上千株香果树(Emmenopterys henryi),这是罕见的香果树群落。海拔1100米以下,因人类活动频繁,古木大树已不存在,依稀可见大树桩。但高5—10米的幼树随处可见;海拔1200米以上山谷,尚存有高20余米,胸径粗60厘米以上的原生型大树。这里的香果树与缺萼枫香、伯乐树、灯台树、海通、云山青刚、水青冈、长叶石栎、峨眉含笑、五角枫等组成常绿落叶阔叶混交林。 香果树是我国特有的单种属古老孑遗植物,属茜草科,别名神木、丁木、野茄瓜树。《中国珍稀濒危植物》将其列为稀有种,而林业部则将  相似文献   

旅游干扰对历山亚高山草甸植物多样性的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张桂萍  张峰  茹文明 《生态学报》2008,28(1):407-415
历山是国家级自然保护区,也是山西省自然保护区中面积最大、物种资源最丰富的自然保护区.运用丰富度指数、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数,结合方差分析研究了旅游干扰对历山舜王坪亚高山草甸植物多样性的影响及其变化规律.结果表明:(1)随着距游径距离的增加,不同样带主要科、属、种的数量均有所上升,毛茛科所含种数增加幅度较大,菊科、蔷薇科、禾本科所含种数变化幅度较小.(2)不同样带植物主要优势种的相对盖度、相对密度、相对高度均发生了不同程度的变化(p〉0.05),距离游径越远,主要优势种的相对盖度、相对密度、相对高度越大;伴人植物则表现出相反的变化趋势,即距离游径越远,伴人植物的相对盖度、相对密度、相对高度越小,个别物种甚至消失(如扁蓄).(3)生活型功能群中,多年生草本植物的种数最多,占总种数的79.24%,1年生植物和灌木合占总种数的20.76%.随着旅游干扰强度的增加,1年生植物的比例略有增加,多年生草本植物的比例略有下降,灌木所占比例较为稳定.(4)随着远离游径,物种丰富度和物种多样性指数略有增加,而物种均匀度指数表现为先升后降的趋势,增减幅度经方差分析未达到显著水平(P〉O.05).鉴于目前旅游活动对历山舜王坪草甸植物多样性的干扰程度,建议保护区应在开展旅游的同时,加强资源的保护和可持续利用. 高度越小,个别物种甚至消失(如扁蓄).(3)生活型功能群中,多年生草本植物的种数最多,占总种数的79.24%,1年生植物和灌木合占总种数的20.76%.随着旅游干扰强度的增加,1年生植物的比例略有增加,多年生草本植物的比例略有下降,灌木所占比例较为稳定.(4)随着远离游径,物种丰富度和物种多样性指数略有增加,而物种均匀度指数表现为先升后降的趋势,增减幅度经方差分析未达到显著水平(P》O.05).鉴于目前旅游活动对历山舜王坪草甸 物多样性的干扰程度,建议保护区应在开展旅游的同时,加强资源的保护和可持续利用. 高度越小,个别物种甚至消失(如扁蓄).(3)生活型功能群中,多年生草本植物的种数最多,占总种数的79.24%,1年生植物和灌木合占总种数的20.76%.随着旅游干扰强度的增加,1年生植物的比例略有增加,多年生草本植物的比例略有下降,灌木所占比例较为稳定.(4)随着远离游径,物种丰富度和物种多样性指数略有增加,而物种均匀度指数表现为先升后降的趋势,增减幅度经方差分析未达到显著水平(P》O.05).鉴于目前旅游活动对历山舜王坪草甸 物多样性的干  相似文献   

镶嵌在越城岭中段北坡的新宁舜皇山森林公园,是湘西南的一颗璀璨明珠。该山距新宁县城20公里,以古、秀、奇、特著称,自然景观和人文景观俱佳,具有旅游、休养、度假、科研、教学等多功能。境内森林覆被率高达83%。主峰舜皇山海拔1882.4米,属中山地貌,是加里东期形成的花岗岩山体。具有典型的中亚热带山地气候特点。年平均气温14℃,年降雨量1600毫米,无霜期240天,相对湿度>85%。  相似文献   

Ethnobotanical study of plants revealed that the local community of Ghalegy, District Swat, invariably uses 126 species of 59 families for various purposes. Based on their traditional local uses, fifty- seven species ( 4512%) were classified as medicinal, forty-seven as fire wood ( 3713%) , forty- five as forage ( 3517%) , twenty- eight as honey bee species ( 2212%) , twenty- seven as vegetable species ( 2114%) , 25 as edible fruits ( 14 wild and 11cultivated) , thirteen as timber wood ( 1013%) , twelve as ornamental ( 91 5%) , eleven as furniture wood, ten as shelter and thatch makers ( 719%) , ten as fencing ( 719%) , five as poisonous ( 4%) , four as religiousPsuperstitious species, three species used in making hand sticks and wooden tools ( 21 4%) , three as utensil cleaner species ( 214%) , three as evil repellent and one as fish poisoning species. The area is in plant resources and traditional knowledge but it needs ecological management for its sustainability.  相似文献   

Ethnobotanical study of plants revealed that the local community of Ghalegy, District Swat, invariably uses 126 species of 59 families for various purposes. Based on their traditional local uses, fifty-seven species (45.2%) were classifted as medicinal, forty-seven as fire wood (37.3 % ), forty-five as forage (35.7 % ), twenty-eight as honey bee species (22.2%), twenty-seven as vegetable species (21.4%), 25 as edible fruits (14 wild and llcultivated), thirteen as timberwood (10.3%), twelve as ornamental (9.5%), eleven as furniture wood, ten as shelter and thatch makers (7.9%), ten as fencing (7.9%), five as poisonous (4%), four as religious/superstitious species, three species used in making hand sticks and wooden tools (2.4%), three as utensil cleaner species (2.4%), three as evil repellent and one as fish poisoning species. The area is in plant resources and traditional knowledge but it needs ecological management for its sustainability.  相似文献   

农牧结合生态工程的基本理论与实践   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农牧结合生态工程是一个复杂的农业生态、经济和技术系统工程,它由植物(种植业)、动物(养殖业)和微生物(连接种养业)3个子系统组成,其关键是建设一个以"四、三、二、一"畜牧业生产模式为主要内容的高效节粮型畜牧生态工程,它要求用尽可能少的自然资源,在尽可能短的周期内,生产尽可能多而优的农(牧)产品,以获取尽可能高的经济效益,达到或维持尽可能最佳的生态平衡.  相似文献   

核受体是一类高度保守的配体依赖性转录因子家族,在哺乳动物发育、繁殖、免疫应答、心血管功能、组织生长、肿瘤形成、外源物清除及糖类和脂质代谢等生理过程中发挥重要作用。机体对外源物质的清除主要是由孕烷X受体等核受雄介导的。孕烷X受体最早是作为外源物感受器而被研究的,可以被大多数亲脂性药物等外源性化合物及一些内源性化合物如胆汁酸等结构差异很大的配体激活,进而与视黄醇类X受体等形成异源二聚体,结合在ER6、XREM等DNA元件上,调控下游靶基因(包括一相代谢酶、二相结合酶及药物转运体等基因)的表达。此外,孕烷X受体在能量代谢和免疫反应中也有重要作用,参与某些代谢疾病的发生发展,且已在动物模型中被证明是Ⅱ型糖尿病、血脂异常、肥胖症和动脉粥样硬化等代谢疾病治疗的有效靶标。我们主要就其发现、结构、组织分布、作用方式、自身表达的调节等方面的最新研究进行综述。  相似文献   

Background Lysine succinylation is one of the reversible protein post-translational modifications (PTMs), which regulate the structure and function of proteins. It plays a significant role in various cellular physiologies including some diseases of human as well as many other organisms. The accurate identification of succinylation site is essential to understand the various biological functions and drug development.Methods In this study, we developed an improved method to predict lysine succinylation sites mapping on Homo sapiens by the fusion of three encoding schemes such as binary, the composition of k-spaced amino acid pairs (CKSAAP) and amino acid composition (AAC) with the random forest (RF) classifier. The prediction performance of the proposed random forest (RF) based on the fusion model in a comparison of other candidates was investigated by using 20-fold cross-validation (CV) and two independent test datasets were collected from two different sources.Results The CV results showed that the proposed predictor achieves the highest scores of sensitivity (SN) as 0.800, specificity (SP) as 0.902, accuracy (ACC) as 0.919, Mathew correlation coefficient (MCC) as 0.766 and partial AUC (pAUC) as 0.163 at a false-positive rate (FPR) = 0.10 and area under the ROC curve (AUC) as 0.958. It achieved the highest performance scores of SN as 0.811, SP as 0.902, ACC as 0.891, MCC as 0.629 and pAUC as 0.139 and AUC as 0.921 for the independent test protein set-1 and SN as 0.772, SP as 0.901, ACC as 0.836, MCC as 0.677 and pAUC as 0.141 at FPR = 0.10 and AUC as 0.923 for the independent test protein set-2. It also outperformed all the other existing prediction models.Conclusion The prediction performances as discussed in this article recommend that the proposed method might be a useful and encouraging computational resource for lysine succinylation site prediction in the case of human population.  相似文献   

Podosomes have been known for several decades as micron-sized, F-actin-rich structures that play a pivotal role in cell migration and invasion, as they are able to mediate both cell-matrix attachment as well as extracellular matrix degradation. Particularly in monocytic cells, podosomes have been shown to fulfill a variety of additional functions such as sensing of substrate rigidity and topography, or cell-cell fusion. Increasing evidence now points to the involvement of podosome-like structures also during phagocytosis by immune cells such as macrophages, dendritic cells, and neutrophils. Here, we compare the different cell models and experimental set ups where “phagocytic podosomes” have been described. We also discuss the composition and architecture of these structures, their potential involvement in mechanosensing and particle disruption, as well as the pros and cons for addressing them as bona fide podosomes.  相似文献   

BIOLOG系统鉴定黄瓜根围促生菌的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对筛选出的8株具有明显促生防病作用的黄瓜根围促生菌CN11,CN31,CN45,CN1 16,CN129,XB120,XB5,XB41通过BIOLOG法进行了分类鉴定,分别为:铜绿假单胞菌(Psendomonas aeruginosa),波纹假单胞菌(P. Corrugata),短芽孢杆菌(Bacillus brevis),荧光假单胞菌B型(P. Fluorescens type B),铜绿假单胞菌(P. Aeruginosa),荧光假  相似文献   

The SLX4/FANCP tumor suppressor has emerged as a key player in the maintenance of genome stability, making pivotal contributions to the repair of interstrand cross-links, homologous recombination, and in response to replication stress genome-wide as well as at specific loci such as common fragile sites and telomeres. SLX4 does so in part by acting as a scaffold that controls and coordinates the XPF–ERCC1, MUS81–EME1, and SLX1 structure-specific endonucleases in different DNA repair and recombination mechanisms. It also interacts with other important DNA repair and cell cycle control factors including MSH2, PLK1, TRF2, and TOPBP1 as well as with ubiquitin and SUMO. This review aims at providing an up-to-date and comprehensive view on the key functions that SLX4 fulfills to maintain genome stability as well as to highlight and discuss areas of uncertainty and emerging concepts.  相似文献   

Prion protein modifies TGF-beta induced signal transduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Members of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily regulate a multitude of cellular processes as well as the expression of various proteins such as, e.g., matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). These endopeptidases selectively degrade components of the extracellular matrix as well as non-matrix substrates like growth factors and cell surface receptors. MMPs are activated during embryonic development, morphogenesis, and tissue resorption/remodeling as well as in pathological conditions such as deranged wound healing and cancer metastasis. In this report we demonstrate that over-expression of cellular prion protein in mouse mammary gland epithelial cells is able to modulate TGF-beta induced signal transduction leading to a synergistic increase of secreted MMP-2 activity. This correlates with elevated substrate detachment of cells grown as an epithelial monolayer as well as interfering with morphogenesis of cells cultured in a three-dimensional collagen type I matrix.  相似文献   

Tissue microarrays have become an essential tool in translational pathology. They are used to confirm results from other experimental platforms, such as expression microarrays, as well as a primary tool to explore the expression profile of proteins by immunohistochemical analysis. Tissue microarrays are routinely used molecular epidemiology, drug development and determining the diagnostic, prognostic and predictive value of new biomarkers. By applying traditional protein based assays, as well as novel assays to the platform, tissue microarrays have gained a new utility as a proteomic tool for both basic science as well as clinical investigation. This article will explore the new approaches that are being applied to tissue microarrays to, characterize the human proteome, and new technologies that allow tissue microarrays to function as a protein array. The U.S. Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged  相似文献   

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