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The synthesis of an affinity adsorbent, 8-(6-aminohexyl)aminoadenosine 2'-phosphate-Sepharose 4B, is described. The assembly of the 2'-AMP ligand and the hexanediamide spacer arm was synthesized in free solution before its attachment to the Sepharose matrix. This adsorbent retarded the hexameric NADP-specific glutamate dehydrogenase of Neurospora crassa, showing a capacity for this enzyme similar to that of comparable coenzyme-analogue adsorbents for other dehydrogenases. The enzyme was eluted either at pH 6.8 in a concentration gradient of NADP+, or at pH 8.5 in the presence of NADP+ in concentration gradients of either dicarboxylates or NaCl. Anomalous effects of dicarboxylates in facilitating elution are discussed. 2'-AMP and its derivatives, 8-bromoadenosine 2'-phosphate and 8-(l-aminohexyl)aminoadenosine 2'-phosphate, which were used in the synthesis of the adsorbent, all acted as enzyme inhibitors competitive with NADP+. The chromatographic properties of the wild-type enzyme were compared with those of mutationally modified variants containing defined amino acid substitutions. This approach was used to assess the biospecificity of adsorption and elution and the contribution of non-specific binding. The adsorbent showed a low capacity for the enzyme from mutant am1 (Ser-336 replaced by Phe), a variant that has a localized defect in NADP binding, but an otherwise almost normal conformation, suggesting that non-specific interactions are at most weak. The enzyme from mutant am3, a variant modified in a conformational equilibrium, was fully retarded by the adsorbent, but showed a significantly earlier elution position than the wild-type enzyme. This is consistent with measurements in free solution that showed the am3 enzyme to have a higher Ki for 2'-AMP than the wild-type enzyme. The enzyme from mutant am19 was eluted as two distinct peaks at both pH 6.8 and 8.5. The adsorbent was used to separate hybrid hexamers constructed in vitro by a freeze-thaw procedure from pairs of purified variants. Several chromatographically distinct peaks of differing enzymological properties were purified from each hybridization mixture in quantities of up to a few milligrams, and represented distinct species of hybrid hexamers differing in subunit ratio.  相似文献   

Products of the mitochondrial genome were identified in the bovine kidney cell line NBL-1 by labelling with [35S]methionine in the presence of cycloheximide. Seven proteins were precipitated by an antiserum to bovine heart NADH dehydrogenase, corresponding to the seven mitochondrial gene products identified in the human HeLa cell line. Comparison of these mitochondrial gene products with purified bovine NADH dehydrogenase by SDS/gel electrophoresis revealed that the ND-5 product is probably a previously unidentified protein of apparent Mr 51,000, and the ND-4 product is the protein of apparent Mr 39,000.  相似文献   

The reaction of pig heart lactate dehydrogenase with methyl methanethiosulphonate resulted in the modification of one thiol group per protomer, and this was located at cysteine-165 in the enzyme sequence. On reduction, both the thiomethylation of cysteine-165 and any changes in kinetic properties of the enzyme were completely reversed. Cysteine-165 has been considered essential for catalytic activity; however, cysteine-165-thiomethylated dehydrogenase possessed full catalytic activity, although the affinity of the enzyme for carbonyl-or hydroxy-containing substrates was markedly decreased. The nicotinamide nucleotide-binding capacity was unaffected, as judged by the formation of fluorescent complexes with NADH. The enzyme-mediated activation of NAD+, as judged by sulphite addition, was unaffected in thiomethylated lactate dehydrogenase. However, the affinity of oxamate for the enzyme--NADH complex was decreased by 100-fold and it was calculated that this constituted a net increase of 10.4 kJ/mol in the activation energy for binding. Thiomethylated lactate dehydrogenase was able to form an abortive adduct between NAD+ and fluoropyruvate. However, the equilibrium constant for adduct formation between pyruvate and NAD+ was too low to demonstrate this complex at reasonable pyruvate concentrations. A conformational change in the protein structure on selective thiomethylation was revealed by the decreased thermostability of the modified enzyme. The alteration of lactate dehydrogenase catalytic properties on modification depended on the bulk of the reagent used, since thioethylation resulted in an increase in Km for pyruvate (13.5 +/- 3.5 mm) and an 85% decrease in maximum catalytic activity. The implications of all these findings for the catalytic mechanism of lactate dehydrogenase are discussed.  相似文献   

Previously a mutant of clostridial glutamate dehydrogenase with the catalytic Asp-165 replaced by Asn was shown to regain activity through spontaneous, specific deamidation of this residue. A double mutant D165N/K125A has now been constructed, in which the catalytic Lys is also replaced. This was successfully over-expressed and according to several criteria appears to be correctly folded. The double mutant was incubated for 35 days under conditions where D165N reactivates. LC-MS analysis of tryptic digests of timed samples showed no significant deamidation. This confirms that the reactivation of D165N is a consequence of the catalytic chemistry of the enzyme's active site.  相似文献   

The c-ski locus extends a minimum of 65 kb in the chicken genome and is expressed as multiple mRNAs resulting from alternative exon usage. Four exons comprising approximately 1.5 kb of cDNA sequence have been mapped within the chicken c-ski locus. However, c-ski cDNAs include almost 3 kb of sequence for which the exon structure was not defined. From our studies using the polymerase chain reaction and templates of RNA and genomic DNA, it is clear that c-ski cDNAs are encoded by a minimum of eight exons. A long 3' untranslated region is contiguous in the genome with the distal portion of the ski open reading frame such that exon 8 is composed of both coding and noncoding sequences. Exons 2 and 3 are separated by more than 25 kb of genomic sequence. In contrast, exons 3 through 8, representing more than half the length of c-ski cDNA sequences, are closely linked within 10 kb in the chicken genome.  相似文献   

Two kinds of subunits, light subunit (Mr =1300) and heavy subunit (Mr=40 000), were isolated from a methylamine dehydrogenase (Mr=105 000) of Pseudomonas sp. J. The isolation of the subunits was carried out by gel chromatography after the enzyme had been treated with 3M guanidine-HCl. Coexistence of both of the subunit exhibited an absorption maximum only at 278 nm but in addition to the peak at 278 nm. The results indicate that the prosthetic group, assumed to be a derivative of pyridoxal, was bound to the light subunit. The spectral changes of the light subunit were observed by addition of methylamine. Various physical and biochemical parameters of the subunits are reported.  相似文献   

Modification of glutamate dehydrogenase from bovine liver with 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid under conditions which yield stable preparations resulted in alterations of the catalytic, regulatory, and physical properties of the enzyme. Enzyme modified to the extent of one trinitrobenzenesulfonate molecule per chain of 53,500 molecular weight lost only 20% of its catalytic activity with no change in the Km values for the substrates. After modification, GTP was less effective as an inhibitor while ADP stimulation remained approximately the same. Ultracentrifugation studies showed a disaggregation of the modified enzyme and ADP did not cause reaggregation. The treated enzyme also was found to be more heat, stable even in its disaggregated state than the native enzyme.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase (complex I) in mammalian cells is a multimeric enzyme consisting of approximately 40 subunits, 7 of which are encoded in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Very little is known about the function of these mtDNA-encoded subunits. In this paper, we describe the efficient isolation from a human cell line of mutants affected in any of these subunits. In the course of analysis of eight mutants of the human cell line VA2B selected for their resistance to high concentrations of the complex I inhibitor rotenone, seven were found to be respiration deficient, and among these, six exhibited a specific defect of complex I. Transfer of mitochondria from these six mutants into human mtDNA-less cells revealed, surprisingly, in all cases a cotransfer of the complex I defect but not of the rotenone resistance. This result indicated that the rotenone resistance resulted from a nuclear mutation, while the respiration defect was produced by an mtDNA mutation. A detailed molecular analysis of the six complex I-deficient mutants revealed that two of them exhibited a frameshift mutation in the ND4 gene, in homoplasmic or in heteroplasmic form, resulting in the complete or partial loss, respectively, of the ND4 subunit; two other mutants exhibited a frameshift mutation in the ND5 gene, in near-homoplasmic or heteroplasmic form, resulting in the ND5 subunit being undetectable or strongly decreased, respectively. It was previously reported (G. Hofhaus and G. Attardi, EMBO J. 12:3043-3048, 1993) that the mutant completely lacking the ND4 subunit exhibited a total loss of NADH:Q1 oxidoreductase activity and a lack of assembly of the mtDNA-encoded subunits of complex I. By contrast, in the mutant characterized in this study in which the ND5 subunit was not detectable and which was nearly totally deficient in complex I activity, the capacity to assemble the mtDNA-encoded subunits of the enzyme was preserved, although with a decreased efficiency or a reduced stability of the assembled complex. The two remaining complex I-deficient mutants exhibited a normal rate of synthesis and assembly of the mtDNA-encoded subunits of the enzyme, and the mtDNA mutation(s) responsible for their NADH dehydrogenase defect remains to be identified. The selection scheme used in this work has proven to be very valuable for the isolation of mutants from the VA2B cell line which are affected in different mtDNA-encoded subunits of complex I and may be applicable to other cell lines.  相似文献   

RNA-protein cross-links were introduced into E. coli 30S ribosomal subunits by reaction with 2-iminothiolane followed by a mild ultraviolet irradiation treatment. After removal of non-reacted protein and partial nuclease digestion of the cross-linked 16S RNA-protein moiety, a number of individual cross-linked complexes could be isolated and the sites of attachment of the proteins to the RNA determined. Protein S8 was cross-linked to the RNA at three different positions, within oligo-nucleotides encompassing positions 629-633, 651-654, and (tentatively) 593-597 in the 16S sequence. Protein S7 was cross-linked within two oligonucleotides encompassing positions 1238-1240, and 1377-1378. In addition, a site at position 723-724 was observed, cross-linked to protein S19, S20 or S21.  相似文献   

Treatment of E. coli ribosomal subunits with 2-iminothiolane coupled with mild ultraviolet irradiation leads to the formation of a large number of RNA-protein cross-links. In the case of the 30S subunit, a number of sites on 16S RNA that are cross-linked to proteins S7 and S8 by this procedure have already been identified (see ref. 6). Here, by using new or modified techniques for the partial digestion of the RNA and the subsequent isolation of the cross-linked RNA-protein complexes, three new iminothiolane cross-links have been localized: Protein S17 is cross-linked to the 16S RNA within an oligonucleotide encompassing positions 629-633, and protein S21 is cross-linked to two sites within oligonucleotides encompassing positions 723-724 and positions 1531-1542 (the 3'-end of the 16S RNA).  相似文献   

Kinetic constants were determined for commercially available samples of ox liver glutamate dehydrogenase, which had previously been shown to have suffered limited proteolysis during preparation, with a range of substrates and effectors. These were compared with the values obtained with enzyme preparations purified in such a way as to prevent this proteolysis from occurring [McCarthy, Walker & Tipton (1980) Biochem. J. 191, 605-611]. The Km values and maximum velocities determined with different substrates revealed little difference between the two preparations although the proteolysed enzyme had lower Km values for NH4+ and glutamate when the activities were determined with NADPH and NADP+ respectively. This preparation was more sensitive to inhibition by Cl- ions but less sensitive to inhibition by high concentrations of the substrate NADH. The two preparations also differed in their sensitivities to allosteric effectors, with the proteolysed enzyme being the less sensitive to inhibition by GTP. At high concentrations of NADH, this preparation was also more sensitive to activation by ADP and ATP.  相似文献   

Modifications of the catalytic beta subunits of the chloroplast ATPase (CF1-ATPase) are reported which support the proposal that all three subunits participate sequentially during catalysis. The beta subunits of the CF1-ATPase are sufficiently homogeneous to allow detection of their derivatization with dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) or the substrate analog 2-azido-ATP by two-dimensional isoelectric focusing. Whether the DCCD reacts with the same beta subunit that tightly binds ATP has not been known. Our results show that when CF1-ATPase is covalently labeled with 2-azido-ATP followed by reaction with DCCD, different beta subunits are labeled. The DCCD labeling does not stop catalytic cooperativity of the CF1-ATPase and allows slow enzyme turnover. When the DCCD-modified enzyme catalyzes 2-azido-ATP cleavage and the enzyme with tightly bound nucleotide is photolyzed, both DCCD-modified and unmodified subunits are randomly labeled by the azido nucleotide. This result is as expected if during the catalytic cycle one beta subunit with unique properties is replaced by another subunit that gains these properties. The participation of all three subunits in the catalytic cycle is suggested by the apparent retention of catalytic cooperativity by the two remaining subunits after one subunit has already catalyzed 2-azido-ATP cleavage and been labeled.  相似文献   

The level of the NADPH-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase activity (EC from nitrate-grown cells of the thermophilic non-N2-fixing cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum OH-1-p.Cl1 could be significantly enhanced by the presence of ammonium or nitrite, as well as by L-methionine-DL-sulfoximine and other sources of organic nitrogen (L-Glu, L-Gln, and methylamine). The enzyme was purified more than 4,400-fold by ultracentrifugation, ion-exchange chromatography, and affinity chromatography, and at 30 degrees C it showed a specific activity of 32.9 mumol of NADPH oxidized per min per mg of protein. The purified enzyme showed no aminotransferase activity and catalyzed the amination of 2-oxoglutarate preferentially to the reverse catabolic reaction. The enzyme was very specific for its substrates 2-oxoglutarate (Km = 1.25 mM) and NADPH (Km = 64 microM), for which hyperbolic kinetics were obtained. However, negative cooperativity (Hill coefficient h = 0.89) and [S]0.5 of 18.2 mM were observed for ammonium. The mechanism of the aminating reaction was of a random type with independent sites. The purified enzyme showed its maximal activity at 60 degrees C (Ea = 5.1 kcal/mol [21.3 kJ/mol]) and optimal pH values of 8.0 and 7.5 when assayed in Tris hydrochloride and potassium phosphate buffers, respectively. The native molecular mass of the enzyme was about 280 kilodaltons. The possible physiological role of the enzyme in ammonia assimilation is discussed.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the NADP+- and phosphate-dependent oxidation of glutamic acid 5-semialdehyde are consistent with a rapid-equilibrium random order mechanism. The Km for DL-pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid is 2.5 mM, for NADP+ is 0.05 mM and for phosphate is 0.35 mM. The Vmax is approx. 8.0 units per mg protein. The reaction is highly specific for the DL-pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid and NADP+, but a number of divalent anions can substitute for phosphate. NADPH is competitive with respect to all three substrates and an analog of gamma-glutamyl phosphate, 3-(phosphonoacetylamido)-L-alanine, is competitive with respect to DL-pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid and non-competitive with respect to NADP+ and phosphate, suggesting dead-end complex formation.  相似文献   

1. Glutamate dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase solubilized from liver microsomes were able to rebind to microsomal vesicles while the corresponding dehydrogenases extracted from mitochondria showed no affinity for microsomes. 2. Competition was noticed between microsomal glutamate dehydrogenase and microsomal malate dehydrogenase in the binding to microsomal membranes. Mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase or bovine serum albumin did not inhibit the binding of microsomal glutamate dehydrogenase to microsomes. 3. Binding of microsomal glutamate dehydrogenase to microsomal membranes decreased when microsomes was preincubated with trypsin. 4. Rough microsomal glutamate dehydrogenase was more efficiently bound to rough microsomes than smooth microsomes. Conversely, smooth microsomal glutamate dehydrogenase had higher affinity for smooth microsomes than for rough microsomes. 5. A difference was noticed among the glutamate dehydrogenase isolated from rough and smooth microsomes, and from mitochondria, which suggested the possibility of minor post-translational modification of enzyme molecules in the transport from the site of synthesis to mitochondria.  相似文献   

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