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After inhabiting their home sites for a few days, both males and females of the salamander Desmognathus monticola directed agonistic behaviour toward intruding salamanders. Resident D. monticola were significantly more aggressive toward D. fuscus intruders than toward conspecific ones, although both conspecific and congeneric intruders were frequently attacked. Responses of D. monticola residents were independent of sex, and no difference was found in the behaviour of residents toward conspecific male and female intruders. Small D. fuscus intruders were attacked and injured more frequently than similar-sized D. monticola intruders and, in general, smaller-sized salamanders were the victims of aggressive attacks more frequently than larger ones. The proportions of bites on the head and tail of intruders were similar, although injuries were much more frequent to the tail than to the head. This species-related and size-related agonistic behaviour may be functional in maintaining the spatial distribution of species in communities of Desmognathus salamanders.  相似文献   

Anemonefishes (genus Amphiprion) are well known as protandrous sex-changing fish. They live symbiotically with sea anemones and form a social unit that consists of a breeding pair and several sexually immature individuals with ambisexual gonads. In general, the hierarchy of the social rank is strictly maintained in a group, and this hierarchy is considered to be one of the critical factors that induce sex change or sex differentiation in anemonefishes. Field observations have shown that behavioural characteristics of anemonefishes vary depending on the environment. In this study we examined the differences in territorial aggression directed at conspecific intruders according to sexual status in the false clown anemonefish, Amphiprion ocellaris, under laboratory conditions. Resident–intruder tests were conducted on groups consisting of three anemonefish: a dominant female, a second-ranked male and a subordinate ambisexual individual. Females and males showed more aggressive behaviour than did ambisexual individuals, and behaviours were specifically directed at intruders of the same sexual status, not at those of the opposite sex. Notably, the female residents displayed fierce aggressive behaviours particularly toward female intruders, whereas male residents engaged more often in side-by-side swimming with male intruders than with female or ambisexual intruders. Ambisexual intruders were threatened by all residents, rarely attacked. We observed only few aggressive acts towards tank mates. These results suggest that sexually mature resident anemonefish in a confined space, such as under laboratory conditions, perceive intruders of the same sexual status as competitors for reproductive status and thus, dominant social rank.  相似文献   

Spotted hyenas ( Crocuta crocuta ) are gregarious carnivores that defend group territories against encroachment by neighboring conspecifics. Here we monitored the behavior of members of one clan of free-ranging spotted hyenas during border patrols, 'wars' with neighboring clans, and other interactions with alien intruders, to document differences between the sexes in territorial behavior in this species. We also examined the possibility that the probability or rate of attack on alien hyenas encountered within the clan's territory would vary with the sex of the intruders. Initiation and leadership of most cooperative territorial behaviors were by adult female clan members, although border patrols were occasionally conducted by groups composed exclusively of resident males. The vast majority of alien intruders into the territory of the study clan were males. Resident females were more likely to attack intruding females than intruding males, but hourly rates of aggression directed by females towards aliens did not vary with intruder sex. Resident males were more likely than resident females to attack alien males, and resident males directed significantly higher hourly rates of aggression towards intruding males than females. Although female leadership in most cooperative territorial behaviors distinguishes spotted hyenas from many mammalian carnivores, other sex differences in the territorial behavior of spotted hyenas resemble those documented in other gregarious predators. Sex differences observed in hyena territoriality are consistent with the hypothesis that male and female clan members derive different selective benefits from advertisement and defense of group territories.  相似文献   

The effects of castration of both resident and intruder rats on territorial aggressive behavior were studied. The results suggest that residence in a home cage is more important than gonadal status in determining the outcome of an aggressive encounter. Resident rats were more likely to be dominant especially if they were intact. Intact residents directed less aggressive behavior toward castrated intruders than toward intact intruders. Intruder rats generally showed low levels of aggressive behavior and were only dominant when the resident had been castrated. Thus, the aggressive behavior of a male rat depends upon both his gonadal status and that of his opponent.  相似文献   

In a dense population of Egyptian Vultures Neophron percnopterus in northern Spain, nest-switching occurred between nearby nests. Fledglings obtained more feeds by intruding and pirating than by remaining in their own nests during the same period. Intruder fledglings showed the same behaviour with Foster adults attacked intruder fledglings significantly less than they attacked alien adults and immatures but more frequently than they attacked their own fledglings. Effective rejection behaviour by foster adults to intruders may not have evolved as Egyptian Vultures usually nest at lower densities than that found in the study area.  相似文献   

In many territorial breeders, conspecifics that intrude during the chick‐rearing period pose a threat to survival of young. Defense of young from intruders is costly to parents, so it is likely that intense selective pressure has shaped chick defense so as to maximize parental fitness. We simulated territorial intrusion by exposing adult common loons Gavia immer and their chicks to a decoy and used mixed models to investigate responses. We tested two hypotheses: 1) the value hypothesis, which holds that parents should defend large broods of offspring more strongly because of the greater potential fitness benefits they offer, and 2) the vulnerability hypothesis, which predicts vigorous defense of young offspring, whose small size and limited mobility render them vulnerable to sudden attacks from intruders that approach under water. Under natural conditions, parents spent over 80% of their time within 20 m of chicks younger than two weeks (‘young chicks’) but 66% or less of their time close to chicks four weeks or older (‘old chicks’). Parents of young chicks associated less with the decoy but yodelled and penguin danced more during decoy trials than did parents of old chicks, supporting the conclusion that the parents protected young chicks not by engaging intruders directly but by remaining close to chicks and using vocalization and display to keep intruders at a distance. While these findings lent clear support to the vulnerability hypothesis, the value hypothesis too was supported, as males with two‐chick broods were almost three times more likely to yodel than males with singleton chicks. Age of parents was not associated with any aspect of chick defense, but the paucity of known‐aged parents in the oldest age classes makes future investigation of age effects warranted.  相似文献   

Mating system and parental behavior of ten monogamous pairs and two polygynous groups of the Tanganyikan cichlid Neolamprologus meeli were observed in their natural habitat. The home ranges of males and females overlapped with each other. Most groups included one to six young. Paternal and maternal relationships were determined for 22 young from DNA microsatellite markers. Three types of kinship were found: (I) kinship to both the male and female; (II) kinship to females only; and (III) non-kinship to both sexes. In the groups with type II young, step-fathering or sneaking may have occurred. Type III young were larger than type I, suggesting that the former were of sufficient size to leave their birth nest and settle in the territories of foster parents. Both males and females drove out potential predators of young (including three species of Lepidiolamprologus) as a parental behavior. Adults with type III young attacked approaching predators with as much frequency as those with type I young only, indicating that they provided alloparental care. Adults and young swam together, but, a significant difference existed in the frequencies of interactions between adults versus kin young and adults versus non-kin young. The results suggest that both adults and young recognized kin. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The decision rules that animals use for distinguishing between conspecifics of different age and sex classes are relevant for understanding how closely related species interact in sympatry. In rubyspot damselflies (Hetaerina spp.), the red wing coloration of mature males is hypothesized to be a key trait for sex recognition and competitor recognition within species and the proximate trigger for interspecific male–male aggression. We tested this hypothesis by manipulating the wing coloration of tethered conspecific intruders and measuring the responses of territory holders of three species in the field. As predicted, covering the red spots of mature males with black ink nearly eliminated territorial responses, and in some cases, territorial holders clasped the blackened males as if they were females. Adding red spots to female wings triggered territorial responses and nearly eliminated sexual responses. Immature males with artificial red spots were attacked at the same rate as mature male intruders, and much more frequently than were immature male controls. The results varied somewhat by species. In H. titia, the only species of Hetaerina with substantial black wing pigmentation, the effects of blackening the red spots of intruders varied both geographically and seasonally. But even when blackening the red spots of male intruders did not reduce the aggressive response of H. titia territory holders, adding artificial red spots to female wings elicited aggressive responses and nearly eliminated sexual responses. The results of this study further strengthen the evidence that interspecific aggression in Hetaerina results from overlap in territorial signals and that the derived black wing pigmentation of H. titia reduces interspecific aggression.  相似文献   

Females of the bivoltine thrips Elaphrothrips tuberculatus (Hood) (Insecta: Thysanoptera) produce broods of either all males (by viviparity) or all females (by oviparity). Measurements of the sex-allocation ratio, ecological and physiological conditions affecting male and female offspring body size, and correlates of the relative fitnesses of adult males and females in relation to size indicate that female parents tend to be viviparous (produce males) if their offspring will become relatively large adults, and that males gain more in fitness from large size than do females. However, the conditions that link sex allocation with offspring fitness differ between the spring and summer generations. In spring, when breeding is synchronous, 1) oviparous and viviparous females do not differ in body size, 2) females tend to be viviparous where the fungus upon which they feed is relatively dense and where their offspring will become relatively large adults, and 3) fungus density is highly correlated with male and female offspring size. In summer, when breeding is relatively asynchronous, 1) viviparous females are much larger than oviparous females early (but not late) in the season, 2) large viviparous females begin breeding earlier than smaller ones, 3) offspring developing earlier in the season become larger adults, and 4) a higher proportion of females are viviparous earlier than later. Field experiments and field collections show that the covariation among sex allocation, conditions, and fitness is not caused by differential mortality by size or sex. Differences between the spring and summer generations in the cues used by females to adjust offspring sex ratio may be caused by seasonal variation in the factors that affect offspring size. However, in both generations, females tend to produce sons only when their offspring will become relatively large adults, whereas daughters are produced regardless of offspring size. These data suggest that females of E. tuberculatus avoid production of males (the sex with higher variance in expected fitness) when the size of their offspring is relatively uncertain.  相似文献   

Male-male conflict is common among animals, but questions remain as to when, how and by whom aggression should be initiated. Factors that affect agonistic strategies include residency, the value of the contested resource and the fighting ability of the two contestants. We quantified initiation of aggression in a fish, the desert goby, Chlamydogobius eremius, by exposing nest-holding males to a male intruder. The perceived value of the resource (the nest) was manipulated by exposing half of the residents to sexually receptive females for two days before the trial. Resident male aggression, however, was unaffected by perceived mating opportunities. It was also unaffected by the absolute and relative size of the intruder. Instead resident aggression was negatively related to resident male size. In particular, smaller residents attacked sooner and with greater intensity compared to larger residents. These results suggest that resident desert goby males used set, rather than conditional, strategies for initiating aggression. If intruders are more likely to flee than retaliate, small males may benefit from attacking intruders before these have had an opportunity to assess the resident and/or the resource.  相似文献   

In biparental species, aggression, dominance, and parental care are typically sexually dimorphic. While behavioral dimorphism is often strongly linked to gonadal sex, the environment—either social or ecological—may also influence sex‐biased behavior. In the biparental cichlid fish Julidochromis marlieri, the typical social environment for breeding pairs consists of large females paired with smaller males. While both sexes are capable of providing territory defense and parental care, the larger female provides the majority of defense for the pair, while the smaller male remains in the nest guarding their offspring. We examine the contributions of sex and relative mate size to these sex‐biased behaviors in monogamous J. marlieri pairs. Both female‐larger and male‐larger pairs were formed in the laboratory and were observed for territorial aggression (against conspecifics and heterospecifics), dominance, and parental care. In female‐larger pairs, territorial aggression and intra‐pair dominance were female‐biased, while in male‐larger pairs this bias was reversed. For both pairing types, the presence of an intruder amplified sex differences in territorial aggression, with the larger fish always attacking with greater frequency than its mate. Though less robust, there was evidence for plasticity of sex‐bias for some egg care related behaviors in the inverse direction. Our study suggests that relative mate size strongly influences the sex bias of aggression and dominance in J. marlieri and that this aspect of the social environment can override the influence of gonadal sex on an individual's behavior. The remarkable plasticity of this species makes Julidochromis an exciting model that could be used to address the relationship between proximate and ultimate mechanisms of behavioral plasticity.  相似文献   

Aggression by Pterophyllum scalare to an opposite sexed intruder was markedly reduced when the mate was absent. Territorial defence was not vigorous just after the eggs had been released and fertilized. Fish of both sexes attacked intruders of the same sex more intensely than they attacked those of the opposite sex, but males were more aggressive than females in this context. These results suggest that their aggression toward intruders serves to maintain the pair bond.  相似文献   

Cannibalism, or intraspecific predation, can play a major role in changing individual fitness and population processes. In insects, cannibalism frequently occurs across life stages, with cannibals consuming a smaller or more vulnerable stage. Predation of adult insects on one another is considered to be uncommon. We investigated adult cannibalism in the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), which is an oligophagous herbivore specializing on plants in family Solanaceae, and an important agricultural pest. Under laboratory conditions, starvation and crowding encouraged teneral adults to feed upon each other, which reduced their weight loss during the period of starvation. However, pupae were attacked and consumed before adults. Injured beetles had a higher probability of being cannibalized than intact beetles. Males were more frequently attacked than females, but that appeared to be a function of their smaller size rather than other gender‐specific traits. Cannibalizing eggs at a larval stage did not affect beetle propensity to cannibalize adults at an adult stage. When given a choice between conspecific adults and mealworms, the beetles preferred to eat conspecifics. Cannibalistic behavior, including adult cannibalism, could be important for population persistence in this species.  相似文献   

Age 0 Arctic grayling begin to show agonistic behaviour 3 weeks after emergence and are territorial by their fourth week. Age 1 fish are territorial throughout the summer feeding period. In adults, territoriality is restricted to larger males during the early spring breeding season while after the breeding season both smaller adult males and adult females also hold territories.
In sub-adults, larger fish and resident fish tend to win most fights. In adults, males usually win against females. In fights between adults of the same sex, larger and resident fish usually win.
The lateral display becomes more important in the agonistic repertoire of Arctic grayling as they mature and the characteristic large dorsal fin develops. Arctic grayling appear to lack an appeasement display.  相似文献   

The prospective behaviour for nests by conspecific intruders may be a strategy to gather public information for future reproduction or to secure resources for immediate reproduction. Although the relationship between the sex, age and breeding experience of intruders and the sex and age of residents may be crucial for understanding the significance of nest‐prospecting behaviour, a precise determination of these traits has rarely been addressed in field studies. In a free‐ranging population of spotless starlings ( Sturnus unicolor), inexperienced birds were the predominant intruders. The ratio of male‐to‐female intruders was higher among birds without previous breeding experience, although our results did not allow us to determine whether more inexperienced males or females intruded nests. The average annual rate of intrusion of either sex was strongly correlated with the number of fledglings produced in the study colony the previous year, which seems to indicate that the inexperienced intruders were, in general, yearlings. The proportion of the sexes among the intruders in each study year was correlated with the average age of male owners but not with the age of female owners. This result suggests that the presence of intruding males in the nests was affected by an increased opportunity to find vacancies in nesting territories as resident males became older. This finding supports the hypothesis that, in most cases, birds visited nests to obtain personal information about nesting resources. However, the intrusion rates were higher when there were nestlings than during the incubation period, which suggests that collecting public information was also involved in the intruding behaviour. Both sexes regularly attacked intruders, which implies that the intruders inflicted some kind of cost on the owners. Female floaters were more frequently chased, probably because they regularly lay parasitically in conspecific nests.  相似文献   

Why hummingbirds have such large crops   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Male Anna's Hummingbirds (Calypte anna) defend territories that contain a predictable food source, floral nectar. For such a hummingbird, the meal size that maximizes long-term net energy intake is less than the maximal crop volume. Smaller meals must be consumed more frequently, but larger meals increase body mass and therefore flight cost. Individuals without territories or with inadequate territories do not have easy access to nectar and intrude on territories owned by otherC. anna, where they may be chased at nay time. It was predicted that these intruders should minimize the number of potentially risky intrusions necessary for maintenance by ingesting as much nectar as possible whenever they manage to feed without being chased (usually when owners are temporarily absent). Therefore, relative to uninterrupted feeding by owners, uninterrupted intruders should feed longer and take larger meals. Field observations supported these predictions. Intruders apparently filled their crops in all seasons, whereas owners ingested smaller amounts (0.21–0.22 ml) and fed for lengths of time consistent with the prediction of an optimization model (0.21 ml). Thus, owners may energetically optimize meal size whereas intruders fill their crops whenever they are not chased. Under most conditions, hummingbirds only fill their crops one-tenth to one-third full, leading to the question why hummingbirds have such large crops. This study demonstrates that a large crop volume may be of survival value when an individual lacks a territory or has inadequate access to resources and must poach on others' territories.  相似文献   

Through non-genetic maternal effects, mothers can tailor offspring phenotype to the environment in which young will grow up. If juvenile and adult ecologies differ, the conditions mothers experienced as juveniles may better predict their offspring's environment than the adult environment of mothers. In this case maternal decisions about investment in offspring quality should already be determined during the juvenile phase of mothers. I tested this hypothesis by manipulating juvenile and adult maternal environments independently in a cichlid fish. Females raised in a poor environment produced larger young than females raised without food limitations, irrespective of the feeding conditions experienced during adulthood. This maternal boost was due to a higher investment in eggs and to faster larval growth. Apparently, mothers prepare their offspring for similar environmental conditions to those they encountered as juveniles. This explanation is supported by the distribution of these fishes under natural conditions. Juveniles live in a different and much narrower range of habitats than adults. Therefore, the habitat mothers experienced as juveniles will allow them to predict their offspring's environment better than the conditions in the adult home range.  相似文献   

A.N. Radford 《Animal behaviour》2003,66(6):1035-1044
Group territorial displays are a prominent feature of many avian cooperative-breeding systems. I used natural observations and playback experiments to investigate the territorial vocal rallying display of the green woodhoopoe,Phoeniculus purpureus . Rallies, which consisted of all adult group members cackling loudly while bowing up and down, were given both when unprovoked and in response to other groups. Unprovoked rally length correlated positively with group size, making it a potential indicator of group resource-holding potential. However, group members vocalized for longer in response to actual and simulated intrusions by larger groups than by smaller ones. The duration of the initial response rally was therefore strongly influenced by the rally length given by the intruding group, and consequently did not accurately reflect group size. I discuss the implications of this potential deception. Individuals differed in their contributions to response rallies depending on their sex and dominance status, and on the composition of the intruding group. Although males and females contributed equally overall, each sex expended more effort responding to intruders of its own sex, which might have been viewed as a greater threat. Individuals also approached playbacks of the opposite sex more closely than those of their own sex. Subordinates tended to cackle for longer than dominants, perhaps because they had more to lose from the increased foraging competition following the inclusion of additional group members. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

When animals compete over resources such as breeding territories, they often use signals to communicate their aggressive intentions. By studying which signals are associated with aggressive interactions, we gain a deeper appreciation of animal behaviour. We studied aggressive signalling in male Savannah Sparrows, Passerculus sandwichensis, focusing on signals that precede physical attack against territorial intruders. We simulated intruders using song playback and taxidermic models, and we determined which behaviours were associated with physical attack. Previous studies that have used this approach suggest that many species produce songs of dramatically lower amplitude, or “soft songs,” as signals of aggressive intention. Savannah Sparrows, however, are not known to produce soft songs, and therefore, they provided an interesting system for testing signals that predict attack. Of 93 playback subjects, 23 males attacked the simulated intruder and 70 did not. To our surprise, Savannah Sparrows produced soft songs, and the number of soft songs was a significant predictor of attack on the simulated intruder. Birds also showed a nonsignificant tendency to produce more “chip” calls prior to attack on the simulated intruder, whereas three other measured behaviours (aggressive calls, wing waving and passes over the model) did not predict attack. Our study contributes to the growing body of research on aggressive territorial signals and reveals that soft song is an even more widespread signal of aggression in songbirds than previously recognized.  相似文献   

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