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Pacific walruses ( Odobenus rosmarus divergens ) are harvested by subsistence hunters in Alaska as they migrate north through the Bering Strait in the spring. Harvest records and biological specimens have been collected from the Bering Strait communities of Little Diomede, Gambell, and Savoonga since the 1950s. Harvest levels in the Bering Strait region peaked in the late 1980s and declined thereafter; however, there was considerable variation in the size and composition of the harvests among communities and over time. The relationships among characteristics of the community harvests and the presence of temporal trends were investigated using generalized linear models. The proportion of females in the catch increased over time in all three communities, while the proportion pregnant among harvested females declined over the range of sample years. The ages of harvested walruses increased over time in all three communities through the 1980s, after which trends in age stabilized or began to decline. The age of first reproduction was significantly older for females sampled in 1975–1985 than for females sampled between 1952 and 1962 or 1992 and 1998. Factors thought to have influenced the size and composition of the catch over the past 50 yr include hunter preferences, harvest management regimes, environmental conditions, and changes in the population itself.  相似文献   

We developed an age‐structured population matrix model to perform population viability analysis for Lower Missouri River (LMR) shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus). We investigated potential effects of the commercial fishing moratorium put in place to help protect the similar‐appearing pallid sturgeon (S. albus). The model applies different components of total variance in life history parameters at different levels: sampling variance (parameter uncertainty) between model iterations; temporal variance (temporal environmental fluctuations) between time steps within iterations; and individual variance (individual differences) within each time‐step. The model predicted annual rates of population increase of 1.96% under historic fishing and 2.67% with removal of historic fishing. We identified combinations of fishing and harvest size restrictions that would permit a sustainable harvest of shovelnose sturgeon. Overall, the ban on commercial fishing of shovelnose sturgeon in the LMR due to similarity of appearance to pallid sturgeon should help the LMR shovelnose sturgeon population begin to rebound while decreasing any negative effects it may have had on pallid sturgeon populations.  相似文献   

Shovelnose sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus are one of the few sturgeon species that currently support sustainable commercial harvest. However, harvest closures for many Eurasian sturgeons have resulted in increased exploitation of this fishery, thereby raising concerns about the sustainability of shovelnose sturgeon resources. As a result, the maintenance of self‐sustaining shovelnose sturgeon populations will require the estimation of appropriate harvest levels. This study used an age‐structured population model to examine the effects of harvest (u = 0.15–0.75) and length restrictions on population abundance, mean length‐at‐harvest, biomass, yield, and reproductive potential of female shovelnose sturgeon in the upper Wabash River, Indiana. Model simulations for four hypothetical length‐restriction scenarios (610‐ to 813‐mm reverse slot limit, and a 610‐, 635‐, and 660‐mm minimum length limit) were compared to outputs with no restriction. All population parameters within each length‐restriction scenario declined with increases in harvest level. For each harvest level, all population parameters increased as length limits became more restrictive. The reverse slot limit and 610‐mm minimum length limit provided adequate protection to allow population parameters to increase through an annual harvest level of 0.55. However, these length restrictions were not sufficiently conservative to warrant implementation due to their similarity to length‐at‐maturity of female shovelnose sturgeon. The implementation of a 635‐mm minimum length limit would protect female shovelnose sturgeon from harvest rates >0.75, allow 92% of the females to remain available for harvest, and minimize short‐term (<30 years) declines in yield. Further, sensitivity and robustness analyses suggested that the 635‐mm minimum length limit would allow population parameters to increase even at the worst‐case scenario. As a result, the 635‐mm minimum length limit was recommended as the most appropriate regulation to promote conservation and sustainable harvest of shovelnose sturgeon in the upper Wabash River.  相似文献   

Wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) are a prolific species and valuable game animal throughout the United States. Stochastic simulations are commonly used to inform harvest management, and we used simulation to test performance of fall harvest management that included 1-, 3-, and 5-year cycles of population assessment and updating of harvest targets, respectively. To assess robustness of our conclusions, we replicated analyses across 18 combinations of model parameters that included population productivity (3 levels), sex-specific vulnerability to fall harvest (3 levels), and magnitude of spring harvest (2 levels). Performance of multi-year cycles, measured using abundance of males and annual harvest, depended on the context of model parameters that interacted to determine responses of populations to harvest. One- and 3-year cycles had similar performance so long as female harvests were less than or equal to male harvests. However, when harvest of females was greater than males, or when 5-year regulation cycles were implemented, there was greater risk due to nonlinear population responses to increased harvest. For example, nonlinearity resulted in thresholds where declines to abundance and harvest could occur with small increases to harvest rates, and thus the sustainability of fall harvests was less robust for multi-year cycles with time-lagged assessment and decision making. Moreover, the harvest rate resulting in threshold responses depended on model parameters and often occurred within the range of harvest rates recommended by earlier modeling studies (7–15%). Our results imply that multi-year cycles can be a viable approach to harvest management. Monitoring that provides information on sex-specific harvest is recommended, however, to determine if nonlinear population responses should be anticipated. Ideally, information on population-specific vital rates would also be available to allow managers to avoid harvest rates near thresholds that are expected to result in population declines. © The Wildlife Society, 2019  相似文献   

We evaluated the biological and socio-economic effects of statewide limitation of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) hunting licenses, which began in Colorado in 1999. We implemented a before-after-control-impact (BACI) analysis of annual helicopter sex and age class surveys, collected as part of the Colorado Division of Wildlife's routine monitoring, to assess changes in adult male/adult female ratios and fawn/adult female ratios in response to this change in harvest management. Following statewide limitation and reduction of license sales (1999–2006), we observed increases in adult male/adult female ratios of 7.39 (SE = 2.36) to 15.23 (SE = 1.22) adult males per 100 adult females in moderately limited areas and of 17.55 (SE = 3.27) to 21.86 (SE = 2.31) adult males per 100 adult females in highly limited areas. We simultaneously observed reductions in fawn/adult female ratios in newly limited areas by as much as 6.96 (SE = 2.19) fawns per 100 females, whereas in areas that had previously been limited we observed stabilization of fawn/adult female ratios at levels lower than levels observed under the unlimited harvest management structure. An immediate decline of $7.86 million in annual revenue stemmed from the change in harvest management, but revenue subsequently rebounded. This study provides preliminary evidence of potential effects that other state and provincial wildlife management agencies may face as they consider shifting mule deer harvest management towards limited license scenarios. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

In many animal population survey studies, the construction of a stochastic model provides an effective way to capture underlying biological characteristics that contribute to the overall variation in the data. In this paper we develop a stochastic model to assess the population trend and abundance of the Florida manatee, Trichechus manatus latirostris , along the Atlantic coast of the state, using aerial survey data collected at winter aggregation sites between 1982 and 2001. This model accounts for the method by which the manatees were counted, their movements between surveys, and the behavior of the total population over time. The data suggest an overall increase in the population from 1982 to 1989 of around 5%–7%, a reduction in growth or a leveling off (0%–4% annual growth) from 1990 to 1993, and then an increase again of around 3%–6% since 1994. In winter 2001–2002 (the most recent survey season for which analyses were done), we estimated the adult manatee population along the east coast of Florida to be 1,607 individuals (range = 1,353–1,972; 95% credible interval). Our estimate of manatee abundance corresponds well with maximum counts (approximately 1,600 manatees) produced during synoptic aerial surveys under optimal conditions. Our calculations of trends correspond well with mark and recapture analyses of trends in survival of adult manatees along the east coast through the early 1990s. Our population trend estimates since that time are more optimistic than those generated by mark-recapture models.  相似文献   

Aim  To examine the exploitation, recovery and current status of green turtles ( Chelonia mydas ) nesting at Ascension Island.
Location  Ascension Island (UK) (7°57' S, 14°22' W), South Atlantic Ocean.
Methods  We analysed records of the harvest of green turtles nesting at Ascension Island between 1822 and 1935, illustrating the decline in numbers over this period. Using a deterministic age-class structured model we predict the initial number of breeding females present in the population prior to the recorded harvest and compare this to our estimate of the current population based upon our recent annual surveys (1999–2004).
Results  Prior to 1822 we estimate the nesting population of green turtles to have been at least 19,000–22,000 individuals in order for the population to have survived the level of harvest recorded. From recent data (1999–2004), we estimate the current breeding population of green turtles at this site to be 11,000–15,000 females. Our results illustrate a dramatic recovery of the population, which is still increasing exponentially and shows no evidence of slowing, suggesting it has not reached 50% of its carrying capacity.
Main conclusions  We estimate that, since the 1970s, the Ascension Island population of green turtles has increased by 285% and question the recent listing of this species as endangered by the IUCN (World Conservation Union), in particular in the Atlantic Ocean, where 75% of the populations assessed by the IUCN are increasing. Indeed, we estimate the global population of this species to be in excess of 2.2 million individuals. We suggest that the IUCN's global listing process detracts attention from those populations that are truly threatened with extinction and should not, in its present form, be applied to globally distributed long-lived species such as marine turtles.  相似文献   

The lake sturgeon ( Acipenser fulvescens ) is resident in the North and South Saskatchewan rivers of Alberta. Because of their confined distribution, low abundance, and vulnerability to anthropogenic impacts, lake sturgeon in Alberta have been the focus of specific management actions for nearly 60 years.
Lake sturgeon harvest was prohibited in Alberta from 1940 to 1968, after which a limited harvest was again permitted, but only as a hook-and-line sport fishery. After being reopened the fishery was primarily managed as a "trophy" fishery. Sport fishery harvest statistics have been compiled annually since 1968, through mail-out questionnaires sent to all holders of sturgeon angling licenses.
Few research studies have been undertaken on the life history or habitat requirements of lake sturgeon in the province, and biologists have relied primarily on anglers to provide information for management decisions. Preliminary population information for the South Saskatchewan River, from mark-recapture data, suggests a population size of about 3700 fish. Recent studies in the North Saskatchewan River indicate a population of about 1300 fish. Studies indicate that a portion of the population in both rivers is trans-boundary, moving between the waters of the adjoining provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan, and creating concerns because of differences in angling regulations. During recent decades, major consumptive uses of water have also contributed to depletion of lake sturgeon habitat in the province.
After reviewing past management strategies and actions, Alberta Environmental Protection implemented a number of regulatory changes in 1987 to further protect lake sturgeon populations in the province while continuing to provide angling opportunities and maintaining a controlled harvest.  相似文献   

I provide an analysis of a simplified life history model for green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, based on published and recent estimates of reproduction and growth rates and survival rates from life history theory. The deterministic life cycle models serve as a tool for qualitative analysis of the impacts of perturbations on green sturgeon, including harvest regulations based on minimum and maximum size limits (“slot limits”). Elasticity analysis of models with two alternative age–length relationships give similar results, with a high sensitivity of population growth rate to changes in the survival rate of subadult and adult fish. A dramatic increase in the survival of young of the year sturgeon or annual egg production is required to compensate for relatively low levels of fishing mortality. Peak reproductive values occur from ages 25 to 40. An increase or decrease in the maximum and minimum size limits can have a profound effect on the elasticity of population growth to changes in the annual survival rate of age classes specified by the slot, due to changes in the number of age classes of subadults and adults that are available for harvest. This analysis provides managers with a simple tool to assess the relative impacts of alternative harvest regulations. In general, green sturgeon follow life history patterns similar to other sturgeon, but species-specific demographic information is needed to produce more complex assessment and viability analysis models.  相似文献   

Using a forward projecting population model, the timing and scale of Lake Sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens (LS) recovery and natural reproduction was estimated for the Milwaukee River in Wisconsin, USA for the years 2004–2048. LS, a widely distributed potamodromous Acipenseridae species in North America, have, like other sturgeon species, suffered population declines due to overharvest and other factors since the 1800s. LS recovery efforts were initiated in the early 1980s following the successful development of LS propagation techniques and stocking has become a widely utilized tool in LS recovery programs. Sturgeon recovery programs are long-term endeavors, with annual stocking usually planned for 25 plus years, along with population assessments and habitat improvements conducted over decades before project success can be verified. LS recovery activities on the Milwaukee River, a Lake Michigan tributary in southeast Wisconsin, began with barrier mitigation in 1997 and stocking in 2003. The modest size of the Milwaukee River, along with habitat improvements, and 17 years of stocking, provided an opportunity to model and predict LS population recovery trends. A forward projecting population model with an imbedded stochastic Ricker stock-recruitment relationship, adjusted for the estimated LS productive capacity of the Milwaukee River, estimated the timing and scale of LS recovery during 2004–2048 predicting a 18.3% annual average population rate of increase during the stocking period, and a 5.7% post-stocking rate. Accelerated LS growth and maturity due to goby consumption built into the model resulted in projections of gravid adult males present in 2012 and spawning adult females and natural recruitment in 2019. During the 2020 spawning period a group of adult-sized LS were observed in the Milwaukee River below an intermittent barrier on the river. The model predicted adult LS densities to grow from 22 in 2012 to 8088 in 2048, and annual natural recruitment to grow steadily from 76 yearlings in 2019 to an average of 4000 yearlings/year during 2039-2049. The estimated number of yearling recruits per spawning (gravid) female dropped steadily from 21 in 2019 to 8 recruits per gravid female in 2048 as a function of the Ricker stock-recruitment relationship built into the model. The model results indicate that significant LS recovery can possibly begin in a shorter time frame on Great Lakes tributaries than originally expected through systematic resolution of habitat issues and LS stocking. Results can also be used to help anticipate recovery trends, fine tune stocking and habitat strategies, and plan LS recovery assessments.  相似文献   

Within harvested populations, relationships between harvest intensity and reproductive responses are typically unclear, rendering regulatory decisions difficult. Harvest of the commercially important shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) is increasing in the upper Mississippi River; standardized seasonal sampling revealed that adult abundance is declining. Relative density of annual cohorts varied negatively with historical harvest intensity (r2 = 0.84), suggesting that removal of mature adults is reducing the contribution of cohorts to population density. The results of simulation modeling suggest that this currently unregulated fishery is experiencing both growth and recruitment overfishing. Further, the current proposed multi‐state minimum length regulation was insufficient to maintain a sustainable stock. Only a more conservative minimum length limit (685 mm) produced yields that were sustainable at the current level of mortality and provided room for the fishery to grow. The annual mortality rate of the sympatric, federally endangered pallid sturgeon (S. albus) was similar to that of the shovelnose sturgeon population, raising concerns that harvest‐induced mortality is affecting this congener's vital rates.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We analyzed counts of northern Yellowstone elk (Cervus elaphus) in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA, over 70 years to evaluate the effects of changing management on population trends. Population reduction efforts and hunter harvests during 1932–1968 removed 71,330 elk and decreased estimated abundance from 16,000 to 6,000 elk. Abundance increased to approximately 17,000 elk (λ = 1.19) when removals ceased and harvests were very small during 1969–1975. Moderate to liberal hunter harvests of antlerless elk outside the Park during 1976–2004 removed a relatively consistent proportion (26 ± 0.1 [SD]%) of females that migrated outside the park, mostly from prime-age (3–15 yr) classes with high reproductive value. Substantial winterkill was infrequent (1989, 1997), but it significantly reduced calf survival when it occurred. Wolves (Canis lupus) were reintroduced in 1995–1996 and rapidly increased in abundance (λ = 1.23) and distribution. Estimated wolf kill of elk now exceeds hunter harvest, but has a smaller effect on population dynamics because wolves concentrate on calves and older females (>14 yr) with low reproductive value. During 1995–2004, estimated abundance decreased from 23,000 to 12,000 elk. The recent ratio of wolves to elk is relatively low compared to the estimated equilibrium ratio, suggesting that the wolf population may yet increase in the future. Thus, reduction of harvests of prime-aged female elk to decrease removals of animals with high reproductive value and increase adult female survival appears essential. We analyzed the relative impact of removals by hunters and by wolves using Fisher's (1930) reproductive value and found that the impact of hunters is far more important than that by wolves, a finding of broad significance.  相似文献   

Assessments of population trends based on time-series counts of individuals are complicated by imperfect detection, which can lead to serious misinterpretations of data. Population trends of threatened marine turtles worldwide are usually based on counts of nests or nesting females. We analyze 39 years of nest-count, female-count, and capture-mark-recapture (CMR) data for nesting loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) on Wassaw Island, Georgia, USA. Annual counts of nests and females, not corrected for imperfect detection, yield significant, positive trends in abundance. However, multistate open robust design modeling of CMR data that accounts for changes in imperfect detection reveals that the annual abundance of nesting females has remained essentially constant over the 39-year period. The dichotomy could result from improvements in surveys or increased within-season nest-site fidelity in females, either of which would increase detection probability. For the first time in a marine turtle population, we compare results of population trend analyses that do and do not account for imperfect detection and demonstrate the potential for erroneous conclusions. Past assessments of marine turtle population trends based exclusively on count data should be interpreted with caution and re-evaluated when possible. These concerns apply equally to population assessments of all species with imperfect detection.  相似文献   

Sandhill cranes (Antigone canadensis) inhabiting the midcontinent of North America have been hunted since the 1960s under management goals of maintaining abundance, retaining geographic distribution, and maximizing sustainable harvest. Some biologists have raised concerns regarding harvest sustainability because sandhill cranes have lower reproductive rates than other game birds. We summarized demographic information in an age-structured matrix model to better understand population dynamics and harvest. Population indices and recovered harvest since the early 1980s suggest midcontinent sandhill cranes have experienced an average long-term annual growth of 0.9%; meanwhile, harvest has increased 1.8% annually. Adult survival and recruitment rates estimated from field data required modest adjustments (1–3%) so that model-derived growth rates matched growth estimated from a long-term survey (0.887 adult survival and 0.199 females/breeding female). Considering 0.9% long-term annual growth, sandhill cranes could be harvested at a rate of 6.6% if harvest was additive to natural mortality (assumed to be 0.05) or 11.3% if harvest mortality compensated for natural mortality. Life-history characteristics for long-lived organisms and demographic evidence suggested that hunter harvest was primarily additive. Differential harvest rates of segments of sandhill cranes in the midcontinent population derived from differential exposure to hunting suggested potentially unsustainable harvest for greater sandhill cranes (A. c. tabida) from 2 breeding segments. Overall, demographic evidence suggests that the harvest of sandhill cranes in the midcontinent population has been managed sustainably. Monitoring activities that reduce nuisance variation and estimate vital and harvest rates by subspecies would support continued management of sandhill cranes that are of interest to hunters and bird watchers. Published 2020. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Abstract Many current wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) harvest models assume density-independent population dynamics. We developed an alternative model incorporating both nonlinear density-dependence and stochastic density-independent effects on wild turkey populations. We examined model sensitivity to parameter changes in 5% increments and determined mean spring and fall harvests and their variability in the short term (3 yr) and long term (10 yr) from proportional harvesting under these conditions. In the long term, population growth rates were most sensitive to poult:female ratios and the form of density dependence. The nonlinear density-dependent effect produced a population that maximized yield at 40% carrying capacity. The model indicated that a spring or fall proportional harvest could be maximized for fall harvest rates between 0% and 13% of the population, assuming a 15% spring male harvest and 5% spring illegal female kill. Combined spring and fall harvests could be maximized at a 9% fall harvest, under the same assumptions. Variability in population growth and harvest rates increased uncertainty in spring and fall harvests and the probability of overharvesting annual yield, with growth rate variation having the strongest effect. Model simulations suggested fall harvest rates should be conservative (≤9%) for most management strategies.  相似文献   

Long‐term population trends of pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus in the lower Missouri River were evaluated via a discrete and stochastic age‐structure population viability model. The intent of this model was to (i) estimate the local pallid sturgeon population size, (ii) quantify the contribution of hatchery‐reared fish to the overall population, (iii) predict the level of natural production needed to create a self‐sustaining population, and (iv) determine the parameters that produce the largest model sensitivity. The model estimated that the wild, adult population size was approximately 6000 fish that remained in the lower Missouri River in 2012 compared to approximately 42 000 hatchery‐reared pallid sturgeon. Under the assumption of no natural recruitment, the population size will continue to decline at approximately 8% annually, with an annual egg to age‐1 survival rate of 0.00011 predicted to maintain a stable population. The model was most sensitive to survival rates of fish ≥ age‐1 and less sensitive to age‐0 survival rates and fecundity. Decreasing or increasing the female spawning interval by 1 year had minimal effect on the overall population trajectory. Recovery management planning for a species such as pallid sturgeon, which is slow‐growing, late‐maturing, and has intermittent spawning would require several years to access recovery potential and management decisions. Barring any unforeseen natural catastrophe, the pallid sturgeon population in the lower Missouri River is not in immediate danger of local extirpation; however, the population appears to be far from viable and self‐sustaining.  相似文献   

Archaeologists and resource managers are starting to recognize the value of studying ancient cultures for examples of how resources have, and have not, been sustainably utilized in the past as a way of understanding current trends in environmental degradation. These studies do not provide sweeping generalizations about aboriginal resource use but, rather, identify the range of conditions under which sustainable harvests may be possible. The hypothesis of sustainable harvests must be tested using variables that can be measured equally well in ancient (e.g., archaeological) and modern contexts.These factors are carefully considered in this analysis of pinniped (seal and sea lion) remains from two archaeological sites on the eastern North Pacific (ENP) coast, where pinnipeds have been hunted for millennia. Reconstruction of the age composition, or harvest profile, of Callorhinus ursinus at the Ozette Village Site, Washington, shows that males and females of all ages were harvested, and supports the hypothesis that it was done so sustainably for over 500 years. After this period of apparent stability, C. ursinus abandoned local breeding colonies in the early historic period. In contrast, harvests of this species at the Moss Landing Hill Site, California, primarily targeted young of the year, and sub-adult and adult females. While this harvest is also inferred to have targeted a local breeding colony, C. ursinus appear to have been extirpated nearly 2000 years earlier at Moss Landing than at Ozette.The causes of these extirpations are not known, but the timing does not correspond well with known climatic changes, suggesting that subsistence, and perhaps commercial, hunting may have played a role. These examples underscore the need to recognize that patterns of resource use are highly variable – different cultures have had varying levels of effects on economically important species, and these effects have varied temporally, spatially, and taxonomically.  相似文献   

Human harvesting is often a major mortality factor and, hence, an important proximate factor driving the population dynamics of large mammals. Several selective harvesting regimes focus on removing animals with low reproductive value, such as “antlered” harvests in North America and juvenile harvesting in many European countries. Despite its widespread use and assumed impact, the scientific basis of juvenile harvesting is scattered in the literature and not empirically well-documented. We give the first overview of demographic, evolutionary and practical management arguments for selective harvesting of juveniles. Furthermore, we empirically test two demographic arguments based on harvest statistics of Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) in seven European countries. P1: Harvesting juveniles has little influence on harvest growth compared with harvesting adult females due to the lower reproductive value of juveniles than adult females; P2: Harvesting of juveniles dampens variance in harvest due to lower and more variable natural survival rates of juveniles compared with adults. We found that harvesting juveniles has little effect on harvest growth rate, while harvesting adult females has a significant negative effect (consistent with P1), but that increasing the proportion of juveniles in the harvest did not decrease the variability in harvest between years (P2 not supported). Based on our empirical findings and overview of arguments, we discuss how the merits of juvenile harvesting may vary over time as populations move from a low density to a very high density state.  相似文献   

Where elevated harvest of ungulates is a priority, managers benefit by understanding how various sources of mortality affect the age and sex structure and trend of ungulate populations. Prior studies reported a long period (1997–2014) of moose (Alces alces gigas) nutritional stress from overabundance in our study area, an intentional 31% reduction in moose numbers using liberal harvests of females (2004–2012), and low bear (Ursus spp.) predation and high moose harvest densities relative to other largely roadless systems with moose, bears, and wolves (Canis lupus). In this paper, we detailed management findings after describing causes and rates of mortality from 226 female and 164 male moose radio-collared at 9 months of age (1997–2008) and followed through life (1997–2019) and throughout the population reduction. We listened for mortality signals on radio-collars 1–2 times/month when snow cover was complete and 2–4 times/month when snow cover was incomplete. Upon hearing a mortality signal, we investigated mortality sites usually within 24 hours via helicopter. Excluding hunter-caused mortality, we estimated 28% annual mortality for male yearlings versus 17% for female yearlings, then low annual mortality rates (0–4%) to 84 months of age for males and 96 months of age for females, and gradually increasing annual mortality rates thereafter. Most (83%) male moose ≥24 months of age died from hunters; minor causes included wolves (8%), malnutrition or disease (5%), grizzly bears (U. arctos; 2%), and accidents (2%). Most female moose ≥24 months of age died from wolves (37%) or hunters (33%); minor causes included malnutrition or disease (15%), grizzly bears (10%), and accidents (5%). The proportion of radio-collared females killed by hunters varied depending on numbers of permits issued to hunters; the kill rate of females ≥24 months of age was 58% during the initial 4 years of the 9-year reduction, moderated at 29% during the final 5 years of the reduction, and was only 7% for all other study years. We attributed 32% of hunter kills to illegal harvest and unrecovered hunter kills. Hunters played a key role in the intentional population reduction by harvesting prime-age and near prime-age male and female moose that rarely died from other sources of mortality compared with calf, yearling, and older moose. Restricting general season hunters to primarily harvesting prime-age and older male moose with antler spreads ≥127 cm did not appreciably reduce harvest of adult males. Male moose 2.0–5.3 years of age rarely died from non-hunter causes and were largely harvested at older, prime ages (5.3–8.3 yr of age). Yearling moose of both sexes died primarily from wolves, with wolves selecting more for males. By using liberal harvests of female moose to reduce the population, managers improved moose nutrition and reproduction, met mandates for elevated harvests, and may have avoided a reoccurrence of a previous precipitous decline in moose numbers that was initiated by overabundance and extreme snow depths. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The numbers of spawning sites for Chinese sturgeon have been drastically reduced since the construction of the Gezhouba Dam across the Yangtze River. This dam has blocked migration of Chinese sturgeon to their historic spawning ground causing a significant decline of the Chinese sturgeon population. We conducted a VORTEX population viability analysis to estimate the sustainability of the population and to quantify the efficiency of current and alternative conservation procedures. The model predicted the observed decline of Chinese sturgeon, resulting from the effect of the Gezhouba Dam. These simulations demonstrated the potential interest of two conservation measures: increasing spawning area and reducing predation on sturgeon eggs. The simulations also demonstrated that the actual restocking program is not sufficient to sustain sturgeon population as the artificial reproduction program induce the loss of more wild mature adults that the recruitment expected by the artificial reproduction.  相似文献   

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