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Review: Biodegradation as a biotechnological model for the teaching of biochemistry. A knowledge of waste treatment and the biodegradation processes involved is necessary for undergraduates in agriculture, chemistry, biology, food technology, etc. Courses in these subjects must make adequate provision for such instruction. In this article, we suggest a theoretical and practical study of composting, which stimulates the interest of the students in metabolic pathways involved in this, and other, biotechnological processes.  相似文献   

The analytical and biotechnological applications of human hemoglobin immobilized covalently on CNBr–Sepharose 4B are reviewed. Hemoglobin is bound to the matrix as αβ dimers via either chain. The immobilized αβ dimers maintain the capacity to interact reversibly with soluble ones under conditions where the soluble protein is in self-association equilibrium. Under these conditions, therefore, immobilized dimers bind part of the soluble protein. In turn, the binding process can be used to assess the specific features of the equilibrium on solid-phase and to extract selectively hemoglobin from a variety of biological specimens of practical interest. A different application of immobilized αβ dimers concerns their use in the determination of the equilibrium and kinetic stability of the heme–globin linkage, a property that is directly correlated with the stability of the hemoglobin molecule. The advantages and limitations attendant the use of the immobilized protein relative to the soluble one are discussed.  相似文献   

Method validation may be regarded as one of the most well-known areas in analytical chemistry as is reflected in the substantial number of articles submitted and published in peer review journals every year. However, some of the relevant parameters recommended by regulatory bodies are often used interchangeably and incorrectly or are miscalculated, due to few references to evaluate some of the terms as well as wrong application of the mathematical and statistical approaches used in their estimation. These mistakes have led to misinterpretation and ambiguity in the terminology and in some instances to wrong scientific conclusions. In this article, the definitions of various relevant performance indicators such as selectivity, specificity, accuracy, precision, linearity, range, limit of detection, limit of quantitation, ruggedness, and robustness are critically discussed with a view to prevent their erroneous usage and ensure scientific correctness and consistency among publications.  相似文献   

Carcinogenicity is one of the toxicological endpoints causing the highest concern. Also, the standard bioassays in rodents used to assess the carcinogenic potential of chemicals and drugs are extremely long, costly and require the sacrifice of large numbers of animals. For these reasons, we have attempted development of a global quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model using a data set of 1464 compounds (the Galvez data set available from http://www.uv.es/-galvez/tablevi.pdf), including many marketed drugs for their carcinogenesis potential. Though experimental toxicity testing using animal models is unavoidable for new drug candidates at an advanced stage of drug development, yet the developed global QSAR model can in silico predict the carcinogenicity of new drug compounds to provide a tool for initial screening of new drug candidate molecules with reduced number of animal testing, money and time. Considering large number of data points with diverse structural features used for model development (n(training) = 732) and model validation (n(test) = 732), the model developed in this study has an encouraging statistical quality (leave-one-out Q2 = 0.731, R2pred = 0.716). Our developed model suggests that higher lipophilicity values and conjugated ring systems, thioketo and nitro groups contribute positively towards drug carcinogenicity. On the contrary, tertiary and secondary nitrogens, phenolic, enolic and carboxylic OH fragments and presence of three-membered rings reduce the carcinogenicity. Branching, size and shape are found to be crucial factors for drug-induced carcinogenicity. One may consider all these points to reduce carcinogenic potential of the molecules.  相似文献   

The following commentary was developed by the National Marrow Donor Program Cord Blood Advisory Group and is intended to provide an overview of umbilical cord blood (UCB) processing, summarize the current state of potency assays used to characterize UCB, and define limitations of the assays and future needs of the cord blood banking and transplant community. The UCB banking industry is eager to participate in the development of standardized assays to uniformly characterize cellular therapy products that are manufactured in a variety of ways. This paper describes the desired qualities of these assays and how the industry proposes to co-operate with developers to bring relevant assays to market. To that end, the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) Cord Blood Bank Network is available to serve as a resource for UCB testing material, research and development consulting, and product/assay testing in an accredited UCB manufacturing environment.  相似文献   

A simple and fast HPLC method based on an isocratic, reversed-phased ion-pair with amperometric end-point detection for simultaneous measurement of noradrenergic (MHPG/NA and A), dopaminergic (DOPAC, HVA/DA) and serotonergic (5-HIAA/5-HT) compounds in mouse brain tissue was developed. In order to improve the chromatographic resolution (Rs) with an acceptable total analysis time, experimental designs for multivariate optimization of the experimental conditions were applied. The optimal conditions for the separation of the eight neurotransmitters and metabolites, as well as two internal standards, i.e., DHBA and 5-HMT, were obtained using a mixture of methanol–phosphate–citric buffer (pH 3.2, 50 mM) (9:91, v/v) containing 2 mM OSA as mobile phase at 32 °C on a microbore ALF-115 column (150 mm × 1.0 mm, 3 μm particle size) filled with porous C18 silica stationary phase. In this study, a two-level fractional factorial experimental design (½ 2K) was employed to optimize the separation and capacity factor (k′) of each molecule, leading to a good separation of all biogenic amines and their metabolites in brain tissue. A simple method for the preparation of different bio-analytical samples in phosphate–citric buffer was also developed. Results show that all molecules of interest were stabilized for at least 24 h in the matrix conditions without any antioxidants. The method was fully validated according to the requirements of SFSTP (Société Française des Sciences et Techniques Pharmaceutiques). The acceptance limits were set at ±15% of the nominal concentration. The method was found accurate over a concentration range of 4–2000 ng/ml for MHPG, 1–450 ng/ml for NA, 1–700 ng/ml for A, 1–300 ng/ml for DOPAC, 1–300 ng/ml for 5-HIAA, 1–700 ng/ml for DA, 4–2800 ng/ml for HVA and 1–350 ng/ml for 5-HT. The assay limits of detection for MHPG, NA, A, DOPAC, 5-HIAA, DA, HVA and 5-HT were 2.6, 2.8, 4.1, 0.7, 0.6, 0.8, 4.2 and 1.4 pg, respectively. It was found that the mean inter- and intra-assay relative standard deviations (RSDs) over the range of standard curve were less than 3%, the absolute and the relative recoveries were around 100%, demonstrating the high precision and accuracy, and reliability of the analytical method described to apply in routine analysis of biogenic amines and their metabolites in brain tissue.  相似文献   

The traditional strength of chicken embryos for studying development is that they are readily manipulated. This has led to some major discoveries in developmental biology such as the demonstration that the neural crest gives rise to almost the entire peripheral nervous system and the identification of signalling centres that specify the pattern of structures in the central nervous system and limb. More recently with the burgeoning discovery of developmentally important genes, chicken embryos have provided useful models for testing function. Uncovering the molecular basis of development provides direct links with clinical genetics. In addition, since many genes that have crucial roles in development are also expressed in tumours, basic research on chickens has implications for understanding human health and disease. Now that the chicken genome has been sequenced and genomic resources for chicken are becoming increasingly available, this opens up opportunities for combining these new technologies with the manipulability of chicken embryos and also exploiting comparative genomics.  相似文献   

The primitive chordate Ciona intestinalis has emerged as a significant model system for the study of heart development. The Ciona embryo employs a conserved heart gene network in the context of extremely low cell numbers and reduced genetic redundancy. Here, I review recent studies on the molecular genetics of Ciona cardiogenesis as well as classic work on heart anatomy and physiology. I also discuss the potential of employing Ciona to decipher a comprehensive chordate gene network and to determine how this network controls heart morphogenesis.  相似文献   

There are substantial gaps in the knowledge of the molecular processes of development and reproduction in parasitic nematodes, despite the fact that understanding such processes could lead to novel ways of treating and controlling parasitic diseases, through blocking or disrupting key biological pathways. Biotechnological advances through large-scale sequencing projects, approaches for the analysis of differential gene and protein expression and functional genomics (e.g., double-stranded RNA interference) now provide opportunities to investigate the molecular basis of developmental processes in some parasitic nematodes. The porcine nodule worm, Oesophagostomum dentatum (order Strongylida), may provide a platform for testing the function of genes from this and related nematodes, given that this species can be grown and maintained in culture in vitro for periods longer than other nematodes of the same order. In this article, we review relevant biological, biochemical and molecular biological and genomic information about O. dentatum and propose that the O. dentatum - pig system provides an attractive model for exploring molecular developmental and reproductive processes in strongylid nematodes, leading toward new intervention methods and biotechnological outcomes.  相似文献   

The translation of nucleic acids into synthetic structures with expanded functional potential has been the subject of considerable research, with applications including small-molecule and polymer evolution, reaction discovery and sensing. Here, we review properties of nucleic-acid-templated synthesis in the context of requirements for prebiotic translation. This analysis highlights the chemical possibilities of ancient translation systems, as well as challenges that these systems may have faced.  相似文献   

The hybridoma 192 was used to produce a monoclonal antibody (MAb) against 17‐hydroxyprogesterone (17‐OHP), for possible use in screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). The factors influencing the MAb production were screened and optimized in a 2 L stirred bioreactor. The production was then scaled up to a 20 L bioreactor. All of the screened factors (aeration rate, stirring speed, dissolved oxygen concentration, pH, and temperature) were found to significantly affect production. Optimization using the response surface methodology identified the following optimal production conditions: 36.8°C, pH 7.4, stirring speed of 100 rpm, 30% dissolved oxygen concentration, and an aeration rate of 0.09 vvm. Under these conditions, the maximum viable cell density achieved was 1.34 ± 0.21 × 106 cells mL?1 and the specific growth rate was 0.036 ± 0.004 h?1. The maximum MAb titer was 11.94 ± 4.81 μg mL?1 with an average specific MAb production rate of 0.273 ± 0.135 pg cell?1 h?1. A constant impeller tip speed criterion was used for the scale‐up. The specific growth rate (0.040 h?1) and the maximum viable cell density (1.89 × 106 cells mL?1) at the larger scale were better than the values achieved at the small scale, but the MAb titer in the 20 L bioreactor was 18% lower than in the smaller bioreactor. A change in the culture environment from the static conditions of a T‐flask to the stirred bioreactor culture did not affect the specificity of the MAb toward its antigen (17‐OHP) and did not compromise the structural integrity of the MAb. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2013  相似文献   

As part of a European research project (FOOD-PCR), we developed a standardized and robust PCR detection assay specific for the three most frequently reported food-borne pathogenic Campylobacter species, C. jejuni, C. coli, and C. lari. Fifteen published and unpublished PCR primers targeting the 16S rRNA gene were tested in all possible pairwise combinations, as well as two published primers targeting the 23S rRNA gene. A panel of 150 strains including target and nontarget strains was used in an in-house validation. Only one primer pair, OT1559 plus 18-1, was found to be selective. The inclusivity and exclusivity were 100 and 97%, respectively. In an attempt to find a thermostable DNA polymerase more resistant than Taq to PCR inhibitors present in chicken samples, three DNA polymerases were evaluated. The DNA polymerase Tth was not inhibited at a concentration of 2% (vol/vol) chicken carcass rinse, unlike both Taq DNA polymerase and DyNAzyme. Based on these results, Tth was selected as the most suitable enzyme for the assay. The standardized PCR test described shows potential for use in large-scale screening programs for food-borne Campylobacter species under the assay conditions specified.  相似文献   

Certain drugs and chemicals, such as chloroquine, chlorpromazine, and 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), are bound to melanin and retained in pigment cells for long periods. This specific retention in pigmented tissues can cause adverse effects in the skin, eye, inner ear, and pigmented nerve cells of the substantia nigra of the brain. To date, all studies have been focused on eu- and neuromelanin. In the present study, we show that chloroquine, chlorpromazine, chlomipramine, paraquat, acridine orange, and nickel, which are bound to eumelanin, also bind to synthetic pheomelanin, but the binding to pheomelanin is lower. The binding varied with the cysteine content and pH, and the results indicate that the binding is complex and includes ionic interactions. In addition, we have shown that these substances also bind to synthetic thiourea-containing melanin, but to quite a low extent. We also present a microautoradiographic study on the binding of 14C-chloroquine to natural pheomelanin in vivo in yellow mice C57BL (Ay/a). Black (C57/BL) and albino (NMRI) mice were used as controls. The autoradiography demonstrated a pronounced uptake of chloroquine in the hair follicles and the dermal melanocytes in the ear of yellow mice, which was comparable to the corresponding accumulation of label in black mice. In the albino mouse, the uptake was lower and more homogeneously distributed in the skin. These results suggest that the toxicological risks of melanin-related adverse effects are applicable to persons with a high content of pheomelanin in the skin and hair.  相似文献   

Holoprosencephaly is a common developmental defect of the forebrain and midface in humans. Clinical expression is variable, extending in unbroken sequence from a small brain with a single cerebral ventricle and cyclopia to clinically unaffected carriers in familial holoprosencephaly. Significant aetiological heterogeneity in holoprosencephaly has been demonstrated including both genetic and environmental causes. Genetic approaches, such us positional cloning of genes involved in holoprosencephaly will result in a better understanding of normal development of the brain and face and, ultimately, elucidate the basic genetic defects which programme the abnormal formation seen in holoprosencephaly.  相似文献   

The African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, is a valuable model system for studies of vertebrate heart development. In the following review, we describe a range of embryological and molecular methodologies that are used in Xenopus research and discuss key discoveries relating to heart development that have been made using this model system. We also discuss how the sequence of the Xenopus tropicalis genome provides a valuable tool for identification of orthologous genes and for identification of evolutionarily conserved promoter elements. Finally, both forward and reverse genetic approaches are currently being applied to Xenopus for the study of vertebrate heart development.  相似文献   

Analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) has re-emerged as a powerful technique for protein characterisation. We report the pivotal role sedimentation equilibrium AUC has played in the development of macrophage inflammatory protein-1α (MIP-1α) as a protein therapeutic. MIP-1α has potential clinical applications in cancer but its clinical use is limited, since it associates to form large insoluble aggregates in physiological buffers. Using AUC as a screening technique, we have produced a biologically active variant of MIP-1α, BB-10010, which has a reduced tendency to aggregate in physiological buffers. The aggregation of protein based pharmaceuticals is routinely monitored by size exclusion chromatography (SEC). Comparison of the data acquired by SEC and AUC, demonstrates that owing to the complexity of BB-10010, AUC analysis is required in addition to SEC to provide a rigorous characterisation of molecular association. This work has been extended to include the use of AUC as an analytical tool to monitor the quality of BB-10010 during formulation and stability studies. Accepted: 6 October 1996  相似文献   

The review discusses the development of loofa sponge (Luffa cylindrica) as a biotechnological tool and the diversity of applications in which it has been successfully used since it was first reported as a matrix for the immobilization of microbiological cells in 1993. The fibro‐vascular reticulated structure, made up of an open network of random lattices of small cross‐sections coupled with very high porosity (79–93%), having very low density (0.02–0.04 g/cm3), and high specific pore volume (21–29 cm3/g), has the characteristics of a carrier/scaffold well‐suited for cell immobilization. This has been confirmed through the immobilization of cells of diverse types, including filamentous and microalgae, fungi, bacteria, yeasts, higher plants, and human and rat hepatocytes. The cells immobilized in loofa sponge have performed well and better than free suspended cells and those immobilized in conventionally used natural and synthetic polymeric materials for the production of ethanol, organic acids, enzymes, and secondary metabolites. The loofa‐immobilized cell systems have been efficiently used for the treatment of wastewaters containing toxic metals, dyes, and chlorinated compounds, and the technology has been used to develop biofilms for the remediation of domestic and industrial wastewaters rich in inorganic and organic matter. In addition, three‐dimensional loofa sponge scaffolds for hepatocyte culture have been suggested to have the potential for development into a bioartificial liver device. Loofa sponge is a cost‐effective, eco‐friendly, and easy to handle matrix that has been used successfully as a biotechnological tool in a variety of systems, purposes, and applications. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 29:573–600, 2013  相似文献   

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