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To assess the distribution and diversity of members of the recently identified bacterial kingdom Acidobacterium, members of this kingdom present in 43 environmental samples were surveyed by PCR amplification. A primer designed to amplify rRNA gene sequences (ribosomal DNAs [rDNAs]) from most known members of the kingdom was used to interrogate bulk DNA extracted from the samples. Positive PCR results were obtained with all temperate soil and sediment samples tested, as well as some hot spring samples, indicating that members of this kingdom are very widespread in terrestrial environments. PCR primers specific for four phylogenetic subgroups within the kingdom were used in similar surveys. All four subgroups were detected in most neutral soils and some sediments, while only two of the groups were seen in most low-pH environments. The combined use of these primers allowed identification of a novel lineage within the kingdom in a hot spring environment. Phylogenetic analysis of rDNA sequences from our survey and the literature outlines at least six major subgroups within the kingdom. Taken together, these data suggest that members of the Acidobacterium kingdom are as genetically and metabolically diverse, environmentally widespread and perhaps as ecologically important as the well-known Proteobacteria and gram-positive bacterial kingdoms.  相似文献   

We carried out a 16S rDNA-based molecular survey of the prokaryotic diversity associated with the chitin tubes of the giant vent tubeworm Riftia pachyptila (collected at the East Pacific Rise, 9 degrees N and 13 degrees N). Scanning electron microscopy showed dense microbial populations, particularly on the external surface of the middle and upper tube regions, which included very diverse prokaryotic morphotypes. We used archaeal- and bacterial-specific primers for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification, but only bacterial amplicons were obtained. We analysed a total of 87 clones. Most belonged to the epsilon-Proteobacteria, but also to the delta-, alpha- and gamma-Proteobacteria. A broad diversity of phylotypes belonging to other bacterial divisions was detected, including Verrucomicrobia, the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides group and the candidate division OP8. We also retrieved a sequence, R76-B150, of uncertain phylogenetic affiliation, which could represent a novel candidate division. The sequence of the R. pachyptilagamma-proteobacterial endosymbiont was not detected. The bacterial diversity found suggests that complex metabolic interactions, particularly based on sulphur chemistry, may be occurring in different microniches of the R. pachyptila tubes.  相似文献   

The Fibrobacteres phylum contains two described species, Fibrobacter succinogenes and Fibrobacter intestinalis, both of which are prolific degraders of cellulosic plant biomass in the herbivore gut. However, recent 16S rRNA gene sequencing studies have identified novel Fibrobacteres in landfill sites, freshwater lakes and the termite hindgut, suggesting that members of the Fibrobacteres occupy a broader ecological range than previously appreciated. In this study, the ecology and diversity of Fibrobacteres was evaluated in 64 samples from contrasting environments where cellulose degradation occurred. Fibrobacters were detected in 23 of the 64 samples using Fibrobacter genus-specific 16S rRNA gene PCR, which provided their first targeted detection in marine and estuarine sediments, cryoconite from Arctic glaciers, as well as a broader range of environmental samples. To determine the phylogenetic diversity of the Fibrobacteres phylum, Fibrobacter-specific 16S rRNA gene clone libraries derived from 17 samples were sequenced (384 clones) and compared with all available Fibrobacteres sequences in the Ribosomal Database Project repository. Phylogenetic analysis revealed 63 lineages of Fibrobacteres (95% OTUs), with many representing as yet unclassified species. Of these, 24 OTUs were exclusively comprised of fibrobacters derived from environmental (non-gut) samples, 17 were exclusive to the mammalian gut, 15 to the termite hindgut, and 7 comprised both environmental and mammalian strains, thus establishing Fibrobacter spp. as indigenous members of microbial communities beyond the gut ecosystem. The data highlighted significant taxonomic and ecological diversity within the Fibrobacteres, a phylum circumscribed by potent cellulolytic activity, suggesting considerable functional importance in the conversion of lignocellulosic biomass in the biosphere.  相似文献   

Soil microorganisms are crucial contributors to the function of permafrost ecosystems, as well as the regulation of biogeochemical cycles. However, little is known about the distribution patterns and drivers of high‐latitude permafrost microbial communities subject to climate change and human activities. In this study, the vertical distribution patterns of soil bacterial communities in the Greater Khingan Mountain permafrost region were systematically analyzed via Illumina Miseq high‐throughput sequencing. Bacterial diversity in the active layer was significantly higher than in the permafrost layer. Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) indicated that the bacterial community structure in the active layer and the permafrost layer was completely separated. Permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) detected statistically significant differentiation across the different depths. The relative abundance of the dominant phyla Chloroflexi (17.92%–52.79%) and Actinobacteria (6.34%–34.52%) was significantly higher in the permafrost layer than in the active layer, whereas that of Acidobacteria (4.98%–38.82%) exhibited the opposite trend, and the abundance of Proteobacteria (2.49%–22.51%) generally decreased with depth. More importantly, the abundance of bacteria linked to human infectious diseases was significantly higher in the permafrost layer according to Tax4Fun prediction analysis. Redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that ammonium nitrogen (NH4 +‐N), total organic carbon (TOC), and total phosphorus (TP) were major factors affecting the bacterial community composition. Collectively, our findings provide insights into the soil bacterial vertical distribution patterns and major environmental drivers in high‐latitude permafrost regions, which is key to grasping the response of cold region ecosystem processes to global climate changes.  相似文献   

Until very recently, the role of ultra-violet (UV) colour perception in vertebrate and invertebrate vision has largely been ignored. However, in the past few years, a host of detailed information has become available on the widespread distribution of UV receptors in different species - from insects to mammals - and the important functions they seem to play in navigation, foraging, intraspecies communication and the control of circadian rhythms.  相似文献   

It remains unknown whether and to what extent marine prokaryotic communities are capable of degrading plastic in the ocean. To address this knowledge gap, we combined enrichment experiments employing low-density polyethylene (LDPE) as the sole carbon source with a comparison of bacterial communities on plastic debris in the Pacific, the North Atlantic and the northern Adriatic Sea. A total of 35 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were enriched in the LDPE-laboratory incubations after 1 year, of which 20 were present with relative abundances > 0.5% in at least one plastic sample collected from the environment. From these, OTUs classified as Cognatiyoonia, Psychrobacter, Roseovarius and Roseobacter were found in the communities of plastics collected at all oceanic sites. Additionally, OTUs classified as Roseobacter, Pseudophaeobacter, Phaeobacter, Marinovum and Cognatiyoonia, also enriched in the LDPE-laboratory incubations, were enriched on LDPE communities compared to the ones associated to glass and polypropylene in in-situ incubations in the northern Adriatic Sea after 1 month of incubation. Some of these enriched OTUs were also related to known alkane and hydrocarbon degraders. Collectively, these results demonstrate that there are prokaryotes capable of surviving with LDPE as the sole carbon source living on plastics in relatively high abundances in different water masses of the global ocean.  相似文献   

【目的】了解瘤胃细菌第48家族糖苷水解酶基因(GH48)多样性,为木质纤维素高效降解提供新的基因资源。【方法】通过基因序列比对,设计gh48的简并引物;同时提取两个瘤胃样品的总DNA和总RNA,并将总RNA逆转录成cDNA。以总DNA和cDNA为模板,通过PCR扩增分别建立克隆文库并对克隆文库进行测序;对所得序列进行out种类划分和聚类分析。【结果】本研究共得到了455条编码GH48家族蛋白的基因序列,核苷酸序列之间的相似性为58.65%-100%。对序列的进一步分析表明,89%可以作为区分其种类的界定标准。以此为依据确定所得到的基因序列分别编码66种不同的GH48家族蛋白,分别聚为5个相对独立的类群,其中新类群C中OTU65所代表的序列是cDNA克隆文库中的优势序列,分别占两个cDNA克隆文库的36.4%和19.5%。我们的结果揭示瘤胃细菌gh48基因具有丰富的多样性,同时,其中也存在优势表达的GH48家族蛋白。  相似文献   

The study of airborne biological particles (‘bioaerosols’) has gained interest in recent years, due to an increasing amount of evidence suggesting that this fraction of airborne particulate matter may play a critical role in the negative effects of aerosols on biological systems. Pioneer investigations demonstrated that bacteria do exist in the atmosphere and can be metabolically active, although studies have not proved whether they actually form ecological communities or are merely assemblages of organisms passively transported from different sources. For a long time, cultivation-based methods have been the gold standard to describe and quantify airborne microorganisms. However, the use of culture-independent techniques and, more recently, of the next-generation sequencing-based methods, has improved the ability of the scientific community to investigate bioaerosols in detail and to address further research questions, such as the temporal and spatial variability of airborne bacterial assemblages, the environmental factors affecting this variability and the potential sources of atmospheric bacteria. This paper provides a systematic review of the state-of-the-art methodologies used in the study of airborne bacteria to achieve each of the aforementioned research objectives, as well as the main results obtained so far. Critical evaluations of the current state of the knowledge and suggestions for further researches are provided.  相似文献   

Bacteria are highly diverse and drive a bulk of ecosystem processes. Analysis of relationships between diversity and single specific ecosystem processes neglects the possibility that different species perform multiple functions at the same time. The degradation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) followed by respiration is a key bacterial function that is modulated by the availability of DOC and the capability to produce extracellular enzymes. In freshwater ecosystems, biofilms are metabolic hotspots and major sites of DOC degradation. We manipulated the diversity of biofilm forming communities which were fed with DOC differing in availability. We characterized community composition using molecular fingerprinting (T-RFLP) and measured functioning as oxygen consumption rates, the conversion of DOC in the medium, bacterial abundance and the activities of five specific enzymes. Based on assays of the extracellular enzyme activity, we calculated how the likelihood of sustaining multiple functions was affected by reduced diversity. Carbon source and biofilm age were strong drivers of community functioning, and we demonstrate how the likelihood of sustaining multifunctionality decreases with decreasing diversity.  相似文献   

This study is the first to apply a comparative analysis of environmental chemistry, microbiological parameters and bacterioplankton 16S rRNA clone libraries from different areas of a 50 km transect along a trophic gradient in the tropical Guanabara Bay ecosystem. Higher bacterial diversity was found in the coastal area, whereas lower richness was observed in the more polluted inner bay water. The significance of differences between clone libraries was examined with libshuff statistics. Paired reciprocal comparisons indicated that each of the libraries differs significantly from the others, and this is in agreement with direct interpretation of the phylogenetic tree. Furthermore, correspondence analyses showed that some taxa are related to specific abiotic, trophic and microbiological parameters in Guanabara Bay estuarine system.  相似文献   

The species composition, distribution, and biodiversity of the bacterial communities in the rumen of cows fed alfalfa or triticale were investigated using 16S rRNA gene clone library analyses. The rumen bacterial community was fractionated and analyzed as three separate fractions: populations in the planktonic, loosely attached to rumen digesta particles, and tightly attached to rumen digesta particles. Six hundred and thirteen operational taxonomic units (OTUs) belonging to 32 genera, 19 families, and nine phyla of the domain Bacteria were identified from 1014 sequenced clones. Four hundred and fifty one of the 613 OTUs were identified as new species. These bacterial sequences were distributed differently among the three fractions in the rumen digesta of cows fed alfalfa or triticale. Chao 1 estimation revealed that, in both communities, the populations tightly attached to particulates were more diverse than the planktonic and those loosely attached to particulates. S-Libshuff detected significant differences in the composition between any two fractions in the rumen of cows with the same diet and between the communities fed alfalfa and triticale diets. The species richness estimated for the communities fed alfalfa and triticale is 1027 and 662, respectively. The diversity of the rumen bacterial community examined in this study is greater than previous studies have demonstrated and the differences in the community composition between two high-fiber diets have implications for sample selection for downstream metagenomics applications.  相似文献   

Patterns of precipitation have changed as a result of climate change and will potentially keep changing in the future. Therefore, it is critical to understand how ecosystem processes will respond to the variation of precipitation. However, compared to aboveground processes, the effects of precipitation change on soil microorganisms remain poorly understood. Changbai Mountain is an ideal area to study the responses of temperate forests to the variations in precipitation. In this study, we conducted a manipulation experiment to simulation variation of precipitation in the virgin, broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forest in Changbai Mountain. Plots were designed to increase precipitation by 30 % [increased (+)] or decrease precipitation by 30 % [decreased (?)]. We analyzed differences in the diversity of the bacterial community in surface bulk soils (0–5 and 5–10 cm) and rhizosphere soils between precipitation treatments, including control. Bacteria were identified using the high-throughput 454 sequencing method. We obtained a total 271,496 optimized sequences, with a mean value of 33,242 (±1,412.39) sequences for each soil sample. Being the same among the sample plots with different precipitation levels, the dominant bacterial communities were Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Planctomycetes, and Chloroflexi. Bacterial diversity and abundance declined with increasing soil depth. In the bulk soil of 0–5 cm, the bacterial diversity and abundance was the highest in the control plots and the lowest in plots with reduced precipitation. However, in the soil of 5–10 cm, the diversity and abundance of bacteria was the highest in the plots of increased precipitation and the lowest in the control plots. Bacterial diversity and abundance in rhizosphere soils decreased with increased precipitation. This result implies that variation in precipitation did not change the composition of the dominant bacterial communities but affected bacterial abundance and the response patterns of the dominant communities to variation in precipitation.  相似文献   

Acidobacterium capsulatum is an acid-tolerant, encapsulated, Gram-negative member of the ubiquitous, but poorly understood Acidobacteria phylum. Little is known about the genetics and regulatory mechanisms of A. capsulatum. To begin to address this gap, we identified the gene encoding the A. capsulatum major sigma factor, rpoD, which encodes a 597-amino acid protein with a predicted sequence highly similar to the major sigma factors of Solibacter usitatus Ellin6076 and Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA. Purified hexahistidine-tagged RpoD migrates at approximately 70 kDa under SDS-PAGE conditions, which is consistent with the predicted MW of 69.2 kDa, and the gene product is immunoreactive with monoclonal antibodies specific for either bacterial RpoD proteins or the N-terminal histidine tag. A. capsulatum RpoD restored normal growth to E. coli strain CAG20153 under conditions that prevent expression of the endogenous rpoD. These results indicate we have cloned the gene encoding the A. capsulatum major sigma factor and the gene product is active in E. coli.  相似文献   

Although the contribution of community members to functional diversity is a key question of conservation ecology, its measurement and interpretation are rather problematic. In this paper, we suggest a novel method for decomposing functional diversity. To do this we consider functional units (i.e. species or a group of species with identical traits) as the functional building blocks of communities. Then we propose the use of a recently developed measure of functional diversity (called modified functional attribute diversity or MFAD) and suggest additive decomposition of MFAD into functional values contributed by the functional units. We point out that functional values are related to changes in MFAD if the functional unit is removed from the community. This property of decomposition allows the quantification of the contribution of community members to functional diversity. By studying artificial and actual communities we compare the performance of our new method with other recently developed contribution measures, which are based on dendrograms and ordinations. Both theoretical considerations and analyses of artificial and actual data sets suggest that the proposed method of calculating functional values expresses more explicitly the contribution of community members to functional diversity and hereby can be used as a simple, yet efficient method for searching for functional keystones in ecological communities or for quantifying the contribution of community members to functional diversity.  相似文献   

Aim The partition of the geographical variation in Argentinian terrestrial mammal species richness (SR) into environmentally, human and spatially induced variation. Location Argentina, using the twenty‐three administrative provinces as the geographical units. Methods We recorded the number of terrestrial mammal species in each Argentinian province, and the number of species belonging to particular groups (Marsupialia, Placentaria, and among the latter, Xenarthra, Carnivora, Ungulates and Rodentia). We performed multiple regressions of each group's SR on environmental, human and spatial variables, to determine the amounts of variation explained by these factors. We then used a variance partitioning procedure to specify which proportion of the variation in SR is explained by each of the three factors exclusively and which proportions are attributable to interactions between factors. Results For marsupials, human activity explains the greatest part of the variation in SR. The purely environmental and purely human influences on all mammal SR explain a similarly high proportion of the variation in SR, whereas the purely spatial influence accounts for a smaller proportion of it. The exclusive interaction between human activity and space is negative in carnivores and rodents. For rodents, the interaction between environment and spatial situation is also negative. In the remaining placental groups, pure spatial autocorrelation explains a small proportion of the variation in SR. Main conclusions Environmental factors explain most of the variation in placental SR, while Marsupials seem to be mainly affected by human activity. However, for edentates, carnivores, and ungulates the pure human influence is more important than the pure spatial and environmental influences. Besides, human activity disrupts the spatial structure caused by the history and population dynamics of rodents and, to a lesser extent, of carnivores. The historical events and population dynamics on the one hand, and the environment on the other, cause rodent SR to vary in divergent directions. In the remaining placental groups the autocorrelation in SR is mainly the result of autocorrelation in the environmental and human variables.  相似文献   

The cultural bacterial strains of two sediment samples, i.e., 260 strains, were submitted to numerical taxonomy to determine ecological profiles. From these profiles several calculations of bacterial diversity were done with increasing number of strains (between 10 and 130). Studying 20–30 strains was sufficient to obtain a diversity of bacterial community.Number of tests could be reduced from 62 to 30 without any influence on bacterial diversity. Similarity between studied tests was shown by using numerical taxonomy.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellates are common to abundant in both marine and freshwater environments. They are particularly diverse in the marine plankton where some cause “red tides” and other harmful blooms. More than 2,000 extant species have been described, only half of which are photosynthetic. They include autotrophs, mixotrophs and grazers. They are biochemically diverse, varying in photosynthetic pigments and toxin production ability. Some are important sources of bioluminescence in the ocean. They can host intracellular symbionts or be endosymbionts themselves. Most of the photosynthetic “zooxanthellae” of invertebrate hosts are mutualistic dinoflagellate symbionts, including all those essential to reef-building corals. Roughly 5% are parasitic on aquatic organisms. The fossil record, consisting of more than 2,500 species, shows a rapid radiation of cysts, starting in the Triassic, peaking in the Cretaceous, and declining throughout the Cenozoic. Marine species with a benthic, dormant cyst stage are confined to the continental shelf and fossil cysts can be used as markers of ancient coastlines. Northern and southern hemispheres contain virtually identical communities within similar latitudes, separated by a belt of circumtropical species. A few endemics are present in tropical and polar waters. Some benthic dinoflagellates are exclusively tropical, including a distinct phycophilic community, some of which are responsible for ciguatera fish poisoning. In lakes chemical and grazing effects can be important. Predatory dinoflagellates co-occur with their prey, often diatoms. Special Issue: Protist diversity and geographic distribution. Guest editor: W. Foissner.  相似文献   

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