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A new species of Rhinopetitia is described from the Rio Teles Pires, a major tributary of the Rio Tapajós. The new taxon is distinguished from its only congener, Rhinopetitia myersi, by having all premaxillary teeth in both rows with seven to nine cusps, maxillary teeth with seven or eight cusps, a distinct dark midlateral stripe on the body and a round humeral blotch (v. outer series of premaxillary teeth with three cusps and inner series of premaxillary teeth with three to five cusps, maxillary teeth with three to five cusps, the absence of a dark midlateral stripe and humeral blotch). Putative characters suggesting a close relationship between Rhinopetitia, Bryconacidnus, Ceratobranchia, Monotocheirodon, Odontostoechus, Othonocheirodus and Rhinobrycon are presented. This putative clade is included in the Stevardiinae, a monophyletic group within the Characidae.  相似文献   

The Neotropical characid fishes of the genus Chalceus Cuvier, 1817, are reviewed. In total, five species are recognized (including three new species). Chalceus epakros sp. nov. is the most widespread geographically, occurring in many rivers of the Amazon basin, the Río Orinoco and in the Essequibo River drainage in Guyana. Chalceus guaporensis sp. nov. is restricted to the upper Rio Madeira, Rio Guaporé and Río Madre de Dios, of Brazil, Bolivia and Peru, respectively. Chalceus spilogyros sp. nov. occurs only in the Rio Trombetas, lower Rio Tapajós and lower Rio Madeira drainages. Chalceus macrolepidotus Cuvier occurs in the Rio Negro drainage, middle and lower Río Orinoco basin and in the rivers of the Atlantic slopes of the Guianas, and Chalceus erythrurus Cope in the Rio Amazonas and Rio Solimões to Río Ucayali drainage in Peru. Chalceus ararapeera Cuvier & Valenciennes and Creagrutus pellegrini Puyo are considered synonyms of C. macrolepidotus , and Pellegrinina heterolepis Fowler is placed into the synonymy of C. erythrurus . Characters pertaining to the monophyly of Chalceus are discussed and a key to species is presented.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 140 , 103−135.  相似文献   

The Characinae is a subunit of the Characidae of special significance in including Charax, the type genus of the family and the order Characiformes. Twelve genera and 79 species have been traditionally assigned to the Characinae, but the subfamily still lacks a phylogenetic diagnosis. Herein, a data matrix including 150 morphological characters and 64 taxa (35 species representing all genera of the Characinae and 29 included in other lineages within the Characiformes) was submitted to two cladistic analyses that differ in the inclusion/exclusion of Priocharax due to the difficulty of coding most of the character states in the miniature species of this genus. Both analyses resulted in a non‐monophyletic Characinae and this subfamily is herein restricted to only seven of the original 12 genera forming the clade (Phenacogaster((Charax Roeboides)(Acanthocharax(Cynopotamus(Acestrocephalus Galeocharax))))), which is supported by ten non‐ambiguous synapomorphies and is more closely related to other genera of the Characidae than those traditionally placed in the subfamily. A second clade includes the members of the tribe Heterocharacini (Lonchogenys(Heterocharax Hoplocharax)) as the sister‐group of Gnathocharax, supported by seven non‐ambiguous synapomorphies. This clade is more closely related to a taxon formed by Roestes and Gilbertolus based on seven non‐ambiguous synapomorphies. Results do not corroborate a close relationship between RoestesGilbertolus and the Cynodontinae. Inclusion of the genus Priocharax suggests that it is related more closely to the Heterocharacini, but the profound modifications in its anatomy possibly related to ontogenetic truncations obscure a better understanding of its relationships. A new classification of the Characinae and the Heterocharacinae is proposed. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 165 , 809–915.  相似文献   

Knodus dorsomaculatus, a new species, is described from Teles Pires River, a tributary of the Tapajós River, Brazil. It can be distinguished from its congeners by the presence of a conspicuous dark blotch on the base of the first five branched dorsal fin rays and the presence of ii,9 dorsal fin rays. Additional comparisons between K. dorsomaculatus and its congeners are presented.  相似文献   

A new species of Megaleporinus is described from the Rio de Contas, a coastal drainage of eastern Brazil, and its phylogenetic relationships are studied using molecular data. The new species is unique among Anostomidae by possessing two exclusive features: an irregular dark longitudinal stripe from supracleithrum to second midlateral blotch and anterior cranial fontanel partially closed. In addition, the new species is diagnosed by having three premaxillary teeth, three dentary teeth, 37 or 38 scales in lateral line, 16 scale rows around caudal peduncle, three dark midlateral blotches on body, and red fins in life. The new species is closely related to M. obtusidens from the São Francisco basin, corroborating previous studies that indicated that the latter represents a species complex as currently defined. The new species exhibits the first rib enlarged in mature males, a feature described for some congeners. The new species is herein considered to be Endangered under the IUCN criteria.  相似文献   

A new species of Brachychalcinus is described from the Rio Trombetas basin, Brazil. It differs from congeners by possessing a conspicuous rounded second humeral spot. Additionally, our new species differs from Brachychalcinus nummus, B. orbicularis and B. reisi by having a higher number of branched dorsal-fin rays, and from Brachychalcinus parnaibae by having a lower head depth.  相似文献   

Analysis of a morphological dataset containing 152 parsimony‐informative characters yielded the first phylogenetic reconstruction spanning the South American characiform family Anostomidae. The reconstruction included 46 ingroup species representing all anostomid genera and subgenera. Outgroup comparisons included members of the sister group to the Anostomidae (the Chilodontidae) as well as members of the families Curimatidae, Characidae, Citharinidae, Distichodontidae, Hemiodontidae, Parodontidae and Prochilodontidae. The results supported a clade containing Anostomus, Gnathodolus, Pseudanos, Sartor and Synaptolaemus (the subfamily Anostominae sensu Winterbottom) albeit with a somewhat different set of relationships among the species within these genera. Anostomus as previously recognized was found to be paraphyletic and is split herein into two monophyletic components, a restricted Anostomus and the new genus Petulanos gen. nov. , described herein. Laemolyta appeared as sister to the clade containing Anostomus, Gnathodolus, Petulanos, Pseudanos, Sartor and Synaptolaemus. Rhytiodus and Schizodon together formed a well‐supported clade that was, in turn, sister to the clade containing Anostomus, Gnathodolus, Laemolyta, Petulanos, Pseudanos, Sartor and Synaptolaemus. Anostomoides was sister to the clade formed by these nine genera. Leporinus as currently defined was not found to be monophyletic, although certain clades within that genus were supported, including the species with subterminal mouths in the former subgenus Hypomasticus which we recognize herein as a genus. Abramites nested in Leporinus, and Leporellus was found to be the most basal anostomid genus. The presence of cis‐ and trans‐Andean species in Abramites, Leporellus, Leporinus and Schizodon, all relatively basal genera, suggests that much of the diversification of anostomid species pre‐dates the uplift of the Andean Cordilleras circa 11.8 million years ago. Several important morphological shifts in anostomid evolution are illustrated and discussed, including instances of convergence and reversal. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 154 , 70–210.  相似文献   

The Diospyros (Ebenaceae) species which colonized the Mascarene Islands, namely Mauritius, Reunion and Rodrigues, have been decimated over the years by human settlements. Of the 14 endemic species that have been described and collected for herbaria, Diospyros angulata is now believed to be extinct in Mauritius. The phylogenetic relationships of the 14 Diospyros species were determined using maximum parsimony analysis of 35 morphological characters. This analysis separated the Mascarene Diospyros into two major clades, with D. revaughanii , D. egrettarum and D. leucomelas grouped in the same strongly supported most basal clade while the rest of the species formed the other major clade. High bootstrap values were obtained for the sister species D. angulata and D. boutonania , and the clade clustering the upland species D. neraudii , D. nodosa and D. pterocalyx . There was also relatively strong support for the clade comprising D. hemiteles and D. melanida , which are located in mid altitude regions. These results indicate that Diospyros species most probably colonized the coastal areas of Mauritius and then moved to mid altitude habitats before finally reaching the upland regions. There are also strong indications that D. borbonica and D. diversifolia , endemic to Reunion and Rodrigues, respectively, resulted from migrations from Mauritius.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 150 , 307–313.  相似文献   

A new species of Moenkhausia is described from Rio Xingu and Rio Tapajós basins, Brazil. The new species is distinguished from its congeners, except from Moenkhausia moisae, by having more scales in the lateral series, 43–47 (v. 23–41 in the remaining congeners). The new species is distinguished from M. moisae by its colour pattern, which consists of a dark midlateral stripe, and an asymmetrical caudal blotch (inconspicuous or faded in specimens from the Rio Arinos) continuous with the midlateral stripe (v. narrow dark midlateral line and conspicuous, regularly rounded and symmetrical blotch not continuous with the midlateral line). The new species is putatively assumed to be mimetic to Jupiaba apenima, in the Rio Xingu and Rio Teles Pires drainages, and to Jupiaba yarina in the Rio Arinos. The two species of Jupiaba are sympatric and remarkably similar in size, general external morphology and colouration to the new species. A small difference occurs in the colouration between the two species of Jupiaba and is also observed in the two respectively sympatric morphotypes of the new species of Moenkhausia. The occurrence of polymorphic Batesian mimicry is therefore discussed for neotropical freshwater fishes.  相似文献   



With nearly 1,100 species, the fish family Characidae represents more than half of the species of Characiformes, and is a key component of Neotropical freshwater ecosystems. The composition, phylogeny, and classification of Characidae is currently uncertain, despite significant efforts based on analysis of morphological and molecular data. No consensus about the monophyly of this group or its position within the order Characiformes has been reached, challenged by the fact that many key studies to date have non-overlapping taxonomic representation and focus only on subsets of this diversity.


In the present study we propose a new definition of the family Characidae and a hypothesis of relationships for the Characiformes based on phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences of two mitochondrial and three nuclear genes (4,680 base pairs). The sequences were obtained from 211 samples representing 166 genera distributed among all 18 recognized families in the order Characiformes, all 14 recognized subfamilies in the Characidae, plus 56 of the genera so far considered incertae sedis in the Characidae. The phylogeny obtained is robust, with most lineages significantly supported by posterior probabilities in Bayesian analysis, and high bootstrap values from maximum likelihood and parsimony analyses.


A monophyletic assemblage strongly supported in all our phylogenetic analysis is herein defined as the Characidae and includes the characiform species lacking a supraorbital bone and with a derived position of the emergence of the hyoid artery from the anterior ceratohyal. To recognize this and several other monophyletic groups within characiforms we propose changes in the limits of several families to facilitate future studies in the Characiformes and particularly the Characidae. This work presents a new phylogenetic framework for a speciose and morphologically diverse group of freshwater fishes of significant ecological and evolutionary importance across the Neotropics and portions of Africa.  相似文献   

Salminus is a genus composed of four species of migratory fishes and top predators. Although this group has great economic and ecological importance, the species level diversity of Salminus is not yet completely clarified. Our goal was to detect if this taxonomic problem is the consequence of lineage divergence within species, and, if so, whether these divergences are sufficient to flag potentially undescribed taxa. We employed the standard DNA barcoding analyses and a generalized mixed Yule-coalescent model (GMYC) using one mitochondrial (COI) marker and Bayesian Inference (BI) reconstruction for one nuclear (RAG2) marker for all currently recognized species of Salminus, sampled across different hydrographic basins. Eight MOTUs (Molecular Operational Taxonomic Units) were determined by distance and model-based analyses, and recovered with BI analyses for COI. Only Salminus affinis and Salminus franciscanus formed monophyletic haplogroups. Salminus brasiliensis and Salminus hilarii had two and four distinct mitochondrial lineages, respectively, and higher intraspecific K2P distances than the adopted optimum threshold. The RAG2 gene tree supported two lineages of S. hilarii (S. hilarii Amazon and S. hilarii Araguaia), while the other mitochondrial lineages of S. hilarii and S. brasiliensis were not supported. All lineages of both species, corresponded to morphological variation described in previous studies. We suggest, based on the DNA barcoding analysis, a new taxonomic scenario and conservation polices for Salminus in the Brazilian territory.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among families of the Scaphopoda (Mollusca)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phylogenetic relationships among families in the molluscan class Scaphopoda were analysed using morphological characters and cladistic parsimony methods. A maximum parsimony analysis of 34 discrete characters, treated as unordered and equally weighted, from nine ingroup terminal taxa produced a single most parsimonious tree; supplementary analyses of tree length frequency distribution and Bremer support indices indicate a strong phylogenetic signal from the data and moderate to minimally supported clades. The traditional major division of the class, the orders Dentaliida and Gadilida, is supported as both taxa are confirmed as monophyletic clades. Within the Dentaliida, two clades are recognized, the first comprised of the families Dentaliidae and Fustiariidae, the second of the Rhabdidae and Calliodentaliidae; together, these groups comprise a third clade, which has the Gadilinidae as sister. Within the Gadilida, a nested series of relationships is found among [Entalinidae, [Pulsellidae, [Wemersoniellidae, Gadilidae]]]. These results lend cladistic support to earlier hypotheses of shared common ancestry for some families, but are at variance with other previous hypotheses of evolution in the Scaphopoda. Furthermore, analysis of constituent Gadilinidae representatives provide evidence for paraphyly of this family. The relationships supported here provide a working hypothesis that the development of new characters and greater breadth of taxonomic sampling can test, with a suggested primary goal of establishing monophyly at the family level.  相似文献   

Spermatic characteristics were studied in representatives of the families Rhamphichthyidae, Sternopygidae and Apteronotidae, and compared with pre‐existent data from Gymnotidae and Hypopomidae. The spermatic characteristics found in Gymnotiformes were also compared with data from other Ostariophysi spermatic cells. The spermatic characteristics as the type of spermiogenesis and the structural pattern of the sperm, considering nuclear form, pattern of chromatin condensation, nuclear fossa and its relation with the centriolar complex, form and localization of mitochondria, form of midpiece, presence or absence of cytoplasmic canal and cytoplasmic sleeve, and flagellar fins were utilized. The comparative analysis of the spermatic cell of Gymnotiformes better support the previous proposals for the order considering Gymnotidae as a derived group, than the more recent ones that located Gymnotidae in a basal position as the sister group of the remaining Gymnotiformes. Regarding the Ostariophysi, the comparative analyses based on the spermatic cell characteristics is consistent with a recent systematic proposal that consider Gymnotiformes as a sister group of Characiformes.  相似文献   

The family Profundulidae is a group of small-sized fish species distributed between southern Mexico and Honduras, where they are frequently the only fish representatives at higher elevations in the basins where they occur. We characterized their ecological niche using different methods and metrics drawn from niche modelling and by re-examining phylogenetic relationships of a recently published molecular phylogeny of this family to gain a better understanding of its biogeographic and evolutionary history. We assessed both lines of evidence from the perspective of niche conservatism to set a foundation for discussing hypotheses about the processes underlying the distribution and evolution of the group. In fish clades where the species composition is not clear, we examined whether niche classification could be informative to discriminate groups geographically and ecologically consistent with any of the different hypotheses of valid species. The characterization of the ecological niche was carried out using the Maxent algorithm under different parameterizations and the projection of the presence on the main components of the most relevant environmental coverage, and the niche comparison was calculated with two indices (D and I), both in environmental space and in that projected geographically. With the molecular data, a species tree was generated using the *BEAST method. The comparison of these data was calculated with an age-overlap correlation test. Based on the molecular phylogeny and on niche overlap analyses, we uncovered strong evidence to support the idea that ecologically similar species are not necessarily sister species. The correlation analysis for genetic distance and niche overlap was not significant (P > 0.05). In clades with taxonomic conflicts, we only identified Profundulus oaxacae as a geographically and ecologically distinct group from P. punctatus. All the evidence considered leads us to propose that Profundulidae do not show evidence of niche conservatism and that there are reasons to consider P. oaxacae as a valid species. Our study suggests that niche divergence is a driving evolutionary force that caused the diversification and speciation processes of the Profundulidae, along with the geological and climatic events that promoted the expansion or contraction of suitable environments.  相似文献   

Rineloricaria isaaci is described from tributaries of the Uruguay River basin in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. The new species is distinguished by having a long and wide area of naked skin at the snout tip, surpassing the anteriormost pore of the infraorbital ramus of the sensory canal, approximately in the middle of the third postrostral plate, and by its particular sexual dimorphism characterized by the long pectoral and pelvic fins of mature males.  相似文献   

Isolated closed basins provide a natural laboratory to study the differentiation among wild populations. Here we examined the phylogenetic relationships of the Southern Altiplano populations of Biomphalaria, a genus with medical importance, using nuclear (ITS1, ITS2) and mitochondrial (16S) ribosomal gene markers and a species of Helisoma as outgroup. Phylogenetic trees based on separate and combined analyses show that these populations form a particular lineage within Biomphalaria along with Biomphalaria peregrina (d'Orbigny, 1835) and Biomphalaria oligoza Paraense, 1974. The origin of this clade was estimated to have occurred in the middle Pleistocene. Molecular analyses showed that the nominal species Biomphalaria crequii ( Courty, 1907 ) from the Salar de Ascotán and Biomphalaria costata (Biese, 1951) from the Salar de Carcote, previously synonymized with Biomphalaria andecola (d'Orbigny, 1835) and B. peregrina, respectively, are distinct taxa. Molecular data did not resolve the relationship of Biomphalaria aymara Valdovinos & Stuardo, 1991 from the Isluga swamps to other Biomphalaria species, but confirm that the populations from the Lauca and Huasco basins may represent a distinct undescribed species of Biomphalaria from the Southern Altiplano. Snails examined for trematodes were found to be positive in some Altiplano localities. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 165 , 795–808.  相似文献   

This paper represents the first cladistic analysis of the interrelationships of all nominal fossil and living gonorynchiform genera. Gonorynchiformes is the basal group of the superorder Ostariophysi, and is confirmed as monophyletic on the basis of 12 synapomorphies. The Gonorynchiformes is be subdivided into two monophyletic suborders, Chanoidei and Gonorynchoidei. The Chanoidei includes the family Chanidae, which in turn includes the Recent Chanos plus five fossil genera, grouped in two subfamilies: Chaninae (( Chanos +† Tharrhiai) + † Parachanos +† Dastilbe ) and † Rubiesichthyinae († Rubiesichthys +† Gordichthys ). † Aethalionopsis is the sister-group to the Chanidae. Gonorynchoidei includes two families Gonorynchidae and Kneriidae. Gonorynchidae is formed by ( Gonorynchus, † Notogoneus ) and four fossil taxa of uncertain definition and interrelationships: †Charitosomus, † Charitopsis, † Ramallichthys, and †fudeichthys. The last four genera were previously included in the families †Charitosomidae and †Judeichthyidae, which could not be supported as monophyletic in this analysis. Kneriidae consists of two subfamilies Phractolaeminae with one genus Phractolaemus, and Kneriinae which includes (( Kneria + Parakneria ) + ( Grasseichthys + Cromeria )), the latter two being paedomorphic forms. The Phractolaeminae and the Kneriinae are freshwater African taxa with no known fossil record. The order Gonorynchiformes is represented herein by 18 genera, extending back to the Early Cretaceous. More work is required to clarify the interrelationships of the Gonorynchidae and the paedomorphic characters that apparently played an important role in the evolution of this morphologically diverse group of fishes.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among North American Alosa species (Clupeidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A phylogeny of the six North American species in the genus Alosa , with representatives of three Eurasian species, was generated using mtDNA sequences. This was accomplished by obtaining sequences for three North American species and additional geographical sampling of the other three species. The subgenus Alosa , including the formerly recognized subgenus Caspialosa , formed a strongly supported monophyletic group. Alosa alabamae was part of a polytomy with Alosa sapidissima , which was interpreted to support the recognition of A. alabamae as an incipient, yet distinct, species. The subgenus Pomolobus was not recovered as a monophyletic group. Alosa chrysochloris was basal to all other Alosa , although this position was only weakly supported. Previous work had indicated that Alosa pseudoharengus and Alosa aestivalis are not reciprocally monophyletic, but additional sampling in this study did not detect any further cases of shared haplotypes between the two species. The phylogeny supports previous hypotheses that the evolution of North American Alosa species in the Gulf of Mexico ( A. chrysochloris and A. alabamae ) was the result of two independent events. First, the ancestor of A. chrysochloris was isolated in the Gulf of Mexico, likely by the close of the Suwannee Straits, and this was followed later by dispersal of the ancestor of A. alabamae around the Florida peninsula into the Gulf of Mexico sometime during or after the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

This study compared the structure of metazoan parasite communities in two populations of Leporinus friderici from two rivers of the Amazon River system in Brazil. Jainus leporini, Urocleidoides paradoxus, Urocleidoides sp., Tereancistrum parvus, Tereancistrum sp., Clinostomum marginatum, Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus, Contracaecum sp., Octospiniferoides incognita and Ergasilus sp. were found in both hosts. There were differences in species richness of parasites, Shannon index and the evenness between both host populations, because the parasite community showed a similarity of only 33%. Parasites of both host populations had an aggregated dispersion. Host size also contributes to the differences between the populations of hosts investigated, and the feeding habit contributes to the occurrence of endoparasites in L. friderici, an intermediate host for these parasites. The existence of variation in infracommunity and community of parasites for the same host species from different localities indicates the presence of an uneven distribution in terms of species and density of parasites, which are intermediate hosts, and some of them constitute food items for L. friderici in the localities surveyed.  相似文献   

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