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Dynamic processes during wet-heat treatment of individual spores of Bacillus cereus, Bacillus megaterium, and Bacillus subtilis at 80 to 90°C were investigated using dual-trap Raman spectroscopy, differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy, and nucleic acid stain (SYTO 16) fluorescence microscopy. During spore wet-heat treatment, while the spores' 1:1 chelate of Ca(2+) with dipicolinic acid (CaDPA) was released rapidly at a highly variable time T(lag), the levels of spore nucleic acids remained nearly unchanged, and the T(lag) times for individual spores from the same preparation were increased somewhat as spore levels of CaDPA increased. The brightness of the spores' DIC image decreased by ~50% in parallel with CaDPA release, and there was no spore cortex hydrolysis observed. The lateral diameters of the spores' DIC image and SYTO 16 fluorescence image also decreased in parallel with CaDPA release. The SYTO 16 fluorescence intensity began to increase during wet-heat treatment at a time before T(lag) and reached maximum at a time slightly later than T(release). However, the fluorescence intensities of wet-heat-inactivated spores were ~15-fold lower than those of nutrient-germinated spores, and this low SYTO 16 fluorescence intensity may be due in part to the low permeability of the dormant spores' inner membranes to SYTO 16 and in part to nucleic acid denaturation during the wet-heat treatment.  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy and differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy were used to monitor the kinetics of nutrient and nonnutrient germination of multiple individual untreated and wet-heat-treated spores of Bacillus cereus and Bacillus megaterium, as well as of several isogenic Bacillus subtilis strains. Major conclusions from this work were as follows. (i) More than 90% of these spores were nonculturable but retained their 1:1 chelate of Ca2+ and dipicolinic acid (CaDPA) when incubated in water at 80 to 95°C for 5 to 30 min. (ii) Wet-heat treatment significantly increased the time, T(lag), at which spores began release of the great majority of their CaDPA during the germination of B. subtilis spores with different nutrient germinants and also increased the variability of T(lag) values. (iii) The time period, ΔT(release), between T(lag) and the time, T(release), at which a spore germinating with nutrients completed the release of the great majority of its CaDPA, was also increased in wet-heat-treated spores. (iv) Wet-heat-treated spores germinating with nutrients had higher values of I(release), the intensity of a spore's DIC image at T(release), than did untreated spores and had much longer time periods, ΔT(lys), for the reduction in I(release) intensities to the basal value due to hydrolysis of the spore's peptidoglycan cortex, probably due at least in part to damage to the cortex-lytic enzyme CwlJ. (v) Increases in T(lag) and ΔT(release) were also observed when wet-heat-treated B. subtilis spores were germinated with the nonnutrient dodecylamine, while the change in I(release) was less significant. (vi) The effects of wet-heat treatment on nutrient germination of B. cereus and B. megaterium spores were generally similar to those on B. subtilis spores. These results indicate that (i) some proteins important in spore germination are damaged by wet-heat treatment, (ii) the cortex-lytic enzyme CwlJ is one germination protein damaged by wet heat, and (iii) the CaDPA release process itself seems likely to be the target of wet-heat damage which has the greatest effect on spore germination.  相似文献   

The kinetic parameters of the release of Ca(2+)-dipicolinic acid (CaDPA) during germination of spore populations and multiple individual spores of Bacillus subtilis strains with major alterations in the structure of the spore peptidoglycan (PG) cortex or lacking one or both of the two redundant enzymes involved in cortex hydrolysis (cortex-lytic enzymes [CLEs]) were determined. The lack of the CLE CwlJ greatly slowed CaDPA release with a germinant receptor (GR)-dependent germinant, l-valine, or a non-GR-dependent germinant, dodecylamine. The absence of the cortex-specific PG modification muramic acid-δ-lactam also increased the time needed for full CaDPA release during germination with both types of germinants. In contrast, increased cortex PG cross-linking was associated with faster times for initiation of CaDPA release with both l-valine and dodecylamine but not with faster CaDPA release once this release had been initiated. These data suggest that the precise structure of the spore cortex plays a significant role in determining the timing and the rate of CaDPA release during B. subtilis spore germination and, further, that this effect is independent of effects of GRs.  相似文献   

Wang G  Yi X  Li YQ  Setlow P 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(9):2301-2311
Release of Ca(2+) with dipicolinic acid (CaDPA) was monitored by Raman spectroscopy and differential interference contrast microscopy during germination of individual spores of Bacillus subtilis strains with alterations in GerD and SpoVA proteins. Notable conclusions about germination after the addition of nutrient were as follows. (i) Following L-alanine addition, wild-type and gerD spores and spores with elevated SpoVA protein levels (↑SpoVA spores) slowly released ~10% of their CaDPA during a variable (6- to 55-min) period ending at T(lag), the time when faster CaDPA release began. (ii) T(lag) times were lower for ↑SpoVA spores than for wild-type spores and were higher for gerD spores. (iii) The long T(lag) times of gerD spores were partially due to slow commitment to germinate. (iv) The intervals between the commitment to germinate and CaDPA release were similar for wild-type and ↑SpoVA spores but longer for gerD spores. (v) The times for rapid CaDPA release, ΔT(release) = T(release) - T(lag) (with T(release) being the time at which CaDPA release was complete), were similar for wild-type, gerD, and ↑SpoVA spores. (vi) Spores with either one of two point mutations in the spoVA operon (spoVA(1) and spoVA(2) spores) exhibited a more rapid rate of CaDPA release beginning immediately after L-alanine addition leading to ~65% CaDPA release prior to T(lag). (vii) T(lag) times for spoVA(1) and spoVA(2) spores were longer than for wild-type spores. (viii) The intervals between spoVA(1) and spoVA(2) spores' commitment and CaDPA release were similar to those for wild-type spores, but commitment occurred later. In contrast to germination after the addition of nutrient, T(lag) and ΔT(release) times were relatively similar during dodecylamine germination of spores of the five strains. These findings suggest the following. (i) GerD plays no role in CaDPA release during spore germination. (ii) SpoVA proteins are involved in CaDPA release during germination with nutrients, and probably with dodecylamine. (iii) Spores release significant CaDPA before commitment. (iv) CaDPA release during T(lag) and ΔT(release) may signal subsequent germination events.  相似文献   

When exposed to nutrient or nonnutrient germinants, individual Bacillus spores can return to life through germination followed by outgrowth. Laser tweezers, Raman spectroscopy, and either differential interference contrast or phase-contrast microscopy were used to analyze the slow dipicolinic acid (DPA) leakage (normally ∼20% of spore DPA) from individual spores that takes place prior to the lag time, Tlag, when spores begin rapid release of remaining DPA. Major conclusions from this work with Bacillus subtilis spores were as follows: (i) slow DPA leakage from wild-type spores germinating with nutrients did not begin immediately after nutrient exposure but only at a later heterogeneous time T1; (ii) the period of slow DPA leakage (ΔTleakage = TlagT1) was heterogeneous among individual spores, although the amount of DPA released in this period was relatively constant; (iii) increases in germination temperature significantly decreased T1 times but increased values of ΔTleakage; (iv) upon germination with l-valine for 10 min followed by addition of d-alanine to block further germination, all germinated spores had T1 times of less than 10 min, suggesting that T1 is the time when spores become committed to germinate; (v) elevated levels of SpoVA proteins involved in DPA movement in spore germination decreased T1 and Tlag times but not the amount of DPA released in ΔTleakage; (vi) lack of the cortex-lytic enzyme CwlJ increased DPA leakage during germination due to longer ΔTleakage times in which more DPA was released; and (vii) there was slow DPA leakage early in germination of B. subtilis spores by the nonnutrients CaDPA and dodecylamine and in nutrient germination of Bacillus cereus and Bacillus megaterium spores. Overall, these findings have identified and characterized a new early event in Bacillus spore germination.  相似文献   

Spores of Bacillus species can remain dormant and resistant for years, but can rapidly ‘come back to life’ in germination triggered by agents, such as specific nutrients, and non‐nutrients, such as CaDPA, dodecylamine and hydrostatic pressure. Major events in germination include release of spore core monovalent cations and CaDPA, hydrolysis of the spore cortex peptidoglycan (PG) and expansion of the spore core. This leads to a well‐hydrated spore protoplast in which metabolism and macromolecular synthesis begin. Proteins essential for germination include the GerP proteins that facilitate germinant access to spores' inner layers, germinant receptors (GRs) that recognize and respond to nutrient germinants, GerD important in rapid GR‐dependent germination, SpoVA proteins important in CaDPA release and cortex‐lytic enzymes that degrade cortex PG. Rates of germination of individuals in spore populations are heterogeneous, and methods have been developed recently to simultaneously analyse the germination of multiple individual spores. Spore germination heterogeneity is due primarily to large variations in GR levels among individual spores, with spores that germinate extremely slowly and termed superdormant having very low GR levels. These and other aspects of spore germination will be discussed in this review, and major unanswered questions will also be discussed.  相似文献   

Dual-trap laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy (LTRS) and elastic light scattering (ELS) were used to investigate dynamic processes during high-temperature treatment of individual spores of Bacillus cereus, Bacillus megaterium, and Bacillus subtilis in water. Major conclusions from these studies included the following. (i) After spores of all three species were added to water at 80 to 90°C, the level of the 1:1 complex of Ca2+ and dipicolinic acid (CaDPA; ∼25% of the dry weight of the spore core) in individual spores remained relatively constant during a highly variable lag time (Tlag), and then CaDPA was released within 1 to 2 min. (ii) The Tlag values prior to rapid CaDPA release and thus the times for wet-heat killing of individual spores of all three species were very heterogeneous. (iii) The heterogeneity in kinetics of wet-heat killing of individual spores was not due to differences in the microscopic physical environments during heat treatment. (iv) During the wet-heat treatment of spores of all three species, spore protein denaturation largely but not completely accompanied rapid CaDPA release, as some changes in protein structure preceded rapid CaDPA release. (v) Changes in the ELS from individual spores of all three species were strongly correlated with the release of CaDPA. The ELS intensities of B. cereus and B. megaterium spores decreased gradually and reached minima at T1 when ∼80% of spore CaDPA was released, then increased rapidly until T2 when full CaDPA release was complete, and then remained nearly constant. The ELS intensity of B. subtilis spores showed similar features, although the intensity changed minimally, if at all, prior to T1. (vi) Carotenoids in B. megaterium spores'' inner membranes exhibited two changes during heat treatment. First, the carotenoid''s two Raman bands at 1,155 and 1,516 cm−1 decreased rapidly to a low value and to zero, respectively, well before Tlag, and then the residual 1,155-cm−1 band disappeared, in parallel with the rapid CaDPA release beginning at Tlag.Bacterial spores of Bacillus species are formed in sporulation and are metabolically dormant and extremely resistant to a variety of harsh conditions, including heat, radiation, and many toxic chemicals (37). Since spores of these species are generally present in foodstuffs and cause food spoilage and food-borne disease (37, 38), there has long been interest in the mechanisms of both spore resistance and spore killing, especially for wet heat, the agent most commonly used to kill spores. The killing of dormant spores by wet heat generally requires temperatures about 40°C higher than those for the killing of growing cells of the same strain (37, 43). A number of factors influence spore wet-heat resistance, with a major factor being the spore core''s water content, as spores with higher core water content are less wet-heat resistant than are spores with lower core water (15, 25). The high level of pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid (dipicolinic acid [DPA]) and the types of its associated divalent cations, predominantly Ca2+, that comprise ∼25% of the dry weight of the core also contribute to spore wet-heat resistance, although how low core water content and CaDPA protect spores against wet heat is not known. The protection of spore DNA against depurination by its saturation with a group of α/β-type small, acid-soluble spore proteins also contributes to spore wet-heat resistance (14, 23, 33, 37).Despite knowledge of a number of factors important in spore wet-heat resistance, the mechanism for wet-heat killing of spores is not known. Wet heat does not kill spores by DNA damage or oxidative damage (35, 37). Instead, spore killing by this agent is associated with protein denaturation and enzyme inactivation (2, 7, 44), although specific proteins for which damage causes spore death have not been identified. Wet-heat treatment also often results in the release of the spore core''s large depot of CaDPA. The mechanism for this CaDPA release is not known but is presumably associated with the rupture of the spore''s inner membrane (7). In addition, the relationship between protein denaturation and CaDPA release is not clear, although recent work suggests that significant protein denaturation can occur prior to CaDPA release (7). Almost all information on spore killing by moist heat has been obtained with spore populations, and essentially nothing is known about the behavior of individual spores exposed to potentially lethal temperatures in water. Given the likely heterogeneity of spores in populations, in particular in their wet-heat resistances (16, 18, 39, 40), it could be most informative to analyze the behavior of individual spores exposed to high temperatures in water.Raman spectroscopy is widely used in biochemical studies, as this technique has high sensitivity and responds rapidly to subtle changes in molecule structure (1, 22, 31). In addition, when Raman spectroscopy is combined with confocal microscopy and optical tweezers, the resultant laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy (LTRS) allows the nondestructive, noninvasive detection of biochemical processes at the single-cell level (9, 10, 19, 46). Indeed, LTRS has been used to analyze the DPA level and the germination of individual Bacillus spores (5, 19, 30). In order to obtain information more rapidly, dual- and multitrap laser tweezers have been developed to allow multiple individual cells or particles to be analyzed simultaneously (11, 13, 24, 27), and the dual trap has been used to measure the hydrodynamic cross-correlations of two particles (24). In addition to Raman scattering, the elastic light scattering (ELS) from trapped individual cells also provides valuable information on cell shape, orientation, refractive index, and morphology (12, 45) and has been used to monitor spore germination dynamics as well (30).In this work, we report studies of wet-heat treatment of individual spores of three different Bacillus species by dual-trap LTRS and ELS. A number of important processes related to wet-heat inactivation of spores, including CaDPA release and protein denaturation, and the correlation between these processes were investigated by monitoring changes in Raman scattering at CaDPA-, protein structure-, and phenylalanine-specific bands and changes in ELS intensity.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of interacting dipicolinic acid and its calcium chelate on the wet and dry density of DNA. Complexes are produced whose densities are different from those of the individual components. Also, we observed two modes of binding, one strong the other weak, between DPA or CaDPA and DNA. The strength of the binding modes was reflected in the rate of dissolution of the complexes as monitored by changes in wet density with time and temperature. We conclude from these and other data in the literature that the interaction of dipicolinic acid with DNA not only influences the spore wet density and the ratio of core/core+ cortex volume, but may also influence the spore heat resistance.  相似文献   

The effect of dipicolinic acid (DPA) or its calcium chelate (CaDPA) on the spectral characteristics of nucleic acids was examined. Dipicolinic acid was found to displace ethidium gromide from DNA; this indicates that it may bind by intercalation. On interaction with DNA, the ultraviolet absorption spectrum revealed downfield shifts and caused progressive diminution in both DNA and dipicolinate chromophores. The strength and type of interaction may be ion-specific but not discriminatory to any type of base pairing. Spectral analysis also indicated that both dipicolinate and calcium dipicolinate bound to different RNA species, although the mechanism of binding was not elucidated. We conclude that the interaction of dipicolinate/ calcium dipicolinate with nucleic acids is a mechanism whereby water can be removed from spore polynucleotides, increasing their stability to denaturation.  相似文献   

Spores of Bacillus subtilis spoVF strains that cannot synthesize dipicolinic acid (DPA) but take it up during sporulation were prepared in medium with various DPA concentrations, and the germination and viability of these spores as well as the DPA content in individual spores were measured. Levels of some other small molecules in DPA-less spores were also measured. These studies have allowed the following conclusions. (i) Spores with no DPA or low DPA levels that lack either the cortex-lytic enzyme (CLE) SleB or the receptors that respond to nutrient germinants could be isolated but were unstable and spontaneously initiated early steps in spore germination. (ii) Spores that lacked SleB and nutrient germinant receptors and also had low DPA levels were more stable. (iii) Spontaneous germination of spores with no DPA or low DPA levels was at least in part via activation of SleB. (iv) The other redundant CLE, CwlJ, was activated only by the release of high levels of DPA from spores. (v) Low levels of DPA were sufficient for the viability of spores that lacked most alpha/beta-type small, acid-soluble spore proteins. (vi) DPA levels accumulated in spores prepared in low-DPA-containing media varied greatly between individual spores, in contrast to the presence of more homogeneous DPA levels in individual spores made in media with high DPA concentrations. (vii) At least the great majority of spores of several spoVF strains that contained no DPA also lacked other major spore small molecules and had gone through some of the early reactions in spore germination.  相似文献   

The green heme protein sulfmyoglobin (SMb) has been suggested to contain a sulfur-modified iron chlorin prosthetic group. To evaluate this hypothesis, we have obtained high-frequency (greater than 1000 cm-1) resonance Raman spectra of both oxidized and reduced SMb with 457.9-, 488.0-, 514.5-, 568.2-, and 647.1-nm excitation. The SMb spectra are compared to those of native met- and deoxymyoglobin (Mb). Vibrational frequencies for SMb are generally similar to those of Mb, suggesting a high-spin state for both the Fe(III) and Fe(II) SMb species, as is typical of native Mb. However, major differences between SMb and Mb occur both for patterns of relative spectral intensities and for depolarization ratios. In particular, all B1g-depolarized porphyrin modes in the Mb spectra have become polarized, totally symmetric vibrational modes in the SMb spectra. These contrasts reflect a dramatic lowering of the effective symmetry for the SMb prosthetic group. Several new bands are observed in SMb spectra that are not present in spectra of either native Mb or iron protoporphyrin IX complexes. The observation of additional polarized bands flanking the oxidation state marker, V4, is of particular interest. In a parallel study, we compared the resonance Raman spectral properties of iron protoporphyrin IX-derived chlorins and metallo-octaethylchlorins with those of the analogous porphyrins: the chlorin spectra exhibited altered intensity patterns, an increased number of totally symmetric (polarized) vibrational bands, and several new vibrational bands, including one or two in the region of the oxidation state marker, V4. Thus, the resonance Raman spectral characteristics of SMb and metallo-chlorins are complementary and strongly support a chlorin prosthetic group for SMb. Furthermore, they establish testable criteria for investigating the prosthetic group structures of other green heme proteins by resonance Raman spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman enhancement of derivatives and intermediates of horseradish peroxidase in the near ultraviolet (N-band excitation) results in intensity and enhancement patterns that are different from those normally observed within the porphyrin Soret (B-band) and alpha-beta (Q-band) absorptions. In particular it allows the resolution of resonance Raman spectra of horseradish peroxidase compound I. The bands above 1300 cm-1 can be assigned to porphyrin vibrational modes that are characteristically shifted in frequency due to removal of an electron from the porphyrin ring. The resonance Raman frequency shifts follow normal mode compositions. Relative to resonance Raman spectra of compound II, the v4 frequency (primarily Ca-N) exhibits a 20 cm-1 downshift. The v2, v11, and v37 vibrational frequencies whose mode compositions are primarily porphyrin Cb-Cb, exhibit 10-20 cm-1 upshifts. The v3, v10, and v28 frequencies, whose mode compositions are primarily Ca-Cm, exhibit downshifts. The downshifts for v3 and v10 are small, 3-5 cm-1; however, the downshift for v28 is 14 cm-1. These frequency shifts are consistent with those of previously published resonance Raman studies of model compounds. In contrast to reports from other laboratories, the data presented here for horseradish peroxidase compound I can be attributed unambiguously to resonance Raman scattering from a porphyrin pi-cation radical.  相似文献   

Pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid (dipicolinic acid [DPA]) in a 1:1 chelate with calcium ion (Ca-DPA) comprises 5 to 15% of the dry weight of spores of Bacillus species. Ca-DPA is important in spore resistance to many environmental stresses and in spore stability, and Ca-DPA levels in spore populations can vary with spore species/strains, as well as with sporulation conditions. We have measured levels of Ca-DPA in large numbers of individual spores in populations of a variety of Bacillus species and strains by using microfluidic Raman tweezers, in which a single spore is trapped in a focused laser beam and its Ca-DPA is quantitated from the intensity of the Ca-DPA-specific band at 1,017 cm(-1) in Raman spectroscopy. Conclusions from these measurements include the following: (i) Ca-DPA concentrations in the spore core are >800 mM, well above Ca-DPA solubility; (ii) SpoVA proteins may be involved in Ca-DPA uptake in sporulation; and (iii) Ca-DPA levels differ significantly among individual spores in a population, but much of this variation could be due to variations in the sizes of individual spores.  相似文献   

Dipicolinic acid (DPA) comprises approximately 10% of the dry weight of spores of Bacillus species. Although DPA has long been implicated in spore resistance to wet heat and spore stability, definitive evidence on the role of this abundant molecule in spore properties has generally been lacking. Bacillus subtilis strain FB122 (sleB spoVF) produced very stable spores that lacked DPA, and sporulation of this strain with DPA yielded spores with nearly normal DPA levels. DPA-replete and DPA-less FB122 spores had similar levels of the DNA protective alpha/beta-type small acid-soluble spore proteins (SASP), but the DPA-less spores lacked SASP-gamma. The DPA-less FB122 spores exhibited similar UV resistance to the DPA-replete spores but had lower resistance to wet heat, dry heat, hydrogen peroxide, and desiccation. Neither wet heat nor hydrogen peroxide killed the DPA-less spores by DNA damage, but desiccation did. The inability to synthesize both DPA and most alpha/beta-type SASP in strain PS3664 (sspA sspB sleB spoVF) resulted in spores that lost viability during sporulation, at least in part due to DNA damage. DPA-less PS3664 spores were more sensitive to wet heat than either DPA-less FB122 spores or DPA-replete PS3664 spores, and the latter also retained viability during sporulation. These and previous results indicate that, in addition to alpha/beta-type SASP, DPA also is extremely important in spore resistance and stability and, further, that DPA has some specific role(s) in protecting spore DNA from damage. Specific roles for DPA in protecting spore DNA against damage may well have been a major driving force for the spore's accumulation of the high levels of this small molecule.  相似文献   

A major event in the nutrient germination of spores of Bacillus species is release of the spores'' large depot of dipicolinic acid (DPA). This event is preceded by both commitment, in which spores continue through germination even if germinants are removed, and loss of spore heat resistance. The latter event is puzzling, since spore heat resistance is due largely to core water content, which does not change until DPA is released during germination. We now find that for spores of two Bacillus species, the early loss in heat resistance during germination is most likely due to release of committed spores'' DPA at temperatures not lethal for dormant spores. Loss in spore acid resistance during germination also paralleled commitment and was also associated with the release of DPA from committed spores at acid concentrations not lethal for dormant spores. These observations plus previous findings that DPA release during germination is preceded by a significant release of spore core cations suggest that there is a significant change in spore inner membrane permeability at commitment. Presumably, this altered membrane cannot retain DPA during heat or acid treatments innocuous for dormant spores, resulting in DPA-less spores that are rapidly killed.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the mechanisms of killing of Bacillus subtilis spores by ethanol or strong acid or alkali. METHODS AND RESULTS: Killing of B. subtilis spores by ethanol or strong acid or alkali was not through DNA damage and the spore coats did not protect spores against these agents. Spores treated with ethanol or acid released their dipicolinic acid (DPA) in parallel with spore killing and the core wet density of ethanol- or acid-killed spores fell to a value close to that for untreated spores lacking DPA. The core regions of spores killed by these two agents were stained by nucleic acid stains that do not penetrate into the core of untreated spores and acid-killed spores appeared to have ruptured. Spores killed by these two agents also did not germinate in nutrient and non-nutrient germinants and were not recovered by lysozyme treatment. Spores killed by alkali did not lose their DPA, did not exhibit a decrease in their core wet density and their cores were not stained by nucleic acid stains. Alkali-killed spores released their DPA upon initiation of spore germination, but did not initiate metabolism and degraded their cortex very poorly. However, spores apparently killed by alkali were recovered by lysozyme treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest that spore killing by ethanol and strong acid involves the disruption of a spore permeability barrier, while spore killing by strong alkali is due to the inactivation of spore cortex lytic enzymes.SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The results provide further information on the mechanisms of spore killing by various chemicals.  相似文献   

We report the resonance Raman spectra in the frequency range 300–1800 cm?1 of Fe (III)-ovotransferrin and Fe (III)-human serum transferrin in aqueous solution at about 10?4M protein concentration. This is the first observation of resonance Raman scattering ascribable to amino acid ligand vibrational modes of a nonheme iron protein. The resonance Raman spectra of the transferrins are similar except that the resonance band near 1270 cm?1 is shifted to a higher frequency for Fe(III)-human serum transferrin than that for Fe(III)-ovotransferrin. The resonance Raman bands observed near 1170, 1270, 1500 and 1600 cm?1 may reflect resonance enhancement of p-hydroxy-phenyl frequencies of tyrosine residues and/or imidazolium frequencies of histidine residues.  相似文献   

In this work, the Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and Fourier transform Raman (FT-Raman) spectra of 2-aminobiphenyl (2ABP) were recorded in the solid phase. The optimised geometry, frequency and intensity of the vibrational bands of 2ABP were obtained by the density functional theory (BLYP and B3LYP) methods with complete relaxation in the potential energy surface using 6-31G(d) basis set. The harmonic vibrational frequencies were calculated and the scaled values have been compared with experimental FT-IR and FT-Raman spectra. The observed and the calculated frequencies are found to be in good agreement. The experimental spectra also coincide satisfactorily with those of theoretically constructed spectrograms.  相似文献   

Bleomycins A(2) and B(2) are the two active components in the antineoplastic drug Blenoxane. DNA is targeted by this drug in cancer cells and the mode of action of this drug involves DNA binding. Ambiguity exists as to the way in which bleomycin binds to DNA. Raman spectroscopy was used to examine both calf thymus DNA and a bleomycin/DNA complex at two temperatures. A curvefitting technique was applied to these spectra for a spectral region obscured by many overlapping bands associated with the nucleotide bases in order to derive information about frequencies, bandwidths, and intensities of the vibrational modes in this region. This allowed identification and analysis of bands associated with specific assigned nucleotide base residues. Upon binding of bleomycin, several significant changes in bandwidth, intensities, and frequencies relative to uncomplexed DNA were observed consistently at both higher (30 degrees C) and lower (19 degrees C) temperature. The data presented here support at least a partial intercalation mode of binding for bleomycin that is temperature dependent and more pronounced at the more physiologically relevant temperature of 30 degrees C.  相似文献   

AIMS: To elucidate the factors that determine the rate of germination of Bacillus subtilis spores with very high pressure (VHP) and the mechanism of VHP germination. METHODS AND RESULTS: Spores of B. subtilis were germinated rapidly with a VHP of 500 MPa at 50 degrees C. This VHP germination did not require the spore's nutrient-germinant receptors, as found previously, and did not require diacylglycerylation of membrane proteins. However, the spore's pool of dipicolinic acid (DPA) was essential. Either of the two redundant enzymes that degrade the spore's peptidoglycan cortex, and thus allow completion of spore germination, was essential for completion of VHP germination. However, neither of these enzymes was needed for DPA release triggered by VHP treatment. Completion of spore germination as well as DPA release with VHP had an optimum temperature of approx. 60 degrees C, in contrast to an optimum temperature of 40 degrees C for germination with the moderately high pressure of 150 MPa. The rate of spore germination by VHP decreased approx. fourfold when the sporulation temperature increased from 23 degrees C to 44 degrees C, and decreased twofold when 1 mol l(-1) salt was present in sporulation. However, large variations in levels of unsaturated fatty acids in the spore's inner membranes did not affect rates of VHP germination. Complete germination of spores by VHP was not inhibited significantly by killing of spores with several oxidizing agents, and was not inhibited by ethanol, octanol or o-chlorophenol at concentrations that abolish nutrient germination. Completion of spore germination by VHP was also inhibited by Hg(2+), but this ion did not inhibit DPA release caused by VHP. In contrast, dodecylamine, a surfactant that can trigger spore germination, strongly inhibited DPA release caused by VHP treatment. CONCLUSIONS: VHP does not cause spore germination by acting upon the spore's nutrient-germinant receptors, but by directly causing DPA release. This DPA release then leads to subsequent completion of germination. VHP likely acts on the spore's inner membrane to cause DPA release, targeting either a membrane protein or the membrane itself. However, the precise identity of this target is not yet clear. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: There is significant interest in the use of VHP to eliminate or reduce levels of bacterial spores in foods. As at least partial spore germination by pressure is almost certainly essential for subsequent spore killing, knowledge of factors involved and the mechanism of VHP germination are crucial to the understanding of spore killing by VHP. This work provides new insight into factors that can affect the rate of B. subtilis spore germination by VHP, and into the mechanism of VHP germination itself.  相似文献   

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